MEAL TIMES Do you ever consider the quality of the tsod you are eating? It may be Rood, it might fee bettor, purer, fresher and more wholesome. ! It not worth while to make nitre that jour Tt, OoflM, Hugar, nutter, Kggn, Hptces and Innumerable othor grooerles fire of the boat qualtty)Tliere In uoh a trifling difference in the prto4 of the beit and the wont that It cer tainly doe not pay t buy the worst, even on the false groind of supposed noonomy. The beet la always the cheapest, beoftuee the aoet mtwfaetory and durable, and the very toet of everything in the grocery line U kept nt Cur; Centre unci White Sts., HHIiWANIllUII, jl'A. THIRD EDITION THE KENSINGTON SUFFERERS. Muyor .Stuart Ar kiinu IuiIko Itocolpt of ll..ll. r KiiimIk. The following explains lUielf : "OmcEoi'iiiK JUviis, ) "I'hiladolphia, December 2, 189:j. J "Rev. llohert 0 Hoyle, Shennnilonh, Pa. "Dear Sib : The Citlaens' Permanent Relief Committee of Philadelphia begs to acknowledge receipt of contribution of $TG, being offering at a nnion Thanksgiving nor vice for tlie Philadelphia relief fund and to express lit appreciation and thanks for the ante. Respectfully, "Edwin 8.Stuabt, "Mayor and Chairman, By LirwiB E. Bkiti.kb, Secretary." Don't suffer with indigestion, nse Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. lm WORLD'S PAIR GOODS. HolflcrinRny tlie Jeweler, Olftrs Ueuuliie Articles for Sale. Holderuiau Is offering for sale at his j owelry eitiullsument, on North Main street, a large collection of goods which were anoug the ox btbiti at the World's Fair ill Chioago. The took consists of olegant clocks, bronzes, silverware, Jewelry and fancy goods, and each and every article is genuine. They were on exhibition in tho Liberal Arts and Manufac turers buildings at tho World's Fair and Mr. Holderman givos a guarantee that they were among the original articles displayed there. 11-24-tf Pried oysters a specialty at McElhenny'i. 012-tf T hi- licliullt The breaker of tho Beddall- Bi-o.'b colliery near Tamaqna destroyed by (Ire on Thanks giving night is to bo rebuilt. An architect is already at work on plans mid it is ospected thoy will be finished within two weeks, when the rebuilding will begin. Mr. Nathan Beddall stated to-day that tho cause of tho Are is still unknown, but evorything points to an incendiary. Every fire in tho breaker was extinguished when tho breaker stopped work on Wodnesday. USE DANA 8 8AB8APABILI.A, in "THE KINT) THAT CURES." Xotlioo Societies, Etc., The Herald oUlco is prepared to furnish, on short notice, programmes, badges, etc, guaranteeing the finoBt workmanship at tho lowest rates. 1000 sample to select from. The most exquisite designs to suit any society or organization. Wonden' one dozen $3 oabinets for $1. S. E Cor. Centre and Markot Ste., Pottsvlllo. 11-21 lm All kinds of Law Blanks HxBAtD office. for sale at the When Baby vra sick, we gave her Cactorfat. When A 9 was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When rile Income Mtn, sho clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, liurclilU'i) Cure. When seeking anoatand well conducted cafe, go to Burchill's, comer Main aud Coal streets. Polite aud prompt attention. 11 7-tf Filed oysters a specialty at McElhonny's 9-12 tf IT'S A SIOX OF DANGER, danger! wnen pimpies, blotches and erup tions nppear on the skin, no matter how slight. It warns you that your blood fen't Heed the warning pure. .while there is yet time; clear 'up your system ana puruy the blood by taking Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It rouses very organ into natural action, purifies and enriches the blood and r I' through it cleanses and invig orates the whole system. It attacks all scrof ulous, skin and scalp diseases in the right way by purifying; the blood. The diseases that it cures come from a torpid liver, or from impure blood. For everything of this naturo, it is the only guar anteed