The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 26, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Charlie Mitchell No Mutch for
the Aiiici'iciiu Clinmiiion.
The Englishman Lasted Loss Than
Ton Minute 3,
lie Mccincil to I.un llcnrt tlis Moment
llr Fnccil Ilia I'nrinlilnlilv AntliKonUt.
Corbett, on the Oilier Ilnml, Nearly
Lost lltii Victory by lli'lnji loo linger
to Adiiilnliler I'llnliliniciit lloth of tlio
I'ligilint Arrested, and Then They llury
tlio Ilntcliet A Woman Vltncsscs tlio
.1 vcksonvii i.r, .Inn. 2(1. If over a pngl
ist ivus beaten easily nnd utterly tlmt
puirilist whm ( 'linrlls Mitchell, of KiikIrihI.
lit" win a lieaten limn when he stootl up
oi Torp Corbett In tin- first rountl, before a
' idi liml been Hindu or' h blow ilelivereil.
lie was beaten at that time, not by the
i'f of his opponent, but by bis own
o read of defeat. All tlirongli his train
1 ii lie had been cool, calm, inodeHt and
u pnrently eipiitldent. Down deep In his
o.irt. however, lie must have Inula lurk
B fear that It would not be well with
turn ou the day of the battle. If he had
jever held this f -'tun his face yesterday
dm not betray (lie oiklIis ot lib) miuil
a lilt. It mUiht be that ho unilercsti
.nutcil Corbel t and became alarmed whun
lit saw him in the ring, but bu that as it
iiiav, before the flint round of the fight
wait fairly on his features were whito and
drawn, and a wild look of apprehension
f h in hlh pvns He had Inst confldento
10 himself, nnd from that timo was light
11 (inly to be whipped.
i orhett, mi the m her hand, was cnnll
iti nt and sure of biuiMdf at all times. It
im a time when hi personnl vengeance
O' er what he deemed nil unpardonable
i.Milt wus to be Klutied, and ho reaped
t'm full meiimiio of liis mitis'it-tlnn. Ills
ni inn blood was Mowing warm and fast,
aii'l in his anxiety to win lie almost threw
(iny his chances of victory by striking a
fi I len man. It wits only wil li the greatest
iiiPeulty that he was restrained by his
"iids from doiiur so. When, nt tho end
ot i he third louiid. in less than ton mln
U' i lime, Mitchell was unable to respond
i i lie call of tune Corbett seemed no
ai' re disturbed than if he had been out
i u few minutes' stroll.
OTP roil Till
iiattlu nnii).
Tin- Durnl Atlilello Club Clinreca Various
AiliulS'iiott IYpm.
.1 m KgONVii.LE, Jan. 20. At 11 o'clock
5 -.terday the stream of sporting men
iroi cedliiK toward the Duval Athletic
c uli s arena bejiun, and a constant suc
rssicm of vehicles was laboring through
tne heavy sands towards tho place of
combat. Thoo who came early, however,
had their trouble fur their pains, as work-
men were busily engaged in strengthen
ing the fighting platform and seats. Un
til these preparations were made nobody
wan admitted to the arenn, and but few
of tho visitors were admitted to the
grounds surrounding the club house.
Referee John Kelly came into the
grounds at 12 o'clook carrying a smnll un
pretentious looking bundle, but it con
tnined that without which there would
lie no fight. It was, In fact, a bundle of
hank notes consistingof several one thou
land dollar bills, a lot of five hundreds, and
a whole chunk of small d (-nominal ions, the
whole aggregating faO.000 the purse
which now belongs to Corbett. In another
portion of the arena Bat Al Smith, th
well known sporting man, who carried in
his inside pocket $3,000, the amount of the
bet made between Brady and Mitchell, the
former putting up the money on his belief
that the Kngllsliman would never step Hi
' lie ring with Corbett. As soon as Mitch
ell stepped into the ring Smith walked up
to him and turned over the money.
