1 9 I' ll til v m toElommp sciciDE! , The Cause and Its Lesson. Why did lie commit Buicido ? Oil I for the same reason that thousands of other air on the verge of the same sin, or in i rinin- diato danger of iimnity. paralysis, itlwrt or some other equally unfortunate result ot anv nervous nllection He knew he tva-. afliicted with n nervous disorder, but h.i careless, ajip.tiently indlllerent to the "tit come ; or lie m iy have lessened hi rh nice for recovery by treating with plrysk-iuii" who had little -r no knowledge of such af fections, or by deluging himself with woith loss so-called remouieg. Ills case wag a sad one, but no worse than that of any other nervous suflercr, who lias nervous or sick ' headache, biliousness, dizziness, irritability, melancholy, failing memory, hot Hashes, fainting, sleeplessness, nervous dyspepsia, sexual debility, epilepsy, etc The same or similar consequences aro likely to result to any one who has any of those advance symptoms of an awful end. Do not hesitate in getting rid of them by Intelligent treat ment. Dr. Franklin Miles, tho celebrated specialist, has studied nervous diseases over 20 years, and has discovered the only re liable remedy for them. Thousands of vol 1 iintary testimonials prove the virtues of Ih. Miles' Kestoratlve Nervine. Alonzo Harker, of Clinton, N. Y., writes: "i wa- aflllcted with extreme nervousness luat I was on the vergo of Insanity. My hands trem tiled so that I could scarcely feed myself. I ui.cd twelve bottlos of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, and was cured. It Is with pleasure I recommend this wonderful remedy Tor nervous troubles " "I had been a great sufferer from chronic headache until I began, about four months ago, Jo use Dr. Miles' Koitorative Nervine and PUN, since which tlmo I have not had a headache Several of my friends aro mine Dr. Miles' Rem edies, and tlnil them, as I did, to be moro than you claim for them." Mrs. Mary Kister, Los Angeles, Cat. V. II Capwell, editor Tribune, riymoutu. Pa , writes : "My wife was cured of sick headache ol many years' standing by tho uso of Dr Miles Restorative Nervine. She basrecommended 11 to her friends, and they all praise It highly " Dr Miles' Itnstoratlva Nervino Is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee, or Kent direct by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Intl., on receipt of prlce.Sl per bottle, six bottles iors.t, express prepaid. It is positively free from opiates or dangerous drugs. llr Miles' I'tlK 50 dotes, 3a cents, r tea oook at uruggists. or uy man. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT Vo. 207 West Coal Street, ijv SHENANDOAH, PENNA, '1 , 1 -AOKNT FOR- S CELEBRATED LAGER SB PILSNER Porter, Ale and Pine Old Stock Ale. llrThfifil 1317 Arch St. UllS 1 1 U U I PHILADELPHIA, PA. The only (tannine Specialist in America, notwithstanding what others adicrtlkc. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION . Special Diseases and Strictures Permanently Lured in it to 6 dajs BLOOD POISON Kftffis?; new inuuodluiiu 10 yudays. 6 yeam Euro pean Hospital and 32 practical experience, as CertlllcatLi and Dinlonias move. Send live 2-cent stamps for book. "TKlITItV' the only vertl Jni?ati;roat Bneeiallsts. A true friend ! to all ..uffeit-rs and to those contemplating marrta'. The most stubborn and dangerous comjs solicited. Write or call and be saved. Hours: 9-a: Kve"8it-i wed, and Hat. eve's (MO, Sun, sm.3. Successful treatment by maiL New Discovery, Mayers' Magnetic Catarrh Cure la uspd b . .tp'jr .nniliiiion and is tlis only medicine t the Kina t ver put on tho rearket. Iiy inhalation lUPintd ctne is not poured Into th stomach nnd th-ni'O sent wandering1 ihrowyr. the ays 1em But by lnbUatloa the medicine Is ap plied directly to tho deceased organ und the only way o ro.ici. tho affected parts lu the ro-e. Kvery bottle Is guaranteed by the U ugt t Price l per bottle. Guaranteed to i tire. ForHiile byuil dru gists. It's used diltereni fro any other