The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 26, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    4 I
Too High Pressure.
In these days of keen competition in cver.r
line, wlicn tlie business man is compelled to
bend his intellect and every energy to the
success of his business; tho clerk, book
keeper, professional man nnd laborer, 1c
drive themselves at a terrific rate, there can
1)0 but ono result an explosion, which if
not resulting In imincdiato death, leaven
them with shattered brains and bodies
They aro running at too high jiresMirc
The strain is too great. Something must
and does give way. This Is equally true nf
women. Though their sphere is tnore
limited, they have their daily burdens, nets,
ami wiirries, and the results are the same as
with their stronger companions.
This condition is growing worso every
day. The rapidity of its increase is awful
to contemplate. Our homes, hospitals, and
insane asylums are full of theM! unfortunates,
and are being crowded still further. There
is but ono solution of tho matter, Itecog
nizn the imnortanee of the situation at once.
and take tho necessary measures to over
come it. If you have fulling memory, hot
lla'.hes, dizziness, nervous or sick headache,
biliousness, irritability, nieinncnoiy, sicep'
lessness. falntine. nervous dyspepsia, epi
lcpsy, etc., know that anyone of them is but
a symptom of the calamity that may befall
vnn. nnd even though Von have used so-
called remedies and treated with reputable
, in,i ., i,.,r. t n.
II1VS1C1.M1S mill innu ui im uvui-iiiikni; wi
llies' llcstorativo Nervine a trial. It is
the only remedy that may be depended
upon lor nervous ui-uiutrio.
"Two years sgn 1 used Or Mies' RestorMlve
Nervine with marked benefit, and later tndured
my on, Mho hod been sick with catarrli of the
btndder ilvo years in tho hands of our beft phy
sicians, to try it together with Dr. Miles' Nerve
awlMvcr l'llls. He was so wonderfully benefited
that ho li attending lo ouainoss aRRin. my win
n'tn ncpii Wrvinn with most excellent rC.dlig.
All or in loirpiher have not ujeil more than ix
intiio nf Vnrvlnp. P(rernl of our friends hnvo
sU used it, and are prently improved." I.ouis
iiintis, nurnor unit now uo . umion, unio.
Tr Miles' Restorative Nervino is fold l,v all
ilrnnHttinn n nnAltlTA tniarantoe. or rent by Dr.
MIIi-h Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt ol
piice, SI per bottle, six bottles,.'', express prepaid.
It Is positively free from opiates or dangerous
QruRS. r reo uuuk in ucukkibib. ur UJtUl
No. 207 West Coal Street,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
133 West Centre Street,
Malianoy City, Pa.
Autistic Decohatoh
Pa I ii lint; and Paperhangiug.
Perfect work.
Hurgalns In natns and oils, plain and stained
glass. All tlitt new putternnln wall pipr.
iallv tin' weekly paper, uiTels, novelettes
and bitttionery.
Hoatlquarlors for Evening Herald.
Horses a no Carriages to Hire.
t lUllnc or all kinds promptly attended to
Horseu txken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
On PEAR ALLEY. Rear of the Coffee Dome.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
Chits, Hettlg's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
thin vlainity, also Bergner
& Engel'B celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
New Discovery.
Mayers' Magnetlo Catarrli Cure Is used by
vapor inhalation and is the only medicine of
the kind ever put on the aarket. By Inhalation
the medloino Is not poured Into the stomach
.and thence sent andertng through the sys
tem. Hut by Inhalation tho medicine Is ap
plied directly to the deceased orgau and the
only way to reach tho allectod parts In the
nose. Kverv bottle Is guaranteed bv the
druggist Price II per bottle. Guaranteed to
cure. For sale by all druggists.
It's used dltlerenl from any other medicine.
Our advertised agents ana all druggists ure
Instructed to return tho money to any one who
falls to be cured by Mayers' Magnetlo Catarrh
Cure, l'rlceone dollar for 8 months' treat
ment. This is saying a great deal, but it has
never failed. For salo by druggists, or address
The Mayers Drug Co,, Oakland, Md,
For a. XTostt tt.aa.dL Clean.
