The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 13, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
JB.A. JlUYJIlt m.lro,rletm-
M, O JWVJSll Bailor and VublMtrr
W. J. WA1KINH .Zorf JWUor
. X. llUVJSlt ...7iuliiM. JUanauer
Tbe Ktkkin kM a lamar alrctua
Moa 1b Shenandoah loan any other papsr pub
lished. Hooks opn to oil,
UAn.T.iwr ymi,.. .........l OO
tf EIKI.T, Hr year .. t 00
Ailrrrtitinil Unlet.
Transient, ID cents per line, Brat Insertion
lento per line oach subsequent insertion, Kates
orroKBlnr advertising hud on appllM
Von at the offloe or by mall.
Xntered at the Poslomoo. at Shenandoah, Pa ,
for transmission through the malls
as sceond-eliMi mall matter.
Tliu I)elegntH elected to tlio last lit
publican Htutf Convcutloii aro hereby
rtfiuealcd to meet fit tlio 0iern House
in thoCity of Ilttrrisliurg on WhIiioh
(1uy,Ju)i.3rcl, 1894, lit twelve, o'clock,
noon, of said day, for the purpose of
placltiK in nrmilimtioii u candidate for
ConnrtssniHn.ut-LurKe to fill the va
cancy occasioned by the duith of the
Hon. VVlllliimlillly.
HorachB. PACKKn, Chairman.
Attest, JuitK 11. Hkx, Secretary.
Welleboro, Dec. 11, 1803.
The 11 (.nil who threw the bomb Into
the Chamber of Deputies- in Paris has
been discovered. His name is Vaillant
and he has been a rabid Anarchist for
yenre. The explosion wounded him
severely, tearing o(I ills noseband in
flicting oilier serious injuries. It is tn
bo regretted that the bomb did not
wipe him out altogether. There is no
more room in the world for creatures
of the Vuillant stripe than there Is for
u wad dog. This latest outrage has
aroused all Europe and may lead to an
international agreement for the sup
presslou of anarchy. If this be done,
the United States should lie on the
alert. With all Europe combined
against these foes of tocitty, we may
look for a general exodus oftheuui-
pected ones. Naturally they will
turn to the United States as a haven
where they can ply their nefarious
trade with camparaiivn impunity
They should bo stopped upon the
threshold mid sent baok whence they
came. This country has been loo long
the dumping ground for such human
refute and the time has come to stop it.
If such an agreement be entered in
to the United States, should by all
means be a party to it. European
Anarchists would In this way under
stand that this country will aflord them
no protection, atid that their coming
here would be fraught with as much
danger as If they remained at home.
We have laws to protect usagainstthe
paupers and contract laborers of
Europe. That law should not only be
extended to Anarchists of every degree,
but should provide also fbr the depor
tation of every Anarchist found wlthiu
the confines of the United States.
Drive them out 1 Wilkes Barre I
Commandkh-in-Chief John K.
Adams, Graud Army of the Republics,
promptly answers the slanderous
challenge of Mr. Cleveland that "thou
sands of neighborhoods have their
well known fraudulent penslonero" by
issuing an official cin ulnr urging com
rade, pokU and departments to aid
vigorously in ferreting out the alleged
offender. The sweeping accusation
of Grover Cleveland in an indhtorimiu
nate intuit to Union pensioners. Its
e fleet is to brand each pensioner as a
suspect. That the charge is wanton
is shown by the comparatively few
oases of fraud that have been discovered
and by the number of pension suepen
slons that have been revoked. The
course of Commander Adums Is proof
of the good faith of Union pensioners
In their detlre that the pension roll
shall be u roll of honor.
It takes a good deal of ilref-cUf
brain u uoneiruct a tariff that will
produoe the requisite aiuouul of reven
ue without dlaturbiug industry and
commerce. Any chump could make
a tariff bill that would not produtw
woqgb revenue, and Uit would de
hmmiUm bulla, Ilk tu Wlkon
Mil, for lHatait.
Anti-Royalists Adopt Vigorous
They Nceit Nil rnriiffti Aid tn Amur
tlin Permanency nf the rrcwi'iit Uo
eminentA JEmtnr'l MiHiurohy Wool
b Very Hlmrl l.ltril.
Vancouvkk, It. C, Dee. la The Aus
tralian steamer Ariiwn, which brtnK
Honolulu news up to Dec. 4, arrived a
Victoria yesterday. Immediately upon
entritiK the straits she was Itoarueu by
roiiorter. who wns informed that Oner
Lllliiokiilnni bad lint been restored, and
there had hm no trouble in Honolulu.
