The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 22, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The Evening Herald.
Published dally, except Sunday, by
nun vuitLiMtixa co.irivi.vr,
P tmc.itlon ofllcfi and mo hanloal department
2i Hist Coal street.
n Tlav.j Is delivered In Shenandoah iind
i ae riria surrounding owns for 1x Cents
a week, p-tyable to thecarru -8. By mull, Three
D ill.iri ii yi-ar or TwontyHvt oenta per month,
In trtvuneo
.lto'W(ci-tii charged cording to space
ami posl Ion The pubnshert-reserve the right
to i nice the position of advi rtlsements wlien
p'm tin ptiblluatlon of news requires It. The
r ..In ii iiNo reserved to reji ot any advertise-m-
-M whi'th'T ptid for or lot, that the pub
Usher inny deem Improper. Advertising rates
m i known upon appllcnth-a.
hrucri'd at the post office at Shenandoah, Pit.,
s second closs mall matter.
run Jiriixixa n 1:11,1 i.i,
Shenandoah, Pctina.
Evening Herald.
Hon, GAT,U31IA A. GItOW,
Election Tuesday, pebruary 20, 1894
Voti are not getting us Ittuli wages as
'n nujrht toget. There will be no
i!-pute uboi'. time. Jiut you are get
tniK much higher wug'.'s than you will
K"i after the tarifl shall have beea re
duced. The reason ol Mils is si 111 jile.
Ho L the President uiul the Democrat
1 majority of the Ways and Means
; immiMee have estimated that by the
u w mtes (o be hnpot-od by the WIIeoii
lull, the United States will collect 7G,
i'",oiHi less than was collected last year
in ibe gime amount of imports!. It is
mimed by that this 7d,000,000 will be
mail" up by an increased importation
f IvreiKii products. Now the dutiable
i.uporle of last year amounted to flnO,
niiii.iiOi) and on thorn was paid a duty
of almot f 200,00k 11OO. Jiut it in ad
mitted that thb new duty would fall
short of the above income to the
p'veriinipnt by (70,0)0,000, and It only
r 'mains to figure up that it would bo
11 ct'ssury to import an additional
8'imunt ol $250,00 ,000 worth or foreign
K'indH or an aggregate of SGoOiOI'O.O'lO
worth of foreign goods to net the same
revenue a: that derived lt year on
J 1110,000,00 1 worth under the McKlnley
law. Thin means that there will lie
sent next year to foreign countries
$i"io,()00 000 under the Wilson law,
which would have been paid out in the
I' uited Slates had the McKlnley law
remained in operation. The above is
not a party or a one-sided statement of
it.evaae. It is a statement which la
a Uuowledged to be correct by the
eminent men of all parties In Congress
and would not bo denied by Mr. Cleve
land himself. Jt is for you, man of the
' dinner bucket" and of the already re
duced wages, to say what ellect you
think the purchase of JiiSO.OOD.uOU
worth of goods iu Europe, instead of
manufacturing them in America, is
going to have upon your wages. This
is not a matter of partyorof friendship,
or of old associates, hut it is u matter
of bread and butter with you, ami it
has a good deal to do with the quality
and quantity of the daily flllingof that
dinner bucket in the future. IJefoie
you vote consult your dinner bucket.
A ('Ail wheel made of paper cos's
ntiout seventy-live dollars, while one
ot cast iron can he furnished for about
one-IUth of that sum. The paper
wheels, because of their cost, arc made
In limited quantity only, and are only
used on Pullmnu Oira,as thoy aro con
sidered more durable and make less
noise than the Iron. They constitute
leading characteristics of tho Pullman
cars, which are uoted for their smooth
running, and especially for their
strength, u feature that has saved bo
many lives hi cases of railway acci
dents. Tho Pullman cars have two
important advantages, comfort and
safety. If all railroad cars were con
structed on the same principle there
would be fewer railway casualties to
Till: little State of New Jersey has
two Senates. That la more than
the big State of Pennsylvania can
allord to havo.
"Pbixoto feels In hopeful mood."
Why not? "While there's life there's
hope," and the present Brazilian style
of warfare certainly does not involve
any appreciable loss of life.
dims mmmk.
His Sauoy Lottor to Our Minister
at Honolulu,
The Lender of the Provisional Government
Cliarei-s Our Minister with l'hicotlrnKllig
the Koynllnt, Hut Itt-fiiM-s to Answer a
Hi ijuent Tor Hprclflo Charges.
