The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 26, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    -, , ,.. , I, I,
One of His Experiences.
For thirty-eight voars dipt. Loud followed
the soil, most of that time in master of a ves
sel, and upon retiring rtom Die water i up
Dptriicd by the Secretary of (lie United Statr
Treasury to superintend the seal ilshoiii"- in
Alaska, vrhlcli pa-dilun ho held live years, li.
relates one experience as rulIowH:
Kor several years 1 lind la-en troubled with
general nervousness and pain In the rcv'ln.
of my heart. My groniest nftllctlon
lcople fi less; It was nlniont Impossible nt nn
time to obtain rest and slisp. Having seen
Dr. Mll(' remedies tidvertl-od I began nslr:;:
Nervine. AfH'r taklnit a small quantity tlie
benefit received was so great ilmt I was posi
tively alarmed, thinking th remedy con
tallied ophites which would llnnlly lie injur!
ous to mot but on being awiurod by the druit
gist bat It. wan la'rfectly harmless, I con'lu
Uod It together with tho Heart Cure. Ti d i
I can conscientiously say that Ir. Mites' B -storative
Nervine ami New Heart 'ure i! i!
more for met ban anything 1 had otortiil en
I hall been treated by eminent phy.sleii"i'
In New York and San 1 rancNco without N n
Ht. t owe my present rixhI health to the
1udicious use of these most valuable remed I.
and heartily recommend them In nllnllllrn d
as'l was." Capt. A. 1. Loud, Hampden, Me.
Dr. Miles KuHtoratlve Nervine and Now ore
are sold by all druggists on a lHjslHvegunT . n
fen, or by Dr. Miles Medical do., filMiart,
Intl., on receiptor price, tfl per bottle, t-l s
bottles for $5, express prepaid. They ni-ey
"ceq trow nil os kites aud dangerous opug
No. 1207 Went Coal Street,
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Chfw Itettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Ordeis will receive prompt
attention. Finest brandu
of Liquors and Cigars.
720 South Mam Street.
In addition to the' attractions by
the magnlliuenl display at the booths
there will be a grand
And other amusements Change of
program caeu utgnt. A numbered
tleket idveu to each person uurchutf
lug a ticket of admission.
Slnli Ketorad.
For Ave years I suffered with pain and dis
charge of the throat, hacking oougb, frontal
headache, weak eyes, &o., at times, could not
talk above u whisper: lost weight continually,
andnotailo to work. I waa treated by the
best nhyslolans In the county, but .received no
relief. After giving up all hopes I was reojm
mended to use a bottle of Mayers' Magnetic
Catarrh Cure. After using It for four weeks
my spsech returned. All symptoms of Catarrh
hare disappeared and "I feel like a different
Mhs. Kr.iAs Hanowkkk,
IClk Lick, Somerset Co ,
The above Is one of the many testimonials
we have received this week, and we will publish
every two weks a'diticinl persons having
becu oured by mr m n veiuus medicine. Try a
bottle and becuied at ni
Ma kus' Dime Co,.
Oakland, Md.
For s.tle bv druggisio.
Mait is' Miignr tie Catarrh Cure Is the ouly
medfciue used by vapor inhalation, and Is
guaranteed by your druggist.
A Under tin uu.-riicch of tbe A
11. & S. F E. Co , No. 1. l
1 MAU I U i
His Vossels to Porco a Naval Bat
tlo with Mollo.