remedy. In Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sour Stomach, BtUousuees; aU Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affections, even Consumption (or Luiur-acrof-Bfe) a ita earlier stages if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. The worse your Catarrh, the Dr. Baste? Catarrh Remedy. more you Bead l South Main St, Open from 1 to 6 and 7 to 11 p m.dally Change of program twioe a week. Ad mission, 10 cts. to all parts. Children un der '.) years, 5c. All can come without an escott. ririOKNTri per yard for Oilclotk ) that mIU on sight others fo Mo, 46c, and upwards. Al grttdearf pretty Carpete. Call for bar gains. ;C. D. Frlclce's Carpet riturc, 10 South Jardln Street. r 4r mi m m mm BAttB MAC l TALK. Ah l-ltittliti 1'lHjer IhIUs About Slien ). Ii In Now York, IjMt week's IUutt rated I'oliee If ewe has on Ita Itnee ball page a cut representing the road leading to the Shenandoah Imee ball giounds. In the foregronnd and op the narrow space supposed to represent the path leading to the park gate are figures of men struggling up the mountain with the aid of staffs s'icli as are nsed by the people who travel over the Aln, and hero and there is the figure or a man sitting at the roadside, taking a rest. The illustration is not exaggerated as much as are the views of George llogrlever, which accompany the cut. liogtiever played lefi field with the Baston club in games here just before tho season closed. This Is tho story that Ilogrlovor has given the Police Kew man : "Tho cranks of Slionandoah have to climb a mountain to get to their ball park. There are no street cars or Inclined planes leading there, and it is a case of take old SlianU's maro or stay away. All of Shenandoah was base ball wild this season. Our team the Hastens played thoro ono Sunday to over 8,000 people. I never saw such a crowd as they made. They swarmed all over tlie field, nnd wo wero surrounded by a veritablo army. Do you remember Chris Fulmer, tho cttcher, who was such a good ono in tho old days with Baltimore ? Well, ho played left field for the mountaineers. Ho quit back-stopping bocauso his arm went tiack on him, but he is throw ing so well now that I had to hustlo to get home from second on a good hit. He almost nailed me at the plate. There are only a few players in the Pennsylvania League who might do in the big league." in World's I'ul. I-iihIih f .r Onn Dime The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ball way has made an arrangement with a first elsss publishing houso to furnish a series of beautiful World's Fair pictures, of a large size, at a nominal cost to the purchaser of only ten cents for a portfolio of sixteen illustrations. Nothing so handsome In re ference to the World's Fair has before been published. Tho scrios would bo worth at least twolvo dollars if the pictures wcro nut published in such large quantities, and wo are tnereiore auie u lurnisu luoso works of art for only teii cents. Ileinlt your money to George II. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, iM.ll waukoe & St. Paul Railway, at Chicago, III., aud tho pictures will be sent promptly to any specified address. They will nialto a hand some holiday gift. U30 St Jurors, M. E. Doylo and TliomadMoaklcr, of town, have been drawn ns Grand Jurors for tho January term. Georgo Hafuor, William J. Jacobs, John J. Price, David J. Faust, Henry Muldoon, James Kano nnd Martin Monaghan are to servo ib Petit Jurors for week com mencing January Sd, 1891. For week com mencing January 8, James Duffy, Goorgo W. Homo, Thomas Ferguson, J. J. Frtiuoy and John Grogory will have to servo. I-y liaoks. The tracks of tho Schuylkill Traction Company of town became so coated witli lco yosterday that sovcml cars went off nt tho curve at the corner of Main and Coal streets aud it was quite difficult for thooars to ascend tho grade. Several of them wero obliged to run back and tako speed for ascent. Shot ly a I'lucky