The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 25, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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How it Happened.
Tho following rcnmrkahlo event In a lady's
Ilfewllllntorcsttheieadors "I'oraloim 11 mi" 1
had a terrible patti nt my heart, which Hut
tered almost Incessantly. Iliad no appetite
and could not. sleep. I would be cotniielleii
to sit up In bed and belcli gas from my atom
arh until I thought overy minute would In
niy hist. There was a feeling of oppru--loii
almutmy heurt, and I was afraid to draw u
full breath, I couldn't Bweep a room with
out, sitting down and resting; but,
Ood, by the help of Now Heart Cure nil thai
l past and I feel llko nnothcr woman. lle
'im using the Now Heart Cure I had taken
different so-called remedies and been treated
uy doctors without any benetit until I vn
hot h discouraged and disgusted. My husband
hotightmo a botllo of Dr. Miles' New Heart
i urc, and am happy to say 1 never rogietteri
It, as 1 now have a splendid appetite end
.leep well. I weighed 12.1 ounds when I be
.."i it taking the remedy, and nowl neigh 130'.
Its effect In my case hus been truly immei
ims. It far surpasses any other medicine J
hive ever taken or any benefit 1 ever ie
lived from physicians."- Mrs. Harry Stair,
l'nttsvllle. Pn , October 12. 1HM.
llr Miles' New Heart Cure Is sold on a posl
t ie guarantee by all druggists, or by the Hi
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, I ml., on lecelpt oi
price, $1 per bottle, six bottles 85, expiess pre
nld. Ibis great discovery by an eminent
-iieciatNt In heart, disease, contains neither
.-U'iutes nor dangerous drugs.
No. 207 West Coal Street,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
183 West Contre Street,
Malianoy City, Pa.
Autistic Decoiiator
Painting and Paperuanglng.
I'erftct work.
Ilai g.un-. in naln's and oils, plain and stained
yU-. Ad the new patterns In wall pper.
nadv oidweenly papers, novels, novelettes
ml stationery
Oeadriaartors for Evening Herald.
Hordes ono Carriages to Hire.
''vMT.f ot ail kinds promptly attqndod tc
H nraes taken to board, at rates
'.hat are liberal.
On PMR ALLEY. Rear of (he Coffee lioase.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
X Oliaa llettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vlolnlty, also Bergnor
& Eugel's celebrated India
Pale Ales aud Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors aud Cigars.
120 South Main Street.
New Discovery.
Majors' Magnetlo Catarrh Cure is used by
upor uiuilatlon ana Is the only medicine ot
the kind ever put on the market. IJy lnhalntlon
tbe medicine Is not poured Into th stomach
and tlu'iico sent anderlng through the sys
tem. Hut by Inhalation the medicine Is ap
plied directly to the deceased organ and tho
only way to reach the affected parts In tho
rose, Kvery bottle Is guaranteed by the
druggist PrloeJl por bottle. Guaranteed to
i-uro. For snle by all druggists.
It's used dlllorenl from any other medicine.
Our auvertised agents and all drngglsta are
Instruct d to return the money to any one who
falls to lie cured by Mayers' Magnetic Catarrh
I'ure. Prliie one dollar for 3 months' treat
ment This la saying a great deal, but it baa
never failed. For sale by druggists, or address
Tho Muycrs Drug Co,, Oakland, Md,
3?or t Taa.t m.XL& Claao.
fnnti In the tonsorlnl line done In Ural
Everything neat and clean.
unMwwim cfun.ri.a.msiRn.H
. .P. lu Mum. uiiMuirMuh
Terriblo Holocaust on a County
roor r arm in lowa.
They Were. Alt Violently Iii.nne, and
Were Left In the ltulldlug Unattended.
