The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
JunKNAiUHjifl, rrsiKA.
HArriiNiNusor a micai. chaiuctiiii
mtii'.ri.v iiiiiom(:i.i:i.
IntrretliiK Sfi Ilniiin I'rnm Miilinno)
Oily, .Mnlmtioy rimm (llritrilvllle, unil
Other I'lurei.
The rnajorlly of tho barbers here aro
ilelrlons of having full holiday on Christ
mac, hut it Is doubtful that they will Ret it,
because of two or three shop owncri, who, it
Is said, always oppose tho wishes of the
majority, ovon to 8tinclay dosing, to gain n
few regular cuatomors from those who desire
to close.
Harry SUufl'cr, of Watorbury, Conn,, in
hero to upend tho holiday with his parent.
Jem Webb and bride, uco Miss Lillian
Meyer, roturnod from a wedding trip to
Camden, N. J,
John Itooth, stable boss at tho North
JIahanoy City colliery, is low with typhoid
Carrier John J. Jacobs, has been on tho
sick list fur two days past.
Dora ElUibeth Millar, aged 03 years, wifo
of Fred. Miller, died at tho homo of her son,
at 320 l!it Centre street, on Monday after
noon. Tho deceased is survived by litr
husband, throe sons, Jo in V., Christian and
Frederick, and a daughter, Mrs. I.talo Ellis,
formerly of Shenandoah. Tho funoral will
take place on Thursday afternoon. After
services in tho Trinity Reformed church the
Tomalns will bo taken In Tamaiia, leaving
hereon the 1:01 train.
William Itamonaltis, an Kt Centro street
merchant, has dep.irted for parts unknown,
hut presumably Poland, leaving a host of
Our over watchful night patrolman, John
IIatiS4ol, has had two experiences with burglariously-Inclined
people since ho scared of
a pair of nurauders from I). J. deary's East
Centre strcut residence on Saturday night, as
they wore preparing to outer by removing a
pane from the door.
Lato on Monday night tho ofliccr shadowed
a stranger actiug suspiciously at several
stores on West Centre street, and as tho
stranger tried the door of Mertz's jewelry
Store, the ohVer placed him under arrest.
Tho prisoner prov d to bo an intoxicated
I'olatider looking for a hospitable place in
which to sleep oil his jag. IIo was accom
modated at tho lock up.
I!at early Tuesday morning John ran
against a case that proved more realistic. It
as ibout four o'clock in tho morning when
signs sl'riek and tho wind slashes around tho
corner wvu rairgod llko edges, that in going
tho rounds ho tried tho door of John Glen's
house, near the poit office, and found it open.
With detective instinct, he at once went into
the dark alley In the rear of tho houso and
stumbled against a tall woman drestoii In
Tho woman ran and the olliccr gave chase,
and although ho twice ordered her to halt at
tho point of a revolver, she shot away from
him like n sprinter in a 100-yard dash.
Returning to tho yard ho found another door
open and a chair against the chicken house
as though sho were about to rob old Mr.
Dion of his Christmas dinner. Nothing was
taken from tho house.
From several actions, tho ofllcor boliovcs
tho intruder was a man masquerading in
female attire.
Small boys are making tho most of a
skating pond in the west ond of town.
Miss Sarah Oikoi has returned from a visit
to Philadelphia.
Charles Kliindentz, formerly a deputy
officer on the local force, has received tho
appointment of Coal and Iron policeman and
will probably patrol tho Fnickvillo district.
Miss Kite lirause, of Lakeside, mado
holiday purohasos yos'.orday afternoon.
The engiuo and inschinery for tho Lake
side railway was unloaded at their plant near
the Lehigh Valley railroad yesterday after
noon. Andrew Kelly, of Hill's patch, is recover
ing from a week's sickness.
Dr. J. W Irwin, of Shenandoah, was a
visitor here yesterday.
Pittsburg Novelty Store
Chinanare, Queensware, Glassware and
TTAT TT A "XT' GO0D3 at lowest
XiUJLliJ A. JL Price?. Call and
i .examine the stock
and be convinced we carry the very best line.
No. 15 West Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Suitable X-MAS Present,
Per mother, sister or wife, Is a
Carpet Sweeper or Rug
The beet place to seleet taem U at
0, fBICK'S CARPETSTOfiE, h H SartUirlltSt.
No. 23 South Main Street,
Has been sold to
Who announces that he will here
after curry a large and fine stock ot
Of al! atyles and fine make. Excellent
goods at prices to suit the times and
IUi'n resell of every one.
Boots and Shoes
Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings.
IWOaU rarly and examine this stock belcre
going eiaawueru.
Simon Swoycr, of Ogdcn streot, has re
ceived n consignment of 100 turkeys from his
farm at Hamburg.