Febquson House Block.
Everything In the toneorlal line done in first
class style Everything neat and clean.
ttStsfan-i itMtaojtMh Kimlru.-vfiJ
A Caucus of Demooratio Eoprcsont-
atives Favors It,
ltnnrlcn Cockrnn, However, iunlsU Tliat
He Will Not Alililn l'v tlin Dvclslon of
tlm Oniieuii-If,lint ou the Wilson Itlll
Vxtemlad Thrco Iy.
AVabhinotos, ,Iiui. ail. At n caucus of
the Deiiioorntlc members of the house
Into yesterday afternoon the friends of nn
income tnx succeeded In ciirryiiiB a reso
lution that the Intermit revenue bill, In
cluding the Income tax, should be added
as nn amendment to the Wilson bill. It
wns further determined that the turlll de
bute should Li extended three dnys in
order to givo time for the discussion of
the Income tnx. Under the now nrrmiKe
tnent the flmil vote on the tariff nnd In
come tux will be token Thursday. These
conclusions were reached after nil ani
mated meetliiK of an hour.
At the request of Mr. Wilson the day
session of the house enmo ton close an
hour earlier than usunl, in order Unit the
caucus might be held. Mr. Holmnn oc
cupied tho chnir. The attendance wns
unusually largo, 101 Democratic mem
bers responding to the roll call.
I. Representative Klthian, of Illinois, nt
once precipitated the income tnx contest
by introducing a resolution favornblo to
attaching the Internal revenuo bill as an
amendment to the Wilion bill. Mr. Flth
inn supported his resolution in a brief
speech, in which ho warned thoo who
were opposing tho Income tnx that tho
friends of the measure knew they com
manded a mnjority, and that they could
not be checked or defeated by llllbuster
ing methods.
Speeches in favor of the resolution were
made by Mossrs. Hull, Ilrynn nnd Hatch,
nnd opposing speeches by Mossrs. ltcllly,
Black nnd Trncey.
Mr. Wilson presented n substitute for
the Fithiau resolution, proposing that the
tnrlfE debate should be closed and the vote
taken. After that a special rule should
bo brought in giving the internal revenue
bill two days for debate. Mr. Wilson
supported his substitute In a vigorous
speech. Ills plen was in vain, nowover,
for the vote taken on the Wilson substi
tute showed OS In Its favor nnd 02 against.
A hubbub was occasioned by n move on
the pnrt of the Isbw York members to se
cure a vote by tellers ami to secure an ad
journment. Mr. Hatch called upon Mr. Cockrnn.
who wns acting ns lender for the New
Yorkers, to stato whether he would be
bound by the action of the caucus, and
with much vigor Mr. Cockran nuswered
that ho would not. The eilorts for an ad
journment were unavailing, and the tines
tton recurred to the Fithian resolution.
This was carried by M) to Tl.
The result brought shouts of approval
from the Income tax men. Mr. Hrynn
then moved Hint the committee on rules
should be instructed to report a special
rule extending the tnrilT debate three days
iu order to allow full discussion of the
income tax. This also prevailed with
little dissent.
Action Favoring Itepent of th Itf rlproelty
Act ol tlie JlcKlnlvy Lttw.
Washington, Jnn. 20. Only one amend
mcnt to the tnrill bill of importance was
adopted by the house yesterday, that re
pealing the reciprocity clause of the Mc
Kinley law. 'the entire day was con
sumed by tho New York Democrats, who
were illilrastering against tho Income tax
proposition, which they feared would be
oUeied, along with the other features of
the internal revenue bill, as nn amend
ment to the Wilson bill. Tho Democratic
advocates of the tax finally became so Im
patient that they concluded that the best
way to settle the question would be by
holding a caucus.
Tim session or tlio senate was un
eventful. Tho Hawaiian resolution went
over until today, anil benntor Allen,
of Nebraska, made an extended nrgu
ment in favor of his resolution declaring
the contemplated Issue of bonds by Secre
tary Carlisle to bo unlawful, and the
bonds, if issued, illegal. A desultory dis
cussion of the federal election bill fol
lowed until 3 o'clock, when the addresses
of eulogy wero delivered upon tlie Into J.
