The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 27, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
l'ubllslied dully, exoept Sunday, by
n a hit vuiu.isiitsa co.Mi'.ixr,
I'jb.luHiion oflU'r mill mi' hanloal department
at'. Must Coal street.
I'he TJarald '1,'"v,'r,', 'n Shenandoah and
6 aurniundlnir 'owns for SIX Oonts
a work, payabln to Ihi'carrlci s. lly mall, Three
Dolbirn i your orTwcnly-Hvu oenM per month,
In iv Ivuncc.
tlrrrilnitnti charged a' oordlng to space
anil pmi Ion The publishers reserve the right
to i h.ingp the position of ailvi rtlseraouts when-evi-r
tin- publication or news requires it. The
'iitbt it also rfwrvfU to ruj' ot any advertise
mini, whothor paid for or lot, that the pub
lishers may deem tmproprr. Advertising rales
m i . known upon application.
lOnter (1 at the post oflleoat Shenandoah, Pa.,
as second clous mall matter.
Til I! HM.YI.XO II lilt A 1,1),
.Shenandoah, Penna.
Evening Herald.
Election Tuesday, February 20, 1894
It is probable tlml tho lnveatl-i-t
! is of Mr. Mound's trjimotluim In
ItoHton autl IMul lie ami New Jiugland
stocks will lieiibHiiiloni'd. Tills would
ruasioii 110 surprlto uiiiniii; well-in
frm people on the street, ai tlir
nlhir to farm convicting Mr. Airland
of any wrniig-tfotni; lma been a Hhhco
from the first. Tlieex-preHidetitnf tlie
leading lim been anxious to be heard
11 Ins own behnl', iind it is posHible
tna. be may Insist upon another hear
iaij for the piirpoju, A 1 iiutlionty 011
H iHiicial mid rallioiul mutters, tuiyn :
' flie rumor arose fnm tlio fact that
uil tlie witneM-es who luivo teitltled
liave refuted the oliaige that Mr. Me
I. cod l night 15o-tou and Maine and
K w KtiRlnud stccka on UU persona
ueeount wllliou' tho knnwledgoof the
liuliii' inaiiug is.. As these formed
thetmsisof tlie lnves'lgaUous it has
b 'en KiirnilHed thai the suit will be
a :niloneJ. In this conneetlo.i it Is
h ; ill -Hilt that the hearing have
b n piiHtponed until Tuesday, where
at ihe Court nrdeivd continuous dully
Hillings. The ordet of the Cuui't alto
duel-led that Mr Hiee was to pay
-lmrgea in cane of failure, and e.u h
session Is attended with large expense.
Ii Is believed that this Fs a considera
tion for tho rumored abandonment "
I r is said that some of tlie newspa
pers that were recently free in their
expression itjjuliiit tho inaiiugement
of 0110 of tho great railroads, have been
"marked" ami will get few, if any,
favors hereafter. If tho railroad com
panies can stand this sort of tiling the
newspapers can
Thero W!l9 a time, '
, . .. , i.. ,1 1111 lug to the esiabUsnment or a little more
ana ,t was not so long ago that It Iim ,,, rcin,ions wllU the administration.
ne"ti forgotten, when the newspapers, He called on President Cleveland Thurs
. , . , 1.1 day evening nnd had quitn a long talk
or a least certain newspapers, assisted , w,h tle ami' Colonel Lamont
in crushing one of the foulest and . together, and yesterday had a conference
most damnable conspiracies and which ,
in the absence of that aid, would have
led to ruin and desolation in tho coal
region. Borne people have short mem
uriea nnd they are found among the
rHroad magnates.
If the K"adltlg management is earn
tsi in its policy of retrenchment, let
it e"irt at the top and reduce the largo
h i tries. When razing buildings the
w rkuien do not begin by tearing out
tho foundation walls. B'imc of the
iiu'h-sttlariul oillolals could ailnrd to
serve for at least half they are getting
to give tho company a chance to get
out of the hole.
Jekky Simpson once thought he
would leave Congress and become a
Populist organhter, but he lms changed
his 111 1 ml ami will be a candidate for
re-election. SIuoo putting on socks
and (store clothes lie would
not likely he a success as a Populist
'I'm: Second ward will bu the battle
ground In February, Give iio com pi 1
.mentary votes. That Is nn old trick
of the enemy. They win overy time
It Is practised.
