Ull'J 1)1 IlilV'it hi it TB A wr -a V 1 , It V 4t What is Cnstorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic suhstnncc. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cnatorlalsso well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any proscription known to me." H. A. Anouan, M. 1., ltl So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, Jf. Y. " The. uso of ' Oatorla ' Is m universal and Its merits bo well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. row are the Intelllcent fomflle who do not keep OastorU within easy reach." Cuaos IUiittk, I). I)., New York City. Castoria. Castoria cures Oolic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, filar rhcaa, Eructation, Kilta Worm, gives sleep, and promotes di lution. Without injurious medloation. "For several years I have recommended your 'Oastorta,' nnd shall alwayr continue to do so a it has invariably produoed heneflclal itsnilts." Edwin 1 1'irpu, 51. I)., 186th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tub Chntaob. CoMr-AKY, 77 Mmuuv Srniorr, Nmv York Cot r UtAND: 3;.1j' i-wr . I um r HOT -1- fl, -w V . HKTOaMt.MBCCiCS . . 1 A 9i S1.C0 per notUeSfXP H. & S. P K. Co., No. 1, BOBBINS' OPEiU HOUSE, SHENANDOAH. BEGINNING, V Ending JANUARY S, 1801 1U UUU1LIUU IU lUH iwt. the magnificent display at the booths I acre win uo u brr"u t MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT I And other amusements. Change of program each night. A numoercu ticket given to each person purcuas lng a ticket of admission. , Tickets, Only 5 Cts. Speech ltostored. For five years I BuHerod with pain and dis charge of the throat, Hacking cough, frontal headsohe, weal: eyes, &c, at times, could not talk above a whisper', lost weight continually, and not a' le to work. I was treated by ite best pbyst' 1.1ns in the county, but received oo relief After giving up all hones I was reojm. mended to use a bottlo of Mayers' Maguetio Catarrh Curo, After using it for four wcek4 my Bpeech rjturned. All symptoms of Catarrh have disappeared and "I feel like a different person." Mns. EI.IAS Handwehk, Elk Lick, Somerset Co., Pa, TheJ&bove is one of the many testimonials we have received this week, and we will publish every two weeks additional persons having been cured by our marvelous medicine. Try u bottle and be cured at once. Maykhs DnuoCo,, Oakland, Aid. For silo by druggists. Mayera' Magnptto Catarrh Cure is the only nedlclne utod by vapor Inhalation, and Is guaranteed by your druggist. " A DIVIDEND PAYEU. ft Gflll Dollar iiiiiW, Of Cripple Creeli, Colorado. Organized under laws'of Colorado Capital stock, 70O.UCU ebares, par value Ji eacn, Tull J'atd nml JVoii assessable. lSO,t)UO Shores fit Treacury The mine is located in the richest portion of the celebrated gold producing dlstriotof CrlpJ pie Creek, and is held under a United Btale PaWork Is carried on day and night, and high grade oro is being taken out in largo quant I lies. In January, 1891, the company w2ll begin i-ay-lne regular monthly dividends at ibe rate of tH per cent, per annum on the amount invented. H. H. OFFICER, See. and Treas. A limited amount of the sharfs are now offered At SO Cents Per .Share. Block, prospectus and eiperta' report may be obtained from the banking house of H. R. LOUNSBEHY, lM318t-eod 67 UroaOay, New York. Cures Coughs, Hoarser eif( Wore Throat, Croupprompily; relieves Whooping Vouch and Asthma. Fnr Consumption ithasno rit al: has cured thousands where all others ntfllrrnv i.