Chief Koefe, of the Jacksonville police.
followed by a dozen olllcers, about three,
quarters of the entire fores of the muni
clpal guards of Jacksonville, came tramp
ing into the arena nt 12:45 p. m. The po
licemen were posted at convenient Inter-
VMS around the ring whore they could
uppresa any disturbance.
Snniiner Garrison, the official time
keeper, upon, his arrival brought all the
tills, in i tie ero.wi io a siiuileu stoppage
when he hit tho bell a loud bang with a
Heavy mallet. All thought for an Instant
that tlio combat was about to begin, even
though neither of the principals was In
tlio ring. Uarrison grinned at tho sen
nation he had caused and whacked the I
bell a few more times just for luck, nnd
then satisfied with the hell nnd himself
ho subsided.
When Snapper Garrison had relnped
another sensation was sprung. A "young
follow" wearing a black diagonal sack
coat, striped trousers nnd a white yacht
ing cap came through thu door and
dropped Into a seat near It. Thero whb
something very suspicious about the gen
eral appearance of the young man's phy
sical innko up, and It required nothing
more than a brlof glance to show Unit the
supposed young man was a womnn. She
hehnved in a very modest manner when
the fnct of her nppearing at all was over
looked. The news that a woman wns In tho room
spread at lightning speed through the
clubhouse, mid in two minutes after her
entrance hundreds of men were standing
upon the svsts and craning their necks to
see the representative of the fnirsex, ns If
they had never seen one before and might
never see one Hgnin. This woman, who
came from Kansas City, where she Is said
to mingle In society far fiom the bust,
seemed a bit disconcerted for a moment,
and slip looked as though she wished her
self well out of it. Hut tho curiosity of
the men soon subsided, and she ceused to
be a sensation.
Corbett nrrived at. the miserable little
dressing rooms set, apart for blsusont
about 1 o'clock. His carriage was driven
quickly through tho gates, and when It
stopped at the doorway of tho little hovel
Corbett alighted, being followed quickly
by Dempsey, Delaney, Creedon and
llrady. The party passed nt oncclnto the
house, the door being instantly shut and
locked to keep out the curious crowd
which pressed against and tried to peep
through the dirt stained windows.
At 1:30, the timo set for tho fight, Mitch
ell hail not appeared, although Corbett
had been for fully an houron the grounds.
At 1:86 a tall man with white hair and
n closely cropped mustache sprang up In
l is seat and yelled, "A senator from De
soto wants to bet a hundred head of cat
tle against $5,000 that Corbett wins."
"llring on your cuttle," Bomooiiesliuuted,
mid the "senator" subsided.
As thu time set for the fight approached
tho Duval club added another to the long
list of disreputable actions which has
characterized its management of the light.
It began to let in at tt and $10 per bend
(in immense crowd who hud refused to
pay more nnd would not come in at ii
higher price. Newspaper men, however,
had previously been let in at $-'0 apluce as
a "specially reduced rate."
At 1:5? Mitchell drovu through thegates,
seven minutes less than ono hour after I he
arrival of Corbett. llu was driven ntouco
to his little dressing room and prepared
for the battle.
At 2:02 Corbett appeared, and was re
ceived witli a mighty roar of welcome.
No sooner wus ho seated in the ring than
another yell at tlii'tlooriiiiiiounceilAIltcli
ell'sarrlval. As .MitclieU climbed into the
ring Corbett's face was a study. He eyed
Mitchell with interest, and a sardonic
grin played over his face, which said as
plainly in words, "I havo you now."
Milchell was impassive, neither smiling
uor saying anything, lirndy mid Delaney
then evoked more enthusiasm by turning
the Irish and American llaga mid hanging
them over the post in thesoutheast corner
of the ring. Denver Kd Smith declared
thnt lie wanted to light the winner for
flll.oix) a side, for which the two principals
met in tho ceuterot the ring for a moment's
talk, ntter which they returned to their
Corbett's seconds were John Donaldson,
Billy Delaney, Jack Dempsuy and W. D.
