The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
KliirnY, KKIIKUAIIY 2, 1801.
William Dowd. b driver for Yatee, the
Imiilit'iinnh, wlilli utirlrr tlie Influence of
Iiuoxlmnih entett-d tho First National ftik
on WkIiii mld.v nfiiTiiooii, .him! acted hi1ib
ordcrlv Mint It Ijwhiiii- nmwury to ttiuovc
hint to the liHktii, Wliilo there, Wlllnni
afsiurd iIip ( liii f Ilii'Ki'X" tlmt lie eld
remain ilurilc If Hid ( lnef would Uku Iiim
lifim' win ri- lip would KRiirp and furiiioh Iwil
for In iii tniit' Ht cuirt Tliti HnrRe-w
iin' iilii hr pritoncr's winli mid while he
was waililiL' in Demd s hmife, the latter
Tii lici Ht 1 1 1 ti vi ilh h Imtclier knlfu n tliwiuli
In do Miine Hivti)K. 'I lit' Chief wm plucky,
liewcvcr, ami alter h ilifpe'rale strujevle dig
mined l)od of Ms nmrilproua vihiii, and
r tumid li t in tn the lockup, from where he
v is ictnovt-d to PotUille jeMerday morn
Wlllmiii Tilr-y. vhon(reeilMl Oeorire Site
li the oiilbulr loieumiihip of OirardcoUieiy,
Ii.h removed his lamlly from Shenntidli to
Inn new linmo on Ojrden street.
Mi Atinlr dllli-tpta spent Thursday aftir
noon in h'iNi Cioek.
l!cv liiopoUI. of the German Lutheran
cliurcli, it visiting his parents in Allvntown
John (turns, while walk I n; on l'arker
etrctt. si'iic d and fell heavily on the ve
lucm. u luring lii ankle. He whs taken to
the Asli and hospital for treatment.
Joseph Mulligan was visiting In Ashland
Anthony McCulloujili, the apprcntlen ill
Ilaiut'tick s tousorlal etlatilUhinent, is laid up
with the grippe.
A pair of horses with uli-lgh attached
ia-ilirii down l'arker street toward Ashland
3'istetilny afti moon, hut wcro eauttlil before
rcuchinc 'hat point, and relumed to their
owner. Willitim Green.
Lewis Klieiicr, of Treiuont, who aspires to
the Hhruvalty, looked after his political
ii.terests hero yostenlay.
Gomrr Jones haa lelurned to his old inci
dence on Long Ilmv.
Arthur Withers visited friends In l'ract
Tillo W'edncaday evening.
Miss Mnjruie Harry, who has been confined
to the Iiouhu with pneumonia for the past two
months, is convalescent.
James l.rahy, of the Middle ward, was
taken . uu ill after a. visit to Mahanoy City
ycsler ny, hut was much improvnl this
Gilberton rulliery was stispeudtil yesterday
for an ind llnlto period, Boston linn anil
Knickciliocker collitrits also lccolveil similar
The vonng people of town liavo nrraiiged
for a nsik-tie party in Foley's hall on
February l.ith.
A sleielniiii party to HclfcnsU'in, beyond
Ashland, to i iuht or to morrow night, will
composothii following well known politicians:
I J Alaluney, 1). J. blattery, Ihoiuas r
Cotidron, It. A. Kantuer, Kiln aril Uordon,
tmbrose Iiouer and Jaines Uarley.
The following ladies from Mt. Caruiel made
ip a jolly sleighing party that took luncheon
at the Union limine yrsteiday afternoon :
Mrs. Harry lift, Mrs. Frank Hlioencr, Mrs
John It DnlliHii, Mre. 0nr Scott, Mrs. Con
Mie C'harhs Cope and Mis. 1) Samuels.
William It Jones, of Mt. CarnicI, shook
hands with triends about town vestcular.
It required an extra electric ear to push the.
lomieei one up the nut unring the. snow storm
yesterday altornoon
Mr Mr En roe and Mim Slary Garner took
n sleigh rulo toward Mt. Carmcl Thursday
The I.ehiith Valley depot is receiving a
thoioui'h it novating and Jnow looks quito
cnccriui mi'ierits now coat o! punt.
Missis Illanche liieli and Maggie (tamer
enj y n a si igh ride toward Locust Dale ye'
tctday ufle moon.
