The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 16, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
Where ami Whan Hervlcen Will lm Con.
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Reformed oburoh, Ker. Itobrt
O'Boyle, pastor. Services to morrow at 10
. ni. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m.
Everybody weloome.
Walt CofrUooal church. Services on
Sttaday at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m. 1'reachlDff by
Rt. .1 Jones, of I.lanelwy, North Wales.
Honda? school at S p. m.
tvnelo Israel Congregation, Wen Oak
street, Hot, H. Kahlnowllr, Kabul; services
evsry Friday evening! Hulurday and Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Welsh Haptlst church. Preaching services at
10 a.m. and 6 p.m. by the pastor, Itev. 1), I.
Evans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Homan Catholto ohurch of the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, llev. II. F,
O'Hellly, pastor. Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. m.
Ht. George's Lithuanian embolic church,
orner .Tardln and Cherry streets, Itev. h.
Abromatlls, pastor. Mass and preaching Ht 10
a, m. Vespers at 3 p. tn.
Salvation Army, corner Mflln and Oak streets,
Captain h Yoder and Lieutenant H. Davlsh In
Mmmand. Services all day, commonclncat7
and II a. m. and 3and8p. m. Meetings will
M held every night during the week excepting
Monday night.
Ebeneter Kvangellcal church, Itev. It. M. Llch
Uomlner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
m. in German, and 6:30 p. m. In Kngllsh. Sunday
ecaoolat 1:30 p.m. All are heartily Invited to
attend. '
Presbyterian church. Hov. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, pastor. Services nt 10:30 a. m. and 0:80
p m. bunday school at i p. m. Christian
Endeavor Society will meet on Tuesday oven
ing at 7:30. I'rayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30. All are cordially Invitod.
rlrt Methodist Episcopal church, Kev. Win.
Powick, pastor. Services at- 10:30 a. m. and
8:30 p. m. Munday school nt 2 p. m, Epworth
League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
are always woloomo.
English Baptist church, South Jardln street.
Service ?t 10:30 a. m. and ut 0:30 p. m.
P'sachlng by the p.istor, ltov. W. U.Harrison.
I'ralse service at 6 p m. Sunday school nt 2
p. m. Monday cvenlnp nt 7:30 the V. 1. H.
U. will meet. Wednosday evening general
prayer mectlnir. Everybody welcome.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak
street, near Main. Morning service at 10:80
and evening at 7 o'clock. Tho rector offi
ciates at morning service nltcrnntoly and at
every evening service. Tho lay reader, Charles
Hasklns, ofllolates In the absence of the
rector, 0. 11. Hrldgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All seats free and everybody made
heartily welcome.
Prtmltlvo Mothodist church. Itev. J. Proude,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Wesley prayer meeting at 5:45 p. m.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Wesley League
.Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday ovcnlngs at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats free. Anyone not having a church homo
la cordially Invited to come here
Have you tried McEthenny's fried oysterBV
Coining Evunts.
Dee. 20. Granfl cantata "A Merry Company,
or the Cadets' Picnic," at tho P. M. church.
Dec 21. A Demorest Contest, under the
aiuploee of the Y. W. C. T. U., in Ferguson's
Dec 25. Grand eisteddfod under tho
auspices of tho Ivoritos at Ferguson's theatre,
Feb. 5. Fifth grand ball of the GymnB'
Mum Club in Robblns' opera houso.
Jarj.ll. "Tho Trolley System" at For
gtuon's theatre, for the benefit of George-
Wieafiaby was sick, wo gave her Caetorlo,
When she was a Child, slio cried for Castorla.
When aha became MUs, she clung to Castorin.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Lowest prices for all kinds of Christmas
goods at Holdoruiau's jewelry store.
Notice to Societies, Ktc.
The Herald ofilce is prepared to furnish,
on short notice, programmes, badges, etc.,
guaranteeing tho finest workmanship at tho
lowest rates. 1000 samples to select from.
The most exemisite designs to suit any society
or organization.
All kinds of Ruling and Bookbinding dono
at the Herald olllce.
Superintendents and others having the
arrangements of Christmas festivities will do
well to consult Kemmerer, 134 North Maiu
street, before purchasing confectionery.