Miller, while Ted Foley acted as time
keeper for the champion. Mitchell's sec
onds were Jim Hall, "Pony" Moore, Tom
Allen and Stevu O'Doutiell, with But
Masterson as timekeeper. Snapper Gar
rison acted as timekeeper for the club.
When Corbel t throw aside his rolio he
appeared clad in nothing but a red, white
and black trunk! Ho wore black shoos
nnd dark brown gloves. .Mitchell wore
white gloves, black shoes and trunk ami
his right wrist was bandaged. Time wns
called at 2:25, Corbett refusing to shake
hands, and the great tontost begun
of tim:
Narrowly Kuciiped I.ii
Con tent on ii I oul.
jACKSOXVII.t.E, Jim. 20. It was a short.
sharp and decisio light, too brief to have
any of the elements of savagery in It. It
was a loregouu conclusion from tlie
moment when tho men stepped to the
center of the ring, u nil Corbett's hatred
of the Kngllsliman, coming to the sur
face, prohibited him from slinking bunds
with the man who hud bo uniformly
nbused nnd Insulted him. There wus ill)
but murder in Corbett's eyes. They faced
each other, nud the intense feeling of
hatred almost gave Corbett the light ns
he cornered tho LugliHlininu, nnd ns his
long urms shot out with the force of a
catapult there was vengeance in the wind.
Mitchell showed wonderful cleverness, in
the beginning, in crawling out of the
closo quarters into which the superior
size, reach and height of hisoppunont bore
him, but thero whs no faltering in Cor
bett's plnn of cumpaign, and he slowly
surmounted the Briton, raining in upon
his head und sides shower of baviife
There wns despair in .Mltcueus face as
he tried vainly to elude his agile pursuer,
and flnully when Corbett clostd with his
opponent in an oil oorner Mitchell real
ized that it wns no longer possible for
him toescupe tho battery of the Aniericuu.
He pluckily tried to spar, and failing to
do so used the clinch, but Corbett llnally
beat him off, and with a sharp blow ou
the side of tho jaw brought the hnglibh
man on all fours. It wus then thnt the
crowd broke into a wild shout of applause.
With the cheers of his friends ringing
in his ears, and with the memories ot the
past crowding fast upon him, Corbett lost
his head, and with the ngility of u tiger
nud the terrible miger of a lion sprang
toward the pitiable Kngllshmnu ou the
rough platform nnd, describing n semi
circle with his right, tried to land a
knockout blow. Twice ho tried this, but
Mitchell's weak and wabbling body saved
the American from foolishly .sacrificing
the honor and the glory that had come to
him from his now decisive battle with the
Englishman. There were cries ot foul
from the crowd, although the sentiment
of the vast throng was then plainly with
the American.
Corbett's seconds, with presence of mind,
shot through the rones. John Kelly ran
to the side of the fsl ! n pugilist, and Cor
bett was dragged i,vny Mitchell was
conscious, and he knew that Corbett was
etnnding over him ready to deal without
mercy the blow that should end the light,
Then the Englishman flnully struggled to
ilis leci i m wil uoiit a tithe of pity,
pounded hla big gloves into the face of his
foo until the latter stnggercd and fell
ngniint tho ropes and then lay nlmost
sprawling on thefloor.the blood smearing
nil over his face. AVhcn Mitchell had
gotten again to his feet the men closed In
t-orhett s corner, and thero wns n snvngo
exchange. When the gong soundod tho
soeoniis, the reretce nnd the half dozen in
the corner had to pry the enemies npnrt.
It was hard work to bring Mitchell up
ngnln, but Corbett sprang out when the
gong sounded. He was conscious of his
strength nnd supremacy, sure of ending
in the winking of tin eye the aspiration
of his over rated antagonist, while Mitch
ell was all but shoved out to meet the on
slaught of his rival. There wns hardly a
moment of sparring. Mitchell tried but
one last desperate play, to tackle, but
Corbett was remarkably foxy nnd alert,
and he soon crowded the poor beaten
Briton to the ropes again, and then, with
nnotlier of his merciless Jnbs, sat his rival
flat on the Moor. Mitchell was evidently
suffering severely and his face wns a pic
ture of woe. His mouth nnd noso were
bleeding nnd with his big gloves he had
smeared the blood all over his face, until
his appearance was almost ghastly.