Woman. Nabhvillk, Ttfim., Doc. 4. Between 13 nnd 1 o'clock in tho morning Mrs. John Writonian, a highly respcctnhlo widow living in North Nashville, iliicovered a white man in her room. She asked him what ho wunteil, nnd his nnswor disclosed hia intentions. She drew her revolver and fired five time), hitting hiin each timo. lie is not uxpected to live. For llaglness Men and Soclctlos. Tho Herald has secured tho right to uso tho Maletto patent writing tablet covers, with reversible blotter, the only blotter tablet cover constructed which turns under the tab let. This is specially adapted for letter and note heads, bill heads, statements, etc., and will be placed on stationery free for the bal ance of 1S93. Any ono interested will please call F.nd examine the handy device, at tho HnnALD office Tho reason why Arnica & Oil Liniment is so popular with tho Indies is because it not only is very healing and soothing but its odor is not at all offensive. lm Kxcurslunn to Cullfornla, On account of tho San Francisco Mid Whiter Fair, tho Chicago, Milwaukee .t St. Paul Railway Company will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco, St. Joso, Colton, Los Angeles and Sandlego, Cal., and Portland, Ore., at reduced rates, good until April 1, 1801. For full particulars call on any coupon ticket agent or address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, 150 William St., Williams port, Pa. Bny Keystone floor. Bo suro that tho name LE&eia & jjaeb, Astmna, ra., is printod on evory sack. 3-3-3taw Coming Fvents Dec. 20. Grand cantata "A Merry Company, or the Cadets Picnic," at tho P. M. ohurch. Fob. 5. Fifth grand ball of the Gymua slum Club in Bobbins' opera house. Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says : not one death occurs now where twenty died before Downs' Elixir was known. Over fifty years of constant success places Downs' Elixir at the head of tho long list of cough remedies. lm 1111 Postponed. Tho ball which was to have been held Friday evening last for the benefit of Wesley Beisel has boon postponed until Monday evening, Doc. 4th. 12-2-2t Weriillug Invitations. Over 600 of tlie finest and correct style wedding invitations and eards to select from at the Herald office. Either printed or engraved. We can discount city prices. It there ever was a itl cure for chronic Ooujhe, Colds, Drone ,h-1 troubles and La Grippe it Is Pan Tlim Dou'tlftll to get the gooulee; avoid substitute. Costs only 3t eeaU. Pan-Tina Is ld at P. P. V. Xlrlln's Drug Store. Have you triod McEihenny's fried oysters! 0-12-tf M.ROHRHEIMER& COM Y. 3?QTTVIZiXiin, 36. -Now is Your I OVERCOAT! I In former years we havo waltod until after Christmas to mark down Overcoats. But this year wo are compelled to start in earlier. Wo iiavo an enormous stock on hand and owing to tho hard times, Males havo not come up to our expecta tions. One thing Is certain. Tho Goods Must bo Sold. Wo don't want to carry over an Overcoat or Winter Suit, and wo havo put a price on them that will bring first cl.i-s clothing within tho roach of all. Those flno Cheuchllle Ovorcoits that wcro $15, now $12 These &0 fur IioavcrOvorcoutsnow go nt$15. Nobby Black Cheviot that wero $11, now tO. Handsome Blue Kersey and Mel ton Overcoats reduced from fl 150 to $10.00. Men's all-wool Suds, guaranteed fait oolor worth $12, now go at $0.50. We have over ?0 styles of Child ren's Beefers. If we can't suit you In a Reefer no one can. Childien's Junior Reefer and Jersey Suits by tlie thousand. Every conceivable 9hape, style and material. Your yff Patrons purchasing goods to tho amount of 10 and nvi-r, who reside within fifteen miles of Pott9ville, their car fair will he paid by us. M.R0HRHE1MER&CO 00KS & BROWN, Toilet Cases. Shaving Sets. Dressing Plush A largo and varied assortment of Gold Pens, Pencils and Fountain Pens. Our lino ot Celluloid Novelties cannot bo beaten. Asktosoeour MUSIC BOX ALBUMS. Wo have tho finest 