luuu pouh n fWf the to VENING ERALD, ll ll r I .rivr IM1 1 .11 the nit iiti r f ops 'voi t n . SHBNANJDOAH. PA.. PEIDAY. DECEMBEK 29. 1893. o VOL. IX.--NO. 10. A31 ml H The E 1 A HAPPY NEW YEAR MY PAT 116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. GIB, This is the season to do your Perhaps you will need some to us and get the best. We first premium at the World's Fair. We are selling- Odds and Ends in Plush Goods at reduced figures which will close them out quickly. Come soon. Nickle cover Teapots are the cheapest and noue better. Marble enameled kitchen utensils. Try a piece. Suear bowls from 5c up. Best market baskets ever made 50 cents. No. 8 South XJ00KS & BROWN, JLJL Toilet Cases. Dressing Cases. Work Boxes. Shaving Sets. Plush Boxes of Paper, Etc., Etc. A large and varlod assortment of Qold Pons, Celluloid Novelties cannot bo beaten. Asktoseoour MUSIC BOX ALBUMS. Wo havo tho finost 25c cloth bound book in town; other bound books. Rocking Horsos, Blackboards', Polls, Games, A B 0 Blocks, &c. No trouble Hymnals at Publisher's Prices. 3STo. -3L For ft. !ETea.t a.aa.dl Clean. O 00 TO 0 CI1AS. DERR'S SHAVING PARLOR, FBnansoN House Block. Everything In the tonsorlal lino done In first class style. Everything neat and clean. Reduced Minnesota "Daisy" Flour, To $4.50 Per Barrel. High Grade Roller Flour, v To $3 90 'per Barrel. Roller Family Flour, To $3.50 Per Barrel. Our Stock of Groceries For the Is full and complete Huts, Candies and Fruits. FLORIDA OBANGBa- lug study You Bro a businoss man, anil usod to straight forward businoss talk facts facta facto. Your wlfo has boon looking for a Piano, Sewing Machine, Organ, Chamber Suit, Parlor Suit, Or something clso In onr liuo. Why not buy it now. Wo aro soiling clieapor than over. J.P.WILLIAMS&SON fancy work. crold or silver paint. Come to sell Arustein's paint. It took Main Street. Pencils and Fountain Pens. Our lino of places, 35c. Also, another lot of tho 20c cloth Magic Lanterns, Trumpets, Treo Ornaments, to show goods. Wo can supply all kinds of nST. afcaijain Stroot. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT (Christ. Bossier's old stand.) strain sind Coal HtH,, ftlieiiuiidoal. Best beer, ale tea porter on tap. The fines Brands of whiskeys and cigars. Poolroom ' ached. Holiday Trade Lirye, Fresh and Siveett 1' C011 AND 111 Many Prolonged and Tedious Arguments Last Night. NO PIPE IN THIS WINTER The Cniincllmeu Decide That the ripe of tho.l'ulillo .Water Works SlinllNot flo Down In Town Until Neit March The Wentlier Feared. Ten of tho fifteen members of tho Bor ough Council spent threo solid hours last night discussing puddle ditchos, pitches, pressures, square yardB, masonry, piping and a dozen or moro technical terms boaring upon the construction of tho water works Tho members nrcsent wero: Messrs iVamos, McGulrr, Coakloy, Holman, Finney, Kano, Lamb, Dougherty, Gallagher and Bettoridgo, and owing to tho lato arrival of tho latter gentleman, tho president, Mr. Lamb took tho chair and hold it during tho ovoning. Mr. James, for tho water committee, ro ported that last Sunday a majority of the Councilinen took a drlvo to Davis' Hun and Inspected tho work dono in connection with the public water works. It was tho sontl ment of tho visitors that the work dono is a protly good job, with tho exception of a small portion of the foundation for the pumping station boilers. Mr. Womolfdorf's attention was drawn somo time ago to the foundation, and ho said ho drew the atten tion of tho contractors to it. The contractors said it was not necessary to build as strong a wall as years ago, on account of tho different machinery Used, and hecauso tho strain is not so great now. Continuing his report Mr. James said tho water committee met on Wednesday night and had a talk about tho bills presented, but arrived at no conclusion. Before tho Council met Mr. James saw Contractor Quinu and that gentleman said ho was willing to do anything tho Council should ask, or suggost. Mr. Quinu was satisfied that a good deal of work could havo boon dono in tho latter part of November, but ho had