The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 25, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
TIM I5SD1Y, JANUARY 23, 1891.
llcntanun Laudig, of llazlctoti, was in
tonn yesterday.
l.lnicr Johnson, of Lout Creek, spent Urn
morning In town.
John U Leisenring, of Hsslctoii, spent
y stcrday in town.
Hairy 8chwits, of lnik l'lsce, WW! a
town visitor yesterday.
Iir SwBlm slid Iloyer cm mo up on ttio
1 M train Irom l'uttsvllle.
I.-.uls Kaliinowllx was in Mahanoy City
yestorday transacting busine ss.
William Focht, of riiiladelphla, trans
acted binineM lioro yesteiday.
('apt. i;. 0. Wanner, of nirardville, was
u on on our streets lost evening.
Thomas C'oudron, a I hlladelphlft telegraph
opt ralor, is visiting frieuiis hero.
Hev .1 Jl. Maun, of Ashland, preached in
tin rc-.i.ytorian church lost evening.
I' 1' King, John II. Cluary and John A
TI'ii Kii were counly peat visiting to day.
Thomas W. Graham, with Megargco Htos,
paicr dealers, Scrauton, called on tho trade
Uc . .1. Krouce, an Evangelical mlnljtor of
I'ottivillo, will jiteach In tho Presbyterian
church this evening.
Milton (.'. Ucinhold, Esq., Miihauoy City's
nhlo young representative at tho Il;ir, was a
visitor to town yesterday.
Nirholas Shu, Henry 1'. Issuer, Onirics
Ktcrnor ami Frank I. Hotcugartcn, of I'otts
ville, wore seen in town yesterday.
John I'. Howling, formirly of tow 11 and
now of Philadelphia, atteudid tho funeral of
Mrs. .Tame Tiornoy at St. Clair on Tuesday.
Mii-s Kuto McDonald, of Jeanoeville, Is the
guest of Misses Balllo Conry and Nellie Cuu
ningham, two of oui'popular f-chool teachers.
Mrs. Kate Gallagher, formerly of town and
now of Washington,! has arrived here to
attend tho luneiul of thu late Michael
John Urant, of town, andjA. II. Fulton, a
retired coal operator of bbauiukiu, left yes
terday morning for an extended trip through
Florida, Mexico and California.
JieUloiM Keinlm.l In the Toole-McN'H-
limm Htlltfc.
Sovcial years ago Patrick .Mc.Namnra, a
nsident of this town, secured life insuranco
policies on the life of his giandinothcr, Mrs.
Catherine Igo. In some tiansactlous John J.
Toole became a purchaser of one of the poll
cie.i, kept tho premiums paid up, and upon
tho death of Mrs. Igo recovered $2,700 on it.
Subsequently McNamara was advised that
Toolo was not entitled to tho money, as ho
was not a party in interest to tho Kllcy. Mc
Namara was appointed administrator of Mrs.
Igo's vstatoaud ho brought suit agaiiistToolc
recovering judgment for $t! 700. This was last
March and since that time McNsuiura has
been trying to get hold of soino pro city be
longing to Toolo to satisfy the judgment.
As a result of these dibits several attach
incuts against property eupposed to belong to
Toole weie made and they led to suits aguinst
Mc'lamara by John Toole, Alice and 11. M. A.
Toolo on feigned Issues to dctorniino tho tltlo
to tho properties levied upon. Two of tho
suits MeNiuuura lost, but tho suit of II. M. A,
Toolo against him lie won.
Among tho attachments issued by Mo
Namara was onu against a horso supposed to
belong to Toolo, but which it was claimed
wn.1 sold last August to Joseph II. Kichtcr, of
rottsvitlc. The latter brought suit against
McNaunira on a feigned issue and upon trial
before Judge Ilechtel at I'ottsvillo, yesterday,
it was decided that the horso belonged to
Nichtor and tho attachment could not stand.
Up Tumi Olllce.
