The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 04, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Evening Herald.
X, .it. HOl'JIW......, i.mfrnirrMw
m. ft JIOJTJW BiHlor anil I'uhtUhm
W, T. UXiJr,...... leat MdUor
t ST. J0rjW....... RMiKM tw?er
suBttcnirrtoN rates i
nutif r yer ................ .....w an
WttMU. !r Vr I 00
AwrHig Balm.
Timwlnnl. 10 cents per line, flrst Insertion
lH Hill linn mirli irilrnrri 1 Rates
f regular v(riti)iig cmi ticild on applies
MM M tM office or by mall.
nw mrma Hibud ha larger olreuls
Mom ta Bhenandoen than any other paper Pb-
Books open to all,
MMa M the Postofllee. at Shenandoah, Fa.,
for transmission through the nulla
aa aeoond-olaes mall matter.
A eorreapondent Interested in the
American Protestant Atwotatlm, and
attracted by an article on "New
KilOW Nothingiwn" wliieh appeared
liix recent Issue ot the Haiti trior.
New, writes for information about the
old party wliieh went by the name of
ICiiow Notulrgs.
That was not its chosen appellation,
for it oalled itself the American parly;
uutlhe nickname given to it by Its
enetniea is that by which it is generally
The American patty took its rteo in
New York about 1837, growing nut of
tho discontent of native Americans
over the number of city olllcoa given to
men of foreign birth. In the next ten
vears the narty sometimes cast as
many as 21,000 votes in New York in
atotul of 60,000, divided iimorg the
Whig, Democratic and American
parties, and thus carried the elf ctloua.
It spread, too, to New Jeisey and
Pennsylvania, and in Philadelphia
some lives were lost and property de
stroyed in riots between native and
Irish citizens. In one of these riots
two Cntholio churches were destroyed
In 1852, when the Whig and Demo
cratic parties began to disintegrate
under the Influence of anti-slavery
propaganda, tho doctrines of the
American party were adopted by a
secret, oath-bouud older. Netessnrlly
tho facts about it are more or less con
jectural ; but standard authorities on
American politics, from whoae works
the facts here stated are derived, agree
that it waB esoterically known as
"The Order of the Star Hpangled
Banuer;" but its name and objects
-were not revealed, even to its members,
until they had reached the higher
degrees. Their constant answer to
Inquires about their aims, "I don't
know," gave occaslcn for the name
hy which the organization is now
remembered, "Know Nothing."
Its ostensible cause for existence wa
the increasing power of the lloman
Catholic church in this country and
the great lnllux of newly-naturalized
citizens, particularly Irishmen, into
nubile ofllce. Its watchwords were
'Americans must rule America" and
"Put none but Americans on guard to
aight," the latter being an expiesslon
erroneously attributed to General
Its nominations are said to have
ben made by secret conventions of
delegates from vaiious ledges, and
hi embers had to vote for tbe nominees
amler penalty f expulsion.
In 1864 tbe American party carried
Mjuwaehusetu and Delaware, and
polled over 120,000 votes in New York,
nd in 1856 it elected tbe Governor
and controlled tbe Legislature in New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island, Connecticut, New York, Call
tenia md Kentucky.
In Maryland also it met with success
and in seven of the Southern states it
polled a reapeetahle vote. Up to that
date in oouilued Its eilorU to State
In 1856 it introduced opposition
aliens and Catholics Into national
politics, and at a secret gathering in
Philadelphia adopted a platform ad
-vocating, among others, the following
"Americana must rule America, and
to thU end native horn eitisMWs should
m selected for State. Federal and
Mumtelnal ottloee."
A change In the naturalisation
making a continued residence of
tWeojty-oue yean necessary for future
Afterward Mm ponvenUon opened
It (loom to tbe publte, and with two
liuuilrcd hiuI twenty-wiveti iloltgutfr1,
ourulUK from most of the stales then
in the Union, lii'Kn to ballot for n
OHiiilltlatefor the Pnaldeiioy. MIIIhkI
Klllirwre, tho ex-l'rwltlont, nomi
nated. In the election in November
following the tmrty went to plroea,
nd Buchanan, the Demt CMtlo nomi
me, wan elected. The party hung on,
ho over, particularly In Maryland, a
a local organisation, until its final
disappearance In I860, In the conflict
over slavery.