Logan Chipman, formerly a representa
tive from Michigan.
Killed liy III liinauu Wire.
AUBUrtN, N. Y., Jan. 20. A frenzied
woman sent a bullet through the heart of
her husband, shot her U-moiiths -old child
through tlie body and then turned il.e
muzzle of the weapon toward her own
temple nnd sent a bullet in 16 her brain nt
0 o'clock lust evening. Tho husband ilied
almost instantly after rushing to a (nor
nnd shoutitiK for assistance, while physi
cians say that neither mother nor child
can live. Tho name of the man is Kmll
Kellnr, a Swiss, who married his wifo
Kmma in the old country. The only cause
which can be assigned for the horrible act
of his wife is insanity.
.Toll ii Viuw of the Fight.
VlLSllNOTON, Del., Jan. 2(1. John L.
Sullivan said to a reporter here tonight
that he expected Corbett. to win, but that
he did not think Mitchell would be
whipped in less thnn ten rounds. "It wns
a case ot a good little mnu ugainst a good
big man, and the big man always wins In
t,uch it case," said the ex-champion. When
asked if he intended to challenge the win
ner, Sullivan said he bad not yet made up
his mind.
JacU.un l'ralses Alltclmll.
riTTSlHTHQ, Jan. 26. Peter Jackson,
who is playing n theatrical engagement
In this city, when asked bis opinion of the
big fight, replied: "Let me say emphat
ically that Charles Mitchell has proven
himself to be one ot the most courageous
men that ever entered the ring. Ho is as
gnme a little man as ever stepped. I have
to fight Corbett next summer, and I hope
to beat him."
A "Iteienlnc Slob llroken Up.
MlDDLEeuoiio, Ky., Jan. 20. The gang
organized for the rescue of Dob Marler,
who Is to be hanged at Pinevllle Feb. 0,
has been broken up. Detective Debuski
arrested two of them and the rest fled to
Hulan county. Sheriff Colson Is building
an enclosure around tho jail.
The MeadawUlsaitur'i Thirteenth Victim,
New Yoke, Jan. 20. Kdward M. Clark,
the thirteenth victim of the Hackeusack
bridge collision, died in a Hoboken hos
pital yesterday.
The Weather,
Fair and warmer tomorrow; westorly
sonnrLKiLL Division.
MKlt 19th. I8:l.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tbe sbnvt
adelpnla (Hroad street station) nt o:iki ana 11 :
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Pott"
vlllo and intermediate stations :10 tn
For Wltre&n'H. tlllbertnn. PracfevlllQ. New
Castle, St Clair, I'ottsvllle nt 0:0U. !:, m
and 31 10 p.m. For Hamburg, Keadlnc Pott
town, Phamlivlllo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave iraoavuie lor nnenantioan ai
10:40 k. m. and 12:14. D:Ot. 7:42 and KkSTn. m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Lieavo roiievuie tor snenaaaoau at iu:i,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p, m.nuadtys
It 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leavo 1'hlladelphln (llroad street station) for
Pottsvillo and Hhenandotth at b 57 and 8 ' u re
10 and 7 11 d in week days. On Sundays lenve
at A 50 am. For Pottsvllle. P a m.
For New York Kinross, wee dnvt.
at 3 20, 4 03, 4 60, 6 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 80, 9 60) U 01)
u n h m. is iw noon, n ii p. id. u-"tnitu tsx
press 1 03 aua 4 50 p tn. dining oars.) 1 40,
2 30, 3 20, 4110, 5 00, SIM, 8 60, 7 ii, 812,
lOOUrm, 12 01 night. Sundays 3 20, 4 05. 4 50,
5 15 8 12, 9 50. 11 08 11 35, a m. 13 41, 1 40, 2 30, 4 00
( nmitea i au) n w o au. o do . na qitpm anr
1201 night
For Sea dirt. Lone Hrancn nc intermediate
stations, 8 20. 11 14 a tn, and tllj. p n
For llaltlmoro ind Washinf ton 8 60. 7 20. ? 81
oar.i 180, 840, 4 11, (b is OongrewloDal Umlietl
Gin Ihan , , a ,otit
iniimao rarior uara auu inning uan. o 17.