The Ill-inter Kvldcntly linn to Ofllrtal
Boosts, In., ,Tntv95. The building on
tho llootie county pSur farm In which tlio
Incurable Insane were common was burned
at 10 p. m., and eight of the nine Inmate
wero burned to death. Unly ono woman,
Mrs. lllbbard, escaped from the burning
bulldltiK, 'ihd Kave the alarm to the stew
ard, llolcomb, who wait In the main build
lng; ad jaeetit. It was then loo late to save
the Insane people, and the main lmlldinK
was saved only by tho greatest effort. Tho
steward says that ho banked tho fires ill '
tho furnace about 0 o'clock, and does not
know how the lire originated, uuless from
n defective flue.
The dend are: Mary Tucker, John An-
nasnlggs, Anna Soderburg, ChrlHtlne An
derson, Christine Polerson, Mrs. Scott,
Tom Leaser and Joseph Craig.
the building burned was nn old two
story frame striictnre.vvhtch watas dry as
tinder. To add to the lnllanimahle na
ture of tho plnce, many of the partitions
were padded with cotton and some of the
bed clothing was of cotton batting three
inches thick. This wag because only the
incurably insane were kept there. These
patients were nearly all violent, and the
great amount of cotton padding was used
to prevent them injuring themselves. Tho
building was hented by n furnnco which
was Inst summer condemned by a local
expert as unsafe, but no attention had ap
parently been paid to his warning.
Mr. llolcomb, the steward, says thnt
when he got out doors the flames wero
bursting from all of tho windows of tho
frame structure, and it was a mnss of
flames inside, lie burst open a door, but
was driven back by the Haines, which in a
few moments had burned tho building to
the ground. The main building was saved
by pouring on water which the heat of tho
flro melted from a hugo snow drift along
side the building. No one saw the people
who were burned to denth, and whether
they made any effort to escape enn never
be known. There seems to have been i,j
attendant of any kind in tho building
where the insane people were locked up.
The Amerleiin Protective Association.
Uloominoton, Ills., Jan. 2." Tho num
ber ot delegates to the state convention of
the American Protective association have
been largely augmented. The declaration
of principle adopted declares: Nation
ality is not a bar to membership in tho
order; wo interfere with no mail's partisan
politics; w-e attack no man's religion so
lonir as he does not attempt to mako his
religion an element of political power; wo
regard all religious-political organizations
as the enemies or civil and roliclous 11D-
erty; wo are in favor of laws taxing church
Ilestrurtlve Flro at flreenslillrg.
GltF.KNMU'ItO, Pa., Jan. 25. Grcensburg
was visited by a very destructive lire,
which destroyed tho upholstering estali-
llshment of llentz & ISenklscr, together
with stock amounting in nil to j2,.100. Tho
Itecord building was also destroyed, in
cluding the entire printing out lit owned
by Caleb A. Stark, the aggregate loss of
which will bo 40,000, and tht hardwaro
storo of Henry Temple was damaged to
the extent of 3,000. Somo believe that
tho lire was ot Incendiary origin.
Murdered for Ills Insurance lNillcy.
ItACINK, Wis., Jan. &. The authorities
here are looking for the widow of Herman
Groeuke, who died last August very sud
denly of what was reported to he cholera.
Soon after receiving $1,000 insurance tho
woman married a young butcher anil they
left for Aew ork. An analysis just com.
pl.-ted shows large quantities of nrsenio
in iliu stomach. The authorities will en
deavor to apprehend the widow anil try
her lor murder.
Hunting Down u Murderer.
Indiana, I'a., Jan. 35. Diligent search
is being inado for Jacob Ilooknineir, who
I- i ...i.t. .1... i .. r ..,. ...
is ciwircii Willi me iiiuruer in uui until
Cunningham while tho men were hunting
in tireen township, this county, on Thurs
day last, and whose body was found the
day following. Dozens of men nro hunt
ing for the murderer, ami many of them
assert that if ho is found the courts will
be saved the trouble of trying him.
More Victims of ItanUers.
Mradvillk, ln., Jan. So. The court
appointed James 1). Itnberts, an attorney,
nnd Win S. Hose, an insurance agent,
appraisers for the property of the Mead
villo Savings bank. The nmouiit on de
posit is a little over $126,000. A party on
thu inside says that the bad paper and
shrinkage in real estate will reduce the
amount of tho assets' to perhaps $25,000.