Dkmogkath have uo further use for
good uud true men. The seek new
Idols to worship.
CoMi'Aiti: the. tickets nominated and
vote intelligently. Wo have no fears
of the result.
Bhbnandoaii will yet have a sol
diers.' monument, nnd a line one.
Thft Houso Judioiary Committee
AgainBt tho Bond Isbuo.
If It tloos TlirntiRli CmiRri-ss It Will
l'nmmt h llonil Iasue for (towriiiuoiit
IlxpriiMOK and Oompel the Coinage of
the Hllvur Seigniorage.
WaIHK0T0!I, Jan. ST. Tho house eom
mltteo on the. judioiary further consid
ered and nutb.orir.t-d Mr. llalley to report
favorably liW resolution rein live 10 Secre
tory Carlisle's proposed bond Issue. Tho
resolution was adopted by n vote of 0 to
4. Tlie full text of tho resolution is as
"Kesolveil, That H is tlie sene of tho
Iioiiib of representatives that tlie secre
tary ot the treasury has no authority
Hurler existing law to Issue ami sell the
Immls of the I'tdted States except such as
Is conferred upon him by the act approved
Jan. 14, 18r., entitled 'An Aut to Pro
vide for tlie Resumption of Specie Pay
ments,' anil that tlie money derived from
the sale of bonds issued under that act
cnntiot be lawfully applied to any pur
poses except those specilled therein."
The action of tlie committee plainly in
dicates that the majority were not influ
enced by tlie arguments niatlo by Secre
tary Carlisle when ho appeared beforo
them. It is Mr. llailey's purpose to cnll
up the resolution in tlie house ot Iheearl
lest moment after tlie tarlll bill shall have
been disposed of. He liullevos that it will
pass that body by the same relative ma
jority which it secured in the committee.
He believes, too, that favorable action
upon the committee's resolution by the
home will result In the secretary's apply
ing the proceeds of tlie sale of the bonds
us required by law, and not to meet tho
current expenses of tho government.
Asked what tho secretary would do for
funds to meet tlie proMmt emerency,
Mr. llailey replied: "Coin the selnior
ne in the treasury. That will ineut our
present necessities."
I'ltlli: TIN IHll'TATHO.
Considerable llfinorrntln Opposition
the Wilson lllll.
Washington-, Jan. 27 Tlieonly amend
ment to tho tnrilf bill adopted by the
house yesterday whs on lncrcnsinu; tho
duty on cut stones unset to 30 percent, ail
valorem and taking roujh, uncut stones
from tho free list and placing them 011
the dutiable list at 15 per cent, ad val
orem. Tlie ways and means committee's
desire to reduce tlie duly on cut stones
from 1ft to 10 per cent, was otemtled in
this mutter. An attempt to place tin
plate on tlie free list was unsuccessful, as
was Mr. Dalell's amendment to restore
tlie present law. There was consider
able open opposition to tlie Wilson bill
on the Democratic side. Today the
special order oxtendini; debate three days
was brought in and passed, but the con
sideration ot the internal revenue features
of the liill including the income tax will
not lie-in until .Monday.
The session of the senate was devoted
toa discussion of Senator Call's public
laud resolution and a general colloquy
over the federal election bill. A strong
appeal was made by Senator Call in favor
of the homesteaders of l'loridn. wlio, he
nlli'Ki'il, were beint; deprived of their rights
by land Krauts to railroads without au
thority of law, and ho Dually succeeded In
having his resolution referred to the Judi
ciary committee for a careful Inquiry into
the legal rights of the question. Senator
Chandler niiiilo an elTort to have the bill
repealing the election laws postponed un
til next December, lint the motion was of
course promptly defeated by the Demo
crats on a roll call. The election bill was
still under consideintiou when the senate
adjourned until Monday next.
Grokcr's Mission in Washing-ton.
Washington. Jan. 27. Itlcliard Croker.
the Tammany leader, is still here, but
has completed his work with relation to
the income tax, and is apparently en-
gaged in some other move, probably look-
I with biiinaiit. inerelscoiiblilerablesneo
illation nlioiit the possible bearing of this
visit on tlie confirmation of Peckliam.
Whatever there may bu In thnt itisquito
evident that CroUer carries nn olive
branch in his hand to tender tho adminis
tration. Mississlppl'ii Hi'iiHlorlal Dondloclc.