Clone to u Venal Colony, Wliern Ho Hopes
tn (et a TIiohihiihI Convlets to Mnn
III Ship The NIcMharoy tstarts Alter
I'KKXAMnuro, Deo, SB. Tim altttntlon of
Affairs hns very muterlally chniiirwlln this
eity within thn Inat fetr Houra. Until yen
tertlay I'eriminbiibo believed tlmt ttn lmr
bor was to be the scene of the first big
naval battle between the ltepnbllcn, Ad
miral Mello's lieat worship, antl the Aqnl
daban, her companion reliel ulilp, on th
one side, and the Nlchtheroy, President
I'elxoto'a dt'BHtnite uun cruiser, on the
The news just received changed the
wliole nsiect of alTolrs. The rebel war
ships, it was then learned, were not on
their way to Pernainbuco, but, on the
contrary, had sailed towards the mount
nlnotis anil niKtsl Island of Fernando de
Nohouho, where there Is a large convict
settlement. The Island, despite its rilR
Kcdness, jiosse-ses considerable fertility,
nnd its several harbors, def ended by forts,
would enable Mello to mako'a vigorous
resistnmceif attacked.
The revolutionary admiral's object in
going to Fernando tie Noronlm, which Is
over 100 miles from tho main coast of
Iirasf 1, is to compel as many able bodied
convicts ns he can find In the settlement
to go aboard his vessels mid join their
crows. It issald that hi! expccUt to sectiro
not less than 1,000 men In this way.
0pon the receipt of this new3 aboard
Ihe Niehtheroy there was great activity
noticoable. Members of the crow were
sent ashore in small hoata to search
through the town for such of tho Nich-
thcroy's men ns had been allowed leave to
laud and to hurry them back to the ves
The commanding officer of the Nlcli
thoroy bail apparently received full in-
structions as to how he should act in such
nn emergency, and these instructions, it
is believed, were to tho effect that if bo
became convinced that the report of the
coming to Pertiamhtico of the Itepubllca
nnd the Aquidnban proved to be untrue
and that these vessels, instead of seeking,
were evading fight, he should lose no fur
ther time, but put to sea at once and
force them into a naval contost for su
This view of .the case proved to 1m cor
rect, for when all of Ihe men belonging
to the Nicbt.heroy's crew had been gotten
aboard the government battleship she
weighed anchor, steamed out to sen and
pointed her nose for the northeast.
The Aitsociated Press correspondent is
reliably informed that the Nichtlieroy's
destination Is the island of Fernando tie
Noronha. If this information is correct
the long expected (tea battle between the
revolutionist and tho government war
vessels will in all probability be fought
within a short time.
KlnptMl it 1th Hawthorne's Iteauty.
Patkusok, N. .T., Dec. Uti. William
.TeiTer is credited with having eloped with
Mrs. Minnie Fetaer, tho handsomest
woman of Hawthorne. Mrs. JefTer is left
with four little children, and Is again soon
to become n mother, (iiibtave Fetzer, the
husband of the woman who ho Is oharged
with running away with, left a littlechild
of 18 months to be cared for by him.
JeiTer, who was a prosperous contractor,
left a horde of disappointed creditors be
hind. The couple are said to he en route
for California.
A Pennsylvania I'nrthfiuake.
llEDT-oltD, Pa., Dec. 20. Heports from
various pnrts of this county indicate that
Sunday's enrthqunke lasted eighteen or
twenty seconds. In many places houses
wero shaken to such an extent as to seri
ously alarm the inmates. The shock ap
pears to have traveled in a southeasterly
direction, and was most perceptible to
those persons who live near the raoun
Tbe Ills lllryclu Match.
Xew York. Dec. 20. Iu tho six day go-
as-you-please bicyclo match, which started
at Madison Square t.arden bunday mid
night, the score at 1 a. in. was ns follows:
Ashing, 387; Albert, 87T,.1); Shock, 410.2;
Mnrsln, -10S.4; Waller, 402.1; Golden, 300.0;
Meixell, 3.25.1; Hosmor, 304; Forbter, 231.1;
Fuller, 2,-1.8; Van Kinburg, 303.1; Barton,
250.3; htarbuek, 310.
A Christina live Fatnllty.
Brazil, Intl., Dec. 20. Ashevillc, just
south of here, Is excited over an alterca
tion that occurred there Sunday night,
The fight was the result of a diunkeu
revelry, nnd many persons took part.
William McClelland was dealt a heavy
blow In the head, which crushed his skull,
fatally injuring him. Several others vuro
badly cut and lacerated.