Sullivan Will Kut See tlio I'lcht.
COLUMDIA, I'a., Jan. 25. Tho report
sent out from llarrlshurg to the ellect
that John I.. Sullivan had left that place
for Jacksonville to see the Corbett
Mltchell tight is incorrect. John L. ap
peared here last night.
llrolio Ills Neck by a Fall.
Siiamoicin, Ta., Jan. 25. William Davis,
a door boy, nged 15 years, wlillo running
along the gangway in Luko Fidler mine,
Btumbled and fell so heavily that his neck
was broken.
Hanker Koettlng Gets Five Yenra.
MtLWAUKKK.Jaii. !& John II. Koettlng,
cashier of tho defunct South Side Savings
bank was sentenced to a term of five years
at the state prison at Waupon.
Decided shocks of earthquake wero felt
throughout central Maryland last night.
A man and woman were found frozen to
death on the prairie fifteen miles from Kl
Keuo, I. T'
A passenger train collided with a freight
train near Samara, Kussia. Five naphtha
trucks were set on flro, aud fifteen peruous
lost their Uvea.
A Cape Town dispatch says that Com
missloner Looh has sent Uoold-Adnms,
with 600 men and four maxim guns, to
bury the remains of the Wilson party and
then search for King Lobengula.
At Chattanooga, Tenn., Alouzo Thomp
son and Mollio Jletlow quarreled Tues
day night, and after setting flro to the
house Thompson left. Tho flames were
extinguish od. Yesterday Thompson re
turned and cut the woman's throat with
& razor. Ho then committed suicide by
NOVEMIIKIl 19th. 1893.
Tratns will leave Staonandoah after the abort
.-itio, st. ciMr, Pottsvuie, Hamburg, uenainK,
x uiiPtunu. x'uujdixvuiu, fx vrriaiown ana tnii
a. m and 4. IS p. m. on weekdays ForPott.
I vlllo and Intermedium stations 9:10 a m
Tor Wtggan's, Ollbcrton, Fracavllle, New
. Castle. St. Clair, Pottsvlllo at 0:UO. 8 MO a. m.
I and 3:1(1 p.m. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottt
. town, Pbomlxvllle, Norrlstown, Phlladelphh
I at o-.IIO, 6:40 ii. m.. 3:10 p. m.
Trains loavc Fraekrlllo for Hhcnanaoah a
'l0:4H.i. m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10: J7 n m
undays, 11:13 a m. and S:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10: lb.
ll:4Xa, m. and 4:40.7:16 and 10:UUn. m.Sundavs
at 10:40 a. m. and 6:16 p. m.
L,envc ruuaasipma (iiroaa street station) let
Pottavlllo and Huouan loan at 6 67 and E 38 a m
4 10 and 7 II pm week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 M a m.
For Now York BxnraiM. week ilav..
at 3 W, 4 06, 4 60, 6 15, 6 SO, 7 33, i 0, 9 50, 11 00
11 11 u m. 12 00 noon, 12 II p. m. (Limltid Ei
Jress 1 03 and 4 60 p m. dining cars.) 1 40,
90. 190 too, 6 00. 8 00. 6 60, t& 811.
10 00 r in, 12 01 night. Sundays 3 80, 4M, 4 SO,
.If 18,9 60. 1111 S3, a m. lit 41, 1 40, 2 M, !
'limited 4 SOI 6 an. 8 20. 8 60 t 25 id812p tn and
12 01 night
teor sea Ulrt. uong nranon no intermediate
tattons Hill. 1114 a m. and 4 00. n u,
For Haltlmore and Watnngt3n 80. 7 30, 1 SI
9 10 10 90. I tH n in. 12 10. (12 81 limited rtlnmc
onr.) 1 Hi), 8 4H, 4 tl (5 la Congrelonal Limited
I'mimao rarlor Oars and Dining Oar), 6 17,
"3b, 7 4H aid 11 S3 p. m w?li days. Sun
days, .') Ml. 7 a), J 10, 11 18 am. W 10, 4 41, DM,
it D ana 7 w pro.
