The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 26, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
m.JU BOYISH . ...JSroin-Mor
X. 0. nor Bit Alitor- and l"uMhr
JT. J. WA1K1NH Isicnt miter
ft M. 7J0rK...........IiMlriM Slanayrr
i)rir,per yssw, M uo
WKI.T, Vt 7 ,..... HHH I 0
Transient, V) cent per Hoe, Brut Insertion ; a
isntsr line subsequent insertion, IUif.
irregular Mvtrtlslnn; on be tod on sppllc
Ilea at tbe ofnoe or by mll.
JWtered t the PostolUee, at Hhsnandonh, P ,
for transmission through the malls
mi leeona-elMM malt matter.
Tlie Delnmtt elicteel lo tlie lust It"
pulillitui HlRte Convention fre hereby
rtquwled to inmt Mt tlie Opern House
in tlieClty 01 tiiirrisuunc on vyciinp
dav.JHii.itrd. 1801. at twelve oVlock
noon, of mid lBy, for the purpiHcof
plaolntr In tionilimlion h oHiKiiuuteior
v-onKrfscniBn-Bi-iisrKf m mi eno v
cancy occasioned by the death of tin1
Hon. WilllHn. Lilly.
HokackII. I'ackkk, Clmlrirmti.
Attest, Jkke 11. JtKX. Secretary.
WolUlKim, Ph., Deo. 11, 1803.
The members of Hip KepubllrHn
RtutH Committee are reeiiieelecl to meet
at the Loclilol Hotel, it) the city of
Harrislmrir. on Wednesday, January
3rd, 1MM, at ten o'clock a. in., for the
purpose of ilxlUK the time and plure of
holding the next Stnte Convention,
and thedolm; of siu'lr other !iult-8 an
may he proper. 15. V. uiuckbon,
CliHirnmii Hep. State Com.
Attest: Jehu B. Rex, A. D. Fet
bkoi.p, Secretaries.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11, '03
Tim lmrclest problem of the dity i
not to make a dollar go ag far ust posBi
hie; It is to cdax It to come as near an
Tjik President ought to be contrlbu
ting to charity ftiuils for the unem
ployed Instead ol pitying the election
expenses of candidates to the Unite
Statin Senate.
IIavj: the wage-earners forgotten
rresuieiit ijievtitinirs soiiciluiio re
specting their ot In 1892, that year of
unprecedented prosperity ? They Jmd
good wages then and were fully em
ployed, hut the Democratic candidate
for the Presidency chooie to represent
them us the helpless victims of a system
of "oppressive taxation" which "re-
JenllesBly demands from them In the
purchase of tho necessaries and com
forts of life an "mount scarcely met
by the wages of hard and steady toil."
Now thousands of them are out of
work, and thousands moreareearnlng
greatly reduced wages. What do they
think of President Cleveland asa bene
factor of the working people? They
have had nearly a year's experience
with Democracy.
Do they think that
it pays on the whole ?
Tjik Republican members of the
Ways and Means Committee, in their
report on the Wilson Tarill bill, show
that it is not only at variance with tLu
principles of the Democratic platform
adopted at Chicago, which tlie Demo
crats make believe to stand upon, but
It will be destructive, if adopted, to the
best industries of the country. It will
produce less revenue by 574, 000,000
than has been collected in 1803, which
sum is only $2,000,000 above the ex
penses o( tills year. This policy, if
carried out, virtually means bank
ruptcy to the Treasury, besides almost
annihilation to many of the leading
Industrie of the country. There are
no theories, but facta, in this address
of the Republican members, and that
is Where it differ from the report of ,
Mr. Wilson ami bl colleague.
