The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 04, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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Too High Pressure.
In these days of keen competition In every
line, when the business man is compelled to
bend his intellect and every energy to the
success of his business j tho clerk, book
keeper, professional man and Inborer, to
drive themselves at a terrific rate, there can
lie but ono result an explosion, which, if
not reuniting in immediate death, lcavp
thent with shattered brains and bodies.
They are running at too high pressuie
The strain is too great. Something must
and does give nay. Tiiis is equally true of
women. Though their sphere is more
limited, they have their daily burdens fret
and worries, and the results aro tho same as
willi their stronger companions.
Tiiis condition is crowintr worso every
day. Tho rapidity of its increase is awful
to contemplate Our homes, hospitals, and
insane asylums arc full of these unlortmiRles,
and are being crowded still further. There
i but one solution of the matter. Heoog
ni7e tho importance of the situation at once,
and take the necessary measures to over
come it. If you have falling memory, hot
flashes, dizziness, nervous or sick headache,
biliousness, irritability, melancholy, sleep
lessness fainting, nervous dyspepsia, epi
lepsy, etc., know that anyone of them is but
a svmptom of the calamity that may befall
ymi. and even though you have used so
called remedies and treated with reputable
physicians with little or no benefit, give Dr.
Miles' Hestorative Nervine a trial. It is
the only remedy that may be depended
upon for nervous disorders.
"Two years api I used Dr Mites' Restorative
Nervine with marked benent, and loier Induced
mv son, who had been sick with catarrh of the
Whdder five vears In the hands of our heft phjr
lclns, to try It together with Dr. Miles' Nerve
and Liver Mils. He was so wonderfully benefited
tlirt ho In attending to business again My w"""
alo ued Nervine with most excellent realms.
All of us together have not used more than
hnttlns nt 'rrvlni. Severnl of our friends hao
nl" used It, and are greatly improved." touts
(ifnos, idicner & uiods now to . aiuuu. uiia
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is Fold by all
ritsHriRnn n tiraltlri miurflntpn. or sent br Dr.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of
price, tl per bottle.slx bottles, S5, express prepaid.
It IS positively iree irom mnaieK or unu
drugs. Free book at druggist, or by mail.
j u.i...imtANT...i.m
Under the ausp'ecs of the
Ending JANUAKY 3, 1801.
In addition to the" attractions by
thomagnitlcentdlsplay at the booths
thero will be a grand
And other amusements. Chango of
program each night. A numbered
ticket given to each person purchas
ing a ticket of admission.
Only 5 Cts.
Spoecli Jlestored. I
For flvo years I suffered with pain and dis
charge of tho throat, hacking cough, frontal
headache, weak eyes, &c. at times, could not
talk above a whisper; lost weight continually,
andnotnrle to work. I was treated by tho
, best physicians In the county, but received no
relief. After giving up all hopes I was rco m
mended to use a bottle of Mayers' Magnetic
Catarrh Cure. After using It for four weeks
my speech returned. All symptoms of Catarrh
have disappeared and "I feel like a different
Klk Lick, Somerset Co., i'a.
TWabove Is ono of the many testimonials
we have received this week, and we v, 111 publish
every two weeks additional persons having
been cured by our marvelous medicine. Try a
bottle, and be cured at once.
Mayeiis' IUido Co,.
Oakland, Md.
For sale by druggists.
Mayers' Miignetio Catarrh Cure is the only
medlclno used by vapor Inhalation, and Is
guarantee d by your druggist.
'liiu Gtiiil Dollar Hi Co'y,
Of Cripple Creel.; Colorado.
Organized under laws of Colorado Capital
stock, 700,000 shares, par value $1 each.
J'Uttl 1'atd nnd Non-asseHaable.
1BO,00(I Hharr In Treacary.
The mine Is located in the richest portion ot
the celebrated gold producing district of Crip!
pic Creek, ana is held under a United States
Work is carried on day and night, and high
grade ore is being taken out In largo quantities.
In January, 1801, the company w2ll begin pay
ing regular monthly dividends at the rato of
24 jter cent, per mitwm on the
amount invested,
H. H. OFFICER, Sec. andTreas.
A limited amount of the sbarts are now offered
At SO Cent Ver Share. Stock, prospectus
and experts' report may be obtained from the
banking house of
12-2313t-eod 67 Uroadway. New York.
