-..Wjpr- ,v "J.-ip-fC.-H? " f i ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. j Caused by Carolossness. The majority of peopio iiio sooner thwj lliey should, Lvldenco of tins fact is crow- . ing daily. Waring Baya ( " DiseoMj is not n confluence of lifoj it istlno to unnatural conditions ot living neglect, nlrtiMJ, want. Dr. Stephen Smith, on tlio hhiio Milijett. "Man Is Lorn to health and long life; u ease la unnatural, doalli, except from ol age, is accidental, and both are preventable by human agencies." This Is almost hivai i ably truo of death resulting from Iiciut ilis earn. Careless over-exeitinn, iuleniieinl( use of tea, collee, tobacco, alcoholic of oiliet stimulants nro generally the cantos of thit difficulty, and indifference to its progress if suits in sudden death, or long sickners enu ing in death, lly tho ncwsiuipors it can h seen thai many prominent and hundreds o' persons in private life dio from lien it dis ewe every day. If you havo nnyof tho following symp toms: shortness of breath, palpitation, imp ular pulse, fainting and tmothoring spelU pain in shoulder, tide, or arm, nuolln ankles, etc., begin treatment immediately t'oi heart disease. If you delay, tho consequences tnay bo tcrioua. Kor over 20 years Dr. Franklin Miles the eminent specialist, lias inudo a profoum: study of heart disease, its causes and cuic. and many of the leading discoveries in thin direction nro duo to him. His New Heart Cure is nlisolutely tho only reliable icmeily for tho euro of heart disease, as is prov d by thousands of testimonials from grateful persons who havo used it. James A Pain, editor of tho Corry, Pa , Tender. "tntes: "Alter an apparent rcro cry from Hirer months of lnnrlppe, 1 fell on the street niirnii scions from liearl dlsoase In one month frun. Hint tirao I was unable to walk across my room, anil my pulse beat lrom sstollGtlmcsninlnutc I then used Dr. Miles' New Heart Cmo. and a' once became stronricr. After tislup six bottles 1 wusablotoMork as iisnaland walk a mtlceverv dav.mypvnso rnnRlnc from as to 60. Dr Mile rcmoilv is not nnlv a nrcventivo but a cure. l)r. Miles' New Heart Curo Is sold by ail drnr sIMs on a positive guarantee, or by Dr. Sllle Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price. M ner bottle, fix for 85. cmross monoid. It Is nest ttvely free from opiates or dangerous drugs IT Miles- rms, 3& cents, by nail. Free book at druggists, or CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA, -AGENT FOR- uers CELEBRATED LUGES Porter, Ale and Fine Old Stock Ale. II RETTG'S Beer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the Chan. Kettig's Cele brated Beer and Porter iu this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South Mam Street. Speeeli Hectored. Pnr flvn vnnrs I suffered wWb naln and d Minren nf tho throat, hacking couBh. frontal headache, weak eyos, &c , at times, could cot tulu nhivnaii'lilsiiw: lost wclelit coutlnuiillv. and not ' le to work. I was treated by the best pUyslclans In the county, but received no relief After giving up nil bnnea I was recom mended to use a bottlo ol Mayers' Magnetic Catarrh Cure. After using it for four wetka my speech returned. All symptoms of Catarrh have disappeared and "I feel llUe a different person," Mits. Elias Uaniiweiik, Klk r.lek. Somuriiet Co . Pa. Thn iihnrfl is one. nf the manv testimonials wehava received this week, and wo will publish every two weks aldltlonal persons having been cured bv our marvelous medicine. Try a twttle and be cured at onca. Maykhr' Umbo Co.. Oakland, Md. Forsalebydiugglstg. Mayers' Magm tic Catarrh Cure is tho only mcditlne uted by vapor lubalatiou, and is guaranteed by your druggist. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ana Carnages to Hire. Hnullnr of Ml kinds promptly attended to Horses taken to board, at rates that are litwral. On PEill ALLEY, Rear of the Coffee Bouse. CHAS. DERR'S SHAVING PARLOR, Fekcubon House Block. Everything In tbe tonsorlal line done In Hrst class style. Everything neat and clean. JOE WYATT'S saloon and restaurant, (fhrlHi unit Boiler's olditand.) u sin ud porter on I j v i isVoys and clgara. as. Thn nuea) P( Pool room .tat RQW IN THE HOUSE. The Hawaiian Messago Loads to n n r a Soono of Confusion. RESOLUTIONS FOE AND AGAINST. Mr. lloulclle Want I lie Aclinlnllnillnn Di'iiiHinri'd nml Mr. Cochran Wnnt 111" AHmml llnwnllnn InvnMou InvontlKiiU'd. Neither llrnuliitloii Artvit Upon. Wamiinoton, Dec. 1!). In the setinto yesterday tho long looked for message from the president n to the relation of thin government mid this country to tho liawnliHU islniHli whs received, and Its reading was llteiiod to most attentively. A request by Mr. ('handler (N'. Y.) for the reading of the instruction of Mr. Willi led to a debate of an hour' duration, and they were inul.j- read. The message ami nccompnnying documents are now liefore the senate, the pending question being on tVin tnrttinn nf All ttnar (Mnu In ri,fpi thnm tn th rnmrnltti.n nn fnroiirn rcln- Hons. The senate also listened to a small R,,ni, i,v s..nntnr lliniHliroiiirli (X. D.l In advocacy of a bill for tho destruction of the weed known as the "Kuiwian thistle," or enctua. A long speech by Mr. Dolpli (Ore.) in favor of the protective tarill sys tem closed the day. The tight, over the Hnwnllnn matter in the house followed fust and fiirlouson the heels of the reading of the Hawaiian mes sage Tho message was rend from tho clerk's desk. Most of the members having nlrendy acquainted themselves with its contents paid little attention to it. At the conclusion of the rending of tho message many of the Democrats npplitudoil vig orously. Half a dozen Republicans, among them Mr. Hilt, Houtello and Hepburn, arose quickly and addressed the clmlr. On the other side Mr. McOn-nry and Mr. Mc Williams also arose and amid the con- friRfmi nf vnlpi.H lrmillv mtllitiff nn tbn B,,eaker for recognition tlio speaker calmly referred the message and accompanying documents to the committee on foreign affairs. The deep, loud voice of Mr. Houtello ' above the din forced the speaker to recog ' nize him, and he called for the reading of I the instructions to Minister illis. Mr. I Boutello claimed that It -was wrong for tho speaker to take advantage of a mis j conception as to tho nature of themes iKigo which his (tho Hcpubllcan) side of j the house understood to be a reply to the resolution passed by theJiouso. Mr. McCreary made the point ot order that Mr. HoutWlo was out of order, and tho speaker supported this view of the case. Mr. lloutelle, however, still insisted that ho had a right to call for this infor mation, and finally the speaker said that, while he did consider it a question of right, he would nsk that consent be granted for tbe reading. Tills was given, and tho instructions wero read. At t,ov eral points tho Democrats applauded. Then followed n wild scene. Mr. Boutelle again rushed into the breach. Waving aloft a resolution, he shouted thnt ns the message and instruotioimclenrly disclosed the fact that the executive had trans gressed the prerogatives of congruss he would move the adoption of the resolu tion. He would send it to the clerk's desk. A chorus of objections from the Demo cratic side drowned Mr. Iloutelle's words, and thesi3uker informed him thatdebate was not in order pending the reading of the resolution, lie called upon Mr. Uou tollotosend the resolution up. Tho lat ter evidently misunderstood the speaker, and vehemently insisted on his right to state his question of