On four ilays preceding the sailing of
the Antwa the troops of the provisional
government were busy fortifying and
barricading the government house, or tli
castlo, as formerly railed. Work wns be
ing done with sandbags principally. As
the Arawa sailed from the Imrlxir troops
could be seen from tin-deck of thestenmer
busily engaged in heaping up the breast
Since the arrival of the steamer War-
lmoo on the IMth tilt., developments Imv
followed each oilier with startling rn
pidlty. Dispatches forwarded by nailing
vessels on .Nov. I!) and 'Si have not fully
anticipated the serious condition lluw.-i
Is now pHssing through in the most herol
way. When the arimoo arrived wit
Cleveland's ultimatum the royalists were
jubilant and the annexationists at once
began to ciury out previous plans fo
forcing resistance la cno the steamer
China, winch arrived three day's later.
brought instructions to .Minister Willis
for restoration of the monarchy with th
aid ot tlio United States troops from war
snips Adams and Philadelphia. Withi
twenty-lour nours niter the news wn:
brought by the Warhnoo 1,(10(1 determined
auuexationistH had assembled on hIioH
notice, and a mass meeting was at once
An Ktltlitinlnfttlc Mcrtliiff.
The meeting was short but. wildly en
thusiastic, and those who heard the ring
ing cneors which welcomed speeches o
President P. M. llHtcli, ot the Annexation
club, and the presentation of the resold
tlons knew that monnrchy, even thougl
rostorod by superior forces of the Uuitei
btntes, would be short, lived.
In the course of his speech Mr. Ilutcli
n o are oonironieii oy t he ioi
ot Secretary Oresham that royalty musi
no restore,! and our government de
stroyed, ins representative has gien us
the opportunity to bo heard before final
action will be taken upon tills inmie. Cer
talnly any action taken by theroiiu'ies of
the United States of America eaim-il Ir
resisted by anybody In this communitv.
" Vt e do not meet here tonight to den v the
power of the United State -that would be
absurd, Reiitlcmcn nor to villify thosp at
present in charge of tlie government ol the
United States, but we meet with the hope
tuni our words will ho Heard by emigres.
There were certain features in the letter
of Mr. Uresham to the president which
show that ho Is proceeding upon a false
assumption. Lot us hope that the distin
guished secretary has been misinformed
up to this date. I'rom the natuieof things,
n government which started in revolution
could not submit thoquestionof tlie legal
lty or Its existence to any arbitration, be
cause Its right lay in its might. Having
satisfied our consciences as lo the justness
oi our cause, wo depend upon our might
and are answerablo to no other nower.
"I challenge the right of the chief exec
utive of that great nation, of his own mo
tion, to undo the act of any of his prede
cessors. Congress may do it, but (Jrover
Cleveland had no more right, legally or
morally, to undo an act of lleniam u liar
rison than he had to undo any act of
Abraham Lincoln.
"I-et us hold the prosident to tlie true
tssue, and then if tho legally constituted
power of the United States, the power
which nas me right under the constitu
tion to declare war, overpowers us we will
go down, our colors flying and with no
misrepresentation possible. Let It bo
known to the world that, if the event
takes place. It will lie because tlie United
btntes has exercised Its power but not its
Vlsorinu Itesolntlim Adopted,
Tho resolutions adopted at the mass
meeting were as follows:
Hesolveil, That wo have read with aurnrlcn
nnd reKa the resolution of the secretary of
me l mica .-Males m me president to restore
the inonurchy lately existhnt in Hawaii.
Hosolved, I tit we condemn the nssumntlnn
of thosecrrtiiry that rlitht of the provliional
Bovernmcnt to ustixt was terminated by his
refusal to resubmit to the senate the treaty of
union pemlinir between the two countries, nml
also bis assumption that the provisional gov
ernment at that very time submitted the ques
tion of its oontinued existence to the arbitra
ment of the iiiytsident or of any other uuuer.
Resolved, we support to the best of our
ability tue provisional government, ami resist
any attack upon it w bleb may be made con
trary to the usaite of nations.
Hesolvtd, That the executive council in
quire of the American minister whether his
Instructions were covered by and in harmony
with tlie letter or Secretary Oresham to Pres
ident Cleveland, if so, whether he was in
structed to use force.
Resolved. That should the answer be in the
affirmative these councils recommend that
Mr. Willis be Immediately given Ids passport
ami tne ex-queen be made a prisoner ot state.
Speeches were made vigorously ilenonc-
ing the attitude of President Cleveland
and Secretary Gresham.
Since this mass meeting the spirit of
enthusiasm which at first prevailed among
ins royalists nas been tn a state of fluc
tuation, and some of tho clearest headed
leaders admit that the success of the
restoration in the present or future de
pends on the armed protection of theuion-
arobr by the L imed States.