medicine. Our advertised agents nnd all druggists nre vstructcd to return toe money to any one who fails to b cured by Mavers' Magnetic Catarrh Cure Prioe fne dollar for 3 months' treat ment. This Is saytnff a great deal, bin It has never failed. For sale by druggists, or address The Mayers Drue Co., Oakland, Md. W. H, SNYDER 133 West Centre Street, Malianoy City, Pa, Artistic Decorator Painting una Paperhunging. Perfect work. Uargains la naln's and oils, plain and stained glass. All the new patterns lu wall paper. Dally and weekly papers, novels, novelettes and stationery. jugauiuuuuia lui UVUU1UIJ UD1U1U. " SNEDDEN'S : LI VERY Horses ana Carnages to Hire. Haullnr ot all kinds promptly attended to Horses taken to board, at rates that are liberal. Oa PEAR ALLEY, Rear of tho Coffee House. The place (or business men to send their surplus stock of every descrip tion for sale. AUCTION DAYS, Tuesdafs, Thursdays, Saturdays. Anybody can send goods of every description to the rooms and they will be sold at auction on the usual terms. All goods (oldon commis sion aud settlements made on tho day follow, lng the sale. Reese's Auction Rooms Dougherty Hulldlng, Cor. Ccntro and Jardiu Streets. SDFFEBH AlSTIiALIA. Many Families Without tbe Nec essaries of Life. EXTENSIVE STRIKES THE OAUSE. Mini's Cln.nd Down All Over tlm Country, Conuiuirce Itruuujlit to n Miimlstlll ami Tlicru Is Complete Muunntiun lu the Wool Industry. I'lTTHHOHO, .Tnn. IT. .1. 11. Arnold, n former l'ennsylviinlnn, but tor yours pat itiKHtred lu well drilling in Aiistrulla nd other fnr wny countries, Is just home from tho Sunilwloh islands. Mr. Arnold upent two weeks in Honolulu, mid left there tho day after New Year's. Ho says Lilluokalntil will never ho restored to the throno unless some foreign power Inter venos, because tho people do not want a monnrchy nnv longer. Spenklnx of AtiRtrnlla Mr. Arnold snld: "You think you hnvo hard times here, and I suppose many people nre sulTering from want and deprivation, but. they nre fnr above the deplorable condition that prevails in Australia. There are several causes for Ihis depression, but perhaps the strikes hod more to do with it than any thing else. "There wero thrco bad strikes, and each one affected most vitally the financial status of the people. They were tliu miners, tho maritime and the shearers' strikes. The miners' strike paralyzed the mining industry to such an extent that it haB not yet recovered, and will not for a Ioiir time. Mines are closed down all over the country. Miners are out of em ployment, their families are suffering, be ing almost entirely destitute of the neces sities of life. Tho marltimo strike brought commerce with othr countries to a stand still, thereby striking a fatal blow at the general business interests. '"The Btrike of the shearers was, per haps, the worst of all. Wool growing is the chief industry of Australia, and any thing that affects it is felt generally throughout the country. The shearers in many places banded together and camped out on the hills. They destroyed property, killed tho sheep and did an incalculable amount of damage. In several instances the milita was called out to quell distur bances, but fortunately there wero no con flicts resulting in bloodshed." Tlielr Huiiiluy l'oker l'layluff Stopped. Wkllsvillk, O., Jan. 17. Four young men named Roberts, Aliback, Laninger nnd Kincaid on Sunday went to a unlet place on the hillside, under nn overhang ing rock, nnd after building a fire began their usual Sunday recreation of pocker playing. About 4 o'clock tho rock gave way, and all four were caught beneath it. lloth of Aliback's legs were broken at the thigh, and his head was badly cut. He will die. Laninger was hurt internally, and cannot recover. Itoberts has a broken leg mid was cut about the body. The young men could not be rescued until the rock was broken into pieces. The Insui-nnce Companies Must lny. New Your, Jan. 17. Tho jury in the Austin case yesterday returned a verdict for the