All orders for advertising, Job work and
Bubocriptiona can bo left at Pteso's Auction
and Commission rooms, Dougherty building,
W Centre street, where they will riceivc
prompt attentlou.
Iiuy Ktyttone floor. He sore that tho
name Lkhski & Baku, Ashland, 1'r., is
printed 011 ovory sack. 3-3-liUiw
Hear In JMIitil
John A Iieilly's is the plaoe to get the
purest wines and liquors, host boor and ales
and finest brands of oiirnra 10-lR-tf
tV hen Baoy wa sick, we gave her Osstoriev
Who stie was a Child, she cried for Oaeterut,
When she beenine Xlsa, she oiling to CftetorUv
Own sue bad Children, she Kara tttan OmIowh,
Uoyage Around
The World !
Part II. Number 3.v
Number change" dally
Cm this coupon out and keep It until
'if v'i n different nu ' bora are acouinu
ur d, then bring or forward them U
, . ttji r wlih Seven Cents to this
t tin e and you will receive the portfolio
ti udvertlaed. Call and see sample.
Cut This Coupon Out.
Carpets, Oil Cloths !
B gs, Window Shadw, Carpot SwMjxr
w ill b sold cheaper this month at
C. D FrcKe's Carpet Store
10 Boutli Jardln Btreut
Tho annlversaiy banquet of District Ijdgo
No. fca.1, I. O. O, F., In HurehiU's hall, last
evening, was atte ndtd by about 300 people
who were well plcascdwlth the cntcrtaiment.
Tho following program was rendered: In
vocation, Kcv. S. C. Cattcr.oftheM.E. church;
addriss on the principles of the older, Deputy
Grand Master, 11. Ij. NoalliaddHss, I'reslding
lcr Orocsj;of Allentown; nddress, E. 1'.
Davis, Ashlai d; duct, Mr. (I rem and Miss
Moyir, Mshanoy City; Duol, .1. llodmau and
Miss Welsllog, Frackvlllej tolo, Iiov. Schulcr,
pastor of thc I'vnngellcnl chureh; solo,
Wm. 1 homes, 0)llrtoii. They wern enter-
nrsed by orchestra iniieio. About 250 peoplo
artook of the IwiKiuet which followed tho
Wm. F. (JohiKon is visiting relatives in
Frank Oraetl," of Pottuvillc, transacted
business in town this morning.
W. Dltilenderfir, tho carriage painter, was
n Shftifttdoah looking after work yesterday.
A. K. Ilolich, of Mt. Caimil, is spending a
few days In town.
Mrs. Jacob Timnions, who has been very
sick for son e wicks, Is now improving.
Itiihard Fcnncssey lies very sick with
heart trouble
Joliti Malonoy Is confined with tho grippe
Mis. llernard Fatrell, of Malzevllle, is tho
guest of Mrs. Patrick McLaughlin.
Ileitha, a child of William Taylor, Is ill.
Oeorgo W. Johnson, ono of our popular
photographers, Is on the sick list.
Miss Namni Nice and Frank Wellcr. a well
known telegrapher, wcro married lastNovcm
bor, but Frank didn't give It away until a
few days ago.
Tho Democratic primaries will bo held to
night and the licpubllcaus will nouilnato a
borough ticket 011 Friday.
.Mrs. Abe Tnylor, who died 011 Situiday
morning, was hurled on Tmcday afternoon,
n the Odd Fellows' cemetery. TIiIb funeral
tad ono of tho largest followings ever saw in
tills town. Tho decciwd is sorvivid by a hus
band and seven childicn, lacgiug in ages
from seven to eighteen years. Among the
mouimrs wen: Charles Joseph, of Mt. Cai-
met ; Willlsin and Unity Whi akcr, of ('en-
traha; Mrs. Faust, of Llewellyn; William Six-
smith, of Philadelphia; John Woodward, f
Mincisvillc; Mrs. John f-koath, of Mahaiioy
City; J. Henry Kows, of Trcnn nt; John II.