Careful Inquiry has put tlie Associated
Press in iMisseaslon of the fact that in case
of defeat tlie revenues of the government
have already been secreted, and the govern
ment will lie re-organized at other head
quarters, defying Cleveland and the re
stored monarchy until the resident Amer
loans are swept by superior force from
their homes lu Hawaii.
It has Immii learned upon the best author
ity, coming from royalist sources, that
British Minister Resident Wodehouse baa
lately at ate J to different persons in Hono
lulu that there was an understanding tie-
twaen President Cleveland and the English
government that the monarchy should b
The government claims that with the
rupport of the Annexation club and Citt
seus reserve, backed by the present for
midable battery of Gat Hugs, Maxims uud
Austrian field pieces, now on hand, an
aggrtssiv moraines eould n made it
onaar.rary ttiat wo Id sfaar Honolulu of
the aggregate forces of all the men-of-war
teasels at present in port should n landing
bo made. Iu raise a collision comes further
aid will at once rally nround the provis
ional government from the other Islands,
In case It is tho intention to carry out the
Instructions for the restoration of the
monarchy, Minister Willis hns promised
to give the provisional government thirty
six hours notice before acting.
The fearof the councils seems to be that
the Hritish will offer protection to the ex
queen In case Cleveland falls to restore
her. Kor this reason notice has Is-en given
foreign olllclals not to land troops with
imt ermlsslon of the provisional govern
ment. C'nrbctt Jlny lie Arrested,
Jackson VIM.K. Kin., Dec. 13. The latest
rumor in sporting circles In this city is to
tlie effect that as soon James J. Cor
bett. arrives here tomorrow he will bo ar
rested and put m jail for violation of the
state law in coming here after having
previously arranged for a light within tlio
state boundary. If this Is done Corbet t
will be promptly gotten out by a writ of
habeas corpus and carried beforo Judo
Call, who will try tho ense. If the de
cision Is against Corbett an appeal will be
taken to the supreme court. The advo
cates of t lie boxing match are very san
guine that all obstacles will be ovenome.
Mexldin ltxvollltloulsts ltelnllnte.
Kl. Paho, Tex., Dec. IS. A letter has
just been received hero from a man now
in the slate of (iuerrero, who is engaged
In the disturbances headed by nyiernl
Cauuto Neri. lie snys General Neri has
not surrendered and his troops have not
been deserting him. On the contrary tlie
revolutionists have recently raptured and
hanged General Vhicento Vllada, of the
federal army, formerly a supreme court
judge. The levolutlonlsts dealt tliussum-
marily with General Vllada because the
federal troops have hanged the few insur
gents they have captured and left their
bodies to rot iu the air.
3Illllomitres Try the Sturttng Argument
I'Kovmi.Nc i;, Dec. 13. Tlio great strike
In the wool mill district is a thing of tho
past. Its managers have been outgen
eraled by tlio millionaire manufacturers.
Its back has been broken, and today tlie
situation changed from a strike on the part
of the operatives to a lockout on the part
oi inn mill owners. The situation is one
that lias luid no equal In this city sinco
the panic of 1W57. Six thousand people
have been out thirteen weeks on a strike
for a returnof their old sclieduleof wages.
and there Is now no telling when they
win return to work.
lilotoiis HrltMi Soldiers,
London, Dec. 13. A number of British
artillerymen who recently arrived at
Dover under order to proceed to Gibraltar
Have been guilty or grave disorders sinie
their arrival there, uud severe punishment
will be meted out to them when they
reach Gibraltar. Tlie artillerymen, a.V)
lu number, while drunk, have been acting
In a riotous manner for a week past. They
huvo broken windows, assaulted citizens
and committed other disgraceful a s,
Tho police on duty were powerless to cope
wuu tne riotous artillerymen.
Slosson Defeats HehiKTer.
Xf.w Youk, Dec. 111. The second nlcht
of tlie triangular billiard tournament was
in every way as brilliant and nbsorbiiur
as the contest on Monday night, when
Ives defeated Sin-son. Last jilght's game
was between Slosson ami Schuefer. and
resulted in a victory for Slosson by ascore
oi iiUU to 511. Uwing tu a protest madobv
Slosson against the work of Itofcree Sex
ton on Monday night, George Moulton, a
newspaper man, was selected to 1111 that
positiun. Tonight Schuefer and Ives meet.
On the Train Rubbers' TinlK
Al'STIN, Tex., Dec. 13. The olllcers In
pursuit of the Duval train robbers aro on
n hot trail. Kx-C'onvict Wallace is under
arrest on sucpicion of having been con
cerned in the robbery. Hnilroad and ex
press olneinls, it is said, knew a train was
to be robbed on tho International road,
and had been running guards on express
curs until two weeks ago, when they were
retired to save expenses.
for SiiiucKliiig Chlnniiieii.
