The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    1 The Evemng
VOL. V1X--NO. 2.
fi , a.
- 1
h .
You aro a business man, and usod to
Btralght forward business talk facta facts
facta. Your wlfo has boon looking for a
Sewing Machine,
Chamber Suit,
Parlor Suit,
Or something olso in our lino. Why not buy
it now. Wo are Boiling cheaper than over.
A Rush to the First Ward
The old man will appear every evening until Christ
mas in the window trimming the tree and filling the
stockings. Come and watch him do it.
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa
A. Merry Christmas !
me irrMses a
Magic Lantern;, six slides, 39c,
Iron Trains, engine, ladder, cirs, G9c.
Story Books, stiff covers, 8c.
Story Books, A. II 0 linen, 5c.
Soventyllvo cent sleds, fide.
Accordeons, 50c to $1
Tin Trains, 10c. Curtain Masks, 5c
Diamond Dust, 5o a box.
Electric Cars, 25c.
Green Moss Bales, 10c.
Fancy Toilet Bottles, all prices.
Marblo Arches, 25c.
Itound Trumpets, 5c.
Toy Stoves, 10c. China Mugs, 5c.
Largo Hocking Horso, 'J."c.
Musical Top Guns, 55c.
Child's Fancy Tables, 50c,
Lnrgo Black Boards, 50c.
Toy Chesta, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Owls, moving oyes, 10c.
Illinium's Calliopes, 25c.
Six feet of Fence, 10c
Tin Horses, 5c, Musio Boxes, 5c.
Loap Frog Game, 23c
-No. 8 South Main Street.-
no Mil n In Set Upon by I'mir Other nnil
In Obliged to !iltnp l-'rmu it Second Slury
Window to K.capa Tliom-Htithticil With
ii Fork.
The First ward court has done moro
business since last Saturday than lu the same
period for soveral months past. Justice
Toomoy and Constahlo Glbllu, tho latter
bravoly fighting an attack of grlppo to
perform his olllcial duties, havo had but llttlo
rest day or night. Tho business startod ut
about 5 p. m. on Saturday and tho court did
not closo until 3 a. m. Sunday. Aflcr a brief
nterval it was ro-oponed anil tho session ran
Into the night, when It was again closed, only
to bo ro-oponed early yestorday morning to
receive ball and dlschargo prisoners.
Tho Inst pay day brought a harvest for tho
First Ward court and tho reckoning of dollars
and cents paid lu as costs up to tho present
writing for the past threo days warrants tho
belief that until tho litigants who patronize
thooflico suddenly reform Justlco Toomoy
and his Constablo will soon havo enough
wealth to make them independent of any
politicalotllco within tho gift of tho peoplo.
So say tho obsorvors.
Among tho casos disposed of yesterday was
ono of Frank Rotnanofskl against Joe Gro-
bofsky and Anthony Butkofsky, charging
them with assault and attempting to kill him.
All tho mon boird In nuo houso. Without
any oauso or provocuion, Uomanofski says,
tho lour men made a chargo upon him. Iiu
manski got away by jumping out of a second
story window. Tho. defendants settled tho
caso by paying $." as damagos and tho costs,
Miko Widikus and Anthony Robolcfski
quarreled at their boarding house in tho
First ward and had n regular rough and
tumblo flgbt. John Zclanus attempted to
play the part of a mutual friend and when
trying to separate tho men Robclofski stabbed
him in tho forehead with a fork. Thcro
wero two oasos against Robolefskl and ho
ottlcd them by paying tho costs.
Toilet Cases.
Shaving Sets.
Dressing Cases. Work Boxes.
Plush Boxes of Paper, Etc., Etc.
A largo and varied assortment of Gold Pent. Pencils and Fountain Pens. Our lino of
Celluloid Novelties oinnot he beaten. Ask to - uur MUSIC BOX ALBUMS. Wo havo
the finest 25c cloth bound book In town; other p, i en, 35c. A160, another lot of the 20c cloth
bound books. Rocking Horses, Blackboards, M.igic Lanterns, Trumpets, Tree Ornomcnts,
Dolls, Games, ABC Blocks, &c. No trouble to show goods. We can supply all kinds of
Hymnals at Publisher's Prices.
3STo. -3L 3ST. 3V2C;xixx Stroot.
Choice Goods
NEW MINCE MEAT. We sell tho Beat Grade-
keep no second grade.
NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra large. Fino
new No. 1 Mackerel.
tho beat quality anu always iresh.'