55, 7 40 n id 1 1 88 p. m. w iek days Sun
aays, a no, i'jj, 4 iu, ii ia mm. ya iu, 4 41, o no,
11 :a and 7 40 pm.
For Kiouinona. 7 to to. uio and ui n in.
dally, and 1 SO p. m. ween days.
Trains win loavo Harrisourit ror j'lttsDurt
and tho Wost every day at I 30,8 10 a m, (8 20
pm limited), 8 50, 7 30, II 65 p m every cay.
vvi) tor Aiuwnt at s is am ana iiupm every
liv. For Plttsburz and Altoonr. at 11 20 a m
nvery dy.
Trains win leave sunuury tor wuuatasnort.
Klmlra, Canandatr-ut, Rochester, BuEilo and
laRara rus at i an. o is a m.ana l w u m ween
Jays. For Elmlra at 6 41 p m week days, for
rie and lntermod ate Dolnu at 5 18 amdilu.
Vrt Lock Haven at 6 13 and 9 56 a m dally. I ffi
afi 5 44 p ro week days For Kcnovo at 6 18 a
m, mi n m wnex ays, ana sisamnn
Sundays onh. r ttn t MS t. ro, dally.
i w .lays.
a. M. Pbivosi,
rjm v.i
iss,ir,' A,ri
CAUTION. ir n ilealr onr W. J:
Do ii sins hlioes nt ft reduced price, or saya
he has them without naino stumped on
bottom, put liim down ns n fraud.
S3 SHOE thWoKIo.
TV. I DOUGItAS Shoes are stvlish, easy fit.
tiny, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad
vertised ahy other make. Ti y one pair and
be convinced. The stamping of W. I Douglas
mine and price on the bottom, which guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Dealers who push the
sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes pain customers,
which helps to increase the sales on their full line
of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit,
and we believe you can save money by buying all
your footwear of the dealer advertised below.
Catalogue free upon application. Address,
L. DOUGLAS, Drucktuui Mass, Sold bv
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah,
0. F. Roth, Itingtown.
Tho place Korbuslnesa men to send
their surplus stock of every descrip
tion (or sale
Tuesdafs, Thursdays, Saturdays,
Anybody cin send goods of every description
to the rooms and they will bo sold at auction
on the usual terms. All goods Eoldon commis
sion and settlements made on the day follow
ing the sale.
Reese's Auction Rooms
Dougherty Building,
Our. Oflntro ami Jardin 8t,rcot
A great show,
Tho favorito Irish Comedian,
Eugene O'Rourke,
In the enormously successful
New Irish Comedy Drama,
The WiclIoW potman
i'rosented wltn
A Clever Company,
Special Elaborate Scenery
New Songs and Dances.
Priccn, 35, 50 mui 75 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Farewell tour ot
As "Oi Imesey Me Boy" In
Qnnies' Cellar Door
A Pvlsid Piece.
Now and Larger Company.
Novel and Beautiful Ideas in Dress and Dance
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cents
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug (tore.
RHff Kl IBEv
The School Principal Mtut An-
r to rnir Sirlon ClinrK-.
Nkw (JARU.i:. Ph.. ,lon. 3tL Tim prelim-
nnry hoarintc ol Profesmr It. C. Hurls-
horn, late priiicitKil nf the New C'Hstle
High sehool, in the now notorious cne.
wns held yesterday afternoon. There wns
four charges, one of which was murder.
At 8 o'clock the prisoner wns brought
from the county Jail. The streetsthi-ongli
which he passed were crowded as on the
occnsi iii of a circus parade, and a crowd
of jeering men anil boys followed close on
the he d ot the hurrying ollicer and 111
Ihe pressure wns so iireat that a sneclnl
detail of officers wns made to guard the
door leading to the office. Prafesaor
Jlaitshoni wns le to the point of being
Khnstly, and appeared greatly frightened.