Howe, of Ashland; Kobert Hradley, of For-
estvillc; Elijah MeClurc, of Phoenix Park;
William Taylor, of Olrardvillo.
Thcro was allvcly deg fight last Saturday
evening in u stable on the outskirts of town
between a Centrallaaud a Fraekvillo canine.
It resulted in a draw.
Mrs. William Banner is visiting relatives In
Bridgeport, Conn.
William lieggs is about uftcr a week's eon-
fincincnt with tho grippe
( harles Hillcuhrnnd, who is to refc ree tho
Caton-McCoruitk dog race at Lavollc, will
leave for Ashland on Saturday.
Forty dollars has been put up for a cock-
light between birds belonging toMcCloskey,
of Frackville, Mlnakan, of Fraekvillo, and
Conley, of New Philadelphia. Tho fight may
occur next week, 6nio placo near Fiuckvillo,
each man to i'urni;-h seven birds.
Mr. and Mis. Joseph Oliver, of Shcuandoah,
aro visiting Mrs. Janus Hoggs, of Broad
Mountain avenue
The YoungLadlis'SeeialClubhave invited
their friends to paitlclpato in a masked hall.
to bo held in liurchin's hall.un Jan .11. Tho
oemmlttco of armngtmints aic Jlisins Mary
McLaughlin, Esther Kohen and Maud Cape-
Have you trie d McElhcnny's fried oyBterer
Iltigan'ri trouble IViiN iicneil by Couth
and lit kh.
Michael Hogan is a rwideut of Lost Creek.
In October, IKS, ho heard a lumpus outside
of his house, caused by dogs chasing goats.
As several goals had been killed by canines
Ilngan got out ot his bed with tho iuientiou
of teaching the latter a lesson. Ho d rented,
w ent cutsidcand was soon giving a hot chase
to some dogs. In the dark Hogan was un
ablo to see pitfalls and he tuddenly plunged
headlong into u mine bleach 137 feet deep
It was a miraclo ho was not killed outright,
but ho suotalned injuries from which ho still
cullers. 1 1 eg nil sued Wtst Mahanoy town
ship for $1,000 damages, claiming that
tho mine breaches Bhould havo been IVncod
in. TLocBfO is now on trial befoio tho
I'ottsvillc court, lliigau Is represented by
Wm. A. Mair, Esq., of Ashland, icprosculs
the township, anil S. H. Kaercher, Esq, of
I'ottsvillc, appeals iu tho case as counsel for
tho Lehigh Coal Company.
Services to-night 111 tho I'rethyterlan
Last night finished the'ncniiuutious so far
as Shenandoah is oouoernwl.
The Sold it ih' Monument Committee meets
tO'iuonow evening at 8 o'clock, in Hefowich's
A large number of tho admirers of Robert
Burns, the poet, will honor the hitter's
anniversary this evening at the residence of
Charles Smith, on East Coal street.
Tho Citizens' Standing Committee will
meet in McElhenny's oafu this evening for
the puipoto of organizing for the campaign.
All the candidate nominated are requested
t ho present.
The funeral ot William 1'. Graf, an account
of whose death appeared In last evening's
IIkrald, took place this afternoon, interment
being mado iu tho Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Maj. Jennings Couuiil, No. 37, Jr. 0. U.
A. M., attended in a body.
ratiey Cliullengeil.
Editor IIuhai.d: I will run Mart.
Fahey, of Shenaudemh, 100 yard for $100 or
$200 u side, Man and money to le found at
Berwick. Now if Mart, is a runner, I hope
he will be a 11x11 and accept this challenge.
Berwick, I a., Jan. 81.
Get your repairing din at Holdariuau'a
(liven Away
For sixty days Keagoy, the photegiapher,
ill give a 10x12 platinum picture with even
doscn of his (3 cabinets.