privilege. Thechair ruled him out of order, pounding thedesk vigorously and recognized Mr. Cockran. A storm of Democratic applause greeted the speaker's ruling. Mr. Houtello was not annihilated. An instant inter ho re taliated by objecting to the consideration of Mr. Cockran's resolution. Tho greaU est excitement prevailed. A motion was made to go into commit tee of the whole to resume consideration of the urgent deficiency appropriation bill, and was put by the speaker amid such confusiou nnd crios for recognition lrom Mr. iueu, Air. uouieuo aim oiuers that tne speaKer was lurceu ui can mi me sergennt-at-arniH to preserve order. 'When quiet was restored again, against the pro tests of the Hepublicans, tho speaker de clared the motion carried. Mr. Houtello demanded the ayes and nays, and ns the clerk began calling the roll tho contusion subsided and tho house had u breathing spell. Mr. Iloutelle's resolution was as follows: Vliereas. the eieeutive communications just read to the house clearly deelare that tho rights nnd dignity of the house of representa tives uh a co-onlinato branch of oongroiHi has been Invaded by tlio executive department In furnishing serrct Instructions to a minister plenipotentiary of the United States to con spire with tho representatives of a deposed and discredited monarchy for the subversion and overthrow of the established republican government to which ho was accredited, and to which his public Instructions related, pledged tho good faith and sympathy of tho president, the government, and the people of the United States, therefore, Heaolved, That it Is the senae of tills house that any instructions by the eiecutivo of the United States. Its civil or military represen tative without the authority of oongreasin the internal affal's of a friendly reoognized government to disturb or overthrow it and to aid or abet the establishment of monarchy, Js contrary to tho policy and traditions of tho republic and the letter and spirit nun not be too promptly or emphatically reprobated. Mr. Cockran'H resolution was as follows: "Wlnreis. It appears from tho message of the presiiltul t'mt an attempt has recently been made by the mecutivo department of the government lo affect a change In the terri torial limltaof the United Stntes without any conaultatlon with the house of representatives and without making any stipulation or pro vision for obtaluing the content of the house; Hebolved, That a committee of seven mem bers bo appointed by the speaker to examine Into the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the house of reprenentativee on all ques tions and proceedings affecting or Involving the territorial integrity of the United States and to report their conclusions as to the na ture, extent and charaoter of such rigbt.forms and privileges and duties, together with such recommendations for the defen&o of the same as may seem proper and expedient. The Hepublicans refused to vote on the motion to go into committee, and it re sulted in 174 to 0, no quorum, and at 4:55 the house adjourned. After the Henker had adjourned the houae Mr. Boutelle tried to call for a di vision. As he saw the Hueaker descend from the rostrum he began to about, amid the jeers aud boatings of tbe galleries. But the confusion wan so great that not a syllable he uttered could be heard. Hluwn to Bits by Oyuaiutte. HBNDRiCKg, W. Va., Deo. !. Homer Houston, a celebrated Baltimore eon' tractor, w- blown to pieoe. by loatntgat. Houmod, who u mwws waa unuajnMl in Ullt wing out a eati ut uy - nauilte, wbeu It exploded. THE DISTHtSbji.M r.urSON. rnbllo Spirited OltTTens Providing Mrai 11 rm nf Iteltef. PATKIiSON, X. ,T., Dec. 111. Xot since the the silk Industry beenmotho principal de pendence of this city