The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 06, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    he coiuiimi) suicide!
Tho Cause and Its Losson.
Why did lie commit suicide 7 Oil I for
lliosamo reason that thousands of others lire
on the verge of tho same sin, or in itiiino
di.ito danger of insanity. jKiralvsis, itlutcy,
or some other equally unfortunate result 't
anv nervous affection. Ho knew lie win
nlllicted with u nervous disorder, iml n.
careless, amiatenllv iuilillereiil to the out
coino ; or ho m ly have lessened his chances
for recovery by treating with physicians
wiio had little .,r no knowledge of Mich af
fections, or by deluding himself with worth
less so-called remedies. His csuie was a sud
one, but no worso than that of any other
nervous sufferer, who lias nervous or nick
headache, biliousness, diasineM, irritability,
melancholy, failing memory, hot Hashes,
fitintlncr, sleeplessness, nervous dyspepsia,
sexual debility, epilepsy, etc. Tho same or
similar consequence are likely to result to
any one who bag any of tlieso advance
symptoms of an awful end. Do not hesitate
m i?ttiiig rid of them by intelligent treat
inent. l)r. Franklin Miles, tiie celebrated
snci-ialist, lias stmlieil nervous diseases over
years, and has discovered the only re
name remedy lor tlicm. Thousands of vol
untary testimonials provo tho virtues of Di
f;!.. ui xt !....
Alonio narkcr. of Clinton. N. Y.. writes
win so atlllcted with oxtrcmo nervousness Hint
I was on tlio vcrpo of insanity. My hands trem
bled so that I could scarcely feed myself. I used
twelvo bottles of Dr. Miles' Ilontoratlve Nervine,
and was cured. It Is with pleasure I recommend
this wonderful remedy for nervous troubles "
"I had been n great sufferer from chronic
ncauacne until l negati, atioiit Tour monthn airo,
to uso I)r Miles' Restorative Nervine H'ld Pill'
Hlni-o which time I havo not had a headache
several 01 my inonus are muiK I)r Miles' Rem
edies, and lind them, as I did, to be more thai
you claim for them." Mrs. Mary Kister, I.c
Ancies, t;ai.
Ws II Capwoll, eilltor Tribune Plymouth. Pa
tY rutin ; ity wnu wits cured OI SICK lieftiltu'lll'
many years' standlmr bv tho Ufo nf l)r Mil
lte'toratlve Nervine. She has recommended ll 1
her friends, and thev all tiralse it hlchlv "
l)r Miles' Hestoratlvo Nervlno Is sold by nl
tiniRKisis on a positive- Ruarantoc, or pent din
bythoUr. Miles Medical Co.. Klkhart. Iml.. .
receipt of price. SI per bottle, six bottles for
express prepaid. It Is positively free from npinii
ordanserous druirs. I)r Miles' Pills, SO dote-
aararni. rree dook at uni?r;tat. or ny ninll
No. 2(17 West Coal Street,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for tho
X Chas. ilettlg's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vicinity, also Borgner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Main Street.
Spoenh It tutored.
For tlve years I Buttered with pain and dls
charge of the tbroat, hacking cough, frontal
headache, weak eyos, &c at times, could not
talk above a whte-per; lost weight continually,
and not a le to work. I was treated Kv the
i)C6t physicians in the county, but received no
TL-nei. Alter Riving up uu copi
mended to tie a bottle of Mayers' Magnetic
Catarrh Cure. After using It for four wctku
my speecti returneu. au symptoms of Catarrh
have disappeared and "I (eel like a different
Mits. Elias,
Klk I.ick. Somerset Oo . Pa
The above Is one of the many testimonials
webnv." received this week, and we will publish
every two weeks ftidltlonsl persona having
Deen cureu oy our marvelous meaicioe. Try &
bottle and be cured at once.
Maybhb' HhuoCo,,
Oakland, Aid.
For salo by druggists.
Mayers' Magu. tic Oh tarrh Cure is the only
medicine used by vapor Inhalation, and la
guaranteed by your druggist.
Horses ano Carnages to Hut.
Hiullar of kit kinds promptly attended to.
Horses taken to board, at ratM
that are liberal.
