The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 12, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
M. JL. BOKlt........ .l'rnprtelor
M. a BOXJSlt itdllor and l'HbUthgr
W. J. WAKINB Lotal Bdtlor
ii M. liOVKK ... lltiiiMf Mitnryrr
The 5CVKH1NO IIbham) baa a larger otroula-
Won In Uhenandoah than any otiier paper pub'
Itofced. Hooka open to nil,
JUAILT,,cr J 1.1.1 .....ft X)
"WI1KLY, pT oar, ............ 1 00
ArfctrHtlnu Males.
Transient, 10 oanl per lino, Hrat Insertion ; ft
aanta per line wich subsequent insertion, K&tfle
or regular advertising can be bad on applica
tion at tho office or bv mall.
centered at the Postoffloo. at Shenandoah, Pa.,
for transmission through the malls
aa second-class mall matter.
BitAMi Uio new tax be on earnings
or on whiskey, on Incomes or on in
rocb, as it were?
Tiik blood of thousands of murdcreil
industrial establishments cries out
against tho Democratic tarifl policy.
Van AliilN has refused to accept tho
Italian missiou. Now, if Lilliuokalanl
would refuse tho throuo of Hawaii the
President might bo happy yet.
Ik this market is "too narrow, ",as
President Cleveland says it 1?, for our
manufacturers, how will it be improved
by largely increasing importations?
Tjik intelligent n ale citizens of this
country are divided into claseesat this
moment: Thoso who swear at the re
sult of the industry smashing policy
of the Democratic party, and those who
want to Bwear.
Tim industrial and commercial
itatistics of the United States for the
yrcar 1893 will be a sickening exhibit
tlon of the disastrous folly of entrust
ing tho Democratic party with the
power to govern or, rather, tho op
portunity to govern, for it !b capable
only of misgovemmeut.
Db, Pakkukst, of New York, in his
crusade against vice and immorality,
has had thrown upon his hands a big
ger task than he at lirst anticipated.
On Bunday he made a stirring appeal
to,thu large audience present for pecu
niary aid to enable him to furnish
homes and food for the fallen woman,
who In this particular crisis of atlairs,
have manifested a disposition to aban
don their evil ways and henceforth
lead virtuous lives. It is not stated
whether the appeal was liberally re
sponded to or not. That it should
have been needs not tho saying. . ..
The couditionfof the employed in
Chicago is indeed terious. According
to the estimate contained in a dispatch
notlebs than 117,000 people in that
city are out of work and in tore need
So alarming is the situation that the
Illinois Conference of Charities and
Correction has started a movement to
laisea fund of $1,000,000 for thedeserv
lug and needy poor. Presumably
great pains will be taken in distribut
ing the money to those seeking assist
ance. The bare announcement of
such a monement is suilicient to draw
to Chicago numbers of people who
llud living on charitable funds the
easiest way to live.
To whom does a private letter belong
-when ouco It has been mailed ? Ac
eoidiug to a judgment just rendered by
the British courts of Justice it is to the
post olliee, in which the ownership
Is vested until ite delivery totheud
drtwftttt. It was a failure to appreciate
this foot that led to th cate which has
resulted in this decision. A chemist
at Prteton buying written aletterand
mailed it wished to get it back. With
that object In view he wentto the post
oilice, specified the address on the en
velope, pretended that he desired to
send it by special delivery, at the Banjo
time putting down sixpence as the
payment of extra postage. Deceived
by thM proceedings the clerk hunted
up and produced the letter to have the
sixpenny stamp stuck on, No sooner
did the writer get hold of the letter
t ban be toie It to fragnuutti, asserting
he bad a right to do wbat be liked
"with hl own property. Hla view of
Um matter, bowevtr, wai uot accepted
ither by the Post Office Department
or by the courts, and be was fined $26
Xr olfeiioe.
