The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 02, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    'Y Daily Surprises i
ains !
n Barg
Do you ever consider the quality ot tho
f od you are eating? It may be good. Itragnt
b) better, pmer, fresher and more wholesome.
U It not worth wblle to make sure that your
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Hutter, Km. Hploes nd
Innumerable other groosrtes are o( the beet
qaaiftyrrfTher la such a trilling difference In
Mm prions ot tbe beat and the worn that It oer
totnly does not pay to buy the worst, even on
the false era and of supposed eoonomy.
The beat la always tbe cheapest, beoause the
neat aatlafaetory and durable, and the Tory
beet of everything In the grocery line I kept at
cor, iwCiurc hiiu wmic ain.
At Work Again.
"Fatty" Snyder, the hnstlor who almost
committed suicide on Thursday night by
taking a dose or horse modlclno in Sneddon's
livery stblo, lias fully recovered and it at his
work again. Ilessrs lie had similar ex
perleiif aome years ago at St. Clair. A
doctor prescribed some medicine for lilm
with instructions that only fifteen drow be
taken. Snyder says lie swallowed the whole
content of the bottle to see wliat the effect
would be, and, In tbe last case, the overdose
made him vomit and prompt medical at
tendance saved his life.
T. J. Mooro is Prosidont of the
Trades' Council.
Well-Known Trustee of the
Painters' Union in Toledo.
Many Other Workingnieii Having
tho Same Struggle for
The panic just past boro hardest upon tho
woiklngmen and women.
Theirs has been tho greatest worry. They
have had to labor harder than ever to sup
port their faniulea. To day there aro
thousands of overworked Riid overworrlcd
jieopte struggling along, many of them under
the burden of dyspepsia, or insomnia, un
happy and fretful, but not lielpless M Mr.
Mooro i-hows.
Those who awake mors tired than when
they went to bed, with an unpleasant tto
In the mouth, and tho tongue parched,
I'lre Alarm.
The Are department was called ont to the
southwestern end of the Fourth ward this
afternoon. The alarm was sounded by poo
pla who saw a cloud of smoke swell out from
between two buildings on Muyberry allfy
and the firemen found no Are to fight when
they arrived upon the scene, as the smoke was
cnused by a fire In a stove. School Director
Tim" Lynch met with a an accident. IIo
was helping to pull the I'liirnlz hose carriage
and a sodden lurk of the tongue threw htm
to the ground. His nose was badly lacerated
Or. Laiigton put several stitches In the
Have you tried MoElhenny's fried oysters ?
a 12-tr
Tlio Couniy JiiHtltiiio,
The Schuylkill Oounty Teachers' Institute
will open at PottavlHo on Monday, 18th I net.
In another column of this iuier may bo
found the announcement of County Superin
tendent 0. W. Weiss. Tho attractions for tho
llittituto entertainments are Hon. A. 51.
Honimers, illustrated lecture ; Hon. II. W. J.
Hum, of Georgia, Southern orator and
humorist; the Ktuuia 0. Thursby grand
concert company, and the Franz Wilcssk
fraud conom company.
If there ever whr u real eure for chronic'
Oonglw, Colds, Kronoblnal troubles and La
8rlpe it lupin Tina. Don't tail to get lh
genulue; avoid substitutes. C'ikI only 26
eenta. Pan-Tina Is sold at 1. P. n. JClrlluY
Jrug Store.
ftolderinan,. th .Jeweler, Olt'er tlenulno
Artlc'l'S for Sale.
Holderman is ottering for ssleat his Jewelry
Mtablishment, on North Main street, a large
olloctlon of goods which wero aroong tho ex
hibits at tho World's Fair In Chicago. Tho
stock consists of elegant clocks, bronzes,
sllrcrwaro, jewelry and fancy goods, and each
nd every article is genuine They were on
exhibition In tho Liberal Arts and Manufac
turer! buildings at the World's Fair and Mr.
Holderman gives a guarantee that thoy were
amoug the original articles displayed there.
3?OTTSVXIiti3B, Ir-f..