12 5-tf
Lawyer Foster's llranch Olllce,
Sol. Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor,, of Pottsville, has taken rooms at
. McElhenny's oafo building and will open a
i branch law olBce. Mr. Foster expects to bo
in Shenandoah every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings, when he can be consulted at
the place mentioned. 11-24-2 vr
Have you tried MoKlhenny'i fried oysters J
Wonders' ouedooen $3 cabinet for$l. S. E.
Cor. Centre and Market Ste., Pottsville.
11.21 lm
Pittsburg Novelty Store
Ohlnaware, Queensware, Glassware and
TTAT TT A XT OOOD3 at lowest
l-H ) JvlJJ J JL Prices Call and
r1-- - -examine the stock
aad be oonvtnoed we oarry the very best line.
Mo. tt Wast Centre Street, Shenandoah
Suitable X-MAS Present,
Per nother, sister or wife, Is a
Carpet Sweeper or Rug
Vhe Vest jriaee to seleet teem Is at
f.UWtUrS UsPfSIDII((j)1!ikll Jiri'i SI,
rive Failures for mi Aggregate of Two
nil a Half Mllllom.
NKW YoitK, Dec. in. It. O. Dun's weekly
review of trndo says: It is proof of tho
enormous vitality of the country thnt
while mills nre stopping in every direc
tion and the army of unemployed is
lunger than it has been for mnny years,
other mills are constantly slartltiK up to
answer the demand which n single year
of unprecedented disaster iins only dimin
ished. Industry is doing nothing on
speculation, but the needs which the won
derful growl h nnd past prosperity of tho
people have created are pressing upon
supplies exhausted by months of reduced
production. Trade still waits as much ns
It possibly can, nnd yet tho volume of
business on a mere hand to mouth trade
is such as would have been called large a
few years ngo.
L allures are numerous nnd large, there
having been 380 in tho United States for
the week, against 2711 for the same wcok
last year, and 10 in Canada, against 2S
last year, but a worsn fenture is their im
portance. The list for tho week includes
Hcven banks, with one of the oldest prl-
vato banks for wlXMXX), an iron works for
loOO.OOO, an agricultural machinery estab
lishment, for I,000,om a heavy tobacco
dealer for &70,H)f, a lumber concern for
JIM.OOO and a dry goods concern for J150,
000, making 82,500,000 for lle failures.
Charged with ItaUIng n Note.
J,AXCABTK!i, l'a., Dee. 10. A bench
wnrrant was Issued for tho arrest of
Frank W. Hull on n charge of having
raised n note from MX) (o J1.H00. Hull
was recently liberated from the Enstern
penitentiary, where he served n term for
aiding Cashier hills 1'. Hard, of the Lin
coln National bank, in this county, in
wrecking that institution. It is nlleged
that tho note raising for which the pres
ent Deucli warrant is issued antedates
Hull's connection ultlitlic Lincoln bank
Crane Iron Company I'nlM.
PlIILAimi.l'lllA, Dec. It!. Tho Crane Iron
company, whose furnaces are at ( ntasau
quu, on the Lehigh river -above Allentmvu,
nnd whose main olllce is in tills city, filed
a deed of assignment for the benefit of
its creditors to liobert F. Kennedy, of this
city, und Leonard I'ockitt.of Catasauqua.
It is not known what valuation is placed
upon tho assets, which principally consist
of the plant, but it is said that the lia
bilities aru placed at 92,000,000.
Saved from the .laws of Death.
Chicago, Deo. 1(1. With tho gallows
ready for his execution, the noose made
and the rope tested, George H. Painter,
sentenced to be hanged yesterday, nnd the
sentenced afllrmed by tho supreme court,
has been granted a respite by Governor
Altgcld until Jan. 12. Painter s lawyers
claim tlin they can provo the murder for
which lie was sentenced wascommitted by
Dick Edwards, lately convicted of killing
u woman nt Deuison, Tex.
Another Train Thief Cnnfesses.
CAir.o, Ills., Dec. 111. Onieert, arrived
here witli a man named Breckinridge, who
was arrested In Missouri on Wednesday,
charged with complicity in robbing an
Illinois Central train hero on Xov, 11.
He is a rebit ive of Congressman Breckin
ridge, nf Kentucky, ami has made a par
tial admission of guilf. William (J'Hrien,
who was the leader ol the gang, was ar
rested, and ih now in jail at Charleston,
lletiten liy Mistake.