New Evaporated Apricots, Nectarines and Peacho3
Now Citron and Lemon Peal.
TXTILL BUY: 8 11)9 New French Prunes : 3 lbs Now RaisinB, oft
VV stalk; 3 lbs Now Cleaned Currants; 7 lbs New Currants, not
cleaned : 1 lb .Now Mixou Tea, good quality ; z cans Whole loma'
toca, extra quality; 8 cans Now Tomatoes, standard quality ; 2 cans
Now Corn, "Prido of Shenandoah" brand nothing Inittor in the
market; 3 cana JNow Corn, Maryland packing; a cans JNew balmon
For Sale to Arrive!
OnCarMinnesota Patent Flour.
Ono Car Middlings.
Ono Car Choice Old Corn.
Ono Car Puro Chop.
Two Cara Timothy Hay.
Two Cara Oata.
i mm
Call at Holdorman's jewelry storo hoforo
going elsewhere.
A I.ettor With SneelHl Itefertuieo to 1'oH
OllW-e Mult, ix.
Hptoial llBHAt.t) correspondence.
Wahiiinuton, Dec. 18 The Inth lis
come and gone, but Postmaster General
111 well has not relieved tho auxlety of tho
Schuylkill county post nlllco applicants, lie
has had amplo tlmo to consider and digest all
that has btfen prosouted to him by tho Shen
andoah peoplo and nothing remains to bo
done but afllx the signature which is to servo
as notico to l'ostmastor Iloyor of ShenandoOi
that his time is up and somebody else wants
his shoos.
But Iho signature. Ayo! there's tho rub.
It is momentarily oxpectcd, yet no ono will
venture to predict a time. It was counted
upon last week. Friday was to havo been
the day, but tho pen faltered and now there
is nothing to do but wait.
National Chairman Ilarrity arrived horo
tn-day and it may bo that after a brief
consultation he will set lu motion the mill
which grinds out the communions. To
morrow anil Wednesday a largo number of
Presidential poet olllce commissions expire
and if the Administration gets mauy hold
overs on its hands thore will be a howl
among tho hungry applicants that will r.ilio
tho roof of the White House.
Still nothing definito can bo based upon
Mr. Ilarrlty's arrival. Evorybody hero
knows that Mr. Cleveland does buslnoss In
his own way (thoy didn't find it out until
alter his re-oleetion) and in his own time.
If it suits his own convonienco to make the
Pennsylvania appointments this week, well
and good, but if not, then thoro will bo many
disappointments, but no surprisos. As a
matter of fact some say Mr. Hsrrity would be
appointments postponed
tho wavo of
opposition developed against him In tho past
few weeks may recede.
Harrlty is not resting upon a bed of roses
just now and nono of the applicants who rely
upon his backing or that of his favorite
Congressman havo eaueo to rejoice. Llko tho
flamo of a oandlo their hopes may bo blown
out in an instant. 1 his is possible. I do not
say it is probable, but it is certain that some
very strong antl-IIarrity arguments havo
recently been presented to tho President, the
last bilug a tabulated statement of tho
county ollLes lost by tho Pennsylvania
Democracy slnco Mr. Harrlty got hold of tho
machine, and who can doubt that Schuylkill
is lu that statement whon tho rosult of tho
last election is looked back to, C.
satisfiod to see tho
for a few weekB in order that
. Slliniiiiiry of thu Proceeding ut the
County Sent.
Tho thirty-first annual session of tho
Schuylkill county tenchors' institute opened
at Pottsville yesterday with seven hundred
ind eighteen teachers in attendance. Tho
session was formally opened with tho, singing
ol "Ring, Sweet Belle," after which I!ev. A,
It. Bartholomew, of tho Pottsville Trinity
Iteformed church, led In prayer. Tho address
of welcome wasdelivered by W. K. Woodbury,
Kifi , of the Pottsvillo School Braid. Superm
tendont F. J. Noonan, of tho West Mahanoy
schools, responded.
In making his address County Superintoii
lent U. W. Weiss, of Schuylkill Haven, sid
hat S5,000,000 had been appropriatod by
lie Legislature to raise tho salarios of tho
teachers. This year tho School Boards re
quired tho increaso of funds to put the free
text book system in operation, hut noxt year
thoy will havo no excuse and tho salary of
ivery teacher should bo raised. Female
teachers, he said, should bo paid as well as
Mrs. H. E. Monroo, of Philadelphia, spoko
on composition and development of character,
and Dr. N. C.Schaeflcr spoko on the work of
school teachers and county Institute.