7"he War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Inillnmi contributed lirr thousands of bravo
uldifi-H to the war, and no state beats a bct
it inrord In that respect than 11 iloes. !
nvratiiri! It Is raplill; iicqulrliiK ui.
nlablu nlaro. In war and lltointiiio
ilonioii Yewull, well known iih a wilier uh
.nI, ban won an honortihle position. l)ur-i-t
tlm Into war bo was a member of Co. M,
1 N. Y. Cavalry and of tho 13tli Indiana In
'iiry Volnnlenrs. lioKiuilliiK un iuiiwrtiuit
i.riimstaneo bo writes as follows:
M'vural of ns old veterans hero ate using
i Miles' Itostnratlve Nervine, Heart Cum
ml Xervo and Liver Pills, all of them Klvlnir
londlil satisfaction. In furl, wo bnveneer
i d remedies that romparo wltn t bom. m
i I'llls we must say they are the bel eom
intlon of the qualities leoulied In u prep
riim of their naturo woiune over know n.
e tin none hut words of priilso for them
i.ey am the outgrowth of a new principle In
'Heine, and tono up the system wonder-
illy. Wo say to all, try those remeiliis."
wilotnon Yowell, Mnrhoi. lnd., 1 ic-i'. fi, IStffi
I'liews remedies aro wild by nil (liUKtfli m
.! Hive guarantee or M'nt illicit In tl.i
Miles Meilleal Co., lllkharl, I ml. nn i
ii.i of prlco, SI per bottle, six boltle&W.e-
-.prepaid. Tlioyposlttvelycoutulnneillio;
' I i's nor dangerous druK
Held for DrnjfKiliK uud Jtobbrry.
Com MiiiA. l'a.. Dec. 12. Harry Welsh
mid Ilnrry Senls, both 22 years of age, were
turesteil mill lotlfreil in jail here on n
chnrfre of drugKiiiK and robbing Ellwood
Ilaumker nnd Joseph Sloat. The men
were drinking together, and Welsh
drugged the drinks, (stupefying Ins vic
tims, after which he and Seals robbed
them of their watches and money. Uotli
have been held for trial.
Cmt of till! Lehigh Mr lice.
Philadelphia, Dee. lli. A meeting of
tho board of directors of the Lehigh Val
ley linilroad company will be held this af
tcrn'oon, at which, it is said, a statement
of the losses occasioned by the strike will
be submitted. Olllcials estimate tho loss
at over $2,000,000.
Itcbel Victory 111 Mexleo,
El Paso, Tox., Dec. 12. A -Mexican who
arrived hero from tho interior brings a ru
mor that tho federal troops and revolu
tionists have fought a battle near Cus-
thui ioeliic. loo miles west of Chihuahua,
ud that the federal soldiers were lo'iu'd,
Reduction in V,nEC nt CnrnciRlo IHlllfl.
l'lTTSiunto, Dec. vs. un ,ian. I em
ployes at four mills of the Carnegio Steel
company will suffer big reductions In
wages. The fact that the pay of the
Homestead mill workmen will be re
duced has already been announced. In
the two city mills nbout. 1,000 men aro
employed; at Heaver Falls about 700 men
rtnd at Homestead 3,800. Altogether the
new schedule will uiTect more than 8,000
Ives Wins tlio l'lrst Game.
New Your, Dec. 12. The big three cor
nered blllinrd tournament between Jacob
Schaefer, CJeorgo Slosf-ou and Frank C,
Ives for a stake of $1,500 and a 1-2-0 divi
slon of the gate receipts was auspiciously
begun in tho concert hall of MndlBon
Square Garden last night. The first match
was between Slosson and Ives, and was
won by Ives by a soore of COO to 500. To
night Slosson will meet Schnefer.
Prize l-'lKliterii Al-rerttml.
Nauoattck, Conn., Dec. 12. The ten
round light between Tommy ltyan, of
Bridgeport, and Joe Guthrie, of Chicago,
in the Natigattick Opera house last night
ended in the greatest confusion. Guthrie
was completely knocked put in the third
round, and both men were arrested a few
moments later.
Good Nflffl for tho Unemployed.
IjKBANON, Pa., Dec. 12. There is a prob
ability that within the next fortnightNo,
1 Colebrook furnace, of this city, and the
Lebanon furnaces at Mount Lebanon will
resume, after being idle for months.
This means employment for nt least 500of
the thousands of unemployed men in this
Constable Arrested for Itobbery.
Gkeensiiuiio, Pa., Deo. 12. Constabl
.T. M. Hamilton, of the borough of Ugo
nier, was arrested, charged with being one
of the parties who robbed and brutally
beat old man Haughney and his wife near
there a few days ago. The old lady was
badly hurt by the robbers.
Stole tile Poor Hor.
Patkbson, N. J., Dec. 18. A thief en
tered the German Lutheran church in
this city while the servioe was in pro
grass and stole the poor box. The box is
only opened one a year, and that is at
Christmas time. It 1 supposed that th
box contained over ISO.