plaintiffs, the heirs of Mr. John C. Austin, whose life was insured in sev eral companies, nnd who lost his life by drowning at Manhattan liench on July 4, 181)1. The Insurance companies claimed that he was not dead, and refused to pay the claims ugainst them. Austin's brother, as guardian of the children of the de ceased, brought suit against the Mutual Heservo Fund Life association for $15,000, against whom this verdict was rendered. Mexican llevotutiuulHtH Still ltusy. El Pso, Tex., Jan. 17. (Jeneral Ochoa, who recently joined the revolutiouists.has captured the custom house at Ojuuia. down the Kio Grande. Word has just ueen received Irom Ascension that four teen TnmaeUl Indians surprised nine cus to'ii house gendarmes while in camp last r- ' unlay evening, taking all their arms, I -rses and saddles. Three of the gen darmes showed ilghtaud were killed. The rebels escaped. Manager llowden's Confidence. Jacksonville, Jan. 17. A reply from J. E. T. How den, manager of the Duval Athletic club, who is in Tallahasse, to a telegram req nesting the result of his con ference with Governor Mitchell, is as fol lows: "My conference with the governor is of a private nature, and will not be given to tho public. V ill say tho situa tion is unchanged, and will reiterato that the contest will take place as advertised." The Ulggest offer Yet. Helena, Mont. Jan. 17. Leading Mon tana sporting men, believing the Corlu'tt Mltchell prize llht cannot ha pulle i oil Jn Florida, aro out with a bid. At a meet lug of sovornl wealthy stock growers it was decided to offer a herd of 3,000 range cattle, worth $J0 u head, to have the fight at Helena. No danger of interference from officers. Inside of three years the cattle would be worth a quarter of a million. Pennsylvania Christian llndeavorers. IlAltl!lSBi;i:o, Jan. 17. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Pennsyl vania State Christian Endeavor union in this city last evening it was decided to hold the state convention Oct. 10, 11 and 13 at York. It was also determined to have a three days' outing of all tho Christ ian Endeavorers at Mount Gretna July 24, 23 and 0. Violating the Immigration Iiws. Key West, Fla., Jan. 17. The importa tion of worklngraeu from Havana in vio lation of the immigration laws goes on. The authorities at Washington have com municated with the local inspectors of immigration, calling their attention to the alleged violation of the law nnd In structing the officers to carry the law into effect. The Vice President at Albany. Albany, Jan. 17. The annual meeting of the New York Stato Har association was opened in the senate chamber yester day afternoon. Always a notable gath ering, it was made more so by the pres ence of Vice President Stevenson, United States Senator Dolpb, Senator Hill and ex-Senator Frank IHsoock. Auothor lllg Storm on the ltlnck Hea. Obkssa,.J au. 17. There has been a storm on the Bhuk sea which has proved dis astrous to shipping. Ten sailing ships are known to have been wrecked, and the en tire crews of two of them were loat. A Greek steamer is missing. Slavn Imprisoned for Debt. London, Jan. 17. Frank Slavin.the pu gilist, has been committed to Holloway prison for twelve days for debt. Klllcil liy l'luylna I'notbnll, MtKhKsi'OHT, la., Jan. 17. Harrj Packer, 17 years old, died yosterday al the home of his parents. A few days age young Packer was injured while playlnp loot bull at Point llreer.e, nnd it is sup posed that he was accidentally kicked in the stomach. He was taken ill tho saim evening. A Hilrvlug Cashier In South Dnkaln. LkAD, Jau. 17. Alexander Itoss, oashiei of the First National bank of Lend, is an emliecxler to the amount of Sft.OOO. The discovery whs made by United Slate Brink Kxamlner Diamoud. Itoss admitted his guilt, and is now behind the ban awaiting trial. I-onU Kotitli Stricken 1111ml. London, Jan. 17. Tho Daily News hai a dispatch from Turin, saying that the. aUack ot influenza from which Louti Kossuth, the Hungarian poet, has suf fered has left him totally blind. The Weather. Probably cloudy and threatening to night; winds shifting to easterly; slightlj colder. of cod-liver oil presents a. perfect fo.id palatable, eaby ol assimilation, and an appetizer ; these are everything to those who ( are losing netm and strength. The. combina tion of pure cod-!ivjr oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo- phosphites, provides a re i inarltable agent for Quick I Flesh Building in all ail ments that -nre associated with loss of fbsh. rr-mr'l hv Sr"t t. Bntrnn. ChrroUtf. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SOnUTLKILL DIVISION. NOVEMUEIt 19th, 1893. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the nbove date for WlKKan's, Gllberton, Prackvlllo, New Castle, Ht. Clair, Pottsvlllo, Hamburg, Readtnc, Pottstown, Phoenlivllle, Norrlstown and Phil adelphia (Uroad street station) at 8:00 and 11:45 &. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a, m. SUNDAYS. For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00. 9:40 a.m. nnd 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts town, Phoenlxvlllo, Norrlatown, Phlladelphi t 6:00, B:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah a.i 10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:43 and 10:27 p.m. Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 6:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah at 10:16, 11:48 a. m. and 4:10,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.SumUyj at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Uroad streot station) for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at B 57 and 8 35 a m, 4 10 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 28 am. For Now York Express, week daye, at 3 SO, 4 05, 4 50, 6 15, 8 50, 7 83, 8 20, 9 60, 11 00 11 14 a m, 12 00 noon, 12 41 p. m. (Limited Ex ?ress 1 00 and 4 50 p in. dining cars.) 1 40, 30, 8 20, 4 00, 6 00, 6 00, 6 50, 7 25, 3 12, 10 00 pm, 12 01 night. Sundays 8 20, 4 06, 4 50, 615, 612, 9 M, 1103 11 35, a m, 12 44.1 40,2 80,4 00 (limited 1 50) 5 SO. 8 20, 8 60. 1 S3 and 8 12 p m and 12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Long llianch and Intermediate stations, 8 SO, 1114 a m, and 4 00, p m weekdays For U<lmore and Wsshlngton 3 50, 7 20, 8 31 9 10, 10 30, 11 18 a m, 12 10, (12 33 limited dining car.) 180,340,441, (510 Congressional Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 817, 063, 7 40 and 1133 p. m week days. Sun days, 3 50, 7 20, 3 10, 1118 m.. 1210, 4 41, 0 65, 11 m and 7 40 p m. For Richmond, 7 00 a m, 12 10 and 11 33 p m, dally, and 1 30 p. m. week days. Trains will leave Uarrlsburg for Flttaburf and the West every day at 1 20, 8 10 a m, (8 SO pm limited), 3 50, 7 30, 11 65 p m every day. V7ay for Altoont at 8 18 am and 5 n p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoon at 1120 a in every day. Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllllftmsport. Rlmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester, Untitle and Niagara Palls at 1 35, 5 13 a m.and 1 36 p in week days. ForElmlraat6 44 pmweei days, For Erie and intermediate points at 6 18 am dully. For Lock Haven at 6 13 and 9 53 a m dally, 1 m uid 5 44 p m week days For Renovo at 518 a in, 1 35 and 6 41pm nock diys, and 5 18 a m on Sundays only, rar Kane t 6 18 a m, dally, 1 nr. n nn week days. 1. M. Pjibtcst. J. K. woon, Professional Cards. pKOF. FREDERICK ZEITZ, INSTRUCTOR OF MUSIC, Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ, nring and band Instruments. Forfnrther In formation call on or address Gauiii-Eit linos., No. 1 North Main street, Shenandoah, JOHN R. COYLE, A TTQRNEY-A T-LA W. Office Ileddall building. Shenandoah, Pa. S' OL. FOSTER, ATTORNEY and COUIWKLLER-AT-LA IF. Room 3, Mountain City Bank Hulldlng, Potts vllle. Pa. M U. HTJRK1C A. TTORNEY A T-LA W. SUIHiHDOAn, PA, Office Room 3, P. O. Building, Shenandoah, aod Esterly building, Pottsvllle. J-JR. It. HOOI1LERNER, Physician and Surgeon, Advice free at drug store, 107 South Main street. I'rlvato consultation at residence, 112 South Jardln street) from 6 to 7:30 p. m. J PIERCE ROBBRT4, M. D., No. 35 East Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 6:30 to 9 p. m. D It. J. 8. OALLEN, No 3i Houtn jar Jin street, onenanaoin. OrriCE Hocus: 1130 to 3 and 0i3O to 8 P. it, Except Thursday evening. No office work oh Sunday except by arrange ment. A strict adherence to the office hour l is absolutely neceuary. 