-rTT if tnfcrn in time. Sold by Druggists on a srunninteo. For Lame Back orChest use SHIMHI'S VI.ASX1SU. 25 cts. .CATAHRH Remedy: TtncA mn iTHirrh? Vhlaremedv is cuaran- teed to cure sou. Price OO cts. Injector f roa. Sold by C. H. Hsgcnhuch, Shenandoah. or Chest, use BMiMU'i WuH 'ill FILLS : ntbttitU. V i.l Kent ai-a. mil uju Ac t)"ual-lt, or teinl 4t 1 t, W ! Mi.nu 4 fir puik'tUiiisi, t UltwUUil. u C S ltIItr far l.ttrtle in letttr. t rt tun Av fr MolL I,OOOT MtroutfU. JVatoj)r f Jf, W 'A K ttrttigtaix rENNl DAFI, BIWOV" r- UJi'.r. vni" X S Vv4U I)rui.frit ("r Chickt-teri hhgtuh w J-r3jSil,1t,i n. iit-i with blue rllibon. 1 AMUSEMENTS. APopulpr Editor M triers His Bride of a Month, A PITIABLE SOEHE OF HORItOE. The Murderer, After IIm fnnne Act, Thr.ni. Illineir llpn the llody nf III Victim and Call. Ipoii Her to Come Itnck to lllim J 5IFIHA. Ph.. .Tati'. 1. I'mfuwir Swlthtn C. Short 1 Id jie, pnclpiil of tlie MeJIa Academy for Hoys, shot nnd Iristimtly killed hli wife yiwterdiiy wlillo promen adtiiK on one of the principal streets u( thlsolty. The couple hnd been mnrrled hut n month, and the only cause that can be useluned for the deed 1 temporary In sanity from tho effects of n recent nttnok of tho Rrlp, combined with buslnew re Verses. There were no wltnenses to tbo murder who were nearenongli tohearany ronversatlon that limy have preceded It, and Professor ShortlldRe hns been totally Irrational iver flnce It occurred. All that cnu be lenrned, until he re covers his reason, is that the couple went out for n walk during tho morning, and thnt When fhey had reached n point on JelTer-ion street, n few minutes wnlkfrom their home, the frenzied man suddenly drew n pistol and tired six shots In rapid succession Into tho woman's bead. Then he threw himself upon her prostrate form, nnd when those who saw the tragedy readied tho scene she was beyond all human aid, and he was frantically call inn to hr. to come back to him. Tho victim was Mario Dixon Jones be fore she married the man who killed her. She was about 26 years old, nnd very handsome. Profesbor Shortlidge had been married before, and has three children by his first wife, who died four years aire- Within a week after his second marringo be became seriously 111 with tho grip. Ills younc wife nursed him faithfully, and on Saturday he was well enough to go out for a short walk, lesterday he started out again. Something in his manner caused his wife to volunteer to go with him, nnd arm in arm they left tho house. They took up n course toward East Media which led them through a bit of wood land on .TelTcrson street.- When In tho midst of this they were seen by several people, to stop suddenly, and what ap peared to be n brief struggle took place, Then there was a sharp report, followed by another mid nnother. Among those who were near enough to see nnd hear thin was Chief of Police Mo KnifT, who quickly ran to tho spot. When he reached it Mrs. Shortlidge waslylngon her faco with the blood flowing in torrents from six ghastly wounds in her head. Across her prostrate form lay her hus band, shrieking and crying to her to come back and spenk to him. As McKnilT reached his side Shortlidge sprang to his feet and ordered him to go away. McKnill nttempted to seize the frantic man, but the latter eluded him nnd again threw himself upon the body of the woman he bad killed. Grasping the frightfully wounded head of his vic tim in his hands he rained kiss after kiss upon the lips of the dying woman, punc tuating them with terms of endearment and entreaties that she should speak to him. McKniir first secured tho pistol nnd then gontly drw the murderer nwny front his victim, just ns tho last breath of her young life linttered from her lips. Tender hands picked up the mutilated body nnd carried it away, while McKnill' took the murderer to jail. After taking. i few steps J.'rqfessor Shor.tliilge-jaeled And would'havu fallen from sheer weakness had not the chief of police (might him. It was found neccsnry to coii"ey hhn