has there been so widespread destitution In this city. Thn mills have either been Idlo or running on short tlmo for months, and now many of the big mills have shutdown until spring. Other branches of business followed tho silk trade. Tho work nt the locomotivo nnd structural iron works Is almost at n standstill. The result Is that those who havo been depending on those shops for their living, and almost every one in Pat enton has been, are now in want. The situation is growing desperate, and step have lieoti taken to relieve the most urgent cases. A committee of ministers, merchant and manufacturer ha been formed, and will superintend the work of relief. Thoy are meeting with consider able success, although merchant mid manufacturer have difficulty In obtain ing enough money tn continue business. Besides furnishing food and clothing to tho men out of work, the committee will provide coal station in different parts of the city, and those needing fuel will be furnished. The organization of the com mittee ha been made permanent until spring, when it is hoped there will bo n resumption of business. MrKniin SHU at Liberty. UnnoKI.VN, Dre. 10. John Y. MrKano who has been sentenced to Kings county jail for contempt of court, is still at llli erty. After tho sentence Judge Cullen issued a stay, and would have heard the argument yesterday, but for the fact that he had been designated by the government to sit In special oyer and terminer. Judgo Cullen, therefore, turned thestoy proceed ings over to Judge I'ratt. That official declined to have nnythlug to do with tho case. When Judge Cullen wna informed of Judge Pratt's unprecedented nctlon lie set down thr hearing for !2:30 p. m. At that hour he heard tho opening ot the case and then adjourned It until today. A Iopornli Atiarrblst Arrested. I'AIIIS, Dec. Hi. .Incques Morlgenu, n militant anarchist, was arrested here yes terday. AVlion tho pollco arrived at his lodgingn they found that he was in bed. When he wos paitlally clothed ho sud denly drew a dagger that he had had con cealed 1b a pocket, and sprang upon Police Commissary Ilernard, who was in charge of th nlllcers. The latter, however, was too agile for him, and before h could do any lmrm he was overpowered nnd hand cuffed. A search made of his root re sulted in the llnding of a quantity of ex plosive material. Khndr Island's (or,riior Arbltrat1iir. PliOvninxcK, Doc. 1!). The outlook in thnstrika district today is much brighter, nnd tho executive committee believes a settlement will soon be reached nnd the mills started up. Yesterday Govornor Hrown visited the mill district and con ferred with Messrs. Fletcher and .Farwell, of tho Providence National and Saranao mills. The governor said he desired to obtain information by which he could have a good understanding of the situa tion and make suggestions. I Ms believed Iu will effect a sutislitotory compromise. Anarrbist Threat In tinrinunj. I5r.ltl.IN, Dec 1S. A hundred anarchists, some of whom were recently liberated from prison, met at Weissenzo, near this city. The speakers openly denounced the Social Democrats, ami. the mentiou of the names of Kavacbol, Pallas, Vuillant and other anarchists who have taken part in outrages was received with prolonged ap plause. It was declared by the speakers that the doings of these men wero more child's play compared to vhat will bedone in tho future. Thn Jlaiilmry Hatters. DANnni'.Y, Conn., Dec. 10. The trouble among the hat makers still continues. It was generally expected that tho shops of Ileltire, Ijitrsch & Co. and Hrothwell & Co. would be open yesterday. They were not, however, and it is not believed that thoy will be for some days. Tho manu facturers say that if lint making does not show more shins of life