25c cloth bound book in town; other places, 33c. Also, another lot of the 20c cloth bound books. Rocking Horses, Blackboards, Magic Lanterns, Trumpets, Tree Ornaments, &c No trouble to show goods. We can supply all kinds of .Hymnals at Publisher's Prices. KTo. -3L -VISIT Till)- Pittsburg Novelty Store Chlnaware, (Jueensware, Glassware and HOLIDAY T GOODS ot lowest prices, mi mm examine tbo stock and ho convinced wo carry tho very boat line. No. 23 West Centre Street. Shenardonli. QOUNTY INSTITUTE COUB-SB OF EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS. MONDAY, DECRM11KK 18. Hon. A. 31 Hornmers, "nuluitlc Hamblen." An Illustrated Lecture" "Hk-turesque Kuropc." "From Parts to Pompoll." TUKS DAY, DECEMBBIt 19. Hon. II. W. J. Burn, of Georgia, tho Mouth era orator und humorist. Lecture. WEDNK8DAY, DECEMB t'B SO. Grand ooneert company, Emma C. Thuruy, the American Contatrice, the rival of Paul and Jennv Ltnd, and the New YorH Male Quartette. George W. Campbell, t.harles Herbert Hoyt, Tenor; II. Tenor: W, Koe, llurllooo; Douglas juane, uasio. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. Tho Franz Wllczek Grand Concert Company. Franz Wilozek, the Great Austrian violin Virtuoso; Mamie Kenck-Wilonek, Vlollntn Pupil of Joachim; Marie Ecknardt, an Kmi nn, ixuniat: Inn Iknnatr. the Dramatic Sonrana. a very suiierlor artiste; Bernaid Kmsteine, the popular tenor. Beaon tiokets, securing reserved seats: Parquet and Circle, .U0, Dress Circle, first row, i.7o; Dress Clrclfe, excepting first row, if) 50 Sin lc admission (no reserved seat), Mc. Tin chart fo' sale of reserved seit ticket will uuen at the box oitloe of tbe Aoademy of M,ia. inttB jIIIa. Deuembcr tl. at 1U a. m.. for teachers only, tu seoure seats In one-half of the Academy, ana at - p. m. iu nocum m th oihr half of the Academy. Before opening the chart pirties cleelrlng to ourohaSe tloketa will draw numbers f,.r waiHnn in lino. K& -h teacher In line may purchase any number not exceeding ten Any persoumay join the line a second time wltb th ump n'lvlleee us nt first. The representa tive of each district wtu be required to present to the ticket Hgi-nt e list of the names of the teachers for whom he buys lionets. Doors open at 7 p. m. Entertainments commence al 8 p. in. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS. Tho lust train on the L. V. K. H. from Potts vl le toBohuylUlU Haven and Orwlgsburg via Westwood, will be held until the elose of tbe eveulns's entertainment. The lost train on tbe Peona. R. R. lor tihenandoah, Mdhanoj Otty and Delano will be held until (WM of eael eveilB's OBtcrtalonwnt. O, W. WBIS. g.l0.wr County Supt. r Time to Buy an Car Fare Paid Cases. Work Boxes. Boxes of Paper, Etc., Etc. 1ST. IVCzvLel Street. Best work dono at Brcnnan's steam laun dry. Everything whlto nnd spotless. Lace urtalns a specialty. All work guaranteed. 23 South Main Street. 2 Henriettas, special in all shades, a good one, 75c per yard, worth 00c. Standard Prints, rc. A large assortment of Ladles Cashmere Qloves to close out cheap. Good Ginghams, 4c aud 5c, wortli 7o and 8c. A lot of Floor Oilcloths to close out at 15c, original pi ice, 25c Dress Cloths a specialty. From 25 to 75 piocos in tho best shades. A big drive in Underwear. Gents' Red Shirts, all wool, 75c, former price, $1.00. THE LADIES GARMENT DEPARTMENT! Is complote. All new and stylish goods and at prices beyond competition. Una Department is complete, embracing a full lino of Bag, lugralns and Brussels at the lowest prices of any. Shawls, Blankets, Notioss, Corsets, Children's Garments And a job in Velvet to sell at 80o, worth $1.00. Acknowledging no competition in tlie trade, I assure you bargains in every department at too old rename stand. aB SOUTH MAIN STRUIiT. J. MONAGHAN'S. DailySurprises in -AT- Dives, Pomeroy and POTTSVIIiLE, X3.. Constantly we hear business men from other towns say ing-, "I can't see how they sell goods so cheap