no guarantee that the weather would be as it proved and thorefore tho laying of pipes was not undertaken. Mr. Quinn ordered tho connections a few days ago and is prepared to start at any placo the Council may designate, but Mr. Quinn will not bo responsible for tho charactor of the work and tho condition of the streets, be' cause in 21 hours tho weather might change and cause tho streets to bo left in a had condition for tho winter. Mr. Quinn also oflbred to take tho pipe from tho streets, at his own oxponse, and put them in a eafo place of storage until tho weather proves favorable for the work. Ho also said he would placo an order for all material necessary and when tho weather opens be ahlo to put on a large forco of men to push tho work. Mr. Betteridgo also made a report for ths water committee, stating that he saw Engin eer Womolsdorf yostorday. The engineer gave assurances that everything would be all right before tho borough would bo called upon to pay n penny for it. Mr. Womelidorf also advised against tho laying of pipe this winter on account of the condition in which it would leavo tho streets. These reports led to numerous lengthy dis cutsions, and finally It n as decided, on mo tlou of Mr. Finney, that the work of laying the pipo bo suspended uutil the first of March, that tho contractor take the pipe from the streets and store them until re quired to return them by tho water commit tco, and that tho contractor be requested to ordor the pipo for the other sido of themoun tain. A bill for $2,421.1)0 for work dono by Mr. Quinn during November was presented, and a very lengthy discussion followed the read- Jng.of a charge of $1 per yard for excavating rock when tho contract specifies 40 cents per yard for excavating, tho latter term to be general. Mr. Jamos said ho could not see what difference it would mako whether the oou tractorSvas paid 40 cents or $1 per yard for rock work if tho wholo work must be done for 193,000. Mr, McQuire said that was not the contract, It is that if tho wator committee's estimates are correct the water works are to cost $03,000. If anything can bo savsd on the estimates they will cost loss, but if moro than the estimates call for must be done, then there will bo that much of an increase on tho $93,000. It was finally agreed to grant Mr. Quinn an oruer lor i,ow ana tne secretary was directed to notify Messrs. Quinn and Womels. dorf that thoy must attend tho next meeting of Council to givo some Information as to the balance of the bill, Tho $1,500 granted last night makos total of $18,02085 which Contractors Qoinn and Kerns havo received for work done at Davis' Run, Mr. Finney asked how much of the water bonds had been Bold and was told $07,000 and tho borough has assurance that if it requires the money it can dispose of the balance of the $93,000 on ten days notice A bill for $7,135.01) for the water pipe thus far delivered, and $935 20 for the freight and hauling, making a total of $8,071.19, were presented, On motion, It was decided to retain 20 per cent, from the pipe bill as security to the borough . ruSr:Iro will meet the require jO Id . indeflnfact " to protsure, etc., rucr for $0,045 was au crrantrd tlin rniumt And Mr. Ivtttin said lin would stand by hlscomnilttoo and notify the 11 ro companies not to give out hose lor any purpose. Council then adjourned. CHARGING MR. ALLEN. Arrested at l'ottSTllle VeVtenlur ltut lie I Not Alarmed. Tho rnovouicnt against County Commis sioner-elect Allen assumed a vory aggressive shapo yostorday by his arrost on a warrant issued by Justlco Fistcr, of l'ottsvillo ,on oath of Mnjor Sam Losch, secretary of tho Repub lican County Committee Tho movo was not a surpriso to Mr. Allen, Ho had been warned that it would bo mado and took tho execu tion of tho warrant as a huge Joke, On making his appearance beforo the Justico Mr. Allen was informed that tho charge against him was a violation of tho election laws. Tho complaint was read to him as follows: "Whereat, complaint hath been made unto J. II. Fistor, Esq., 0110 of our Justices of tho I'oaco for said County of