A Noted Uuiidlt Cnptlirml.
LoniiON, Dec. 20. A dispatch to The
Times from Paris says El Bachlr, who has
long been a terror to the inhabitants of
Kabylla, has been captured. Since Nov.
S6 tweuty-oue brigands have been cap
tured or killed. Since the arrest of Kl
Bachlr confidence has been restored
among the people.
livtiHinite In n Church.
Paris, Dec ad. During the celebration
of midnight mass in the Catholic church
at Be.iers, in the south of Franoe, a dyna
mite bomb was exploded. There were a
number of people in the buildldg at the
time, and the explosion caused a panic
No further particulars have been re
ceived. Charged with Highway ICobbery
Nkwahk. N. J., Dec, 36. James Wnlsh,
21 years old, and James Farley, Sft) years
old, were arrested upon a charge of high
way robbery, having knocked Kdward
Pilgen down and robbed him of a small
amount of money. Pilgen was. roughly
handled by the highwaymen.
Ambassador MnoVvaU Gratified.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. SB. Wayne
MacYeagh, of Pennsylvania, who is iu
the city, said today that the president of
the United Stated could not have given
htm a position more to his liking thau the
Italian mission. He will start for Home
about February.
Sweden Would I'lylit SeeeiwluH.
Londok, Dec. aft. The Time prints a
special Berliu HrttoV on the relations of
Sweden and Norway. It say that thttre
is evry reason to believe that the king of
Swedes U Bmpared to use foree to main
tain union between the two countries.
Oregon Governor Appeals to the PresUI
dent In llebslf or Hllvcr. j
SALTSSI. Ore., Deo. 2(1. Governor Pen-j
oyer yesterday addressed the following
f tter to President Cleveland! 4
Tho extraordinary circumstances w hloli
reet tho return of this holiday must be
ty excttso for writing you. Today is tho
Irst Christmas in tho history of Oregon
s liere more than two-thirds of its people
without employment and more than
Hie third are without sulllclent menus of
Itipport. lluslness Is almost completely
Itagnated. The laws of congress which
lave discriminated against silver and
Itatle gold alone full legal tender money,
living to the money lender the privilege
if refusing both the silver dollar and
lllver certificate, thus render unavailable
tnore than oue-lialfof the national cur
'ency as almolute debt paying money, are
hit sole causes of the Impending star
alion." Governor Pennoyer then call attention
o the planks of the Democratic platform
leclaring for the use of lrath gold and sil
ler metal as standard money, and con
lludes: You are a father, and you no doubt
tee! grateful to flod when you, upon ro
aring to, look upon your sleeping
tiabies in flieir couches, thepietuies of
aei'.lth, consctiuent Uon their having
luiihiency of food and clothing. I pray
foil, however, to enlarge tbo seopeof your
risinu and behold as you can in many
in I mnny a vot, children loved as much
by their parents us yours are by you.
neak and sickly from insulllcient food
mil clothing, the innocent victims of
riotous lltiiincial legislation, and then re
lolve to faithfully carry out the pledges
nhich ywir party gave to n confiding
Mutdereil nt a ClirMiium Dniirn,
Kl.lZAHKTHTOWN, Ills., Dec. 26. At a
jhrlstmas dance at Hock Creek, near here,
Dave Avails and John Howell appeared
tor the purpose, as they said, of raising a
disturbance, and "doing up" George Bar
nard." Ilnrnard was too tpiick for Evans,
the spokesman, and sent a hall crushing
through lils month. Ilarnard's assailants
emptied their revolvers at him, Howell
following him up and shooting him until
he fell dead. Frank hedbettor, a by
itander, was shot in the thigh. Four bul
lets took effect in Ilarnard's body. Howell
gave himself up, and Kvans lies in 11 criti
cal condition. An old grudge is at the
bottom of the affair, occasioned by
trouble over a woman.
rnllceniMi Charged wltli Murder.