When -rag dele, we gnre tier Castor),
When she was a Child, the cried for Castoite,
When sne oecme Miss, she eluuf? to Castorl,
Vhen sua bait Clill Jreu, she care them OvCOTU,
Series No. 1.
S llis ! JVIagic City
Coupon No. 9.
I'm out one of these Coupons
ni or bring them in pirnon
Mirier o( the Hkhai.u, with ten
i Mher, 01 two nickels, and Port
. 1 ot the Nlagio City will
ed to you
f voyage Around
The World!
Part II. Number 10.
Numbers change dally.
( ' Una coupon out and keep it until
.iia ilitTercut uu i bera are accumu.
i 1 i then bring or forward them lo
. in r wliti SVn CuntB Ui this
V . i tut you will receive the portfolio
j ,nlvi i tiaed. Call and aue auiuple.
Cut This Coupon Out.
For all wool '
Iotfraiii C.irpetH.
S6i in a'.lfiiic per yard for Home-made lUg
t urpeu tnat win waan at
C. D FrcKe's Carpet Store,
10 Bnuth Jitrillu Btrett
t I VI 1IM IA.
John K, Edwards made a flylruc visit toMt.
John F. Iicrgan, of Dark Corner, is abmil
again alter b three-day Illness with In grippe.
William Cnddliigtori and MiM Mary Hlg.
gins, ol town, weio tnarrird In St. lgnatlul'
church laft ovenliig. Tho couple aro well
known and have many friends who wish
thfin sucr iss and joy In their new life .The
ceremony was )ierformed by Rev. I'owers.
C. II. Gallagher, nsaialent forenmo at Lngari
colliery, is recovering from a revere fpellof
siekiiMw and will soon bo about again.
Politics are at Its helghth in our bur
oe jh and the contests at tho eomlns; cleetlen
prorniws to be very inteiestiug.
John J. Hyan, who was a uandldate for
Justice of the Peace In the First waul, has
withdrawn. Volera of this ward now have
two candidates to select from John J.
LHtiglilln and David J. lllack.
The Hill Opra Company Wdnesday
evening afincarttl in thn jxipular and affectle
drama emitlid, "Kiteen, or Thn liose of
Klllarney," and were waimly grietidhya
large and enl)iusiaiioaiilleriiw MiwFuller,
Eilnn, won great mifc. Too much call
not be said of Mr. H;ll,wboby hisiesdy wit
and humor during several stages id the ply
kept the aiKlience laughing. The Lewis
llroo., Miss Morton Mrs. Lewis are also
dtseiving of praise.
To tho young ladles and gentlemen of
town who enjoy dancing we would say that
I'rnf. It an's oicbestra intends glvinga grand
sociable on Monday, February ltb, in Odd
Follows' hall This orchestra has given a
number of aociablea aud any who have
attended them know that they weie ram
ductid in first class style. A go-d program
hat been arranged lor this occasion aud tnc
members will certainly do all they can to
add to the coml'i ri, idensuio and enjoyment
of those wi n atternl. This will bo tho last
until after Kaaler.
Superintendent 13d ward Keen vlsi'ed the
1'iirk l'lnco collieries y cat onlay.
Miss Ilaniiah Malouey ami Mrs. Michael
Ilyan were In Mt. Caiintl yisterilsy.
Mrs M Glnlcy, of Lust Creek, returned
yesterday after spending a lew ilnys hele
wiih her daughter, Mrs. Jaime Gaugban.
Thonine Devanuy is lnippy. It's a hoiinc
lug boy.
Quitea nnmberof our young men atttndpil
the masqucrado ball at Giraidville last oven
ing, and all report haWug passeil an enjoy
able evening
J. Good, of Akron, Ii, movl to town
yesteiday. Ho has secured a license for tho
Ccntralla House and intends to run t first
class hotel. This is something badly nieded
here and wo hope ho will sue ceil.
The Heading collieries in this vicinity have
suspendid indefinitely.
The C'outralia and logan collieries re
sumed work today, after h suspension of
three dajs.