I'OUTJ.AM), Ore., Dec. 13. The trial of
twenty persons charged with conspiracy
to smuggle Chinese laborers into this
country began yesterday in the United
Stntes district court. The case promises
to bo one of the most interesting evertried
in nn Oregon court, both onaecountof the
prominence of bome of the defendants and
also on account of t he large number of
persons implicated.
A Harsh Sentence "i roro Him.
Omaha, Xeb.. Dec. I... - In the United
States district court a jury found C. W.
Do Franco, ID years old, guilty of robbing
a mail carrier of a mail pouch. Judge
Dundy says ho will sentence him for lifo
in the penitentiary. The carrier ho robbed
was but a boy. One cent wns all the
young robber realized.
l'reiiilergiist .Tury rtecurod.
CHIP Ao, Dec. 13. When court adjourned
last night the Prendergast jury had been
secured. Uuth tlio prosecution and the de
fense c1h4iii to be well satisfied with the
quality of the jurj men. Tlie defense will
admit the killing Mayor Harrison, as sot
forth in the indictment, and fight on tho
insanity Issue alone.
Murderer Johnson Must Die.
Aliiaxv, Dec. 13. Matthew Johnson.
the colored murderer now In Sing Sing
nrison under sentence ot death, wlm mt.
pealed to the court of appeals, will have
to die. The appelate court has decided
that he had no cause tor appeal, and that I
the judgment of conviction of the lower
court must stand.
Is an expression
uwd for sotoul
Vep. Notliing is
so gratifying to
tho nerves, heart.
and head, as perfect
''sleen u companion of
good digestion and a
healthy liver. A fiVfti
digestion fulls to assimilate, or
tak istra of. the food we eat. Some
thing bracing or Invigorating is needed for
the liver, stomach, and intestines.
Tins is where you will find Dr. Pieroe'g
Pleasant Pellets do the most good. Tliey are
tiny, sugar-coated pills, scarcely larger than
mustard sead, made of concent rat id botan
ical extracts. Tbose "Pellots" are easily
dissolve d in the stomach and absorbed into
the blood, stimulating a flow of bile from the
liver, and arousing to activity all the glandu
lar secretions. Thus tkey act in nature's
oicn way.
They're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded, in all Bilious Attacks, in
Hick Headache. Coiistipation, Dizziness, anil
Wban you have Catarrh, use Um urmn-lv-Or.
fteM', 1400 for an Iqcarabl) mm.
Hood's5 Cures
Urn. a. II. Tttut
"Every Doso Holps Mo
When I take flood's Bariaparllla, nnd t think It
the best msrllolne for the blood. My ilx-year-old
boy had lorei on his feet, caused hy I'Or.
mcv IVY. They became so large sod pain
ful hecould not wear liisshoej. A week after
I began glTlng him Hood's Earssparllla the
sores began to heal up and disappear, and when
ho had takon two bottles lie was entirely
oureu." uu- u. Ji. i itus, bouiu i,meoo, i-a.
HdOD'8 PlLLS purely vegetable, and do
aet purge, pala r grip, sola br au aruggui. zoo.
Ill l:vclr;lir liesrrnyeo.
LN mi it. I'd . Dec. V. -Frank George,
a laborer, and tlie fat her of eight children,
met with a i.-irible accident at l.imo
ltoek, this county. The man had arranged
a blast hu ll failed to explode. .lie re
turned to relight the fuse, nnd while ste
ping over to do so, the blast went olf. Tho
sight of both eyes was destroyed atid ho
was badly injured about the face and
Cremated In Her llfinte.
Ponkono.MA, N. Y., Dec. 13. -.Mrs. Geor-
glana Jackson, of I'nrmlngvllle, four
miles from here, was burned todeath in
her residence. She had lived nlouo on her
large farm. She was seen lying on her
bed, but the house was in Humes and no
assistance could be given her. It is sup
posed that she was murdered, and a spec
tacle peddler named Kdwards is under
Knilrii.iders tint nn Advance.
IIostoN. Dec. 13. It is asserted by a
iiunmeror tue employes of the Now York
uud .ow Kngland railroad in this city
that the agreement signed between the
company nnd the committee of their em
ployes calls for an advance of R per cent.,
to take cirect. at once, and the complete
restoration of the old rate of wages on
March 1.
A Venerable Clergyman Dead.
Lriianox, I'n., Dec. 13. Kev. W. II.
Klliott, I). I)., one of the oldest members
of tlie Philadelphia conference, Methodist
r.plseopal church, died at the homo of his
son-in-law, Sterling G. Valentine, after a
lingering illness. He wns widely known.
having been a member of the conference
for lifly years.