Jackson, Miss., Jan. 87. Tho twenty
first ballot for a successor to Senator
Walthall in tho United States senate re
suited: Campbell, 2(1; Mchaiirin. at; Al
len, 31; Taylor, 31; Lowrey, 12; ditchings,
1. The convention is 111 an apparently
hopeless deadlock. Everybody is at sea.
Few people are found bold enough to ven
ture a prediction as to the result.
Ilemlly Itlot In Granada.
Managua, Nicaragua, Jan. 27, Presi
dent Zelaya is alarmed at the progress of
the malcontents in the cities of (Jrauada
nnd Loon who have recently been receiv
ing arms. During a riot at Granada four
teen Conservatives and sixty soldiers were
killed. The Coiiservutli es have been
Joined by the Progrossists.
Tim l'anHoiiKers Killed,
ItALEiau, N. a. Jan. 37. A railroad ac
commodation train which was standing
at a water tank at Wnterson, on the Air
line, was run into by a freight. L. How
man, of Iticliuiond, and ltev. Mr. Shaw,
nf Portsmouth, Va., were killed, and Mr.
llrpdie, of Washington, Ills,, severely
Released from a Murder Clinrge.
Centkama, Ills., Jan. 97. The grand
jury of Marian county, after hearing all
the evidence In the McClelland skeleton
ease, refused to find indictments against
John McClelland and John Martin, who
were held to that body by the coroner's
Jury. The case Is still as great a mystery
us ever.
Fltzslminoni and Creedon to Fight,
Jacksonville, Jan. 27. Articles were
signed in this city Thursday for a glove
contest between Hob Fltzsimmous nnd
Dan Creodou, to take place on March 8.
The men will tight at niiddiewelghts for
(10,000 a side, before the club offering the
best purse,
Ills Own Kveiuitloner.
New Yoke, Jan. :1. -John J. Shea, the
ear driver who murdered his w Ife Lizzie
on Thursday last, and then shot himself,
died at Chambers Street hospital at midnight.
Mr. Drown nxprctori Ills Unit Was Neur,
llut Or. Kennedy Itencuetl lllin.
from tho New York City Catholic New. J
No one would think to look at Itlcliard II
llroivu. a oommlgsinn merchant, of No. 300
Washington street, New York City, that for
six weeks lie had suffered In ngony In his bed
and that physicians had mid it was Impossible
for him to regain his health. He was worn
almost to a shsdow of his former self, and
his friends despdred of having him long with
Hut now hols hack in his oflloe vigorous
and hearty. Ho regards Dr. David Ken
nody's Fivorlte Keniedy, of lton lout, N. Y ,
asthesavlorof his life. Tlie story Mr, Ilrown
tells is remarkablo and is a splendid tribute
11 t only to Dr. Kennedy's olllcieiicy as a
p'lysician, but also to his fairness ami Just
n 'ss.
'For several years," sald'Mr. Brown to a
reporter the oilier day, "I suOered from In
tlttnmatlnu and ulceration of the bladder, a
most sttibbaru disoase. My family physician
was unable to rellovo toe. Then at tho ad
vice of friends I oinsulted specialists, and
they all failed to do me any good. All this
time I was growing worse. My ospiclty for
work deserted uie, and at last I was com
pelloi to take to my bed.
"My mother in-law had heard of Dr.
Kennedy anil his preparation. Favorite
Keniedy, and sho asked mo to givo them a
trial. Moro to please her than anything else
I wroto to him staling my oaso. I received a
letter In reply advising me to use Favorilo
Uemedy. I had been confined to my bid for
five weeks and I admit that I didn't think
thero was much chance of getting out of it..
Well, I tried Favorite Iteniody. Tlioroecouiod
to bo a change that surprisod me. In a week
I was able to get out of bod and go around
tho house, and by following his treatment I
recovered completely. To.ilay I'm as well as
I ever was, and what's bettor yet, I feel that
I am pormancntly cured. I can work sixteen
or eighteen hours a day now nnd not bo
broken up a bit. I regard Dr. Kennedy as a
public benefactor and cannot say too much in
praiso of his preparation Favorite Remedy,
before I co&sultod Dr. Kennedy I weut to a
specialist who examined 1110 and thon said :
(livo 1110 $2'i0 and I'll euro you. I immo
dlately saw that that doctor's object was to
get all ho could out of mc.