Again Corbett lost his presence of mind
and startud toward Mitchell. Agnin his
hands swim-; ott, nnd ngnln the seconds
ran forwaru m save him from nominal de
feat. Big John Kelly, the referee, ran
over to tho ropes where Mitchell was
lying, nnd Corbett wns thrown bnck to
his sent. Mitchell hardly cared to rise,
nnd Kelly's finger went up and down like
the pendulum of a clock to count the sec
onds that must elapse before the battle
was over. It scorned an hour before
Mitchell llnally rose to his feet again, and
it was dangerously near the lltnitof time,
but, just before t lie gong rung out Mitch
ell did stand up. leaning against the
ropes, his face tho counterfeit of his feel
ings. Kelly waved his linger to Corbett, who
wns seated in his corner, mid thu Ameri
can champion sprung lurwnrd for I lie last
time. Striding over to where Mitchell
stood, n strange sneer in his eye, and with
the supreme satisfaction of revenge, shot
his hand out with the speed of a lightning
bolt. The big glovu landed fairly nud
squarely on Mitchell's face, nnd the Kn
gllsliman fell prnneon the stage, the blond
oozing from liis mouth und staining the
rough pine bonids of the ring. He made
one attempt to move himself, and then
turned over nnd lny with his fnee to the
lloor, utterly and absolutely beaten, until
his seconds run over nnd bore him to his
corner, mid with the cheers of the thou
sands of people pitched to thehlghestkey
known in the minutes of public ussem
blnges dimly ringing in his enrs, hesnt in
his comer trying to realize the suddenness
and completeness with which all of his
hopes had been blasted. The crowd re
mained long enough to see Mitchell borne
to his corner. While the fallen gladintor
wns receiving the consolation ot hisud
miiers am! the cheering sympathy of
funny "I' .. ' Mooie, his father-in-law,
Corbett wu-. u .ng surrounded and crushed
by his frantic friends, ull trying to shake
his hand at once.
As soon as the fight was over Corbett
slipped on his trousers agnin and drew his
towels about him, and stepping as lightly
as when lie had entered the ring he made
his way slowly back to thu old kitchen in
the yard, where he had spent nn hour be
fore the light waiting for Mitchell to come.
Mitchell drew his old gruy bathing gown
over liis shoulders nud went buck to his
And on Meeting They llury tho Hatchet
and ShaUe Hunils.
Jai'KBONVII.lh, Jan. 20. Alter the fiht
Corbett rested for a quarter of an hour in
his dressing room, chatting with his
frl 'nils and expressing his satisfaction
with the result. Hp would have liked to
punch Mitchell more, and that wns ap
parently his Only regret. After he Imd
dressed again, he came to ihu door of Ins
cabin and touched his head with his hand
In compliment to cheers of the crowd. He
then re-entered and remained In the cabin
for n couple of minutes. Then he ap
peared agnin with his coat but toned up.
wnlkod lightly to his carriHge nnd wus
driven oft with the wild shouts of his ad
mirers making sweet music for his cars.
The American showed no truce of punish
ment. Mitchell remained in his dressing room
lc-ting after Corbett had gone. His fnco
wus wnshed of the blood witli which it
had been smeared and he was mrtde ready
to leave the city. After Corbett's tar
riugo hnd rattled down the road Mitchell
cume out of his cabin, walking unsup
ported, mid evidently not much hurt and
showing no signs o"f the battle, save a cut
in tho Hp, from which the blood had
flowed somewhat freely during the brief
fight. A crowd watched the Knglishmnn
get Into his carriage, but there were no
cheers of sympathy ns his chule diove
awny down the snndy rond.