On PFAR ALLEY, Hear of (he Coffee Bona
We are now prepared to till ordors
In large or small quantities at our
wholesole and retail store. All orders
executed -with care and promptness,
9 UlSw 8 B.JardinBt, Shenandoah, Pa.
(Corlet. Uowler's old stand.)
MUH aua coal NtH.. Hhenaiidaau,
The IIdmi
at beer, .! ro uori.-r on tap.
hhliilan. i i w ami ( 1M.rfl. Tnnl nvtn at
rH Mn0.nttlrAnitl. lStiTt,nroofanniluu.DaMBT
n hookilluatrHtM?imiifefromiwpieoaieeeS
rXI fiuo uj iuU. Nothing Will car. H
Hi cook hchibv ea. chicno, m.
Intoreating Statemont from To
day's London Times.
n linpnrtnlit Mri'tlng nf the Itrbcl Lend
era, at Which It la llrrlilrd That the
trputillr Unflcr I'rmddrut I'elmto Huh
Oilllhcd Ita ITicriilncaa.
London, Deo. 0. The Times this mom
inK piilillslies tho following letter, ilatetl
Xov. 14, from its Hpeclnl curnwHiiulnt at
liio de Janeiro:
In reviewing the cnusen lenilln up to
the revolt, The Tl mm corraxpniuleut nays
tlmt with the fnll of Doin Pwlro tlienrlntoc
racj' withdrew nil connection with tho gov
ernment, and tlmt the wealthy men who
were in office were then replncetf by needy
adventurers whoa hoIo object lins lieeit
personnl gain. Continuing tlio corrcn-
potident. says:
'President Peixoto opened his adminis
tration well, by cancelling the decree per-
""""'k me xjuiik in mo Kcpiiouc to con-
tlnue the issue of notes, which had been
done in the interests of a ring of specula
tors. Hut the hopes of reform were soon
disappointed when ho began removing tho .
governors of states in an underhand man
ner. Thenceforward he took tho bit in
Ids mouth and mtuV a series of blunders
and set nside the spirit and letter of the
constitution in every way." i
The Times correspondent then proceeds
to sluiw President Peixolo's alleged
breaches of faith regarding liio Orandodo i
Sul by persecuting those who had been cn-1
gaged In the revolt, which action led to tho 1
president's rupture with Admiral de .Mello,
who resigned tho olllco of minister of ma-
rlne in consequence.
.Much sympathy, tho correspondent adds,
was shown in liio de Janeiro for the peo
ple of Wo (irande do Sul who had been
engaged In tho revolt, and popular sub
scriptions were opened between May nnd
August, 180H, for the relief of the Insur
gent sick. These subscriptions .were
crowned with success, and it is said the
constantly swelling fund was very galling
to President Pelxotnand led to its creator,
Dr. Govern, being Imprisoned
Coming rapidly to the history of the
present time the correipondentstatos that
on Xov. 7 tho insurgent lenders hold a
conference on hoard the warship Auuida
ban, and discussed the question of re
establishing a monarchy in Brazil. It
was then shown that the stntes of Per
liambuco, llahia, Santa Catharina, liio
Grande and the majority of the popula
tion of Minas Geraes, San Paulo and an
important section of the city of Wo de
Janeiro favored n return to the monarchy.
It was thereupon decided that the efforts
of tho insurgents should be directed to
that end.
The fact that General Pego, a well
known monarchist, was In command of a
division under President Peixoto, and
that Colonel Mendcz, a violent opponent
of republicanism, commands the National
Guard, is positho proof that there was no
intention when the revolutionary move
ment first broke out of any attempt to re
establish the monarchy. It was an after
thought, engendered by the wishes of the
people In various parts of Brazil, and it Is
yet to be seen whether the insurgents will
innKe it, the aim of their present strutrule.
A Brazilian in high olllce has just re-
marm-u to liui Times corresnonden
that he believed the end of the year would
see the tlnlsh ot the I'nuturian system of
government In Urazil, no mutter which
side won.
tlrlovea Two Widows.
LASTAsrat, Pa., Dec. 0. Mary Grieves,
nnd Hannah A. Grieves, both claimlnc to
bo the widow of Archie M. Grieves, hnv
Ing applied to court for the appraisement
allowed fy law to each widow of a de
cedent, were yesterday granted a rule to
establish their right as the widow of thu
deceased, brieves died here Aug. 33, 1S03,
He came from Canada, and whilo here
married a woman who resided in Landls
valley, this county. She now annears in
the case as Hannah A. Grieves. Sincehis
death the woman who now appears as
Mary Grieves puts In her claim, and says
sue was mnrrjcu to lirlevcs years ago in
Ilnw a Strilcu Was Avnrtrd.