Mow is Your Time to iiuy an-
Dives, Pomeroy
and Stewart's,
T. .1. MOOISK.
In former years wo have waltod
until nfter Chrtitmas to mark down
Ovoreoats Ilut this year we are
conilled to start In earlier. We
have an enormous stock on hand
and owing to tho hnrd times, sales
have not como up to our expecta
tions. One thing is certain.
Tho Goods Must be Sold.
We don't want to oarry over an
Overcoat or Winter Suit, and we
have put a prim on them that will
bring first -...-1 clothing within tho
reai.ii of all.
Those lino Chenchllle Overooats
that wore $15, now $12. Those 20
fur Heaver Overcoat now go at 115.
Nobby Illnck Cheviot Ovoreoats
that were $14, now $0.
Handsome illue Kersey and Mel
ton Overcoats reduced from $14 50
lo $10.00. Men's all-wool Su ts,
guaranteed fast color worth $12,
now go at $0.50.
We have over styles oi i;niin-
ren's Reefers. If we can't suit you
in a lteefer no one can. Children's
.Innior Iteefer and Jersey Suit by
the thousand. Every oonoeivable
shape, style and material.
Mod oysters a specialty at MoElhenny's.
Notice lo Societies, lite.
The Herald office Is prepared to furnish,
Ml sliott notice, programmes, badges, otcj
guaranteeing tho finest workmanship at tho
lowest rates. 1000 samples to delect from.
The most exquisite designs to eult any society
r organization.
Wonders' ono dozen $3 cabinets for $1. S. E
Gar. Centre and Market Sts., I'ottsville.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
7f hen she bad Children, she gave them Castorla,
lturclilll'n Cure.
When seeking a noat and well conducted
efe, go to Rurcbill's, corner Main and Coal
Streets, l'ollte and prompt attention. 11 7-tf
Fried oysters a specialty at
is In store for you when you
buy Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
let. If you ever took the
ordinary fiver pill, big and
bulky, nasty too, you'd ap
preciate a good thing, espe
cially when It is sugar-coated,
tiny a a mustard seed but
very sfteottve. Other things
being equal, the smallest U
the Lett in liver pills henco,
" Pleasant Pellet. '
If you are troubled with
Indigestion, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Bilious Headaches,
and a hundred and one ills
which depend upon an Inac
tive liver. use Dr. Pierce's
Pellets. With these puts you
get not only temporary relief
but a positive eurs; they're
mmranteed to erlve satisfac
tion or your money is re
turned. For fat people who suffer
from indigestion, for hearty
eaters and high livers those
whose livers are sluggish, this
pill is what is most needed.
Take a Pill after dinner.
coated and dry, know ono of tho many
signs of tho disease that follows pvcrwork.
A poor appetito for breakfast, at times a
complete distaste for nil kinds of food (even
the little reluctantly taken producing general
discomfort) these symptoms demand a sober
thought. To-day It is known that tho nerve
centers govern all tho processes throughout
tho body. Perfect digestion and asslmila
tion requlro that tho nerves work in har
mony with the digestive apparatus. And it
was on this recent highest medical inforina
tion that Paino's celery compound, tho
uiediolno that makes peoplo woll, wot first
prepared. To all who are overworked, tho
following letter from Mr. T. J. Mooro tolls a
story that should bo read and heeded. It Is
from ono of the plain people :
"I am greatly pleased with the good re
suits obtained from tho uso of I'alno's colery
compound. Previous to its uso I doctored
with two of tho best doctors hero, and my
health was hot improved in the least by tho
tieatmont I received. On the recommends'
tion of a friend I proomcd a bottloof Paino's
celery compound, and before I had used ono
bottle I noticed an Improvement in my
health, and I decided to ooullnuo its uso and
give the medicine a fair trial. I havo about
finished tho fourth bottle, and I havo almost
entirely regained my old time health and
vigor. My ailment was n disordered stomach
and my wholo system was out of order. My
appetite was poor and vory irrogular, and as
an old friend whom I met on tho street ox
pressed it, after enquiring about my health
when I was under tho doctors' oaro, 'O, you
are a goner !' But my improved condition
has convinced him of his Inefficiency us a
medical oxamlncr and prophet."