World's Fair goods for salo at Iloldornnn's
jewelry store, corner Main and Llojd streets,
LAMB. In Shenandoah, Pa., December
17, Mrs. Mary Lamb, aged 80 years. Funeral
from tho residence of her daughter, Mrs.
Bichard Horroll, No. 119 corner West and
Centre Btroets, on Wednesday, 30th Inst., at 1
o'clock, to proceed to tho P. M. church.
Friends and relatives respectfully invited to
attend. 12-18-2t
You save money by buying your Christmas
gifts at Holdcrman's jewelry storo.
Wectrlo Note..
Josi'nli II. Richards, chief engineer of
maintenance of tho Pennsylvania Railroad
and a director of tho Lskoslde Electric Bail
way, and Dallas Sanders, of Philadelphia,
wero visitors to town yesterday and carefully
iuspectod all the work that has been done on
tho Lakesldo road. Mr. Sanders is President
of the Lakeside Electric Riilway Company
and a diiector of tho Board of City Trusts.
Ho is also n membor of tho committee ou
Qirard Estato outside tho city of Phlladcl
phia and it was through his efforts that
tho Miners' Hospital at Fountain Springs had
its allowunco from tho Estate increased front
$250 to $500 this year. Mr. Richards walked
over overy foot of tho Lakesldo olectrio road
from town to Mahanoy City.
Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N.
V., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says :
not one death occurs now where twenty died
before Downs' Elixir was known. Over fifty
years of constant success placos Downs'
Elixir at tho head of tho long list Jof cough
remedies. lm
Not luterested.
Mr. E. W. Ash, superintendent of tho
Schuylkill Traction Company, writes that an
error was made in reporting him as having
taken part lu tho deal conferences at Potts
ville last week. Mr. Ash says that ho has no
interest in the deal and has nothing what
ever to do with the politics of tho couuty.
On account of having been absent from the
state for some months he is not even a voter
at present. The gentleman who made the
statement upon which tho report was basod
when shown Mr. Ash's letter to-day, acknowl
edged that an error had been made.
Superintendents and others having the
arrangements of Christmas festivities will do
well to consult Kemmeror, in north Main
stieet, before purchasing confectionery.
A Severe Cut.
While getting the .cwi ready for press
Saturday night Couuty Auditor John E.
Doyle sustained a severe cut on his left hand
from a knife. A report got abroad that the
wound was iufllcUd with scissors, hut Mr.
Doylo affirms he never uses thorn.
Otto's is the place for Christmas cake, fruit,
pound and other fine cakes. Beautiful
Christmas chrnuio giveu with eaeh 10 cent
purohaw. 87 South Main street. 12-10-tf
M. L. Kcmmerer is manufacturing candy
at special rates for the Christmas Sunday
school festivities. 13-5-tf
Consumption Cured.
I commenced driuklug P.adam's Microbe
Killtr when very low with Consumption, the
physicians finding my lungs closed almost
solid and pronouncing my oase boyond hope
or holp. I am now a well man. Orlio Shoots,
Marion, Ohio.
Howarth's grand double Hibcrnioa show
will appoar here on Friday evening.
Ex Supervisor Leahy is seriously ill.
Messrs. Jones aud Moyer, of Shenandoah
visited town on Sunday.
Mrs, Joseph Lloyd, of Wllkes-Barre, is
visiting her sons, W. J. Lloyd, of this place,
aud T. W. Lloyd, of Ashlaud.
J. T. Davies has left here for his quarry at
. "Billy'' Goise, of Roaring Creek, hustled
poultry in town on Monday.
W. V. Otto will give to every purchaser to
the amount of 10 eante a beautiful Christmas
chrouio. 12-16 tf
A copy of the first issue of the Sunbury
Kvining Item is upon our table and we find
in it the make-up of a sparkling little paper,
brimful of news items aud spicy editorials.
We wish It success.
The Trotting- Association
Stockholders Must Pay.
le AVHI Collect tli AinotinU Due on Un
paid MiureH nnil Liquidate the Cliiilus of
Creditor, P. ,1, lYrgtl.mi I,o.eH the
Ci-lniilull Suit
Two Important Shenandoah oases wero dis
posed of by the court at Pottsville yctcrday.
By ono of tho decisions all who wero stock
holders in the Shenandoah Trolling and
Athletic Association aud did not pay up in
full for the shares must mm do so to liquidate
tho unsatisfied claims of Isaacher Bobbins aud
other creditors.