NEW I1AVKX, Dec. (!. Xjist bummer the
JNew lork and New Kuglnud Itailroad
company reduced wages along the lino,
anil m consequence a strike was threat
ened. It is now stated that President Mc-
Leod expressed a belief that he would be
able to restore wages on the 1st of De
cember, and said that he would inform
tho men if unable to do so. Thus far no
word has been received from him. but lui
restoration ot the old pay is likely.
Three l'rnbnbly fatally Injured,
AVaiirkk, ()., Deo. 0. A collision oc
curred last evening on the Warren and
Niles street railway. Two cars, running
at a nign rate oi speed, came together at
the foot of a long grade, and Mrs. Jules
Vnntrot, o Warren, and two other women
passenger were seriously and probably
iauuiy injured.
The Scotch Coal Millers.
Glasgow, Dec. 6. The delegates of tha
Scotoh coal miners have decided to call
out 17,000 miners at once. A resolution
was adopted asking Mr. Gladstone to In
terpose Ills good olllce to end the dispute.
it wat. dci idcd to call out every miner un
til the quest iuii is settled.
Humane Suit Airulnat Geo rue flonld.
Xkw Yohk, Dec. . Zftlla Nicholas, an
lS-yar-old girl, ha begun action against
George J.Gould in the superior oourt to
recover damage ror ftlooo on the techni
cal charge of having seized a check foi
that amount whteh lie had gives her and
which he refused to return.
Miners and Operators Tall to Agree.
PlTT8iiUi:o, Dec. 0. The coal miners and
operators of the Pittsburg district failed
to ngree upon a settlemtnt of the waei
ditlloulty nt the joint convention here.
Another convention will be held Friday.
when the minerswlll give their ultimatum.
ftt&te ttanlts for Georgia.
Atlanta, Dec. ft The Georgia house ol
representatives ped a bill providing for
me establishment ot a system of state
banks and the issuance of currency by tha
same lu anticipation of the repeal of the
10 per cent, state bank tax by congress.
reniMjIvaula's Xew Oil field.
WiLKKSHABBit, Pa., Jtee. ft There ll
ranch excitement among she fsjrmsrf ol
Busqueoauoa county over the aisovery
oi on. Agent oi tne HUuicutr uu
pauv are baying up
In that county.
a great ileal of la4
The Siiapcndril Nnwil Olllcrr Serma to he
Washington. Dec. fi. Commodore Stnn
ton, whoe action In snlutlng Ailmirnl
Mello, the nniKllliin insurgent, caused him
to be rwullwl from romniHtiil nf tlio
United Stntm fleet In Hriixllinn wntera,
lins arrived In Washington and reported
at the navy department.
Commodore Stanton was for along time
In the ofllce of tlin secretary of the navy,
and Immediately afterward left the Ie
liartment In an apparently cheerful frame
of mind. N'olhtng could he learned either
from him or from Secretary Ilerliert as to
Hie results of the consultation or as to any
rcllon that will he taken on his salute of
Admiral Mello.
Commodore Stanton entered the Hay of
Wo Oct. 90, havlm; been assigned to com
mand of (he srjuadrnn on that station. He
gave the customary salute of twenty-one
guns anil the Hag of the Vipiiahan, Mello's
uhlp. was dipped In reply, and an hid of
the rebel admiral called on the American
commodore. Stanton then called upon
Mello. was saluted and Mello returned the
call and was saluted. It has been claimed
that Stanton had no official lcnowlm1ir
that Mello was a rehel, and only recng-
"'cu i ue uraKiiiun nag, winch he was
floating. Nevertheless Commodore Stan
ton Was ordered home. Xo one else lias,
however, been appointed to his command.
Ilia Tliciitrli-nl Ambition Waned.