the Hrst of the I ymr tlmu it does at present thoy will noi open their shops eveu Independently. Lyiiehed by Ills Oivil 'ICacn. Adelk, Ga., Dec. 10. A negro boy named Will Ferguson was assaulted on the street, a leather strap placed about i hig ileck and a pocket handkerchief, his throat. He was then crammed down dragged outside of tho corporate limits and carried into n swamp aud left. He was found in the morning in a halt nude condition and dead. It is supposed that lie was killed by other negroes whom he informed against for gambling. Istliconlv kiiuun tiriiirinlc ' that will ifcstrov tbe microbe in the blond without iiiitirv 1 the system. By removing the one cause it cures all Human The William Hailun Mlrnil.f Killer Co. utujuc bU, new iurn city. GRUHLSR BR 3 5., Agents for .Slicn.iieto.ih. WALL PAPER I R Alt GAINS ! Big deduction in Wall Paper. Must make room for an enor mous Spring Stock. : : : : JOHN - P. - CABDEN, 824 W Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa MISCELLANEOUS. SOMCITOIIH WANTED. For apply HtlllHAi.D office. particulars tf WA'NTKP. A good girt to do general house work and assist In plain ecoklrg. Wages M a eek Inquire at S ! West Market street, I'ottaville. IMS-It ANTEll Ladles to do writing at home. Will nay from US on to S4.(0 ner week. Herd aelf-addrtssed slumped envelope for reply. Uaree Fontaine, New Carlisle, J nd llflMt n EAI. KSTATK FOK SALK.-Piopert; irty 'oal jj-ig a.( oroo.ne, il uated at tbe northwest ooiner of Ci : on lot, r 8'.'IM fojt. and tlx dwelllug boua'. Apply to 1 rrna w- w iiws, miv norw aanua ,. 1 li w A Ruddy Glow on cneek VVli!i and brow S$mLm-'. is evidence that I he jj 1 body is getting proper nourishment. When this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong, and health is letting down. Scoffs Emulsion taken immediately arrests waste, regardless of the cause. Consumption mut yield to treatment that stops waste and builds h'jsh anew. Almost as palatable as milk. Prp,,fttvd by Scott k Ilowne. N. Y. All HrawtBta. Professional Cards. pROR I'llKDHHICK ZKITZ, ISSTRUCTOlt OF MUSIC, t..,j n.i in.i..Hn. n nim, nn trlnc and bftud Instruments. For t nrther in formation call onornddrws Q:uhi,bu linos., No, 1 North Main street, Hhenandonh. JOHN It. COYLEl A TTORNKY-A T-LA W. Offlce lleddall building. Hhcnandosh, I' OL,. FOSTEIl, ATTOKXKY and COVXSELLF.R.AT-LA IV. Room 3, Mountain City Hank llulldlng, l'otu, vtllcl'a. M. M. IIUItKK ATTORNEY A T-I.A W. SHNAKDOn, PA. Ontoo Hoom8,P. O Itullding, HlMoandoU:, ar.d Ksteriy building, I'ottaville, D U. It. IIOCllLEKNKK, I'iytician ami Surgton. Advloe free at drug stnro, 1W South Main street. l'rr ate consultation nt residence iV2 South Jnrdlmrtrcci, from 0 to ":) p. ni. 0. T. IIAV1CE, BURGEON DKNTI87. OOce Northeast Cor. Main aod Centre Shenandoah, over Stein's drug store. J PIF.KOE ItOIlKHTS, M. D., No. 25 F.ast Coal Htrect, HI1ENANDOAII, PA. OfflceilBurs 1:30 toSando:M to 9 p. m. D u. J. s. CALLKN, No 31 South .lnrJtn Street. Uhcnsndoan. Opfioe Houiib: 1:30 to 3 and (1:3(1 to'S P. SI, Except Thursday evening. IVb office work on JSttnility rxcept by arrange vicnt. A ttict atthtrfn-ce to the iQlce hour u a(Huue(y necessary. HO-31'Gm NIGHT OAIXS DOUIir.K. jpitOF. T. J. WATSON, Teacher n'. VIOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO and MANDOLIN. Having had Mxtceu years' exneriorce as a teacher of instrumental mu ic giving Instruc tion on the above instruments Wi rc left at Urumm's jewelry store will receive prompt at tention. M, S. KIHTLER, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Omce 120 North Jiwdln street. Sbenandonl. IEW GiLB.FE.TS Sewed and laid, old ones reiltted. MattrGh.see made to order Carpets, MattreeseH. Feathuru, Kobe. Kuurs Cuflblon. &c made froe from dirt and mulh In wet cr dry weather Prompt attention given to orderH Address bTEAM ItnN'OVATlNG COMPANY, North UoworH Ktreet 2-12-li Sbnandouh Pa, nrlhool 1317 Arch St. V I B H 1 1 U U S PHILADELPHIA. PA. Tho only lien til no Specialist lit Ante lira, lloiiTllfisiaiiiiinff nun i uiulth iuiferustj. NERVOUS DEBILITY I AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION SiKCl.nl IIUchsch and .Strictures Permanently Cured In 3 to 6 ila) BLOOD POISON Primary or Second ary cured Uy entirely new uit'Uiui! in Y) to yodays. 