He seemed relieved when safelv inside.
mid the crowd mid its cries were shut out.
Miss Alda ltobinson could not nuoear.
She Is physically able to have been taken
o tho hearing, hut, us one of her fnetuts
ktated today, she is "a gabbling lunatic.'
Jler elder sister Maggie was placed on the
stand and gave a terse, clean statementol
the salient points of tlie case, relatlnu
practically what bos been published be
fore. Hartshorn wns held for court on t h
four charges involving fnrulcntlou, tlo'
illegitimate paternity of the child, pro
curing nu unlawful operation and minder.
Milker Ilndly Di-reaUil.
Heavku Falls, l'n., Jan. dii. Tlie three
strikes now in progress at this place have
so far been rather averse to the strikers
At. tlm Cllill luiliLu vvliur., I lim mui, st Mint
against a reduction of wages from twentj- I
live to twenty-two cents jier car, tlie mine-
nre being run with colored men at a re
duction. At the ax works the places ol
tlie ax grinders who struck against a re
duction of wages have been filled by
Ituliaus. At the Knterprise glass works,
wheio the pressors and gatherers struck
for an nil mice of wages, tile linn has
filled their places with new men.
ltan OITwIth ii n nii-clrlo Cnr.
Qur.liKC, Jan. SB. A man named Kearn,
slightly under tlie influence of liquor, ran
away with an electric street cnr nnd camo
near killing a number of people. Seeing
nn empty trolley car near the barn he
boarded it and turned on the electricity,
with the result that tho cur started at full
speed, running down four or llvo people,
two of wlnim were badly injured, nnd
smashing up a lmlcher'scnrt. After going
about a mile he became afraid ami man
aged to reverse the motor, whereupon the
car went back as fast ns it had come and
knocked dow a three more people, finally
colliding with another cnr. Kearn was
Tho War Among Diinbury Hatter's.
' UANlU'ltv. Conn., Jan. 25. Twelve hat
manufacturers issued a statement yester
day stating that under no consideration
will they open their factories again, ex
cept us independent from all trade-unions.
Six manufacturers announce that they
will open their fnctories to the trade, pro
vided the unions would grant certain
privileges. There are four trade unions
hero. Three of them have conceded the
privileges desired by tlie manufacturers.
Tho Trimmers' union (women's), how
ever, rejected their overtures, and so the
chnncep of -ell lenient are delnved.
to consumption arc ailments we,
often deem trivial a cold and)
a cough. Consumption thus ac-i
quired is rightly termed "Con-j
sumption from neglect."
not only stops a cold but it is rc-
markaoiy successful wnere tlie
cough has become deep seated.
Scott's Emulsion is the
richest of fat-foods 'yet
the easiest fat-food to
lake. It arrests waste
and builds up healthy
Prepared by Scott & llowne, N. Y. All druiwists.
Passenger trains loave Shenandoah for
I'cnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le
hlchton. Klatlncton. White Hall. Catasauaua.
Alientown. liethlehem. Easton. Pblladelnhla
ttaiieton anc wcaineny at u.ui, 7.3s, v.ia a m.,
12.13, 2 5 m
For Nw York, fl.04. 7.38. 9.15 . m !2., 2.67
Ifnr nmlrf kn Kwltrhhtnlr. f..rhirn9 nnd Hud
sondiile, (!ul, 0.15 a. in., and 3.57 p. m.
cor nazieion, wuicea-Li&rre, wmie uaven
Pitts ton, Laceyville. Towanda, Savre, Waverly
and Klmira, 0.UI. 9.15 a. m 2.t7, 6 27 p. m.
For liochestcr. llutralo, Niagara Palls and
the West, 0.04, 9.15 a. m. and S 5r 5.27 p. m.
i'or iieiviaere, ueiaware water wap auu
Utroudsburg, 6.01 a. m , 2.57 p. m.
v 'or iamuerivine ana xreotoa, s. m.