A secret oath-bound organization In
hardlyany more likely to attract pub
lie confidence In thle age of open dis
cussion than in the generation thai
preceded the civil war.
the Hairhataa; Mny Y-t ITrwnt Their
Entry Into the Empire.
IlKliUN. Dec. 4. The Ultrit-Montanes
and their allies affect to regard the battle
for the readinimtinn of the Jesuits into
Germany as itullriitely won, but their pnaan
of victory is riitcht'din so (thrill a key as
to inspire doubts as to the RemilnnM oE tlle
confidence which they so loudly prniess.
It must be rempraliered that ninety-
nine members abstitlned from Friday's di
vision. The repealers of the measure
against the JeHuits mustered their fall
strenuth. while thu absentees may gen
erally lie rt'tfurded as opponents of the
bill favoriiiK tho Jesuits, who preferred
discretion to valor. Under tbe pressure
which will certainly be exercised they
may ou the third reading have the cour
age of their opinions.
The reichstug may thus itself reverse
Friday's vote. Such a consummation
would be welcomed by the government at
a happy relief, tf the hill passes safely in
the reichstHg it must still llnd a majority
in the bnndusrnth, or federal council, rep
resenting the individual states of Ger
many, and Its acceptance, therefore, can
not by any means be treuted as a foregone
Murdered at the Gaming Table.
EniK, Pa., Dec. 4. The Italian quarter
of this city was the scene of another brutal
and unprovoked murder. A party of ltal
inns were pluying cards, when a quarrel
occurred between Jora Laonl and Mike
Lnmero. Tho former had lost money
which he could not pay to the winner,
I.amero declined to he stood off, saying lie
must hnvo the stake or blood. Ho then
Ilrod three shots at ijaoni, killing him in
stantly. .After killing his man the mur
derer emptied tho remaining two cham
bers of his revolver at the others. One of
the men was slightly injured. One of the
others jumped on I.amero anil overpow
ered him. They wero about to string him
up when citizens heard the noiso and res
cued him.
Suing for n Slice of Cliultunnogu.
BiNuii.VMioN, N. Y., Dec. 1. Mrs. Mary
II. Smith, of New Milford, Pa., 1ms com
menced an action at Chattanooga, Tenn.
to recover title to a block of Chattanooga's
most valuable city lots, to which Alder
man George S. Parker, of this city, the
Chattanooga Trust company, and Ave
other Chattanooga banking houses now
bold the title deeds. Mrs. Smith bought
the proporty in Junuary, 1891, through her
son-in-law, Charles T. Tipton, a former
resident of this city. On Oct. 33, 1K01,
Tipton forged and tiled a deed transfer
ring the property to himself, lie then
sold the lots to Alderman I'arker and the
other defendants. Tipton swindled Chat
tanooga people out of about $30,000.
Charged with Crooked Practices.
ItEAniNO, Pa., Dec. 4.- A warrant was
Issued for tlie arrest of Major 1. C. Becker,
0110 of the best known members of tlie
Berks county bar, charging him with
making false representations respecting
the value of his property. He entered bail
to answer tbe accusation at court. The
proceedings against him were instituted
by four banks 01 this city, tno onlelals of
which allege that Major Becker obtained
money from them to the extent of over
30,000 by misrepresentations as to the
value of the property owned by him.
Found Her Deserting Hiwband.
Sciiaston, I'a., Deo. 4. Mrs. Joseph
Turner, of this city, has returned from
Tacoma, Wash., whore she found her hus
band, who deserted her eight years ago.
Turner lias been married since leaving
Scranton, and is now ono of tho wealthiest
and most influential citizens of Tacoma,
Tho husband acknowledged his wronfc.
and offered to deed his first wife a tann
and allow her fllH) a month tor the sup
port of herself and daughter it she would
not prosecute linn tor ingriray. This Mrs.
Turner consented to.
Huerleruiann Oeta Fire Yrars.
Elizauuth, X. J., Dec. 4. Ewaid Jluer-
tennann, who embezzled money billing
ing to the Prudential Insurance company,
and abducted Freda and Hubert Lonoks,
children of Kichard Ixnicks, and was ar
rested in Liverpool, was sentenced in tbe
Union county court to the state prison for
five years. The mother of the Ixiuoks
ouildren died of feTief berore the prisoner
and children i?:t 'oujrh1 back to this
A Natural Food.
Conditions o f
the system arise
when ordinary
foods cease to
build flesh
there is urgent
need of arrest
ing waste assistance must
come quickly, from natural
food source.