Yesttrday, asJ.Giod was moving hhTurub
tttro from the car, a number of our would bo
young gentlemen showed how mean and tough
I hey wero by tukiug n keg of port wlno fmui
the car to the woods near by, where thev
drank until all in the jiarty woio iiilu.x'ciucl
They were gathcied in liy tionatable Downoy
and brought before 'rqutreGl ten's and each
was held unilei J300 liail fur apiiea'aniT lit
court. By tho tliuo the. casu la aeitltd iliey
wlll prolably realire that this kind of port
wine is a rather expen.ivo drink
Mrs. A. H. Fortuer will be buried in the I.
O. O. F. etiuetery here on Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock.
By special request tho Hill Opera Cnnpany
ap eared last evening for tho second 1 imo in
tho popular and allVctivo drama, "The Golden
Cllll." They wero grce.cil by u fair sized
audience. Tho company played their parts
as perfeclly us before and have again received
the praise of all who witnessed it.
Mahanoy City, Fib. 2.
Mrs. J. Thompson, of Adilaud, is visiting
lirr parents, Mr. anil Mrs, iiailoy, of Main
Itev. Hay W. Bustler, accompanied by
Thomas Itabaids. went to Alleutown this
morning to attend the Eantiat convention.
Misses Julia ami l.:zziu tiiggino LU.le
Stride, Katie Clarke, Maggio MtGinty ;
Mersrs Geoige and Will Matthias, Timothy
Mack and Thomas McGinty, made excellent
appearances at tho Giraidvillo Maeunerchoir
ball last evening.
Miss Mary Casey and Thomas Shaughen
nossy, of Jackson's Patch, and Miss Annio
Lawlcr and Edwnd (ireiinan, ol thosauio
place, wero married by Itev. 1'. O. Macenroe,
at St. L'anicus church, yesterday morning
A charge in tho mi thud of shipping coal
which is expected to curtail clerical expenses
iuaugerated at IVIano yesterday morning.
Hereafter all coal Iron) the Mahanoy division
collieries will be hilled direct to Delano, from
where it will bo forwarded to itsfinaldostina
lion. The necessity for shipping clerks at
the several collieries will be (lone away with
Light clerks arrived at Delano yesterday
morning and were busily engaged in putting
the new plan iuto effect. This detriment
will be located in Superintendent Bluksleu's
offices until a building is erected for it near
tho picnic grounds.
Fire AlMrm Jtoxee.
Tho following list shows the. looation ot
ne alarm boxes of the Sbentindnah Fire
15 Coal and llowers mrcet.
It llowera and Centre street,
14 Hrldgo and Centre attests.
Main and Centre atreeu.
14 Main and Poplar atreeu,
K-Miiln and Coal streets
12 Gilbert and Centre (treat
15 Ullbert and Cherry street.
li Chestnut and Goal atreeu.
To send an alarm open the box, pull down
he hook onee aod let go. When an alarm Is
icnt in the fire bell will round the outnber of
.he box and repeat the alarm four times
it toe alarm la sounded from box la Uu die
ell w strike one. than pause and strike live
vhlch will tadleate that the are ia la the
'lolnlty o No. IS box. Every alarm ta repotted
iur itmpk
Fried oysters a specialty at McKlheouj'i.
9-12 tf
The tVimsy Iteilueliiy; i:telies.
l'lTTamiltn, Feb. a About 125 men oi.
the Pittfchurx divi.on of the I'eiinay!
vhiiU ruilriiHil were laid off yeateriiii .
This reduction will ucuumpltab n itionthiv
aaving of td.OUti, and until liuaiuuaa iclvc-
iudicaliona of a ileeuleil iliiprovenieul the
uieu thus atlreted will reiuMru iiue.
Aiuermnu J. A. vitleneve, M. 1' , wsi
eleutetl mayor of Montreal yeatenluy.
Mrue. Millet, the iieamnt widow of tl.i
eminent French, paiuh-r, died iu Pans.
lei the billiard uitiicn at Cincinnati lu.t
ilbt Srhaefer defeated HIohsoq by aacure
of (WO to yst.
Mlaalaalupra leirialature, after ballot In-
(or nine ilaya. Iiaa aa yet. failed t ubooMi
senator Walthall aueceasor.
At Km bera Church, I., four children
of Gwirgo Kobluaon died of diplilliwin
ami were buried in oim grave. Two others
were buried n day or two ugo.
Did Wo Steal Them?