J. J. Lerch, of Heading, representing tho
Long Distance Telephone Company, did busi
ness in town on Monday.
The I'alace Theatre Company is fixing up
a new lodge room.
II. W. Hooker is convalescent.
Tho Maenneohor Is making oxtonsivo pre
parations for Its fourth annual masquerade
ball to bo held at the I'alaco thontro on
February 1st.
Oertle, tho fivo-year-old daughter ot
Councilman Hanson, diod last evening after
a brief illneni.
l'atric Lall'orty, who diod on Monday even
ing, was tho oldest citizen of this town.
Charles, Itarnhaid isj recovering from the
attack of gtlppo which confined him to his
Cards aro out for tho wedding of Miss
Annio Devlin and James McLaughlin, both
of Oirardvillo, who will bo mado happy at
St, Joseph's church to-morrow afternoon.
Social life is quiet.
Murgoss l'etor Cress is announced for ro-
A fair will bo held in tho basement of St.
Joseph's church, commencing Christmas
lion. Eugene Douohuo is fighting tho
Many residents attended tho funeral of
Mrs. Thomas l'cppor at Ashland on Tuesday
Mrs. John Devanney, who died on Sunday,
was burled iu St. Joseph's cemetery this
morning. Tho decoased was a widow and
left flvo children, all of whom aro of age.
Thomas Devannoy, of Hsppahannock, died
but a few hours after his sister-in-law, Mis
John Devanney, and was burled about tho
same tlmo and place.
Gertie Hanson, aged five yoars and a
daughter of John Hanson, iusldo foreman at
tho Girard colliery, diod on Monday night.
"Vfo trouble" Is the unhappy sufferer
will, h,.l.,..,. ,( .kn.mntl.m L-ln.. .Ill I..
Hie laiuiius pal n cure for ltheumatlsm, Gout,
Ncumljiia anil Lumbigo. (JohIh !I cents
It-l KUg Oil is sold at 1. I. I). Klrllu'. urug
Chicago Exnosithm poods at lioldermtn's
jonolry store.
Tho Wm. I'enn Sunday school will hold its
Christmas entertainment on Sunday morning
when the presents will be distributed.
l'hincas Lcdden, of New Jersey, who has
been on a visit to his uncle, Jool D. Loddcn,
for tho iast six months, returned home yester
day. Miss Carrie Lewis was in I'ottivlllo yes
terday. Mr. Woodock, of Altoona, is visiting
friends here.
Fred. May transacted husinoss and called
on Mahanoy City friends yesterday.
Miss Jean Glover and her brothers,
Donald and Wallace, loft this morning for
Dudley, N. J., whero they oxpect to spend
Christmas with their grandmother.
Tho ice on tho dam isinnu excellent condi
tion for skating ami tho boys and girls are
taking advantage (fit and aro having a big
Tho lirgest stoik and best goods, at lowest
prices, at Uoldorman's jowelry store, corner
Main and Lloyd streets.
Daniel Collins, who is now Supervisor, i
named a3 a candidate for Tax Collector.
M. J. Wright, whoso hand was injured nt
Lost Creek a month ago, has returned from
tho Minors' Hospital.
John Kirby will cross swords with Philip
llagcerty in tho councilmanic contest.
Lyddle (iurley and wifo, of Maizuvillo, an
quite sick.
Matt. Francis, of Gilberton, drove thm igli
to Sbcnanclo.ih yesterday.
A brilliant blaze at Hear Kldgc colliery on
Monday evening, at soven o'clock, attracted
many spectators, who believed tho shaft was
afiro, but it proved to bo a shanty on tho dirt
bank that had caught fire by tho bursting of
a heating stove.
Wonders' one dozen $3 cabinots for$l. 8. E.
Cor. Centre and Market Sis., I'ottsville.
11-21 lm
The new management contemplate many
new improvements in tho spring.
A new hotel is to bo built.
Barnesville, below hero, has a new post
master. Tho old incumbent, Mr. Hamshor,
gave good satisfaction.
Mr. Hufnaglo will retire from the hotel
here in tho spring.
Tom Waters, Jr., it is said, will succeed his
father-in-law in charge of the Pavilion Cafe.
Tho ice is pretty solid and thick In the
When Baby was olck, we gave her CastorU.
When she was a UhUd, she cried for CastorU.
IThen she become Jit, Rho clung to Custoria,
What she had Children, she gave them Caetotia,
liurclilll's Care.
When seeking a neat and well conducted
cafe, go to Barchlll's, corner Main and Oual
streets. Polite and prompt attention. 11 7-tt
Ring8 in .hundreds of styles at IIolderin'.
on'tTobacco Spit orBnoke your Life Away
Is the truthful, startling title of a little hook
that tells all about No-to-bio, the wonderful,
harmless Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The
cost Is trifling and the man who wants to quit
md can't runs no physical or financial risk In
using "No to-bao." Hold by all druggists.