Scott's Emulsion
is a condensation of the life
of all foods it is cod-liver
oil reinforced, made easy of
digestion, and almost a.
palatable as milk.
Prtu! hr kott Bmrai. K T. A(1 4roriH.
Tho Now Tariff Bill May bo Pre
sented on Thursday,
It Jfow Sim AlMMMt Certain Tlmt Surli
Tax Wilt be Recmnmcnrtcil In Order
to Make Up Knveun lRolt or About
Sixty-five Millions,
Washington, Dec. 4. Interest In the
regular session of congress, which con
vened at high noon toduy, will center in
the house wing of ths Captto where the
new tariff bill is on the way. An enor
mous Dressure for legislation of all kinds,
public and private, beneficial and other
wise, will exist from the nrst, nut as soon
as the decks can be cleared the tariff bill
will have the right of way. The Wilson
bill will be Introduced in the house the
latter part of the week, probably Thurs-
The estimates ot ttte revenue to ne na-
rived from the tariff bill show that the de
ficit in the revenues, on the basis of a gov
ernmental expenditure of r80,litx,00t) a
year, will be about tUS.OnO.OOO, which must
be raised from increased internal revenue
taxes or an income tax. It is not probable
that the tax on whisky will lx- increased
more than ten cents per gallon, which
will Increase the revenue from this source
10,XX,000. Alt hough it was at one time
last week practically decided In an infor
mal wav to impose a tax on tiie incomes
of corporations and legacies, there lias
been a change of sentiment, ami tonay it
appears almost certain that a straight tax
on individual incomes over $5,000 will be
Kven if the Wilson bill is reported this
week it is not expected that the debate
can begin until next week. Realizing its
tremendous import, the committee desire
to nive the member as much opportunity
to examine its details before the debate
begins as is commensurate with prompt
action. The general disposition seems to
be to allow two weeks for general debate
and ten days for debate ,untler the live
minute rule. The lioliuay rpcess win
probably begin Thursday, Dec. 20, so
that if the tariff debate begins Dec. 15
it cannot be completed before Jan. 20. A
prominent member of tho committeo said
to an Associated Press reporter that if
tlie bill was sent to the senate by Feb. 1
ho thought the Democrats of the com-
initteo would feel very well satisfied.
Bv the terms of the order adopted Oct.
10 tho Torrey bankruptcy bill must be
considered after the morning hour each
letrlslntive clay until disposed of. General
debate of this measuro lasted two weeks,
and Representative Oates will usk that
thedebato bo continued under the five
minute rule. The general belief is that it
will hold the right of way until the tariff
bill or something else of more urgent
imnortance appe.'.rs to antagonize it.
It may be tlmt tlie Hawaiian auairs win
cut some figure in the proceedings during
the week. A resolution calling for tho
.l..l,u l,at ,.,.rfi In 1,, 1 i.c,-.v .-. -
introduced, and it might come up 111 sun
T' 'X.;
' , , ' ...... , ...
Ttii. 8U0UK1 ue o a
TOO urgency ueucioiicy ....
4.1'.' H .-,. ",1-uj .........
were left with conference reports pending
V 1, XT. ut, . 1 irn tti , I, , f. I, 1
when congress adjourned at tho end of
tho called session, will probably bo dis
posed of during the week.
Tho senate amendments to tne tormer
bill providing for tho payment of sennte
omiiloves during the recess of tno iltty-
flrst congress will lie debated upon, and as
t. l.l (fkn 1,111 r nt.lU
mi u,ii.u "... ..p.- -
CA.pi-Cieu limb uk uutisc ..... ut.imi,.vtj
yield. There is no reason also why the
senate amendments to tue oniigo 11111,
which simply provide further specifica
tions as to the character of tuo bridge,
should not be acquiesced in immediately.