1081-6m NIGHT VISITS, Sl.SO. PROF. T. J. WATSON, ........Teacher ot VIOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO and MANDOLIN. Having had sixteen years' experience as a tmoher of instrumental rau-lo giving Instruc tion oa tbe above Instruments. Wi.rd left at nrumui's Jewelry store will reoelve prompt at tention. jyr B. KISTLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office -U0 North Jardln street, Shenandoah. POLITICAL CARDS. "OK CHIEF HURGES3, JOHN L. HASSLER Faithful and Impartial performance of the duties aitnireri. OR UhCEIVKR OF TAXKB, M. J. SCANLAN. Subject to the Democratic nominating con vention. pOIt CHIEF UURGKSS, OSCAR BETTER1DGE. HuWect to the de'-tslon of the D.mocrallc nominating convention. JjlOll RECEIVlSR OF TAXKj), A. WOOMER. Hubjjct to the Citizens nomination. pun RECEIVER OF TASKS, "FRANK SCHMIDT. Subject to the deolslon of the Cltltons' noml u it nv convention. port COUNCIL JOHN WAGNER. IlllllDWAHD. Subject to the decision of the Cltlseas1 nomi nating convention. pOR CHIEF I1UH3E.S3, JAMES BURNS, Subject to ths leo!slon of tho Democratic nomluatlng convention. piR RECEIVER OF TAXES, A. D. GABLE. Subject to tho decision of tho Citizens' nom Inatiug convention. pOIl CHIEF BURGESS, JAMES M. KALBACH. Subject to the decision of the Citizens' noml natlng convention, pOR RECEIVER OFTAXKS, M. GRAHAM. Subject o tho decision of iho Clilzcns' nomi nating convention. 70K CHIEF BURGESS. C. H. HAGENBUCH. Subject to tho decision of tho Citizens' nomi nating convenlloa. pOR HIGH CONSTABLE, MARTINSHEELER, Subject to the decision of the Citizens' nomi nating convention. poa COUNCIL, (First Ward) a wnpuw Arm ttqttt:v .L-t 1VU VV IVlLiljUvJlVU 1 Subject to the !ecilon of tbe Democratic nominating convention. OR HIGIII CONSTABLE, GEORGE BURNS. Subjeot to the decision ol the Democratic nominating convention. pOR COUNCIL (Third Ward) C. T. STRAUGHN. Sui'jeot to tho decision of tho Citizens' nomi nating convention. 70R HIGH CONSTABLE, ROBERTFAlRLIE. Subjeot to tho decision of the Citizens' noml natlog convention, JOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR (Second Ward) MARSHALL BAUGH. Buhjeat to tho decU.on ot the Cltlzons' noml na lng con.entlon, pOR COUNCIL (First Ward) DANIEL C0AKLEY. Subject to the decision ot the Deuotratlo nominating oonvdution, poR man CONSTABLE, JOSEPH B. TEMPEST. Subject to the decision of tho Citizens' noml. natlng convention. pOK SCHOOL DIRECTOR, (Second Ward) KILLIANO'NEILL Subject to the deolslon of the Demooratio nominating convention. pOR SCHOOL DIP.EOTOR (Second Ward) P. P. D.JCIRLIN. Subject to the deolslon ot the Demooratio nominating convontion. pOR COUNCIL (Second Ward) JOHN PBOEHM. Knbieet to ths decision ot the Citizens' noml natlng convention. pOR COUNCIL (Fifth Ward) ANTHONY T.SCHMICKER Huhjoot to the deolslon of the Democratlo nomiuuung convention. 0 H ff pommnrmtlv enrsd I SbooL.illuKi iwl ,n,i Ur f r-i p. npln bared, 1 trwiuruuul. ftciituaKelsetiUHro. a COOK REMEDY CU., Chicago, III. CAHL1SIIS POWERS. No Special Bond Legislation Con sidered Necessary. PUBLIC CREDIT NOT ENDANGERED. Tlit. S.crlary cr the Treasury llnAmnlp Authority, llnilnr the Art ot .Inn. II, 1876, to MrciiKtln-ii lll Coin Umi-Mn to Any lAU-nt ttniulruil. Washikcitun, Jan. 17. A second mwt- iii of the senate finance commlltee was hhl yesterday Hfternoon for the m-i s of oonsidi'rimr Secretary Carlisle's lei t,er mid bond bill. After the conclusion of the mceliliK Senator Voorhees. us chairman uf tho committee, handed to an Associated Press reporter the statement