"Dr. Kennedy, on the other hand, refused
to tako a cent from mo until I was cured,
with the exception that I purchased Favorito
Itemidy of mv druggist Whcu I began to
tako Favorilu Itemedy I wcighod about 12S
pounds. Now I can tip tho scales at 151
pound, and I undo tho gain In a few
months. I have an excellent appetite, and
I feel like a two yoar-old. To Dr. Kennedy's
Favorito Itomsdy is all the credit duo."
When tho reporter saw Mr. Ilrown ho was
at his desk in his office and he looked the
picture of health. Ho was active in his
movements and had the cheerful air of a man
who Is content with all tho world. Ho has
rocommended many of his friends to tty Dr.
Kennedy's Favorito remedy aud in ovory
case it has benefited and in some mado
radical cures.
Favorito Uemedy ranks, with tlie medical
profoseion, as the most perfect of nil blood aud
nerve medicines. It will euro all diseases of
tho skin, liver and kidneys. It restoros tho
liver toa healthy condition, and effectually
cures tho worst cases of oonstipition. It is a
certain euro for all dieoasesaud weaknesses
peculiar to fcnialos, aud atlbrds gioit protec
tion from attacks that originate in changoof
life. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, rheuma
tism, dyspepsia, all kidney, bladder and uri
mry diseasos, gravel diabetes aud Ilright's
In this Ustdlscaso It lias mado many cures
where all olso has failed. Evidences of its
great curatlvo power are daily brought to the
I notico of physicians, from private and hospi
tal practice, where it lias entirely supplanted
I the old tiuiu methods. It is also particularly
I ofb-ctivo in caBos arising from mental worry
or overwork, nervousness or loss of sleep.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Itemedy is
for sale by dealers in mrdicino at $1 a bottle,
or six bottles for $5. Full directions nccom
pany each bottle, so that one can roadily un
derstaiid lust how to tako it for the dillercnt
A Woman's Deliberate Suicide.
Macon, Ga., Jan. 27. .Mrs. Stella
Akoridge. a woman of IK) years, sullering
under 11 heap of domestic trouble, walked
Into a gun store, and. after getting the
clerk to show her how a revolver worked
plaued tlie weapon to her right temple
and tired a bullet into her brain, dying in
stantly. Letters showed she was from
Savannah aud that she sought a divorce
from hor husband, Thomas P. Akerldge
Another Train Itobber Confessei.
Fort Smith, Ark., Jan. 27. Willis
Brown, the train robber wounded In the
capture of the Hovers gang at Yiniti, I.
T., and who is in tlie hospital here, has
confessed to participation in tlie Mound
Valley (Ivnu.) bank robbery, and also the
robbery of tlie express ngent at Chelsea,
I. T. The chances lire that Brown will
die ot his wounds,
Lost Clilldren ICecovureil.
CoNNKLLSVILLB, Pa., Jan. 27. Two
small children of William Moon, who
disappeared from school Tuesday, were
found near Ohio Pyle, thirteen miles up
tlie river. The children had boarded an
express train and tho conductor put them
oil at Ohio Pyle, where friends took them
to the home of their unole.
Itolnelo tjftU Twenty Venn.
Philadelphia, Jan. a7.-.Iohn Homele,
who was recently oonvloted of murder in'
the second degree in shooting his mis
tress, Mury Bradshaw, at her home, No.
2330 Philadelphia street, was yesterday
sentenced by Judge Drogy to twenty
years In the Eastern penitentiary.
Counterfeiters Captured.
BltooKLYN, JIUH27. Two Polish ponn
terfeiters, Alais Faldeman and Arls Nee
derlanz, who have beeu manufacturing
bogus dimes aud quarter dollars, were ar
rested here yesterday. The machinery in
the possession of the Poles arrested was
worth from $1,000 to $1,500.
rii Iluvnl Athletic Club Claims a Loss
of Viva Tliotisnnd Dollars.
Jacksonville, Jan. 27. J. E. T. Bow
den sold today that the Duval club took
In $31,000 in admissions to the tight, nnd
out of this tho 820,090 piirso and $ft,000
training, expenses of the principals hnd to
come, making a balonce to tho chili's
credit of 1 $0,000, and out of this the at
torney's fees and other expenses have to
be met. "We arc $5,000 loser by the gov
ernor's interference," ho said. Tho state
ment that the totnl receipts were only
$81,000 Is generally accepted with a grain
of salt.