A Fenny Coiinterfoiter'fl .Sentence.
PlllLADKLl'liiA, Deo. 12. Harris Pessar-
off, who was convicted of manufacturing
counterfeit pennies, was sentenced by
Judge Butler to pay a fine of $50 and to
Imprisonment of two years and six
months in the Eastern penitentiary.
Arrpited for l'orgery.
CArtLlSLK. Pa., Dec. 12. Samuel Hoth
the agentof the Standard Sewing Machine
company, of Pittburg,was arrested at bis
home near Aewvllle, cuargeu wuu tor
geries by which the company will lose
$1,000. lie was taken to l'ittsburg.
An Ez-IktuU President Sentenced.
Little Bock, Ark., Dec. 18. Judge San
boru overruled a motion for a new trial i
the Allis case, aud sentenced the prtsone
Horace G. Allis, ex-president of the t'ir
National bank, of this city, to three yeai
Mrt. Hnllldity Cats Her Throat.
MOHTICKLLO. N. Y.. Dee. 18.- Mrs. Hal
Hdar. the murderess, cut her throat yes.
tardar with a niect of window glass and
bled freely, it is believwl, however, that
sbo will recover.
Prosident Poixoto Probably Pro-
paring for a Battle,
MInUter Mcndnncii IVars That tlio Deser
tion of Admiral (Imua Will bo Followed
by That ir the Whole Nitvnl lrurne A
lttiynlUt Move.
Wasiiinoion, Dec. 13. Tho navy de
partment has received a enble dispatch
oni Hlo de Janeiro that indicates preti-
nrations by Prosident Peixoto for n big
battle between ills forces and those of Ad
miral Medio. The dlspntch is from Cap
tain Picking, commanding tho United
Hlates naval force at Hlo, and, in substance
Is as follows: "The Brazilian government
as requested foreign consuls to warn ves
sels to move from their present nnrhor-
nge, and has drawn a line within which it
will bo dangerous to venture. This will
revent tho loading and unloading of
It is not known how far this may inter
fere with the enmmerceof Itlo, The navy
partment is left in the dark as to tho
purpose of the order. It may bo, it is sug
gested, that the erection of a new battery
is contemplated, which would make the
present anchorage dangerous.
The Brazilian revolution has assumed a
new nnd much more serious aspect, by the
declaration of Admiral Gnmn in favor of
tho revolution and of n restoration of tho
mplre. Minister Mendonca, of Brazil,
who bns been most active in assisting tho
Peixoto government, does not seek to bo
little th o seriousness of Gama's defection.
"1 know Ga I hi personally nnd most in
timately," said tho minister, "and I rea
lize that he gives tho rebels a power nnd
prestige they hnvo never before had. Al
though he is a rear admiral of thesnmo
rank as Mello, yet Gnmn is recognized ns
the most popular and most able, man in
the navy. Tho entire nnvy Is likely to
follow Gama, for lie has a controlling in
fluence over most of the olllcers, and those
who would not follow him through respect
would do so in fear of him."
The minister was asked what elements
of strength were now commanded by the
Admiral Gaina has two protected cruisJ
era and two lesser warships intido the
harbor of Uio, said he. "Admiral Mello
has the ironclads Aquldaban and Repub
lica outside the harbor. Then there aro n
number of small ships which are likely to
follow Gama's orders. In fact the entire
navy is likely to be concentrated against
the internal resources and the army of
Senor Mendonca said that Gama's dec
laration in favor of restoring tlie empire
would probably stimulate tho exiled relics
of tho empire to contribute large sums to
ward the revolution. Ho proceeded:
I have little doubt that Admiral Gama
had assurances in advance from theso
wealthy and royal sources beforo he de
clared for tho empire. I know him to be
an exceedingly careful man, so that ho
would be likely to take precaution to se
cure in advance the co-operation of im-
lermllsts abroad. One thing is certain,
however, and that is that a monarchy will
never be restored in Brazil. Tho effort for
It by Gama may bring civil war and dis
rupt Brazil, but it can never succeed, as
Republican institutions aro too firmly
planted to bo shaken."
A Ten-Ycnr-Old Girl Kidnaped.
Columiha, Pa., Dec. 12. Sadie Stocker,
red 10 years, who was brought here from
Blnefield, W. Vn., to attend her father's
funeral, was kidnaped on Saturday night.
