SAILED TI1ESEAS 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. For thlrty-clalit years Cnpt. Loud followed the "on, most of that time us master of a ves sel, mid upon retiring from'tlio water was ap pointed by the Secretary of the United States Treasury to superintend tlio ".oal fisheries In Alasku, which position ho held llvo yours. Ho relates ono experience as follows: "For several yearn I had liven troubled with general nervousness nnd pain In 1 ho region of my heart. My greatest nflllrtlon was fcleeplo s:iess: It was almost Impossible ut any time to obtain rest and sleep. Having seen I'r. Miles' remedies ndvertlved I began using Nervine. After taking a small quantity fie benefit received was so great that 1 was i osl lively alarmed, thinking the romcdy eini tulned opiates which would finally lielnjuil oils to me; but on being ussured by tliedriut itM that It wns perfectly harmless, I contin ued It together with the Heart Cure. T day 1 1 an conscientiously say tliDt Dr. MIV It, storatlve Nervlno and Now Heart fine did more for mo than anything 1 had ever taken. 1 hud been treated by eminent physician'. a New York and San Francisco without ben lb I owo my present good health to Hie judicious usoof theso most valuable remedies, ami heartily recommend them to all iillllrti'd .i- 1 was." Capt. A, l. liOud, Hampden, Me. Iir Miles' HebtoratlvoNervlnoandNewt'ure are sold by all druggists on a positive cilucui tee. or by Dr. Miles Medical Co., F.lklinri. Ind.. on receiptor price, fl tier bottle, or sl nettles for 15, express nrepuld. They aio ' trow all oplulos and dangerous drugs. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PF.NNA. -AGENT FOR- CELEBRATED LAGER 1 1 Porter, Ale and Fine Old Stock Ale. RETTIG'S Beer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the X Chas. Rettifi's Cele brated Beer and Porter In this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of .Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South Main Street. Speech lteitoreil. For Ave years I suffered wltb pain and dls charge of the throat, hacking cough, frontal headache, weak eyes, ic , ut time, could not talk aboTe a whisper; lost weight continually, and not a lo to work. I was treated by the beet physicians In the county, but received no relief After giving up all bones I was recom mended to use a bottle ot Mayers' Magnetic. Catarrh Cure. After UBlDg It tor four weeks mv sniech returned. All svmDtoms of CAtarrh have disappeared and "I feel like a different person." 51ns. Elias Hanowehk, Klk Lick. Somerset Co . Pa. The above is one of the many testimonials we have received this week, and wewlllpubllsh every two weeks additional pen-ons having betn cured by our marvelous medicine. Try u Dome ana ee curea at once. Maykhb' Piujo Oo Oakland, .Md. For sale by druggists. Mayers' Magnetic Catarrh rure Is the only medicine used by vapor inhalation, and is guaranteed by your druggist. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ana Carnages to Hire. Haullnr of 11 kinds promptly attended t Horses taken to board, at rates that are liberal. Oa PEAK AIM, Hear of the ColTee Bern Poi a. SToat and. Clean. s:e3:-A-T7":ej: CHAS. DERR'S SHAVING PARLOR, Ferguson House Block. Everything In tho tonsorlal line done In lirst class style. Everything neat and clean. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RE8TAURANT, (Ounu Boiler's old swuid.) Vli Kl M MtSHSunoan. u, at i . nnd porter on tap. The anest bri. - whiskeys n otters. Pool room i tohea, A FATAL PLUM Collnnso of a Hig Uridine Over tlio Ohio River. MANY KILLED AND INJUEED The Struotura Went Down With out a Moment's Warning, TWENTY-ONE ABE PEOBABLY DEAD Of the Thirteen Injured Ones Half n Inon Are Kxpccti'd to Dle'rroiii Tlirlr W nttnil". j The Trnsmly Coined by the Hlgli Wind ( I'lcvnlllnc nt tbii Time The History of I the llrldge m llecord of Dlftnsturs. j Locisvilu:, Ky., Doc. 1(1. The fnlso work nnd part of the middle span of tlio j Loulsvlllo and JpfTerwinvlIlo rnllmatl briilRe, In course of erection across tlio Ohio river, imve way yesterday, nnd with nil the workmen wns precipitated 110 feet Into tho water below. There wns hut n moment's warning, and those who escaped going down with the muss of Iron nnd timber stnrted for tho piers after tho first trembling that indicated the kIvIuk way of tho fnlso work. Tho accident wns n horrible one, nnd is the last of a long list of catastrophes that have marked the construction of this bridge. Tho foreman, in beginning work, noticed that during the night the "trav eler" had been worked loose by the wind. An order to drnw It back into place was given, nnd the men nnd engines started. The wind wns high at the time, nnd tho general swaying of the false work grad ually got the traveler oft the base on which It was resting. When tho end slipped the whole trembled, nnd tho men, realizing their (lunger, started for the piers. The central bent wns the first to give way, nnd the men on this bent went down, to be covered by the tnnns of iron nnd timbers of the other bents which fell almost ininirdintely after, carrying with them the other workmen who failed to rench the piers. The north bent, or tho one attached to the Indiana pier, did not full for fifteen mlnutos after the other parts went down. Without a Moment's Warulnp;. As near as can be ascertained there wpro fifty-one men on the bridge when tho nlarm was given by the engineer In chnrge of the work. Of this number several suc ceeded In reaching thepiprs. Of thosethnt wont clown some were covered by a mass of timber, from beneath which it will be days hofore their bodies nre recovered The greatest number of fatalities occurred when the first bent gavo way. A few min utcs later a bent on which thero was hut little of the bridge proper gave way on the Indlnna side, in this It is believed that hnt one unknown man wns killed. He wns conght by n rope and dragged beneath tho water. The crash attracted tho attention of those on theshore and many turned away their eyes as they saw the men struggling in ruld-nir in their mad efforts to climb out of danger. Whpn the huge mass of material struck tho water all wns con cealed for an Instant by tho spray that was thrown high In tho air. As the water subsided here and there could be seen men struggling desperately to climb upon the timbers that thrust their ends nbovo the water. A few succeeded in clinging to places of safety, and were quickly rescued by boats that put out from the shores. Others struggled desperately and were carried ofT by the current to sink almost ns rescue was at hand. George W. Brown, one of the foremen in charge of eight men, had a remarkable and very thrilling experience. When tho crash came the nine men made it dash for the Kentucky side of the bridge. Before they reached s-afety, however, the spnn fell and the workmen were precipitated into the river. Foreman Itrnwn's Miraculous Ksenpo. Sir. Brown held his breath during tho fall, nnd remembers going to the bottom of the river. Tho debris was piled far above him, but he managed to crawl from under it. lie Is an expert swimmer, nnd attempted to put this practice to use, but then, for the first time, he discovered that his left arm wns broken In three places. He managed to grnsn n floating piece of timber with his right arm, and floated down the river until rescued. The wives and children of the workmen llvo near the bridge, nnd they were soon at the river hank. Many were wild with grief, and rushed frantically about wring ing their hands and tearing their