Corbett and Mitchell both left town
yesterda y. They aro required to bo pres
ent and stand trial on Fob. 23 or forfeit
tlieir lsinds of (5,000 eaah, In bidding
good-by to Mitchell as he shook hands
Corbett said, "Good-by, old man, I'll see
you in New York."
Corbett as champion of the world will
have to light for tho title some time in
June, and Peter Jackson will bo tho man
who will go up against him. "Parson"
Davies sent a telegram to his brother,
Vero H. Davies in Chicago to put up the
second deposit of $l,000jfor the fight hi the
stakeholder's hands. The stakeholder is
Will A. DavK of the Haymnrket and
Columbia theatres, and ho now hofils
$4,000 of Corbett's and Jackson's money
$2,000 for each mini. The light will take
place between the 20th and IV 0 of June,
before the club offering the hugest purse.
Afrnld to I.eae Ills House.
HrNTINuliON, Que, Jan. 27. The fail
ure of Andrew Somcrvillc, registrar of
the county of Huntingdon, lias caused a
great sensation. Soinervllle, up to the
lime of his assignment, conducted a pri
vate banking institution, having for his
customers principally the farmers of the
district. Of the amount in Somervllle's
hands $04,000 belonged to women, ninny
of whom are unmarried. Tills money
represented the savings of many years,
and had been placed with him for safe
keeping. None of them hold any security
whatever. The depositors will gut very
little. Soinervllle dare not leave his bouse.
They Mny Fight in Knclnnil.
PlTTSUUIiu. Jnn. 27. The fight between
Corbett and Jncksonnext.Tunc will likely
take place hi England. Lust night Jack
son received intelligence that Corbett
rather preferred tlie contest to come off
oti the other side of the wntcr on account
of the difficulties met with in tlie recent
match with Mitchell. Both men would
willingly agree to go to England If the
inducement of a largo purse was offered.
Jackson states that he will meet the
champion on English soli or anywhere in
this country north of the Mason and
Dixon Hue, but lie would not fight in the
Itctrnyctl by His Siveetlipart.
New YoilK, Jan. 27. Hemer & (Jersten,
manufacturers of ladies' cloaks at ISO
East IJroadway, made a chnrge of grand
larceny against Samuel Lopofsky, in tho
Essex Market court. Lopofsky has lawn
in the employ of the firm for the past two
years. Latoly the firm has been missing
goods, nnd Lepofsky was instructed to
watch for tho thief, and gave him the
keys of the shop to see that the watch
man faithfully attended to his duties.
Tlie stealing v ent on, however, and it now
appears that Lepofsky himself was tho
thief. Ho wus betrayed by a girl ho had
Ills Tbront Cut by a Woman.1
Lancasi i:k. Pa., Jan. 27. Andrew
Fletcher, a innldlo aged colored man, was
found wandering about the streets last
night bleeding from two ghastly wounds
in the neck. Ho was very weak from loss
of blood, and but for his timely discovery
by the police would undoubtedly have
bled to death. Ha stated that he had been
cut during a quarrel by a negro woman,
whose name he declined to give.
Joined the Htrlkllig Totters.
Wheeling, Jan. 27. Tho unskilled
hands employed in tlie potteries met this
evening and indorsed the action of the
skilled workers in rejecting the proposed
cut hi wages. As a result about 1,20(1
hands aro thrown out of work for an in
definite time. The reduction of wages In
some cases equalled 55 percent.
A Prominent Politician Totally lliirned.
SlIAMOKlN, Pa., Jan. 27. Thomas Urib
bons, a prominent politician of Coal town
ship, wos fntnlly burned by dropping a
lighted match into the bottom of his nil
delivery wagon. Ills legs, arms and face
were burned to a crisp.
Asphyxiated by a Gas Stove.
ST. Paul, Jan. 27. Carlton 1). Tarbell,
shipping clerk of the Northwest General,
KleCtriccnnlpuny, and wife were overcome
by the fumes of a gas Stove, Mr. Tarbell
being found deail and his V, ife dying a
couple o( Hours later.
King Iti'bauzln's SiitM't'Ksor.
PAIIIS, Jan. 27 Dispatches received
here from Colonel Drtdds say that the
Dahnmeyau oblefs' have elected Chief
Goutheli ns king, to replace Hehanzin.
The new ruler of Dahomey has taken 1 tie
name of King Agnllugh'o,
Alter llnrry WriRht.