ClIH'ACO, Dec. 20. Olllcers Ilealy and
Morgan, of the Dearborn street, station,
ivere locked up lusl night charged with
tho murder of Samuel Xclson, the pro
prietor of a small cigar store. Nelson
met the offiVers in front of asaloonand in
vited them in to celebrate Christmas.
Tho oflloeis soon left, and Nelson had a
row with tho barkeeper, who ejected htm.
The officers, who were outside, tried to
pacify Nl'ion, but be knocked Healy
down. He was then put utidor m-rest, and
when he attempted to escape they both
upene'i lire on him, one bullet inflicting a
vein I fr-)us ivhi'di ?" ' T ""t -iieil.
apply at IIlualii otlloe. tf
piUh EST AT K FOll SAIR-Pioperty
I. sl.uated at tho northwest comer of Coal
and Cutharlno streets, conslstint of one lot,
SUxlS'i feet, and six dwelling houses. Apply to
l''ruk W. Wilson, 311) North Jardin stitei.
It! 1R-2W
djnf; to M0 per week uslnB and selling Old
XaO tUluv'le t-Uier hverv famllv Hub
tusty, worn Unlvos, fo'ks, spoons etc Quickly
piutcd by dip) ing in melted n elal No ex
1 erience or hard w rlr: a good situatlou. A1
dress W I- Harrison & Co , Clerk No, II, Col
unibui, Ohio.
BANK I' LECTION The annual election-of
the stockholders of the Moichants' Na
tional Hank, or Shenundoah. I'll., will b-ihild
t the 1 In tilling House, Tue8"ay, January 9th,
Ism. between tbo b urs nf 1 and 4pm., for the
ptirpi.ea or electing thirteen (13) directors to
Ferve the ensuing year.
la-B-rit oaw K. 11. Human, Cashier.
Lettetsof administration on tho estate of
1.1 win Griffin, late or the borough of Huonan
doah. Hchuylkill ooun'y, Pennsylvania, ae
ieiis"d.havo baengranted to Mary Ann Griffin,
residing in the said borough, to whom all
perso: s indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment, and those having claims or
demands, will make known tho snmn without
delay. iljuy Ann Gu'J'hn,
December 11, 1608. la-H-Oi-oaw
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
v(ett and Cowl ttla,, Mi!KaiicltC
If est twer, al and porter on Mp. The hues'
.randsof wblskem M)4 ctgsrs. Pool room '
llottlersof all kinds ol
Wkirs IIkcu a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
r ineai noer.
IT iil 19 I'meh Alley, SUKXAXTIOAll.
Snklect to the decision of the Citizens' noml
nat ni convention.
Palace Saloon..,,
and Restaurant,
(Under the Palace Theatre,)
G-lJCitx-caL-vrillo, 3P .
The Mestauraut is one of the best In the coal
regions, and has elegant dining parlors attoehed
for the ute of ladles,
The Hir Is stool; od with the best ales, beers,
porters, wines, liquors sad efgars.
Put.bVlUe.Fa.. December 28, 18113. (
The following Schuylkill county 4 per oest
oomls usve been drawii for redemption, vli
Of the 6 011 denomination. Bond No. t.
Of the l.uou denomination. Bonds Noe. 64 tn,
0. 73 and V. .
Ot the 1600 denomination. Bonds Ma. us (M
2 Ml. It and 87.
Tlte houiers of the above will please present
the same tubs County Treasurer for payment
beforelha last da of nammher. lias u 1..
trt will caase oa that dtt.
asiiy Taken Op
Cod Liver Oil as it
appears in Scott's
Emulsion is easily
t.ikcn up by the
i.ystom. In no
other form can so
..inch fat-foo'l be
assimilated with
itit injury to the
':;;ms of digestion.
Scott's Eiilsi
.-' Cod I.iverOil with ITvpophi s
philcs lias conu to !,; an ari.n
of every day tiFe, r mompt ail
itifalltble cure for '- . . ., Coutrhs,
Throat troubles, and a positive
muldcr of flesh.