No. 207 West Coal Btreet,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
FitiL Old Stuck Ale.
II. & S. F E. Co.. No. 1,
Anarohist Franoh Talks of tho Bar
colona Thoator Horror.
lie I'urprwdy Alnird tho First llniiib fit
n Group of Itlctily Ireod T.ndleii, anil
Itcgrotn Thnt II Fulled to Kill "n Mco
l.ot of Ilnllrgrolft."
MAtiKll). .Tan. t. The arrest of the an
archist Salvador French for ouing the
destruction of the Liceo theater lit Darco
lomv on the night of Nov. 7, when twenty-
live persons were killed by the explosion
of a bomb, 1ms been followed by n full
confession by the prisoner of his guilt. In
tho hospital of the prison at Saragoiwi,
where Frnnch is being treated for Ills self
inllicted injury, lie 1ms described In detail
the manner in which the crime was com
mitted. He boastfully told tho police nnd hos
pital mtthorltieM how ho carried two
loaded dynamite bomlw to the theater in
the folds of the broad Spanish snsb which
he wore nrountl his waist. In addition to
the bombs lie curried n revol ver, a lone
knife anil it bottle of poison, the latter to
bo used in case theru was danger of his
Frnnch doscribed how he took his place
In tho second gallery, nnd glancing
around, saw n group of women in evening
dress, whose mnny jewels seemed to do-
iioto thnt they belonged to the wealthiest
ami most aristocratic part of the com
munity. Hcwnlted until the opera was
nearly finished, nnd then moved into a
passage where nobody was likely to ob
scrvo him. What followed Frnnch thus
"Tnking a bomb In each hand I hurled
one of them with nil my force into the
center of the cloeIy packed stalls where
that group of wlect people were sitting.
nnd h fine explosion followed the landing
of the bomb. I threw the other one ol
most immediately afterwards, hut I don't
believe it exploded, or I should have killed
a nico lot of bourgeois, ns I aimed it with
particular care at a part of the theater
where that hated clnss was thick. Of
course there was a terrible row and a panlo
after the explosion of the bomb, and be
fore It had in any way passed I was enn-
bled to got away, as I was already clearof
the seats, and so had no dilllcnlty in rank
ing for tho staircase and from there run
ning down into the street."
After tho outrage Frnnch fled from Bar
colona and hid himself in a lonely house
near a cemetery. For twenty days he re
mained there, supplied with food by his
comrndes, who kept him well posted upon
everthiug which was going on.
Heavy Sontt-nco for Divulging State Secrets
PARIS, .Inn. 4. A widow named Mil
lesccnps was sentenced to the Hustrum
prison for ten years, to banishment from
Paris, to pay a ilno of 1,000 francs nnd to
esplonnge after her release from prison
A secret service agent of the government
had lost in tho woman's house certain
plans, and the woman, instead of rpstor
ing them to the government, had hnnded
them to third parties.
A Popular llaftoballfat tn Trouble.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 4. James Galvin, the
famous ex-lmseball pitcher, was arrested
witli three other men, charged with steal
ing a dlnmond pin valued at fiiO from II.
W. Hubbard. The men were discharged
in tho police court, as sufficient evidence
could not be produced to substantiate the
charge against them.
The IVmisy's'flt AciitilHitlon.
Pirrsurnn, Jan. 4. First Vice Presi-
dent McCrea of the Pennsylvania com
pauy conllrms the reported trnnsfor of the
Vandaiia system, consisting of the Terro
llautonud Indianapolis nnd theiSt. Ijouis
Vandaiia and Terre Haute lines, to tho
Pennsylvania compauy.
Brunswick's City Treasurer llcmoved
Brunswick, Gn., Jan. 4. E. A. Nelson
treasurer of this city, has been removed
from ofllce by the city council on the sup
position that he is short in his accounts
from $30,000 to $50,000. Ho left the city a
few days ago, and has not returned.
Charged with tlm Petty Murder.
Newauk, X. J., Jan. 4. Edward Cor
bally and John Dunn were arrested yes
terday, charged witli complicity iu the
murder of Miss hllznlieth Petty.