A Three Weeks' Snow storm.
Gr.OhOHTowv, Colo., Dec. 13. Xever in
the history of tho oldest inhabitants has
there been such a protracted fall of snow
as has prevailed here for three weeks. It
has been snowing constantly most of this
time, and tho drifts in many places are
live feet deep. .
Virginia's nm-crnnr Urges the Iiiciinin Tn.
KlcilMOXD, Dec. 13. Governor McKin-
ney submitted to the legislature a lengthy
special messago on the subject of taxatiou.
The governor strongly urges a tax on in
comes, and says that no tax is more just.
The Weather.
Vnh; much colder: northwesterly winds.
The national farmers' congress Is ln ses
sion nt Savannah, Ga.
Washington flesing has boon confirmed
us postmaster at Chicago.
It is stated that the Hritish irovernment
has decided to expend 10,000 upon Us new
naval program.
Ibert H. Ilruman. cashier of the Ro
chester (X. Y.) savings bank, committed
suicide by shooting.
1 he Chilian government proposes to ro-
ducii tlie duties on food stuffs and to iu
creuse the duties on luxuries.
John Dohcrty, ex sheriff of Morocco
county, X. M., when sitting in hlsoflleeot
Mora reading papers, with llvo of his chil
dren playing about him, Saturday even
ing, was llrud upou through the window
and killed.
An aimtsaYYIa Tn-ntn M m .....
B ----MwmivwiiiiunKBV IUP1U,
Bo!SJj!vrwl'r,'(rlli'!tti or 6Cut by nmll- SGC', 6Uc
and $1.00per p.i"'tnp-". p-.r.pV-s tree.
Wt Mft The favorite SOOTH
ffltW Jtm V fort ho iwth and Ureath,a6c
Captain Swet n -,-. lI.8.A..Sn nieim P1 .
says: "Blilloh'e catarrh Remedy is the fltit
medicine I have cvt rf ound that would do mo
nr80ou." li loc 60 eta. Sold by Druggists.
Kuuu.-- J.-HOO oucta. aoiu uy iirugglstg.
Do not neoleet a Cough, as there la danger of
,n ,iwuit iu UllBUUliaiUU. OtllLAJU M CUKS
will save you a severe LunirTroiible. It is tho
best Cough Cu re and speedily relieves Coughs.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, and
a sold on a guarantee. 2f cts.
Sold hy C. H. IUgenhuch, Shenandoah.
WANTKD. A man cook for all night work
pply st the Mlriois' rouurant, corner of
Main and Oak streets, Hbenandoab, l'a. 12 9-tf
apply at IlniAi.o oflloe.
TTiOK HALE. Nine shares Hchuylkill Trac
I.' Hon stock. Apply at this office, 9-9-tf
l NTED. A good cook. One that can d
address John
owl il t Cm-
oven, aii. mi
1 1 pasiry worn. iu on or una
KrebH, Manager, Cmu.erelal Hotel
ua-i. ra.
HAK i LECTION Thcnpuial cleoilou oi
1J Hie htucatio utrs I tbe ie:cbanti Xu-
UU'tl UllllH, m Oil U. UUUUII Will Ue UUU
. t th BsnHuif home. Tuua'at. Januarv 9th. .
1894. aSd i n m.Tfur I
purp. br a: e eetlug thirteen (18, directors lo
Mrvn the ensuing year.
12 9 5 u aw JC. 8. HUKTM, Ca- bier.
1 (1 K v T-'mi, Lt, IS Oil & dav. tAAti at Iflt, h
faoldiq tvery boum- Sample, postage put", 1 SSb rTwMk dv m u'
0, Ift-U-wsttStt , flfSi'i Jf aaawr U en'l PibcVk" ?Af I
TIKI TABU tn irriOT NOV. 19, 1893.
Trains loave Hbonandoah as follows!
. r?.Xork Tla Philadelphia, week day;
5 J2'S ?Sl7'20',l m" '. . P.m. Sunfla
8.10, 7.48 a. m. For Now York via MauchCbunl
r,Jl2dlDg an1 1'niladclphla. week days,
Jlo,fcas.7.ii1 a.m., 13.K6, K.fio, 6.66 p. m. Sun-
Hf "tt"lsburg, week days, S.10. 7.80 , m,
s.oU. O.Do tl. In.
or Allentown, week days, 7.20 a. m
.-ort'pttsyllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20, a.m.
.w, y. ill. ounuay, 36.1U, 7.S0 a. m., 4.
p. tn.
.. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2.10. b.V, 7.H0, a. m., Z.W. S.55 d. m. Sun!
aay., 7.8 a. m., 4.S8 p. m. Additional for
Mananoy uity, week days, 7 00 p. m.