.ro.i hy Scott &, Bnwnc,?!. Y AlldriiRpi.t'.
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to gtvo Instruotlons on piano, organ,
ftrtnti and bsnd instruments. Forfnrtbc In
formation call onoratldien OnuiiLGB linos.,
No. 1 Nottu Main street, auensnuoan.
Offloe lleddall building. SUonsniJoAh, Yt,
A TTOltxm nmi CO UA'SELUin-A T-I.A .
Room 3, Mountain City Bank Building, l'ott
Office Room 3. P. O Building, Bbenandosi ,
ana justeny Duuaing, i-oiisvuie.
Piytician and Surgeon,
Advtce free at druir store. 107 South Main
street. Private consultation at residence HIS
South JarUtn street, rrom a to 7;au p. m.
i T. HAVI01C,
Office Northeasi Cor. Main and Centra S ,t
hennndosb, over Stein's drug store.
No. 25 East Conl street,
Otlloe Hours 1 :30 to S and 0:30 to 1) p. m.
Xj No 31 Houth Jardtn Street. Hhonandoah.
Oi'ricE Hunts: 1:30 to 3 and (l::i() -.0 SP.M
Except Thursday evening.
A'o office work on A'uarfaw exceiit bv nrranoe-
nif. A titrlct adherence to the office .our
pilOF. T. J. WATSON,
Tender of
Having bad sixteen years' experience as a
icacner 01 instrumental mu-ic giving instruc
tion on tbo above inrtruments. Wi rd left at
Brumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at'
jy H. K1STLER, M, D.,
Office 11 North Jsrdln street, Shnnandntc.
No. 23 South Main Street,
Has been told to
Who announci-H th.t h wl'l hern
after cairy a lartfL and tluv omck of
Of all styles and tine make. Excellent
goods at prices to suit tho tunes end
with.n reach of every one.
Boots and Shoes
Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings.
tST'Call early and examine this stock before
going elsewhere.
Thursday and Friday,
December 28 and 19.
Anpcarance ot the Jolly Fun Makers
Ho worth's Big- Show
Combined with the famous
Hibsrnici rJ Dublin Da& Speciilt; Co.
Positively the best attraction of this kind
traveling. 14 specialty urtlsts 1! ran band ami
orchestra. Look out for the grand street parade
dally at noon New specialties, novelties, songs,
music, double Jigs, reels, ramies This com
pany Illustrates the comlosldeof a tour through
Ireland, and will be Intersnersed with tnaolal.
ties by every member of the company.
Prices, 25, 35 autl 50 Cents.
Reserved seats at Kirlln's drug store.
Big Reduction in Wall Paper.
Must make room for sn enor
mous Spring Stock. : ; : :
H W. Centre airatt, HhSBaodoab, Fa,
j mm
Ho Wroto Threatening Lottors to
National Leadors.
He Is an Austrian by Itlrth, hut Denies
Complicity with Any Anarchistic Soci
ety Didn't Wnnt lo Go West Through
lVnr of the. "Dng-fi,ii Coyotes."
AVariunotoX. Dec. 2t. Joseph Donjan,
Hie man who has been writing threaten
ing letters to a numlier of prominent pub
lic men during the last two weeks, Is In
jail today. He walked into the detective
bureau of James A. McUuvttt ytmtertiay
afternoon asking for food. Tlte detective
took htm into a coffee house antl had
something prepared for him to eat. Mean
time ltu questioned him ami learned
enoKgh to fix ills Identity.