For Tunktannook, 6.1M. 9.16 a. m., 2.67, 5 '.7 p tn
For Ittnca and Ueneva 6.01, 9 15 a. m. 5.27
for Auourn a. m. p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, LievlstonandUe" Meadow,
7.3s a. m., 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
For Audenrled, Uaileton, Stockton sad Lum
ber Yard, 6.1)1, IM. 9.15, a. m., 12.48. 2.57
6 27 p. m.
ror ueramon. a.ui. w.ia. a. m..z.!',o.OT o. m.
For Hailebrook. Joddo. Urlfton and Preeland.
u.ui, 7. .vi, v.iu, a. m.,, z.oi, e.ei p. tr.
For Ashland. Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.62,
7.S1, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.36, tl.'i.'. 9.16
p. is.
f or uavea nun. ueairauu. aiuunfc uaiaiai aru
Shamokln, 7.08,8.60, 1US a. m., 2 28, 4.40, 8.22
J? or xaioHVlue. aru i-iace, mauanoy uivy iidu
Delano. 6.04. 7.88. 9.15. 11.05 a m.. 12.13. 2.57.
6 27, 8.08, 9.38, 10.38 p. m.
Trains win leave anamoain ai, o.ip, ii.vo
a. m., 1.66, 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive at Sbsnan
doab st 7.38. 9.16 a. in.. 12.13. 2.57, 6.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Snenandoah for Pottsvllle. w 1.38
9.08, 9.15, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.1(1, 2.67. 4.10 5.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.35
9.05, 10.16, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00 1.40, 6.20, 7.15,
7.65. 111.00 p.m.
Leave saenanaoan tor uazieton, o.ui, 7.). v. to,
a. m 12.43, 2.57, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Ilazletoa for Shenandoah, 7 36, 10.00,
11.06 a. m 12.16, 2.65. 6.30, 7.25, 7.66 p. m,
Trains leave tor Asbland, Glrardvllle and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m 12.80, 2.45 p. in.
For Uazieton, lllack Creek Junction, I'onn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Alientown,
liethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,
12.30, 2.66 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.30, 2,56 p m.
For YatosvlUe, Park Place, Mahanoy City and'
Delano, 8.40, 11,85 a. m., 12.80, 2.66, 4.40 6.03 p. m.
Leave Uazieton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.80
a. m., 1.64,6.30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.60, B.40,
9.80 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m., 1.85, 6.15 p. m.
It, U, WILUUIl, Oenl. Hupt. Kaatern Dlv
South liethlehem, Pa.
01IAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pats.AKt..
South liethlehem, Pa
The Great Gorman Statesman Up
roariously Weloomod,
Tho Kx-('liiiiici'llni- l.unrlii'il with the Im
pxrliil I'ninllj nnd Artrrwiii-il llnlir
tfllni'il III lititui'dlntti 1'rlrinU at tlir
raise III lltititrii to I'relilrlch.rnhf.
llF.KLtv, Jan. !)a. There wrshu lmnions
Rsseinblagp of e)ple nil along the ro.ite
Irom the railroad stntlou to the palace
when llisinnrck arrived here nt nnou. and
he was uproariously greeted. Bismarck
was attired in the uniform of tlie .Madge
burg or Yellow Cuirassiers. The em
peror, through I'riiiev Henry, exwesed
great regret at his ability to receive the
prince at the In-lirte station, on account
of being engaged to meet the king of
Saxony, who arrived at the Anlial station
at the same moment that 111 niim-ek r
rived nt tlie Ihrte station. Tlie emperor
will accompany him back to tlie Iiehrte
station nt 7 p.m., when llisinnrck will
leave llerlln for Kriedrichsruhe
The general public were not admitted
to the Hanoverian railroad stRtion upon
the nrrlval there of I'rince lllsmnn:k. The
governor of llerlln and the commander of
the garrison were upon tho platform, with
their respective stalls, lo welcome the ex
chancellor. I'rince Henry of Prussia.