0 years' Kur- iieaii iiodpiiai ami $i iiruuitaiexii LYiUilrau-;. and lih.lomas iuot experience, as ie. tend five i z-i-eui liiamjis nr uiajk. TKLTJI," tne only txMJk oxpi'smtf Quai k Itoctois anil unei.ad vonl,iuir aanroal biw ULMtf. A true liietid taii nffi.rH mui i thuse contt lunlatimr marnairti. Tnonio8ihiuuunraiuiuauKs-"'u i e8MUtlted. Wriusor eaiiana wtwvtn. The Man Who wrote tho Song I 'c nevtr caret to wander J&ovi hU own Amide" was Inspired while sitting before one of my tine llenteri,. X also have on hand the bent Stoves and Kanges In the market and a large stock ol Jiouselurniahlng Goods. Plumblnr, rootine and Spouting a pcialiy. All work Kuarauteed. T. O. WATER, Cor. of Lloyd and White St.. Shenandoah. Pa. H. F. FAUST'S Electric Call Bell and Burglar Alarml Blmple, Perfect and Cheap. Kverybody de lighted with It. Orders left at 190 outb Jar din street, bhcnandoiih, Ph., will be promptl attended to. CLBABT BROS., Honiara ot all kinds ot TEMPERANCE: DRINKS! AND MINERAL WATERS. Wriss IIbeh a Specialty. Al bottlers of the Plnet lleer. 17 and 19 i'wiri lfft, SllKXANDO.lll TEl Ja IEX2PX2It.y iAte of Vhamokln, baa opened a MA11BLE : YARD ! 138 N. West Strait, ShMtndMfa, fa. He 1 prepared to receive orders for ail kind of montimnt and tow ha tens work, which will b done tn a Brit oiaw wasnar on aherl nolle and reaaonabla tana. Thia Will Probably End tho Great Poisoning Oaso, A REMARKABLE SOENE IN COURT. Juror I.nwe, Moved by tlio llloiiuent IMea of lawyer llrooke, Suddenly does III- ' sHtie.Vnd Hie IMMrlet Attorney Says It Will bo Impossible t 'I Another Jury. NKW YORK, Dec. Ill The trial of Dr. Henry C. F. Meyer came to nn abrupt conclusion in the court of oyer and termi ner yestordny. One of the jurors, Alex ander II. J.OWO, wo so affected by the ad dre of tho attorney for the defense and weakened by a previous lapse of mental strength that lie was seized witli acute dementia in the jury box and was subse quently removed to the insane ward of llellovuo hosnttnl. This compols the abandonment of the oaso, as the district attorney deems It Impossible to obtain another Jury In tills county. The case was resumed at the opening of the court by the Humming up of Mr. i lirooke, of counsel for tlio defense. Mr. 1 Ilrooko opened his address in a manner I which was plaoldlty itself. His voice I was low. In that tone he called attention to tho fact that tho chemist, Doreinus, had required twenty months 1m which to 'tiretmrc his report. Tliu voice of Mr. jjrooiie rose Krauiiaiiy, ami ne nuiuuutru n few gestures as he said tho defendant had been charged witli having poisoned Brandt witli antimony. Then he said the opportunity for tho prosecution to cott vict a man was so great while tho oppor tunities for defense worn so little. "Somewhere in the early part of July," he said, "a coroner ot this city received from Dr. Winston, not nn olliccr of the law, but a physician of the Mutual Lifts Insurance company, an invitation to call upon him. Tho coroner called, and at once tho suggestion was made as to whv the body was to bo disinterred. And nt once the coroner went ahead without the proper authority and gave the undertaker . . x , i !. t. - Tl-l mo iierinit ui no mu il tvus lh- aton who directed