The World's fair award bill, wliioli
passed both nouses in the hours of
c , r. XT' 11 i 1 1
eiincr oy npeaaor r.s,, ... .
cievenson, can necmiie a .aw u wuuu a 11.
receives tneir signal urus aim vuo presi
dential approval. The bill making more
stringent tho naturalization laws, which
wns discussed three days during the extra
session, is also pending, and is considered
among the measures that will surely pass
both houses. The Chinese question is also
liable to bob up again, as it is broadly
hinted that the Celestials will still refuse
to register,
There are between nfty and sixty bills
and resolutions on the sonuto calendar,
many of them unimpor-t nt. There are,
however, a few bills of general import
ance, such as Senator Hill's elections bill;
the bill reported by Senator Voorhees to
increase the circulating notes of national
hanks; Senator Morgan's concurrent reso
lution for the appointment of a joint com
nilttee of the two houses to consider
financial questions; Senator Stewart's two
resolutions, the first for a committee to
Inquire if any senators are stockholders
in national banks, and the second relat
ing to the independence of the co-ordinate
departments of the government; Senator
Peffer's resolution concerning interstate
commerce, and Senator Palmer's bill re-
Kardlng pensions to non-residents. It Is
probable that a number of resolutions ot
inquiry will be introduced asking for all
the papers in the Hawaiian cuse.includiiig
the Instructions to Minister wiuit
Hold Robbers In Iowa,
Bkllk Plain, la., Dec. 4. Three men
entered tbe railroad station at Luzerne,
three miles from here, robbed Agent
Thompson and the uight operator, and
locked them in the freight house. When
ever a citizen or would lie passenger pre
sented himself he was promptly robbed
and locked up until there was over a
dozen men imprisoned.
To Prohibit Football Maying.
PlTTSBUItc, Dec. 4. -Tlie police author
ities have declared against football play-
inc- under the n.v-ient rules. Superin
tendent O' Mara stated that in future no
i. .1
buou iiH) m..u uiumi cAi.iiiiiiwixa
would lie permitted in tills city. He
stated further that lie had information
that the authorities in other oities would
take similar action.
Of Courae Me Was Lynched-
CoK( olio, Un., Dec. 4. Lucius Holt, the
ueirro wlio was arrested at Concord mi
suspicion of murdering Mr. Arthur Hey-
uolds, proved to he the right oue, aud was
subsequently found banging to a tree
opposite tbe place where be com mitted tbe
l'rnxu to I leatb tu the Wood.
Vam Oivt, Minn., Do. 4. Mrs. Russell
and her eldest daughter, 18 years old, were
frozen to dtth la th WOOtU three luilea
from their home.
Mre. r.Uzabvlh Alcsaer
Baltimore, Mil.
Rescued from Death
All Said
Sh Could
Not Liv a
Alive und Well ThankH
Mood's SarauimrtlUt.
I must praise Hood's SarsnpHftlla, for It is
wonderful medicine. I suffered 10 years with
Neuralgia and Dyspepsia
and fnfiilliig kiwIIh. Sometimes I would
be almost Htm with cold pi l splratlon. I spent
a meat deal ol money for inudlral attendance,
but I did not get any benefit until my daughter
told We about Hood's Hnrinpni ilia, and 1 began
to take It. I weighed lots than 100 His. and was
A Picture of Misery
Every ono who saw me tlionglit I could not
live another month. Hut I bcuan to fmurovo
at once alter beginning with Hood's Hartapa-
rilla, ami nave grutumiiy gaincu limn l am now
lu-rl'rcil) riiiol. lent well, sleep well, and
am III iii'rit-i'K nt-iiim. i uwe nil iu
Hood's SarsapariSSa
Instead ot being dead now, I am alive and
cluli Mi ll)i." Mils. Ki.iZAHirnt McssKlt,
10 lsatt llainey Htreet, Uultlmore, Md.
HOOD'S IMI.I.S are puruly vegcUhlo, per
fectly harmless, always reliable ami beneficial.
lie Vigorously Ilenles Knglisli Directors'
Charges of Misappropriation.
Js'KW Youk. Dec. 4. II. II. Warner, tlie
manufacturer of proprietory medicines,
whose failure some time ngo was the oc
casion of much gossip in litiaii'-ial circ'e.
and concerning whoie ni.-.:i i -e-uent of the
'II. II. Warner Comp'tuy. limited," tlM'n
lias been considerable adverse critic! in.
especially by the ICngliih shareholders it
tho concern, makes n statement m reply t o
the charges made l v tho Kn-.V- ! directors
of the couifjny In their animal reporr.
that he misappropriate'! !ho f.uvK of the
corporation. Mr. Warne.-sas:
"The statement is as false as it i-i iia
Ilclous, and it simply shows to what des
perate ends the directors have been driven
to keep from the shareholders the evi
dence of their own misdeeds. At tlie last
annual meeting 1 voted against the re
jection of the chairman, and for this ex
ercise of my privilege I wns summarily
-""'"""'"""". '
,, connection with the business since
As o thfi oh of hnv, 0.
printed tho funds of the company I will
simply say that I have had the use of cer-
tain inoneys of the company at vari
times .lurl.iB. the 11.1st three and a half
" - -
years, but with the knowledge and appro
val of the directors.