Washington, .Tan. 28. The chief sub
ject for discussion nmong scnntorH and
representatives today is the correspond
ence between Minister Willis and Presi
dent Dole, which was sent to congress by
President Cleveland on Saturday. As n
rule the statesmen speak of Mr. Dole's
letter of Dec. 27 to Minister Willis, which
President Cleveland describes in his brief
message of transmittal ns " extraordi
nary," as a direct insult to our chief mag
istrate. Tbe letter is rather lengthy, and
is In substance as follows:
"At the time of your nrrlvnl in this
country the forces of this government
Were organized, and were amply sufficient
to suppress any internal disorder.
"After your arrival you made commun
ications regarding your policy which were
ambiguous, and for several weeks you
failed to disclose your intentions, and
have only partially done so up to the pres
ent moment.leaving this government to In
fer what they may ultimately be from the
letter of Mr. Grcsliatn and the president's
message, in which it lias been declared in
very distinct language that the deposed
queen ought to be restored to the throne
by the government of the United States,
and leaving us, further, to Infer that this
assumed obligation would be discharged.
Your language expressed in public de
clared that you intended to perform some
act when the proper time arrived, with
out disclosing what that act would bo.
"In consequence of your attitude in this
behnlf the enemies of the government,
believing in your Intentions to' restore the
monarchy by force, have become embol
dened. Threats of assassination of the
officers of tills government have been
made. The police force is frequently in
formed of conspiracies to create disorder.
Aged and sick pernios of all nationalities
have been, and are, in a state of distress
and anxiety. Children in the schools are
agitated by the fear of political disturb
ances. "Humors of the intended landing of
your forces for offensive purposes have
agitated the community for many days.
The situation for weeks lias been one of
wnifare, without the incident of actual
combat. Kven the ex-quecn has called
upon this government for protection,
which was awarded to her. Owing to
your attitude the government lins been
compelled, by public apprehension, to
hugely increase its military great
"This government has most earnostly
sought from you, and through our repre
sentative at Washington from your gov
ernment, tome assurance that force would
not be used, and has failed to obtain it.
Your action has unfortunately aroused
the passions of all parties and made it
piolmhle that disturbances may bocrented
at any moment.
"I am Informed by military authorities
that while thu force at your command is
sulliclent to destroy this city it is insuffi
cient to suppress any general rising and
conllict of aimed fences and insurrections
or to prevent the loss of life and property
This government is reluctant to believe
that this condition of alTairs was contem
plated or expected by youiself or by the
president ol the United States. I have,
therefore, to ask you to inform me, with
the least delay, whether you hold in
structions to enforce your polxy with the
use of arms in any event."
Then follows further correspondence be
tween Mr. Willis and Dole, in which our
minister asks for specific charges regard
ing thu allegations in Mr. Dole's letter.
Dole's answers to the queries aro evasive,
and as the steamer Monowai left Hono
lulu Air. Willis was still awaiting a di
rect reply to his queries.
(llooiny Outlook for Ohio Miners.
Col.l Mlius. Jan. 23. There never wns
more distress in the Hocking valley and
other Ohio coal mining districts tlinn nt
present. The men are idle and some vio
lence is reported, due to desperation. To
day the tes cast by the local unions
upon a proposition to make a reduction
iu tile scale are being canvassed iu Col
umbus. It is learned that there is a ma
jority against the reduction 111 this sec
tion, but it is thought that this majority
will bo overcome by the returns from
eastern Ohio. Hut even if the reduction
is granted it is not certaiu that matters
will improve materially. Tho reduction
voted upon is but fourteen cents per ton,
while the operatois asked for twenty.
round Murdered on tho Mountain.
HAZuao.v, Pa., Jan. 23. George Sa
brinsky, of Uneiiln, was found in a dying
condition on the mountain toad between
Sheypton and Oneida yesterday. He was
literally disemboweled. Ono rib was sev
ered and the intestines cut and mutilated.
Ho has since died. George Walcock has
been arrested, charged with having done
tho cutting. Thirteen others, who are
supposed to be Implicated, have also been
arreHted. They ore believed to be mem
bers of an organized gang which has been
terrorizing the inhabitants of thu moun
tain villages.
Down with a Ilrldgo to Death.
STEPliliNS, Ark., Jan. 23. A disastrous
accident occurred at Ogamaw, a lumber
station three miles north of here, while
thu log train was coming into tho station
with a large number of woodsmen. While
passing ovor a trestle tho woodwork gave
way, and the train with its entire crew
went down, killing three outright and
wounding eighteen others. The killed are
Patrick O'llrieu, Melvilla De Wlttund
John Chatham.
