The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. IX.--NO. 6.
v i 1
1893 -OHBISTMAS-1893
Will not appear in our Bbow window any more. It has been Impossible to con
trol tho large crowds of spectators, and therefore wo have concluded to restrict
our exhibition hereafter solely to a display of
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
A merry
Magic Lanterns, six slides, 39c.
Iron Trains, engine, ladder, cirs, G9c.
Story Books, stiff covers, 8c.
Story Books, ABO linen, Gc.
Soventyfivo cent sleds, GOc.
Accordeons, fiOc to $1.
Tin Trains, 10c, Curtain Masks, do.
Diamond Dust, Ho a box.
Electric Caw. 25c.
Green Moss Bales, 10c.
Faney Toilet Bottles, all prices.
Marble Arches, 25c.
-No. 8 South
g H
00KS & BROWN,.
Toilet Cases.
Shaving Sets.
A largo and varied assortment of Gold
Celluloid Novelties ctnnot be boaten. Ask to
the finest 25c cloth bound book In town; other
bound books. Hocking Horses, Blackboards,
Dolls, Gamos, ABC Blocks, &c. No trouble
-Hymnals at Publisher's Prices.
JSTo. jL
Dottlers of all kinds ol
yfmsa Beu n a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
Finest Beer.
17 and 10 reach Alley, Bnr.NANDOAll,
'Subject to the dec'slon of the Citizens' nomi
oat ng convention.
J; Our Stock of Groceries
For the
la full and comploto.
Huts, Candies and Fruits.
Large, Fresh and Sweet.
In a nr '
re Receive Fresh
You aro a business man, and used to
straight forward business talk facts facts
facta. Your wife has boon looking for a
Sewing Machine,
Chamber Suit,
Parlor Suit,
Or something else In our Hno. Why not buy
it now. Wo aro selling cheaper than ovor.
Christmas !
Round Trumpets, Gc.
Toy Stoves. 10c. China Mugs, Gc.
Largo Itocklntr Horse, Doc.
Musical I'op Guns, Hoc.
Child's Fancy Tables, f0a,
Largo Black Boards, Gflc
Toy ('boats, 25c, GOoand $1.00.
Owls, moving eyes, 10c.
Baruum's Calliopes, 25c.
Six feet of Fence, 10c.
Tin Horse", Gc, Muslo Boxes, Gc.
Leap Frog Game, 25c
Main Street.-
t. S
Dressing Cases. Work Boxes.
Plush Boxes of Paper, Etc., Etc.
Pens, Pencils and Fountain Pens. Our line ol
see our MUSIC BOX ALBUMS. Wo bavo
places, 33c. Also, another lot of tho 20a cloth
Magic Lanterns, Trumpets, Tree Ornaments,
to show goods. Wo can supply all kinds of
1ST. 3VZr.iix Stroot.
The Man Who wrote the Song
" tuvfr cor' to wander
Irom Mt own firtittle,"
was lnplred wbllo sitting before one of my tine
HeatcrH. I aluo nave on banc! tho best Stoves
and Ranges In the market and a large stock of
Ilousefurnlsblng Goods. Plumbing, rooting
and Spouting u specialty. All work guaranteed.
Cor. of Lloyd and White Sta., Shenandoah, Pa,
Sabiect to the decision of the Democratic
nominating convention.
Minnesota "Daisy" Flour,
To $4.50 Per Barrel.
High Grade Roller Flour,
To $3 90 Per Barrel.
Roller Family Flour,
To $3.50 Per Barrel.
Holiday Trade
aVor lav.
who will BteaTttfto.
Christmas night 1?
mm iswsi
The Approach of Christmas
Brink's Lively Scenes.
While the Times An" hy No Mean lis flood
as They Ought to lVa tho liullrntloin aro
That Many Will Spend a Marry Chrlst
iiih. itml it Happy Now Veal-.
Cliristsnas Day ia at lmud and tho jnvcnllo
breast Is swelled with great expectations.
For wcoks they havo beon looking forward
to tho night which Santa Clause selects for
crawling down tho chlniucy to All tho hang
ing stocklnga with proscuts, and that night
will conio when to-day passes Into oarxness.