Stocker and his children formerly resided
here, but moved south ten years ago. His
housekeeper, Mrs. L. A. Carper, who had
charge of Sadie, asked tho relatives to let
the children return south. This was re
fused. After the funeral Mrs. Carper and
tho child disappeared. It is presumed
that the child lias been taken to West
Virginia in order to secure $5,000 Insur
ance money duo, because of tho death of
her father.
8bot by a "Scab" ngincor.
Pmtii Amiioy, N. J., Dec. 12. The rail
road strikers at this place have been quiet
since their little riot on Saturday night,
when John Fitzgerald, 20 years old, was
shot In the arm by hdward V. Corns, nn
engineer who took the place of the strikers.
Engineer Cams and his fireman, John
Fulton, declare that they will stick to
their work in spite of the objections of the
strikers. There is considerable feeling
among those who wen! m:t on strike be
cause they have not been reinstated.
Cleveland's Nicaragua!! Policy.
Washikoton, Dec. 12. An evening pa
per prints tho following: "It is currently
reported that the prosident and secretary
of state have in contemplation a measuro
intended to give material government aid
in the construction of the groat inter
oceanic canal across Nionragua In the In
terest of American commerce and Ameri
can Institutions. Credence to the report
Is given by tho favorable treatment tho
canal scheme received in the president's
message to oongress."
Hawaii News from Japan.
Yokohama, Dec. 12. The steamer China,
which left San Francisco Nov. 21 and ar
rived at Honolulu about Nov. 88, has just
arrived here. Passengers state that when
the steamer left Honolulu members of the
provisional government were resolute in
their declaration against the restoration
of the monarchy, and openly expressed
their intention of resisting to the utmost
any attempt to restore the queen.
the mind of the woman
who knows the be6t modi
cine for her aches, pains and
weakness, Is to be found in
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. It 13 a remedy
which corrects and cures
tho distressing derange
ments and diseases peculiar
to woman, builds up and
strengthens her system when
she's weak, run-down and
overworked. For an in
vigorating) restorative
tome, sepeei&lly adapted to
woman's nesds the "Fa
vorite Preemption " Is so
positive in i affect that it
is croaTBiifVrft. If it ever
fail to Leij(4it or cure, in
caes for vt hit-b it's adviised,
you have your money back.
What el n icon be "just
as iiod" forljou ?
For ber.i uK-down sensa
tions, ulceration, inflamma
tion, everything known as
-'teniae coiupiaint, una is
'a renudy that s safe, oer-
tain, aud proved.
Mr. JT. A. Wheeler
While Serving My Country
I was Uken 111 with plnal dtiraia and rheu
matism. When I returned homo my trouble
mi still with me, and I was conflnod to my bed,
unable to help myself for 22 monUia. After
taking itTen bottloi of Hood's Sarsaparllln I
was well and hare not sine ben troubled with
my old complaints. My wife was In ill health,
ufftrlns wltn headache, dizziness and dys
pepsia. She took tiro bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and feels lllie n nevr woman." Jameb A,
WnciUia, 1003 Division EL, Baltimore, Mil.
Hood's Pills ar the best after-dinner Pills,
assist dlgesUoc euro headache. Try a box.
MUiiilS Hint, rs lklll'-il.
PALBBMO. Dec. 12. Serious rioting took
place in The enmmuno of (jlardinello.
During tho rioting the town hall was
stormed nnd the archives destroyed.
Troops were nastily summoned, and a se
vere conflict followed. Finally the sol
dierH, mistaking an order, fired upon tho
rioters, killing eight of them and wound
ing fourteen others. Then the mob lied.
After the troops retired the mob entered
tho home of the town clerk and murdered
him and his wife, nnd after looting the
preinises,they departed.carrying the heads
ot their victims away with them on pikes.
A WIkciiiihIii Tovii Inundated.
Coi,AX, Wis., Dec. 12. Tho North Pa
louse river has overllowed its banks and
flooded the north end of Colfax. Tho dam
at Pnlonse has been washed out, taking
out a heavy wagon bridge nnd a boom by
which a million logs were held. Tho water
Invaded, tho houses, the residents of which
hud to bo taken out in boats. The town of
Kbherton, fourteen miles above hero, is
completely inundated, and tho damage is
heavy. Many cattle have been lost.
lnrnmpcteut Itailroaders Injured.
l'KKTll A.MDoy, N. .1., Dec. 12. Four box
cars were smashed and two non-union
men injured in a wreck on the linritnn
River branch of the Lehigh Valley road.