Forlttohmond 700am, 1210 and 1131 p it,
'ally, and 1 30 p. tc week lays.
Tratns will leave liarrisbur? for Plttshnrt
no the West overy d7 at t a), it 11 a m, (S 20
pm limited), 3 80, 7 30. II 65 p ru every day.
v a; tor Aiioon at d id am ana niupm every
lay Foi Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a tn
irery chit.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllllamspon,
Mnilra, Canandaigua, Rochester, lljffilo ar.fl
Niagara Falls at 1 35. 5 13 a tn,and t 38 p m waek
.ays. For Blmlra at 6 4 p m weAk davs. For
.rte and Intermediate points at 6 18 am dally,
"or Lock Haven at 6 13 and 9 58 a m dally, 1
-no 6 4 p m week days For Kenovo at 613 a
a, 1 3d sad 6 41 cm werk days, and 6 it a m on
tundays oui. For K at a 18 tr., dally,
t iuev lays.
. M. Pkhvohx, J. 't. ".ion
1mn i fr . ir I ass'r1- Art
CAUTION. If denier offers W. I.
Douglas Shoes nt nroduced price, or snya
he has them without nmno stnmped on
bottom, put him flown as a, fraud.
W, I. DOUGLAS Shoes ore stylish, easy tH
tlnjf, nnd plve better satisfaction at the prices ad
vertised any other maki . Try one pair and
be convinced. Tho stamping of . I- Douglas
name and price on the bottom, winch guarantees
their value, saxes thousands of dollars annually
to those who weir them. De ilers who puhh the
sale of W, L, Douglas Shoes pain customers,
which helps to increase the s.ilcs on their full line
of (food-.. They can afford to sell nt a less profit,
and we believe you can save monr y by buying all
your footwear of the dealer advertised below.
Catalogue free upon application. .Address, DOUGLAS, Uruckton. Mnss. Soldbv
Joseph Ball, Shenaudoah.
O. F. Roth, Hingtown.
The place ;for,bustness men to send
their surplus stock of every descrip
tion for sale.
Tuesda)s, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Anybody can Bend goods ot overy description
to tbo rooms nnd they will be sold at auction
on tbo usual terms. All goods coldon corneals-
don and settlements made on tbe day follow
log 'he sale.
1 i- ) A 1
Dougherty Iiulldlng,
Onr Contro and Janlin Sr.roor.i
A great show,
Tho favorite Irish Comedian,
Eugene O'Rourke,
In tbo enormously successful
New Irish Comedy Drama,
Presented with
A Clever Company,
Special Elaborate Scenery
New Songs and Dances.
Price, 25, 50 nml 75 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlln'a'drur store.
I', j, rEitauaoN, manaoeii.
Farewell tour of
As "Gilmosey Me Boy" In
Qpinies' Cellar Doof
A Revised Piece.
Now and Larger Company.
1'cTcl and Beautiful ttm in Dress and Dance
Prices, 35, 35 nnd 50 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Egypt's Hnler Will Not Humid Himself
at l:iiglnttd'a t'niutiiaiid.
CAIRO. Jan 'J.-. The sit tint inn of affairs
here, arising from the khedive's recent
obnoxious criticisms of the Kgyptian
army and of the llittish ofilcers who have
hern instrumental
in organizing the
Egyptians Into fair
lighting material,
indecidedly serious,
anil If the Miedlve
persists in his pres
ent attitude it may
even lead to his re
moval from the
throne. The protest
which 1ird Cro
mer, the llritlsh
ronsiil general and
minister plenipo
tentiary, made to
the khedive.accom
AtlBAS II, or IOVPT. lmlf,,l. lt ,
by a demand for an apology, was made
nn t lie direct order of the Karl of Hose-
berry, the secretary-of state for foreign
It Is now stated here that Lord Cromer
had also requested the khedlve to Issue a
deciee praising the troops whom ho had
previously blamed The khedivelins most
emphatically refused to submit to such a
public humiliation, and it Is believed by
those who know him most intimately that
Abbas Pasha will resist to the utmost the
demands made by the British minister
plenipotentiary. England is equally de
termined that if the khedlve remains on
the throne he will have to make some
sort of a retraction.