Clntlmr Quotation of the New York and
I'hilarfelplila KxcIiaiikbs.
Nnw Yohk, Jan. 3. At the opening of bus!
nesa on tho stock market today a determined
euort was made by the short interest to ue
prosi prices, which was partially Buecewful In
the early dealings-1 lie bear campaign was not,
however, of long duration, for many of tho
ahortB turned tail and began to cover when
they found, thnt tho market was strongly tup
ported. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley . .. 37
Pennsylvania 48M
Heading 18M
St. Paul KM
Lehigh Nav
N. Y. S N. E
Now Jersey Cen. .11 14
W.N.Y. &Pa 2
Krle MM
I). L. & W -..I62fci
West Shore 101K
N. Y. Central Wi
Lake Krle & W.... MM
Del. Sc Hudson... 131
General markets.
Pnir.ADEi.pniA, Jan. 3. Flour weak; winter
ButR-rflne. SK12.10: do. extras. 2.2.r0; No
I! winter family, $i.K&t.M; Pennsylvania,
roller straight. ja.H0a3.10; western winter,
clear, V "W- Wheat fir in, higher, with tttfcc
bid and IMi asked for January. Corn quiet,
llrmer.witli tike, bid and tlMc.asked for Jan
uary. Oats nuiet, steady, with 34o. bid and
iKc. asked for January. Ileef dull; family
JHaU.IW; extra mess, J8.50. Pork dull; new
mess,; family, 1H&1G.60; short clear,
$15.50317.30. Lard quiet; prime western
steam, 88.10. lluttor quiet, weak; New York
dairy, IsQwo.; Now York creamery, suwaoe,
western dalrv. lfWfaSlo.: western do.. t0&!7o.
ElUs. Xe.i Imitation do., 17&2ic ; Pennsyl
vania creamery nrluts. fancy. !Xto.; do., choice,
So.; do., fair to good, 36(227; prints jobbing at
iKHWuc. Cheese quiet, steady; New lork large,
eailKcido., small, l(aiaKc.; part skims,
t0O.; run skims, &ic. r.ggs unn, wean
Western, 23324c.; southern, SB&S'iic.
Uvb BtooU SlnrUeti.
East LinrnTV, Pa., Jan. 3 Cattle steady:
prime to extra, ir to good, f4
4.5U; common to fair, tHQ8.7S, , onunon to good
heifers, $3.53.5n; stackers and feeders, $3.60
3.7fi; common to good bulls, $1.503; bolugna
cow , ss to clz; rrean oow, iaji45. nogs weak
all grades, l:(Vai.8n; propeeti of lower
prices. Slicepslow; prime, $S.loaS.wi; fnlr to
good. St.K&iS.Si; common, Oio. to 31.60; Jambs
ta3.75. Veal calves, WWM; heavy and thlu,
BurrAi, Jan. 8. Cuttle firm; fair to good
cows. M: llaht steers. IH.w. Han slwtdy
mixed iiackers, SS.70Tt.-i RU; Yorkers, IS.859S.WI:
medium ami heavy. 1.7uW.iU; pigs, S.WDM:
roughs, $4 iV'N.M. Hbei'P and lambs', Udy
for sheiiD. struhgi r for luinbs, salts of nU
sheen, fair to ko.kI. Sa.Wliaa 38; choice. J8.yi;
native lam fair to choice, J4O1.90;extra,$S
(.10; Canadt lambs, JBS.IS.
A Natural Food.
Conditions o f
the system arise
vhen ordinary,
oods cease to
u 1 1 d flesh
here is urgent
.cod of arrest-
.or waste assistance must
nme quickly, from natural
t source.
Scott's Emulsion
'; a condensation of the life
f all foods it is cod-liver
)'l reinforced, made easy of
liuestion, and almost as
dilatable as milk.
rr"D"ril bv Scott A Ikmnp N V. All ilrimlriiti.
Ilnwnrd Cnuvtcteit.