evcril:ng. Two days afterwards the organs hail been removed from the body. Schult.e obtained the for mal pormlssion for bis action. For a year after tho disinterment ol the Doily no el- fort was made to arrest this defendant." IIo then proceeded to dissect the testi mony ot Muller, tho accomplice ot Meyer in the case. Muller, he said, told one of the most frightful stories over heard in potirt. Under tbe ceiling of a court room no such ciusture ever told such a story. Justice holds its bauds up iu horror and says: "Pause and relied before taking the life of n fellow on tlio testimony ol such a creature a. that." Muller, he said, had told of his own degradation in a supercil lioua manner, ns if lie were telling some entertaining htory to a crowd of friends in a barroom. It was while the lawyer was dissecting Mullor's testimony that Juror Lowe was attacked. The man seemed to be very much affected by the plea of the lawyer, ills hands twitched, and as tho speaker proceeded the juror's head moved till, 11- nally Ills head was swaying from side to side, his lips moved us it muttering, nnd his eye rolled. Mr. Brooke paused and nsked: "Mr. Lowe, are you ill? "No, there's nothing the matter with me. I'm ull right," replied tho juror, but his voice was thick aud articulation seemed difllctilt, Mr. Nicoll repeated the question. Tho juror tried to reply again but got no fur ther than "no," when ho threw up both hands, stiffened out straight in his chair and then collapsed. Dra. Carpenter mid Mlnden, who camo to the rescue, reported to Justico Barrett that Juror Ixiwo was suffering from cero bral congestion nnd would not bo uble to return to the consideration .p the Meyer case nt ouco, if ever. Au adjournment was ordered. Meantime Dr. Carlos F. MacDonald, state commissioner in lunacy was sent for to examine Juror lxiwe and determino whether he is mentally lit to go on with his duties as a juror. Dr. Dana was se lected by Justice Barrett to act with Dr. MacDonald. It was ascertained after the trial had been closed that the juryman had onco been confined in Hloomingdnlousylumfor the insane. This fact was made known to counsel ami the judge when the panel was completed, but Lowe denied that ho had been iu the asylum, and so he was by consent of Judge Barrett and counsol on both sides allowed to retain his seat in tho jury box. firlp Kphloiulo in AUeutown. Allentown, Ph., Dec. IU. X'hysiclan? liere report a general prevalence of grip, most of tli cases being mild. One death hns occurred thus fnr, that of William A. Ziengenf uss, nged SU, who died yesterdny. STOCK AND PRODUcFmARKETS. Cluilng (Jutitiitloiis of tlio Xew York anil I'liltnllphlu IlxchaiiKvs. New Yoiik, Dro. 18. The feature of dealing in the stook market dealings today was the determlnud attark made by the bear cluiue on Kew KuKlunil. w ho sold It down ilh, pvr cent., with nevur a rally beyond an occasional Hi- (Jloalnic bids: Ihlgh Valley H I'ennsylrauia Heading W St. Paul 80 Lehigh Xavlgat'n UH Heading 1st pf &. Heading Sid pf Ss.. Heading 3d pt .1.. Heading g. m. 4s.. N. Y. & N. K W.N.Y.&Pa M H. & B. T. com... II. & II. T. pref.... Krie Wi D.. I.. & W W0 West Shore 108 N. Y. Central.... WOW' Ijike Erie W . UKi New Jersey i'ca.110 Pel. & Hudson... 181 General Murketa, PHILAD1I.PHU, Dec. 18. Flour steady; win ter super., S23.1; do. extra, WMWM; No. 2 winter family. $.'