The Montgomery's Speed Average.
Nkw London, Conn., Jan. 23. The
naval board finished its work at noon yes
terday, and announced the time of the
new cruiser Montgomery on her speed
trial last Friday. The speed awarded is
19.056, a fraction over 10 knots, and brings
her builders a bonus of 1200,000. The
Montgomery arrived at Baltimore last
night, haviug left here Saturday morning.
lteruhardt'a Narrow lSncape,
Paiiib, Jan. 23. Sara Bernhardt had a
narrow escape from death by poison at
tho rehearsal of her now piece, Izell."
Her new Dakoniewin servnnt, Kerim,
who attends her 111 rehearsals, poured
Borne laudanum 111 10 her cup of tea by
nitstnU-n limlnmlr. hnwKvnr. nntleoil
the strange taste before she had taken
enough to do her any serious harm.
The federal r.lrctlom Mill anil the ltond
Issue In the Senate.
Washington, Jan. 22. The present In
dications are that the senate will divide
it attention in the main this week be
tween the federal elections bill and the
policy of a bond issue as decided upon
by the secretary of the treasury. There
has now been n positive agroement upon
the part of the Iteptibllcans to continue
the discussion of the elections bill and to
take it up, with a viow to Its final disposi
tion. Many of the llepublicau senators
have given public assurance that they
would not seek to delay the final vote
upon the bill beyond a reasonable time
for debate.
It will bo Impossible to keep the bond
question entirely out of the senntc.and
there is a possibility that it may be made
tho subject of a number of speeches, If
not of considerable debate Senators
PelTer and Allen both have resolutions
before the senate, taking Secretary Car
lisle to task for his course, and Mr. Allen
has given notice of a speech on Thursday
based upon his resolution.
This coming week will see the conclu
sion of the tarill debate in the house. Ac
Inrding to the special order the voting on
the bill and pending amendments will be
gin a week t nm today at noon. During
the past ni-i-i, no nmendmentsof substan
tial importance have been voted on with
any chance of adoption except that fixing
the date upon which free wool would go
into eirect. This week, however, will
witness tho light over the bill amend
ments to be offered by the Democrats.
Vetoed by President Cleveland.
Washington, Jan. 21. President Cleve
land vetoed the New York and New Jer
sey bridge bill for the reasons that the
bill does not prohibit the construction of
piers in tho river; that the commerce ot
ihe river should not bo interfered with by
tho erection of bridges; that in the bill of
tho New York legislatuie chartering the
company the erection of piers Is prohib
ited; that the bill penults the bridge com
pany to charge an untitle nmount lor the
transportation of mails, and that a char
ter for a similar structure has nlready
been granted by congress to another com
pany, by an act which requires the con
struction of a single span bridge.
Dr. Tnlmtiire lit lleslgn.
Nkw Vokk, Jan. 33. He v. T. DeWItt
Talmage, at the cloe of Ids sermon at
the lirooklyn Tabernacle last evening,
made the announcement that he intended
to resign from the pastorate of the church,
the resignation to go into effect on the oc
casion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of
his taking charge of the Tabernacle,
which will be in April next. No intima
tion of tills had been given by Dr. Tal
mage, and the announcement was a sur
prise to the congregation.
I.llllnn Ullixell Atfnlli a Wife.
Nt'.w YotiK. Jan 32. Lillian Hussell
was marrie . for tho third time yester
day. Her pivsent husband is John Chat
terton, known on the stage as Siguor
Pernginl. The wedding took place in
Hoboken, as Lillian feared arrest for big
amy had the ceremony been performed In
this state, her recent divorce from Mr.
Solomon not giving her the right to re
marry. Tho bride and groom will con
tinue their engagement at. the Casino.
Prevented a Sunday Prize FlRht. '
St. Louis, Jan. 23. Tho local police
last night, very much to the disgust of a
iiiimhpr of local snorts, nlnneil n tirizn
fight in the bud. The principals were I
John Philips and George Parker, both
colored. Upwnrds of two hundred were I
present to seo the affair, which, it was tin-
derstood, was to bo to a finish. Just as
preliminaries were arranged officers ap
peared and arrested Philips and his sec
ond. Parker escaped.
Thr KiTort to favn Young Pule.
Nkwaiik. N. J., Jan. 33. Prosecutor
Crane lias notified Judge Henry and
Frank M. McDermtt, counsel for Alden
Fnles, the boy murderer, that he will
move for an immediate hearing of the ap
peal in the United States supremo court,
on Jan. 23. Fales is still in the Kssox
county jail. If Prosecutor Crane's mol ion
is refused tho appeal case may bo heard
in two or three years.