Tile Knglish lKipulatloii of Cairo is
greatly excited at the present asiiect of
affairs, and It is distinctly asserted that,
the Khedive is acting with a set purpose,
nml ii)ioii direct promptings, carefully
arrived at, and coming from a foreign
power antagonistic to Kngland.
Ilnw Siberian lilies A-ro Ahnvcd,
ST. I'KTKIlsiUiHO, Jan. 5. V'resh light
has been thrown upon the Siberian prlMiu
Bystein by a visit of the governor of the
Amour provinces to Xicholalvak. lie
found the condition of that prison in
describably bad, nnd reports that the
prisoners never receive warm food, and
that the sanitation is deplorable. If this
stnteof things exists In one of the oldest
and largest prisons ot eastern Siberia it is
easy to imagine what hnpie!is in the min
ing districts of tile north.
Hydrophobia friini a Cat's Illto.
IlKMiKitsos. Ky.. Jan. 25. Acat belong
ing to Charles Kogg, a farmer, became
affected with rallies and hit every member
ol the lamlly before it was killed. Two
children who were liltten by the cat died
after MifTeruiK all the horrors of hydro
phobia, aud the fnther also became a vic
tim to the dread disease. Two other
member of the family were prostrated
with the malady, but have recovered.
More TlileWntr Itnnlirrs Indicted.
Mot NT Ktkhlixo, Ky., Jim. 2fi. The
Montgomery county grand jury has just,
returned indictments' against William
Mitchell, president; Charles M. (irilbhs.
cashier, and Mrs. Laura M. Hent, clerk of
the iNew l'nriners hank, in this city.
which closed its doors July 27, 18H3, The
indictment charges them with having re
ceived deposits when they knew the bank
was insolvent.
Easily Taken !Jp
Cod Liver Oil as it
appears in Scott's
Emulsion is easily
taken up by the
system. In no
other form can so
much fat-food be
assimilated with
out injury to the
organs of digestion
01 v.ou iiver uu vvitn n vnonens
phites has come to be an iu licle
of every day use, a prolnpt aiui
infallible cure for Colds, Coughs,
Throat troubles, and a positive
builder of flesh.
Prepared by Scott A Bownc.N Y. AH lrniririts.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
1'cnn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le
hlKhton, Slatlneton, White Hall, Cntasuuqua,
Allentown, Uothlehem, Easton, Philadelphia
hazleton and Weatnerly at 6.01, 7.U8, 9.15 a m.,
12.43, S 5 p. m.
For N,v Yorlr, 8.04, 7.38. 0.1!i a. m., 18.13, S.M
For Quak Ito. Hwltctuuclc, cierharda and Hud
sondalo, 6 01, 0.15 a. m., and 2,57 p. m,
For Ilazleton, Wllkes-llarre, White Haven
Pittston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly
and Klmira, O.tfl. D.IS a. tn., 2.67, 5 27 p. m.
For Rochester, lluSalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 6.01. 9. 15 a. m. and 2 57 5.27 p. m.
For llelvtdere, Delaware Water Qap and
Strnudsburg, 6.01 a, m., 2.57 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 3.15 a m.
For Tunkaan&ock, 6.01, 9.15 a. m 2.67. 5 27 p ra
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01. 9.15 a. m. 5 27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. tn.
For Jeaneavllle, Levlstonandllea" Meadow,
7.88 a. m., 6.87, 8.08 p. m.
For Audenrled, Hazleton, Stocktou aud Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7.28, 9.15, a. to., 12.43, 2.57
b 27 p. m.
For Seranton, 6.04, 9.15, a. ra., 2.17, 5.27 p. in.
For Uatlebrook, Jedao, Drtfton and Freoland,
6.04, T.l, 9.16, a. m., U.43, 2.57, 5.27 a.