George Laruro had his right arm crushed
between two of the cars, nnd was inter
nally injured. John Gallinger was like
wise crushed in the wreck. Three new
men were injured while coupling cars in
the yard.
Proposed Stnto Hanks for Virginia.
Richmond, Vn., Dec. 12. A bill has
been introduced in the legislature provid
ing for the organization of stnte banks of
circulation, based upon Virginlu state
bonds as a security for the circulation, the
act to take effect when the United Stnte?
statute imposing a tax of 10 per ctmt. on
th circulation of state banks is repealed.
JLOO per Bottle
nnren Coutrhs. Hoarseness. Soro Xhroat,
Croupnromptly: relieves Wlioopinc Coueh
and Asthma. For Consumption it has no
rival; has cured thousands where all otheri
failed; will cure Yon if taken in time. Sold
by Druggists on ajtuarsnteo. For Lame Hack
or Chest, use SUlfVoil'S PI-iASTEK. 25 eta.
Have you Catarrh- This remedy is guaran
teed to cure you. Price 60 eta. Injector free.
Sold by C. H. Hsgenhuch, Shenandoah.
Wheelwright Shop
. HaB been removed to Pear Alley,
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets.
Wheohvrio-ltt work. Carriatro and
Wagon building, Ilorsoshooing
and (icnoral Repairing ot all
kinds promptly attended to.
1XTANTFU. A equl cook ior all night work,
YV Apply at the Miners' reMnurant, corner of
Main and Oak streets, Shenandoah, Pa. 12 9-tf
TirANTuD A good elrl for genual
! T V,
Apply at 23 iv orth Main street. 0-3t
apply at Hihai.d office.
OR HALE. Nine shares Hchuylkill Trao.
tlon stock. Appiy at mis omoe. v-v-u
FOR SALK.CH EAP Two new Victor wheels,
Ladles' and gentlemen's latest Improved,
Also one-eigntn norse moier. luu ai ueu
Museum. 112 South Main street. 12 8-tf
OST. Between Emerlck street ard Ellen
j co won. a snm of monev amounting to he.
iween 350 and 360 Finder will be well 1 eward-
cd by returning same to II. J. Davids, n, 130
East Coal strt et. Shenandoah, Pa 12-8-St
rANtt ELECTION. The nnnual election of
It the stockholders of the Merchants' Na
ttonal Dank, ot Shenandoah, Pa., will be held
st the Hanking House, Tuesday, January 9th,
1894. between tho hours of 1 and 4 D m.. for the
purpose of electing thirteen (13j directors to
i-erve me ensuing year
12 9-5t nivw E. II. Hunteu, Caf hler.
l. f r KKW ARD will be nald for Informatl'
VtJu that will lead to the arrest and con
Mellon ot the persons who broke Into sod rob
uto my Biore on rasT vfuire Kireti p-itenan-doul...
Pa., on the night of Decembtr 7th, 18U3,
2'J8-3t Ji seph Mahuoib.
Lottos of ai ulnlstrtitlon on ineenUtuof
In Giiftln. late of the boroinh c Shenan-
douh -i-iiu:, lkill county. Pennhyl anla, t.e
it. s d.huve been granted lollury Ann Uilffln,
re Idlng tu the said borou.h, to whom all
persons ludebud to said estate are requested
to make paymtnt, anil those having claim or
demands, will make known the same without
delay. MiiiY Anm OairriM,
December 11, ISM. 12-UrOi-oaw
TIM I! TABLI IN IiriOI NOV. 19. 1898.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows;
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2.10, 7.49 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk,
weoic uayB, a. m., 12.20, z.ou p. m.
I-or ueaaing ana l-nuaaeipma, wees aays,
10. 5.. 7.211. a. m.. 12.24. 2.50. 5.66 n. m. Bud
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m
For Ilarrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a, m.,
8.60,6.66 p. m.
or Aucntown, weoic aays, 7.aj a, m., n.i,
50 p. m.
For l'ottsvllle. week davs. 2.10. 7.20. a.m..
12.20, 2.60, 5.6S p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30
ForTamaauaand Mahanov CItv. week davs.