Itlfr Steel Works to ltpftume.
STni.LTON, Pa., Jan. 22. The Pennsyl
vania SI eel company has received enough
orders tho past ten days to warrant it in
running its works here the next two
weeks, nt least, and operations, will bo re
sumed tomorrow in nil but one or two de
partments. This resumption of work
will give employment to 1,200 men in ad
dition to the 1,100 now at work.
ltllfT.llo's Aid for the Poor.
BurTAI.0, Jan. 22. The committee of
citizens in charge of the work of reliev
ing the poor of DuITaio is confident that
the subscriptions will reach f50,000 during
the present week. There are now oyer
2,000 men at work. After tho first $50,000
is raised an effort will be made to raise
another sum of like magnitude.
Merely Tired of Living.
Nr.w YoiiK, Jan. 32. Ferdinand Hinder,
aged 05 years, committed suicide by
hanging. The old man resided with ills
wife at 413 West Forty-first street. Ho
was comfortably situated, and killed him
self merely because be was tired of living
Hucrillred Fortune for Love.
NEW Youk, Jan. 23. Of the 1500,000
fortune left by the late Holier L. Cutting
not a cent was bequeathed to Hobert L.
Cutting, Jr., his son, because the latter
had disobeyed and married Minnie Sellg
1111111, an actress, about a year ago.
of pill gives you a '
foeling of horror 1
when you see It and
when you feel it. Liko
the "blunderbuss" of a
former decade it Is ble
r and clumsy, but not ef-
,!., T.i 41. Io .h,-
of enllchtenment vou
have Dr. I'iorco's Pleasant
Pellets, which euro all liver
troubles in tho most effective
way. They're not easily seen for
they're small as grains of mus
tard seed, but the effect is last
ing and the cure complete. For
Indigestion, Constipation, Bilious
Attacks, Sick and Bilious Head
ache, nothing has been found to
ual these puis ot ur. riorce a
that fhplr
Tliov rive such complete relief
"f t Ueir makers promise- that they'll give
..Hofnirtlnn n. vamp mnnAV Wi I lut Trttlir,im!
satisfaction or your money will bo returned.
A plain statement of fact made hy the pro
prietors ot Dr. cages uatarru uemeuy is
thlsi "If wo can't euro your Catarrh, no
matter how bad your case, we'U pay you 1500
I m oosl1.
Kr. Tiicrcea Harteon
"For fourteen years I hare suffered with kid.
Bey troublci 1 tny back to lama that sometimes
I Could Not Ratso Myself
Up out of my chair, nor turn myself In bed. I
could not sleep, and suffered great distress
with my food. I have taken lour bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparllla, I feel like a now person,
and my terrible sufferings have all gono. Life
Is comfort compared to the misery it used to
be." Mits. TniinESA IIartson, Albion, Pa.
Hood'o Pit
lag the perls tall
Is cure Constipation by rcstor
io actlou of U10 alimentary canai.
Canilliliites for I.j netting.
ADItoilA, Mo., Jan. 83. -Near Vernon, a
town five miles west of this city, Mr. J.
C. Qiiinn's 13-year-old daughter was
dragged to the woods, tied to a tree and
ravished by two burly negroes. She was
hurt so badly that she can scarcely walk.
Parties are out in all directions with
Whicliostersand shotguns, and if the men
ate found they will be lynched.
A Millionaire's Sudden Dentil.
PUSTA GoisiiA, Fla., Jan. 33. Commo
dore C. Colt, of the New York and Larch
mont Yacht club, died in the Hotel Punta
Gorda last evening. His yacht has been
hero several weeks. In his party were
Lieutenant llenn, of the IJritish navy,
and A. F. Camauvho. The commodore's
home was at Hartford, Conn. He was
many times a millionaire.
Tried to Wreck 11 Train.
ClIKSTKlt, Pa., Jan. 33.-r-A fiendish at
tempt was inadoat C111111 Lynne to wreck
tho New York and Washington express
train. A heap of scrap iron was fastened
upon the rail securely, but the opportune
discovery of the track walker prevented a
terrible disaster and saved many lives.
The would be wreckers object is supposed
to have been robbery.
Suicide to Avoid a Loveless Marriage.
Sl'ltlNGFlELU, -Mass., .Inn. 23. Eva O.