They are now trying to show that I
have Ufced the funds of the company with
out their knowledge and consent. Fearing
that they cannot ho successful with such
an issue, thev endeavor by absurd valua
tions mid tramped up accounts to make
...U. ....i.-" v,..,...j
..... 1 ...1 nt.f ... I 1 ,.uu r. 4-U.t
tijreo ,)r tour times what it actually is.'
Cbarfrcil with I'olsnnlng Her Uncle. I, am: City, Oec. 4. Mrs. Mamio
Van Patten has been arrested on tho
charge of murdering Sosen Xeilson, a
wealthy banker of Kphrinni (Sty. Ou rlie
y8terioly ,hccl nnd the ,,ost morlpm
!0th of October last JSeuson suddenly and
lo.rajm i hit
revealed the presence of "rough on rats"
nn(j laU(lBnum in hi, s.tomach.
Mrs. Van
1 paen
who is a niece of Ncilson, was vis
iting her uncle at the timo. It is said that
$30,000 which Xeilson had in his room the
evening before his death disappeared the
next day.
My debtor RftVri it acta (rently on the stomach
ltvr and kttinevs, and Is n pleiisant laxative. ThU
drink la made nom herbs, and t prepared for ui
as easily as tea It ia called
A lldrucirlstn sell It at Mr. and ft apackaire. Ir you
cannot get it send yuur address foraft-ee aampla.
jjRue'a ramiiy 'ipiiii'inp eioves me uoweia
chday. in ori, r i" t e henlihy this In neoeflanry.
Address URVlol. r
U .. A III, l.K 1VII, a. r
112 South Main St.
Open from 1 to C
and 7 to 11 p.m. daily
Change of program
twice a week. Ad
mission, 10 cis. to all
parts. Children un
der 9 years, 5c. All
can cone without an
Of holes in a skimmer!
Lots of ways of throwing ah money Ore
ot tne best methods of economtilnK is to injure
in urst class, thoroughly reilatle lompannK
1 CI1BI IV U(U'D lllir,
euner me, ure or acoiuent
suon aa recrei enicc
No. 180 Huu lb Junlin tipt, Hbenanduai Pa
penriftripatly curat!
at toft) days hl
I Magic Btwdy,nudtii I
I M0,fi00 capital. t Pwiliv fi
I BcK)k.,ilhiriir(iwilfrtiJuHft)iit'iniij iplecurodUg
nw oy man. wiumgejab wmcui.
Jattd V
t I
Trains leave Shenandoah m follows:
For New York vln I'hlladelntaln. woelf avi
2.10, J6, 7 20, a.m., 111.26, 8.50, 6.M p.m. Sundn,i
2.10, 7.48 ft. m. Tor Now York vis Maueh Chunk,
ween aays, 7.u n. to.,, p. m.
Tor Readtns and PiitlaiJelDbta. Mlt days.
.iu, a.m. t.uu, a.m.. nc.zo, x.ou, D.oop. m. bud-
dar, 2.10, 7.48 a.m., 4.80
'or llarrlsburg,' week days, 1.10, 7.00 a. In.,
for ii
150, 6.55 p. m.
iror Aiientown
1.50 d. m.
week days, 7.20 a. m., lt.9R,
18.88, (.50, 5.65 p. m. Sunday, 11.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.M
For rijiisviuoi wd who. .iv. f.n, n. ut.,
p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
no. 5.25. 7.i!0. a. m.. 12.26. 50. 635 d. m. Sun
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
juapanoy uivy, ween unyn, i w p. m.
For ijunaaBtsr ana uotumma, weaa nays, i.w
a. m., 2.60 n. m. ....
For williamsBon. sunoury ana Iiswisduk.
week days. 8.25. 7.20, 11.80 a. m 1.R5, 7.00 pm.
Sunday, 8.25 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
For Mahanov Plane, week aays,, s.s, s.s,
7.20, 11.80 a.m., 12.20, 1.85, 150, 6.55, 7.00, R.88
p.m. Sunday, 2. to, 8.20, 7.48 a. m 8.05, 4.S0 p. m.
por liiraravuie, i ruixipananooK owiignh
week dayei, 2.10, 3 25, 6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a, m.