hair. The office of thobridgo company on Camp bell street wns beselged with anxious mothers and wives inquiring for their loved ones. Half an hour after the acci dent there were nt least 3,000 peoploontho river bank, nnd as the news spread they still poured in in a steady stream towards the place of the accident. To whose doors must he laid the re sponsibility for the terrible disaster will probably never lie known. It is doubtless one of those unforseen accidents thatoconr In spite of all precautionary measures. General opinion ascribes the cause of the disaster to the stiff wind that had been sweeping the river all day. It bore with great Ion e mi the ponderous framework, which necessarily became loosened from the constant strain and swaying of the heavy Umbers. OaummI by a nvj Wind. A great number of people before the first span fell could see the great "trav eler" rising eighty feet above the piers, swaying and quivering in the wind in what appeared to be n most alarming manner to those on shore. The motion, however, was hardly noticeable to the workmen, and they had no idea of their deadly peril until the great mass of wood and iron began to sink. To the great "traveler" alluded to is directly attributable the falling ot tho span. The constant wind bore it from its resting place on the last pier but one on the Jcffersonvilleslde. This displacement was discovered and the work of putting it back in plaoe was liegun, but It was too late. The centre of the great span began to sink liefore the work was accomplished. The third span of the bridge collapsed at 8i9f) last nlgbt. Bo far as known there was no one injured. This spau bad been completed, but the collapse of the fourth span is supposed to bave loosened aud dis placed it. Mat uf tit Killed and Injured, The revised list of the dead, lujuredand mining is aa follow: Dead I,. G. Uarloek of Buffalo, John Courtney, If. Burns, c ...uip.iy, C. W. Cook. Injured J. Myers of Lexington, Ky., left leg badly fractured; Hnrry of New Albany, slightly Injured: K. Illlde brnmh three ribs fractured and internally injured, will prolmbly die; O, W. Brown of Irvlngton, Ky., arm broken In three places: C. Tharp of Oswego. X. Y.. nnkl badly sprnlned; (I. R Shlvchiin of Cm e-i up, Ky., flesh wound; A. T. Hall ' 1'. i-1 Tennessee, badly bruised; 8. I't.-.s Scotland, three ribs broken -r !r.- 1 ankle; T. Galloway of iouth I'itt'dmry. Ph., leg fractured; 'K. Sheriff of t'littn fatally Injured; K. HoOi. fi.iully inji'r.. ': AV. A. Shnrpe of Ixmlsville, left mv broken and hurt intern, illy: 11. II. I'n h. seriously out. Of the injured half itilo.en may die. Missing C. F. Holderor, A. Sodden, J. Cregun, M. Solnu, Frank Simmons, of .lotTersouville; Q. II. lllukle, of Dauphin, Pa.; J. Holden, .1. I,. Wilson, Pat Kelly, J. T. Oh ens, K. Sheridan, ,1. Allen. P. V. Moore, George Lilly, U. L. Derlllng, of Virginia, mid II. Bliss. There Is no doubt that nil of those missing are dead. A History or Ilnlers, The history of the Louisville and JefTer sonvllle Bridge compnny Is a series of dis asters, financial and otherwise. It was originally projocted in 1S70, and failure overtook It In Its very Inclplency. In 18M3 it wns revived under new charter, and ground was broken in October, ISHil. Jacob K. Kreigcr, the lending spirit, broke himself and the Masonic bunk, of IiOUisvillo, in furthering the project, and finally sank himself Into an untimely grave under a load of ills resulting from the multiplied disasters ranted by tho bridge. The enterprise languished sev cral times, anil nt one time it looked as If those who had projected it would reap nothing but loss. However, in March Inst they succeeded In disposing of tho property to a syndicate under terms that were considered very ndviiutngeoiis to