Although tho financial condition 01 tho
people In this siction of tho coal field as a
whole Is by no moans such as to admit tho
observance of tho gieatost of all holidays In
tho "regular old fashioned way," yet It is
qulto evident that a largo number of families
expect to have a merry Christmas. It
is not an exaggeration to say that hundreds
of men wero seen wending their ways home
ward last night with livoand dressed turkeys
ovor their shoulders. This Is a great turkey
year. Tho dealers say they never wero so
plentiful and they aro finding a demand.
The many turkoy wheels In tie town havo
been doing a big business this week and no
doubt will bo kept busy to night. A turkey
wheel is a great Invention. A man will kick
like a mule when a dealer asks him 1! cents
a pound for a turkoy, but will spend three or
four dollars at a wheel before getting one and
then go homo jubilant because ho beat (7)
the wheelmen out of a five-pound fowl.
To morrow being a day of rtst the people
will havo aruplo time to ponder over a pro-
rum for Christmas. For entertainment and
amusement ilioy need not worry themselves.
Others have already given that attention.
There aro tho Ivorltios they havo arranged
for a grand eisteddfod which will begin in
the morning and last all day. A grand con
cert will follow in tho evening. Tho eistedd
fod will bo held in Forguson's theatre.
Several grand competitions will tako place,
and tho prizes will rango from $5 to $150 in
In Bobbins' opera house amusement will
also bo found. Tho Columbia IIoso Company
opened a grand fair there last night and will
continue it until January 3rd. 'Tho Grant
Band gives a concert every night. Tho hall
Is elaborately decorated and the numerous
booths teems with .beautiful and valuablo
articles, The firemen and their lady friends
give everybody a cordial welcome. A
special feature of tho stago performances
to night will bo the appearance of Mnlla and
McManamin, in specialties,
Ho Kxppcteil to Hie.
For years I BUll'ered from Ithotiinatismi
Dyspepsia and Kidney Diseases. Three of
tho best doctors in tho city said I must die;
but I am allvo and well to-day, cured by
Microbe Killer. E. P. Hatch, 11 Maverick
street, Chelsea, Mass.
Vheie and When Bervices Will be Oou.
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Keforinod' church, Kev. Itobert
J'lioyle, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
i. m. and 6;30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m.
Svorybody welcome.
Welsh Congregational church. Services on
Sunday at 11) a. m. and (I p. m. Preaching by
Mr. Owen Thomas, ot Oberlln Colltgo. Sunday
school at 2 p. m.
Kehelos Israel Congregation, West Oak
street, Iter. S. Rabluowltz, Itabbii services
avory Friday ovenlngj Saturday and Sunday
itternoon and evening.
Welsh Baptist church. Preaching services at
10 a. m. and 6 p. m. by tho pastor, Ilev. 1). I.
Svans. Sunday school at S p. in. Everybody
Koman Cathollo church of the Annunciation,
Cherry street, ubove West street, Hcv. II. I'
O'ltcllly, pastor. Musses at 8:00 and 10:00 a m.
Vespers at 3:00 p, m.
St. George's Lithuanian Catholic church,
:orner Jardln and Cherry streets. Kev. L.
.Vbromaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
4. m. Vespers at 3 p. m.
Salvation Army, corner Main and Oakstrcets,
Captain L Voder and Lieutenant S. Davlsh In
sommand. Services all day, commencing at 7
and II a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings will
oe held every night during the week excepting
Monday night.
Ebenezer Evangelical church. Rev. H. M, Lien,
tenwalner, pastor. Servlcos to-morrow at 10 a.
tn. In German, and 0:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p.m. All are heartily Invited to
Presbyterian church. Itev. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor Soolety will meet on Tuesiay even
ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30. All are cordially Invited.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Wm.
Powlck, pastor. Services at. 10:30 a. m. and
6:30 p. m. buuday school at 2 p. m. Epworth
League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
are always welcome.
English Ilaptist church, South Jardln street.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m.
Preachlngby the pastor, Rev. W. II. Harrison,
Praise service at ts p. in. Sunday school at 2
p. m. Monday evening at 7:30 tho V. P. B.
U. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayor meeting. Everybody welcome.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak
Btreet, near Main. Morning service at 10:30
and evening at 7 o'clock. The rector offi
ciate at morning service alternately and at
every evening service. The lay reader, Charles
Hasklns, officiates In the absence ot the
rector, O. II. Brldgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All seats tree and everybody made
heartily welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. J. Proude,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p. m. Wesley prayor meeting at 5;t5 p m,
Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats iree. Anyone nothav r? ch-i"ca home
the amount of 10 ce
. -b)llow
r rinjiim
Tne Toucher lliivo Kolurnod to Their
The thirty-first annual session of tho Schuyl
kill County Teachers' Institute closed at Potts.
vllloycstcrday afternoon. Tho closing lectures
ncie delivered In the morning and afternoon
was given up to routlno business. Tho lec
turers worol'rof. Honry Busso.of tho William-
sport Industrial Art School, Dr. Gcorgo W.
Hull.ofthoMllIoiavlllo Normal School, Dr.
Ooorgo M. Phillips, of tho West Chestor Nor
mal School and Miss Carrio Myers. Tho sub
jects of tho discourses wero "Our School Sys
tem," "Succoesful l'upll," "Hints on Arlth
luetic," "Klvor Basins" and "Successful
In making his-closing address Deputy State
Superintendent Houck called attention to
some of tho great educational leaders and
paid glowing tributes to Dr. Thomas II.
Burrows, Henry C. HIckock, Dr. Wicker-
sham, Dr. K. K. lllgboo, Dr. Waller, and Dr.
N. C. Scbacfier, tho present Stato Superin
tendent of Public Instruction.
Tho commlttco on resolutions, comprising
O.I). Artors, P. II. Monaghan, M. J. McOurl,
N. M. Frank, K. V. Dulan, (I. S. Manrcr,
Thomas Holland, T. U. Herb, J. A. Flynii
and J. SI. Schropo, made a report commend
ing toachors' county institutes, endorsing tho
freo text book systom, urging School Direc
tors to uso tho increased stato appropriation
in buying school apparatus, lengthening of
the school term, and Increasing teachers'
Tho committee also approved tho action of
tho School Directors of the county in retaining
Prof. Ocorgo W. Weiss as County Superin
tendent, and presented resolutions of colnlo
lonco on the death of Miss Caddio K. Work,
a teacher.
Tho iluanco committee presontod a report
showing that tho balanco on hand after tho
Institute of 1601 was $370.07. Tho receipts
from the Institute of 1802 wore $1,66!) HO and
this with tho balanco of $3711.07 loft a total on
hand of $1,905.57, from which was deduct d
tho exponsej for tho 1802 Institute, amount
ing to $1,037.73, leaving a balanco in hand of
$277.81 for lb03.
Tho coramitteo on permanent certificates
met and organized, electing tho following
officers: Livingstone Seltzer, chairman; E.
J. O'Donnell, secretary. Tho examination
of applicants for permanent certificates will
bo held on the second Saturday of May, 1804.
Tho following teachers were recommended
for permanent certificates: Misses Sallio
Price, Carrio Kramer, Anna Klcckuor,
Hannah M. Stroeper, Sarah M. Pollard,
Sallio K. Fadden, Agnes Stein, Jane Costello,
Bridget V. Barrett, Nettie M. Mclnerney,
Lizzie Cullen, Katie Dorby, Sadie Danioll,
Mary Bums, Maggie Brohoney, Sallio E,
Watkins, Ella S. Donahue, Lena Kohrbach,
Mary C. Collins, Mary Bachman, Delia B.
Murphy, Alico Cooper, Clara Gchris, Sada C.
Tovoy, Ella Flemming; Messrs. James P.
Cannon, Q, S. Maurer, M. F. Fltzpatrick,
Edward Matz, Michael J. Martin, Charles E.
Kchlcr and James A. Flinn.
County Superintendent Weiss announced
that tho next annual institute would bo hold
in Pottsvillo.
r.Rst Nlghi's KiitertHlnment.
A good audience greeted Uoworth's Ulbor-
nlca and tho Dublin Dan Novelty Company
at tho opora house last night. The panorama
of Irolaud was very good, and many of tho
scenes evoked applause. Butwcon times
sections of a play called "Blunders" was
presontcd which served to introduco a
number of very clover people iu songs,
dances and other specialties, nhich mot with
liberal applause. Journal, Merideii, Conn.,
A'oe. 17th. At Ferguson's theatre on Thurs
day and Friday ovoniugs, Decomber 28th
and 20th.
Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N
V., speaking of pulmonary disoases, says :
not ouo death occurs now where twenty died
beforo Downs' Elixir was known. Over, fifty
years of constant success places Downs'
Elixir at tho head of tho long list of cough
remedies. lm
Forliusluets Men mid tfocletles.
The Herald has secured tho right to use
the Malette patent writing tablot covers, with
reversible blotter, tho only blotter tablet
cover constructed which turns under the tab-
lot. This is specially adaptod for letter and
note heads, bill heads, statements, etc., and
will be placed on stationery free for tho bal
ance of 1893. Any one interested will please
call and examine the handy device, at the
Uikald office.
Superintendents and others having the
arrangements of Christmas festivities will do
well to consult Keinmeror, 134 North Main
street, bofore purchasing confectionery.
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled tor at
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
office, December 33, 1893:
niaahlter Henry Ourley Maggie
Days Q. II, Keller J. O.
Parties calling for advertised letters should
please say "advertised." One cent will ba
lharged on all advertised letters.
II. O. BOTEn, P. M.
Otto's Is tho place for Christmas oakes, fruit
pound and other tine cakes. Beautiful
Christmas chromo given with each 10 cent
purchase. 27 South Main street. 12-10-tf
Olveu Away.
For sixty days Koagey, the photographer,
will give a 10x13 platinum picture with every
dozen of his $3 cabinets.
Post Olllce Notice.
On Monday, Christmas Day, the post office
will be open until U a. m. The carriers will
mako a general delivery at 7 a. in. Money
orders and postal notes will not bo issued or
Dbe Wicllb' Laukduy Blue, the bei
Blning for laundry use. Each package maket
two quarts. 15oh. Sold by Ooakley Bros.
liurclilU'a Cuff.
When seeking a neat and well conducted
cafe, go to BurchlU's, corner Main and Co'.l
streets. Polite and prompt attention;, 11 7-tt
aIld J
Read the lo( .'Xi L-imm ' 1
. .i .
She Terrifies the Business
People on Main Street.
No One lint the Chief of Police Can Ap
proach Her With Surely Says She I
Mrs. Nclitmn, of Ashland Inquiry lleliif;
Last night a strange woman created much
oxcltoment among tho business pcoplo of
Main stroet. Sho visited all tho stores and
saloons along tho street and represented her
self as ono of tho collectors for tho Columbia
Ho8o Company's fair. Peoplo who doubted
tho truth of her statements woro subjocted to
abuse and many pcoplo wero badly frightonod
by tho woman's conduct.
At times tho stranger becamo violent and
sho smashed panes of glass at sovoral places.
In Shoolor's restaurant sho knocked ovor
tables and chairs and wanted to fight with
ovorybody who approached her. At Elijah
Kehlcr's sho seized a uumbor of washboards
and llirew thorn into the street and at Womcr's
sho upset several barkeU of fruit and vege
At first, when it was bolievod tho woman
was intoxicated, there was great indignation,
but when it became apparent that tho
woman's acts wero not due to drink, tho
wrath turned into pity.
Chief of Polico O'llma found the woman
in a Follslrsaloon on Wost Coal stiect. Sho
rccolvcd tho chiof very cordially and upon
his invitation to tako a walk took hold of
his arm and started oil' as if sho wero invited
to go to some placo of pleasure
Aftorboing placed iu the lockup tho woman
said she was Mrs. Neimun and resided at Ash
land. Sho said she was tho daughter of
Christ Roth, of that town. During her con
finement iu tholockup to day tho woman was
almo3t continuously singing. When any one
other than tho Chief of Polico would ap
proach her she would fly into a passion.
Chief O'Hara went to Ashland this aftor-
noon to Inquire if the woman's statements as
to her relationship are correct and bco what
her friends wish to do with hor.
Tho celebrated B, & II. Banquet Lamps
Onyx tables, finished in gold and silver,
at Holderman's.
Something New.