IOMI K OETI RU 4WI Diii1bw f) 111
l.ulliWl SiUUi WiHU, iiW y, ui, uuuua 1 nivi
S.26.;7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
F ur Atiiuauu auu ouiiuiiuun, wvvm ub, a.u,
6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.85, 7.00, 2.15 p. m. Sun)
oav. .Si. 7.48 a. m.. i.os n. m
1.00 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.80 p. m., ltl6 night. Sun
.. a m m la ik.i.
Leave New York via Mauob Chunk, week aays,
i.oo, 8.46 a. m., l.w, p. m. sunaay, 7.10 a. m.
Lavc innaaeipBia. JiarKet sireoi station,
week days,
4.12, 8.36, 10,00 a. m..
8.00, 11.30 p,
ill., li.SO
m. nunaay .uu, y.uo
Leave Readlnir. week days. 1. MS, 7.10, 10.06, 11.60
a. m., 5.66, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.85, 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, weok days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.80,6,11 p. m Sunday. 2.40,7.00a.m., 2.06p.m.
Leave Tamaoua, week days, 8.20, 8.48, 11.23 a
m.. 1.21,7.16, D.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.48 a. m ,
H.60 d. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.46, 9. 16,
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 2.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.46, 8.18
a. bd., p. m.
6 aU,2.35,10.4O,11.6tla.m.,12.55,2.0e.5.2O,6.2,7.67,10.1tl
p. m. sununy, z.w, 4.uu, xi a. m.,, n.ui p. m.
Leave Gfrardvllle. (Rannabannoek Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.86, 0.41 10.46 a. m., 12.06,
IM, 1.01, 5.20, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m.
Sunday, 2.47.
i.ui, o.ot. a. iu,, o.i, ii- ui.
Leave Wllliumsport, week days, 8.00, 0.36, 12.00
j. m., ., 11 lop. m. aunaay, 11.10 p. m.
For Ualtlmore, Washington aud the West via
8. Si O. R. It., through trains leave U Irani
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. It. K. R.) at
8 611,8.01, 11.27 a. in., 3.50, 5.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunda
8 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.50, 5.42, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
mu isoutn Htreet wnari, lor Atlantic uuy.
Weekdays Kmress. SOU. SiOO. 10 45 a m.
(Saturdays, 1 30) 200, 3 00, 4 IXi. 4 30, 5 15 p m.
isicursion 7uuam. Aooommoaation, ou a m,
4 30, 6 46 p ni.
Sundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, 830, 0 00, 1000 a
to and 4 SO p m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m and
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantic
and Arkansas avecueB. Weekdays Expresh
(Mondays only, 6 45) 7 U0, 7 36, 9 30 a m and 3 15,
4 00. 5 10. 7 30. 0 30 nm. Accommodation, 660,
8 Hi a m and 1 30 p m. Excursion, from foot of I
Mlsslsslnni Avenuo onlv. 01. o m.
i-undays Express, 3 30. 4 00, 500, 8 00, 6 30,
7 CO, 7 30, 8 00, 9 80 p m. Accommodation, 7 30 a
m and 6 05 p in.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agl.
Philadelphia Pa,
Passenger trains leave Shenandoab tor
Penn Haven Junction, Mouch Chunk, Lo
lifphton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua.
Aiientown. Ilethlehem. Boston. Philadelphia
liazlcton. Weatberly, Delano and Mahanoy
City St B.Jo a tr 12.4B, 2.57 p. m.
For Now York, 6.01, 7.38 a. rn.. 12.43, 2.57
For Qualtakc, Hwltchback, Ocrharda and Hud
sondale. tl 01. 9 15 a. m . and 2.57 n. m.
xu, iiuziuiuu, v iinco-ijutri;, .viiiio ub.du
Pittston. Laccyvlllc, Towauda, Sayro, Waverly,
V TT .... tl,l. ,t (.Thl.n TT wrn-j
and Eimira, o.oi,, u. m., .n., p. m.
For Rochester, uunaio. Niagara Fans ana
tho West. 6.01. 9.15 a. m. 12.43 aud 8.08 1. m.
For Ilclvldero. Delaware Water Uaii tna
Stroudsburg, 8.04 a. m., 2.5" p. m.
l'-or ljamucriviiie ana -rrenton. n.u a. m.