St. Iiris. Jan. 27 President Von der
Ahe, of the Drowns, is after the veteran
Horry Wright to handle the local base
ball club tlie coming season. Mr. Wright
has not yet decided whether or not to ac
cept Von der Abe's offer.
Mr. Clillds' Condition Critical.
Philadelphia, Jan. 27. The physicians
in attendance upon George W. Clnlds is
sued the following bulletin at 12:dO a.m.:
"Mr. Childs has not improved. His con
dition has become a serious one."
U you receive no benefit from Dr. Pierce's,
rnvor its
the diseases and de-
rangoments pecu
liar In their sor.
To -weakly womanhood no prlzo' could' be
more secure, nor the lieneflt mora lasting,
than that to bo derived from tho purchase
of a bottlo of this famous " Prescription."
Its success In curing all tho functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and chronla
weaknesses of women, warrants Its makers
in puaranOfbip: it, What this medicine has
dono for thousands of delicate women, it will
do for you. At the two critical periods in
woman's life, tho change from girlhood to
womanhood, and, later, the "change of life,"
it's an Invaluable tonlo and a soothing nerv
ine, which can produce only good results. It
cures cases of nervous prostration, insomnia,
or inability to sleep, and many nervous dlsoij
ders due to dorangoment of the functions.
-mSw" business-like
women who
3 rM!! from
Arc vott
r Consumption, llriuhts
Disease, Khcuuiatism.
1 Scrofula, Illood Poisoninc
for nnv of the manv stubborn
complaints which make life
' miserable ? Do yott know that
licrobe Killer
cures nil such diseases by re
moving the prime cnusc--mi-crobes.
There is no disease in
curable if this remedy is taken
in time. A 50 page book, con
taining valuable information
for Biiffcrcrs, mailed Free.
TholUllIsm Itadam Jl Icrolie Killer Co.
7 Lalubt buritew York City.
G-rulilor Ettro-.,
Agent for Sti'nialjili
I3c Hoatlt .11 ill 11 Htrcet,
CS 3ti (in cS. a li ,
All work guaranteed to be flm-classtD every
res' cct. we resnoetfudy solicit a share of
your oatronngo. Honda oalled for and delivered
BUI: ties and L-ico Curtains a specialty.
Delcamp's Livery Stable
K. DELCAMP, JR., Prop,,
WEST ST2EET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
.Slicitaticlomti, I'cima.
Tooms to hire for all purposes on reasonable
Professional Cards.
Jj- 8. KI8TLER, M. D..
Office inn North Jardlc street. sbenrdoih
Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ,
nring and band Instruments. Forfnrther In
formation call on or address GsniiLEii Uius.,
No. 1 North Main street, Hbenaedoab.
Ofllce Beddall building. Hhenandoab, Hi
Room 3, Mountain City Rank Building, Potts
ville. Pa
snsNASDOAii, rx
Offlco Room 3, 1', O Building, .-Ihenandoii-slU
Estorly building, Pottsvillo.
I'hyricinn and Surgeon.
Advice free at drug store, 107 South Main
street. Private consultation nt residence. 112
South Jnrdln street, from 6 to 7:30 p. m.
No, 25 East Coal Htreet,
Offlco Ilours-l:SI) to 3 and t):30 to 9 p. m.
No 3i soutn Jar Jia street, enenanaoan.
Office Houns: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M.
Except Thursday evening.
No office work on .Sunday rxcept by nrrnngr-
mmt. A strict ndhrrence to the office hourt
if absolutely necessary.
Teacber ot
Having had sixteen years' experience as a
te'iehcr ot instrumental mu-lc giving Instruc
tion o'i tho above Instruments. Wi rd left at
Brum ti'b Jewelry store will receive prompt at'
t uiion.
UrThpel 1317 Arch St,
The only (lennlno Specialist In America.
notTTltiistanillng nliat others adrertine.
Knnr.lnl DlKPitfcna ami KlrlM urns
Permanent ijr Cured in U to 6 days !
BLOOD POISON arycurLyenre?7
uo w method in ao to Uoriavu. 6 vpais l,uri-
teanllodiluUaiid32 iiruclical experience, as
uerimcaies ami uiiuumtut prove. diiu uve
Ji-cent stamps for boulc, "TllUTIiy tho only
book expOiJnjt Quack Doctors aud otherBaa
venlslnlr a3Kiat bporialWs. a true friend
to all sufferers aim to thow contemplating
marriage. Tlie most stubborn and dangerous
Ciusoab'TllcltM. Writo or call and bo saved.