Before buying natural flowers or wax-work
for funeral offerings call and seo tho lovely
metallic wreaths, crosses, etc. They are beau
ties, and cheap too. Will never fado. At
Mrs. M F. Schmidt's, 107 North Jardin street,
Shenandoah. Also an immense lino of holiday
goods in tin, agate hardwaro, etc. 12-lG-2w
Hear In Mind
John A. Reilly's Is the place to get the
purest wlnss and liquors, best beer and ales
ini finest brands of cigars. 10-10-tf
Injustice Claimed.
Enrroit Herald. A few daysagotholocal
correspondent of the Pottsvillo Chronicle an
nounced that I was tho secretary of tho local
braniSh, Miners' and Laborers' Amalgamated
Association, and immediately after I was
suspended from my placo in the mines. I
did not ask tho correspondent to make tho
correction, because it was not until last night
that I discovered tho publication had been
mado. I ask, as an act of justice, that the
Hehald stato that I am not the secretary of
tho M. & L. A. A. branch.
Evan Bevan,
Shenandoah, Dec. 23, 1893.
Don't suffer with indigestion, use Baxter's
Mandrako Bitters. lm
Christmas Poultry.
Wo have just received a carload of dressed
poultry, which includes fine grade chickens,
ducks, geese and turkeys. Also a quantity of
rabbits, which will be sold at wholesale and
rotail at remarkably low prices. Send your
orders to Shenandoah Lumber A Feed Com
pany, Limited, 208 East Coal street, Shenan
doah. 12-22-2t
Notice to Societies, Etc.
The Hkkald office is prepared to furnish,
n short notlcs, programmes, badges, etc.,
guaranteeing the finest workmanship at the
lowest rates. 1000 samples to select from.
The most exquisite designs to suit any society
or organization,
Mr. -Reese Very 111.
Superintendent Reeso, of Contralia, is
more seriously ill than it was supposed when
reported yesterday. Dr. J. C. Biddle says ho
is a very sick man. Mr. Reese was to have
been chairman of the eisteddfod to be held
here on Monday.
The roason why Arnica & Oil Liniment is
so popular with the ladles is because it not
only is very healing and soothing but its odor
is not at all offensive. lm
Are You In It?
If your name is on this list you are ex
pected to do jury duty for the week com
mencing January 22, 1891: Edward W,
Amour, William Aker, S. L. Brown, Lewis
Powell, Dennis Connors, Charlos Hooks.
Have you tried McElhenny's fried oysters!
Christmas at the Army.
There will bo an entertainment and ills
trlbutlon of presents at tbo Salvation Army
barracks, this eveniug. The hall has been
beautifully decorated and two Christmas trees
will be loaded with handsome gifts.
You save' money by buying your Christmas
gifts at Holderman's Jewelry store.
.V 3enerous Firm.
The sheuaudoah Manufacturing Company
to day distributed several hundred dollars as
i ,bi mas presents among the employes at its
1 at au l p factor- on North i caerb k street.
he larjest st k and best gwds, at lowest
' Jermans jewe'ry store, corner
J. F. Finney is down with tho grippo.
Mrs. Lathlaen, of West Lloyd stroot, is III
with thogrlppo.
Miss JIaud Klino Is homo from tho Millers
villo Stato Normal school.
Assistant Stato Librarian Jamos Fadden,
of Harrlsburg; is iu town.
Hits Kato Early, of Philadelphia, is visit
ing hor paronts at Brownsville.
"Ted" Hughos, who is employed in Phil-
ad el phi a, came homo last evening.
tills Lowls wont down to soo the Ooorgo
Dixon show at Pottsvillo last evening.
Clillord Robbins is homo from tho Uni-
verjlty of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Lphriam Uoldon,ox saloonlst of GIrard villo,
now of town, is lying ill with tho grippo.
Misses LUIIo B. and Pearl Phillips are
spending the holidays with friends In Bait!-
more, Md,
Edward Burkhart, of Mauch Chunk, lino-
man for tho h. V. R. R. Company, was In
town to day.
James O'Hara, student at tho tlnivorsity
of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, is homo
for tho holidays.
David Brooks, a fortnor townsman now re
siding at; Philadelphia, isspcndlng tho holidays
iu town with frlonds.