Mr. Mooro is a citizen of Toledo, and lives
at 2100 Fitch street in that city. IIo is
president of the trades' council and trustee
of the painters' uuion. "Ho stands high with
all union men," says the Toledo Made.
A careful man or woman either keeps
I'alne's eclory compound on hand, or knows
just where he can oaslly procure it.
It is. the remedy that makes peoplo woll
It has shown itself to bo an Ideal remedy in
cases where nutrition is an important factor,
and where digestion is feeble.
It is as far superior to the ordinary nerve
tonics and sarsaparillas as the diamond is to
the ordinary glass. Try It and be convinced
Will It lien German?
The fact is commended upon that in
nearly every caso whero a Gorman and an
Irishman have been rivals for appointmont
to a particular olllce Mr. Cleveland has
decided to give the appointment to a German.
D'm. Exchange. This la encouraging to
the friends of Messrs. Folmer and Masters.
Constantly we hear business men from other towns say
ing-, "I can't see how they sell goods so cheap at Dives, Pome
roy & Stewart's. They sell goods at retail cheaper than I
can buy them at wholesale."
Quantity and Small Margins,
Anowera This Question.
Our big store is the place to get the most for your money.
Try it and see what a large amount of goods you can buy for
a dollar.
At Our Millinery Department
You can get u new hat of tho latest style (it almost any price. Hate
to suit all in price as well as in style. You oan't find a larger or
better assortment of the millinery art than what we have.'
IN WRAPS-We are at the top, too, with all the leading and latest man
ufactured goods. Ladles', misses' and children's coats, capes and
circulars at surprisingly low prices. A vast amount have been sold,
hut new goods are received daily. Bo come at any time and we will
be glad to serve you.
Your Car Fare Paid ss
jr-a- Patrons purchasing goodi to tho amount of $10 and over, who reside within
fifteen milts of l'ottsv'tlle, their ear fan will bo paid by us.
Arro.lmt for llnrglnry.
Charles Stonp, alias "Shamokln Rod," and
William Dempster wcro arrested hy Chief of
Police O'Hiira last night for stealing a quan
tity of liquor from the cellar of Benjamin
Richards' hotel at tho corner of Ccntro r d
Jardin streets. Other parties aro wanted for
complicity in tho case. Stoup and Dempster
wcro taken to tho Potleville jallthismoruing.
Don'tTobacco Spit orSmoke yourUfe wtv
Is the truthful, startling title of a little book
lhat tells all about Notob(e, the wondciful,
Harmless fluamnteeil tobacco habit cure. 'In'
coat t-i trilling and tho man who wants to quit can't runs no physical or financial risk In
using "No tobac 11 Hold By all druggists.
Uook at drugstores or bv mallfree. Address
Tae Sterling Komedy Co., Indiana Mineral
Hprlngs, lnd. wis-ly
Best work dono at Itronnan's steam laun
dry. Everything white and spotless. Laoe
urtalns a specialty. All work guaranteed.
-visit Tlir.-
Pittsburg MoveSty Store
Chlnaware, (iueenaware,
Chlnaware, (iueeuaware, Qlasswaro and
OOODd at lowf Kt
prices. Call and I
examine tho stock I
and be cuiiv need we oarry tho very best line.
No. S" West Centre Street, "henandooh
We always have bargains at this department, but now we have something
special. A lot of all-woo Zebra Cloth, 5-1 inches wide, for 39c. These goods
cost the importer ninety cents, but he needed funds aud wo bought the job for
cash at great reduction.
A lot of 'Kl-iuch all-wool Serges for 33o a yard. Tills material is worth
your notice before 'tis too late.
Another lot of 3G inch Camel's Hnir Ellect Clotli at 17c. Your early at
tention is needed to see these goods, as they will go very quickly.
5 and 7 North Centre Street,
Big Reduction in Wall Paper.