Emperor Wllllnin's brother, whs present
on behalf of the emperor.
Upon the nrrlval of llismarek at the
railroad station he was escorted to the
castle by a detachment of Cuirassiers of
the guard. At tlie castle, Immediately
after the prince's arrival, lunch was
served, only the inierial fnmily nnd llis
marek being present at tlie repast. Sub
sequently I'rince Uismarik entertained
his intimate friends at dinner in the pal
ace. Tho decorations of the routo from the
railroad staton to tlie castle were elab
orate in the extreme, and nearly every
window which could be hired had been
engaged at a fabulous price. The wel
come given tlie man of blood and iron
wns one which even an emperor might be
proud to receivo.
l'lillreineu Shot by tlur!;liirH.
KLIZAlihTll. X. J., Jan. 2H. Three burg
lars were caught by Policeman Conrad
.Murtz on the Pennsylvania railroad east
of North Kllznbeth station. When the
policeman came upon thetrlothey showed
fight. One wns knocked down by Martz
with his club. At that instant tho other
two opened lite on the pollcemnn, who
fell iiKainst a Hog shanty, shot through
tlie neck, hip mid leg. The burglars then
escaped. One hour Inter two of the Xew
nrk police intercepted the burglnrs. The
robbers opened lire on them wounding
one In the leg and arm and escaped. The
men were afterward arrested In Jersey
1Ei1,1hm1 liy MiiNktul Mm.
liF.wisiiUHii, Pa.. Jan. 20. Two masked
men entered tho house of Isaac Ilubler,
who lives on a farm a few miles from this
city, just after dusk, and demanded that
Mr. Ilubler tell them where he kept his
money. When .Mr. tinnier Hesitated tue
robbers drew revolvers and threatened
his life and that of his wifo. There was
but n small sum iu tho house, ns Mr.
Ilubler had deposited SMW In bunk only a
few days ago The robbers, ho trover, took
all there was ami left.
Only Ih; Ilatturi Went to Work.
Daniil'isi. l.'onn., Jan. iM. The twelve
hat factories which intend to open us in
dependent of trade unions blew their
whistles yesterday. This whs tlie signal
for the operatives lo return to work. Only
200 of the 1,000 operatives responded. Tho
manufacturers nre hopeful that they will
break the backbone of the lockout in run
ning as Independent shops. The labor
leaders nre sanguine that the factories
cannot be operated.
Killed Ytlillt, Seehini; I'luployineiit.
NEW Blil'NSWIi K, N. J., Jan. ). (ieorge
Hezgard, aged of Philadelphia, and
John Finn, aged 34, of Albany, were killed
on tho Pennsylvania railroad iitKastXm
Hrunswick. C'eorge Kelley, of Albany,
was badly injured, und is now in a cnti
cal condition. Tho men were tramping in
search of work.
To Ht'construct the ltrlden Itlll.
Washinoton, Jnn. 28. The friends of
the New York and New Jersey bridge bill
have had some difficulty in deciding be
tween the introduction of a new bill nnd
nn effort to pass tlie vetoed bill, notwith
standing the president's objections. They
have now decided upon the former course
llrldceport Strept Cnr Mon Again Strlkti.
HlJIIiOKl'OitT, Conn., Jan. ). The em
ployes of tho Traction company struck
ugnin lnBt evening, but no violent demon
stractions hrve been made. They refuso
to break In non-union men, and state that
they returned to work on the condition
that their union be recognized.
All Quiet ut Snntn Doutliico.
New Yoizk, Jnn. 20. Private advices by
the steamer Saginaw state that all is
quiet and peaceful at Santo Domingo and
vicinity. Ueiieral lieureauz litis put down
with a strong hand the Iatesmall attempt
at u revolution.
Acquitted nf Mall ltnlibfry.
Richmond, Va., Jan. 28. Lawrence Tal
llnferro, assistant postmnnter of Freder
Icksburg, who has been on trial here,
charged upon twelve Indiotments with
mall robbery, was acquitted.