It took Mr. Robblns a long tirao to get
within hailing distance of sonio assets of what
appeared to bo a dead horso, but ho appears
to havo reached tho point and stands a good
show to secure payment of his claim.
Mr. Robblns first sued tho Association! and
some peoplo wondered why ho should expend
monoy on alawsuitagainstadoad animal, but
after securing judgment, which wasobtalncd
without objection, lie set about securing
tht names of all who wore stockholders in
tho enterprise; then ho sued thoso stockholders
and yostcrday, Judgo Bechtol handed down
tho following decision:
And now, Decembor IS, 1803, due proof of
servico on the defendant and stockholders
haviugbeen made and no denial of the alle
gations of tho bill having been mado tbe
dufendant corporation is hereby adjudged
insolvent anil M. M. Burke, Esq., isappointed
roceiver and directed to enter securitv In tho
sum of $5,000 for tho faithful performance of
Ills duties. And it is also directed that an
account bo taken of tho debts and assets of
tho corporation aud tho stockholders and
officers aro directed to pay and account for so
mucli ol me assets anil capital stock as aro
necessary to piy tho debts due to tho credit
ors: tho assets thus collected and received to
be applied by tho receiver in dischnrge of the
Tho oilier decision was mado lu tho caeo of
J. Ferguson against tho Crinnlan Bros,
The suit arose over tho sale of furniture and
other articles sold as tho property of tho
Criunlans when they failed in business as
proprietors of the Ferguson House, at tho
corner ol Alain anil Centre streets. It was
brought by Mr. Ferguson as claimant of tho
goods, but a verdict was rendered against
him. Yesterday the court banded down a
decision In which it declined to set aside the
Charles Colo Is seriously 111.
Oeorgo M. Boycr has tho grippe.
K. G. J. Wadllugor returned to Pottsvillo
.1. J. Prico's infant son is sullerlng from,
Orocor Charles Itadslewlee Is among tho
grlppo victims.
Augustllotrman, of Et Centre street, has
tho grlppo.
Miss Vlrgio Hollopotor Is visiting friends
in Philadelphia.
Hurry S. Boughoy spent Sunday and Mon
day with' Pottsvillo acquaintances,
Bx-SherlffJ. M. Iloyor, of Pottevillo, Is
hookedfor a pigeon shooting match.
Mrs. Sarah James, of East Coal street, is
suffering from an attack of pneumonia.
Editor Arnold, of thelOlraidville i'ress ami
Timet, paid a visit to town last evening.
Mrs. Edward Gibbous hag gono to Philadel
phia to spend the holidays with friends.
Mrs. James P. Williams, sou aud daughter,
Miss Clara, havo returned from St. Clair,
where thoy wore visiting friends.
School Director Lynch made his re-ap-pearauco
yesterday on thostreete after having;
been confined to his home for over a week by
injuries sustained whon running to a flro.
MoAvoy A Kilroy, the Irish comedians who
will appear in "Tito Trolloy Systom" at
Ferguson's thoatre on January 11th, pasted
through town yesterday ou their way to
A ten pound girl is at the home of Thomas
Politics in this borough are having an
early awakiuing. Among those said to be
aspirants or already aunounced are Philip
Ilaggcrty for Council. "Phil." is an old
standing candidate on the Democratic ticket
and lias never met defeat. Bernard Douahoe
Is a Middle ward Democratic candidate for
tax collector, Patriot Murphy for School
Director ou the Democratic ticket, aud
Thomas Giles for the same office by
majority of tho citizens' votes.
Tho new Democratic elubat Murphy's is
quito active. Sixty-nine yonng members aro
already enrolled and they promise to raako a
big stir in the spring clcotinn.
Of about 125 voteis in Maizeville, seventy
fivo aro politicians and about half that number
hold office.
Mrs. Thomas J. Foley has recovcrod
her illness.
Miss Ka'Io Mahancy is recovering from an
attack of pucumouia.
Matthew Humes, motor man, and Charles
Granger, conductor, aro two now elcctrio
railway employes in charge of car number
Miss Maggie Barry has almost recovered
from her late Illness.
Mrs. J. W, Stone is tho new and hustling
clerk in her husband's store.
Mrs. Alfred Holloway, who has been suf
fering for several wcokt past from Injuries in
lllclud by her husband whllo in a rago of
anger, is reported very low. Her jaw is in
such a condition that food oannot be masUcatcxt
and she is obliged to tuko food through a tube.