Mahakoy City, Jan, 25,
Tctcr Furlong, aged about 38 yean, who
died at his homo In Wiggani on Sunday, was
hurled yesterday afternoon at St, Canicus'
cemetery, Mahanoy City. Tho deceased
leave a widow and four young children.
Owen Martin mado an excursion to
Tainaqua this morning.
'."qulto J. J. Coylo has returned from
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shuman and Miss Nora
Dreshcr, of Llmo Uidgc, wcro yesterday tho
guests of Mrs. W. A. Ilcnslngcr.
A. Wetzel, of l'nttsvllle, passod through
town on Weduosday.
W, A. Hoyor.of Heading, transacted busi
ness here yesterday.
II. O. Howman, of Philadelphia, visited
numerous acquaintances In town this morn
ing. Mrs. E. Hirlow went to Pottevllle this
Overheard yesterday on tho "electric" :
A grceablo conductor "Did you over seo
such weather as this?"
Aged passenger "Yes."
"Last summer."
sir. caumi:!,.
There was great rejoicing yesterday at the
house of Lewis Evans.lii Hickory Swamp, tho
occusion being the marriage of Miss M. A.
Evans, eldest dsughter of tho host, to Mr. II.
Finn. Hov.D. I. Evans, of tho Welsh Baptist
chuich, Shenandoah, officiated at tho cere
mony. Tho presents werecholco and numer
ous. A sumptuous luncheon wassorved. Among
the gtusts were Mr. and Mrs, Fred Finn,
Misses Gertie, Martha and Annie Finn, and
Messrs. Reitzel Faliringcr, Alvin Kodarmel
and Fred. Finn, Jr., of Ccntralia; Mr. and
Mrs. William Wragg, Misses Oertlo and Ruby
Wragg, Mr. Shem, Miss Maggio Evans, of
Hickory Swamp ;Miss MinnieSwoycr, Girard
vllle; Miss Rs.chcl Richards, Excolsior ; Miss
Mary J. Edwards, Shenandoah. Mr. Lewis
Evans and his family were until recently
residents of Shenandcah.
Coutralia and Logan collieries resumeel
work to-day, after a few days suspension.
Mis. J F. Kress, accompanied by hereon,
Hush, visited rottsville yesterday.
L. A. Riley & Co. stored a car of ice yester
day. Miss Manic Carey, ono of our bright young
ladies, is visiting friends in Mt. Carmel.
Miss Edith Fabiiugcr has been teaching
for Miss I'oivcll, slnco tho death of W. J
Yurworth, tho latter's undo.
L. E. Davis tripped the light fantastic wiih
tho fair maids of Shenandoah last evening.
Any 0110 desiring masks for the masquerade
hall 011 January (!th can procure them by
calling at D F. Curry's hotel on Thursday
or Friday. Thcro will bo a full line hero, so
do not lemaln at home on the p'ea of having
no costume, but joiu tho ranks and help tho
flro company along.
An "Exile Fiom Erin," ortho "Dark Hour
Beforo Slorn," was produced iu tho I. O, O. F.
hall here last evening by tho George A. Hill
Opera Company. Mr. Hill took tbo port of
tho exilo to perfection and ho was ably as
sisted by tho other members of the troupe
The audience was a great deal larger than 011
Morday evening, but this company doeervon
a larger audience than they havoyot received.
Tho fuueial of W. J. Yarwotth took placo
from his into homo on Frontwino street.
Deceased was an aged and respected citizen
and leaves many friends to mourn his loss.
Interment was mado at Shainokhi.
Our former townsman, Thomas J. Farrell,
succeeded in passing a civil service examina
tion for inspector, and he exi ects to obtain a
position in tho Custom Housa at Philadel
phia. "Tom" is a first class fellow and wo
hopo ho will be successful.
Martin II let his becamo the father of a
bouncing baby girl yesterday.
Go to tho hall this evening and eco 'Fast
Lynno," which will he produced by tho Hill
Opera Company. This is 1111 old but appre
ciated play. Yen may be sure that Hill's
Company will play it up to the standard.