Schuylkill, on affir mation of Samuol A. Losch of tho County of Schuylkill, that In Soptombor, October and November, 1893, at tho county aforesaid, that Charles F. Allen did in tho months of Sep tember, October and November, as the proso cutor Is informod and bellovos, while boiug a candidate for otllco of County Commissioner forSchuylkill county, did violate tho oloction laws of this Commonwealth in that ho did promiso to pay money and fcivo otllco to livors persons who aro voters In Schuylkill county, in consideration of thoir voting and U8inrf their influence for his election to the said office, contrary to tho Act of Assembly in such caso mado and provided." Tho prosecution was represented by D. C. Ilonning, C. F. Snyder and W. I). Seltzer, Esqs. Mr. Allon pleadod "not guilty" to tho chargo and under instruction of his counsel, O. Ulrich, Esq., of Tamaqua, waived a hearing. Tho Justico required ball in tho sum of $3,000 for Mr. Allen's appearance at tho January term of court and Mr. Benjamin Miller was offered as tho bondsman, hut upon objection by tho prosecuting attomoys, the Justico refused to accept tho hall. Mr. Ulrich then presented M. Kohrholtnor. the l'ottsvillo clothier, as bondsman, and ho wop accoptcd. In response to a dispatch fron tho Herald today Mr. Allen said that ho was opon to an iuterviow, but ho did not see that anything could bo added to tho statements already mado by tho nowipapors. Ho had no fear of the result of tho suit brought against him, as ho had mado no anto-olcction promises; honco ho was entirely iunocontof tho charge In rcsponso to an inquiry as to tho truth of the report that the Allen people intouded tc tako a turn at prosecutions and haul up cor tain oulcors-elect for making ante cloctiou promises, Mr. Allon said It was true such reports had been mado, hut the stops would depend upon future dovolopmonts. Mr Allen spent today at l'ottsville at work- on tho county audit, and his demeanor was by no means like that of a man who feared he would go to jail. Ho said the Board of Commissioners would he organized next Tuesday, and tho appointmenss to take offect on tho first of tho year will then bo made public. Tho appointments to go into effect In April will not bo mado public until that month. Meanwhile Mr. Allon will hold himself in readiness for his trial, Full Qt trouble" Is the linltnnnv enfTnrai, with pains nud rbsumatlsin. Hod FUg oil Is Hie famous pain lure for Iihsuniallsro, Gout, Neuralgia und Lumbago, tjosm SS cents BfdFUf.Otllsioldatl'. I U. Klrlln'tf Urns Store. OAVE-IN ON THB "PENSY." The Track Near Wlggumi Was Damaged By It. Last night a part of the inside workings of the Bear Kuu colliery caved in and pulled down a small stretch of tho Pennsylvania railroad track near Wiggaus. Tho break caused a suspension of traffic on the lino during the early hours this morning and tho 5 o'clock passenger train was sent to Potts- ville via tho Dolano route. Thcfuamago was repaired in timo for the 9:1G train to make Its trip over tho short line. Lawyer Foster's llrancli Office. Sol. Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor, of Pottsrille, has taken rooms at McElhenny's oafe bnlldlng and will open a branch law ofllc. Mr. Foster expects to be in Shtnandoah every Wednesday and Satur day evenings, when h can be consulted at the place mentioned. 11-Se-Sw ".Muster end Man." During tho action of the play a number of high class iptclaltles aro consistently Intro- duced, among which may be mentioned the Iron Moulder's Quartette, Twin City Trio and the St. George Choir. Taken in all, "Master and Man" is a performance which oan b enjoyed, without regard to creed, denomination or religious belief, by any one. At Ferguson's theatre, January 3d. llurchlll's Cafe. When sseklng a mat and well conducted cafe, go to Burchlll's, corner Main and Coal streets.. Polite and prompt attention. 