. . w . I
Govbhxob Walte, of Colorado, haw j
been delivered of another classic say- I
log. Not coutent with going on record
as the authorof that memorable phnue
of "blood to the home's bridles," de
clared that ho was in favor of fighting
for the free coinage of silver "until
Hell freezes ovor." Only the inspira
tion of the loatcauieof silver oould call
forth the flights of rhetoric that have
reached thsir climaxes in these .Im
mortal utterautMS. We deteot In thew
last impassioned words, however, a
noticeable falling oil' la originality
over those that won him the world's
attention, and advise that, the next
time he feels the tfliatus descending
upon him, he resist It until the winged 1 uent, banker of Memphis, Tenn., took
words burst fiom hi." glowing sonl as g-'-t nlghtt
In classic time an oracle was wool to 1 uway by her uncle, View President Ste
leap ffcni the lips of the Pythoness. vwieon-
Oljuervfiiico of the Festival tiy Hevcrrfl
Christmas festivities were lioM in tho
Elienezcr Kvangelical church on Went Cherry
street last evening with great success. A
platform was arranged to repreient a fort anil
during the exercises a aentinel Id full uni
form paraded on the breastworks. Tho sing
ing during the evenlug mi by the Christian
Kndeavor, under the leadership of .Mr. II. C.
Ssrnpsell. By request, Miss Kmma Kisenhatt
recited "The Pastor's Vacation" and It wan
one of the features of the evening. The
eiercises were under the direction of Superin
tendent J. II. Kehler mid MIm lite Kehlcr
presided at the organ.
The entertainment, a sort of cantit. enti
tled" The Christmas Holler, 'in which singing,
rocitutlonii, tableaux mid other exercises
were given. Tho tableaux and other exercises
were under the direction of Mr. II. C. Sump
ell, Mi dees Sadie Keliler and Verdle Kehler,
MIm Nora Dnrr, Miss I.ula Xntir, hiii) John
Bud Klchard Snyder. Unfortunately space
will not admit a description of tho tableaux,
which were strikingly beautiful. Of noiirsc
the children received tlie cnxtninary 1 fie of
ufliidy and fruit. Kev. Mi btenwalner was
unable to be present on Hceountof illness. He
was preaented with a handsome couch.
The Christmas exercises of the First
Presbyterian church were held last night in
the oiiuroh, at the isomer of White and CUk
streets. There was a short entertainment
which concluded with a unique feature called
"The Album," representing several living
pictures. Afer the entertainment there was
a distribution of candy and fruit. Those
who took part In the cntortninmcnt wire the
pastor, Itov. T. Muxwoll Morrison, Muster
Otorge Watoon, M'ssca Margaret and Alice
Ileddall, Mlsacg l.uoy Crawford, licllo Oil
Milan, Olive Lewis, Elian Jenkins and Mary
Lcckie. Tho singing was under the direction
of Mr. K I). Ileddall.
Itev. Joint Qruthler and his congregation
and Sunday achool celebrated Christmas in a
joyful manner last ovonlng. The txetclrcs
wero in German and Englith, I'ronouts of
caudy and fruit were distributed from a large
Tho congregation of the Methodist Kpisco
pal church celebrated Chriatmaa by holding
special aacred services on Sunday evening.
There was a special program of a sacred
muaic and hymnals were distributed among
the Sunday school scholars.
Christmas festivities were hold in the Trinity
Reformed church last night. Tho children
wcto made happy by gifts of fruit and candy
and Itev. Itobcrt O'iioylo was presented witli
a handsome lamp anil a table with an onyx
Tho Wolsh llnptist Christmas festival was
held on Saturday ovonlng. It was a very en
joyablo alfdlr.
Tho Primitive Slcthodlst church will hold
its festival to-night.
VnliiHlile flirts from All Nei l loin for the
Cloielatnl Children.
AVasiiikoton, Dec. SO. Christmas day
nt tho national enpitnl opened brlKlit and
winny. Tlie tempera! lire vuis unusually
mild. It vias an ideal day to be out of
doors, and the streets and parks were
filled with people. Karly in tho morning
the express wnonn began arriving at tho
White IlmiHe to add to tlie great stock oj
I presents which had previously arrived.
, The bundle and boxes were taken to tho
large front room on the Beeonil Mory,
where a white aproned nurse superin
tended the unpacking.
The president and his family enjoyed
genuine home Christinas. Tho Ktoeklnjjs
tif the little ones bud been hung up, and
these were filled to overflowing. Thero
,vere presents groat and small, some of
mem rare anu cosny. i uey chhib iruui
every part of tbo country. Not only per
sonal friends, but people in remote local
ities wero among tho givers. Of courso
the president and Mrs. Cleveland came in
for a full share of present, but the presi
dent did not wish the individual gifts
mentioned, ni he regarded them ns per
sonal and family affairs.