Just us Corbett's carriage wns rendy to
drive oil n deputy sheriff got ou top with
the driver, nud the stnrtling announce
ment wns made thnt theAniericaucham
pion was under arrest. Mitchell did not
escape. Sheiifl" Biownid walked oer to
the Knglibliniiin's carrisge just before it
was ready to start, and Mitchell wns noti
fied that he must again faie the h. The
two men were only ttchnii.-nl) under nr
rest. They submitted without ri"-i-ti n ,
und friends immediately cume in their
assistance nnd piovidtd the security tor
their release.
Mitchell, after being taken to the Kver
ett House by Sheriff llK.wuid, where he
was given a bcth and slight rub down,
wits taken to the court hoin-e M ith him
were Hilly Ihompfon and Colonel Cocker
ell. The party went to the sliei Ill's pri
vate office nnd a messenger wns sent to
hunt up Judge Call, before whom bnbens
.nrmiK 1 trneeiMlmi s will be LroiiLllt on l.e
hv disease is thn natural result if vou allow
your liver to become inactive, your blood
Impure, and your system run down.
Tho germs of Consumption, Grip, or Mala
ria, wait for this time of weakness this ii
their opportunity.
It you rouso tho liver to activity, so it will
throw off these germs, purify tho blood so
there will bo no weak spots; build up healthy
weinht where there is a falling off. you will
rest secure from disease, tor you'll be germ
proof. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does
this as nothing else con. That's tho reason it
can bo guaranteed. In convalescence from
pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases.
It's un appetizing, restorative tonlo to build
Up needed flesh and strength.
For all diseases of the liver or blood U
"Discovery" falls to benefit or cure, you
Have your money uuck.
No matter how bad your case, Dr. Bago'l
Remedy will permanently cure your Catarrh,
linlf of both pugilists. Mitchell looked
none the worse forhlshnrd punching.
The fighters were In the court room to
gether Inst evening, and through the ef
forts of Joe Vindlg the long cherished
hostilities of the two mpii townrd each
other were buried. Though they hnd not
exchanged the usual hand slinking in the
ring, either bpfnieor niter thebnttlo, they
shook hnnds in the court room. Mitchell
liiudo a little spi ech, In which he acknowl
edged having uttered many bitter sayings
ngnlnst Corbett, but snld he leg retted
them and wns glnd he had been whipped
by n innn not thy in every way to wear n
clintnpion'a honors. There was general
applause in the loom over the reconcilia
tion. It Is not thought here that the court
proceedings will be more than formal.
Warrants were also taken out for the
referee, timekeeper, seconds, etc., ns well
as many prominent spectators of th
Corbett and his pnrty left tho St. .Tames
hotel last 11. ght nt II o'clock nnd went to
the Zoological garden, There the purse
of 120,0(10 wns formally turned over U
Corbeitund acknowledged. Then Ileterec
Kelly quietly left the city to avoid an est.
A Trniti Uoliliur Confesses,
ConiNTII, Miss., Jan. 2(1. Frank Mc
Gttire, one of the would be Memphis nnd
Charleston train lubbers, has made a lull
confession of the plot to rob the pay train,
lie says the escaped convict, Frank Jones,
of Texas, was the instigator of the plau.
Killed on Ills Hrcoiitl Trip.
BKTIU.KIIKM. Pn., .Tun. 20. A young
brakeinan named .Marion Colscher, while
drilling cars in the North l'enn yard, fell
from a box car and wns instantly killed.
This was his second trip over the road.
Valllaut Mmt Alianiloii Hope.
PAlils, Jan. 2fi. The court of appeals
has rejected the appeal of Vaillant, the
anarchist, condemned to death for throw
lug a bomb into the chamber of deputies
ou Dec. U lust.
Closing Quotation ou tlio New York and
I'll! lade phi A KxcIihiikch.