tojail in a enrringe, where he coniinues 'o rae about his victim, and to entreat her to come to him. Professor Shortlidge came to Media Ii: 1874, and founded tho school of which he is the head. Jie comes from an old Uuaker family mid is a graduate of Harvard, where he vuis the lecipient of lionoi. and u noted ntbiete. Upon leaving Harvard he embraced journalism, but gave it up to open a boarding school for hoys in Keii' nett Suunro. From there he came to Mo- din. Ills school here has gained an en viable reputation ns a preparatory lnsti tute, and many a collegiate has passed through its course of study. Financially it has been a success, but its founder lias been unfortunate in other ways, and bo- causo of his ilnnnclal embarrassments the school lias been in the hands of a receiver for some time past, although Professor Shortledge remained nt the bend of tho educational department. He has always enjoyed tho respect and confidence of the people of Media in the highest degreo. Mrs. sjhortliuge came here troni lirook- lyn about four years ago with her mother, Mrs. Marie Dixou Jones, who attained a great denl of notoriety there by reason of a suit for libel which she brought against the Brooklyn Eaglo, and which grew out of charges made ngoinst her by that jourunl in connection with n hospital for merly conducted by her in lirooklyn. The deceased was also the thenleceof the Kev- Henry Dixon Jones, who was formerly pastor of Christ church in this city, pEUGUSON'd THEATRE. I'. J. FKHGU30N, MANAGER TUESDAY, January M, 1894, The Sensational Dmm, MASTER AP MAN. New York Palmer's Theatric. Brilliant suo cose. Carlton iron mills in full blast. The greatest scene on the American stage. Prices, s, 50 and 75 Cents. Itestrved seats at Klrlln's drug store. COPYRIGHTS CAN I OIJTAIN A PATKNTf Por n prompt answer and an honoet opinion, write to Blt'NN fc CO., who have bad nearly nflv years' eiperisacelnthepatcr.t buslwen. Communloa- iOrm iin ueui. .ivu. .v ii- adentraolioouseiiiirio. . .... .1 1) Auini-lrnii. nil 3 tufcon turoiuH amnii cc receive itlcelntboHrloutlilc Amerirnu, and luroilKUt wid ly bsi'irotlie publlowlth U tho Inventor. Tina splendid wper, .(iiS?i.'iTkilii'JO ' anyeolentlBo work in tho ildlnj HI a"".,, gample cmj oaecnt free, SSnfftfn lW"n.monil.lr.f-'Waycar. amnio Jio fii! A lts- Kvory number contains boau. tent animus. K dImis. enaWtntr lH(le to fcliow tbo BuCUr'3 kuuit avi, pew YOUKUUI BnoAUWAT. pEUGUSON'H THEATUE. P. J, rEUQCBON, UANAQEll, VI Wednesday, Jan. 3rd, 1894. "The smart little bit of a man," Mark Murphy, In the Crust of Irish Society, C'Dnwri's Neighbors, A laupli In evi rs line. Hpeclal mid d auraciio- MD KELLY, iho II" (M feautv Km cf iho Daso nail Hfd. Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents. Reserved Beats at Klrlln's druj store, Tito Hundrod Destitute Fninllles. Jamestown, X. Y., Jan. 1. (Jails for aid upon the ponrmaster and the aid societies increase daily. The situation is alarming. and if the many manufacturing industries do not begin operations soon, sons to give work to the thousands of bnnds that were employed in them there is no telling wbnt. the outconie-wlll he. l'oormnster Arena hns nearly two huflclred families under his care at present. The sum of fla.OOU appropriated to cure for the poor is ex hausted. JllcKnne Indicted. NEW YoitK, Jnn.l. J ustices of the Peace Newton and Sutherland, of Gravesend, with John Y. McKnne, were orrested on in order issued by Justice Cullon on new Warrants. There are eleven indictments against McKaneand two each against the others. All tho indicted tounu nouns men. nnd were released on bail. James Murphy, McKane's private secretary, has also been Indicted. . A Denver Dank lteaumes. DKNVKn, Jan. 1. The Denver Savings