As the Presbyterian churches did not
have Christmas services none of the W'hitn
House family went to church. The presi
dent and Mrs. Clovelnnd took ndvnntmjo
of tho bright weather about noon and
drove about the city in tlie White House
landau. In tho afternoon little Margaret
llissell, daughter of the postmaster gen
eral, had a Christmas tree, at which Mrs.
Cleveland, with Hutli and Esther, Mrs.
Carlisle and youthful members of her
family, Mrs. Thurber and the various
cabinet women and children were present.
Secretary ami Mrs. Ureshiirn had their
Christmas dinner ut the Arlington. Sec
rotary mid Mrs. I.aniont had a Christmas
tree for thetr little ones, tsecretnry aior-
tou and daughter entertained a number of
family guests wbo carue from a distance.
Dying from Abuse anil Neglect.
Ai.LitiniKNY. Pa.. Dec. 26. A woman
named Burko, was found last night in a
novel on r.ost s reet. dying ! from starva-
tiau, abuse and neglect, bhe had been
udcodhoIoiis for two days and the physt-
clans say will die. Her husband was lying
luuMa k In II,. kail lntnvli.uf.ul Vmm
urm8e8 on uur flict,mi body, it issuppo,d
Urn he had beaten her. He was arrested.
1 It is sum mac me woman nas oeen sick
for some time and
several days.
lias not bad food for
ICsser Has Xnt lteiIgiiefl.
WlLKEBBAliliB, Pr., Dec. 56. Superin
tendent Ksser, of tlie Wyoming division
of the Lehigh Valley railroad, denies the
roiort that PresidetitWIlhur lias requested
him to resign. He said last evening that
he would resume his position when lie got
back- Ilrotberliood men at this ioiutsay
that Superintendent Kaaw had discrimi
nated against the old employes of the
Lehigh Valley since the strike, and that
he has thereby incurred the displeasure of
bis superior officers.
High Ufa Wedding In Iteltlmore.
Bauimokk, Dec. ail. The marriage of
Mis Frauds (Swing, daughter of Judge
Ewing, United States minister to Brus
sels, aud niece of Vice President Steven
Bnn to Mr H Havliaa Heecher. a urom 1-
What llo Hees anil Hears During Ills
"I predict," said a woll known gentleman
of town whllo leaving church on Sunday
last, "that within the noxt month or two this
county will seo a scries of great religious re
vivals. I havo never known hard tlmra like
the preseut to ia by without being accom
panied by such demonstrations. It's natural
that thry should come, too. You see, when
people aro prosperous they are not so likely to
pay attention to religious; but misfortune
makes them serious, and makes them rralire
how weak they are. Then, too, religious en
thusiasm takes the mind off business and pre
pares one for worldly reverses."
An Ashland man tells a story of how he
got even with a preacher. It was on the occa
sion of his second marriage. After oonclud
ing tlie ceremony the minister took advan
tage of the privilege aeoordeil htm by custom
of kissing the bride. While au engaged the
groom suddenly imprinted a resounding kiis
on the chock of tho minis or'a wife, who was
Btsniliug immediately behind tho wedding
party. Tho lady wai indignant, and the min
ister asked for an explanation, Coolly
enough aud in a few words, tho groom ex
pressed the opinion that it was a poor rule
that would not work both ways and that he
had as much right to kiss the preacher's wife
as the former had to kiss the bride.
A physician of town said tho other day tint
there are few situations In life where moro
judgment, prudencu, forethought and untir
ing watohfulness are more necessary than in
tho care of Invalids. A sick room is uo place
for chat or gossip or the presence of othertban
those absolutely necessary to attend upon tho
invalid. Of oourse, it seems very hard to
shut out tho lovtd "ncs from the sufleror,
who frequently likes their presence as a
relief from nionulony and pain. With tho
mistaken idea of oicupying tho mind of the
sick perron they come in, fill up the room,
exhaust all tho hotter elements of the at
mosphere, tax the attention by gossip about
irrelevant things, and ask questions out of
curiosity or sympathy. They want to do
something to make the invalid comfortable
and, tilled with this laudable purpose, they
Biicceod irr increasing the suffering and
perhaps indirectly causing tho death of ono
for whom thoy would sacrifice almost every
thing could thoy but be made to understand
the triio situation. Ohk
Hloort tlin TeU.