Nbw YoIik, Jim. 36. This was a M ry quiet
and uneventful day on the Mock Exchange,
nnd hi only nvu stocks did the trniisuclluus
exceed fi.UM shares. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley. . . . ill W. X. Y. & I'a. . . TO
I'eiuiBj lriinlu illi
lleadlnK lfs
St. Paul MM
Lehigh Nav ASM
K. V.4N. E U
New Jersey C'ui..lll
j;rle U'i,
I)., L. A: W 1t
West Shore II .'j
N. Y. Central.... ltmfei
Laku Krle & W. . K
Del. & Hudson. .liun
Oenorlil Markets.
PHil.AOKi.i'Ht.,Jani SS. Flour steady: win
ter siqiertlne, Jaftaid; do. extras. f,::,
8.80: No. 2 winter family, (2.51,.$. 03 nn
sjlvnnla roller straight, 'fr:i Id. wertirn
winter, clear, $2.'fi3. Wheal dull. u. ir.
with 6i)J$c. bid and We. asked fur Januurj
Corn quiet. Arm, with 42Mc. bid and . jc
tsked for January. Oats quiet. Arm. Willi
aijc. bid and 98c. asked for Juiiuarj I, eel
steady, l'ork more active, bard wtu . .-.
western steam, $S.(I5. Hotter firmer. eien
dairy, PlHtdlTc.; do. creamer. ISi. .: do
factory. 13lCc; Ehrhis, Silt .: New York dnin
lGtlc.; do. creamery, lf J-'e. ; i'ennsylwui a
creamery prints, fancy, Uic.: du. thoiee, .ii
Sic; do. fair 'to Ktsid. 'r.; iirints jobbing
lit "80c. Cheese steady: New York large.
Oftlljjc; do. small. Win hfijf.; part ekui s.
431CC.; full skiins. 2T( 3c . Ki.x- at the. higher;
lec house, 52 5i!(?i 3.2.1 peri.i: v. -n iroHli,
ltVlnt(17K- per w in !.i i a. I' i. c.
Kiist Liberty I'al'l,
East Lii'hiiv. l'n ..
tim hunnl. I. okc t-e w : . 1
5.05. Slu up tteailY, t ' '
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every clement of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable nrotection
rjj to the face in this climate.
Intlit upon having tho genuine,
fli-Thool 1317 Arch St,
Tho only (lennlno Specialist In Amerlrt,
notwltlistanillnff irhst others adrertUe.
Special lllsenses and Stricture
reriiiaurntljr Cured In it to 6 days
uew metuoil lu J to no days. 0 yeat s' Kuro
eean Hospital and .12 practical experience, as
CtirtlUcalea aud IllisumaH prove. Bend lire
2-cent stamps (nr boos. "TltUTH," theouly
book oxposing Quark lloriursauuothersau
TertMui; un great Hieelalbts. A true (lieud
to all sufferers and to thoBe contemplating
marriage. Themost btublmrn and dangerous
casea solicited. Write or call aud be saved.
Itoursi S-3t ETe'afr-8: VI. and Bat. eve'a
G-lUibun. !Mj SucresKfultreatuientbymall.
Bag Carpet Weaving !
If you want a good piece ot rag carpet, well
v oven, take your mi:j and have them woven
unln oarnets. It will nav vou In tho Iodb run.
All kinds, with or without B'rlpes, mule to
oruer; oeuuinui raiuuow stripes, low prices.
205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, I'a
Are ihu '
V rli.-i'iH, II; ,i...t . .
muni rail n ,-ai rf it v nfi-t "
ItooU. ffl iiiin. i
CliletiUr UitxMtU Iltfuutiiid llnuid.
Orlflnuluud Oitlr Ut'itulnu.