Uook at drug stores or by mall free. AddresB
Toe Sterling Hemedy Co., Indiana Mineral
Springs, lnd, ws-ly
Don't forget to call at W. V. Otto's for
Christmas goods. Beautiful chromos given
to oostoniers. 27 South Main street.
The cost of Christmas festivities Is com
paratively, low when the confectionery Is
purchased of Kcmmerer. 12-5-tf
gj$ I'OTTSVItitiB. m
lo $ucli Things
fieairJ of Before
RIGHT in the heart of the
Christmas Holidays we
are selling- OVERCOATS
and SUITS at less than
cost. Some will doubt us
when we say we are selling
goods less than cost, but if
you will take a look at our
immense stock you will sec
the reason why. We are
overstocked; our store room
is overcrowded with goods.
Entranco on Centro street,
Foil Fifteen Days !
Thursday, December 21, at 9 a. in.
No othureltv inthe region mil bo visited.
Special Atientien Paid to Fitting Classes
Treatment of Catarrh and Nervous Diseases.
Cries eyes straightened by Dr Moore's Pain
less Method, without ether or chloroform; no tying ud of oyes or remaining in
doors The first ease of crss eyes cxllirron
Dr Moore will bo straightened free of charge.
Drier clippings from Pennsylvania papers:
Scranton Jiepublican.
Dr. Moore camo to this sction a number of
years ago from Philadelphia embarking ar
once In practice as a specialist, and has become
well known to our people. The dodo' Is a
Kraduato .from the JeBeison Medic ! college
of Philadelphia as well as a gr'duate nso speo-1-d'Bt
frum llu Polyclinic of New York, and
has certificates of other Hperlal training. lie
has distinguished himself here by numerous
brilliant operations In ovesureerv In which
lino beruuso of lis importance, ho is best
known, although his success In bis mulical
specialties has been no less pronounced. Ho Is
not given 10 nazaraous experiments, is oi
tremclv cautious, and avoids tho common fault.
of sRllnul surgeons arrogance and U unl-
lormiy courteous 10 an.
Heading Eagle.
During Dr. Mooro s stay In ltosdlng he has
been visited by hundreds of nftlicted people.
He his effected some rcmarkuble oiitph. and
all who visited him found Ur. Mooro honest In
all his dealings, sath factory In his treatment
of patients and a gentleman who standi high
iu wm uieuiuui proiubftion.
Harriiburp Call.
Dr. Mooro has wrought much good while In
Harrisburg. and his honorable dealings with
all procUtm him a gentleman ot whom any city
might be proud
Button Sunday Cull.
We could fill a column with names of men,
women and children, who are Dr Moore's
patients, and who will long rcmimber lilm
with gratitude and praise.
4ffooria Independent.
Dr. Moore's success has been most remark
h'i ho has dtxpensed the healing art with the
haii'i of u master In his profession and shows
himself to be a gentleman In ovcry sense of
the word.
Johnstown. P ,,l)etnotrut.
Dr. Moore Is a gentleman of pleasing address
and character, and u-oithu the confidence of the
Qtrbfindale Daily louder.
Dr. Moore has performed many delicate
surglcul operatioas and effected remarkable
cures In this city.
At'entawn Critic.
"Dr. J Harvey Moore effected ome extremely
remarkable cures while here. As an eve special
ist he is our opinion one of the greates t in tbo
profession. Patients for miles around here tur-
nisn mm excellent uumoaiaM. la rnct ne is
exactly what he advertises utmtelf to be "
Jine Herald.
Dr. Moore has been found all that was ex
pected, both professionally and soolally, and Is
an noceei inun wuu mauuit nmua incise at me
head of Ills profession.
Office hours From to 12 a. m.j 1 to 4 and 7
to S p.m. hours Studay. Consultation
rree. ;i is-jci
001 1 1
Times are hard, and in order
to convert our goods into cash we
mustoffer some extraordinary in
ducements. We not only pay
your fare both ways, but will
sell-you goods at less than manu
facturer's cost. If you don't be
lieve it come and get our prices.
Children's suits and reefers
and men's fine dress suits our
VE, Iohrlieinier Co,,
Great Bargains !
Bpeclal Sale this week of
All kinds of Dress Ooods. Trlmmlncs. Muffs.
Handkerchiefs. Dolls ano Fancy Goods. Pull
lino of Carpets llargalcs in Velvets and Holi
day Goods in abundance.
28 South Main Street.
3 g TORE,
irrc, btc.
28 North Main Street.
Faithful and miiTtial performaace f tho
duties osrd.
5 and 7 N. Centre
Something to
It is not necesfary for ns to introduce ourselves to our many patrons and the readers of
this paper, as wo aro pretty well known in
Cash Dnv (loons Estaiimmiments.