bank, which succumbed to the panic of last July only after 11 stubborn fight, will reonen for business tomorrow, Tho Peo- ole's Snvlnits hank has abandoned the at tempt to resume, and will pay 11 dividend of 10 per cent, on $955,000 of proven claims tomorrow. A Well Klinr11 Srwiiiff Machine Man Dead Bkidoetokt. Conn.. Jan. 1. Nathaniel W. Wheeler, president of the Wheeler nnd Wilson Hewing .Mncnino company, mount his home in this olty at the age of li. He leaves n fortune estimated nt fiOO.OOO. lli'terinlnod Yimnc Rulclde. Franklin. Pa.. Jan. 1. Miss Cora Bow- mnn. tho nrettv young daughter of Wes ley Dowman, a well lo do farmer living in Oakmont township, five miles west of this city, took a quantity of laudanum Thursday night with suicmal intent, one got an overituso nnd recovered entirely Saturday night she shot herself with e 3-callber revolver, the bullet penetrating the left breast close to the heart and pass inn- clear throuiih her body The attend ing physicians give no hopes for her re covery A lover's quarrel was the oauia. r nan wen i, stop to V( To gen, r m 1 y ' j . 11 i 1 "( i cnso'ntinn 11 t Ii -it than well ic-Mile s ponder, ba- k flesh and spirits is every-th'ng. of p'ire Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- juiospliiles is presenbed by lead ing physicians everjrvvhere for uil- nents th t are causing rapid loss u lleah : 1 vital strenpth. Scott's t mulsion will Oo more t'lan to stop a lingering Cough- it fortifli-a Jhncystem AflAISST coughs and cold;,. r. ntT, il 1 v Sr it Rnwno. N. Y. AM ('-. Ennston behoch Willi the Ills liner. New Your, Jan. 1. f-'choch won the big cycle race by the gieategt score ever made In a like contest. The core at the fin h was as follows: Schoek, 1,800; Waller, MM', Martin, I.4IH); Albert, 1,110; Van Embcrg, 1,401; Golden, 1,318; Meixell, 1,100; Fonder, 1,040; IJnrton, l.llOU; jVsh inger, 8T0. llrtck Work Olnsn DtiiTn HUNTlNdlKix, Pa., Jan. 1. Wigton & Son, manufacturers of fire brick in this place, have decided upon the indefinite. suspension of work in their extensive yaids near Phllllpsburg, Centre county. the suspension throws out of work 1:0 men. lull, r 1 lis : I They Burn" of MANY PEIF The Mob, II- 1894. makers x and Hia t I'innlly 111 :J0 WASTE 1894 JANUARY. 1894 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 7J9 10 11 2 13 14 156 Y7 28W 20 J2l22 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES, lMoon R 10:07 U p.m. First i A 7:00 uarter p. m. Full n-i 10:11 Moon 6i. a.m. (T Third, no 11:51 M Quarter O a.m Professional Cords. pitOR FKEDKRICK ZE1TZ, INSTRUCTOR OF MUSIC, Is prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ, -irinu nna oana insiruracni. i' or inrmer in. formation call on oraddres Onuni.nit Duos., no. 1. Norm Alain Ftrect, enennnaonn. JOHN K. COYI.K, A TTfl 11NK Y- A T-l.A W. Office Heddall building. Htienndoli, I't. PALKUMO, Hie rioting vailed in sev time past Is rival of si ro) nnxionsiynx the Primaries tens. At Trepan Near, has been rec said that tht so excited tli ThetaiSi2. MONTH LEFT trano. n toy, ated about t' appears thnijit (let Tnt'.llier nnd of roadmaki ,. , ,, ,, , tacked tho .'r l,n,,,,"B '"" evidently pilher Tilings Must he they secureiWecks. revolvers, hi pikes or knl makers orK1 , , . marched onri"K clectlcns forlS'.ll sentry boiteiTueeday of February, ofllces, nfterho month, and under with the olV making uonilnations tral 1CtmVncor wlieu f'o iwty record olllc . . , , nnddoli,Koi,avo to takt ul' the The whole uproar, the t lw of 1693 requires their lives oby certificates of tmrty residences, )wnliln caded and p)r(JctorB , ,h most with . ., , , their coram' Couuty omniissioncrs The mob, helorc the election, Into a numamo ofllces by noiulim. the bnrrelsftecu days before it the