.u&!.73; Pennaylvanla roller straight, western wlntar, olear, t8.MUS8.16; western winter, straight, $8.1 8.UI. western wlutor, patent, SS.5UOS.T6; Min nesota olear, 2.i)Uaa; do. straight, $3JMQ3.M; do. patent, $3.?Mti do. favorite brands, higher, ltje flour, tx.WI pr barrel. Wheat quiet, lower, with tttc. bid and UW-io. anked for December; UiHc. bid and li'ijic. asked for January; 07c. bid and 87o. asked for Feb ruary ; 88Wo. bid and Sgaie. asked for March. Corn dull, weaker, with 42Vo. bid and 43c. asked for Doember; ii4c. bid and iHfec. atked for January ; U)c. bid and 48a. asked for February; 484c. bid and 48fc. aaked for March. OaU quiet, weak, with 3&!o. bid and 3te. aaked for Oecauiber; 3SVic. bid and 86o. atked for January; Vto. bid and ttc aaked for February; 8SKo. bid and auite. aaked for March. Hewf qulat, steady; extra mm, tlO.303,11; family, lft14.50. Pork dull, weak; luaaa, tU.5(k14.i&. Lard qnlet, steady; a team raadered, tS.lzM. Butter quiet, steady; Naw York dalry.lOOMIe.; weatern dairy. 18igHg.; El gin, IWfefi.; New York creamery, weoiTo.l weatern creamery, iSStttaTo.; lmilaiion ora. err, 18IMo.; roU, 17 9 81a. Chaos Irra; New York, large, ftuMlUc.; do. fancy, UHA llMi,i do. anall, lOVlxke.i put kiau. iO Ofto.; foil akluia, aa3o. Kgga qnUt, aetiva; M York and Ptaaaylvania, StMOH.i weat ern, MMo.; KitWa. atOHk. iftats VfefloW M 1 i i 1 There's hardly a hiUM.-ki.-eper in the country but lms heard of CottOlene the newveKetableshoit ening. It is a strictly natural product; composed only of clari fied cotton seed oil. thickened for convenience in use, with refined beef suet, pure and sweet. So composed, OTTOLENE Was bound to win, and to drive out lard from the kitchens of the world. When housekeepers wish to get rid of the unpleasant feat ures mid results of lard, tliey should get CottOlene, taking care that they are not given cheap imitations with vegetable names, spuriously compounded to sell iu the place of CottOlene. It's easy to avoid disappointment and ensure satisfaction. Insist on luivinu CottOlene. .-Hiltl In 1 (mil ', pound piitls. Made only by P2.K.FAI RBANKA.COm CHICAGO, and 13B N. DELAWARE AVC, PHILADELPHIA. NWSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Ilros.) JSu. 38 I5nH Centre Htreet, HIIKNANUOaII, ia. Our Mnttn: llpst Ounlltv nt lowest Cash Pliees. Patronage respectfully soliciied. Kaisers Oyster Bay! 127 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. A. P. KAISER, Proprietor. jsyThe bost-oystnrs In all styles at all hours. Just opened in tho Egau Ruilding, No. 8 East Centre street, a full Una of Fall ami Winter Millinery. Miss Annie Morrison, SHENANDOAH, IA. LOTS Of holes in a skimmerl Lots of ways of throw Inp away money. On of the best methods nf economizing is to Insure in Hrst class, thoroughly re iable rompantea. either life, Ore or acoldent, such ns represented No 19(1 Hontli Jardln street, bhenandoah. Pt SHOEMAKERS' Genera! Supply Store ! Wholesale and Hetnll PRICES. cro jzasr x. TnEzisE Pcrgnson House(bldK.. Centre Htreet. Del camp's Livery Stable 13. DELCAMP, JR., Prop., WEST STREET, Between Centre ani Llcyi, SbciiaiKlofltii, I'cinin, Tenuis to hire tor all purposes on reagonable terms A CUP OF CHOCOLATE delicious to the taste, invigorating and strengthening to the body, made In ONE MINUTE from (SmXyr 30 etJ. for a full jtound pae-hagi, Tr Mm pie oa application to naaufaetanM. NIUU T B. R Sciern, P. K. Magargle. W. H. 'Water KTTFISE'S IW HOUSE The place for business men to send their surplus stock of every decrlp tion for sale. AUCTION DAYS. Tuesdafs, Thursdays, Saturday. Anybody on send gooas of (very descrlpUoa to the rooms and thy will be sold at atactica on the usual teritta. All goods t old on opwa aion and aetUeatcnw mmOm 00 tbe day tallo-lr ing ihe aale. Reese's Auction Roomi Doofaerty aaUag. 0or. Centre hh1 Lloyd Streote. (OB1' IN 1 ,CP0DE,?S0ILI?,VTl5t i nance tr ci nage. it mij arryj I rael wngj lion. I Sift?! 5 t can, bat I kmi tfle ia to. ra riallfl Sr Wat. IbettJ nisU ItreiH fall ii t tit'lnl ll-ihcra ad BIL1 , tSWISCR lastrlt rt a toi 1 narr I niredf jofEl itrun'I I lino J tbel knd t?mi!iEiiis:fnnirriB