6-10 ; Sun. tMi Huci'fHrtf ul treatment by mull,
fEKimn-Yfl PILLS
rt iiwmru ifQii. "i fflt
hru .ci-a It . , i .H.iul lHa-jm
Wuii'"i'ioM liva ni't (M.iweillrVtJSS'
M4 - tu- n i libit t-t.i.n TftkoYgT
HO btllt r. 1 rtlttt l.iH(lf""l' IMhlfttU V
fioit. au,l imuui i !lMJisi, urciitlta
111 stamp I r ii Miuliri l' aUniubinl fcOtf
"Itt-JU-r fur I 1 1 " tirfr tvlUWt
Irltttl. HMMtli I M mmoU AuflW frw
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate
Intlst upon having the genuine.
lUMfL i
mar sua ,
FirstMational Bank
BhcnnucJoab, Ic:MKnt,
a.. XT. LKISKNMNU, President.
P. J. FERntTHriM vi i
J. R. I.EIHENKINO, Uasbler.
8. W. YOST, Assletsst :.t!M '
Open Dally From 9 to SV
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
Easily. Quickly.
Permanently Resta
ntid nil the train of evjiw
1 nm early rrTom or latei
excfshes, tba results of
oerwork, f.,'kr,0M,
vror.vtv Fullstruusih,
duveloptiieut and tone
plven to e cry oran and
portion of tho hody
Hmplt. natural methons.
Imniedlatt Inittrorenien
nccii, Fnlluro impoHIble
2,(n referenci'f. nook,
explanntlon aim! proofi
mailed (sealed) five.
Bottlers ot all kinds of
Wkiss Heek a Specialty. Also bottlers ot tho
17 nnd JO Vmeh Alley, SIlENAJfrtOAll
bJJ tho depot or a parcel to send
away drop us a card and we will call for It.
United. States Express,.
Cor. Centre and Uiii"li Ht.
lorenz scnMroT"s7
Celebrated Poller, Ale and Beei
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Jos VTystt's)
19 nd 21 West Oak Street,
3r stocked with tho bestoeer, porter, ales,
ttl!kleo, brandies, wines, etc. Finest clears
'lBt bsratuchod Cordial lnvltninD to all
Big Reduction in Wall 1'ajior.
Must make room for an enor
mous Spring Stock. : : : :
2ti W. Tentre Streeti Khcnandoah, Pa.
IW North Main street, Hheuandoah,I'a.,
Ice Creum wholesale and retail.
Picnic and parties supplied on short notice
(Christ. Dossier'! old stand.)
ttulu nun Coal ttts., ttbeuundouh,
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. Tho Hnest
orsndaot whiskeys n0 clears. Pool room 11
33.DEJ3VS:0-Vrjk.Xji !
j Wheelwright Shop
1 Hatt been removed to I'ear Allov.
lloiween Centre and Lloyd Htreets.
Whcolwright work, Carriage ami
Wagon building, llorseshooinf;
and Gonoral Repairiug of all
kiuds promptly attended to.
The Man Who wrote tho Song 1
"lie ntver earva to winder
Vowi hU ovin flretule,"
was Inspired while sitting before one of my tine
Heater- I also uiwe on hand the bet aioves
and ttanges in tlie market and a largo stock of
Houserurnishlng Goods. Plumbing, rooting
andUpoutlng a specialty. All woi k guaranteed.
("or. of Lloyd and White SU., Hhenandoah, Pa,
TIib GoW Dollar Mining Co'y,
Of Cripple Creek, folorndo.
Organized under laws ot Colorado Capital
stock, 7IKJ.O0O shares, par value U each.
Jlll J'nfii nilif -Yon ametenble.
1B0,0U0 Shares in Treacury.
The mlno Is located la tho richest portion of
the celeoratedgold producing district of Crip)
pie Creek, and is bold under a United States
Work Is carried on day and night, and high
grade ore is belnc taken out In largo quantities.
In January, lblil, the company will benln pay
ing reg"lr monthly dividends at tho rato of
24 per cent, per annum on the
amount Inveeled.
H. H. OFFICER, Seo. and Trans.
A limited amount of th shares are now offered
At BO Cent i'rr Share. Stock, prospectus
and eiperta' report may be obtained from the
banking house ot
-aiat-eod 67 Uroadway, New York.