2.10, 6.M, 7.(0, a. m., 12,80, 2.50, 6.M p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. tn., 4.88 p. m. Additional for
caananoy uuy, weex aays, iwp,E
r or uancasier ana uoiumoia, wgck uays, i.w
. m., 2.60 p. m.
For WllllamsDort. Sunburv and Lcwlsburt.
week days, 3.26. 7.20. 11.80 a. m.. 1.35. 7.00 pm.
Sunday, 3.25 a. m.. 3.05 p. m.
i or iviananoy 1'iane, weeK nays, s.iu. b.zu, d.,
20, 11.30 a.m., 12.26, 1.3), 2.50,5.65,7.00,9.35
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.23, 7.48 a. m., 3.00, 4.80 p. m.
For Ulrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
week days, 8.10, 3 26, 6 26, 7.20, 11.30 a. m.
12.26,1.36, 2.50, 6.56, 7.00, V.35 p. m. Sunday, 2.10.
.7.4B a. m., 3.UR, s.ku p. m.
For Ashland and Snamokln, week days, 3.26,
.25. 7.U. 11.80 a. m.. 1.33. 7.00. 9.86 n. m. Sun
day, 3.25. 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
TllAlB 1UU lll!.ftAISlJUAUi
Leave Now York via Phlladelpnia, week days
.00 a. m 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m.. 12.15 nleht. Sun
day, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night.
Leave New voric via aiaucni;nunK,weeii aays,
.00, 8.45 a. in.. 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leave PMladolDhla.Mnrlcet Street Station,
week days, 4.12, 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.00,
00, 11. so p. m. Hunday 4.UU, 9.05 a. m.,ii,30
. m.
Lcavo Heading, wcok days, 1.15,7.10, 10.05, 11.50
a. m., 5.66, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m.
i-eavo pousvuie, ween aays,, a. m.
:.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a
u., i.iu, v.o y. iu. guuuaj) u.v, i, u,.,
:.60 p. m.
Leavo Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 8.45. 9.18.
11.47a.m 1.61, 7.42,9.54 p.m. Sunaay, 8.40, 8.12
. m., o.w p. m.
Lcavo Mahanoy Piano, week ds ys, 2.40, 4.00,
130,9.35,10.40,11.69a.m..l2. 55,2.06,5.20.6. 20,7.67,10.10
i. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 5.01 p. in.
Leavo Qlrurdvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weekBdays, 2.47, 4.07, 6.38, 9.41 10.46 a. m 12.05,
2.12, 1.01, 6.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
vi, a. m., ii.4i, p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, 0.85, 12.00
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11,15 p. m.
r or iiammore, wasnington ana tne west via
. & . It. It., throuch trains leavo Qlrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. R. R.) at
mj, e.oi, 11.7 a. m., 3.00, o., 7.10 p. m. uunaay
50,8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 8.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Phlladclnhla. Chestnut street whirl
and South Bireet wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a m,
(Saturdays, 1 SO) 2 00, 3 00, 4 00. 4 30, 5 15 pm.
excursion 7 w a m. Accommoaauon, 0 w a m,
30, 6 46 p in.
Sundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, 830, 9 00, 1000 a
m and 1 30 d m. Accommodation. 8 00 a m and
4 45 p m.
Returning leavo Atlantic City depot, Atlantic
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express
(Mondays only, 6 45) 7 00, 7 36, 9 30 a m and 3 15,
4uu. d,u. 7 au. UQU u m. Accommoaauon. oou,
8 10 am and 4 30 pni. Excursion, from foot oi
Mississippi Avenue only, 0OC p m.
nunaoys express, 3 au. iiu, aw, o uu, u ou,
CO. 7 30. 8 00. 0 30 d m. Accommodation. 7 30 11
m and 6 05 p m.
u. u. 11AWUUUK, lien. pass. Agt.
Philadelphia Pa,
Passenccr trains leave Shenandoah for
Pcnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
hlghton, Slatlngton, whlto Hall, catasauqua.
Allcntown, Uethlchcm. Easton, Philadelphia
hazleton, Wcatherly, Delano an
City at 6.C4. 7.38, 9.15 m 12.43, 2.E
For New York, 6.IM, 7.38 . m.
ana xviananoy
m p. m.
.. 12.43. 2.B7
For Quakako, Switchback, Gcrhards and Uud
sondalc, 0.01, 9.15 a. m , and 2.57 p. m.