Jackson, Tenn., .Inn. 4. "Ilev." IIow-
ril.nllns William Lord Moore.the Interna
tional swindler, who hnil been on trial the
second time for violating United Stntes
postal lnws, was found guilty on twonty
wo counts of the indictment. Howard's
scheme, It Is said, was to represent to
nconle throuchout the country that for
tunes nwaited them in England, nnd that
ho was prepared to assist them In estnl
llslitiiK their claim, hevcrnl persons were
iroucht hytheKOvernmentfrom Knaland
to be used ns witnesses In the caso.
Rent to the Aiylum.
WASHINOTOK, Jan. 4. Mrs. Alice Losoy,
the woman arrested at the White House
reception on Xew Year's dny, was com
muted to the government insane asylum
Her son, G. V. Losoy, of Cambridge, X
paid her fee as an inmate of that instl
1'ontiilllci) Growth.
Wasiiinqton, .lun. 4. -The total number
of presidential olllces in operation Jan. 1
1K11, wns 3,4L'(, an increase of 301 during
Ib'JJ. iao number of all onlceson Jan,
was tW.SOO, an increase of 1,093 during the
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ,
firing ana Dana instrument, rorinrmcr in
formation can onorauarcts unuut.r.n lines,
No. 1 North Main street, hhenandoan.
Office Ileddall building, Hhenandolh, I'l
Room 3. Mountain City Bank UulldIng,.Pottf
vine, fa.
unite uoom o. f. u. ouiiuiqk, uohuduu.
"d ICsterly building, Pottsville.
t hysician and burgeon.
Advice free nt drug store. 107 South Mai
street. Private consultation nt residence, 112
Houth Jardln street,iirom 8 to 7:30 p. m.
No. 25 East Coal Htreet,
Office Hours 1 :80 to 3 and 0:30 to 9 p. m.
No 31 South JardlnStreet. Shenandoah.
OrncE Houks: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M,
Except Thursday evening.
No office work oh Sunday ezcevt bit arranae-
meiu, x strict aunerence w me vyiee nvurt
U iwsolittely necessary.
10-31-Om NMIHT VISITS, l.30.
pUOP. T.
Teacher of
Havlne had bixtceu years' experience as
teacher ot instrumental mu"io giving Instruc
tion on the above instruments. W rd left at
Urumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at
Otnce-120 North Jardln street. Shenandosb.
The place for business men to send
their surplus stock ot every descrip
tion for sale
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Anybody can send goods of eiery description
to the rooms and thoy will bo sold at auction
on the usual terms. All goods fold on commis
sion and settlements made on the day follow,
ing tho sale.
Reese's Auction Rooms
Dougberty Bulldlog,
Cor. Contro and Lloyd Streets.
Uottlcrs of all kinds ot
Wi isg llEiit a Speolalty, AIM bottlers ot the
Finest Deer.
17 and JO l'eaeh Atley, till HNAlfDOAJl.
Horses ana Carnages to Hire.
tmltiirof ill klnda promptly attended to
Home taken to board, at rates
tbatare lioersl.
FFilULLEY, Hear of (he Coffee Housp.
Flllbnuterlng Turn,-. iu llou.i
Without ii ym.ruiu.
WASllINOTON, Jan. 4. The tnrin (lelinte
of 1894 did not begin In the house yester-
dny, ns wns nntlclpnted. The Hepubllcnns
showeil llglit nt the very outset, anil
cored tho first victory. Ueforo the time
nrrlved for Mr. Wilson to take tjie Iloor
Mr. McCreary tried to nrratiKo nn nmlcn
ble nRreement by which two days, Fridny
and Snturdny, should he given to tho con
sideration of tho Hawaiian resolution.
Mr. llltt, the Republican lender of the
foreign nlTalrs committee, expressed it
willingness to ncqulcee In the arrange
ment, but Mr. lloutelle, of MHine, wanted
to precip1tt the question Immediately
by oalilng up his resolution.
llotli sides were ugly, but niter a lively
row the speaker held that Mr. ltoutelle's
resolution was privileged. The Demo
cratic member of the ways nnd menus
committee were not willing to go abend
with the Hawaiian dlcuslon until tho
tariff debate had gotten well under way,
however, and the question of conidera
Hon wns rr.lsed ngninst the lloutelle teso
lution. The Hepubllcnns then executed a
Hank movement by refusing to vote. 1 lie
Democrats found tlieinsolvea In the hu
miliating giosltlnn of not being able to
mttstef a quorum, and niter revoking nil
leaves of absence Mr. Wilson reluctantly
moved an adjournment.