Wii.kwmakhk, Pa., Dec. ft. A young
man named Kdward Heiiny, of this city,
suddenly became possessed of t he Idea that
lie was a great theatrical mmiager. He
had a few hundred dollars In bank, which
ho drew out and at once began to organize
a dramatic company on a gigantic scale.
ny advancing car fare quite a number of
actors and nclresses came on here, lie
took them to ll ho-el anil liecmiw.
i for their board for two days. Then his
i motley gave out, and the dramatic people
! wore left destitute, while Heiiny, being
threatened with prosecution, tied!
Murdered in it Polish right.
Wit.KKMmiui:, P.i Dec. O.Ou Xov. 80
there was it free fight at Luzerne borough
between some Polandcrs. The next day
there was a funeral and Knnos Mozinsksi
was laid to rest In a neighboring ceme
tery. His countrymen said ho died of
heart disease. The district attorney re
ceived a letter on Monday from n un
known person saying that the man hud
been murdered, and an investigation
showed this to have been the case. Zor
cscial Iteicheshi has been arrested for the
Virginia l.gialatlte Oltlt-era.
Kirit.MoxD.Va., Dec. ft The Democratic
senate caucus nominated the following
officers: President, pro tern., John I,.
Hurt; clerk, S. 1). Pendleton; wrgeiint-nt-nrms,
'A. T. Weaver; doorkeeper, I,. J.
Gunter. The house caucus nominated as
follows: Speaker, K. H. Caldwell; clerk,
John Hell lligger; sergeant-at-nriiis, John
Carpenter; doorkeeper, A. (). Sullivan; as
sistant doorkeeper. P. K. Lipscomb.
nominations are equivalent t election.
Oorhett'a Training Onnrtera., Fla., Dec. (1. Delaney
and MeVoy. who will train Crhettforhii
coming light with Mitchell, yesterday
went to Mayport, at the mouth of the St.
John's river, to s3 what adviintiiires that
point; i-ohsesscd tor training quarter
inuy returned last night to this city ami I
expressed thuuuwlves as highly pleased
wiin .unyporc. Before deeming, howev
ttiey will visit Kt. Augustine and Ur-
The Long Ih-anch Iron I'ler Gone.
Loxa IJitAxru, Dec. !. The old iron nier.
which was built some years ago at a cost
oi uuu,umi, is now a thing of the past. Tin
pier was abandoned some time ago. Dur
ing u numberef stormsgrcatwectlons hav
torn away. Oh .Monday therB was less
man tnirty-live feet left. The storm yes
terday earnest it away, and there is now
not tiie slightest trace of the structure,
The DAnhllry 1 1 utter.
Dakhury, Conn., Dec. 0. Some of th
hat inanutui turers state that they hav
received a number of applications fo
work by mail from old employes. It
stated that a big New York hat jobber
uas agreed 10 asist, the strikers in start
ing a co-operative factory, mid the matter
has been referred loan attorney who will
draw agreements.
I'atally Injured by a Toldlug l!ed.
PlTTsm lid. Dee. 0. Frederick Sturm,
houthside saloonkeeper, died from the ef
fects of injuries received by a folding bed
closing on him. The accident hnimeneil
several weeks ago, anil when rescued was
unconscious. It wasfouud that his lungs
hud been crushed, and he was otherwise
internally injured.
An amvuuiMa 7 r I . .11 ...
f31ijy,l)nj,-'K"isTa"l'bi;!lt b'Jna.1. 350., SOo.
and jU.OOper park-ice. Famples tree.
The Vn vor'tp MMS PfiWBll
fori ho Teeth and iireaili,2So.
Captain Sweeney, l ,H.A.,i!anl')ieiro.Ctal .
unt "Shlloh-a Catarrh Kerned? ta ttie aiU
ledlclne I haveevprfminrtth. ur...,i.t T.
any good." Price SO eta. Sold by UruggiatZ
Do pt twoiMt a Cough, as there Is danger of
"Blooding to Consumption. Shilou'sOure
will save you a severe Lung Trouble. 1 1 Is the
best Cough Cure and speedily relieves Comrhs.
CrOUD. Whoonlnir flnimh un.l nmnnhltt.
la sold on a guarantee. Blots. '
Sold by C. II. Hsgenbueh, Shonaudoab.