'or llazlBlon. willces-uarre. wnito liavon
Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly,
and Elmira, 0.U1, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 8.08 p. m.
r or ltocncstcr. uunaio, Niagara ana
the West. U.Oi. 9.15 a. m. 12.43 and 8.08 n. m.
For Helvldere. Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
i' or Liamuortviuo ana Trenton, d. Jt a. m.
For Tunkhannock.e.01. 9.15a. m.. "M. 8 08 p. m
For Ithaca and Geneva 0.04, 9.15 a. m. 8.08
p. m
r or AUDurn v.ia a. m. n. m.
For Jcancsvllle, Levis tonandlieaver Meadow,
7.3a a. m., B.27, p. m.
For Audenrled. Hazleton, Stockton and Lum
bcr Yard. 0.U4. 7.38. 9.15, a. m.. 12.43. 2.57,
6.27. 8.08 D. m.
For Scranton, 0.04, 9.15, a. m., 12 4a. 2.67
for uazieorooit, jenao, urnion ana i' reeiana,
0.U4, 7.3;, v.u, a. m 12.43, j.oj, o:-i p. rr.
For Ashland, ulrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.62,
7.61, 8.52, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.16
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmcl and
snamokln, 7.uo, B.5U, ii.uh a. tn., 2.28, 4.4U,
r or x atesviue, i-am l-iacc, Mananoy uuy ana
jjeiano, o.ui, i.aa., n.uo a m., i-.u,
6 27. 8.08. 9.33. 10.28 D. m.
Trams win leave snamomn at,, 11.40
m. i.65. 4.30 9.30 n. m.. and arrive at Shenan
doah at 7.38, 9. 15 a. m 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. b bu. 7. 38
9.08, 9.15, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.10 5.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leavo Fottsvillo for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.35,
9.05, 10.15,11.49 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.15,7.5.',
10.UU p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04, 7.39..9.15
a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
xjeave nazioion ior snenanaoan, i.m, iv.w,
11.00 a. m., 12.15, 2.1-5, 6.30, 7.25, 7.65 p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost
ureeu, 7.., u.tu a. m.,, z.ia p. m.
jyor xaieaviue. l'arK nace. Mananov uiiv
Delano, Hazleton, Mack Creek Junction, Fenn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
uethicnem, isaston ana now York, s.4u a m.
12.30, 2.55 p. m.
i'or jnuaueinnia iz.zu. d m.
W V.leantlta Da.1t Ula.a
Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 1.40 6.03 n. m.
jL,eave uazieion ior sncnanaoan, o.isu, 11. '
a. m.. 1.54. 5.30 D. m.
Leave Shonandoab lor Pottsvllle. 6.50. 8.40,
9.80 a. m., 2.45 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m.. 1.85. 6.15 a m.
II TI WIl.HTTT? Hnnl Hunt Pnatsrn llln
aouin iscmienem. ja.
OIIAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
A. W. NONNEMACUER. Asst. G. P. A..
South liothlehem Pa,
SOIinTLKILL n(visioi),
Kuviuuitii mill. leiw.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for Wiggau's, GUnerton, Frackville, New
castle, Ht. uiair, pottsvuie, uamourg, neaaing,
Pottstown. Phcenlxville. Norrlstown and Phil
adelphla (Uroad street station) at 8:00 and 11:45
a. m. ana :io p. m. uu weeuzuays. f urjro,BH'
vllle and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Fraokvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00. 9:40 a. m.
ndH:10r. m. For Uambunr. Readlntr. Potts.
town, Piioanlivllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
aiu:uu, uiwa. 9au p. m.
Trains leave Fraokvllle for Shenandoah a
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. anas:4up. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:15,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at iu:ua. m. ana d:id p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Ilroad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 36 a m.
4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at o 50 a m. f or poitaviue, lain.
For New York Kinross, week davs,
at 3 SO, 4 05, 4 50, 6 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 11 00
11 11 a m. 12 00 noon. 12 44 p. m. (Limited Ex
press 1 06 and 4 50 p w.' dining cars.) 1 40,
2 30, 3 20, 4 00, 5 0U, OUU, CbU, 7 20, o 12,
nn,--. inn, '.lw C..,fla a art J rtK A trt
5 15, 8 12,9 50, 11 031135. a m, 12 44. 1 40, 2 30, 4 00
(limited 4 do) 0 &U, 0 w, o do. 7 jo ana a ix p m ana
1201 nti?ht.