Alloock's Porous Plasters are unnpproach
able in curativo properties, rapidity and
safety of uctlou, and aro the only rolUble
plasters over produced. Tiny have success
fully stood tho test of over thirty jora' use
by tho public; their virtues haro nover bin
equalled by imitators who havo sought to
trade upon tho reputation of Alloock's by
making plasters with holes in thrm, and
claiming them to bo "just as good as All
cock's," and thoy stand to-day indorsed by
not only tho highest medical authorities, but
by mlllloni of grateful patients who havo
proved their cilioacy as a household remedy
liewaro of Imitations. Ask for Allcock's
and do not bo persuaded to accept a sub
stitute. llmnilrcth's Pills ill purify tho blood.
Hear lit Mind
John A. Rcilly's is tho place to get the
purest wines and liquors, best beer and ales
aud finest brands of cigar. 10-10- tf
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When nho was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When alio became Stlas, she clung to Castorla.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla.
Have you tried McElhonny's fried ojsteri 1
0 12-tf
Don't sillier with indigestion, use Maxtor's
Mandrako Bitters. lm
TJSK WELLS' Ladndbv Bluj!, the till
tJiuing for laundry use. iv.v h package makti
two quarts. 15e,t. Mnlrt i t 'oafcley Bros
You save money by buying your Christmas
gifts at Holderruau's jewelry storo.
Irof. Barrett, of St. Lawrenoe county, N
Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases, sayi :
not one death occurs now where twenty died
boforo Downs' Elixir was known. Oier fifty
years of constant success places Downs'
Elixir at the head ol tho long list of oouiili
remedies. lm
(iinu Away.
For sixty days Ke-tgey, the photographer,
will give a 10x12 platinum pioture with everv
down of his $3 cabinets.
There are man v common Ilnlmeuts sold tm t
there lt only one grei rain 'ure lor - II (onus
or sprains, i ui, nrinn'S ana an noony pnin.
Ilauanie Is Hid Flag OH. Costa 25 cents
Hold at P. r. u Kiriu.v i)rn Rlore.
World's Fair gooils for sale at Holdeimau's
ewelry store, corner Main and Llovd streets
by disease is the natural result if you allow
your liver to b&xime inactive, your blood
Impure, and your -y.tem run down.
The germs of ( Ymmmptlon, Orip, or Mala
ria, wait for this time of weakness this ii
their opportuii'ty.
If vou ronso the liver to nctlvity. so it will
throw off these germs, purify the blood so
tnere win ne no weaic spore; mum up heaitiiu
weiyht where tliere is a falling off, you will
rest secure from elisease, for you'll be perm
woof. Dr. Piorpe's Golden Medical Discovery does
this as nothing else can. That's the reason it
oan be guaranteed. In convalescence from
tmeumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases,
t's an appetizing, restorative tonio to build
up needed flesh and strength.
ror an umeoauN i tro uvar ui uhmi u
1 "Discovery" falls to benefit or cure, you
nave your money mrae.
i No matter how bad your case, Dr. Sage's
: Jleraady wlu ptrmanmuy cure your ekwuru.
TsOAKDBKS WANTED-Call at Mrs. Peter
Yj Hill's, 30 West Centre street, in UougUei ty
Mr. O. ST. TMuer
"Norvos Shattered
Centrally broken down at times I would fail
ever with a touoh of tho vertigo t was notable
to go any dlitanco from tho housa. I was a
mUernbls man. TI10 day I commenced on
bottle No. 2 of Hood's Sarsaparllla, I began
to fool better and I now leol llko a new man.
Mood's8 Cures
I am working again, and do not hnve any of
my bad speipj. I havo a perfect cure."
Ciias. 1L I.AUEM, C30 Yf. Market St., York, fa.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
l'llli, assist dlsoatlou, cure headache. 25c.