Wo are going to present some Faoth and figures for you 'To Think Aiiout" that aro
marvelous in their monoy-saving power. And that will warrant a small oxpoudlturo of car
faro to visit tho handsomo hlg establishment Potts VI rail's Chkapbst Dnv Ooodb House.
.etting Ready"3
For Christmas.
At this opening you will bo moro than pleased with the immense stock we have placed
heforo you to select from. Tho following is a few of tho many things to bo displayed at this
Old Maid, Pusy in the Corner, Old King Cole and others of modern in
vention thntwill interest the little people, 5o
Tn another assortment we have about fifteen diflcront styles, sneh as Me
senger Boy, Old Maid, Base Ball, Foot Uall and Suako Games, lOo
Bean Bag, Golden Egg, l'lissand Three Mice, Steeple Chase, Cash, Rival
Doctor, Little Bright Eyes, Wonders A B C Blocks, Shadow A B C
Blocks, 20c
Hunting Match, Checker Elma Bagatelle and other enticing games will
be found among tho games at 25c
Another stylo of Bagatelle, Favorite Steeple Chase, Parlor Foot Ball, Our
Dnrllnir, Fish Pond, Cats and Mice and Our Four Footed Friends, 37Jc
County Fair Blocks, Columbia Scrolls, Social Snake, Bicycle Race and
Tally Ho, 42o
Pool Tables, Billiard Tables, Crokinole, Parlor Ten-pins, din'ercnt sizes
and.dilll'reut prices, 15o
Steamers, Hook and Ladders, Sprinklers, Fire Patrol, Sulkeys, Surrys,
bteam Engines, Pass-enger Cars, Streetcars, Banks, Sadirons, Express
"Wagons, Revolving Chimes, Hose Carriages, Fire Chief Carriages, from 42o
R. R. Engines, Stationery Engines, Bicyclists, Man and Bear, Wild west
Shooter, Haw Mill, Horse Hacing, Fire Engine, House Pump, Foun
tain Pnmp, (In many diilerent prices), 89c-
Pony and Cart, Goat and Cart, Menagerie, Ark?, Boats, Pa&souger Traia,
Columbian Trains, World's Fair Trains, Trick Mule, Fiio Engine Jolly
Marlde Game, fiom 15o
up to S1.1I5.
Bureaus Sideboards, Settees, Doll Chairs, Child's Chairs, Child's Rock
ers, Washing Outfit, Chamber Suit, Doll Cradle, Doll Beds, Toy Piano,
Painting Outfit, Dr.iwlng Slates, Jack In a Box, Writing Desks, Tool
Chcs's, from lOo
up to ?0.00.
Phon -harp, Zithers, Glockenspiel, Horns, Sliding Trombone, Harmoni
cas front lOo
to h9c.
In th's, our lino of German, Carlsbad and Dresdoa China, Is beyond a
rival as to quality and price. They are our own importation and con
sist of bon bons, berry sets, fish sets, fancy cako plates, etc. Some of
this ware comes to us from Austria, Tokio, Meissen and Yorkshire and
will range In price from 3o
up to $2.50.
Among our Japanese ware will be found cracker jars, chocolate pots,
tea pots, cups and saucers, olive dishes, oatmeal dishes, jardiniers,&c. 25o
up to 11.85.
Smoking Sets, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Dressing Cases, Jewel
uascs. aiiavinc sets, uouar anucuii
up to 0.00.
Alliums, Dressing Cases, Writing Paper Boxes, Collar and Cufl Boxes.
Shaving Setts, Handkerchief Boxes,
up to $10.00.
Alliums, Muslo Rolls, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove
Boxes, Gents' Traveling Cases, Ladles' Traveling Cases, Writing Desk, &c.,
at from 39o
up to $0.
Photo. Frames, Match Holders, Wall Pockets, Hair Receivers, Fancy
Wall Ornaments, Handkerchief Cases, Dressing Cases, Glove Cases,
Smoking Setts, Shaving Setts, Albums, Euchre Decks, Work Baskets,
Comb and Brush Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxos, Whisk Holders from 25o
up to $10.00.
Euclira Decs, Photo Frames, Pin Trays, Mirrors, Ash Trays, Jewel
Cases, Card Trays, Pickle Holder, Castor, (5 bottles) Baby Mugs, Tea j
Spoors, Table Spoons, Salts, Peppers, Glove Buttons, Collar Button
Boxes, Hair Pin Receivers from llOCj
up to $1.87.
5 and 7 NorthCentre Street,
u 1
Think About
the county as ono of I'otUvlllo's most rollablo
uoxes, uigur ooxes, inn ue mirrors mho i
Glove Boxes, Manlcuro Setts from 50o