streets, computation thnt tho a,?tntitloa must bo tiled by tho for further i , . ., , J , At n fclt.ni111 um' "lereiorc, lets wns refonn'or "10 respective parties and greatlycs together, inako thoir ment of thitiiecertlncaUs and have way to MaDi attncKeu i ,,, ,. , .,, . modo'by tLtrInccllnK,to (1rftw ,ho doors. The" "'is week, or tho fiit fenders of at tho latest. Many liberating hcmeelves to bo miidcd joined will olectou uil Rro not Bt?'n"'1''citcen days which must residence o1'0 811,1 ",0 comPlotlon postofiice. vampaign. hnio mncre any citizens who in- ri'.ng for offlco, they should hustle n' people know they aie candidates. it to sp an pri GET BEADS- pel JOL. FOSTER, A TTORXEY p-k! COUXfiKLLEIl'AT'LA Y.- Room 3. Mountain CltvUank Uulldlntr. Pottn- vllle.l'a jJ M UUKtCK A TTORqgtr A T-l.A W. , SHHADOAH, Pi, (JI..CO Koom3, I. O Building, Hhonandot -(l ISsterly building, Pottsville. QR. K. I10GIILi;ltNKH, Physician an!t Surgton. Advlco tree nt druft store. 1W Pouth Main street. Private consultation nt rcwidcLce 112 Soutli Jurdln atrcot, from 0 to 7:8J p. m. HAVIOE, ausaaoK OBKTm. Office Northeast Cor tfin Ml Centra St ticnandoah, over Stein's drug store. J PIF.RUE UOUEKT-I, M. D no. -to laast eai mreei, KHENANUOH, PA. Offlco Hours 1:30 to 3 and tl:30 to t) p. ra. D It. J. 8. OALI.EN, No 31 Homh JarJtn Street, fclienandoih. Office llouits: H30 to 3 and (isso to P. M Except Thlirhdiy evening. iVo office work ok Sunday except by arrange ment. A strict adherence to the office hourt U absolutely necessary. l31-6m NIOIIT VISITS, st.so. pltOF T. J. WAT80N, Teacher ot VIOLIN, GUITAR, DAN10 and MANDOLIN. U.ivlnc had sixteen years' experience as a teacher ot instrumental mu.io giving Instrnc lion ou the anove instrumenis. wora leit si llrumm's iowelry store will rccelvo prompt at tention. JJ- B. KI8TLEK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND HVRORON. )fflce-120 North Jardla street, Shensndoth, Delcamp's Livery Stable E. DE I.CAMP, JR., Prop., WEST STREET, Between Centre and Lloyd, SlieiinncloHlj, I'cuiia. Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable terms- H. F. FAUST'S Electric Call Bell and Burglar Alarm! Himplo, Perfect and Cheap. Everybody de lighted with it. Orders left at ISO Mouth Jar din street, Mhcnandoah l'a. will bo prompt!) attended to. Tho Man Who wrote the Song I "He never oaret to minder Void his own fireside," wis In'nired while slttltie before one of mv lint Ueutcro. I also have on hand the bett tttoves and tlangesln the market and a large stoek ol liouserurnishtng Goods, l'lumblug, rnoilng and Spouting a specially, All woi k guaranteed. p. o. "Wja-TanjEiits, Cor. ot Lloyd and White Sts., Bhenandoah, Pa, NEW GARPESTS Sewed and laid, old ones relltted. Mattresses made to oruer Camels. Mattretees Feathers. Itobes. Huen. Cushions, &c, uiadti free from dirt and moth In wet or ury weather Prompt attention piven to orders. Address hl'KM Hi:N" .T1Nu tUMPANY. North bowers hireet l" m henandoah, l'a, sy to do that is by putting an an- it in cold, bold type in' the nows- ntid Fur Letter Cnrrlir. w Clerks in 1'ebniary. con'1 J u'uii mo auveni m jl osi- towjt into olllc the following notice troo Heeald for publication : tllell aflryl(.n niitmi.iHHmiii. A eom chat j ,t. : , t uiiittiiuii, uuuci iiiu rnwui mi Thouirh tl'l troons wnrn nhln tn ONE CENT. i;iuonai Tnggert hns returned to Phlladel rick Iienuer jpent yestenlay t Potte- Hacslcr, of Pottsvllle, wwi In nlng. Hcese, of ("cntralla, was In town town this Thou phis. Fred vlllo. C. H. till! mi John inornln School Director II, J, Muldoon spent to day at Pottsvllle, fcamuci iodlniky, or Pottsvllle, spentNew Year's day here. William lioyal, of Philadelphia, was in town to-day. Samuel Uellncr was one of the l'hiladeb phlaus in