ForTunkhannock.6.0l.9.15o. m.. 2.67. 6 08 o. m
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 6.08
p m
-for Aunurn a. m. n. m.
For Jeanesvlllo, Lovlstouandllcaver Meadow,
7.3a a. m., s.7, s.U8 p. m.
for AuaenrifiQ. nazieton. Ktocxton ana ijun.
ber Yard, 0.0-J, 7.33, 0.15, a. m., 12.43, 2.57,
6.27, 8.08 p. m.
r or cranton, d.ih, v.iii, a. m., in
08 n.m.
For Hazlebrook. Jefldo. Drlf ton and Frceland,
tj.o-i, 7.35, v. io, a. m., iz.ia, z.ti7, o.m p. nr.
for Asniana. uiraravnie ana Lost ureet,
7.51, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.22, 9.15
p. m.
For Itavon Run. Centralla. Mount Caimel and
Shamokln, 7.05, 8.50, 11.08 a. m., 2.28, 4.40, 8.22
for xaiosviue. r-am riaco, xaanauovuity auu
Delano, 6.04, 7.38, 9.15. 11.06 a m., 12.43, 2.57,
6 17. 8.08. 9.33. 10.28 D. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 8.46, 8.16, il 45
a. in., 1.65, 4.80 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah
at tt. m.. 1Z.4H. 2.57. 5.Z7 O. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 7.38,
9.(18,9.15, 11.0611.30 a.m., 12.43,2.67,4.10 6.27, 8.08
p. m.
r Tin.....i,,A i-v n n v. jinn ,
9.06, 10.16, 11.48 a. m 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, 7.15, 7.5b,
liCUVU UllDVlllO 1U1 OJJUJiUUUUau, u.w. i.uu
lu.uj p.m.
Leave Shenandoah f or Hazleton, 6.04, 7.3S..9. 15
a. m.. 12.43. 2.S7. D. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 33, 10.00,
11.00 a. m., 12.15, 16, 5.3U, 7.26. 7.58 p. m,
Trains loave for Ashland, GlrardvlllO and Lost
Creek, 7.20, 9.40 a. m., 12.80, 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Penn
uaven junction, maucn ununic, aiibqujwc
unveil juuuiiuu, tfinuvu ouuunt Aimuwnu, ureaHii i no
Bethlehom, Eiaston and New York, 8.40 a m., rusting; no wrlnk
12.30, 2.55 p. m. ling. Thinner and
I' or i-m wuei pma, .od pm.
V, o,,.i-ma DlaA. U.h.nn.niloMA
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.56, 4.40 0.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Sbenandoah, 8.3U, 11.90
a. m.. 1.54. 5.30 n. m.
Leave Sbenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.40,
0.30 a. m.. 2.46 n. ra.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoab, 8.30, 10.40
a.m.,1.36, 5.15 p. m.
R, H. WIlillUR, Oenl. Supt. Kastern Dlv
C1IAS. S. LEE, Geni. Pass. Agl..
A. W. KONNEMACHER. Asst. G. P. A..
South Ilethlehem Pa.
saHirri.Kiix DIVISION.
NOVLMUUH 19tb. 18VS.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
adelphla (Broad street station) at 6:00 acd 11:45
a. m. ana :id p. m. oo weoKuaye. rw roHM-
vtlle and Intermediate stationa 9:10 a, m
For Wiggan's, Ollberton, Prsekville, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00, :40.m
and 3:10 d. m. For Hamburc. Readlne. Potts-
town, Phobnlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 0:40 a. m., 8:10 p. in.
Trains leave Fraokvllle for Shenandoab at
10:40a.m. and 18:14, 6:04, 7: ana 1U-.OT p. m
Bundavs. 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle tor Shenandoah at 10:16,
11.48 a. in. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m. Sunday
t 10:40 a. m. and 6:16 D. m.
Leave Philadelphia (tiroaa street sution) lor
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 86 a m.
4 lu and 7 11 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at e 6U a m. or rottsviue, hb,
For New York Express, week days,
Uki a su, 1 w, uv, 0 au, u vu, . m, c mi m uv, . w
11 11 a m, IS 00 noon, 12 44 p. ra. (Limited Ex
press 1 06 and 160 p m. dining cars.) 1 40,
530, 380, 4 00, 6 00, 6 00, 6 50, 7 85, 812,
10 00 p m, 12 01 night. Sundays 3 80, 4 06, 4 50,
616,812,0 50, 11 Off 11 36, a m. 12 44,140,2 30,4 00
(limited 4 60) 6 20.6 20, 8 60. 7 25 and 8 12pm and
12 01 mcht.