For i.ancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20
For Wllliamsport, Sunbury and Lowisburg,
week days, 3.36, 7,i), a. m., 1.86, 7.00 pm,
Sunday, 3.35 a. m., 3.0B p. m.
7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.26, 1.3',, iM. 6,66, 7 (10, B.j
For Oirardvllle, ( Itoppohannook Stotfo
12.20,1.86, 2 60, 6.66, 7.00, 9.8T, p. m. Sunday, 3.10. i.,o a. iu., o.ufl, t.ou p. m.
For Ashland ana Shumok!
1'or Ashland and Shumokin. week days. 3.26,
26, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.36, 7.00, 9.36 p. m. Sun!
ay, 3.2f. 7.48 a. m 3.06 p. tn.
TRAINS Wnil lirr.MAMnriAti
Loave New York via Pblladolpnin, week diys
8.00 a. ni., 1.30. 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.16 night. Sun
u.w u. in., i.ia mgni.
. kV New X0! Tln Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.46 a. m.. 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leavo I'blladelphla.Market btreet Btatlon.
8.00, 11.30 p. m. Uunday 4.00, 9.03 a. m., li.3(l
p. in.
Leavolleading, week days, 1.1,6,7.10. 10.06, 11.60
week flnn. -1.1!. s :w inrv, n . .i
m. iu., u.du, p. ia aunaay, a. m.
Leavo I'ottsvllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 n m
12.30. 8.11 f). m HunrtftV. 2 4fl 7ll0n rr, .k.
Loave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20,' 8.48, 11. 23 a'
m.., s.i, no, p. m. aunuay, 7.43 a. m.
2.60 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 9.18
u. iu., mi, 4.ti, b.m p. m. aunaay, 3.10, B.1
a. in.. 8.20 d. m.
Loave Mahanoy Plane, week dys, 2.40, 4.00,
S.30,9.S6,10.40,11.69a.m.,12. 68,2.08,6.20,8.28,
v.ui. ouuuujr, .,u, ,wt e.xi a. m., a.aj. &.U1 p. m.
Leave Oirardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.30, 9.41 10.48a. m., 12.0h!
i.ui,,, o.iw. p. m. Sunday, 2.47
4.07. 8.3S. a. m.. .i ll. t, ln r, m
Leave Wllllatnsport, w eek days, 8.00, 9.S1, 12.00
a. m.,3.35, U.lBp. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
l ur uaiumore, vasmngion ana tne west vis
,U. & O. K. R through trains leavo Glrard
nvuuuuuiauon, i-nuaacipnia, (!'. a 11. R. R.) at
v t U.W., i a.b, , ui., tl.uu, u.&. ,.IU U. m, HIIQUKV
u w, am, .,.., U. III., O.LD, 0.1Z. 1. 10 D. ZD.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut stroot whart
uu c-uuiu uireei wnari, ror Aiianuo Clt-
n cusuaya lsxpress, sou, 9 00, 10 46 a m,
(Saturdays, 1 30) 2 00, 3 00, 4 W. 4 30, 5 15 p m.
Excursion 7t0am. Accommodation, 8 00 u m,
tw, , it, y ill.
Sundays Express, 7 o0. 8 00. 830. 9 00. 100(1
m and 4 JO p in. Acoomtcodatlon, 8 00 am and
to y iu.
Returning leavo Atlantlo City depot, Atlantic
and Arkansas avenuos. Weekdays Expross
(Mondays only, 6 43) 7 00, 7 35, 9 30 a m and 3 15,
4 00, 5 . 0, 7 80, 9 30 p m. Accommodation, 6f0,
8 10a m and! 30 pm. Excursion, from foot ol
luiariasippi i venue only, out p m.
Hundavs Kxure.BR. .Isn. a no. sun urn aun
7 oo, , ho, 8 00, 9 bO p m. Accommodation, 7 :io a
Ui WUU U UII J 111.
u. u. liANCUGK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Dhllnrlnlnt, T
assenger trains leave Shenandoah
inn Haven Junction. Manr.h fihunt
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Cataaauqua
Allcntown. Rethlehem. Ftnqlnn Phlllnli.
hazlcton, Weatherly, Delano and Mahanoy
CltV Ht fi.fC 1 ItH 111.-?, rr, 1,1, . '
For New York. 6.04, 7.38 . 'ni. i.n. 2.67
ror ijuauane. Mwncbbjck. Cleiharils and Hurt
Bondale, 0 01, 9 IS a. m , and 2.57 p. m.
For Uazleton. WlllieR-ltnrrn. Whim
Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Savre, Wnverly,
and Elmira, 0.O4, 9.15 a. m.. !if,7. 5 27 d. m.