Tho "dead game Hinglish sports" ate plac
ing their money on "Clmwloy" Mitchell.
The following waul Held was mado at tho
Republican primaries here on Tuesday even
ing: Councilman, John Kilcullen; School
Director, Isaac Pumellj Inspector, S. G.
Middleton ; Judge of Election, John Thomas
FcIIowb; Conferrets, John T. Fellows,
Timothy Oraney and S. G. Middleton Tho
conferries will meet in tho Middle ward on
Saturday evening, next, and so far as ran bo
ascertained they will confer their favnrsupoii
Gomer Jones for Hurgcse; Daniel Collins for
Receiver of Taxes; William Heil'iicr for High
Constable ; James Mowrey, Nathan Honer
and S. G. Middleton for Auditors.
"Tom" Hughes, Swansea, and Jewph
Morgan, better known as "St. Clair Joe," aro
endeavoring to arrange a AO-yard dash for
$35 a sldo and thechamplouthlpof Gllbertou,
to take place the latter part of next mouth.
Special low prie to all in watches, jewelry
and silverware at Holdcrman's, corner Main
and Lloyd streets. 12 27-tf
Do you wish to enjoy good health, if so, use
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which cleaneo
thu bowels and purify the blood.
Coupon Mo. 14.
"KasUrpieces Frcm tbo
Ait Galkriu of ths World,"
ajjumbers Changed Daily
Send or bring to the offlee ot this
I'aper -one Coupuu, together with ten
cents tn money, and you'.wlU receive
the great Portfolio. of Art.
Ily courtesy of the Colliery Engineer, Scranton, I'a.)
Theabovolsan oxcollcnt likeness of the lato Gen William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk,
who was Congrcssman-at-Large from Pennsylvania at the timo of his death, G abulia A.
Grow is tho Republican candldato for successor to Gen. Lilly.
The undersigned will
Below OojsTfc.
At and
This is a genuine closing out sale.
April 1st. Don't miss
, 29 N.
Henry snd William Miller, of Orwigsburg,
did husinoss hero yesterday.
Ex-Commissioner Bowes will soon remove
his family and household goods to Pottsvillo,
where ho will occupy Patrick Tray's old
stand on Centro etreot.
Goorge Kachcl is about again, after a
week's sickness.
Mrs. James Williams lies very ill at her
homo In Ashland.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. W Becker,
of Second street, was tho sceno on Tuesday
evening of a very pleasant social guthoring.
The guests were Messrs. A. C. Arnold and U.
Brooks Hooper, and Missos Cassio Klein and
Laura Lorraine, of Mahanoy City, and Miss
Gertrude Fcutz, of Philadelphia. After I
luncheon, the hours were swiftly whiled
away with iustruiucntal and vocal music and
Moso Mervlno Is erecting a largo barn on a
lot in the roar of Ogdcn street, recently
purchased from Joseph Karpf.
Mrs. Joseph Sbafstell diod at her home in
Davis' row, on Tuesday, aged 23 ycais She
is survived by her husband and a young
child. Services will bo held at the house at 2
o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment in tbo
Odd Fellows' ccmetory.
Tho Demoeratle conferrtos from the threo
Gilberlou wards will meet at Malzeville on
Saturday evening to nominate borough
officials. Ilulllhan's nomination for Chief
Burgess is almost assured and James Leahy's
chancce for Receiver of Taxes aro equally
bright. It is qullo ure however, that "Dan"
Collins, for Receiver of taxes from this ward,
will bo staunchly backed by the Plane con
ferrces. Ed. Munley, of Ashland, talked business
here yesterday.
James McGiath, of Shenandoah, was a
visitor on Wednesday afternoon.
M. E. McGrath, of Girardvillc, spent an
hour in town yesterday afternoon.
M. J. Wright started out with the grip this
morning not la grippe, however.