them. It Is estimated by the engineers of tho Phienix Bridge company that tho lossto the bridge will boat least ?17.r,000. Two caisson nreidentH took place during the building of the piers. The first wns caused by the cupidity of a sub-contrac tor, who engaged himself n an expert when he was without experience. He ul lowed the air to escape from the caisson, and tho water rushed In, drowning four teen men. The second cuisson nccldent resulted from the foolhnrdlness of tho foreman in the niHungemeut of the struc ture and caused the death of seven men. Several minor accidents occurred between times. The Kant I'.nd Improvement company hns been net ins as limited agent in tho construction of the bridge under the re organization of last March, when the property was disposed of to n syndicate controlled by three railronds, generally believed to be the Big Four, Chrsupenko and Ohio and Baltimore, Ohio nnd south western. For the purpose of completing the bridge nnd providing suitable facill ties a guarantee of $.",000,000 wns author ized, $1,000,000 of which was to bo held in reserve. This gave new llfo to tho enter prise, and the work of completing tho structure bus been going on rapidly since, The span that gave way was tho 1,-iBt but one needed to complete the structure. T TP j thr best id In Paint White Lead is best; propcily npplied it will not scale, chip, cuaik. cr rub off; it firmly adheres to the wood ant lorms a permanent base lor Paints which peel or seals have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. When buying it is important to obtain Strictly Pure White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the " Old Dutch " process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time, and produces the brand thai has given White Lead its character as the standard paint. John T. Lewis & Bros. is the standard brand ol strictly pure Lead made by the "Uld Dutch" pro. cess. You set the best in buying- it, You can produce any desired color by tinting this brand of white lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. For sale by the mast reliable dealers In Paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to SCnu lO US lor a DOJK,roniHininB imuniiaiiuH that may sa-e you many a dollar, it wtU OD! COSl you R pomi sard it? nu hu, "JOHN T.OTIS BROS. CO., PhiiHnhi D ON'Tfallto see tho Funny rarce Comcuy, THE TROLLEY SYSTEM AT PKHQUSON'5 THEATKE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, IlelD a wi rlhv cause. This production Is cnar. Milted by the rcuuaseineut to be a professional one in every rospeci ana noc a Darn-storming amateur fake. l'rlceV5 35 and SO cents. Heats now on sale at KlrllB s drug store. WALL PAPER! KABCAINS! 'Big Bedaetiou In Wall Paper. Mint make room for ut enor mous Spring Stock. : : s : JOHN - P. - CARDJCN, m W. Centre Strttt, Shenandoah, Pa. PSCOtt'S Em!!! of cocMivcr oil presents a perfect iood palatable, i. easy of assimilation, and t everything lo those who are losing ilesh and j Ktrength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oii, the greatest of all fat pro- during foods, with llypo phosphiles, provides a re markable agent for Qui, ( Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated Willi loss ol ilesh. torn, i-tmti n mi urugKi'ift. Professional Cards. -pllOF. I'MtKDKHICK ZEITZ, IASTJCUVTUK Of JI US IV, Ib prepared to give Instructions on piano, organ, Pinngima onnu instruments, rorinmier in rormnuon can on oratiurea uauui.Kic hkqh. No. 1 North Main street, bhenundoub. John k. coyle, A TTOJtmSY-A T-LA TV. Ofiloe llcddall building. Hhcnanao&h, Pi S' Ol.. FOSTEll, ATTORXKY and COUXXEI.r.KR'AT-l.A If, Itoom 3. Mountain City Hank ItuIldltiK. l'oin vine. in. M. M. MURKK. ATTORNEY AT-LA F. snnHAKDOAn, fx. Oflioe Hoom 3. 