Thoy Seeuro Tuenty-flvo TliottHiiml Dol
lar In ii 4u!ct JUInnl Town.
lJELVIDKRB, Ills., Jan. 4. One Of tho
boldest nnd most daring pieces of safe
blowiiiGt and bank robbery ever perpe
trated iu northern lllinoitt occurred in
Franklin Orove, in county, some time
Tuosdny nigiit, by which tho Frnnklln
Grove bank was looted of nearly ?8S,(K)0
in cash and valuable papers. The robbers,
after completing their clever Job, got nut
of town ns quickly as they cnine nnd left
no truce behind by which their identity
can be discovered. Nothing was known
of the robbery until tho bank ollicials
came down in the morning to open tho
concern for business. On entering the
bank they were started to find the vault
doors opens, papers strewn nbout the iloor
and everything In general confusion.
Tho bnnk is one of the most solid of tho
kind in this section, nnd is tho depoitory
of mnny of the wealthy formers in ,ee
county. The deposits average over SJ5.0IX),
nnd have been heavier than that of late.
Those in a position to know say tho loss is
nearly ?3fi,iHX). The robbers took every
thing in tho safe which was inside the
vault. No one in the village henrd the re
port when the safe was blown up, and as
the town has no police, the robbers easily
got awny with the plunder.
the microbe
Can't detect the microbes of disease, a
B and yet tlicy exist by the million. j
They pcrmcnte the system, pollute
a the blood nud poison the vital organs.
I Disease is the iuevitable result.
I mimmi mum i
B destroys every specie of microbe and
S cures every form of disease. It's the
5 latest and greatest discovery of sci- 5
M ence. No matter what form of dis-
case you arc suiTcring witli it will
pay you to investigate. A 50-pagc
1 book of valuable information free. 3
I The Wm. Radara Microbe Killer Co.,
g 7 Lalght St., New York C'll j-.
S Agents for Shenandoah, s:
Beer and Porter
T AM AGKNT for tho
-1- Chas. Kettig'B Cele
brated Ileer and Porter iu
this vicinity, also Uerpuer
& Eugel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finost brands
of Litpuors and Cigars.
120 South Main Street.
palace Saloon....
and Restaurant,
(Under the Palace Theatre,)
O-ix'cii'caL-rlllo, JEi.
The Iteslaurant is ono ot the best in the ooal
regions, and has elegant dlninK parlors attached
for the use ot ladles.
The liar Is Btocked with the best alee, beers,
porters, wines, liquors and olguts.
Sewed and laid, old ones refitted. Mattresses
made to order
Carpets, Mattresses, Feathers, llobes, Hugs,
Cushions, &c, made free from dirt and moth
In wet or dry weather.
Prompt attention given to orders Address
North Bowers Htreet.
13-Mui Shenandoah, Pa
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E.-DELGAMP, JR., Prop,,
WEST STBIIT, Btw9n Centre aai Lloyd,
SIieitHiiiIoah, I'cniin.
Teams to hire tor all purpobs on reasonable
Ho Doolaros His Willingness to
Fight Oorbott.
Despite the Determined Attitude of tlm
tlntprnor They Asert That the Content
Wilt Tnk I'lnce In l'ubllo at the Ad
vertUril Time.
jACKBONVlLtK, Flu., Jan. 4. Charles
Mitchell signed the amended articles of
agreement late yesterday afternoon under
pressure from the olllclnls of the Duval
Athletic club, and tliusrelleveshltuself of
the charge of being n "rank quitter." The
amended articles now provide that the
fight shall take place In Duval or St.
John's county.the latter being the county
in which Mitchell's training quarters are
Mitchell also insisted on a change In the
clause regarding the furnishing of the
gloves for the fight. The original articles
provided for five ounce gloves, to be furn
ished by Corbett. The Englishman In
sisted that the clause should lie changed
110 as to read that the gloves should be
furnished by "Corbett or Mitchell." How
den yielded this point and the articles were
changed accordingly.