town to-day. Mlse Amelia Bonner, of Plaiufield, N. J is visiting Mrs. A. T. Jones. Archie Campbell, the Philadelphia drum mer, took orders in town to-day. Mrs. J. It. lioyer returned homo from Port Carbon last ovciilng. Valontlno Bicrinan, of Philadelphia, spent yeetetday In town with his parents. T. It. lloddall is a sufferer .from his old enemy oatbunclo. IJe has two this tlmo. Christ. Foltz, of Philadelphia, is spending a few days in town witli relatives. William U. Smith, of tho Philadelphia Arm of Smith, Foster & Co., was in town to-day. William A. Cuthcr and sou left for theli homo in Bluoflcld, West Virginia, this morn. Ing. Edward Shoemaker loft this morning for Carlisle to rosuuio his studies at tl.o Dickinson law school. ' ' Misses- Ulla Maun and May Watts, ol Ashland! were tho guests oC town irieudi jestordiBy. llarrrlClausrr and John Prico, Jr., have returned! to Philadelphia tu resume their uiedicalM.tudles. M. M! Burke, :!., will ruovo into the cot tago oiijS outh Whito street recently occupied by Ms.ielr Finney. Jouaulau Roger?, of town, nnd his son, Sauiuo'flof Mt. C'nrniol, spent to day in at tendanSf at tho Potlsvillo court. llarrjbf lluntzinger, of the Lost Creek cn ginccriidt coriw, spent Now Year's day with his parents at Poltsvlllo. Martlil Fahoy, P. F. King and Tim O'Brien left town this morning for Berwick to wit ness the jUresliu Ileudeishott foot race. lhoms banger and Thomas Williams, of Mt. Canjliel, accompanied by George Scanlau of Phll.Ulelphia, paid a visit to town lasi night, P. P. Ill Kirlin has movod his family next door injtho same building. Mayor Fiuuoy now occDjpies tho part lnado vacant by Mr. Ml rI Ills, Shenandoah Young- Man Killed at Packerton. REMAINS BROUGHT HERE Thiiiiin ltniniildn Atteiimteil In .tilmi. Upon a Moving Freight Train, Hut Fell llenratli the Wheel and Was Cruitim! tn tl.ilth. The Ixihigh. Valley passenger train which arrived hero at 8:58 this nioriug brounht tho dead body of Thomas Royuolds from I'ackerton. Undertaker O'linra took chargo of tho remains and convoyed thorn to the homo of tho deceased's mothor, Mrs. Mary Reynolds, a widow residing ou West Osk street. Reynold's mot his death on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad at Packortou last night. Ho ami a young man named O'Brion, said to hall from the First ward of this town, were walking about tho railroad yard and whon a freight train approached Reynolds tried to jump ou it. Ho slipped and felt beneath tho wheols and his body was terribly mauglcd. Tho deceased was 21 years of ago. IIo worked for tho Hochlcr Bros, ou South .Isrdln street. When In town ho mado his homo with his mother. About a week sgo ho got into soiiio troublo and having hoard that the pollco were after him ho disappeared, lie was to have gone to Buffalo and It is supposed that his object in attempting to jump on tho freight train was to continuo his journey to that point. Klrlln, Inside McDona Year's UJicUJieifi, ottomce. bulldiiiKS, 'they were unable to restore order, and the olllcers sent for additional reinforcements, which were hurried to tho spot ns soiln s possible, the mob in the meanwhile) retaining possession of tho ntitlmung the work of destruc- town and d tlon. While tl strange ns to ba flllf. mobs have Humbert Ttyey cheer, lis work of riot was in progress, it may seem, the mob seemed kl, as all the previous Sicilian been, with enthusiasm forKinc and Queen Marcaret of Italy. ed repeatedly for the king and -n. nm.' cnrrled their nnrtmittt tinn uauners ivliile continuine- their riotous demonstra ions. Finnllv A larac bodvof troons nndnollrn reached CiWelvetrano, nnd tho main body of the moll was dispersed at the point of the hayonnt. Prnvlifpuce's MUsIng Hank Teller. PROVIDBNXK, Jan. 