Of holes in a skimmerl
Lots of ways of throwing awav mnnnv. On
ot tie best methods of e conomtilng ts to Insure
in lint olua, thoroughly reliable eompanlee,
either life, tire or acotdeiit, such as represented
No ISO Voinh Jardin street. Bfcenjuidoah. I's
Bottlers ot all kinds ot
1'K BMM s ftoeelalty. Alts bottlers of the
17 ana 10 VmttU Mtv, MIHXAXDOMI.
healthy flesh nature never
burdens the body with too
much sound flesh. Loss of
flesh usually indicates poor as
similation, which causes lite
Iosi of the best tint's in food,
the fat-forming element.
Scoffs Emulsion
of pure cod liver oil with hypo
phosphites contains the very
essence ot all loods. In no oth
er form can so much nutrition
be taken and assimilated. Its
range of usefulness is no limita
tion where weakness exists.
l'rJJrd liv Bontt & Bovmo. Chemlata.
New Vork. Sold hy all rirtuHista
Professional Cards.
Is prepared toirivo Instructions ntt nlnnn. nrcan
MriDK and b.lnd instruments. l?nr fnrtho. In.
lorrnaiion ran oo oraildron (i:iimi.Kit linos.,
.in. i i-iurin main street, onenanuoitn.
Offlco llcddall building. Shenandoah, l's
Hoom 3. Mountain Hltvllnnlr ll,.,...
VI. tu. X u,
OfBce Room 3. 1 O llnllrtln,- Hh.iu...
ai.d Esterly Imlldlng, I'ottsvllle.
jn. n. HociiLEitNEn,
Physician and Surgeon.
Advice ifrco at drm? stnrn. ifyr Rnnii. mi
street, l'rlvalo consultation t residence IVi
uuidiiram sircei, nomo to 7:w ). m
Offlco Northeast Cor. Main and Contre bu
licnandoah. over PH-ln's drugstore.
J I'lsnt'E KOI1KIITS, M.
No. 25 East Coal Street,
Oflloe Hours 1:3(1 1 3 nnda3:30 to tl p.m.
.1. S. O.M.LEN.
No 31 Pouth JardlnStrtet.bhonnndoHh.
UI'iiok llotius: 1:30 to 8 and ditto to 8 P. Jl.
Except Thursday evening.
Xn office work nn tiwtdtn extent bu nrrnnnr.
...i-r... ...(it winxTrrmKC tu inv cytcc lour
......Tescher ot
Having had Mxteon years' experience as a
teacher ot instrumental mu lc giving instruc
tion on the ebove instruments. Wi rd left at
oruinui s juweiry sioro win receive prompt at
jyj 8. KI8TLEK, M. D..
rnrmciAN and burgeon.
'lffloa 180 North Jardtn street. Mhensndonti
1317 ARCH St.,
lfi the 4illl' dl
Hlim-sHlrluilr rrialel
it aiilo in curu tlio unrtir
lint; i rem liltKid TuUun.
HnofUl IM-cuwKj. Kfrlctttl-t, Do.
l'lllt). (Il'chjt, Iiiipoteni'jv, ew
primary or wconiarj, u mutter wbft
Other vrrhc. r.rlut. uv. BilixnlH
guarftnlw), and all thf trains .fetll-. etc., by tliu ooitiMued
llopathlo, Ilumti- ipatblfl, and Kclwilo si-ma of nitnlli'lue.
Kellef Bton.-f. Frthrittacitp4fn4ta(ii'ut. Svml liv
two-otmttitinpB fur bcKiic "TrMlli, -ihlug that will
aitoaiib Tiiu.aint s trun fri uti to uulftittg humatiitr atv)
thus C0nt4-niiJ.i'(D Uijrrtt-u, Hours dally t If 10 S: even,
ings, 6 to 6; htmlavs, 9ta IK H. B-wam of quack, thrtl
book Utetavuru auj tt ainluk-ut a-lrtirU H'mrata.