At about ton o'clock last night a young;
man namod Harry Morton was suddenly
attaf kod by two Polos when ho was standing
at tho cornor of Coal strcot and Pear alley
One of tho Polos held Morton while the
other struck him upon tho hoad with a piece
of rock, inflicting a severe gash. After a H1113
one of the assailants was captured and is uow
lu cuBtody awaiting tho capturo of the othor,
when a hearing will bo given to both. It is
said that Morton was assaultod by mistake
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Awav
Is the truthful, startling title of a Xittl- o ,1
that tells all about No-to bac, the wonrteiful,
harmless Guaranteed tobacco habit oure Tin
oost Is trilling an-J the man wh vant 1 ,
und can't runs no physical or nnancwl n-,u o
ustmr "No to-bac " Mold bv all druftirlsls.
licok at drug stores or bv mad free. Adir ss
Tnc Sterling Kemedy Co., Indiana Miutial
(springs, inu. w & s iv
You savo money by buying your Christmas
gifts at Holdernian's jewolry store.
II EATON On tho 15th inst., at Shenan
doah, Pa., Michael, sou of M. J. aud Emma
Hoaton, aged 5 years. Funeral from tho
family residence, 522 East Lloyd street, on
Sunday, 17th inst , at 3:30 p. m. Interment
in tho Annunciation cemetery. Friends and
relatives respectfully invited to attend. It
Don't suffer witli indigestion, uso Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters. lm
Concert at Lout Creek,
"Yo Old Folks," a concert, will bo given in
tho Union Suuday school building at Lost
Creek, on January 9, 1801, undor the auspices
of Division No. 0, Sons of Temperance.
Tho reason why Arnica & Oil Liniment is
so popular with the ladies is because it not
only Is very healing and soothing but its odor
s not at all offensive , lm
Another Swindle.
The people of Bloomsburg claim thoy have
been swindled by a man who has sold thorn
an article which he olalmed would act as
uou explosive agent when placed in coal oil
lamps. The articles have been declared
nothing but ordinary sou shore pebbles.
They were sold at from 50 centa to $1 each.
Use Wells' Laundry Blue, the U
Bluing for laundry uso. Each package mat
two quarts. 15cts. Sold by Coaklcy Bros.
Chisago Exposition goods at Uolderman's
jewelry storo.
Hear In SI 1ml
John A. Rellly's Is the place to get the
purest wines and liquors, best beor and ales
and finest brands of olgara. 10-lG-tf
Bay Iytott door. Be sure that the
name Lbmio A Baku, Ashland, l'a.,
printed en every sack. 3-3-3tw
Found Out.
The best and aumeta way to get rid of a
oooeh or eold tlutl mav aevaloD InUi aon-
uraptlou Is to Invest Ht eeuU In a bottle ol
ran-nna, tue great remedy nr gougna, coias.
La Grippe, Throat and Luiig Disorders. Trial
ooiiies tree at r. r. u. Kiniu x arug store.
1 1. ROHRBMER k G01I
4o uch Things
. - B KVEH eih,
JIGHT in the heart of the
Christmas Holidays we
are selling- OVERCOATS
and SUITS at less than
cost. Some will doubt us
when we say we are selling
goods less than cost, but if
you will take a look at our
immense stock you will see
the reason why. We are
overstocked; our store room
is overcrowded with goods.
Entrance on Centre street.
Foit Fifteen Days !
Thursday, December 21, at 9 a. m.
No otticr eii in tbe region w ill bo visited.
Special Attention Paid to Fitting Classes
Treatment of Catarrh and Nervous Diseases
Crrss eves straightened by Dr Moore's Pain
less Method, without ether or chloroform; no
failures, no tying un of eyes or remaining In
doors The llrst case of cress eyes cmIIIpk on
Dr. Mooro will ho straightened free of charge.
uriei cuppings irom rcnnsyivania papers:
Scranon Republican.
Dr. Moore came to this section a number of
years ago from Philadelphia, embarking ut
once In practice as a specialist, and has become
well known to our people. Tho doctor Is a
craduato from the Jefferson Medical college
of Philadelphia as well as a graduate as a spec
ialist irora ni roiycumo oi new l orn, ana
has certificates of other special training, lie
has distinguished hlmseir here by numerous
brilliant operations In oye surgery in which
line because of Its Importance, be Is best
known, although his success in his medical
specialties has been no less pronounced. lie Is
not given to nazuraous experiments, is ex
tremely cautious, and avoids the common fault
of sUllllul surgeons arrogance and is uni
formly courteous to all.