given below., In mitkiiiK it he said lie did not assume to represent the views of the entire commit tee, and yet he knew of no opposition in the committee to the opinious expressed. He submitted Ills statement to the full committee before k'vIiik it to the public. It Is as follows: "The em barrnssed condition of tho treas ury and the necessity for prompt action for Its relief nre fully realized There is not the slightest ground, however, tor ap prehension that the public credit will suiter or lie endauKered, for the reuon that ample authority already exists by law for the secretary of the treasury to streiiKthen his ooin reserve to any extent remiirril and to meet every demand that cuu lie legitimately made. "1 he power of the secretary forthe isue of bonds needs nothing beyond what, Is Kiveu by the act of Jan. U, 1ST5. The only Uosirnble object to be attained by new legislation at this time on that subject Is to make a shorter time bond, with a lower rate of Interest, and yet the secretarj feels assured that he can negotiate bonds issued under the act of 1875, running only ten jears, on pructlonlly u a per cent, basis. "It seems, therefore, that it will bo wiser, safer and better for tho financial and business interests of the country to rely upon existing law with which to meet the present emergency, rather thnn to encounter the delays and uncertainties always incident to protracted discussion in the two houses of congress. This view of the condition of the treasury admits of but little if any delay, and ot no uncer tainty at all in the final uctlon to be taken." A MlulRter's Confi-nilon of Mlirdt-r. KIC1IMONI), Ind., Jan. 17. Three years ago William Hcnshaw was murdered near the northern boundry of this county while returning home from calling on Miss Minnie ISond. Kov. lleiijamin llaldwin, a Methodist minister, lias made a full con fession of the murder, lie is now at ltoy, O. It is said that Daldwin was a suitor of Miss liond and that his jealousy of young Henshnw drove him to tho deed. Is is further asserted that the father of tho girl helped the minister and that they to gether concocted the plan to murder the young man. No S.if.-ty for l-'oroliiiiors In ltlo, Itio Jaxkiko, Jan. 17. The insurgent fleet continues its bombardment. Many shells fall in the center of the city and several persons hnvo been killed, includ ing some Italians. When the Italian minister boenme acquainted with the fact he demanded reparation from the govern ment. He was informed, however, that as the foreign residents had been warned of the danger of remaining In the city tho government could accept 110 responsibility for anything that might befull them. A Noted Outlaw to Dlo. .Teiteuson Citt, Mo., Jan. 17. Final application lorclemenoy in behalf of Will son Howard, sentenced to be hanged in Maries county on Fridny, was made to Governor Stone. The governor Indicated very plainly that the sentence will not ho disturbed. Willson Howard Is a noteil Kentucky outlaw, with thirty killings, murders and assassinations placed to his credit. Mother and Ilnughturn Cremated. Baruouhsvillg, Ky., Jan. 17. At the village of -Mills, Ky., a lira destroyed tho dwelling and storeof Fred A. Hanson and other buildings. The Housen family was asleep at the time. Houseu and his son 1 escaped. Mrs. Housen could have saved! 1..,. l. ...l.wl 1 1 daughters, aged 17 and 19, and they ull perished. Foreigners' Right In the lmplro fitnte. Albany, Jan. 17. The decisions in the court of appeals yesterday wero numer ous and Included many of interest. Prob ably the most important question decided was that a foreign corporation could buy nnd sell real estate in this state. The de cision alfects 25,000,000 worth of property. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. doling Quotations ou the New York and Philadelphia llxchauges. Nrw Vouk. Jan. 10. This was another very dull day on the Stook Exchange, and the spec ulation was characterized oy an unsettled tone. Closing bids: Lehlsh Valley. ... to W. N. Y. & Pa .... H Pennsylvania.... 