"Hilly" Butler and "Jerry" Leary, two
local middle-weights, will spar threo friendly
rounds to open tho boxing entertainment in
Rloidan's hall this evening. Tho "go"
between Hughes, of Philadelphia, and
Conrey, of Lost Creek, will take placo be
tween 0 and 10 o'clock. All invited.
Lawrcmo Ncary has retired from business
in I'ottsvillo to cngago iu the green grocery
trade at this placo.
Vic. Burchill, of tho Monarch House, lies
dangerously 111 with pneumonia.
Misses Susie and Bessie Hackctt, formerly
of Shenandoah, but lately of Latrobe, visited
Mrs. J. F. Reynolds on Tuesday evening.
Miss Katla Kelly, of Mahanoy City, la
visiting her mother in the West ward.
1'npera Wanted, ,
In order to complete flics lour copies of tho
Evening Hekald of September 10th, Octo
bor 21st and 28th, IttO, aro wanted,
Address, Hkuai.I) olliee, Shenandoah, Fa. tf
Have you tried McElhcnny's fried oysters I
llulililll'. Cafe.
When seeking a neat and well conducted
cafo, go to Burcblll's, e'oruer Main and Coal
streets. Polite and prompt attention. 11 7-tI
Wonders' oue dozen $3 cabinets fori?!. S. E.
Cor. Centre and Maikct Sts., Pottsville.
11-21 tf
Dsn Wells' Laundry Blue, the teit
Cluing for laundry use. Each package makes
j wo quarts, lBcts. Bold by Coailoy Bros.
sell bis entire stock of
The goods must bo sold bofore
Main Sf., Shenandoah.
Notice to .Societies, Ktc.
Tho Herald oflico is prepared to furnish,
on short notice, programmes, badges, etc.,
guaranteeing tho finest workmanship at tho
lowest rates. 1000 samples to solect from.
The most exquisite dosigus to suit any society
or organization.
IPS' apr"acwa"tfr wwisiu v
Series No. 1.
Tiie i- JVEagic City
Coupon No. 2.
X'r Cut out ono of these Coupons
and mall or bring them lu person
to tho offlco of tho Hekai.d, with ten
cents In silver, or two nickels, and Port
folio No. 1 of tho Muclo City- will
be delivered to you.
NOTICE All debtor to the lato Charles II.
smover may maUn settlement by calling
at 217 W'ost cost street.
TTtTANTKR A Hi elvmn with small capital
V to handle all kinds of slot machines.
For pir'lcul ira . undress Chas. T. Maloy,
Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. l '.M!t
lots, 3(4 nt ry house with amatory kitchen,
lurue Hied, two good wells andsiroamot water
running through the property: nice bearing
fruit tiees: lots in good ktato of cultivation;
known formerly as Park Hotel. Bultable for
any kind of business. For further particulars
write or call on
l-SMm Ilracdonville, Sell. Co., Pa.
XT OTICE FOR PROPOSAL1-1 Proposals will
Xy bereclv( up to February 15, ltat, for
aiuKimc iwii!2j snau.Hiinescoitcoiiiervlne&t'
Hhamnkln. Pa . for tho Union Coal Comoanv.
One shaft to he 31 feet bv 12 feet in thnclenr.
ni.d the other shaft tn be 2i feet by 12 feet In
the clear. Each Maft to be sunk to a depth of
apply to
1-S1 Ot Sharookln, Pa.
VTOTK E After February 1st visitors will
be admitted io ihe Almshouse only on the
iiinu mureuny oi eaeu iiiontu. wiiq no uamia.
stun on tur.dujs. Vlsltora deslr.DL- mralswill
be reoulreo to nv thlrlv cents rer meal.
jxuKninperB inscrnrg mis aaverusement
wltrout a written order will not be paid for
.MOO 11 DAY,
Hoard of Poor Directors.
Attest: J.J. O'CONNOH, Clerk
Schuylkill Vo. Almshouse, Jan. 22, '01. 1-58 Ct
pittsburg Novelty Store
Chluaware, Queensware, Glassware and
examine the stock
and be convinced wo carry the very best line.