Heading Eagle.
During Dr. Moore b stay In Heading he has
been visited by hundreds of mulcted people.
He has effected some rcmarkHble ourrs. and
all who visited him found Dr. Moore honest In
all his dealings, satisfactory tn his treatment
or paueots auu a geniiemao wno bianas mgn
lu the medical profession.
Harrltbura Call.
Dr. Moore has wrought much good while in
HarrmDunr. ana ms uonoraoie dealings who
all proclaim him a gentleman ol whom any olty
might be proud
Muton Sunday Call.
We could fill a column with names of men.
women and children, who are Dr Moore's
pitients, and wno win loug remember mm
wim gratituae ana praise
Alt&ma jHilepenilent.
Dr Moore's suooes has been most remark
n'i r. he has dtanensed the heallne art with the
hxiul of a matter in his profession and shows
hliUhLir to he a gentleman In every sense of
tne woru.
Johiuttown. P ..I)fiHWcral.
Dr. Moore Is a gentleman of pleasing address
and chaiaoler, ami win Iky the corfllenri of the
CnrlMiulale Jiuilu LuiUer.
Dr. Moore has performed many delicate
surgical operations and efleoted remarkable
cures in tots oity.
AVenlawn Critic
' Dr. J Harvey Moore effected rome eitretnely
remarkable cures while here. As an evs snelal.
isl he Is our outnloa one of tbe greaties t In the
profession, ratiaois tor mues around Here fur
nish him excellent testimonials, lo fact he is
exactly what ae aaveruaw maueu to be
ant Iltruld.
Dr. Moore has beta found all that ni sx
peeled, both profeialoaolly and socially, and Is
an noneai bum wno iumhw among uuwa at tne
neaa oi ms proiasuoa.
nmt hours from Oto It a. in.: 1 to 4 and
to 8 p. m. No hours Sunday. UonaulMUoa
tree. i jaoxx
Times are hard, and in order
to convert our goods into cash we
must offer some extraordinary in
ducements. We not only pay
your fare both ways, but will
sell you goods at less than manu
facturer's cost. If you don't be
lieve it come and get our prices.
Children's suits and reefers
aud men's fine dress suits our
VL Iohriieiirier Co.,
2S South Main Street.
Henriettas, special in all ehades, a good one,
75c per yard, wortli 00c.
Standard Prints, 5c.
A largo assortment of Ladles Cashmere Glove
to close out cheap.
Good Ginghams, 4c and 5c, worth 7c aud 8c.
A lot of Floor Oilcloths to closo out at 15c,
original price, 2oc.
Press Cloths a specialty. From 25 to 75 pieces
In tho host shades.
A big drlvo in Underwear. Gents' Kod Shirts,
all wool, 75c, Jormer price, l,uo.
Is complote. All now and stylish goods
and at prices uoyond competition.
i O SlXp e t s a
This nerartmcnt is complete, embracing
lull lino of liag, ingrains and isrusseis
at tho lowest prices or any.
Shawls, Blankets, Notions,
Corsets, Children's Garments
And a Job In Velvet to soil at COc, worth
if l.oo. Acknowledging no competition in
the trado, I assuro you bargains in overy
department at tho old reliable stand.
No. 23 South Main Street,
Has been sold to
Who announces that ho will here
after carry a large and fine stock of
Of all styles and line make. Excellent
goods at prices to suit tho times aud
with n reach of every one.
Boots and Shoes
Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings.
taroall early and examine this stock before
going eiMwuwe.
Faithful and impartial performance of tho
duties assured.
Bargains T
5 and 7 N. Centre
Saturday, Bec'ber 3, '93
It is not necessary for us to introduce ourselves to our many patrons and tho readors of
tliis paper, as wo aro pretty well known lu
Cash Dnv Goods Estahmshments.