1. O llulldlntr. HhenandoiL ana tssteriy nuiiaing, I'otisvuie. D R. K. 110CtlL.EHKBlt, l'tyician and Syrgemi. Advice free at drug store. 107 Poutli Main street, l'rivnte consultation nt rosldence 112 south Jnrdln street, from 0 to :m p. ni. c. T. HAV1CE, S DEGEON DENTM1. Office Northeast Cor. Main and Centre h'.r. snenando&n. over stein's drug store. J PIERCE KOHEniVt, M. D., No. 53 East Coal Htreet, HHENANDOA1I, PA. Ofllet Hours 1 :30 to 8 and 0:M to 0 p. m. D 11. J. H. CALI.EN, No 31 BouthJardln Street. Bhcnansoah. OmtE Ilotllts: l:SO to 3 nnd 11:30 to H P. M. Except Thurcday evening. Tfo office work oh tiuniluy rivrpt by arranye- mcnt. A xtrict uilhirtnce to the cfloe hourn U absolutely necfnury. 10-31,0m N'MIIIT CALLS llOlIIII.i:. JpKOP. T. J. WATSON, Teacher of VIOLIN, GUITAR, BANI0 and MANDOLIN. Having baa sixteen years' experience aa a teacher of instrumental mu-io giving Instruc tion on the ubove InHtruments Wi rd left at llrutnm's Jewelry store will rccelvo prompt at tention. M, H. K1BTI.EK, M. D.i PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office IX) North Jardln street. ShoDncootn. BIEW CARPETS Sowed and laid, old ones refitted. Mattresses made to order Carpots, Mattrosees. Feathers, ltobes, Itusrc, Cushions, &o., made free from dirt unci moth in wot or dry weather Prompt attention given to orders. Address bTKAM UENOVAT1NO COMPANY. North lowers .street 3-12-lm Mi'nandoah, Pa. fir TIipp! 1317 Arch St. Ul I 1 llUUi PHILADELPHIA, PA. The only (icauluo Specialist In America, notivltliitanillitirnliat others ailrcrtUo. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Snerlnl IIUeflneH anil Strlrturen Permanently Cured in !1 to 6 da) BLOOD POISON l'ltmarv or Secnnd- arviurrd livetitlrulv iu:w mi iuoilii4j to uuilays. 6 jeaia' Lun- I I lluhiuialaml ,u iiraLtteaieiericncc'. an I .Vnlll, ul, ami Dliilomai iiruvo. bi nd llvo 2-ceul aiauii. Sir book, Tltll ll," the only UOUK exiiosllllt lUIli a IFOriurBUim wim-iau- siieelalists. A true filenU litnll mill in tilled colltllPlaltllK iiKiirlag,'. TlmniohtstublioniaiiilUauiieriiua caea wullclieu. n nuiur i uiimm iw,. Tho Mau Who wrote the Song 1 Mftvr caret to wantler frmn oum llrcinU," was lnBpired while sitting before one of my fine Jleatera. I also havo on hana the beat Shoves and Kaages In the market and a Urge alook of Housefurnlslilng Goods. Plumbing, nonns ana Spouting a specialty. All work guaranteed. 1. C. WA.TB;lt, Cor. ot Lloyd and While Si.. Shenandoah. l'. H. F. FAUST'S Electric Call Bell nnrl HlinnffiH A Inn ml xuyu I it;; Simple. Perfect and Cheap. Kverybody de lighted vtlth it. Orders left at 130 rtHith Jar dln street, Bbcnandoah, Pa., will be promptly attended to. CLBABY BROS., liottlers ot all kinds ot TEMPERANCE: DRINKS I AND MINERAL WATERS. Weiss Hbkh a Specialty. Also bottlers of the Finest Beer. 17 uhU It) JWi SHHXAXDO.IU. IS. J. KKFXjER, lt of tttuunoklo, bB opened MARBLE : YARD ! 128 N. Weil Street, SkwiMdMh, Pa. lie Is prepared to receive orders for all kind of monument and torn batons work, which will be done in a 11 rat class manner on abort notloa and reasonable terms JPHTTIWH IIMMM 'hat Is tlio Polioy of tho Lohigh Valley Eailroad. BROTHERHOOD MEN HOT WANTED. Chief llnclnrer Mnnney Declnrra That J!x- perlflircil Niill-UllliillUtn Will he (liven the Preference Kery Time Strlhe Louil era Will Not he Tnk-n Ui.ek. DDFFALO, Dec. 10. (Jut of the 4S0 em ployes of the LuIiIkIi who went out on itrlka nt thin point only three have been aken back, n fur aa can lie learned. l'heae three Hre fieorKe lJowiiinn, eri(il lieer; .Tiiinex llaiuivuii, etiKhieer, and Chauncey Hockwell, rireinnii. 