ArC, tlfrajk rclUMc LADICH, ftlk
DrUMM lor CAlcAMtvff KntHU Dla
mumJ trand iu lttMl tu'l Oof J malt Ilia
bott m-uioa wntl Itluu itbUu Tvtttt
nnathrr. ft diUUMTIUI tuitHtu
turn and imttiituini At DfHUIitl. or und -I
In auwr ft (mrilculiw. lefUioooiAU at
iUUf for l.tnlli",' (Ilr, by rrturt
Mull. lO.tllmT .it uonlmli fta
iikirnrttrr uexuivtii i.uiuiMiBiitfur
unn vrvww. iwA&
7- 3B.
lliircelona Anarchists Stilt liusy.
llAHt,hU)NA, .Inn. 20. -As the civil gov
ernor was entering his carriage at tho en
trance to the prefecture a workmntiircd
ti pisiol at his head and viouudcd tho gov
ernor In the face. The governor's sect o
tnry promptly seized the assailant, who
loudly proclaimed himself an anarchist.
He had an accomplice lu his attempt at
murder, but this man in the excitement
esenped. Subsequently a dynamite ex
plosion took place iu the harbor works, by
which two persons were killed and several
others hurt. This outrage, too, is at
tributed to anarchists.
Indicted for l'lltilslilnir a l'upll.
TJTICA, N. V., Jan. a0. Among tho in
dictments handed down by the lastgraiid
jury is one charging Miss Lena Hutchin
son, a Whltesboro school teacher, with
Hssuult in the second degree in punishing
a girl named Kudner, one of her pupils.
Miss Hutchinson was arraigned iu tho
circuit court nud the case sent to th
court of sessions,
Two MlMlng Children.
C0NKi:t,L8VlLI.K, I'a., .Tan. 20. The two
small children of William Moon, who
disappeared from school Tuesday, have
not been found yet, though u dllligent
senrch has been made for them ior nillen
around. It is the general opinion tlmt,
they were kidnaped by trumps, while
somu think they wen; drowned.
Two Children Horned lo llentll.
WATKltTow.N, X. Y., .Inn. X. A dwel
ling house occupied by Kvn Kgleston, a
young woman of bad character, and her
two children, who reside near Oxbow,
this oonty, was burned to the ground.
The woman hud locked the children in
the house and had gone away. They were
Congressional Deadlock In Virginia.
Richmond, Vu., Jan. at!. In the Demo
cratic congressional convention at Harri
sonburg, wheu the fiftieth ballot hud been
reached, a committee was appointed to
nrrango a conference, of the candidates.
The forty-ninth ballot stood: Woods. U0W.
Turner, Of; .Moore, KY, Gordon, Utt.
A Valuable Church Destroyed.
LotTlsviu.B, dun. SO. St. Paul's Bdilsoo-
pal church, at tho northwest corner of
Sixth and Walnut street, one of the old
est mid wealthiest lion es of worship iu
he city, wns destroyed by lire yu-erday,
together with its furnishings, entailing a
loss of neurlv 1
'81.00 per Bottl
Cures Couch. Hoarseness, tiore Throat.
Croup promptly; rolipvea Whooping Coucn
rival: has cured thousands whcio all others
failed; will cunt you if taken In timo. Sold
by Druggists on e imarsntee. For Lame Hack
or Chest, use SHiLOH'a l'LASTiiU. 25 eta.
larovou Catarrh? This remedy la cuaran
toed to euro you. l'nco tOclu. Injector free
Sold by C. II. Hagcnhuch, Shenandoah.
U9 Hotitlt Main Street,
All work guaranteed to be first-class in even
resi ect. We respectfully solicit a share ot
your patronage. Goods called for and delivered
Bilk ties and Lnce Curtains a specialty.
Dclcamp's Livery Stable
R. DELCAMP, JK., Prop.,
WEST STREET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
MtienniicIoHli, Pcuuu.
Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable
Professional Cards.
Office '20 North Jtrdln street, Sbesacdoah
Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ,
HrlnK i nd band Instruments, Porfnrther In
formation call onoraddres GaniiLEit Iluos.,
nu i rturiu tiumKircoi, onenanuoau.
Office Ueddall building. Htienaudoih, p.
Room 3. Mountain CltvUank Ilulldlncr. Potts.
nMu ij,, tj r ..,,, , j .
and Bsterly building, Pottsvllle.
jjn. n. iiooiiLEUNEn,
rhyncian and Surgeon.