1. Xothinn; has been heard of tjlie missing teller, William Aus tin llcnnel t, of the Globe National bank. It hns bejn found that one of his novel schemes jo (jet monoy was to destroy original I hecks sent In from depositors, make outluew ones for smaller amounts and drawiu check in his own fnvor fur the balance, lllo would credit the dep isitor In the p:m book for the correct amount, nnd woulll credit him for the less amount In the baLk books. SCRANlJ In tho upj are vigor berment., Want a New Connty. UN, Pa., Jan. 1. Business men er part of Luckawanna county msly agitating county dlsmein- 'Ihey want to create a new county opt ot portions of Lackawanna, Susqueha1! no and Wayne. The proposed I be about as large as Laoka nnty, and will contain such places as Corbondnle, Forrest mart, Arcbbald, Jermyn and county wanna e, thriving. City, Wj Aiayiieiu. alltlcal Crluls In Japan, YoKOiiji.iiA, Jan. 1. There is apolitical crisis heiJ;. and scenes ot the utmost dig order wire witnessed on Friday, when parliament reussembled, arising out of the excitement over the question ot the presidency A good deal ot violent lan guage was exchanged. The government ended the tumult by dissolving the par liament. The election campaign, it is ex pected, will be of an unusually exciting nature. Scluefer to llecome an "Actor." New Tork, Jon. 1. "Jake" Schaefer la going oi the stage as a star. The wizard of billiards has entered Into copartnership with ej.-varlety performers Ward nnd Vokes.Ynd will appear with them next season In a farce comedy. Aside from speuklnV a fewllnes "Jake" will enjoy a thlnkira; part until the third act, when jlvo nn exhibition of fancy shots phlnx, He is to receive tJ60 per he it to. with a week. Clial P.HlJ man rinrrlty (loin? to Florida KI.I'MIA, Jan. 1. Chairman W. F. Ilntrity, of the Democratic national committee, reports of whoso illness have been liliblisbed. savs there Is nothing In bis conllltlon to cause alarm. His system Is Bomd.vhat run down and he intends to go to Ilorida to lecupenitu about the mid dle of January. Ordered to tli rnmeroom. HEnois, Jan. 1. The German cruiser i Wilhelui, currying 856 men, has ilered to the Canieroons from Wll nven. The newHpupers regard this u that mnttent in the Cameroons 'time Hei'ioiistliRndispHtclies repre- ni to be Foreman McKcono and Edward d, 11 ro boss, of Colorado, spent New lay visiting their many acquaint- A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. THE SURCHARGING. Kecklesl llxpendltures Charged hr County Auditor. The report that County Auditors Alien, Wachtcr and Morau had surcharged County Commissioners Bowes, DoTurk and liccd with $1,100, and Poor Commissioners Tracey aud Bergan with l&o.OO, is contlrmcd by tho Prothonotary. Among tho items surcharged are four aggregating $SO0 paid to William Wllhclm, Esq., for professional scrvicos to the County Commissioners in supervising the triennial assessment last year. The grounds for the eurcharge arc Unit tho Commissioners are bound personally to sup crviso the triennial assessments, and to hear appeals from the i,...n... ,... . ,:Jho following remarkable event In n lndv". life will Intcrestthe render: "For a long tlin'i- I had a terrible pain at my heart, whli-li Hut tered almost Incessantly. 1 had no uppi tl-, and could not sleep. I would be iviuni, I!, to sit up In lied anil belch gas from my -oili ach until I thought every iriini.'' mnilil j my Inst. There wus n feeling of .nni, ,l,r a bout my heart, nnd I was afraid t. dr ivf-. lull breath. I couldn't sweep a muni lib .mt, hitting down and resting; but, iLn (jod, by the help of New Heart Cure ,' II i U past and I feel lIKo another won. i U fnrn using tho Now Heart Cine I lud t 1 . dlilorent so-called remedies and been in by doctors without any benefit mini I b-ii Ii discouraged and dligmled. JIv In- i lioiulitino a bottio of Hr. .Miles' 5,c I:,., J'uio, nnd am happy to say I never n in u It. as I iioiv have a splendid iippiilii in, -U-ep well. I weighed lit pound.