Home CureSwindie.
vtivr r. rkm;hi:fei,t n? a'
otiii ti-u 1 wn ts ytart r u
aulli-rad lu iguoranci- frum th. - i
of fvll kucIi motif )utig ut it ir i
fi-riiig fr uu lu 'laj . 1 wroiu tu u 1
tltutqtiuck ho clttiMfl to have u'i
frutn ( nsr IU' mint' 1 j tu j't i
time iih him. Upon rinding nut tt . i
waiaxogiit; I wrote u a fi Haw in Ml
tg,ia. Ml hIm clalmtai tu haMili nt,
a rvm4y that onrad him ami v,uul ,
ull tuttew diu4ea. Hv nuiukiit n i
tetn noDthfl, after which I n-iiili. :
Plillndt'lphla quai-k l-r mall in l
belnit swindled out irWb lii,i I n
lo anothef uuai.k. wlut Kuurant. . i . . .
wrorfM He ot th moDOf. ! thm wrni ti am. i
qua. K ho tialIUIitnahook taat n-arly rr&thtetm loutodk i
1 .afl litnif-IM afli-r he nvro that Uk oiiuld cmi' n. i
triad a Wi-fH rn conoeru ho naja lovoejr nnindi-dtf not out
Tlit; awinitl'fl mi nut or $tJ By thli U'i 1 .i i. it.
fr..m hltKid sou, discharifta, rlotBrr-v. nd .n a i
fiiflint fnmi AWt could noi ttaton account ol ih'r-ii
In n htHnm iriiahl6 and I tuti thin ai;lit All .t u,
1 loiisLlti-d iitti dotiorii (ca'.lnii th imtltik api. tint . u,
nn dual iurlluin and thru' l-ri-n odltia rarmw ' iinn -t t i
In !)!.. oiidiiiun I .-oksuiiM UK. iit t THi:KI
K H htrurt. Hblld-lihia II va tfaf ml )lu-
lit (iwfxrlj uxarnined mi and be prov4 iv is mi .
phk'lati and ijia!it in iho Iroe setisf of ti ..i.i
tiind uu. althoutfl, whtlo underpin tr atm. i I .f i
oouriine, thlnkliitf I could r jji-t urvrt, but U i J t
anrded I aoi m iiappi, hapt t.-ilnw oin-. u,t -n tl ,
onjoi Ufa. I advitt all uliiir. u to and wu-nK ,.(
TIIKKI. 1817 ilti ll Mr, . t
itr he cwnaiid will furo fter all ii'hfrt hare ftUi ,i
theoul luan whi Waowi ho i tAaulat )U'U' s1
kuo. what naodhitat rtallr ll, and who will U- uo . t . ,
pluilclau, but atrulritud with a btart aa il a
atuoiber. Sm nta or iMi4rv ofunv uu tt t1
ho pflblUhtd liultMM (site au 4.-".et: i l.Itu
The Man Who wrote the Sting
'He never titiret to wander
Frant Mt tun fin suit,"
ww Inspired while sitting- before one of my tine
and Ranges la tiie market and a huge stoek ot
Ilousefuralshilut Goods. l'lumhlnir .u.iu
. ..... u, o. w c uu iiiuu 111., nm.r l HBIH
aad Hpoutlog- a specialty. All work guaranteed.
or. of Lloyd and White SM.. Bbenandoah. Pa.
112 SNt. Miio St,
Opeu from 1 to P
and 7 to 11pm. daily
Change or program
twice a week. Ad
mission, 10 cu. to ail
parts. Children uu.
Ider l) yean, 5c. All
may oouie without
in Uo Hurry to Eestoro
Queen Liliuokalani.
That the lrnTMinn! flmrrmncnt Would
l"nll to I'lfi-e When Notified That An
notation Wa Impracticable Willi
May he duly an
I'obt TowncKNI), Wash., J)eo. 0. The
linrkentlne Klickitat arrived from Hono
lulu yesterday. She left four days after
the steamer Alameda tailed for San Frnii
teco. All was quiet tip to the time of the
tliip's departure.
In an Interview Minister Willis stated
that no change In the present situation
will take place for several weeks. Since
his arrival certain contingencies had
arisen and Mr. Willis had thouhl best to
submit these matters to Washington be
fore proceediiiK further to carry out IiIm
original liintriictlons. Any disorders would
lie promptly quelled. The ex-queeii'HSiip-porters
were much Incensed after the in
terview appeared.
After this statement rumors bcan to
fly about that the queen's stiiirtein
would make a final rally In her behalf.
The crews of the I'liltedKtiiteswBrvessels
riiiladelplila and Adams wore held in
readiness to be landed at a moment's no
tice. Tliu queen's advocate ciiino out the
next day with adeninl ot the Willis inter
view, suyliiK that he was liiwquotod, and
by Inference Kavo encouraKeiiient to the
Idea that Mr. Willis had or would receive
au imperative order to restore the queen.