49 Erie U ncadhiB iw i)., h. & w ma St. Paul 68 West Shore 108! Lchleh Nav Gljg N. Y. Central .... M N. Y. & N. E 13 Lake Erlo & W.. . UH New Jersey Cen..ll5 Del. is Hudson. ...131H C.eneral Slnrhets. PuiLADrxwiiA, Jan. 18. Flour weak; win. tor super., KM2.10; do. extras, No. i whiter family, Pennsylvania roller, straight, 83.IWia3.10; western winter, dear, ii.WCi. Wheat weak, lower, with 0io. bid and lUu. asktd for January. Corn dull, steady, with luo. bid and lc. asked tot January. Oats dull, with 3IHo. bid and Uo asked for January, lleef tinner; family, (US.U 15; extra mess, ft).S0t). Pork dull, bul steady. Lard easier; western steam, (8.50 lluttsr weak; western dairy, llil"o.; do. creamery, lSdMSo.; do. factory, Waittc.! Kl eins, Ho.; New York dairy, 108ie.; do. creamery, 180iSc.: Pennsylvania creamery prints, fancy, 25o ; do. choice, 28o.; do. fair to good, SOiaajo.; prints Jobbing at !rT30o. CIikmh steady; New York, lame, Hkll&jo.; do. Bmall, llalliO.; part skims, 4l0e.;tullskiius,23c. EgKS weak; lie house, 12Q130.; western fresh, KHOlOo.; suiithern, IGo. Live Stock niarltnti. Bdffaix). N. Y., Jan. 16. Cattle dull.lower good sU-eru, $1.7iKg4.S0; ooane fat, J(H.10 light to umhI buichers, Sll.tull.8n; old cows il.tmUM,. IIoks strung, higher; Yorkers, $5.61 (bS.?o; plirs, 'i.IS'iW.SO; medium ami heuvy to.6i-1.(..'), rough, I..W.M.B5. Hheep and iambi dull, wcaki r; fair to choice native lainb,J3.M it 1-50; extra iumiUii fat ewes, i2.)Zfx&!Xr fat mixed shct-p, $JtijJiMi seveu loads Canada lambs here, uoud sold. East I.iukiitv, Pa., Jan. 18 Cattle market demoralized for want of buyers, with pros pects that thi-y will sell lower than yetcr day's decline Hogs fair; all grades, $j.b3 6.00. Shum tuarkat rw lull. ' in riiirij- tnr'i",, but Zf s is nn (" id that iSinore sinpuMc th...i the one of ff I r.i, . f there i contempt aubatltului... f all tho sub- ii which Kip.Hu.a s a frcvitcr outrage uputi th consumer than the subslitutiun of I Imititioiis for Coltob i , i. li the ig o;.ly roliciui . ...i.J. ro.no mul healthful iJor.MH.g upun the cinrkd. lu't bj iu duced to purcliase Counterfeits of C.ottolone, or you ill be fSi lamentnblv clisiinrxjinicd in tile rc- i:lts. Cottolonw as a rA -:4 -i....-..:.... ;. -..j i t physicians mid cooking c- Vj ports. liosurclhatourcook tides Cottolono. WW Bold Id tlirt-oatul tlvt Htinri wills. C Mitfit- only bj. N.K.rA;,;oAMX&Co. CK'CACO. IDs M' AMK, AtF... hiu::lphi. 1 MUSSER & BEDDALI (Successors to Coakley llros.) ?o. 38 KaHi Centre Htrcct, MlllCNAnO.VII, I-.V. Our Motto: Hest Quallly at Lowest Cash Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited. Kaiser's Oyster Bay! 127 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. A. 1". KAISER, Proprietor. tSTThe best oysters In all styles at all hnura. WM. J. LLOYD'S palace Saloon.... and Restaurant, (Under the Palace Theatre.) The Restaurant Is one of the best lu(the coa regions, and has elegant dining parloiTattaclied for the uto of ladies. Tho Her Is stocked with tho best ales, beers, porters, nines, liquors and cigars. LOTS Of holes in a skimmer! Lots of wnya of throwing ftWfe money On ot tho best methods nf economizing ib to In sun in ttrst class, thoroughly re table 'orupanlee, either life, tire or accident, buch as represented by XJilwVIX) 37,-A.XJl,X,, No. 120 Houth Jurdln street, Khenandoufc. Pa nuirnmnin c. DOMING. A revolution In corset making! homotninc new y No breaking ; no Thlunerand cleaner than whalebone, and t tlmea as olastio nnd durable Ladies delighted. Hade in all snapee. i or stuo tiy A. OWENS, Shenandoah, Pa. SHOEMAKER' Gsnaral Supply Store ! Wholesale and Ileum PKICKtt. Ferguson House bldg., Centre Htrcct. A CU' OH delicious to tho taste, invigorating and strengthening to tho body, made la ONE MINUTE from Only 30 ct: for a full pound paehage, Frceaniplaoaarrllcat,i,ntoniant ' .r r, II It Severn T' K. M,ipr(;le V-. h V atrn STSfS E:-i t In rwny fn;n",, but &m r mi VillItI MR II 31 V