Donjan Is '2H years old, ami lias tnr
drooping eyelldswbleli usually accompany
a brooding anil melancholy disposition
The man's manner of relating his story
gives ample evidence that be does not las-
He his appearance In this respect, lie
talks rationally and with a rather studied
effort to avoid auy appearance of bitter
ness or the expression of any nnarchistit
A letter from this man to Penntor Mills
a few days ago caused the senator's son,
Charles Mills, to secure leave from the
authorities to go nrtned for the protection
of his father. For several months past lit
lias beeu writing aiinilnr "letters to a num
ber of prominent public men, among
whom wore Vice President Stevenson
Senator Gorman, Senator Mills, Senntoi
Sherman, nnd, ns the man himself claims,
President Cleveland and Secretnry of Wat
Lamont. As long ago as during the light
over the silver question in the senate,
Vice President Stevenson roreived letter."
almost daily from Donjan, who was then
in Nowark, N. J. No attention was paid
to tliem and they were consigned to the
waste basket ns fast ns they arrived. The
vice president, received one yesterday,
which wns dated from 301 Tenth street,
Donjan 1 nn by birth, and
lays stress upon the assertion that lie is a
Catholic, and professes a degree of piety
Ilia story is that he came to this country
When lie was Ifi years old, and had been a
telegraph operator in the old country. He
manifested considerable pride in his na
tionality, but denies with asperity the
public statement that he is a "Polack."
He gave up telegraphing when he came
to this country because there was some
slight difference in the instruments and
In the alphabet. "Under those circum
stances," ho continued, "if I had secured
a job they would have sent me to some
remote office in the far west, whore there
are coyotes and bears and other dangerous
Iu this tho prisoner showed a fantastic
apprehension that wns characteristic ol
the tone of uls whole recital.
lie oecnme a bcucli moulder, came
hero and claims to have worked for
time at Snlein, O., ns well as in the wire
mills at Johnstown, nt the timo of the
gront Hood there, but was in Pittsburg
on that particular occasion, loiter with
hie father and mother anil brother, he
wont to rsBwaru, Js. ,l.,nnd last -May. hav
ing been long out of employment, went
west to awhington nnd Idaho and pros
pocted for gold there. He tells a ratbei
fearful tale of the dangers he encoun
tered from rough miners in that countrv
and says that no man who was not willing
to spend his earnings in druukenuese
and debaucliery was permitted to stnj
He wont buck to Newark and claims tc
have been endeavoring to secure work
there over since. He says he lived with his
father and mother, and brother, at la
Burnet street. This agree. - itli the ad
dress of the earlier lette. n elved from
hitn here. He claims that his father anil
brother went to Florida to take up binds,
but that ho did not think it was worth
while to go, as he could get nothing to dr
anywhere. 'With considerable emphasit
ho denied that he Is an anarchist or socia
list or over attended any meetings ol
those bodies, but contends that ho was
prevented lrnm securing employment be
cause he was not a member of the lvnighli
01 xjauor or an orner union.
As to the letters ho has been writing
ho claims that he was incited lo write
them by other persons, receding 100 foi
doing it. Asked as to the character of th
persons who did this, he disclaimed that
they were anarchists or represented any
association. They were merely private
persons. He also totally denies that there
were any threats in the letters he had
written or auy references whatever to dy
namite. When asked what right he hntl to com
pose such letters at tho bidding of othci
people ne simply replied: ,
"What right have you to writedown
what lam telling your It was simply a
business 1 went into to make a living '
Just as you write news for the newspapers.' '
He claimed that all that was contained j
In auy of the letters was a proposition tt j
each uf the men addressed to forward him '
the cost of transportation to Washington'
and an offer to come on there and make a
business proposition to them. This wai
after he found that there was no work tc
be had, and he Intimates that he had a 1
ntan tn haftne uff.l.. A. . , -
plan lb he declines to say anything, but
will probably make a statement of It at
his trial. 1
Christmas Football.
Washinuton, Dec. 2d. The annual foot
ball game in this city ou Christmas day
between a team composed of the promi
nent players of college teams who reside
inthiscityand the eleven of the Columbia
Athletic club has become one of the fea
tures of the holilday season in the District
of Columbia. Yesterday the opposing
teams lined up before a crowd ot about
t,m persons and though, the game from
a scientific standpoint was not as bril
liant as it might have been, the Individual
work of some of the men was of a high
order. The Washington Warn won by 4
to 0.