'Wo are operating the I.ehlKli, nays one of Ita nlllctnlH, "nlinoat entirely with non-union men. They are the kind we prefer. It has been reported that wo are taktiiK back the Brotherhood men aa rap idly aa we could. Now the fact i that no Utrlkera have been or will bo eoiiHldered Unless a vaeanoy oecurs, and so they have been Informed. When a vacnncy does oc cur the striken' npnllciitlon will bo con sidered, and ho will any other application. 0 nny two applications from men of equal experience that of the non-union man will receive preference every time. Here In Hutliilo, every one of tlio Strikers have asked to be reinstated. Some Df them will bo re-employed, but there are tome whose chances of staying out of the company's employ forever Is exceedingly pood. I cun name two ot tlieni, itiifcilieer Curly Dietrich, president of the locnl lodge Brotherhood Locomotive Kngineers, md Conductor King, n committeeman. They were altogether too active iu the itrike for their own good." Tho odiclal who made the foregoing Hntemi'iitH was Chief hngineer Mooney, In addition to what he wild, there is a clearly deilucd opinion that not only the Lehigh, but all other railways have placed n ban ugRiust the leaders of the Lehigh strike, nnd Hint It will be dllllcult for any engineer, Ilreninii, conductor, trainman or operator who was conspicu ous In tho recent struggle in gain employ ment ngalu on nny roud where ho Is known. New Trench Mlllinc: Laws. PAWS, Dec. 10. M. Goblet introduced In the chamber of deputies n bill reforming the mining laws, including a proposal that the mines be nationalized when fctrlkes occur, duo to injustice on tho part of the companies. The bill, together with n pi oposnl made by M. Victor de .Teante, revolutionary Socialist, to allot 5,000,000 frnncs for the sullerers by the strikes, was referred to a committee. The bill provid ing for the punishment of persons who il legally manufacture explosives or ille gally having in their possession explo sives or inaterinls for the manufacture of explosives was passed without serious op position. Olnryvllle's Lurked Out Mill Worker. PltoviM'.NrK, Hi I., Dec. 10. At a recent meeting of the locked out employes in tho woolen mill district it wns voted that they should march to the headquarters of tho overseer of tho poor and make n formal demand for assistance, ns the situ ation has reached that point where tho operatives' fnmilies must be supplied with food. The Catholic clergy, who have charge of all the parishes in Olneyville, hnvo undertaken to try nnd bring about MMii) action by which the deadlock be tween the manufacturers nnd the strikers may be broken. Murricrril nt the Supper Table. BEAVWi Falls, l'a., Deo. 10. While John llrown, n Hungarian, wns eating supper last night Stove Werts walked into the room, and, placing a revolver to Uroivn's breast, snid: "Yo'i must die." He then pulled tho trig . sending a bullet through Uroivn's heiu-i. The latter died almost instantly, and in tho excite ment Werts escaped. The two men quar reled Thursday night, and this was the cause of tho killing. The l'ope Very Weak. Biiusskls, Dec. 10. The correspondent at Home of Tho Independence Beige says i that tlio pope is ill. The dally nudiencoa given by his holiness have been suspended, and Cardinal Hampolln, pontillcal secre j tnry of state, alone receives visitors. Tho i promeuudes that the pope lias been ao 1 customed to take iu tho garden of the I Vatican have been stopped, and he Is now I enrried in a litter through the gal lerioa of the v atican. The Olymplu's Trial Trip. Santa Bauiiaiia. Cal., Dee. 10. Thenew cruiser Ulympia, on her trial trip in the I channel yesterday, did not equal whather I builders had been lead to expect from her . previous achievements, but still far ex ceeded the requirements. A record for an ; eighty-six knot course of about 21.07 was estublislied. The maximum speed is esti mated at &.0S. Corhutt In Training. JArKSONViLLK, Flu, Dec. IB. The Cor bett pnrty left for Mayport last evening, where the champion began training to day for Ills contest with Mitchell. A pri vate letter just received announces that Mitchell will arrive in Jacksonville next Monday, having cancelled hi engage ments in Boston and New Jersey. Dig Carpet Works Clone Down. Philadku'HIA, Deo. 16. The extensive oarpet manufactories of John & James Dobaon, in Kensington, have closed down, throwing H00 person out of employment. The Dobeon mills are among the largest iu il country, and have been runulug continuously for several j-ears, Hunawuy Hoy Killed. Watkrtowk, N Y., Deo. 10. George Baldwin, 11 years old, ot Sandy Creek, who had run away with another lioy and was riding on a freight train, attempted to jump from it, and was run over and killed. Five Yeara for Pension l'raudt. Boanoke, Va., Dep. 10. 1 .a lira Ann Ilugglus, colored, of Norfolk, oonviotedof pension frauds, wns sentenced to live years at hard labor iu the Albany pent teutiary aud to pay a flue of 19,000. Indemnity for the tiaiicpu Maawtere. SHAStiHAl, Deo. ltl The Swedish con sul has secured a settlement of Sweden's olaim against China on account of the Sangpu massaora. China agrees to pay an Indemnity ot t40,000. Petal Xallwar Wreck In ttnasU. IiOMUOM, Dec. 16. A dispateh imbllshad her says that fourteen people bare keen killed and thirty wounded in a mllroad collisiou near Suaenovka, Rnaela, COTTO Notice the naint CoTTolknf, Not Vegetal )lc-lene, nor Animal letie, nor Mineral-leue, nor a.iy other "lene" but CoTTuuENE. Is the new vegetable shorten ing, recognized as far superior to lard for every cooking use. Tlie other "lenes," aud "ets," and "oles," are imitations made to sell on the merits of CoTTOUlNU, and to be "worked off" by sleight of hand, or the "just as good" game. If you want good cooking and good health, get Cottolen E it's the onlv 'lene' worth having. Hold In a and s pound palta. Made only by N.K. FAIR BANK A. CO., CHICAGO, ano 138 N. DELAWARE AVE., PHILADCLPHIA MUSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coaklcy Uros.l T4o. ,i8 Eint Centre (Street, HIIKNANDO.llf, IA. Our Motto: Hest Quality at I owest Casta Prices. Patronage respectful'! solicited. Kaiser's Cyster Bay! 127 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA, A. P. KAISER, Proprietor. 35The best'oystcrs In all styles at all hours. Just opened In the Egan Building, No. U East Centre street, a full line of Fall aud Winter Millinery. Audio MorrisoD, SKEXANDOAH, TA LOTS Of holes in a skimmerl Lots of ways of throwing away money. One ot the best methods or economizing Is to Insure in ttrst class, thoroughly ro latile companies, either life, tire or accident, such as represented y X1AVID 3P'fiL.TX,S1 No. 180 Houtb Jardln street, Shecandoali. Pa SHOEMAKERS' General Supply Store ! Wholesale and Ketail PP.ICES. Ferguson irousejbldfr.. Centre StreeL Del camp's Livery Stable E. DELCAMP, JR., Prop., WES7 STREET, Betwwa Centre and Llcyd, Hliciumdoali, l'ciiiifir Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable terms A CUP OF CHOCOLATE delicious to the taste, Invigorating and strengthening to the body, made In ONE MINUTE front ' ir ;rn5cui--i.r It i 'it Bey"iVL TKf WSaKt (Only JO H. fitr full yatmit jinthmgt, Free ampl oa appUeatios to BUUHifaatuxr. sua ixlx mt K. K. Severn. F. E. Magargte, W. H. Waters. Slfll HOUSE The place for butlness men to send their surplus stock ot every desert p tlon for sale. AUCTION DAYS.-- ' Tuesdajs, Thuisdays, Sdturp Anybody can send foods of every oewerlptloa to the rooms aad they will be sold at auetloo on the usual terms. All goods toldoo counle tlon and settleest ats made 00 the day follow ing -.ha sale. Reese's Auction Roomi Cor. Centre and Lloyd Stroete.