No, the mnu who Huggei-ttd that we
inuat hHvebtolcn lliepo Muatcrptecca of
Art was liiiatakti); wo paid good
money for thim nntl we are I dug re
paid by the HitnilfH of our readiTH, nud
by the tlliirlH they are nial lug to
Bp mid our circulation. They ato the
best hind of cunviiw ere, and iired liii;
thtlr work well. Out of town render
will fonviird their coupoiiH und ten
cuntH und nddrcPH to this oil Ice, and
wo will lihve thn itrt Bent them by
iiihII from New York. Lrcal readeif
should hand in the ootipnna hikI ten
0I)Ih at thlB f llleie and take llie part
homo i tli them, If po'slblo brine u
friend along;, no that he limy see what
it gond thltiK it is.
I'or ttuslnefs Alfn nml Kuelitles.
The Herald has secured the right to aev
the Malctto patent writing tablet covers, with
reversible blotter, tho only blotter tablet
cover constructed which turns under tho tab
let. This is specially adapted for letter anil
note heads, bill heads, statements, etc., and
will bo placed on stationery free for the bal
ance of 18f3. Any one Interested will please
call and examine tho handy dovlco, at the
llKUAI.n office.
Not lie to Hocleilex, Ktc.
The Herald office is prepared to furnish,
on short notice', programmes, badges, etc.,
guaranteeing the finest workmarsblp at the
lowest rates. 11)00 samples to select from.
Tho most exquisite designs to suit auy society
or organization.
Wedding liieltiitlons.
Over 500 of the finest and correct styli
wedding Invitations and cards to select fron
at the Hkkai.u nlllrc. Kither printed oi
ongraved. Wo can discount city prices
The Stnta Senate MayJInve Iteconrse to
tho Courts.
Ai.iuny, Feb. a. Thero was an exciting
sreuu in the state bouse last night when
the lieutenant governor declined to put
motions or allow the clerk to announce
the results of voles. The question under
discussion wns I he unsealing of Seliatoi
Met. art by, wbiwn apparent majority wn-
obtaiueil by the alleged fraudulent votes
ol Graveseuil, for the manipulation ol
which vote all the election tnsiu'ctora, jus
tices nml John Y. MuKnne of that town
are under indict meiita, und thu latter 1-
lielng tried. The matter in the senate,
however, was one entirely Kovcrniible by
parliamentary law, and the spectaole pre
sented by both Democrats and Hepulili-
tnns wu a Rorrv one, and no credit can
be attached to ell her.
Tho position ol tho leaders as reuard.s
the situation in the senate is, briefly told:
senator faiixton said: I do not think
that there is nny danger of tbe courts in
torferiiiK with our position. Mr. Wolfert
Iiaa been sworn in and his name will be
called at all sessions. The Democrat!!
may make a disturbance and filibuster,
but wo will nut. retire from our position."
.senator Cantor said; "senator JlcCnrty
Is tho IbkiiI repiesentiitlve from the Sixth
district, and we will ask the cotirtB to aid
us In the matter if tho Republicans do
not give us our rights."
senator Mi Carty said: "I shall o to the
Kenute daily and take my seat. 1 don't
know what other course we will pursue."
Lleiitennnt (mvernor sheehan salil: "It
is clearly not the right of tho president
protein to order the clerk of the senate
to do anything; when be Is not occupying;
the chair. Ho is only the presiding; officer
when 1 am absent. I would not be Mir-
prised if wo had to ko to the courts."
A flilKlclaii Urges That They bo Aniiro-
prliilud to Science.
Columiius, O., Feb. 2. Dr. C. S. lyle
of Canton, appeared before the house
committee on priaou reform in support of
his bill to appropriate condemned persons
for the uses of science. He nrgued that
this would lie a proper way for the felon
to pay his ilebuto nooiety.
To illustrate his idea, Dr. l'yle said he
would take uu appropriated criminal, cut
open Ills .stomach, put lilin under the in
influence of a drug until thu opening
hoaled, and keep him ulive for a time,
studying the process of digestion, or he
would remove a portion of the skull and,
pressing on the bruin, n ue the sensations.
Such sensations, he held, would not nec
essarily bo accompanied by pain, and facts
concerning the bruin never to be secured
In any other way would be secured. Fi
lially thu subject should be killed by
Itig Hulling Mill to Itesuillf..
l'iTTKHiTiio, Feb. a The Keystone Holl-
lng mill and the Pittsburg; Tube works,
nf Seiko, will probably rewuue operatlotiH
lit a few days, after an Idleness lasting
mice lust June. The Keystone Kol ling
mill employs 400 men aud tho tube works
H00 men The men have lieen idle so long
that their families have been red need to u
destitute condition.