For Sea Girt. Long Jlranch and intermediate
stations, blu, u ii a m, ana 4UU, p m
For Ualtlmore and Washington 8 50, 7 20. 6 3t,
0 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 12 10, (12 35 limited dining
car,) 1 00, 3 46, 4 41, (5 16 Congressional Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617,
ooo, 4u anu ii&a p. m weeK uays. aun
teV I10' " 18 m" u 10-4 A' 8 M
1 A- VI 4tlVIUUUU1l 1V tM 1 IV lMU a S UU U4
IPnH D hihrnnarl T m a tn I'MII anil II II n n,
aaiiy, aau 10uii.n1. ween uuyb.
Trainu will leave HarrUburc for PltU
for Pittsbure
ana tbe West every day at 1 30. 8 10 a m
8 10 a 111. (120
umlimltra), , 7 su, lira p ru every cay.
Way for Al Viona at 8 18 a in and 5 CO p m eTery
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 10 a m
every day.
imu, win itavv auuuui; iui ,nmiww)iwi,
Klmlra, Canandalk-ua, Rool enter, Buflalo and
Niagara Falls at 135. 1 II a m.and I 86 p m week
days. For Ulmlra at 5 4( p rs weok days. For
Erie and Intermediate points at 6 11 am dal
r lit i uBiou nv n i wu w iu u.ui, a
and 6 44 p a week days For Renoro at 5 It a
m. 1 86 and 1 44 n m week dan. and ( lis ns on
Sundays only. For Xmm at 5 II am, dally.
i a o m waeKoaya.
H. M. Pumrottt. 1. K. VTood.
Stc'lMasHsr Oenl Pass'g'r Act
First Saiional Bank
9 ioo,ooo.oo.
a.. W. L.KISBNRING, President.
J, R. LKIBENRINO, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Oashtar.
Open Daily From 9 to 9,
merest Pwd on Saving DepouU
Easily- Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
anil all the train of evlta
I rem i arly irrori or later
excehM-H. thu results of
oieriuitk. elrknesi,
worry, eta Fullntrengtli,
deTelupment anil tone
given to e ery organ and
jxiitlon of ttio body,
simple, natural methods.
fl''en. Kilture ImpoBiilble.
2,0ml ipfrrences. Hook,
cxplantitlon and proofs
mailed (scaled) free.
Manufacturers of
pociesy Good? I
Of Every Description
Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, Ac.
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
HriilMl OfJeM. 203 K. :"Sn(l?iI) ,.!l.,riil!aa,a,Ps
Aro tho oldtwt in A merira t, -r lb treatment ot
Speslnl BtiHM&trw sk ?!.it!if,i ijrroir.
Varleixelc, llyilr,,i fi,-. I'liph.r'-. I 't uanliooa
Trentmenl 1 .r T!?.fH Untiy. Core-
mmilc atieni -.nen ,lv ' r lei Mai . i, itarar v
Hook, llffli e ec.urj: 0 M lo ; V. M . 0 li 8P.
,M AU day o-iuniav. l.uuilays, loto tz A M.
Glxris. Bcssler'8
(Mann's old stand)
104 South Main Street.
Finest wines, whiskers and cigars always la
stock. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap.
Cbolce Temperance urmss.
A revolution
In corset making!
Something new I
.. .1
times as elastlo and
durable. Ladles delighted. Made
iu all shapes. For sale by
Shenandoah, Pa.
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia.
3 8, Main 8t., ttSicnandoalft.
The leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated. Everything new, olean
and fresh. The finest line ot
Wines and Liquors I j
Cigars, fco., foreign and do- 1
mettle. Free lunch served 1
each evening. Big schooners
of fresh.Beer.Portcr, Ale, e.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Malinger Sbenandoah Branch.'
Piatt's Popular Saloon;
(Formerly Joe VYyiU'a) S
- 19 And 21 West Oak Street?
Bar stocked with the best beer., porter, tlca,
hlBkiaa. brsndles. wines etc e inee wiij
tating barstuehsd- Cordial iniiutiontoj
104 North Main street, Sheunndiiab, Pa., ,
lae Cream wholesale and retail.
Pienk d psr supplied on short not! t
V3 5s. u y
-Sil HI'S