Mitchell said that his objection to sign
ing tin- amended articles was not because
ho wanted to "crawfish," but was due to
the fact that he wns a foreigner, and did
not want to violate the law of the state,
Mitchell further claimed to be anxious to
meet Corbett at any time and place, and
said that he canio here for that express
When Corbett wns shown the amended
nrticlos signed by Mitchell ho objected to
the change in the clause relating to the
gloves. Corbett claims that as champion
he has the undoubted right to furnish the
gloves, nnd said ho would not sign the
amended nrticles unless it was stipulated
that in case of dispute each principal
might furnish his own gloves, said gloves
to weigh not less than live ounces.
To pacify Corbett this additional amend
ment wns made, and M. hell, when in
formed of the change b wire, answered
that it was satisfactory. Corbett seems to
fear some trick by which Mitchell may
evnde meeting him nt the lost moment.
Tho ordinance passed by the city coun
cil opens up another recourse forthe club,
so its members claim. The effect of tho
ordinandi is to license glovo contests. The
club proposes to get a license nnd demand
police protection from the city in the car
rying out of hat it claims to be a lawful
program. If the county authorities inter
fere nnd stop the contest the city will lie
sued for heavy damages for not prevent
ing any interference with what it licenses
ns lawful.
Regarding tho chnnge in the articles
leaving the plnce for the contest to be se
lected tho Associateil I'less correspondent
asked Mnnnger Howden If the desire of the
club to have the privilege of naming any
plnce meant that the club might find it
necessary to name n secret place.
"No, indeed." lie replied, "they could
not afford anything of the kind. It would
cost us just nbout fcSO.OOO. That is just a
little too much of a luxury. We are satis
fied that the contests are lawful, and pro
pose to hne things publicly.
The olub members still talk confidently
of their ability to. pull oil the light, but
how they propose to do it In the
Governor Mitchell's opposition i
the things they aro keeping frc
face of
s one of
0111 the
It is learned, however, from a gentle
man who is very cioso to the managers of
tho athletic club thnt it is proposed to
"pull oil" the contest just nsthehiillivnn
Kilraiu mill was at ltichburg, Miss., in
ISSlt. The club mnnngers will select homo
suitable plnce in the country convi-uii-nt
to a railway line for the sc : of the fight.
Special trains will be churn-red by tlio
club, tickets will be sold at a prlco that
will cover expenses, and the'lnrge cnmils
that are expected will thus be transported
to the place for the light. No one but the
club managers will know the objective
Iu this way tho club people hopo to out
wit Governor Mitchell and pull off the
fight without interference. The plan is
feasiblt), ns, if the situ selected is kept
secret, it will be impossible for Governor
Mitchell to get a sufficient forco on the
spot In time to prevent the fight.
Altogether It seems ns though tliecham
plons of F.ugland nnd America wimld at
least como together, and the question of
supremacy bo settled.
Dl'iiKtroiift 1'lre Iu Tnlrdn.
Toi.mio, Jan. I. Fire last night caused
the loss of nearly a million dollars It
broke nut in tho elevator of F. X. Quale
& Co., 011 the river, fronting on Madi-un
unil Water streets. The cause is as yet
unknown. An explosion of dust caused a
general nlnrni. The olevutor witli its con
tents wns entirely destroyed. Tim eleva
tor mid business of C. A. King & Co. is
also 11 total loss. The lire alo destroyed
throe five-story business blocks, includiug
u museum and theater.
Harvard College ltetreiiehlii&r
CAMliKIDilE, Mass., Jnn. 4. -The hard
times hnvo forced Harvard to retrench.
Notice has been given to six instructors
thnt their services will not he required
after the close of the current ncnilemio
year. They include I'rofeasor White, one
of the oldest professors 111 the college.
Last year there was 11 dellclt of 25,iki iu
the college account. Five of the six dis
missals are Harvard graduates.
A AUiiiii'Motfi Ilmbaiid's Itrutallty.
C.M.KlKiNlA, Minn., Jan. Heports of
111 treatment at the home of Michael
ltyuii led to an investigation. A commit
tee found Hyan's wife dying from the
effects of ill treatment nnd brutality. Her
feet were frozen in bed and her side waa
mortifying from nn injury received soma
time ago, her husband having refused to
pay for b physician or a uurse, although
well uble to do so.
lltdd Up by Highwaymen.