Itallriatler' WatfM luereasMMl.
SAl.TlMKK L'llV, I'eb. 2. General Sit-
periniouileut A. K. Welby, tif the Hio
(JrmulM aud Western road, lias issued an
rder restoring tbe wages of all engi
neers, firemen nr.,1 irainmeu on that line.
Wages were reduced 10 per cent, last
luttrilctina; Maryland Congressmen.
ANKAPOLU, Md , I'eb. Tbe Maryland
Minute pasHod a joint resolution urging the
Maryland representatives in congress to
do all In their power to defeat tbe bill
tutllug off tiipropri.ilioiiK to
tollegew ami e: eiM.neutul statlouit.
The undorsigned will sell his entire stook of
Boots and Slioes,
At and Below Cost.
This is a genuino closing out sale.
April 1st. Don't
9 29
An Art Gom.
Every one who has ecen the II rst part
of "Masterpieces from theArtGallerles
of tho World" acknowledges Its beabty
and value, and they wonder Law
we can ii fiord lo give It away as we ill).
They do not realize that securing more
readers, regular subscribers, In the
great aim or every publisher and that
he Is willing to spend a great deal of
money In doing It. This system costs
us very little more than tho employ
ment nf(tocpeti.lvecnnvhteersandltlsu
much, more plettHitnt way. Everybody
Is thanking us for what we are doing,
Our old 8UbcrllierH feel that we are
doing a friendly act aud In ruturn they
are Inducing thoumnds of new ones to
start iu with ue. For this l! rst part,
one ci upon aud ttti centals all that we
require, for further parts six coupons
nud ten cents will be asked. That
will compel the uew men to take the
piper regularly every dny. That Is
the why iu a nutshell.
Buy Keystone floor. Ho sure that the
name Lbssio A MAF.n, Ashland, l'a., s
printed on evory sack. 3-3-3tw
Coupon EJo. 21.
1 'Masterpieces Frc&tlie
Art Galleries of tbe World,"
"iJunibers Glianged TDaily-
Send or bring to the ofllco of this
Paper ono Coupon, together with Jen
cents In money, nnd jou will receivo
the great Portfollcof Art.
Va u dt vi 1 1 e and At h I eti c Company
Headed l.y Ue
-ttSirongist Woman on Earth -
Mme. Yuccn, and a ecmpsny f f vnudev'lle
stars. Als" the ei-campi"ii featber
ciirlit of tho Horld,
cm. McCititj,
U ho will meet all coiners iu his cUss.
Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cents.
Res e rved seats at Kirlln's drvc store.
Hooks & Brown.
Full line of Sta
tionery, Day Books,
Ledgers and Blank
Books. All latest
Libraries kept con
stantly in stock.
Agents f T all Nowfpapcrs,
Maguzlnes, Period cnls, etc.
No 4 Norih Main Sine.
TIOK HUNT A sloie and Ow elllnK, corner of
' Cen reiind .Market t-treets, occupied at
prifertbv John ilc(3owan, shoedonlr. l'os
nessicn uiven April 1st Apoly to Dornbsoli, 27
Kasl f'entre Ktreet, ttheniicdoiih. '-2-tf
LAI IhH who will do wili nc for meat their
Iiooiis will lento noon wftgoi.. Heply vei h
.elf-addn ss. . btamped envrlone, MlaM Mil -DHKD
MlI.I.KIttouth ltend, ltd. -I-8t
TIOR 1.T.NT Tho old established buteher
' slant, ii"W occupied by K. W. Stout.
Possessior given i'eb fill. Inquire at Ilea
dull Ilro'e haidware store. 1 .Stoit
1V3K RENT. Bton-ronm. with or without
I1 duelling, at piesent occupleri by I Fried
man si oedeuler. Posse selon given April Ut.