11 7-tt lla1! Iteleasetl, Harry Hall, who was convlctod several months ago of having attempted arson at his photograph gallery in this town, was yester day reloasod from tho l'ottsvillo jail, two months having beon deducted from his sentence for good behavior. Qet your repairing dtnoat Holdonnan's, 12 27-tf Weddlus Invitation. Over 500 of tho finest and correct style wedding invitations and cards to solect fron at the Hkbald oftWjcd or THE G. A, ll, AROUSED. Ringing Circular by Com mander-in-Chief Adams. A FULL INVESTIGATION, The Orgunlntlon Is Determined to Ferret Out the Frauds Which I'rosltleut Cleve land Allegm HtUt The rcnniylvanln Veterans Take l'mmpt Artlon. Tho members of tho Grand Army of tho Ropublio tkroughout tho United Statos aro aroused by a circular issuod by Coromandcr-in-Chlof John G, B. AdamB, urging that tho cutlro machinery of the organization in evory state of tho Union bo set in motion in ordor that tho fraudulent recipients of pensions which President Clovo land says exist may ho located. This step is ouo of tho results of tho pen sion problem Incorporated in Presidont Cleveland's recent message to Congress. Whatever proof of fraud tho veterans may find will bo submitted to tho Department of tho Interior. When Hoko Smith first began his whole sale suspensions tho members of tlio Grand Army wero among his most sevoro critlcc At tho various department encampments and the Grand National Encampment ring ing resolutions wero passed, and at tho polls In last Novomher tho veterans spoke in no uncertain tones. Tho present movo Is intended to show that it is tho deslro of tho organization to mako tho pension roll a roll of honor. At tho sumo time it is expected that tho investigations which havo been begun will show tho falsity of tho adminis tration's statement, In tho circular Coniinandor-lii-Chiel Adams says : "WiimtEAs, Tho President in his message to Congress has stated that 'thousands of neighborhoods have thoir well-known fraudulent pensioners,' and as tho missior of tho Grand Army of tho Republic is to "oncourago honor and purity in public ailalrs, " I, thcreforo, call tho attention of ail tho comrades, posts and departments of our ordor to tho statement of tho President and urge them to report to tho Honorable Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C, any person known to bo in receipt of a pension not justly entitled to tho same under (lie law and to forward a duplicate of said report to thoso hoadquarters at onco. "Lot the cases of fraud bo provon, not im plied, Tho Information that comes to theso headquarters dally of- comrHes totally disabled whoso pensions h, , Seen suspended aid of widows, whoso husbands were killed In battle, being suspended until thoy can prove that thoir husbands wero naturalized citizens of tho United States, leads tho Commander-in-Chief to boliovo that tho state ment is brooder than can be substantiated by facts. If thoso wrougs actually exist the Commander-in-Chiof pledges the support of tho Grand Army of the Republic "to thoso who attempt in the lino of duty to rectify these wrongs," assuring them that the Union veterans are as anxious to guard the Treasury of tho nation in time of peace at thoy were to defend its flag in timo of war." Tho readiness with which the matter has been taken up was shown by tho action of Department Commander Sample in this state. As soon as the circular from the national office reached the Philadelphia headquarters ho sent out the following to every member of posts in this state: The ' Department Commander heartily unites with tho Commander-in-Chief in urg ing upon tho comrades of this department the necessity of proper action in tho matter of pensions that may bo improperly or fraud ulently granted, and urgw that if any such can be found tho names be forwarded without delay. Mere suspicion it not sufficient for forwarding names. The fraud if thpre is auy should be proven with a reasonable degree of certainty." "O'Uoml'i Nelghbort." Perhaps a better specialty company than that supporting Mark Murphy has appeared in Brooklyn, but if so, it hat beon so long ago that even the oldest inhabitant falls to remember it. Thoro are sixteen people In the company, every one a star. And when It opened at the Grand opera house yesterday the""3. R, O." sign came out. Of