Wo aro going to present some Facts and
marvelous in thoir monoy-saving power. And
faro to visit tho handsome big establishment
letting Ready-
At this opening you will be moro than
beforo you to select from. Tho following is
Old Maid, Pusy in tho Corner, Old Kiug Colo and others of modern In
vention that will Interest the httlo
In another assortment we have about
senger Hoy, Old Maid, Base Hull,
Hean Bag, Golden Egg, Puss aud ThreoMice, Steeple Chase, Cash, Rival
Doctor, Little Bright Eyes, Wonders ABC Blocks, Shadow ABC
Blocks, 20c
Hunting Match, Checker Ehrm Bagatelle and other enticing games will
be found among tho games at
Another style of Bagatelle, Favorite
Darllnir. Fish Pond, Cats aud Mice
County Fair Blocks, Columbia Scrolls,
Tally Ho,
Pool Tables, Billiard Tables, Croklnole, Parlor Ten-pins, different Bizes
auddlflerent prices,
Steamers, Hook and Ladders, Sprinklers, Fire Patrol, Sulkeys, Surrys,
Steam Engines, Passenger Cars, Street Cars, Bauks, Sadirons, Jt,xpross
"Wagons, Revolving Chimes, Hose Carriages, Fire Chief Carriages, from 42c
R. R. Engines, Stationery Engines,
Shooter, Saw Mill, Horso Racing, Fire Engine, House Pump, l-otiu-tain
Pump, (In many dillbrent prices), 80o
Pony and Cart, Goat and Cait, Menagerie, Arks, Boats, Passenger Train,
Columbian Trains, World's Fair Trains, Trick Mule, Jbite Ji-ngiue Jolly
Marble Game, from 15c
up to 51.2ft.
Bureaus, Sideboards, Settees, Doll Chairs, Child's Chairs, Child's Rock
ers, Washing Outlit, Chamber Suit, Doll Cradle, Doll Beds, Toy Piano,
Painting Outlit, Drawing Slates, Jack in a Box, Writing Desks, Tool
Chen's, from lOo
up to ?0.O0.
Phoimharp, Zithers, Glockenspiel, Horns, Sliding Trombone, Harmoni
cas from
to S9c.
In this, our lino of German, Carlsbad
rival as to quality and price. They arc our own importation auu con
sist of bon bons, berry sets, full sets, fancy cake plates, etc. Some of
this ware comes to us from Austria, Tokio, Meissen and Yorkshire aud
will range in price from 3o
up to $2.50.
Among our Japanese ware will be
tea pots, cups aud saucers, olive dishes, oat-meal dishes, jardiniers.ciC. 2b0
up to $1.85.
Smoking Sets, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Dressing Cases, Jewel
Cases, Shaving Sets, Collar aud cull' boxes, Cigar boxes, Tripple Mirrors 89o
up to f G.0O.
Albums, Dressing Cases, Writing Paper Boxes, Collar and Cull Boxes.
Shaving Setts, Handkerchief Boxes, Glovo Boxes, Manicure Setts from 50o
up to $10,00.
Alliums, Musio Rolls, Collar aud Cull
Boxes, Gonts' Traveling Cases, Ladies' Traveling Uasos, writing dosk, sc
at from 39o
up to $0.
Photo. Frames, Match Holders, Wall Pockets, Hair Receivers, Fancy
Wall Ornaments, Handkorchiof Cases, Dresslug Casos, Glove Cases,
Smoking Setts, Shaving Setts, Albums, Euchre Decks, Work Baskets,
Comb and Brush Cnses, Collar and Cull Boxes, Whlslc Holders from 25o
up to $10.00.
Euchre Decks, Photo Frames, Pin Trays, Mirrors, AsU Trays, Jowol
Cases, Card Trays, Picklo Holder, Castor, (5 bottles) Baby Mugs, Tea
FpoouB, Table Spoons, Salts, Peppers, Glovo Buttons, Collar Button
Boxes, Hair Pin Receivers front 10c
up to$l.S7J.
5 and 7 North Centre Street,
tho county as one of Pattsvlllo's most reliable
figures for you "To Think About" that aro
that will warrant a small expenditure of car
Pottsvillb's Cheapest Dry Goods House.
pleased with tho inimenso stock wo havo placed
a few of, the many things to bo displayed at this
people, 5c
fifteen dlllerent styles, such as Mes
Foot Ball and Suake Games, 10o
Steeple Chase, Parlor Foot Ball, Our
and Our Iour Iootcd Friends, 375c
Social Snake, Bicycle Unco aud
Bicyclists, Man and Bear, Wild west
and Dresden China, is beyond a
found cracker jars, chocolate pots,
Boxos, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove