The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 15, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    f ar - , . - -,'v',4a.tijiffcn.ti . .n . . - a ' . ' -.
I i I vv' frjWSflTP'Sr t (
terrible explosion! .
Too High Pressure.
In these days of keen competition in every
line, when the lmsiness man is compelled to
Iwticl his intellect and every energy to the
success of his lmsiness; the clerk, hook
keeper, professional man nnd laborer, to
drive themselves at a terrific rate, there can
he hut one result an explosion, which, if
not resulting in immedinto denth, leaves
them with shattered brains and Imtlies.
They are. running at too high pressure.
The strain is too great. Something must
nnd does give way. This is equally true of
women. Though their sphere is moio
limited, they have their daily burden, frets,
and worries, and the results arc the sttnie us
with their stronger companions.
This condition is growing worse every
day. The rapidity of its increase is awftil
to contemplate. Our- homes, hospitals, and
insane asylums nrc full of these unfoi tunnies,
und are being crowded still further. Tin re
is but one solution of the matter. IJeeoir,
nize the importance of the situation at once,
and take the necessary nicasurcs to over
come it. If you have failing memory, hot
(lashes, dizziness, nervous or sick lieadnche,
biliousness, irritability, melancholy, sleep
lessness, fainting, nervous dyspepsia, epi
lepsy, etc., know that any one of them isbut
a symptom of the calamity that may hefull
you, and even though you have used so-
called remedies and treated with reputable
phvsiciaiis with little or no benefit, give Dr.
Miles' Hestorative Nervine a trial. It is
the only remedy that may bo depended
upon for nervous di'orders.
" Two years ro I used I)r Miles' 7letortlvp
Nervine with marked benefit, nnd Inter induced
my son, who had been 6lck with cntarrh of tlio
bladder five years in tho bands nf our IjcM phy
sicians, to try It tORrther with Dr. Miles' Nerve
and Liver Mill He was so wonderfully benefited
tlint he l intending to business again. My wit
do ued Nervine with most excellent reruns.
Ml of u together havo not ucd more than
lottles of Nervine. Several of our friends hnto
iil" used It. and are prcatly improved." Louis
'llbbs, llueher & GItibs Plow Co , Canton. Ohio.
fir. Miles' Restorative Nervine is fold bv nil
dnitrr;!tson a positive guarantee, or sent by Ir.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iod., on receipt of
Frlce, 81 per bottle, six bottles, Sfi.cxprefs prepaid,
t is positively free from opiates or dangerous
drills. Kreo bonk ntilrugglsts. or by aiail.
No. 207 West Coal Street,
Porter, Ale and
Pine Old Stock Ale.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
X Chas. Rettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel'a celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Btock.
Orders will reoeive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
720 South Maw Street.
Speech Ittmtored.
For five years I buffered with pain and dis
charge of the throat, hacking cough, frontal
headache, weak eyes, &c , at times, could not
talk above a whisper; lost weight continually,
nnd not le to work. I was treated by the
best physicians In the county, but no
Teller After giving up all hopes I was recom
mended to use a bottle of Mayers' Magnetic
Catarrh Cure. After using It for four weeks
my speech returned. All symptoms of Catarrh
buve disappeared and "I feel like a different
Klk Lick, Somoruet Co , Pa
The above is one of the many testimonials
we have received this week, and we will publish
every two weeks utfdlttoml persons having
been cured by our marvelous medicine Try u
bottle und be cured at once.
MAYKH8' IUujo Co..
Oakland, .Md.
For sale by druggists.
Mayers' Magnetic. Catarrh Cure is the only
medicine used by vapor Inhalation, and Is
guaranteed by your druggist.
Horses ana Carriages to Hire.
1 Haulloc of all kind promptly attend to
i Hones taken to Doara, at rates
l tbatare literal.
On PEAR ALLE1T, Hear of the Coffee House.
For a. STsat and. Clean
Ferousok House block.
Everything In the tentorial line done In Aral
class style. Everything neat and clean.
(Ctiri-i Ucu uer's uid stttQd.)
it.. i,c --le and Dorter on tan. The finest
bri..'. i whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
U' natHf. A4.iai',.al.iiViiUiutfcJu,v
i j, ' '
Will Probably Not bo Sont to Con
gross Until Next Weok.
The 1'rpsldcnt Will Not Dlwrgii from Ills
Present INillej-, lint Will llnrdly Urgo
Tlutt Force lie Hesorted to lit KciltlliK
the IJiiecn.
VAHllijtoTON, Dec. IK. Tliu president's
special message on tliellHwnllnn question
will be from 2,fi00 to 8,000 words in length.
It probably will not go to coiikicsh before
Monday. Mennl line a steamer noils from
liuti Frnnclseo to Honolulu today. All
tlmt the stnl" nnd tinvy departtuent lint
collected on ihe Hnwnllnti question Is now
In the president's hands.
From n Kenllemnn who stands close to
the administration it is learned that In
his message the president will endeavor to
show Mint the queen was overthrown by
nets sanctioned by Minister Stevens, nnd
that ns they received tho approval of tho
United States and are considered by tho
present administration unjustified and
unfriendly, they must be undone. The
president will probably say that Minister
Willis was Instructed to (lrst decline for
mally the proposition for annexation, nnd
to then announce Mint tliu United States
demand that the queen be restored to
power, peacefully, but that If she was un
willing to bo Rented without Uie assur
ance of this government that she would
be protected from harm and retained in
power by United States force, then to
take no steps, but await Instructions from
tho United States.
The president will say Mint tho minister
has found tho provisional government
much stronger thr.n has been stated, or
that tho administration has been in
formed, and that its power was increas
ing each day. There was a strong senti
ment among tho better class of people
against the queen's return to power, nnd
thero were the strongest evidences Mint
the existing government would uno force
to defeat any move that would lend to
this end. All of the conditions werosuch
ns to prevent tho carrying outf his in
structions, and now, ns the president hnd
exhausted the prerogatives of his oflico to
bring nbout a settlement with Hawaii
without calling upon the naval force to
assist it, thero was no other reort for the
president but to leave the question of fur
ther action to congress.
It is believed that tho president will not
diverge from his present policy. It is cer
tain, however, Mint ho will hardly urge
that force be resorted to in seating the
Twelve of the Crow Drowned.
I.ON'PON, Dec. IB. The Holyhead steamer
Hose, which lnul been drifting in Mie Irish
fea for eighteen Jiours with a broken shaft,
rescued the captain of a Dublin collier,
who was in an open boat. There was also
in the boat w ith him tho corpse of one of
his crew. The captain reported tlmt tho
collier hnd encountered a fearful gale, and
had foundered. Twelve of his crew were
drowned, four of them having been
washed overboard before the vessel wont
A Ministerial Suicide.
Nmv Yoisk. Dec. 15. Jtnv. Vernon M.
Olyphnnt, 3.'t years old, committed suicide
yesterday at 1(10 Mmllstmavemie by-shooting
himself through the head, lie was
the son of Hubert M. Olyphant, president
of the Delaware nnd Hudson Coal com
pany. Qlyphant was a Princeton gradu
ate, and had been ordained a Presbyterian
clergyman six years ago. Ho had no
charge. It is said the young man was
mentally unbalanced from overstudy.
Two Years for 1'rize Fighting.
Cnowx Point, Ind., Dec. 15. The jury
in tho case of Martin Costello, the pri.o
tighter charged witli riotous conspiracy,
returned a verdict finding the defendant
gnilty as charged, and assessing his pun
ishment nt imprisonment in the state's
prison for two years, and lie to pay a fine
of $5. A motion for n new trial was tiled
at once and will be heard Monday. Should
the motion be overruled the case will be
appealed to the supremo court.
Dropped Head front llettrt I)itrfit.
UT1CA, X. V., Dec. 15. Daniel Hatche
lor, one of the commissioners of the Niag
ara Park reservation, returned to this city
last evening from Now York, where lie
hnd lieen attending a meeting of the com
missioners. Mr. iintchelor walked into
the station and sat down. A moment lntur
he was dead, and it is supposed denth was
caused by an affection of the Iieart. Mr.
Batchelor was TD years old.
Murdered Ills Kntploer.
Savankah, Dec. 15. Thomas O'FerroII,
a fisherman of Sudwny Island, ten miles
south of Savannah, was killed by .loo
Sidey, a colored employe. The latter was
accused by his employer of stealing a
boat. While the two men were together
in a boat O'Kerrell was thrown down and
Sidey split his head apen with au ax. lie
then escaped to the woods.
Attempt at Trnln Wrecking.
Defuniak Springs. Fla., Dec. 15. An at
tempt was made to wreck the Pensaoola
and Atlantic westbound fast mail train
near here last night. Two ties were placed
on the track. The train, struck the obstruc
tion, but the ties slipped and no dainnge
waM done. 11 is supposed that robbery
was the mot he. There is no clew to tho
Another American Counters.
London, Dec. 15. The marriage of Miss
Adele Grant, daughter of the late Bench
Grant, of New York, to the Karl of Kssex,
took place yesterday afternoon at St.
Margaret's church, Westminster. Arch
doacon Farrnr ofllcinted. The church was
crowdeii, among those present being Am
bassador Bayard and many other Amer
icans. The- llornhlower Noluliiution.
Washington, Dec. 15. The senate com
mittee on the judiciary discussed the
Hornblower nomination, together with
others, until noon without taking action,
and then adjourned until the next regu
lar meeting dHy,,Monday.
Deputy Comptroller of New York.
nrFKALO, X. Y., Deo. 15. State Comptroller-elect
James A. Roberts anuounees
the appointment of Colonel William J.
JVlorguu, ex collector of customs of the
port of buffalo, as deputy comptroller.
fiwltserlaml's Xew l'rotlilent.
Bekne, D.e. 15. M. Frey, formerly
Swiss luhn-ti r to the United Statu, was
yesterday rltctul president of the Swiss
confederation. j
Thirty Days' Imprisonment und 230 Fin
for Iltm anil Ills Associate.
liROOKLTN, Dec. 15. Judge Barnard's
decision In tho case of John Y. MoKane
nnd others, charged with contempt of
court on election dny in Grnvesend, is
made public. MohTnne und his associates,
Jtulgo Cropsy, N. Ii. Johnson nnd Harlan
Crnnwoll, are found guilty of conlcmpt
and sentenced to thirty days' imprison
ment and a lino of S60. the full pennltyof
the law.
The proceedings grew out of defiance of
the Injunctions secured by W. J. Gay
nor the day before the election from Judgo
Barnard to prevent interference witli He
publican watchers at the polls In Graves
end. When Colonel A. S. Bacon, Hev. II.
J. Kent and others went to Grnvesend,
nrmed with the injunctions, on election
morning, no attention was paid to the
papers. McKanesaid: "Injunctions don't
go here, nnd the men were set upon, as
saulted anil arrested.
Justice Barnard makes a sweeping de
nunciation of the election day proceed
ings at Grnvesend, and says that tho elec
tion was a fraud all the way through. He
also says that the registry is fraudulent,
and that the uaynor men who went there
to copy the lists were arrested without
warrant of law and were locked up on
false charges.
Ktectriritl J'nglneer Kleetroeuted.
Pmsnuiir., Dec. 15. While trying to
MWC tho life of Julius Eberhart, a follow
workman, nt the Allegheny county eloo
tric light plant, David Waugaman, tho
chief engineer, received mi olectrlo shock
of SJ.T00 volts, nnd was almost iiistnntly
killed. Kberhnrt was engaged nt the
switch board mid accidentally touched a
live wire of 1,000 volts, and in a moment
he was writhing in terrible agony.
Waugaman sprang to his rescue and tried
to extricate him, when suddenly he threw
up his hands and fell to tiielloor. The
current was cut oil and the two men were
picked up, but WmigRinnn was dead.
Kberhart was seriously injured, but will
Aid for Mexican Itebuls.
Kl. PAso, Tex., Deo. 15. No further de
tails of the battle of last Friday between
Mexican troops nnd the revolutionists
havo yet been oblnined. Information
comes from revolutionary sources that
three brothers, wewlthy, well connected
nnd influential, havo organized n bnttal
lion of 480 men nt the City of Guerrero to
biipixirt the rebels. These brothers are
named Cnsavantes nnd one of them Is a
brother-in-law of General Gonzales whose
namo i well known throughout tho re
public. luvenilo Murderess Ai-uuittdl.
Union-town, J'u., Dec. 15. Kmma Bu
clinnar, the colored murderess of the 10-
inouths-old baby of Thomas Woods, of
Jluckskln township, was put on trial hero
yesterday. Th girl is only 111 years old,
nnd Is very small. There was no denial
mnde of the fact that she killed the baby
by giving it concentrated lye, but the ile
fenso based their case on the youth and
unaccouutahility of the defendant. A
verdict of not guilty was rendered.
A DKtlnsriMied Prohibitionist 111.
I.ANCA.sTi:it, Pa., Dec. 15. The condition
of Hon. James Black, the distinguished
Prohibition Jeader, who has been lying
critically ill with pneumonia at ills home
in tltis city, is critical. Mr. Black wasthe
first candidal o for tilt, PrnMliiHim nni-ttr
for president of the United States in the
campaign oi i.n:, null nns neen active in
the temperance cause for nearly half a
A Victim of Mnsked Itobliers.
SoMnnsr.T, Pa., Dec. 15. Abraiu Benin,
aged 1)0 years, died at his home in Lin
coln township Inst night. Mr. Beam was
horn and always lived on tho farm on
which he died. His death resulted from
the eil'ects of the cruel beating he received
nt tho liande of three masked robbers sev
eral mouths ago. He was a county com
missioner fifty years ago.
Thrown Under IIIh Cnr and Killed.
Allkntown. Pa., Dec. 15. Tho third rc
cideut in one week on the Lehigh Vnl ey
Traction company's trolley line occurred
yesterday on West Cntusauquu 111 11. Tin
brake failed to hold the car, which de
scended the steep grade at fright fill speed.
Conductor Milton Gnckenbach wn
thrown under the carnndinUantly killed.
Ho leaves a family.
To Forego the Itanquct This Year., N. Y., Dec. 15. It has been
the custom of the chamber of commerce
to give nu annual banquet, with expen
sive and grand arrangement. It is now
proposed, In view of tho suffering and
destitution, to give up the idea of tho
banquet this year and to donate several
thousand dollars to alleviate the distress
of the poor.
Election Crookedness In Albany.
ALUAN'T, Deo. 15. Jacob Kupp, a Ger.
mau, turned state's evidence in the elec
tion chsos here, and swore that he hail
been given a dollar by City Kxcise Com.
missloner Ilapp, who is charged with vio
lating the election laws. He testitled that
ho lind voted on thenamenf another man,
und had been given the dollar for so do-
Settled by Mutual Concessions.
Patciioouk, L. I , Dec. 15. Tho long
fight between the mill operatives and mill
owners here has been sod led. Both sides
inadecQiiceHsiouH and the men will return
to work Monday. The town Is rejoicing,
as the stoppage of the wages of aOO em
ployes seriously affected the business of
the village.
Prosperity In (iiiatenutla.
Washington, Deo. 15. Information re
ceived by the burenu of the American re
publics Indicates that affairs in Guate
mala are steadily improving. The finan
cial obligations of the government are be
ing met with utmost regularity.
On Trial for Treasott.
Luipsic, Dec. 15. The trial of the two
French Bpies arrested at Kiel while at
tempting to pass themselves off as yachts
men, began here yesterday. They were
arrested while making drawings of Gtr
maii fortifications.
A Nou-Unlonltt Thler.
Allkntown, V., Deo. 16. Frank Lea
man, of Shamokin, who secured a posi
tion on the Valley road as oouduotor dur
ing the strike, is under arrest here on the
oharge of stealing two Bold watches from
fellow employes.
CreuiaUil in Her Home,
Oreessbijbqh, Dec. 15. Mrs. Dvid ago widow living near Crab
tree, who had boecn ill with the grip, got
up to Mir the tire, and while doing ke
fatntfil, fell into i hecMie u ml w as hurnuU
to deuth
Driving the Brain
at the expense
of the Hotly.
While we drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Kx- Vy
erase, pun- air
foods tl'U
make healthy flesh refreshing
slot'p such arc methods. Whei.
loss of tk'-.h, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scett's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, Which not only
creates flesh of and ! itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
I'repnrod by8ftott.t Itotrnn. N V. All druirrlplH
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to nlvo Instructions on piano, organ,
ftrlnu ami biiml Instruments. Porfnrthor In
formation call on orniiilres Duos.,
No. 1 North MalnMrcet, hhenoniloub.
Office Ileddall building. Hhcnnndoah, fa.
Hoom 3, Mountain City Hank lluHOtng, l'ott)
Office Koom 8, P. O Hulldltsj, Hhonandost,
aim wswriy uuuning, i-oiiavuie.
Physician ami Surgeon.
Advice free at druc store. 107 Snntli
street. Private consultation at residence 112
Muuut jnruin street, irom e to 7:.'U) p. ,n.
t T. HAV1CE,
Oflico Northeast Cor. Wain untl Centre Su
tennndoah, over Stein's drug store.
j pinner. noiiEKT. m. d.,
No. 25 KastCoal Htreet,
Office Hours 1:30 te 3 and 0:30 to 9 p. m.
It. J. H. OALI.EN.
no iu couin.iarain street. fttiennnaoab.
OrriBI Houiis: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to p. M
Except Thursday evening.
.Vo office work oh 8uwfw excellt bu itrrantie
ment. A xtricl adherence to Che ofllce hour)
vt aoxouueiy riecenmrj.
pitOF. T. J. WATHON,
.Teatter of
Having had sixteen years' experience as a
tetehur of instrumental mu le giving instruc
tion on tho nbovo Instruments Wurd left at
Urumm's Jewelry storo will recelvo prompt at
temion. jJ 8. K1BTLEK, M. D.,
Office 120 North Jurdln street. 9henndob.
Sewed and laid, old ones relit ted. Mattresses
made to order
Carpets, Mattresses Feathers. Hobes, ltuc,
Cushions, Sc., made freo from d.rt and moth
In wet or dry weather
Prompt attention given to orders Address
Nurth riowers ttreet
2-12-Im si,, nnndoah. Pa.
DrTheel 1317 Arch st-
Tito onl) (imiuluo Specialist in America,
not vrnnswiiiii. ui; mini oniers nuveriisoe
. feprrlal Diseases and stricture
Permanent It Cured lnUtoSiIais
new lUi-LiLoilln i" to uuduu. 6 eait0 Kuio
ik'uii Hospital ami .rj vrut ilt ul experience, aa
LVi utttait aiul liiiiluiuas inut bt'iul live
2-cetu -.lamp tur Inwjk. TliLl Hie only
buuk ex(iiiLC u.u k l)oi torbaud othersad
vmiiintf as ureal w lalls. A truo fi lend
to all htiilcivis amf to tln'&e coiitt'inplatiiiK
aiairiagc. 'IhemorttWiii)rnami dungeioua
co-sea solicited. rltoor callaud saved.
The Mau Whu wrote tho Song 1
tJf ntver citm to wmuler
frYoin Aw own flrtnde,"
was Inspired while sitting before one of my Hoe
Heater... I also have on hand me best stoves
and Kanges in the market nun a large stook of
Housefurnishlnir ftorxls. Hlumblntr, ruillng
And Spouting a specialty. All woi k guaranteed.
1. O. -VCT A.T:iB3R.JS,
Cor. ot Lloyd and While Sts., Shenandoah, P.
Electric Call Bell
and Burglar A I arm I
Hlmple, Perfect and Cheap. Keryhody de
llRhted with it. Ordeis left ut 130 .-onto. Jar
din street, Hhcnandoah. l'u., will be promptly
attended to.
Hottlers of all kinds of
Wines Buck a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
Ptuest Beer.
17 Hint ll Vrach Alley, MltiXAKDO.tll.
Late of bamokln, has opened a
128 N. West Street, 8hnadoth, Pa.
He 1 preinreil to leceHo orders for all klnda
cf lnom.iuf nl i rd tunit.i. . in uork whlt-h will
li 1 done iu u rlrst cluss m.iuner on short notice
and reasonable lernis
Sonator Voorhoos' Bill for Convert
ing tho Seigniorago.
To 1o CoIiiimI, tlio Jlrtnl to bo l'rotliletl
by I'nrrlinso After I In' KelgnlorilRn I"
lllspixi'il Of The Dollars Coined Miall
bo full Legal Tenth-,-.
VasiiinotoM, Dec. 15. The financial
bill introduced by Senator Voorhees yes
terday provides for the coinage of sliver
reignlornge at the rate or fS.tuw.uou a
month, for the purchase and coinage of
(8,0UO.(XK) worth of silver per month after
tho coinage of tho seigniorage, lor the re
tirement of paper currency of less denom
ination than 1U, for tho retirement of nil
gold coins of less denomination than 10,
and for the appointment of an interna
tional commission.
The bill provides in detail that the
Reignlornge or prollt fund which has re
sulted from tlio coinngo of silver bullion
under the iilnml anil Sherman acts, or
which would result from such coinage,
shall bo coined intosllver dollars of stand
ard weight and fineness, with full legnl
tender quality, nt the rule of not less than
$2,000,000 per month, aiidthatsuch dollars
shnll bo covered Into the treasury. The
silver purchase section is ns follows;
'That when all tlio seigniorage bullion
lias been coined it shall be the duty of tho
fcecretary of the treasury to purchase each
month silver bullion at the market value
in quantities to coin not less than 48,000,-
000 each month. '
Tho secretary Is directed to coin bullion
promptly each month as fast as pur
chased into standard silver dollars.
It is also provided tlutt when any paper
circulating notes or certilicates of less de
nomination than 110, oxcept national bank
notes or ccrtillcutes redeemable only in
silver dollars, shall be received at the
treasury, they shnll not be reissued, but
shall be destroyed and replaced.
Murderer Prent1ergusts Defense.
Cihoaoo, Dec. 15. In i ht Prendergast
trial yesterday tho first witness for tho
defense was .Mrs. Helen Prendergnst, the
mother of the assassin. Her evidence
was entirely in support of tlio insanity
theory. Hlie said that about, the time her
son was emerging from boyhood into man
hood sin; noted with some consternntiou
that there was a marked change in his
disposition; that he became a recluse, de
voting himself to books and avoiding nil
forms of outdoor diversions common 1o
hoys, lie often talked foolishly about
being made corporation counsel, and grew
furious when she suggested tlmt he was
not lit for such n position.
Threatened with Mitrvttllnn,
Cosstantimii'I.i;, Dec. 1."). The fnnilna
at Krzeroum, Armenia, nnd in the vicinity
of tlmt city is becoming nioro serious,
llread is now selling at twelve times its
tisunl value. The grain is in the hands of
speculators, many of whom are tUtoni.iu
olllclals. Piteous but fruitless appeals
have been made to the sublime porto for
assistance. Hundreds of the poor are
threatened with starvation.
Distilleries ltt-sumliifr,
LoinsviM.K., Dec. 15. Tho announce
ment i.s made tlmt eightdistillerios which
have been elosetl for some time have com
menced operations again. The resumption
is based upon the expectation of favora
ble legislation iu increasing the whisky
tax. Seven others are expected to resume
by the first of tho year, including tho
licllo of Nelsou.
Iliill'itlo's Illj- I'ire.
Buffalo, Dec. 10. Tho block at tho
corner of Clinton and Main streets, nnd
extending back to Wnshii.... :i, known as
the Arcade, was tlostrojed by fire, and
liobinson's Musee theater and Shea's Con
cert hnll, the latter the finest between
Xew York and Chicago, are in ruins. Thu
total loss is placed at $100,000.
To Opposr Tatimiiiiiy,
New York, Dec. 15. The opposition to
Tammany Hall orystnlized at a meeting
iu Cooper I'nioti last night. There was
scarcely standing room in the hall. An
organization to be called the "Independent
County Organization" was formed.
Corliett In Tat-I.Miitvllltt.
Jai, Fla., Dec. 10. Champion
James .1. Corliett arrived in this city yes
terday afternoon. A largo crowd met him
at the depot. No attempt was made to
arrest him.
Cluniiig limitation! of the Xew Vork ami
I'liilutlelpltta Uxchnnftes.
New Yohk, Dec. 14. In the stock market to
daj Ihe spt i nlatlon was alnitwt featureless,
the list bi-intt very lauoh neglected. Closing
Leluifh Valley.... 8T
IVnusylvaiiiu ....
lieadlitg H
St. i'aul Ull
Lehiuh Na iu-ilt'u S&i
Keadlna 1st pf. Im
ltcatlinir Sl pf. 1
Heading 8d pf . fla
Headline V. m-
S.Y.te N. E .... mi
W.N. Y.&Pa....
II. & D. T. oom..
II. & a. T. oref...
, 1H
IJ.. It. Ss W liHfri
West Shore W3i
N. Y. (Vnlrai U1H
Lake Krlui- V... 15H,
NtlW JllMU'V fli.n 1IH
Del. & Hudson. ...U13J4
General Marhotj.
Piin.ADEi.iMnA, Dec. 14. Flour tteatlv: win-
ter super., 82-W.1H; do. extras. $S.3iaia.5U; No. 3
winter rainiiy. Wiamx.n; Pennsylvania roller,
etralght, txt3.&,; western Inter, t li r. 2.(l
a.ia; western w Inter, atraiicht. l. I.V,.. hi; west
ern winter, patent, $ i.:i 7.1: AHnncnoU,
clear, f2.anf(Ji: do. htrniirlil. S; a.
patent. lil.HV-i 4: dn. favorite linimls. bljli, r.
ltjefiuur.XMi."ii r bbl. S io-.! i. .i..i,. i,., i
with tie. bid und iiVu . i- i ;. ..'t r
WV40. bid anil (KV-. asked in,- uur. . tiT-4f.
bid anil due. asked for Fcbruur . ,i . i 1 ami
6Kc. itsktsl fur March. Cum oulei n it!. ! i". in I
and 43V4c. asked for December: 4.4 ,.i,l m,,i
434o. asked for Jannar) ; wc. o.d mid 4.1 -h-.
asked for February; 4SHc. bid and 4-Pn . ,tsi.l
for Muroh. Oats quiet, stead), w'lli i.i. bi.i
and USo. naked for December; It'ttc li d .aid
30c. aaked for January; 3rio. bid and Si.'ik-.
asked for February; tc. bid and au)..
asked for March. Heef dull, sleatly; eitra
mess, ?10.60ail; fnmily, tl14.80. lork
modtratvly active, Heady; meu, jlSU.IIi).
Lard quiet, easy; steam rendered, .HS.
Uutter quiet; New Vork dairy, U4Me.;
weatern do.. ltOTaic.; Elglus, Ho.; Xew York
erearuery, i6S7d.; weateru do., HUB W) to ;
Initiation do., 18ftS3e. Cheese quiet, arm; Xew
York, large. Ullo.; do. fancy. UHUillHc.;
do. tmall, mHie.; part aklnis, 4giHo.;
full tkims. 2-J..40. Eggs quiet, steady; New
York and Pennsylvania, 24r7c; western, MM
0ie.; com hern, 24326a.
Uw Steele Mrht4.
SAW Lihriity, I'm., Dec. 14.-t)attle Heady,
unchanged; prosjiecta favorable oa good
grimes ti.r iml wtk. Hoga steady ; all
gradet, . , 40. Sheep draggy; prime, W.St
S 71. fair in .Tiiaaj common, 6UO.Q
II VI. LaniU. tti
Exirt in ninny forms, but
there is no fraud that is more
contemptible th...i tho one of
substitution. '( oil the sub
stitution frauds there it mine
which jK-riK-tuutrs a gronter
otitnrgc upon the consumer
than the substitution of
for Cottolcnc, which is the
.... . i
rk only rename, v. noic i,ic n ui
healthful shortcut ig- u; on
V the market. Don't be in
5 (luccd to purth ise
of Cottolone, or you will !c
lamentably disappointed iu
the results. Cottolene na a
shortening is endorsed by
physicians and cooking ex
perts. He sure that your cook
uses Cottolene.
holtl In llmeouil 11 o imlmri imlla.
sMmlu onlj by
N.K.f AIR BANK Ot IvO., vlft
1US .1. .tut. AIC, llk
(successors to Coakley Uros.)
No, iK UuHt Centre HI root,
Our Motto: Host QunlHv at lowest Cash
Prices. PatronitKe rost ctful'y sollclied.
Kaiser's Cyster Bay !
X27 South Main Street,
A. P. KA1SUR, Proprietor.
J3fTbo bct-oystt-rs In all styles ut all hours.
Juet opened in tho Kgan Building,
No. 8 East Centre street, a full line
of Fall and Winter Slillincry.
Miss Annie llornsoii,
Of holes in a skimmer!
Lots of wrvb of throwing away money. One
of the best methods of economizing is to Insure
Inttrat class, thoroughls re (able omnan1e8,
cttnor life, Ore or accident, such ns represented
No. 120 Booth Jardin street, ShcnaDdoah, Fa
Genoral Supply Store !
Wholesalo and Iletail PRICKS,
Ferguson Hotistjbldir., Centre Street.
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELCAMP, JR., Prop.,
WEST ST8EET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
Shenandoah, I'cmin.
terms8 h'rB fr purpofcs on fessonable
delicious to the taste, invigorating
and strengthening to the body,
made in ONE MINUTE from
Only SO ett. for a full pound jMHtimge,
Trefi Mtupla on applloatkm to manufaatuNM.
worn tu kv
B. R. Severn, F. K. Magargle, W. H. Water.
The place for busineke men to seed
their surplus stock of et t ry deerlp
tlon for sale.
Tuesdas, Thursdays, Saturdays,
Anybody oan tead goo4of ivety dwerlf tie
to the rooms and tiny will be aold at tuetUM
on the uaual term. AUgooaa loMoa oomaal.
aioa and uttleawnia a4e on the day follow
lag the aale.
Recse'su5ticm Rooms
Doufherty BuUdlaf ,
Cor. Centre ami Lloyd Street.
LVl r-e4 0COL7fJLor
tnr) Egan