course, comical Mark Murphy, as the irrepressible Dionyslus Ciesar O'Dowd, leads the fun-mak ing, but all the others push him close for first place. Miss Mattle Lockketto, as Kittle, Is one 01 tne prettiest ana most graceful dancers ever appearing in Brooklyn. She was recalled last night until she bad to refuse to appear. They are a jovial lot, and oan make you laugh as you have seldom laughed before. Brooklyn Times, At Ferguson's theatre, January 3d. Comlnc Events. Jan. 5. Welsh Baptist church, annual sup per, Bobbins' Opera House, Jan. 9. "Yo Old Folks" ooncert at tho Union Sunday school building, LoAt Creek, under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance. Jan.ll. " The Trolley System" at Fer guson's theatre, fur tho benefit of George Walters. Jan. 15. Manhattan Athletic Club Ball, Robblns' Opera House. Feb. B.- Fifth grand ball of the Gymna sium t'lub In Kobllus' opera house. For llnatnets Men anil Societies The HerAID has secured tho nghttouse the Malette patent writing ihle blot: THB MONTGOMERY OASB. ConstHhlo (lltillu Arrenteil ami Suit l-.ntcrail. Cros4 8. P. Montgomery, of tho Central House, wont beforo Justico Dengler lastovcning with his wlfo and tho latter swore out a warrant charging Constable Gibliu with assault and battery. Tho suit grow out of Giblin's attempt to executo n search warrant placed in his hands by Justico Toomoy for tho rocovory of ouo Van Allen's baggogo, Giblln nppoarod beforo Justico Dongier and upon a hearing ho was placed under $200 ball to answor n chargo of assault and battery. GIblin then went before Justico Toomoy and charged Montgomery with interfering with au officer in tho discharge of his duty and bail was fixed at $300 for Mongomory to answor at tho next Court of Quarter Sessions. After the storm subsided Montgomery and his wlfo engaged M. M. Burko, Esq., to prosecute and defond their suits. According to tho story of tho Slontgom- orys, it socms that John A. Van Allen, of Now York, had beon selling a patent inhaler and took Mr. Montgomery in partnership with him in tho manufacture and salo of tho artlclo, and r friendship thus grow up. Montgomery invited Tan Allen to spend Christmas with himself and wlfo at their hotel. Van Allon accepted tho Invitation, but, it is alloged, he imposed upon good naturo and stayed at tho placo a week, up to yostorday morning. Ho had boon told by tho Mentgomorys, It is said, that board would ho oxpectod if he should remain aftor Chiistmas and ho was notified of the rates. When Van Alien attcmnted to leavo yosteulay doruand was mado upon hltu for tho amount of board claimed to bo duo, hut ho rofused to pay it. Mr. Montgomery then determined not to allow Van Allen's baggago to leavo tho hotel until ho could institute legal process to hold it for non payment of board. Then followed tho pro ceedings as reported in yesterday's Hkbali. When questioned this morning as to tho outcome, of tho soveral suits Mr. Burke, counsel for tho Moutgomorys. said he had nothing to say further than that ho proposed to show on tho trial of tho suits how easily a constablo can overstep tho authority given him in a warrant. PUIISONAI,. E. S. Wheatloy, of Lohlghton, was In town to-day. Wolf Levino spent part of to day at the county H. J. Muldoon went to Pottsvlllo this morning. . j. v.uKioy wenno mananoy Wty - jji morning, I Howell Samuels, of Mahanoy City, was in town to day. Councilman Finnoy went to Philadelphia to-day on businoss. B, Q. Hess, who has had a severe attack of tho grippe, was around town to-day. Mrs. T. D. Davis has beon suffering for tho psst sevoral days with tho grippe. Constable Boland, 'Squire Carden and Ice- dealer Bronuan, of the Fifth ward, were in l'ottsvillo to day. Misses Mary Nolson and Amanda Link, of Philadelphia, aro visiting Miss Annie Bartsch, on Bowers streot. J. M. Boyer, business manager of the Hebai.ii, went to Lambertvillo, N. J., to-day on business. O. T. Straughn, foreman on tho Hebald, who had a relapse of his old enemy, the grippo, is up and about again, Mrs. J. R. Boyer, accompanied by hor sister, Mist Gussie Fricko, went to Port Carbon yostorday to remain ovor Now Year's, Camp Notice. The membors of Washington Camp ioy, 1 . u. o. oi a., are rcquestea to attor.ati0n special meeting of their Camp to attend i funeral of our lato brother. Charles n which will take placo Sunday afternrou, cemberSlit. at t n'clnrV. Tin- nrfl.r f Robert Lawson, wines D. Q. Richards, Sec. . ' There irsmsnr common liniment mM hm there Is only one are&t naln cure for nil forma ol Upratns, Cuts, Bruises and all bodily pain. lUnams is ited Flag Oil, Costs 23 cents. Hold t P. 1. D. Klrltnps Drug btore. Something New. Before buying natural flowers or wax-work for funeral offerings call apd sco the lovely metallic wreaths, crosses, etc. They aro beau ties, and cheap too. Will never fade. At Mrs. M. F. Schmidt's, 107 North Jardin street, Shenandoah. Alsoanlmmenselinoof holiday goods in tin, agato hardware, etc 12-16-2w Died. DRESS. In Shenandoah, Pa., December 27th, 1603, Charles Dross, aged 63 years unerai on ounaay, uo, vomer 31, idto, 1 o'clock p. m. Interment in Odd FelloM cometerv. Friends and relatives rnarwtfnlM invited to attend. ia.-?- .lta a - KREBS At St. Clair, Pa December Clin 1803, Lewis Krebs, In his 41th year. Fu noral from his lato residence on North Se' ond street, St. Clair, December 31, at 1 p. i11 Friends and relatives respectfully 'DT''eJrf,"Rj nave you inca auociuemtarrh Tbisrr jeyou. Price 1 cts. 1 y ' IT. Itti rl r New At the regular me No. 208, P. O. S. fnllnwlni nfilcertt .Tnoenh fihnnhftll;. John Danks; M. Rec Sec t T genbu'h i 8c TSJJMMARks ctiHa. Lindenmuth In U Smith Tru before mm 'ire, i.iT 1 11 Lie pi-.. 1 t 1 . judgment urantfjc ing Machine NONSTABLE WMZ . U) t 111' ' Sir. Montgomery and lilt r -uvuhu avail. 4 y. Countable Glliliu, Who Al , Montgomery. k A suit was tried before. last night in which CarlJ agent for tho Singor Sowim' nanr. was tho nlnlnt'ff, plnljJ" Wetzel, of th V .1,- ,i.rf COW U.. ,un recovdtaml alleged Mn ment of1. go company's MUSSB Both sides (Slice; Mr. Wotzol ch been loft at ihrf Ml, tuo agent loavi-c weeks hoard -sflfTl Mr. CooganS'iA loftbythoagvvtf notoi as a saw . patronagt to use It. tfe ' Oysten Alter hnjur -o a t...,; c o chlno was tho pr Routh Msln gave judgmont sum of $55 and cq NDOAH, 1 pealed. KAISER, Prejl SAFE Aiv, Jters fn ail BtylM They Vj n Visit to 1 OlllcB Special Herald Dlspatc FoTT8VirxE,Dec.29.- d ,n tu l'lOHBn xh Font cBUHHHiflH .if A (II, 1 Bl Atlantic Refining Compf8 East Centre street, if burglars last night and thU and Wlntor Milling show that they wore eacperjn U ThnvHrllltvl fni.i- tinlnc V ill door lock. Tho explosion several foot and toro it to pit trouble they onlyjiecnfed $3n behind a qjjAtity of postagi. 'me Durgtars escaped a only clue is tho statement of saw two suspicious lookijf aierj around tho office at 8 o'cloast m THB LAS What tlio ltecoriler,7'";el j,t "0m.5j1.wpt J 10 The uy.t.g gang was given yH-(I ln6 Specialist ln?B Loach mn dn a lmlf lienri'.lt ndlnir nhat Others advf Chnrlfvi F. Alien, flnmml OUS DEBILITY ... 4UM tnd strictures I of theso political outlaws is retired in I a to 6 dtjsj Their dreams of sharing Commissioners, converting th0 BpliS: the ,uyi tpoak-oasy and poker room xjiraiui .110 lfirnve. Hp realized and this attempt to forc?octrsanr nlr If fititirf-lf rsanaej out of tho path of will rec.-' - AM ai cin'.d frightful effect upon the heads nanu laujj perpetrators of this contemptible 5 clean politicians in tne Kepubllca: content, hecanse they will bo beneficiaries. Air. Alien stan as ready a I meet meet theso base cowards and Q 111 . 1. ! r . frii i -kl-1! wfttl - e'r woofs. Tho much ne ol un?mfo. mT. .-sale and Rl tn rololce. ' XXINT JD. Tl er Ft i -Miua TtaUlv's W ""V r na liquors, . i. -.f nlears 1IC.3-.13 tol Information w ctrenJ afternoon of the which occurred ,,a(33 Clair, on the 2 well and favr"S5-- where he resil. wnen ne ren was a meml; of A. The day aftern made at wi:1 ha Wop v "J u I ! - a. nntnif nii.l it basnl "iT - T. - 1F.' k . - " REMECl ?iimiai-il " . . r lrt. 1 larv or BeerJ . 0 years al eiperten ongraved. We can d! request that John A Mg up a street and