Gardner, a French girl, 15 years ot age,
died from the affects of swallowing paris
greeu because her mother had commanded
her not to receive the attentions of a young
man whom she loved, but to marry an
other man, 3. years of age, who had show
ered favors upon her.
The Weather.
Colder tonight and decidedly colder to
morrow, followed by a cold wave; winds
shifting to northwesterly.
Mayor Harrison's murderer, Premier
gast, will havo till the 81st to present,
through his counsel, arguments for a now
A cigarette loaded with powder for a
practical joke exploded and blinded Iroy
Harp, at Malvern, Ark. The jokers were
Rev. Joseph Creed, a Methodist mini
ter on probation, was arrested at New
buryport, Mass., for embezzling two mile
age books.
The Inrgest cargo of cotton ever shipped
from Wilmington, X. C, 10,518 bales, has
just been taken by the British steamer
Leander, for Bremen.
Professor Alonzo Itill, president of then
Tuscaloosa (Ala.) female college, at Tus
caloosa, diopped (lend of apoplexy while
talking with some friends at his home.
Twenty years and three months in pri
son was thesenteneed imposed, at Dututh,
Minn , upon Hev. Father Connelly, the
felonious assailant of Miss Julia Suther
land. " f a v i m r
posi.-h'e of
both, it in
i.i.c-1 of flesh
and nerve
force. Thero s neud.too, of plenty
of fat-food.
of Cod Li", er Oil "builds up
.:tjth njutck'T than any
fj-ai'tiuon kituWJl to sci-
'' 1 .".;".".' i' aiintantly ef
( in.' cf Consumption,
,; ant kindred diseases
v ,-,,- methods FAIL.
. ,1 n R- ..rt 1 Bonno. N. Y All drueglsU.
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Inslit upon having the genuine.
X Navrinlll.Stnrted hy ".Sooner'' on Uncle
Hum's I. unil.
GlTllHIK, O. T., Jan. 83. -For a number
of weeks special agents ottlio government
havo been nt work in this territory, in
vestigating timber stenilng, which lins
been going on for years. As a result
deputy marshals yesterday lodged in jail
six men who have been cutting walnut
timber in Osngo reservation. They had
already had 50,000 feet sawed, and had
over -100 lino walnut logs cut and trimmed
ready for market, all of which were con
fiscated. The amount stolen aggregates
millions ot feet. Some startling arrests
will follow.
l''I.ouisNri!,Colo., Jan. 93. Special Agent
H. F. Stringle, of the general land office,
011 Saturday dropped In on a lumber camp
on Klght Mile Canyon, north of this city,
where he found fifteen men cutting down
timber on government land, and running
a large sawmill. He ascertained that
from 800,000 to 400,000 feet of logs had
been cut, most of which had been shlpiwd
to Cripple Creek. The ngent ordered the
men to quit work.
An Octogenarian Murdered.
I'lTTsnuito, Jnn. 83. llryan Hltchie,
aged 80 years, wns murdered nt Manslleld,
near here, about one o'clock Sunday morn
ing by James MeKeever, an oil well
driller. The cause of the murder was
jealousy. Hitchie's wife is a young woman,
and MeKeever, It is said, was deeply smit
ten witli her. Saturday night, during a
party, the wife was discovered in the com
pany of MeKeever, and a quarrel ensued,
but the affair was fixed ttp. Hltchie then
went outside and MeKeever followed him.
boon there was a cry for help, and several
persons ran out to iind Hitchie lying by
the railroad track with the head almost
spvered from the body vt ith an ax. Me
Keever escaped.
31.00 per Bottle.
Corns Con chs. Hoarseness. Sore Throat.
Croup promptly; relieves Whooping Cough
and Asthmii. For Consumption ithnsno
rival; has cored thousnnd whereall other
failed; will curiE you if taken In time. Sold
hy Druggists on a guarsnteo. For I.sme Hack
or Cheat, uso smLOH'a 1-i.asteiu 35 eta.
vein ( ijirrli Tlitfl tPTnrflv In fninmna
teed to euro you. Price CO eta. Injector free.
Sold hy C. H. Hsgonbuch, Shenandoah.
139 fiontli aiadi Hired,
All work guaranteed to be first-class In evory
res ect.
We respectfully solicit a share of
your patronage. Uoodsoalledforanddetlvered
Bilk ties and Lace Curtains a speolalty,
Delcamp's Livery Stable
K. DELCAMP, JK., Prop,,
WEST ST.1SET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
Sheintiitlonts, l'cnna.
Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable
Al lli" O'lJ".! li i.DK'it' 1 fti t . 'if- nt U- jUiKpunra &- 'ou 'Hiti rtsn
Varicocele, J fy !r '', i.ti.nm , t t a i.mkk
Vi ' .'ttt r ' J 7 'iW .. t .,!:(-"- v.p
inviuiuaiiohh j-u-1. ily uth '.ui I. u.t ., "
Remit. Offlp fours: f A. V !. !'. Mo
U AH d Ml'1 11 fO 1" A
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ,
rtrlngand band instruments. For further in
formation call on or address GnuiiLEu Uaos.,
No. 1 North Main street, Uhcnandoab,
Offlce Ucddall building, Hhenandoah, Pa.
Room 3. Mountain Cltv Bank Buildlne. Potts.
vlllo, Pa
SEiiimDOin, pa,'
OOloe Uootn 3. P. O. Bulldlnir. dhenandoab.
and Esterly building, Pottsvllle.
J'hyncian and Surgeon.
Advice free nt drug store. 107 South Main
street. Private consultation at residence, 112
South Jardin street, from 6 to 7:30 p. m.
No. 25 East Coal Street,
Offlce Hours 1:30 to 3 and 8:30 to 9 p. m.
No 31 South JarJln Street, Shenandoah,
Orricr. Hours: 1:30 to a to 8 P. M,
Except Thursday evening,
No office work on Sunilu; except by arrange
ment. A strict adherence to the office houn
U absolutely necessary.
10 31-Sra NIGHT VISITS, S1.50.'
Teacher ot
Havlne had sixteen vears experience as
teacher of instrumental muelo giving instruc
tion on tho above instruments. Word left at
urumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at
tention. jyj- B. KIHTLEIt, At. U.,
pnrmaiAN and burgeon,
Office -10 North Jardin street, Shenandoah,
and -mi WMl iWsfl nW-WI
j. 3.
j. 33.
FirstlationalBank 1
rtltcnamloalt, Ptm-.
A. VT. LEISENHINO, President.
P. J. FERGUHON, Vies Prfsian.
J. R. LE1HENB1NG, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cubin,
Open Daily From 9 to
Interest Paid on Sayings Depcsi.
Easily Quickly,
Permanently Restored
ami all the train of prlln
lronu-urly errors or later
exceseen, the results of
overwork, Elcknesn.
worrv.eto Fullstreng-th,
development and urn'
glvpn toeery nr-an nrd
portion of thu botl
Simple, nimirnl methods.
Fenn. f'nllure fmnot'.lulp
2,(I0 rpferenn . Bonk
oxplaniitl'in and proof
ci.illi'il (staled) frets
Bottlers of all kinds of
Weiss Bekh a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
Finest Ilecr.
17 and JO l'ettch Atlej, ttHENAXnOAlt.
IE 1 VJ U tne depot or a parcel to ft
away drop us a card and we will call for it.
United. States Express,
Cor. Centre and Uni n Ht.
Celebrated Poller, Ale and Seei
Manaorcr Shenandoah Branch.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
ffforaerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street
ttw stookud with the best beer, porter, ales
rutekles, brandies, wines, etc I'tnest cigars
iitlnc banttacbed Cordial Invitation to al
Big Kcduction in Wall Paper.
Must make room for An enor
mous Spring Stock. : : : :
221 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
104 North Main street, Hhcnandoah,Pa
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied on short notice.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand,)
Sfialti and Coal 8ta Bttennutloati,
Best beer, ale and porter on tap.
orandsof whiskeys and cigars. Pi
The finest
ool room at
ieiiesiiveouQlXji ;
Wheelwright Shop
Has been removed to Pear Alley, tt J
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets. & Vl
"Wheelwright work, Carriage and 1
Wagon building, ilorsoabocinc; 'X
and General Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to. i
The Man Who wrote the Song 1
"He never cares to wander
tYom hU own fireside,"
was Inspired while sitting before one of my fine
Heaters. I also have on hand the best Stoves
and Ranges in the market and a large stock of
Jlouseturnlshlng Goods. Plumbing, rooting
and Spouting a specialty. All wotk guaranteed.
1". O. WATUB-S.
Oor. of Lloyd and White Sts.. Shenandoah. Pa,
Hooks Sc Brown.
Full line of Sta
tionery, Day Books,
Ledgers and Blank
Books. All latest
Libraries kept con
stantly in stock.
Agents for all Newspapors,
Magazines, Periodicals, eto.
No. 4 South Mam Street.