For Ashlund, Ulrardvllle and Lost Creek, l.!2,
7.61, 8.(8, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.36, 8.22, 9.16
p. m.
For lUven Run, Centralia, Mount Catmel acd
Sbatnokln, 7.06, 8.60, 11.1 a. m., 2 28, 4.40, 8.22
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Malianoy City and
Delano. 6.01. 7.38. 9.15. 11.05 a m.. 12.43. 2.57.
6 27. 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. in.
Trains win leave snamouin at c.ib,, 11.43
a m., 1.6a, 4.30 9.30 p. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 7 38, 9. 16 a. m.. 12.48, 2.67. 5.27, 1 1.15 p. m.
Leave Sbonandoah for Potuvllle. s.nj. 7.38
9.08, 9.15, 11.06 11.30 a. m., 12.4l, 2.57, 4.10 6.27. 8.08
p. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.35
9.01. a. m.. 12.38. 3.00 1.10.. 5.20. 7.15.
7.66 10.00 p.m.
Leave snenanaoan ror Hajleton.a.04, 7.88. 9.16,
a. m., 18.43, 2.67, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leavo Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7 115, 10.00,
11.06 a. m., 12.15. 2.(6, 6.30, 7.28. 7.56 p. m.
Trains leave for Aabland, Qlrardvtlle and Lost
Creek, 7.89, 9.40 a. tn., 12.30, 2.46 p. m.
For Ilazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Ponn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Uethlebem, Eiaalon and New York, 8.40 a m
12.30, 2.56 p. m.
For l'hlladelpbla 18.30. 8.56 p m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Malianoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.36 a, m., 18.30, 2,65, 4.40 9.03 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3a, 11.80
a. m, 1.5 1,6.30 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottavllle, b.60, 8.40,
9.30 a. tn., 2.46 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m., 1.36, 6,15 p. m.
R, U. WILUUR, Qenl. Bupt. Eastern Dlv
South liotblehem, Pa.
CIIAS, S. LUK, Qenl, PaB.Agt..
A, W. NONNEMACUER, Asst. 0. P. A.,
South Uethlebem, Pa
The House DeoiiTea That It Shall
bo on the Free List
The l:nnrt to Kxrttido the Income Tax
hs a Itlder to the Mraure Thus Iar
Ulill(resfill Tim Senate I)lruips the
Hawaiian Milddlw,
AViltNnTov, Jan. 49. The amend
ments to the iron schedule yesterday
shared the same fate as those to the coal
tehedule. They were overwhelmingly de
feated and iron ore remains upon the free
list. The remainder of the afternoon was
silent in the discussion of amendments
looking ttithefreeadmissluiKif machinery
used in the manufacture of cotton goods.
Just before the house adjourned the ad
vocates and opponents of the Income tax
tliHin the Democratic side were arrayed
against each other, the latter attempting
to prevent .Mr. McMllliii from reporting
the internal revenue bill to the house.
The llcpuhllcaiis, however, joined hands
with the income tnxers and defeated the
small baud of Democrats who have
pledged themselves to use every effort to
prevent the internal revenue 1)111 contain
ing the Income tax from lieing placed
uiMin the Wilson bill as a rider. Mr. Wil
son, chairman of the committee, who is
in sympathy with them, allowed the de-
j bate upon the Iiubblns amendment to run
on without interruption, It wa until, tor
the express purpose of consuming time,
so that the committee amendments) which
lie has to offer will, when he again takes
the Moor, exhaust the debate until Satur
day night and thus shut out the possibil
ity of the internal revenue bill being of
fered as an amendment to the 'Wilson
bill. A great deal of hltterfoellng exists,
how ever, mid should such a program be
followed it would unquestionably lead to
charges of bad faith.