-. n n 1 i, -'.in taking the remedy, and now I win, V-1 o Its oireet in my case hns been trulv v.: i m . h is. It far surpasses uny oiIiit im1, , I luivo eer taken or any benelii I i-.w n c-lved from phys-iclans."- Mrs. lim i-, :-ui. i I'liMsvllle. l'a , Oi-1ober 13, 1HW. Dr. Miles' New lie.iit Ciito In sold on a pu" I ! yogiiaranteoby nil druggists, m-bv (In- i Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, I ml., on in i i,. . prlro, 81 per bottlo, six bottles js, express pii ,Kiid. This gieat discovery bv nu i-inluei -pei lallst In heart dlseime, contains uoulu: opiates nor dangerous drugs. WM. J. LLOYD'S palace Saloon.... and Restaurant, (Under the Palace Theatre) G5-ixvicaL-crillo. lSrn . I Of llnllM. 111 I.nlA J of tha.Wlf WRVS Of thrnTOlr.fr nta- w.. u,uiiiuuh ill winini Vi3, moroumiv rejlalil ic me or acciccnt, suph In BlBt either 1 by No. ISO AVID af-fCV South Jardln sircot, 8; .ThflfiS 1317 Arch T.!iS51.I,ia SnocIalUt In Amr Liiammuiiir TTIiai Ollinri jii tftrii.. ""toil BLOOD POISON Kmry newhiethodliiao to lHlilavi. It vnars' Kurin JfIVHosyiuUnd J2 lirai tlraleiperlenco, aa I UertlflcatrW and IHufnitiftH t,rnvt. Wcmt flvn 1 2-cwjt Btampa tor boot. " TltUTII," the only j f.VHHIllllllHIH -IBBBBBBBBBBTbSb9hIKiBBb1B1B1 ancrasizniac hnty-laltsu. A truo rrlena JfttfuffererB anil to tlire cunteuiplatlDB tge. Tlieniiiststubliiiruanilitaugerou. l loueiteu. wnit'iircaiiauiiuttsaeii. The Itettaurant is one of the best in the'eoal regions, and bos elegant dining parlors attached for the use of ladles. The liar le stocked with the best ales, beers, porters, wines, liquors and cigars. RETT 1 6' S Boer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the x Chan, ilettig's Cele brated Beer aud Porter In thla vicinity, also Berguer A Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales aud Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest branda of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK 120 South Mam Street. I'riuco been o hoi i ii" nre furl teut nAii tlf- lYiJi-jlr.inluim tu 1 Ight fur llnwll. Wni.rsimiiti Pa , Jim 1 p;eiits for the lijiuuian Kovermnent have sertired n'iout( dtren brand Army veterans In this ccjinty for sarvloe In Iiraill, The men alu experienced soldUra, aa Wilt MISCELLANEOUS. SOLICITOUS WANIT.D.-For npply at IIeiiai.d onioe. partloulars tirANTED. A good girl for general house t T wora ill small ittuiiiy. Apiny iu 'Ji'yu Yedlnsky, 31 H. Jard n street. 1-W tt RKM, ESTATK I'Oll SAr.K.-Ploparty situated at the northwest corner ot Coal SOxl'iU loet, and six dwelling houses. Apply to f rame w. wn-un, iiujuui-iiiduiiiiiiDuci-i U is .'w die tol lilt at lion" kpu rmi 1'i'H' 'bd p v " ii w ta lewan ' i ry has be . plall'1 N x"f -T3 Tl'.2CIUl. StT u '"i 3 ar- maisiii , i "a ca-( pt-i n Adar- 1 11 I- uel d j. bui phio, rv watches ds neeuine talkiuu Permanent t I jljn- IIM Q-S . Rv.'a r. n I o-WJun. -U. but- rui (ri'Utiuetiltytiiuu. 'SHOEMAKERS' Geriera! Supply Store ! ' whole,.l - nd HetaU 1'IilCES. aronaxr x. TXinussiecE Ffiguson House bldg., Ccnlro Htreet. A CUP OP delicious to the taste, Invigorating arieT strengthening to the body, made In ONE MINUTE from S IF mm, rMiTAiiii A Cur, Aril mm 74, Only SO cts. for a full pouud package, Vrea cunple on applloat Ion to manutacturers. von, aujs uv 1. R. Severn, F. K. Jlagargle, W. II. Water CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 2)7 West Coal Street, HENANDOAH, PENNA. -AGENT POU- Celebrated lager ID PIISNER BEERS, Porter, Ale and fflm the I bibiIbibbbibbbbbBsS