at Dives, Pome roy & Stewart's. They sell goods at retail cheaper than I can buy them at wholesale." Quantity and Small Margins, Answers This Question. Our big store is the place to get the most for your money. Try it and see what a large amount of goods you can buy for a dollar. At Our Millinery Department You can get a new hat of the latent style at almost any price. Hatr to suit all in price as well iw in style. You can't flntl a larger of better assortment of the millinery art than what we have. I if WRAPS-We are at tho top, too, with all tho leading and latest man ufactured goods. Ladies', misses' and children's coats, capes and circulars at surprisingly low prices. A vast amount have been sold, but new goods are received daily. So come at any time and we will be glad to serve you. 11 Wo always liuve bargains at this department, but now we have something special. A lot of all-wool Zebra Cloth, 64 inches wide, for 39c. These goods cost tho Importer ninety ceuts, but ho needed funds and we bought the job for cash at great reduction. A lot of 4().inch all-wool Serges for 33b a yard. This material is worth your notice before 'tis too late. Another lot of 36-inch Camel's Hair Effect Cloth at 17c. Your early at tention Is needed to see these goods, as they will go very quickly. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART' 5 and 7 North Centre Strest, C. GEO. MILLER. Manager. PQTTSVILLE, PA. 0 (;UAMH--.rrT7T FAIR I 0 Until r ihe uuspicos of tho & j H. & S. F U Co , No 1, i J RDBBINS OPERA HOUSE. SHENANDOAH, I J DELINKING, Ending JANUAIIV 3, 1S91. In addition to tho attractions by the magnillccnt display ut the booths there will bo a Kruiul If MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT 1 And other amusements. Ohnnire nf proRram each night. A numbered f$ ticket given to each person purehus- lng ft ticket of atlmisaton. P t Tickets, Only 5 Cts. ZEFF'S OLD BTAND, No. 23 South main Street, Has been bold to Who announces that he will here after carry a large and tine sicca ot Of al) styles and One make. Excellent goods ut prloes to suit the times nnd vtth n reach of every one. INE LINE Of Boots and Shoes Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings. EVOall parly and ezamlue this stock before going elsewhere. SHOEMAKERS' General Supply Store ! Wholesale and Betall I'RIUKH. Ferguson House bldg., Centre Street. 3Tr a. aTa,t sal Oloaja. O l.O TO O CHAS. DERR'S SHAVING PARLOR, FBHQD60N HODdG BLOCK. Bverything In the tonsorlal line done in first class style. Everything neut and clean. BamaillS! Stewart's, 111 WALL PAPER! II A. St GAINS! Big Bcduction In Wall Paper. Must make room for an enor mous Spring Stock. : ; : : JOHN - P. - GARDEN, 224 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Just opened in tho Egan Building, No, 8 East Centre street, a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery. Miss Annie Morrison, SHENANDOAH, PAl AMUSEMENTS. EBGUSON'S THEATBE. r. J. FEI1GD30N, MANAGER MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th. Dan McCarthy's "True Irish jJearts." HIQGEU, 1 lilt OUTEB, Than Ever. 11ETTEK, J A Magnificent Company of slogers, dancers, specialists. Prlcen, 35, 35 aud 50 Cents Reserved seats at Klrlln'a dru? store. The place for business men to send their surplus stock of every descrip tion for sale. AUCTION DAYS, Tuesda)s, Thursdays, Saturdays. Anybody oaa send goods of e erv ilc crtption to the rooms and they will ov .-o.J u. auction . nn Ih. iibii.I l.i-mfl A II unrtilu . nt. i r nmmlk slon and settlements made on ilu (Uy follow- j ing the sale. Reese's Auction Rooms Dougherty Building, Cor. Centro and Lloyd Streets. TvIREOTORB' NOTICE. First National I ) Bank. Bhenardoan. Pa.. December 1. 18tH. The annual eteetlon for thirteen directors to i serve for the Mitiitug year will be held at tbe tttnK on Tueaaay, January vm, inui, irom sioi o dioev, p. m. juun it. x.KiBUfitinu, liit-o-a-w Cashier, t l j