I he Hawaiian question canio promi
nently before the senate again, and after
an hour's brisk discussion went over. The
result of the deliate was to show that there
is division both in the Democratic and
Republican ranks as to the wisdom of
adopting the resolution reported by the
foreign relations committee. Senator
Vest objected to it on tho ground that it
indicated the project for annexation might
be more favorably received in the future,
and Senator Allison and other Republi
cans objected to it on the ground that ac
cording to their interpretation the resolu
tion pledged the senate as altogether op
posing the principle of annexation and as
approving the policy of the president in
tills respect. The resolution is likely to
be subjected to material changes before
llnal adoption.
Just before adjournment Senator Vent
quoted from a United Stntes supreme
court decision to show that the president's
grounds for vetoing the N'ew York and
New Jersey bridge bill were unttrely un
tenable. ltl-limr. U' Yllt tn Merlin.
llRliMS, Jan. 25. It is now definitely
announced Mint Frlnce llisnmrck will
arrive in llerlin tomorrow noon. Ho will
alight nt the llauovnriaii railroad station,
where he will be received witli great
pomp, llerlin itelf will bedeoorateil anil
brilliantly illuminated at night. The
students have announced their intention
of turning out eu masse. The ilifferont
municipal bodies and societies are prepar
ing to do honor to thu ex chancellor.
fiervla's Parliament 1'ioiogiird.
llllLOHAliK. Jan. i.". A ukno was read
nt the allernoon sitting of the SUupst
cldna prnroguiug the Servian parliament.
Tlio Liberal I'rogressit leadera have prom
ised to support, tho new ministry. A do
cree will be issued this week granting
amnesty for political oileii'-os and thereby
quashing tho impeachment of the Avnku
movios cabinet.
lteriiKC to Resign.
Washington, Jan. 3ii. A week or more
ago Secrctnry Curlisle called for t he resig
nation of James llrady, Jr., colleclor of
customs at Kail Itivcr, Mass. Mr. Ilraily
refuses to comply with tho secretary's re
quest, and tho case will very soon he
called to the attention of tho pronidcut,
who has the power of removal.
Fears for a K!dE,apd Child.
VlLKK8liAKliU, la., Jan. 23. Eddlo
Urotherton, tho 0-year-old boy who was
kidnaped from his home in Ashley last
l'riday, is still missing. There is a grow
ing belief that the kidnapers, fearing de
tection, have murdered the boy uud hid
tlio body.
An i:H'lt4ive CoIIImIoh.
Point I'lkasant, N. .1., Jan. So. Two
pnssenger trains on the Jersey Central
road collided at Manasquau draw, wreck
ing the engines of both trains, and caus
ing damages amounting to over $20,000.
No lives were lost.
Closing Quotation mi the New York and
Philadelphia ICxchanges.
New Yomc, Jan. 31. Tho share speculation
la the stock market today was fairly active,
and was attended by no excitement even In
the sugar pool. Thu main tendency ot prlcw
was upward. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley.... 304 W. N. Y. & Pa.. 2V1
Pennsylvania .... 494j
Heading 20
St. Paul 00
Lehigh Nuv 52
N. Y.&N. E 13Js
New Jersey Con. .114
Erie Life
1)., L. & XV 1(W
West Shore Mi
N. Y. Central.... Km
Lake Erie A: XV. . 1H
l)el.& IIudbon...l3i
(leneral Iarket.
Philadelphia, Jan. 24. Flour dulls win
ter superfine, $2&2.10; do. eitras, $2.25
2.511; No. 2 w inter family, $2.50a2.06; Penn
B)lvanla roller straight, western
winter, clear, $2.7&ua. Wheat ipilet, steady,
with 63)4jc. bill and IW?o. asked for January.