I'rMIM r tlie I'Hlnl Accident lit Hear
The body of Jeremiah I.eary, who was
killed at Bear Itldgo colliery by tho fall of a
boulder on Friday evening, was recovered at
one o'clock Saturdsy morning. I.eary's
death must havo been instantiinooui, as ids
body was tightly wedged against the tltqhora
aud bruised all over. A moment bofoie tho
ncuident two Polish laborers had started to
load a car, I.eary remaining at tlie face.
Thero was not an instant's warning. The
hugo rock fell from tho top, catching ono of
tho Poles by the leg and imprlsoii'ng I.cary
at the face. The l'olo was released after au
hour's work, little the worse for hU adven
ture, but Lieary was twenty feet behind
a wail of rock. It was necessary
to blast the bouldor to . oral times
before Leary's body could be
reached. Superintendent Giles was deeply
k fleeted over the man's death, "We woro
boys together in the old country," he told the
IlKH.lLD roportir, "and ho wasoueof Ihe best
gangway men in the country." Irfary is
survival by six children raging from I line to
seventeen yea s of age. His wife died five
months ago. The remains of the decease 1
miner were interred at St. Mary's church,
Mahanoy Plane,
P. & K. engine 53t went over an embank
ment at Mahanoy Plane, Saturday afternoon.
Fireman John Clark, of Lost Creek, was in
jured In the jump for his life. Tho engiuo
was heading a long train of loadod coal cars
and moving westward on a down grado at
about ten miles an hour when tho tender left
tlm rai s aud dancid over tho tics toward tho
'"hospital" bridge. Tho engineer quickly ro
vorsed and whistled for brakes, but the
momentum of the train was too great and
beforo it could bo stepped tho cars forged
forward, dashed tho tender aside and, strik
ing tho engine, forced it agaiust a watch-box
and into the ditch, eighteen feet below. Tho
engineer jumped just as tho locomotivo went
over and osonpod injury but the fireman was
badly cut on tho faco when tho cab was torn
otTby tho watch-box and in his jump struck
a stone wall. After his injuries woro dressed
by tho resident surgeon, Clark was taken to
his homo in Lost Creek. Tbo engino was re
moved by a wrecking crow witli llttlo delay
to traffic.
Larger than ever ia Holderman's stock oi
jowelry aud fancy goods.
llnrchUl'ii Cate.
When seeking a neat and well conducted
cafe, go to Burchlll's, corner Main and Coal
streets. Pollto and prompt attention. 11 7-tt
A Voice from Wliconaln.
Radam's Mlcrobo Killer cured mo of a hip
joint disease, attended with runuin: sores
from which I suffered thirty years. Frank
Hall, Morton, Wis.
Chicago Exposition goods at noldormnn's
jewelry storo.
An agreeable l&xntlve and Nxkvb Tonic.
oora ry Druggists r senr, ny man. oo.,ouu
and $1.00 per paeL'n". fijmplog free.
VST Tho 1'avorl.e TOOTS POWBH
JBlV Xuyy lortlioTcetnand Hream.aoc
i..j.a.. a rru f t, . ,
savsi "Shilc-b'a Catarrh Itemedy la the nrst
medicine I nave ever found that would do me
any good." trice au eta. Bold by Druggists.
its leading to Consumption. Suiloh's Cuhb
will save you a severe Lunar Trouble. 1 1 is the
liest Cough Cure and speedily relieves Cougbs.
Croup, whooping Cough aud Bronotiltls, and
rs soiu on a guaramee. u uis.
Sold by ('. II. Hagenbuch, Shenandoah.
Pk fl.!.!,..!..'. KnvlUli llflai.nd llra&fl.
Drunfi't lr Vkick w faMuh Ma aF'tX
s.moftU Of if i i ttv.i Witt oou m.wmfVVflay
? i nixes st-ic-J uu iiHK' riroon. iuc m
i j-- .a.-si... v
f H.un,i,t latitat urn. A I UtBOftttl. 6raWnd4ci
In itkDipt Mr particulars, triusajawii mmm
KHIrriff l,MtUc.''tniurlii rtun
Uull 1 Jl.tMin ' -MlHIOBtrLiS. Mmr MHM
Faithfnl sud Impartial pesfownsaren of the
duties aasuro.