I' or Rochoster. Uuflalo. Niagara Tails and
tho West, 8.04, 9.15 a. m. 12.43 and 0 27 p. m.
for lieiviaere, Dolawaro Water uap and
onuuunuurg, a. m., w.o, p. m.
rui .umuuriviiiu ana 'i renion, v, la a rp
ForTunkhannock.COl, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 5 2" p. ro
For Ithaca and Geneva 8.01. 9.15 a. in. 5 2;
p. m
Kor Auburn 9. is-a. m. 8.08 p. m.
For Jean esvlllo. Levis ton and HrtivrrMr.An
f !!, . m R9? DIM! H
For Au'denrfed, Huzleton, Stockton and Lurr-
uur iiwu, 0.U4, Y.iia,, a. m., 12.43, 2.57,
o.uo p. m.
"or Scranton. 8.04. 9.15. a. m.. e4i vt.i
i At p. m.
f'or Hazlebrook. Jeddn. nririnn ur.,1 PfAni
,U OK. n . ,., ,o n t ,w -
w.w., ,.u , u. m., i.o..u,, u.t y. rr.
For Ashland. Oirardvllle nnd LoBtnrppb i w
7.61, 8.52, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, C.35, 8.22, 9.16
y. ui.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel anfl
Shamokln, 7.08, 8.60, 11.08 a. m., 2.28. 4.40. 8.22
For vatesvllle, park Place, Mabanov City and
Delano, 6.04. 7.fi8. 9.15. ll.On a m . 1243 !S7
5 27. 8.08. 9.33. 10.28 D. in.
Trains will leave Snamokln at 6.45, 8.16, 11.45
a m., 1.65. 4.30 9.30 p. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 7.38, 9.16 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsviile. n.Mi. 7.38
9.08, 9.15, 11.05 ll.SJa. m., 12.43, 2.67, 1.10 5.27, 8.08
Leave PottBVllln for KhenflnrtnaH fl fin 7 Is
9.16,10.15,11.48 a. m 12.32, 3.00. 6.20.
IW.Utf V UI.
Leave Shenandoah IorHazleton,8.04,7.38,.9.15
a.m., 12.43. 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
Leave Uazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35, 10.00,
.1 iiru a. iu., le.iu, .i o, O.OU, l.iS. p. m.
Trains leave for AHhland. niraniviii,, nn
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
for YateSVlIlQ. l'arlt HIacp. Mfthann.
Delano, Uazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Penn
Ttnv.m .Tun.tfnn Mm,,.,. r,k..i. .
,i .V. V -uvu uuuuK, AIIOUIUWC,
ustuiouuw, cdatuu uuu new XOTK. a m.,
12.30, 2.55 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.30. 2.55 p m.
For Yatesvillc. Park Placn. Mnhnnvnitvnn
Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m . 12 an 2 ss i in a ii-i i. m
Leave Uazleton for Shenandoah. H.aa. ii.Si'i
a. m 1.64, 5.30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllls, 6.60, 8.40,
u. ui..fc,u y. ui.
Leave Pottsviile for Hhermnrinuh. s an ioai
a.m.,1.85, 5.15 p. m.
K. u. WILUUR, Genl. Sunt. Llistern Dlv
South HnthlphAn, f
CHAS S. LEE, Genl. Pats. Am..
m Philadelphia.
South Uothlehem Pa.
Trains will leave Shenanaoah after the abovt
adelphla (Droad street station) ai8:00aid 11:45
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts-
vine uuu inwrmtHUHw nwiioos v: iu a. m.
For Wlsaan's. Qllberton. FraoVviiiH Man
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsviile at 0:00. 9:40 a. m.
and 3:10 p. in. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, PhlladolphU
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m 8:10 p.m.
-xrains i&ave r-raeuviue lor nnenanaoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5.04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. m
UUUlt;., .1.10 U. UI. ttUUD.IVp, UI.
Leave Pottsviile for Shenandoah at in: ir,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40.7:16 and 10:OU n. m Snmlaa
at 10.40 a. m. and 5:16 p. m.
wve rnuaaeipuia (uroaa street station) foi
Pottsviile and Shenandoah at 6 57 and s K r m
4 10 and 7 11 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 8 60 a m. For Pottsvlfle, 9 38 a m.
For New York Express, week days,
at 3 20, 4 06, 4 60, 6 15, 8 60, 7 38, 8 30, 9 60, 11 00
(I it a ui, 16 uu uuuu, 14 14 y. m, (LlQIlleCi Jx
ree i uu anu iw p u, uining cars.) 1 40.
30. 3 20. 4 00. 6 00. 6 00. 8 SO. 7 sk. si-
10 00 n m. 12 01 nleht. SundavH S 20 nr. A Kl
6 15,8 12,9 60, 110811 35, a in. 12 44. 1 40. 2 30.4 00
(limited 4 60) 6 20, e 20, 6 60. 7 25 and 8 12 p m and
i ui nigni.