Corn llrm, higher, ulth 41c. hid and 42Ho.
aaked for January. Uats quiet, firmer, with
854o. bid and 3.V1o. asked for January, licet
steady. Pork steady, more active; new mess,
SH.26aH.75. Lard weaker; western steam,
$85: refined quiet, at SUM. Itutter Arm, fair
demand; western dairy, I'iW&tte.; do. cream
ery, lwmiw.i do. factory, 13&16c.; Klglns,
2ftc.; imitation crcainery, 104aic.; New
York dairy, l&elik.-.; do. oreainery, l3-'e ;
Peunaylvanla creamery prints, fancy, 29c.; do.
choice, 2Sti6o.; do. fair to good, 2022c.;
prints Jobbing at 2730o. Clieene steady; New
York large, aillc.; do. small, lOttiitUV.;
fort skiuw, 4'ilU'.; full nklnw, 2Sl.3o. Kggs
ateady; Ice houe, 92.25(3.25 per oae; western
freab, 15c. er dozen; southern, UHMtltfHc.
1 2a at Mlmrty Live Stock Murkets.
East Liuehtv, I'a., Jan. Cattle dull;
prime to extra, $4. 1ft A; extra,
couunon to fair, S4Qk4.A, bull, t$iV-M; fat
cow a, $ bolugna ouw t to $13; lreli
cowb, 9U to $40. HotfH alow; all grades, $5 G6
(fl.75. lieep dull; )rlme, Sa.6iiUt.7&; fair to
Cood, 5a."VIa; common, (IQlf. f3.t
4.00. Yetl culvea, hitivy and thu.
r.b 5
The new vegetable shortetiimj.
Whcr-ivar rtlroducctl, it tmws
lard lrom Ilia l.itchen, tn-1 i .ili
getion from t'.j liouHt'lMM.
It Ins been t;i -cl by e .ry,
nnd has mrt every requirement.
Itiansnitt 1f t"ersjrtolui'dn i!ie
eleeHc lu;hc tl:e tallow dip.
The o'y ijrcr inn now is, will
yon frw : y -r "jlv the beuelits
which J;s tv. o ...iwsf
In composition, in healthluliiess,
In fu'Vor, or in economy.
Iti !-,ueeeS3 has called out a lot of
luiiuuioiiiS and counterfeits made
for the sole purpose of jh-11iu;
in the place and on the merits of
Avoid them nil. They are made
to sell and they are a sell.
Get the genuine Cottoi. kmc.
Sold hi 3 nnd pound p.illj.
Made onlj In
fSilccessor 10 Coaklpy Hrcs
Mo. ,i Hum I'eiHre Hired.
"llliNAMMMIl, 1A.
10 niinnm
Our Mntto: Host (JualHy at T owtist Caslt
Prices. Patronage respoctlul'y solicited
Kaiser's Oyster Bay!
127 South Alain Street,
A. P, KA1SKR, Proprietor.
SThe best oysters In all styles at all hours.
palace. Saloon....
and Restaurant,
(Under tbe Palace Theatre.)
The Itestuurant ts one of tbe best In the coa
regions, and has elcgauidlnlng parlors attached
for the ui.e of ladles.
Tho liar Is gtooliod with the best ales, beers,
portera, wines, liquors and clga s.
Of holes in a skimmer!
Lots of ways of throwing awas money On
or tbo best methods at economizing s to insura
In tlrst class, thoroughly redanlc ompunlee,
ellhor Ufi. tire or accident, suub as represented
y DAVID 0f?.A.TT1
No. 120 South Jardln street, Hbennndoab. Pa
A revolution
tn corset making!
HometliliiR new 1
No breaking ; no"1
TiilnntT nnd
cleaner than
whalebone, and ten I
times na rlastlo and
durable I,adirn deliRhtPd. Made
lu ail snapeu. ior hhii ny
Shenandoah, Pa.
Gsnara! Supply Store !
Wholeaaleand Uetall PKlCKis.
Ferguson House bltfg., Centre Htreet-
delicious to the taste, invigorating
and strengthening to the body,
made in ONE MINUTE from
Only 30 cts, for a full pound pacJcage
Fr. e nmplf on application to nuinnfvt ureti,
' " ""Jtjp rv
li- U. Severn. F K. Magargte. W. II Waters
3 i
Hj Ktiitrftnt'i ,trVu by BHI
BB uk.lllui!irtUid f rtiutlif' f nim iteo IioounllBS
whit lllli l. m?mHnMM(!M.iCa80' '"