CoiiKrciuuan Hlblay It-sli;n4.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Congressman
Joseph C. Sibley, of Franklin, Pa., has
sent a lettsr to Governor Paulson, resign
ing his stat in congress. The resignation
is to take affect Feb. 17.
Sir Gerald Herbert Portal, the African
official and explorer, died in London.
Constauce Feuimore Woolson, the nov
clist and descendant of Fenlmore Cooper,
died at Men.
The preldent and Mrs. Cleveland gave
the nnnunl reception to congress and the
judiciary last evening.
The son of Governor Holt, of North Car
olina, was married to the daughter of
Governor Jones, ot Alabama.
George II. Painter wns hanged at
Springfield. Ills., this forenoon for the
murder of Alice Martin, his mistress, lie
had been twice reprieved.
Secretary CarlisUhasnppolntedTliomns
F, Lane, of New Jersey, a chief nt dlvUlon
in the register's office, nnd Isaac II. Mar
row, of Ohio, an immigrant inspector.
People Who
7dg!i and Compare
t' idw rnd r t i: be t. Cottok-ne,
t!u r.:w v.t..' .j s .orteninc:, lias
Vv'O-i a w'Jj aid o::derful popu
lari y. At il , i :troduction it was
subnitted.oc :fxrt hemists.promi
p rt phys'cbns an i famous cooks.
A 1 cf liuso proiiounced
a ratur..!, Icaltiiful and acoeptable
f-'ol-pioJ ci, better than lard for
cvry toe:.' purpose.
Tiia sue w ; ti Cotuilene 1 ; now
a matter of histo'-y. Will vou share
i i thi better fooJ and l-etkr heiltli
for wliLh it stands, by using it in
your home ?
Avoid imitations counties .
worthless. Stick to COTT0LENE,
Snltt in S ami 5 pound pulls
M.ido only by
fSucoessnrs to Pnalil, v Itrri. 1
r. ,iS l'nni fenire Mtrt--l.
Our Mntto: Ilest Quality at Lowest catt
Kaiser's Oyster Bay !
I7 South Main Htreet,
A. P. KAISER, Proprietor.
S39The best-oysters In all styles at all hours.
palace Saloon....
and Restaurant,
(Under tbe Palaco Theatre, i
The Itestourant is one of tho best in the co
regions, and has elCKont dining parlors attached
for the in-o ot ladles.
Tho liar is stocked with tbe best ales, beers.
porters, wtnes. liquors and clga s.
Of holes m a skimmer!
Lois of ava of tlirowinc awnv monev Od
of tbe bust mot hod 9 f economizing 'h to lasur
ta ttrsL cIhsm, thoroughly ro lu-le i imp, ml en.
either Ufti, lire or aocidont, suoti as represented
No. 130 o'iih .lurUln stropt, Htionandoati. 1
In corBetuiakinf!
KoinetMnc new j
No I) r miking ; no
rii8tlnc;no wriiiK
line. Thinner nnd
oleanor t h a u
whalebone, ana ten I
times as elastio and
durable. Indies deliRhted. 3Iade
in an shapes. J- or Bait iy
Slicnaiidoali, Pa,
Ganaral Supply btoro I
Wholesale and Uetall PRICKS.
STQWC1ST X3. Xa3H.3E32:XlSIl
Ferguson House bldg., Centre Kiroot
delicious to the taste, Invigorating
nnd strengthening to tho body,
made in ONE MINUTE from
Only 30 c(s, for a fitll pound pacJsage
Vrioa&mnlooa application to iiuuiur -rt m,
ir pt nv
II, II. Severn, F E, Mftgargle, W, H Wutera
tTTfiannntlr cared E
M tglt Eenwi.tintier H
r5f0.ai0 capital. lVi-HiTtM J-.. HUnilJXf-paifil
iruuratn .mu ten di u
MjuK.iiiiiriirawu ir-uii ii ii ti'u in , tevurvufi
txoo by mail, NgiIuum t'lu 4lcure.
COOK REMEDY CO., ChlcagoJll.
1 l, IMdJ II i