Tim Administration Displeased,
Wasiukukix, Dec. 0. The htnte depart
ment wits evidently already informed of
the Hawaiian news received by the Asso
ciated Press so fur as it conveyed the in
tention of Minister Willis to take no fur
ther steps towards carryitiR out his in
structions until ho should hear further
from tho department, lint so far as It
conveyed tlio public utterances in Hono
lulu by the minister ot his intentions, it
was news to the depart ment, to the pres
ident and to tho cabinet. There were evi
dences to show that it as not nureenble
news, and the impression was conveyed
tlmt the administration is rather disap
pointed nt the manner In which Minister
AVllll.s lins tints fur conducted his mis
sion. It Is evident that, tho state department
received by the last stenmer the news that
Minister Willis had determined to defer
the cnrrylim out of his instruct ions until
lio had hoard furthrr from Ills govern
ment. It is ti fair presumption that the
revenue cutter Corvrin curries to him the
further instructions Tor which lie asked.
The pariiKrnph in the president's mexsiiKe
referring to Hawaii was written after the
additional instructions to Minister Willis
had been dispatched.
An Associated Press representative re
ceived from a reliable source an intima
tion of the iiaLtire of the policy intended
to be pursued in Hawaii. The extent of
the active influence intended to be em
ployed lu behalf of re.-Mintin I.iliiiokalnni
on the throne lias probably been exagge
rated. The purpose of the administration
is believed to be rather to act as an arbi
trator between the two parties in dispute,
and to prevail upon tlietn to agree be
tween themselves. This was contingent
upon the evident belief, based upon the
explicit assertion contained in a letter of
Mr. Blount, hat the provisional govern
ment would mil to pieces when notilied
that annexation was impracticable.
Enough is known of Minister Willis'
Impressions, gained since his arrival in
Honolulu, to make it certain that he does
not agree with .Mr. Illimnt in tho belie!
that the new government will be short.
lived. Whether this impression caused
his determination to awnit further In
structions from Washingt-n. is a mutter
of conjecture.
Congr.-smmu I.tlly'. Film-nil.
MauchC'iu'XK. Pa.. Oec. (1. Thrfi, nam I
of Congrossmnti-at-lnrire Willuun
took place from his home here vratnlnv
afternoon. The coiiKressional did
was oomposeu or senator Kyle, of South
u.lKoru, unrl Itepre'etitatives Alex. Mc-
uoweii, now aril JSIutcliler. John H. Rnl
iiison, jostah Ilicks and K. M. Woomer
of IVinnsylvaina: Stephen Xorthwny, of
vmio; i uarn-f, mrus, ol Kansas, and I
C. Tate, of Ueorgia. Tile delegation .was
In ohargo of Sergoant-at-arms Know", of
me house, anil JJeputy Layton, of thesen
ate. Tiie funeral was attended by many
distinguished men from all parts of the
Mushed Robber Sentenced,
PlTTHBUHCi, Dec. 0. Fi ve masked robbers
who tortured and robbed old Mrs. Logan,
at Corapolis, Pa., a few weeks ago, plei.ded
guilty when brought into court and were
sentenced to the penitentiary, the com
bined sentences aggregating lifty years.
Theyonug men were all well known, held
responsible positions, and previously had
borne good reputations. It has been
learned since, however, that thev were en
gaged In numerous other mysterious rob
beries in western Pennsylvania last sum
Mnj- riflit In JHokaonvllIe Now.
JACKSONVII.1.K. Fla.. Deo. a Lust asr.n.
lug the city council met and an ordinance
permiiiiug glove Aintests passed its sec
ond reading, only one councilman oppos
ing It. iho ordinance provides that the
contestants shall use live minim irinv.u
and contests shall be under the supervis
ion of the chief of police. Xo limit 1.
piacea ou tne nam her of rouudn. Pro
moters of the content' are minimi to nav
. .. j-i. i j
' -.' vi j 4M mm in eoac
rialtititt' i i oHS i . . ,i ,,.Kt..
Tin,,, , . . rv ..
nmiiiK seventeen auys, wuich uut the
siniei,jaiia lu whicli the nniiiitilT re
covered hut one cent liHumutM, i4.s jut
...u i.oiiipu in iho Lniieniien county
court. The plaintiff, Thomas R Heed,
sued Dr. Charles HunmiII tor&.O.iO for -ault.