For Sea Girt. Long Rranch ana IntermediAtn
stations, 810, 1114 a m, ana 4 00, p m
ror uaiumore ana wasungton 8 60, 7 20, 8 31.
910. 10 20. II 18 am. 12 10. (12 .1& HmltRrt 1mr.
car,) 1 30, 8 46, i 41, (5 1 Congressional Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dininp nri. s it
6 55, 7 40 and 11 J8 p. m week days. Sun'
' days, 8 60,7 20, 310, 1118 am.. 1210, 4 41. 6 65,
! 11 and 7 40 p m.
For Rlchmnnil. 7 fin a m. l'i in a 11 rj-i .
1 W pTrn. Veek flayS. "
Trains will feuve Harrtoburg for Plttsburt
anaine weBl j,,,, ,lay ,t , q jjoam .jjjq
pm limited), 3 50. 7 30, 11 65 p m every ciay.
v j iur AivooEK Alois am ana tiupu every
uay. For Pittsburg and Altoona at II 30 a is
T-mlnft Will Iaavm Htlnhnrt, WIUmu, . I
SiT""1 X"' ,?5!?.UBWry. 'Of YTUllanuiport,
SKf?' .V?S?U.'U- ..s""'! MUDUo and
. . .WUUVBKll, HU11.1U .nn
N lavara Kails at 185. 5 lX a m.and 1 M n m ii
dave. For Llnilra tt '41 p m week days, ITor 1
0.1 iu riiu lubenueuiaie points at 0 is am dally.
V'.w , .... 1 II.. ! . I M M - . . . . .
and & 44 b m wf.nk n.v. HVir iiwm -. L , a . 1
Fkst National Bank
tllicuniidonh, I'eiiL a
A. W. LK1SENHINO, Prcsiflsnt.
P. J. FKRGUHON, Vice Presldia)
J. R. LEIBENRING, Cashier.
S. W. YOST," Assistant CafVtsr
Open Daily From 9 1c
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
Easily. Quickly,
Permanently Restored,
and at hi train of evil i
1 roni early errors or later
exceiwes, tlio results ot
oicmork, sieknom.
worn, etc Fullstreiigth,
derclopnient and torn
Kb en to ev ery organ ana
portion of the liody
Rlmpli". nntura 1 method n.
w en. I-nllurc Impopillile.
2,ao refercncis. Hook,
exptoiiatlon nnd proofi
mailed isealcd)frcc.
ail. .
Kfdlral Offleer, r3 H. :ifi'i:
iromeoMesr in Amen
fliieclnl ItlseuM
Vartciici In, i' ,'nn -I--.
TrOAfmenl " r Ifir '
nniiili atl -ni ..rr -i' . , -:
Hook, oil, , li-.i-ri: .) -JJi
All illy K.Ki.i. ., s
Chris. Bos&ler'a
(Mann's old stand)
Z04 South ain Street.
Finest Wines. whlRknva nnd r.lffAra ftlnrnva Its
stKk. Fresh Beer, Ale nnd Porter on tap.
uuxii-u xeiuponiuce xiriuKf.
A revolution
In corset makinc!
bometuinc new
No breaking ; nou
rusiinc; iiowrinK-
1 1 iip?. 1 11 111 uk r tmu
cleaner than
whalebone, and
times as elastic ami
nru bio Lad es do ishted.
in all shapes. For suit' by
Shenandoah, Pa.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Mnnugor Bheimiidi ah Branch.
P -Ma PopuSar Saloon,
ctfonrsrlj Joe Wytt'h
n121 Wast Oak Street,
nr nvicsed with tho best beer oortor. ales.
stskiwi, bisndies, wloea, etc. rmest cirars
ni mrMr.(. coraisi mvustion to ail
194 North Main street, Shenandoah, Ta.,
Ioe Cream wholesale and recall.
Plonlas and'parttes8upplied on short notice
I3J tionili Mitln Hticet,
Sl3.exk.axLdloai, tr,.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In eyery
reB) ect. Vi e respectfully sollolt a stare of
your pat ronoge. (i rods rs lied for and delivered
Sillt ties and Lsce Curtains a specialty.
Wheelwright Shop
Has been removed to Pear Alley,
Uetwcen Centre and Lloya Streets,
Wheelwright work, Carriage nnd
Wngon builuuig, llorsesuooing
and General Repairirg of nil '
kinds promptly attended to.
a. s.
wr:mw a
HBi inoowiiMpuai. j'ohiti,-, ,,1,'; .'ni'.'.'A'.siiSl