Subieot to the Democratic nominating cou
rrobabiy Iflinstrd While- DrunC.
HAllltlsiii-wi, Dec. 20. The charred re
mains of 'William Hendig, nged 50 yearn,
were found yesterday on Bwnrtara lllll.
near Mlddletnwu, by Jexeph AVelcomer,
who was gunning in the vicinity. It Is
supposed that Kcndlg built n fire while
drunk nnd lay down beside It, and, falling
asleep, rolled Into the flames nnd was
toasteel to denth.
Kx-Sliiirlir Charged with Murder.
SULLIVAN, Irid., Dec. 34. The coroner's
nveatlgntlon Into the killing of Hon. W.
C. lltrltz proceeds slowly. The disgulso
worn by the assassin was thrown into a
pond and lias been secured, also the gun.
One witness has sworn that lie reoognlxed
tho murderer, as he fled from the scene,
as ex-Sheriff Willis, The alleged assassin
is in jail.
A New Hampshire Totalltr.
POHTSMOl'Tll. N. 11., Deo. . Albert,
rupr no-d t!2 urna fntjillt nlolilia.1 .tn
tritf fl fl 11 1 tilrnn Ttwv tv Tlmnlliv
Qiiinn is a Imrd character, and has passed
trie grenier part, ni nve years in jail, lie
denies the crime, but live witnesses nro
rendv to ttrntlfv ALfnttmt. liim. Tnrnot-'u
death is expected hourly.
Klllnt by mi Klictrln Car., I'a., Dec. ). John Hoar, an
aged and highly restK-ctable citizen of this
place, was run over and instantly killed
by a Logan Valley electric ear late yes
terday afternoon while walking on tho
track about a mile and a linlt from tlie
city. He was very deaf and did not hear
the conductor's signals.
Charged with Mnnj Itohljprtea.
ltKAiMMi, i'a.. Doc. IA). Kmnnuel Elm-
good, Frank hlrtnik and Albert Herbin
were lodged in Jail here on the charge of
being among tho parties who committed
recent robberies throughout this section.
All are young men.
A Chriatliui-i Hay Kleetlnn.
Atlantic (,'itv, Dec. 26. The voters of
Hrigantlrie, Atlantic county, at an olec
tion held ynsterday, decided to expand
1.10,000 for street improvements. Tho olec
tlon was a special one, and thi proposition
was carried without a dissenting vote.
Isthcoiilvknoun ririnrinlc
that will ifcstroy the mil robe
in the blood without iniiiry to
the .system. By removing tlie '
one. cause it cures all Human
Diseases 1
Tlie William llnilaio KirrolwKllli r Co.
1 uugut Bt,, M'w VurU city.
Agents for Hhenuniloali.
Tlie Gold Dollar Mining Co'y,
Of Crtpjite Crtt-li, olm ttilo.
Organized under laws of Colorado tnnltal
stock, TOO 01,0 bharcs. par value 1 each.
J'llft Vaitl hhiI Aoh atts fiaLtr.
JBO,O0t Shfirrit In Treacttry.
Tho mine is located In the richest portion of
tho oelenruted gold producing district of Crip'
plo Creek, ana 1m held under a United Htntos
Work la carried on dav and nleht. nnd liluh
grade ore is being liiken out in lirpoquantltleH.
In .Innuary, 18HI, tbo company wi.ll begin pay
ing regoUr montlily tllvldendM at Ihe rale of
f Jtvi ITHi. y'rf l(ITI,. ,171 lliV
awnunt hii'tttttit.
H. H. OFFICER, Sec. and Treas.
A limited amount of th si nn s are now offered
At tO CvntM JVi- khure. Week. prcbptCIUS
and o perts' ri-rort be obtained froni tho
banklcg house of
12-2.113t-eod 6' llrtuday, New York.
Tbe place for bueince-inen toi-endafSB
their surplus stock of eery descrip
tion for sale.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
Anybody can send gooffs of every defcriptlon
to tho rooms nnd-they will bo sold nt auction
on the usual terms. All goods i old on commis
sion nod settlements made on the elay follow
ing the sale.