OfT for Jllo Janeiro,
New York, Dec. a. There is no doubt
now as to the destination of the orack
cruiser New York. She sailed from the
Brooklyn navy yard this morning, aud,
with the exception of a short stay some
where near Oraveaand Bay to take a pilot
on board, she will go directly to Kio
A ttxuproiuisa Uiser4ld,
Washing-, Deo. 98. The rumor tc
the effect that U suit of Mtas Madeline
V. Pollard against Kepreaeatativ Breot
trtd (or IW.6Q0 tor breach of promise
Hll be eon promised and sattlaa autalde
tl atwrt Is , etdttad U tbU sttj.
i Don't be
PBy thoc who ffer sub
stitutes lor Cottolene.
p Its iticcess lias been so
phenomenal that numer
ous imitations are now
being offered which are
claimed to be, "just as
good." All these
lack the intrinsic merit of 3
gE Cottolene and will prove -4
disappointing anu msa
greeablctothosewhouse 3
them. T host, rounterleits
diner widely from Cotto- 3
lene and are mere
P Experiments!
when compared to tlie
reliable shortening -Cottolene.
Save money, an- ;
noyance and your health
by rcfusingall substitutes
offered to take the place
of Cottolene.
Bold In three and five bound palls.
Made only by
(Successors to Coakley Hros.)
ISO. 38 1?iihi Centre Htreet,
Prices Fntronag'1 rrBpfCti y BOUcUed.
Kaiser 's Oyder Bay I
xfj South Main Street,
A. P. KAISER, I'mprlelor.
jari!" host-oysters In all sty'es at all heurs.
Just opened in tho Fgan Building,
No. 8 East Centre street, a full Hut
of Fall and Wintor Millinery.
Miss Annie Morrison.
Of holes in a skitmuer!
Lots of mys or throwing away money. One
or tne best methods ot .'conomtrlr.gls to Insure
lndrst clus, tioioughly re ial le companies.
jMther life, tlie 01 moulini, such as represented
No Uii r-o'Hh J.iroii. ureet. Hhenandoah, Pt.
Dr.Theel 1317 Arch St.
"lis 1 1 U U 1 PHILADELPHIA Pi
The only (icnuine Sneriallst In America!
notnlllntaiidinir what ollu-rs silvertlse.
eiMiini iiisPAKPN ana strictures
n. I-'Ii'S,1l",) l anA la to f days
Ri nnn nmonu iummorM.
UUUULI I UIOUIl nryturJd by entirely
new niethoil Iu ,10 u, li days. 6 yeais' Eurii
(Kjan Huspltal and .a ra. Hi al experienie. as
ii-uint-aL-r, ana iMplunia-1 io.-. bend Ave I ht imk " i mri li," tliuonty
book erpojug (ju.u k i)n, 101a ana olhersad
yertljng :is cnjjt 8iiei lalMs. A true niwid
toalt sufh'nTs and tu tlmse conh-uiplatlni; I
mairtaK... The most and dangerouj I
cosessiilli'Iusl. Write nr call aud be saved. I
orr. i T , ! r'TP i-n: w en anu sat. eve's
-w,o p-, .wrwiui in-uiiueniDy nialL
General Supply Store!
Wt nlrsule and Ketail FMCKH.
Pt.rn"soii Home bliiit.. Centre Street
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELCAMP, JR., Prop.,
WEST ST BEET, Betw.en Centr wfi Utyi,
Stienaudoah, I'eufils'
terius- to hire for all nurposis on reasonable
delicious to the taste, invigoratfctg
and strengthening to the body,
made la ONE MINUTE from
Only 39 fr a full jxmmt ratings.
Tn Munpls so sppuasttoo to suanlsassMM.
ratiun .
H. R. Severn, P. B. Mogarg e, W. H. Waters.
Electric Call Bill
w Burglar Alarm