For Sea dirt. Long 11 ranch and Intermediate
stations, sv, 1114 a m, ana 4uu. p
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50. 7 20. 8 31,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 12 10, (12 35 limited dining
car,) 1 30, 8 48, 4 41, (5 16 Congressional Limited
I'unman 1 unor iuro ucu .uiuiuk turj, uiit
U55. 7 40 and 1183 d. m.. week davs. Sun
days, 3 60,7 20, 9 10, 1118 am.. 12 10, 4 41, 655,
11 is ana nuiim,
For Richmond, 7 00 a m, 12 10 and 11 33 p
dallv. and 1 30 n. m. week davs.
'Pmlns will feuve Harrlaburtr fur I'ltVsbun
ana the West every dy at I 20, 8 10 u m, (1 30
m limited!. i 50. 7 30. 1 1 55 n ni overv oh?.
Way tor Alioona at 8 18 am and 6 WJ p m every
uay. rot ruisuurg auu jtiwuna 11 an
tiv&rv dav.
Trains will leave b anbury for Wllllamsport,
Niagara Falls at 1 36. 6 It a m.uid i 36 p m week
aavd. rur umirii ti r. p m nten uiys, put
Erie ana intericiAUute pL.niu mb IS a at dally,
for Lock Haven at 18 and 9 66 a in dally, 1 36
and ilium weak dava For Kenovo at 0 18 1
m, 1 Ni and 5 41 pm nek days, and f IBs m "0
bunoas only. For it. an a at a is am, uauy,
Kti week days,
Gen'l Manner
J. K. Vroon,
Wea'l Pass'c'r Act
'I'll L U I I A V IL'ML'nflUL'U I
A Famous Play,
100 nights in New York C ity at tho
Madison Square Theatre.
Mr. Augustus Thomas' 1
Four act comedy drama,
From tho story of
Ily Mrs, Frances Hodgson nnrnett, under tj
nirecuon 01 a ij. scammon.
Prices, as, 50 and 75 Cent
Reserved Beats at Klrlln's drug store.
First Mational Banll
gtaenundonti, Pet) -r
A. W. LEISENHINO, Presldont.
1. j, riiuuuctuiM, vioe rrestana
. R. LEI8ENRING, Cashier.
H. W, YOST, Assistant Cashlsil
Open Daily From 9 to ?i
Interest Paid on Savings Deposi
Easily, Quickly,
Permanontli Restore J
and all the trAln nt rvl
from early errors or lat I
exceshett, the results I
overwork, sloknosl
worry.cta ifunetrcnga
development and ttn
given to every organ a j
fiortlon of the bocl
HmDle. natural mcthO'fl
Immediate ImnroTemefl
ncrn. Failure ImDOBRtbl
2.0SO references. BocJ
explanation nnd procD
monea tseaieaj iree. 1
nmieal Offlew. 205 N.SfXOXu Kt.Villatl'a.R
Varfcoi-filGL IIvlrir.f. (. tii r I - Manhw
Troafttipnt I17 s.all 1 Co
muulcatU'tii ssvti Ninfii u tarap
tW. All aay baurddi f . t ,A
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
104 Woutli iWaiu Street.
Finest wlnee. whlskevs and clear always
RtfVftr. FrftRh Her. Ale and Porter on tl
Choice Temperance Drinks.
A revolution
In corset making!
Something new I
No breaking ; no
ling. Thinner and "
cleaner than
whalebone, and tent
timRs B.a elastic and
durable Ladies delighted. Made
In all shapes, ror sale by
Shenandoah, Pi
Celebrated Poiter, file and k
ManuRer Shenandoah Branch
Piatt's Popular Saloo
(rormerly Joe 'VTyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Stred
Bar stooVea with the best beer, porter, tl
ifhlakiee, branaies, wines, etc Finest ell
iiu Mr,rih Main street. Rhenandoah. Pa
ntnjitnnirn niimii lun finVLiPftTl Al
iviiiii.iiAAi.K lis h a k ami i,nirr,iii in
Ice Cream wholesale and retail
Picnlaa andlparties supplied on Bb'Tt i
ntiiinir II i nn I 1 III,
WLI JIU ! H It N II 1. 1 111
I3J Boutli Mnln Birect,
resieot. we rtape-tfu'iy hoiuit a sbai
a 1 1 vnrir triinrHn th 11 iu nc in i-v iuia iu
fcjilk ties and Laco Curtains a speuiuu;
3 i