Reese's Auction Rooms
Dougherty lluildlog,
Cor. Centre and Lloyd Streets.
Tho Man Who wrotb the Song 1
'llf nntr carts to wantler
Vtu hU own lreief,M
was In'Dired while slttlcc before one of my tine
Hester- I til-o haw on hanu the b(l Hloyes
aud Kangei. In the market and a large mock of
Ilou.efunii,hlng Oooets. Plumbing, rooting
unci Hi'outnig a spe cUlty. All work guaranteed,
Cor. of Lloyd and White Sta.. Bhenandoah. Pa
Hub'ect to tbe dtntsion of the Democratic
nominating contention.
Sewed and laid, old ones refitted. Mutt
made to order.
Carnets. Mattresses. Feathers. ltobeB. Ituss,
Cushions. &C, made free irom dirt and moth
in wet or ury weatner.
Prompt attention given to orders. Address
North Howers Htreet,
2-12-lm Shenandoah, Pa,
Horses a no Carnages to Hire.
IsuUbi of all klDds promptly atteaded I
Unrsss taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
On mil ALLEY, Hear of (Ji Coffee Bom.
yr a. 3tTa.t ana-d. Olaua.
Everything in the tonsorlal line done In first
elass style, Everything neat and clean.
SUeimncloflb, Pcnt'.n.
A. VT. LK1HENH1NU, President.
P. J. FBRtiUBON, Vlcel'resldts-i
J. K. LH1HKNKINO. Casbtcr.
8. W. YOST, Assistant Uash'.ei f
Open Daily From 9 tc E
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit)
lit .
A revolution
In corset laakinRj
Homethinc new
No breaki ne : no
w. Tltltmer find
oleanor than
whalebone, ami
times ns nUetio ami
durable. Latlloa delidhtetl.
in all b Lift pee. lor salo by
IB. HOMBI-! jf
MMicsl Cflleft, 20f. K.
Arc me o , i-Ht in A i' i
Npecls.1 U.'.rsar -
Varl'in Iij !r i-
Trea(ii" -I 'it.-m-iiiif
Hfloi-K ii - 0 i ,
RliilU, ' ill - It . r .
In All i. v . . ,
Chris, BoshIpiV
(Mann's old St. nd) j
xo4 Koutlt Jtf filn Btrcet.
Finest wines, whiskeys and clears always 111
siock. rresn neer, aio ana roner on uvs
unoice Temperance urinm,
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently RestnrrJ
nno all the train of M
i rom t arly errors or lal
ect ,c . trie r- ut yt,
oc-.-oik 1-kDr.
n i lo Pull rcairtl I
ui vciopnicuc cud 'ju
gr n oc cryc ;;-ii
n irllon cf t - b l
'.tir.pIe.Batur: lr.:'tbJ
Imnicdlat inir -feirij
ncnti iMurr fmpt- Hi
?IXXI refprciic.j. Pio
cxplaiititlon' prjol
uiiii l- i u ir .
Celebrated Porter, He anil tjj
Mtiiin'rcr Sbctiaiul ah Brunu
P att's Popuiir Salo
(formerly Joe Tfrst 'r
19 r?.nd 21 West ?al F .rel
:iar auieled wllu the u t- r -tf if
aunts, orcaic8, wiet -
tttlci' barkltactieO. i -i.
104 North Main street jrts rflc-S ij
Ice Oream wholr-i 1 retail
Pionles and parties supp ic en v.-
Boinli Main Kite t.
All work guaranteed t. t e t'r ii l
resject. e r-spee-ito ly rc'ir "
y our patronafre. uoiori uroi r i.
811k ties and Lace Curta.r-. r . -
Wheelwright Sh
Has been remoyed to Pea- Altej, j
llotwecn Centre and Llcya t reetsl
a I
"Whcohvrif'ht work, Crrinffo
AVncon builtlintf, IIorBt 'Bol
anu ijienerni ttcrmruir 01
kinds promitly i ttnal. 1 trj
tH IM0U) oapltal. 1 '
. ! Bl9otl,illllitriit4il?
I uw by mull, ho-i i i