Harry Wasloy is In town taking a rest
after a season's study at tho Colloiro of
Pharmacy, Philadelphia.
M. R. Stein, a student in ouo of tho l'hlla
lelphla medical colleges, camo homo last ovo-
nlng to spend tho holidays.
Joseph Sclioldor and wife, formerly of
town aud now of Roading, aro the guests of
friends hero for tho holidays.
T. T. Taggart, of town, who is a student in
a medical college in Philadelphia, will spend
Christmas at homo with his parents.
William Balrd, ono of tho students at tho
Modico-Chlrurgical College at Philadelphia,
is visiting his paronts at Brownsville.
James S. Thomas has sold his Wost Coal
street grocery business to James Tobin. Mr.
Thomas Is preparing to movo to York, Pa.
Lieut. Katio Davish, of tho local Salvation
Army corps, who had been visiting her
mother iu Lancaster, returned to town last
Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, of West
Lloyd street, wont to Pottsvillo this morning
to enjoy the Chri tma3 meals at tho home of
Mrs. Richard's mother.
Harry Clauscr and James Monaghan, stu
dents at the Jell'erson Medical Colleire.
Philadelphia, have arrived in town to spend
the holidays with relatives.
Charles Klrlin, a studont at Ursinus Col-
lego, Collegoville, Pa., and end rush of tho
college's foot ball team, is spending tho holi
days with his parents hero.
Miss Dora Willmau, of town, who left
about four months ago for Philadelphia.
returned to town last evening to spend tho
holidays with her relatives.
Samuel Hose, who has been at tho Miners'
hospital under treatment for tho past mouth,
will spend the holidays in town. He will
return to tho abovo institution on Tuesday.
John Price, son of J. J. Price, the Main
streot dry goods merchant, returned home
from Philadelphia last evening to enjoy the
holidays with his parents. He is a student
in a medical college.
Publlo Speaking.
This is ono of tho heaviest strains that
conies upon any man or woman. A little
cold, a little hoarseness, and tho workis done.
The best of ability is rendered useless.
Mark Guy Poarso, tho eminent English
preacher, writes as follows :
"Bedford Place, Rusbell Squaee,
London, December 10, 1838. J
"I think it only right that I should tell you
of how much use I find Allcock's Porous
Plasters iu my family and among those to
whom I havo recommen H them. I find
them a very breastplate l)g Inst colds and
coughs." Mai Guv Peabsb.
Brandrcth Pills always d s satisfaction.
Christmas Acknowledgement.
The employes of tho Shenandoah Manu
facturing Company, successors to Robbins &
nousenick, wish to extend their hearty
thanks to the company for its distribution of
Christmas gifts among them. 12-23 It
Wonders' ono dozen $3 cabinets for$l. S. E
Cor. Centre and Market Sts., Pottsvillo.
11-21 lm
Lawyer Foster's Hranch Office.
Sol. Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor
st-Law, of Pottsville, has taken rooms at
McElhenny's cafe building and will open
branch law office. Mr. Foster expects to b(
in Shenandoah every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings, when he can be consulted at
the place mentioned. 11-2S-2W
M. L. Kemmerer is manufacturing candy
at Bpecial rates for the Christmas Sunday
school festivities. 12-5-tf
A Bargain,
A second hand piano in first olass order
Will be sold very aheap. This is a bargain
Wilde's music store, 88 North Main street.
n 12-20-lw
Spatial Holiday Attraction.
On Saturday, December 33rd, and all
through tho holHays, tho old favorites,
Messrs. Conrolly and Helms, comedians and
vocalists, will appear at Benj. Uaskey's, East
Contre street. Original songs aud duetts.
12-22 2t
Fried oysters a speeialty at MoElhenny'i
The cost of Christmas festivities is com
parativeiy low when the confectionery Is
purchased of Kemmerer. 12-5-tf
Publishers' Notice. 4
On account of Monday being Christmas Day
there will be no issue of the Herald after
this evening until next Tuesday.
Speeial reduction to schools and Snnday
schools at Holderman's jewelry store.