No. 35 West Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Hooks Sc. Brown.
Full line of Sta
tionery, Day Books,
Ledgers and Blank
Books. All latest
Libraries kept con
stantly in stock.
Agents for all Newspapers,
Magazine, Periodicals, etc
No. 4 South Mam Street.
From the
Art Galleries
of the World
This collection of tho
lost Beautiful
Havo been selectod by a lover of pictures
after years of labor and great cxpenso.
They will represent everything
that is popular ln pictures.
They aro tho
Tho Gainst Mists :
They oro given away to readers
of this papor.
They aro issued In parts containing 15
masterpieces and ono paj;c of descriptive
matter about, tho picluio and tho attist.
Thejfiistof thoso parts is now rcatly
for elolivory and will bo mailed to any of
our readers who will cut out tho coupon
on the fourth papo of this paper and for
ward it to us with ten cents, either in
ooin or postafio stamps. To city tubscri-
bors it w ill bo dclivored over our counter
on receipt of Ono Coupon and ton cents.
Succeeding parts will bo sent on re
ceipt of Six Coupons and ton cents.
Every ono who hah seen tho part says
that it is well worth two dollars.
Wo rely upon tho increase of subscrip
tions to repay us for mir cxpenso.
Therefore wo ask you to give tho extra.
coupons this week to your friends anil
havo them get tho first part. Wo know-
that when thoy pel tho first' they will
waut all tho others and will have to tako
the paper regularly to get tho coupons.
That is tho whole idea.
This series of art pictnres will be the
most complete ami magnificent ever
Every artist of note.through tho world,
contributes his or her best work to the.
The engravings aro of tho very highest
gradoof Photographic Copper half-tones,
and aro perfect reproductions of the mag
nificent originals. Do not neglect to cut
out the coupon to-day anil got your part
Immediately and don't forget your
friend 8.
The Story of tho Work.
A lover of pictures, a man of means,
making a tour of the art galleries of the
world, realized that tho luxury of seeing
all these beauties was limited to tbo very
wealthy, and to them only by wearisome
and expensive traveling and time. "Why
not in tbo present ago of perfect photogra
phlo reproduction, why not reproduce
tho most beautiful, this most popular, tho
most noted of theso art trenmres?" was
tho question ho asked hiniiclf. Why
not indeed; no sooner thought of than
lio applied his means and presligo to
secure largo photographs of tho choice
Ths result is "JlASTniii'iJXF.s fhom
this At Gai.lemes of tjik Would."
Tbo original idua was to Ikmio tho book
in parts just as Is now being done; but to
charge $2.50 a part or 8100 00 in all.
Now, a syndicate of newspaper pub
lishers bus purchased tho photographs
and plates and is issuing them to "Boom.
Now, every one may havo this magni
ficent work w bioh was originally inteudeel
for tho rioh man's palace.
Such Is tbo ioico of nineteenth century
invention, machinery, entorprise, anil
desire for oiretilalton.
Tho Way To Get It.
For tho first pari, bring to this office
ono of tho coupons printed on page 4 and
10 cents.
For subsequent parts, send six coupona
and 10 cents.
Out of town readors may semi their
coupons and n'Otiey by letter to us and
the parts will be mailed to the.n direct
from New York.
What Wo Exp eot Y ou to
Do For Us.
Every day a coupon will bo printed on
the fourth jiago of this paper. For this,
fihbt, you require only one of those cou
pons, give the others to different friends
who should be nadtrsof this paper.
Induce them to bring tho coupons to the
office and secure tho first jiart of "Mas
terpieces." After that we aie quite sure they will
tako and read tho paper regularly to
obtain tiio other parts.
If ailor that we cannot hold them as
regular readors, It will be our owu fault.
Do not be uneasy if you do not receive
your mall ordor for a few days. The
demand is to great that It is sometimes
impossible to keep up with orders.