Tho Lehigh Valloy Railroad track settled
ut a point at ut a milo west of this town this
morning. It was soon repaired, however, and
but llttlo delay was caused to thu trains.
John Jones, of Reading, is visiting Joseph
Brown, of Seventh street,
Miss Emma Smith, of East Pine street, will
spend the holidays in Philadelphia,
Edward and Charles Boughoy, of Shenan
doah, drovo their haudsomo team through
town on Monday.
John Touhy and wlfo are visiting In Potts
Our school teachers are attending tho
Institute In Pottsvillo.
J. W. Swoyor, a high official in tho
Philadelphia G. A. R., is tbe guest of Aaron
Joo Galeuski paid costs to Justice May ou
Monday for wiping up a bar room Uoor with
John Thomas.
John Brown, one of our former business
men, but now ot l.e.wisuurg, shook hand
with hli old associates hero on Monday.
Charles Smith has gono to Philadelphia,
Samuel Hart, of Ringtown, is visiting hit
daughter, Mrs. O J. Michael.
The Misses Van Horn are visiting friends
at Reading.
SomtthinK Now.
Before buying natural flowers or wax-work
for funeral offerings call and see the lovoly
metallic wreaths, crosses, etc, They are beau
ties, and cheap too. Will never fade. At
Mrs. M F. Schmidt's. 107 North Jardin street,
Shenandoah. Also an Immense line of holldsy
goods In tin, agate hardware, etc. 12-16-Sw
Acknowledgement af Soivloe.
In behalf of the Philadelphia aud Beading
Coal and Iron Company, tbe undersigned
hereby tenders thanks to tho fire companies
of the borough of Shenandoah for their
prompt response and efficient work done at
tho fire in the Kohinoor colliery on the 12th
Inst. J. J. IlRADIllAN',
District Superintendent.
Shenandoah, Doc. 1!, 1803.
The celebrated B. A II. Banquet Lamps
Onyx tables, finished in gold and silver,
at Holderman's.
Hear In Mlnil
John A. Reilly's is the place to get the
purest wines and liquors, best beer aud ales
and finest brands of oinars. 10-16-tf
Use Wells' Laundry Bunt, the bet
Bluing for laundry use! Bach package makei
two quarts. lCcts. Sold by Ooakley Bros.
A Card.
We, the undersigned committee of the
Columbia H. & S. F. E. Co's. fair wish tostate
for the benefit of the public that William
Kendrick will not appesr at the opening of
the fair, M stated iu the IIkkami. He
offered to play several solos on tho opening
night, free, but now comes forward and states
that if we do not hire him for the remaining
nights ho will not play at the opening, so we
havo concluded to do without his service.
(Signed) G. M. Sciiobnkr,
W. J. Stkttlbb,
w. mix,
1219-lt Jerry O'Nkill.
Thereare nmuy common liniments sold but
there Is only one great pain euro for all forms
ot Sprain, Cuts, Hrultesaud all bodily pain.
Its umne Is fted Flag OU. UooU 3S cents.
Hold at P. f . 1). Klillu'ii Drug More.
Patrick Latterly died at his home in
OirsrdviUe list ulght, in bis Wth year. He
was the father of Thouute Laiferty and
father-in law of 1'. J. O'Neill, both nsideuU
of OirardvIlU.
Special redueUeu to sehsabj and Sunday
Bohoela at Holderman's Jewelry store.
A liintiita.
A cm lata entitled "The Merry Company,
or the Cadets' Picnic" will be presented in the
Primitive Methodist church to morrow eve
ning by tho members of tho Sunday school
under tho superintendence of Miss Lizzie
Jouoe. Elaborato decorations are being made
through the efforts of the Sunday school
superintendent, Marshall Baugh, and It is ex-
ptc ed the production will be a great artistic
A Hand Hall.
Our Baud, of Wm. Penn, will hold its first
grand ball on Monday evening, January Sit
in Bender's Hall, at Wm. Penn. The music
will be furnished by the Schoppe orohestru.
Buy Keystone floor. Be sure that the
name Lessio & Baek, Ashlaud, Pa., is
printed ou every sack. 3-3-3taw
o 00
Will buy a
Hundred pound bag ot
jpvide of Iseliigh
Guaranteed as good as
Some sold at si. 26 and UM.
$2.S2Q Will buy
a bag of
Gold Dust Flour,
Bestgflour male for the money.
122 North Jardin Street
to- -c
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