Don' uobacce Spit or smoke your Lire Awsy
1h the truthful, startling title ot a little book
that tells all about N'o-to-bao, the wonderful,
harmless Guaranteed tobacco b&blt cure. The
cost i trifling and the man who wauu to quit
ana can t runs no pnysicai or nnanciai risit in
using "Ho to-bac Bold by all druggists.
Hook ut Ui uk sum s or b v mailfrte dl., ss
ITU' storimg iti meuy Co, liui'sna M ne-ai
i Sprigs lad. wag iy
L wes' pr'-,ci for all kinds of Christmas
I koocU at HoUennan's i?weiry store.
I A r rv t ti t mt -rt
'1U 11
A Realistic Romance
Town of SlienandcSl
A Story of Heal Ufa i mi
Largest Town InScligi.jf'
vim t.nnrncior,lVTr
"s .winner lor i'Jj
"Miss Duncan He
But thopoakor too:
fulness, ojily to hoar a
"Can I aspiro to- to-
Again a lapso Into si
encouraging "Yes, Ha ."
ttrw. r , , . . .
uu, x migui oniyaojo to
Anothor failure of language,
ingly a hopeless caso and it ml
only for a demuro: "Harry.
twico,and if you mean it, I me
And to this day that young
tuat no popped tho question
pened away "down east," an
boforo thoro was a ijodd
lougor bofore thoro camo a hi
Undo Bill, out in Shenaudi
effusively of what ho tormi
proposed that if the young
cate in Shenandoah ho 1
start in life. Of course
woro soon bidding thei
few days subsequent to t
Hon a travol stained pa
andoah. Our friend,
charge and ho led tho
tho Ferguson House. krln
At this point, somow i-
elon, thoobi-man indul" tw4
, r5
criticism ofViis poreomTJVf "
"After breakfast," rema,
"wo'll go and buy our211
matters up I will order a can
Neiswentor, cornor Main ..-
Tho carriage arrived, arr J;
tho stylish turnout ml
elaborate trimminra nnftT" Eean
driver at the i .irV. 'J
rtnlll,f nwi UnJ
.lujon.u tor B gtauib..
Uucls Rill, "is ono of the bl
carriage establishments that I knil
S's speed, safety and stylo Is
arms. If you havo to run to .
town, be euro and g, 'there
Nciswentor makes a specials
commercial Bailsman, funeni
Ho is at tho present Jf-0
refitting his barns anJ
completed will be tho flnfat .
ment in this section.
"xou aro decidodly old stvj
man," said bo, and we'd bettJ
Supowi tz' original bargain s
stand, at 23 South Mainstreif
After Harry had fitted hlC
and late stylo business suit
fashionable purnmnf. mJEl
. - ' ir inT
"a dicuaiveiy stocKaers aurc
Uncle Bill declared that BILIT
newly married man r,r,".V'yFS7
having found the stock aAs tolfiu
Uncle Bill invested in .ffirr.B
geuis lurnisuiug goods. Kill . '
r-vu .a uvi w U(J UUUerSll jTSBUtl
'it is the cheapest in tejrt
men's snitn na Inw oa T r
. , 40 nun , i .... i
uunu, wnicn can't be beaMrJ'j
This is the largest stall
Una In CI .1 , .. ' J
... uucmuiuuaa," 8S,ysj
well known in this eit-J
country within a T1
its square dealing .1 J
goods, which mat, Ik. mi
leading clothing houso of si
aiso nas a full line of trnnil
boots and shoes, and his line J
children's clothing cu't be 1
tor price and selection and
cent, cheaper than olsljw-U.
aeu now to see all
marked Uncle Bill,
declared that she iad he
O'Nlell Bro's., at 1 01 So J
she desired to go
they wero ushere
display that the j
to select. But
seductiveness of a nia
bed room set in oak
these she 'added pictures
ruuiu But wun an accfj
kitchen outfit, and dldc
venient and ornamenk
"hubby'' Harry, audj
self audi marveled.
such gobds were
uucie dim, meir si
auu coicage suits ctj
- . ,. i
assortment ot lour.
boards, marble toi
not be duplicated
have also a complete
ment, and pianos and oS
(Continued, cn .
yt i
jpride of
Bi al
$2. as w
a nag c'
lit ijflcui
there, 1
4 into
H i was
flll'St 1m ft 'rank