The jury decided that the parties
were equally to lilmtie. The plaintiU uUo
gets one cent costs.
Ijlwve on Sunday,
Kansas City, Mo., l)e. .-K. B. wink
ler, toratuui of the Midland lntW shon,
was tried before a jury iu a juetiee eonrt,
cbartied witb violating the law by shav
)K a man on Sunday. The defense was
that the shaving was an act of necessity.
The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty.
Sh aimer Netel Huraxt,
Doteb, Del., Dee. ,-The Bright HoOMt,
at Uvboboth, a sumniw hotel, was totally
destroyed by f re. The auppoeed origin
was the iploslon ef lamp on Mm aeooad
Boor. Oh maa, a )a barer, wa leulatlie
tt. hMi
lirnr tell of a purchaser wanting
to buy nn imitation ? hy do
men who trv to sell such artieles
speak of the tat as "working
tlietn off?" Simply because peo
ple want the best, antl it lakes
work and likewise deception to
sell them the worst. Thi9 tin
pleasant experience may Ik 'all the
housekeeper who determines to
the new vegetable shortening'.
The healthfulness, flavor, and.
economy of this wonderful cook
it jar product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
Ilia attracted the attention of
) diskless parasites who are ' ' work
ing off" imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
nrmed. Be sure you pet the only
genuine vegetable shortening--.
Sold In 3 and " ikiiidiI pH(.
Made only by
1 ato of Mhamokin. has opened u
128 N. West Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Uo 1h prepared tn receive orders for all kinds
of monument nnd tombstone work which will
be done in a first class manner on 'hort notice
and "C),pon-iile , rm
55 Mlt-S
m un unnciies iu rears i
Seating sokes that S
DiNA Sabsai-arili v Co r m
Forvrmlj.-nrs I li. t ,(lcrl!,g from ll
l.n.l HI.i.mI Jiu I,.,. rttlll liy difft-reiitBa
SB'1" l1!" "si-nil Ply.i. lK,alt,.mluie,S
jHlim which In. III.-, I lb, kill ,f thun all ItauM
BSStr1..1"?. IUT1M1 A1VAYH
HI II I. 1 1, 1.SII lud Inttui; n IKrilHontE
SruitnltiK sore, shi.l, m ilnn-jr I(M
S "VfTii' '"" "" "v ! n i'i:vi:icn
B.. , . : '"'!' ,",0l"b" 1 c.iniiiH.,! t,,n
SnlS '! "'.'J iic- hteti uii:il,Ii- Ui viHlkS
, wiuioui , run ru-f for uirrlru i-iu-..
B lirt Full I pup il flir It1,
uf IJavliBr.,1 ltlit,., re , u. Hr.t.H
I tiwk It toilhfully, ond I ran nun ullcml toS
uJv""' ' ,,,'",'k1"1 wulk m-1iSB
anrlhliia that hanprtif at tho ur. wit day' IH
... I ani ry alnrprelv Tour.,
Malone.K. y. MKS. DLlVEB CHEHKIER. 25
I OraTLEMCN.-Wi. ciidi,.- t, of Mri.S
Ivaluabli iMnipnaiui. Wu In h. vo kn at.-uiu toH
bw..-mu I i t-tprv rei.4-t. m
Wearevftryrtiipctiull.vouri, S
Makip., .v. y. Wtoiea JaaSu. S
Dana Saruparlll Co.. Blfat. Maine. M
(Successors ti Coakley Bros.)
Xo. 3d Centre Mlrect,
Our Motto
Best OliiUlfv at I nwA... n..k
Patronage respectfully solicited.
Kaisers Oyster Bay!
x7 South Main Street,
A. P. KAISER, Proprietor.
IHrTae beat-oysters in all styles at all hours.
p. J. raaaotoH, uanaqbk.
DECEMBER 8 and 9.
Engfutement of the
Talented Young Tragedian,
Mi, James Young,
Capable Company of Placers
Friday fight, HAMLET.
Saturday tight, tUCffjtM ,
rrieS, 3 HMd f& Ch1.s.'
in. n fi! in:itiiiEn, Si
Uai.. ii . n v am