Advice free at drusr store. 107 Knnth fatn
street. Private, consultation at residence, 112
Boulh Jardln street, from 0 to 7:80 p. in.
wo.a uast uoal Htreet,
Omce Hours-l:30 to 3 and 6:3U to 9 p. m.
It. J. 8. tl ALLEN,
no. .h oouiu j arain street, tjhenunaotn,
OrriCE Hours: 1i3U to 3 and 0:110 to 8 1. M.
Except Thursday evening.
No office work oh Buntlay except by arrange
ment. A ttrict adherence to the office noun
is absolutely necessary.
1081-Om NIllUT VISITS, M1.50.
pitOF. T. J. WATSON,
..... -..Teacher of.........
Having had sixteen years' experience as a
teacher of Instrumental murlo giving Instruc
tion on tho above Instruments. Word left at
Urumm'a Jewelry store will receive prompt attention.
WS1 tFSiil tfl m n 61 Kh3
First National Bank 1
tthcujinclonli, Pcxinsu
.. W. LEISENKINQ, President.
P. J. FERGUSON, Vice PreshUit
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier
Open Daily From 9 to Er
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
Easily. Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nnd all the train of evil,
1 rem enrly errors or later
cxceeR, the reRults of
overwork, sickness,
if orry.etc. Fullstrenmh,
development and tone
given to e ery organ nud
portion of tho body
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failure fmpositlble.
2.OU0 references. Hook,
explanation nnd proofi
mailed (sealed) free.
liottlers of nil kinds ot
Wkiss Ueeii a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
Finest Beer.
17 nntt 10 JVnri Alley, HIMlfAXDOAn
IE 1 VJU tn0 aepot or a parcel to send
away drop us a card nud we v, 111 call for it.
United States Express,
Cor. Centre and Union 8t.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and See
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
P.atfs Popular Saloon,
(J'ormerly Joe 'VTystt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
3tr etooked with the best beer, porter, ales,
hlsklee, brandies, wines, eto. Finest cigars
'.M'm bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all
BIk Reduction In Wall Paper.
Must make room for an enor
mous Spring Stock. : : : :
234 W Centre Street. Hhennndoah, Pa.
104 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa.,
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied nn short notice.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Wain Knit Coal (iln,, Ulieuancluuii.
Best beor, ale and porter on tap. The lineal
orandsot whiskeys and clears. Pool room at
Wheelwright Shop
Has been removed to I'ear Alley,
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets.
WlionTwriorlit. wnrlf. Pnrrinrrn nnil
Wagon luildiug, Iloraeshoeiug
and Qenoral Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to.
The Man Who wrote the Song 1
"lie never caret to wander
tyom hie own flretule,"
was lnf plred while sitting before one of my tine
Heaters. I also have on hand tUe best Stoves
and ltanges In the market and a large stock of
llousefurnlshlng Goods. Plumbing, rooting
and Spouting a epsclalty. All work guaranteed.
1". O. V7Cpjk.T3E3H.fil.
Cor. of Lloyd and White Sts., Hbenandoah, Pa,
The Gold Dollar Mliii (W,
Of (JKjipfe Creek, fnlorntlo.
Organized under laws of Colorado Capital
Block, TUO.tMO shires, par valuo $1 each.
lull Vtild nnd Hon aunetitable.
1BO,000 -Shares In Treacuru.
The mine Is located In the richest portion ot
the celeornted gold producing district ot Crip
piu urucii, nuu la neia unaera uniieuniaica
Work is carried on day and night, and high
In January, 1801, tho company w2II beln pay
iii rcgeiir mommy aiviaenas ut me ruiu ui
134 2er cent, per annum on the
amount inveeted.
H, H. OFFICER, Seo. and Treas.
A limited amount of the snares are now ottered
At BO Cente 1'er Share. Htoolc, prospectus
and e Dens' rcDort mar be obtained from the
uiamu nouse ul
t-331!t-tod 67 Uroadway, New York