Apply to J. K. Kehler, iil North .Main street,
Shenandoah. 1-Klrw
11 lots, HV, 8t ry house with 2V4 story kilcfaeti,
large t-hed. two good wo'ls and stream of water
running through Hie pioperly; nice Inuring
fruit trees: lots in good ctaie of culHvutioii;
known forinerly ns Park Motel. Suitable, for
ay kind of buslnesa. Kor further particulars
write or call on
1-JU-Sm Krandonville, 8eh. Uo., Pa.
ot Mhuylklll.Polt vllle. 1'u.. Jan.Sl.'lH
Notice Sealed proiioaals will be reuelved by
the undeislgnert. the Controller ot Schuylkill
county, until p ni., (Saturday, the lOtb day of
February IMM, tor tbe purchase and removal
of temporary brldsest lit. Oarboo.
liy order f County Commtsslouers,
2.1-St Controller.
Tho goods must bp sold before
miee tiie jjakuaunc
N.'Main St., Shenandoah.
Introduction jDUFGaiL
Presentation of People of Renown
To the People of Shenandoah and
The Mahanoy Valleys.
muko a voyiigo ftround
litjnds of Europe as well
in this country and abroad would cost lots of money, wouldn't it,
oven if you liad tho ontreo into their society? But suppose you
could sit in your own homo with your wife and children around you
and come face to iaco with splendid photogruphs of thcs6 people of
noto, that would bo quite a big step toward knowing them as near,
perhnps, as you will ever got.
Aud when you begin to weary of studying tho features of this
class of society wo will show you a good many places and things 111
far-away climes that many of your brethren have paid thoiiFunds of
dollars to seo.
Tho advantages of pictorial representation as a menus of inform
ing anil verifying can baldly be exaggerated. Wherever travel is
practicable there tho lens, with its quick flaeh of light and swiftly
caught imago of nature and man, has come in toBiipjily the deficiency
and to tiansmit to homos in distant lands the picture and visions of
the reality.
Now if you will como with us on this
t 0108
Around tfie World
You will see many wonderful things, meet many celebrated person
ages, and yon will not lose any time from business.
Tho fust week wo aro going to introduce to you:
1st. Tho venerablo Justices of the Supremo Court of the United
States, in their black robes of office.
2d. The lovely Mrs. Cleveland.
3d. Tho President of the United States, Mr. Cleveland.
4th. Tbe Cabinet of Mr. Cleveland's second administration with a
splendid photo (by Sarony) of Mr. Cleveland in the centre.
5th. Vice President Stevenson and nineteen prominent members of
the Senate
6th. Twenty prominent members of the House of Representatives.
7th. The Presidents of the United States since the formation of tho
United States.
8th. Twonty-eight Governors nov; in office.
9th. President Harrison and his Cabinet.
10 th. Prominent Republicans
lltli. Prominent Domocrats.
12th. A dozen Generals famous since tho War.
13th. Celebrated Union nonerals.
14th. Famous Confederate Generals.
ISth. Leaders of tho Navy.
16th. Foreign Ministors at Washington.
The following week wo shall present to you bishops, archbishops,
cardinals, newspaper men, authors, composers, millionaires, actresses,
actors,. Queen Victoria, tho Prince of Wales and his family and others.
The third week wo shall present a few more royal personB and
then begin our travels in foreign lands,, travels that will last twenty-
six weeks.
liy this timoyou will doubtless
. BACH day
fourth pHgei
you liavo savtel HBjeui tif the couvkiuh cotiHHJUtively lnmibertxl, bring them to us
wllh seven cenUlinil pou will reculve Portfolio 1 of Tltc World and Itt
l'coplc Ijy SunHjfJtt," the fmnout, work Introduced by that noted traveller,
Mholar and writer, John Clnrlt Iliilpath, LL. D. Enoh portfolio will contain 10
page and there will be 20 peirtfolloe, Tlie wbole varies will make the most vulii
able art collection sacli an oamiut he met with often. You should have tho ootn
ploto MirJtis, and you should M-ize the opportunity now. If you are alreaely getting
tho HEltAl.n all you have to do Ih toVave your coupons and pcuuiog. If you aro
not getting the Hejiai.d tend us your name aud add rets, nnd tho paper will ho
left by carrier for you ovory day.
f n Mie Coupons
''Commencing January 13th.
ISgTSainples of the photographic series may bo Eeen upon appli
cation to Hooka & Brown, 4 North Main street; O. II. Anderson,
traveling correspondent, Mahanoy City, or at tho IIkiiald oflioo.
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