Glknb Falls, N. V., Jan. 4 Philip W.
Bctilly, who Is collector for the Thayer
Portrait company, of Auburn, was driv
ing ou Dix avenue, when four men held
him up, shot him through the wrist and
knocked him insensible with a olub. The
robbers took hi gold watch and nbout
(300 in cb.Ii. It la thought the men live
In the village.
1'rlwU liivltixl to Ketlro.
PATKiWuti, X. J., Jau. 4. Bishop Wig
ger has sent notices to eight priests not
afllltated to his diocese lo leave their
charges atlit seek ot her places. This is tho
outcome of the troubles between Ilov. Dr.
Smith and his lormer assistant, lie.
Fathei Murphy, of St. Joseph's church.
.SHOULD use.
The new vegetiMe shortening
It meets tho most exacting re
quirements, and is besiile entire!
free from theolijection.ihlech.inir
teristics of lard, lotnr. known and
long suffered. Now deliverano:
has come. With Cottolene, good
cooking, good food and good
health are all assured.
Hut you must be sure you ge
Svnd refuse
"fl'"e f imitat'ons made to sel
1 t1 2 merits a:id ijonuUrity o
V .)"""' II. 'T.
ifi,a Ihtn a'l, and your groo
viil li'-1 u idetsUnd that ;
know'.ly what you want.
This will bring you satisfaction
a:id oavo you disappointment.
Sold l-i .I11111I ' P'liinit !
Made o-ily hy
136 N. DELf WAHE AVE .
(Successors to Coakley llros.)
No. 38 IlnHi Centre Htreet.
Our Motto: llest Ouall'y at Lowest
Prices. Patrouanc respectfully soltciiod
Kaiser's Oyster Bay (
127 South Alain Street,
A. P. KAISEU, l'n prletor.
tSThe best oysters In all sty'es at all h ur.
Just opened in tho Kgan Btiildn.g,
No. 8 East Ccntro street, a full line
of Fall and Winter Millinery.
Miss Annie Morrison,
Of holes in a skimmer!
Lots of ways nr throwing: away money One
01 me best- methods t , connniizit'.K s to Ini-urt
In tlrst class, thorough rmlai f umpauteH,
ellher life. Ure or arud, nt -uch as represented
No I2U Houtb jHnlln street, ;Hhenanooab Pa
Hr Thppl 1317 Arch St,
Tho only Ccnulno Slieclnllst la America,
nolmliiMsnulni; nlnit otliers ailrertue.
Special liifteahCN anil Strictures
Permanently Cured it. a to 5 dan
BLOOD POISON i;v;'uar7dbrv
IuuwnictUtxilnao 10 wdayH. 6 5 ears l.uro
iitun JlospltaJ and .c iTULUcal cxpericuce. as
Oertlttcauis aud llnhma trovo. bond flvo
1 2-ceni stamps for IhmLu TkI'TJI" tlieonly
1 CI IIMIIIT US liltial t-isuimiir.l,a. n wuoiim.
toall sufrtrVrt and to thoe contemplating
warrla'o. The most utiibtiornand daiiReruui
cases solicited . W rite or call aud Ihj tavtxl.
Hours 9-!, Kvg)W, Wed nnd Sat. eve's
fi-10,Sun tfl? suH't-ssful treatment by mall
General Supply Store !
Wholesale and Ketull PRICKS.
oroxisr 33. TriEEisH
Ferguiiori House bid-. Centre Hire, i
delicious to the taste, invigorating
and strengthening to the body,
made in ONE AMNUTR from
Only 30 Cts for a full pound paclao
Freo i&mpla on Application to manulootu. i
yoa oils dt
II. It. Severn. P. E. Msgargle. W. H. Wutera
Electric Call Bell
and Burglar Alar ml
Himple, Perfect and Cheivp
lighted Willi It. Oult'tj
din Btreet, Hbenaudorth
attended to.
iiTi at iw -out it Jar-
rt tiiitiiUH
M ft MM. 4r4Hfaf Itf I