Must make room for an enor
mous Spring Stock. : : : :
221 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
23 South Main Street.
A. Be 'sMuseumi
112 South Main SI,
Opon from 1 to 0
and 7 to 11 p.m.dally
Chaugo of program
twice a week. Ad
mission, 10 cts. to all
parts. Children un
der 9 years, Gc. All
can como without an
Henriettas, special In all shades, a good one, I
75c per yard, worth uoc.
Standard Prints, 5c
A largo assortment of Ladies Caahmoro Gloves I
to closo out cheap.
Good Ginghams, 4c and Dc, worth 7c aud 8c.
A lot of Floor Oilcloths to closo out at 15c,
original price, 2jc.
Uross Cloths a specialty. From 25 to 75 pieces
In tho best shades.
A big drive in Undorwear. Gents' Rod Shirts,
all wool, 75c, former price, $1.00.
The reason why Amies A Oil Liniment is
so popular with the ladies is beoause it not
only is very healing and soothing but its odor
is not at all offensive. lm
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled for at
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill oounty, Pa., post
office. December 2, 18M:
Hhelley Charles Wolf Joseph
Young C. E. A Oc.
rw ,u ug iur "' J. , BuY'le admission (no reserved eat). Wo. ,
please say "s-lvertlsed." One cent will be -phc , imrt for sale of reserved sen tickets
Hon. A. M Hornmers, "Healtstto Haranlos, '
An Illustrated Locture " "Picturesque
Europe" "Fiom Paris to Pompoll."
Hon. II. W.J. Ham, of Georgia, the South
eru orator und humorist. Leeture.
Grand concert company, Emma C. Thursby,
thn Atn.riRHn Hontatrico. the rival of Patti
and Jenny Ltnd, and the New York Male
OnrtBtte. Oeorire W. Campbell. Tenor;
lharles Herbert Hoyt, Tenor; 11. W. Hoe,
liarllone. Douglas Lane, uasso.
The Franz Wllczek Grand Concert i ompany.
Franz Wtloiek. the Great Austrian violin
Virtuoso, Mamie Kenek-Wiltrcek, Vlolinljt.
Punil Af .Tn.iehlm: Mario Eokhardt. an Km I
nnc Tinnfut' InAx Pann&tor. the Dramatic
Sonrana. a very superior artiste; llernaid
Emmelne, the popular tenor.
u..Bnr tinkAia. RAcuiini? reserved seats:
Pri'ietandClrele,S.M, Dress Circle, first
row. 1 75; Dress Circle, excepting nrst row,
f 1 m
nrJCBNTS per yard for Ollololft
S that Mlla on sign' Othen to
J6o, 4fio, and upwards. AJ1
grades of pretty Carpets. Call for bar.
jalnfl. C. O. Frfolce'8 Carpe
fjtorc, 10 South Jardin Street.
oharged on all advertised letters.
II. 0. Dotkh, P. M.
Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N.
Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says :
not oue death ooours now where twenty died
before Downs' Elixir was known. Over fifty
years of constant success places Downs'
KlUir at the head of the long list of cough
remedies. lm
liAll PoitpollHl.
The ball which was to have been held
Friday evening Last for the benefit of Wesley
Beisel lias been postponed until Monday
evening, Dee. 4tli. 13-S it
Ilave yon tried MeBlhenny's fried oysters t
will i nen at the bor oflioe of the Aoademy or
Mnain Pntuvllle. Decembers. atlUa. m.. for
teachers only, to seeure seals in one-halt of the
AUiidemv. and at 2 P. in. to neeure seats la
thn other half of the Academy. Before
nrwnlnir tha chart DlrtlCB desiring to
nurohate tickets will draw numbers
for poaltlon In line. Kah teacher in line way
purchase any number not exceeding ten. mj
person my loin the line a second time will
fha aamu nrlnlleiM M Ht first. The reurSSeUU
ttve of eseh district wtil be required to present
to the ticket agrnt a list of tbe names ot tbe
teachers for whom he buys tickets. Doors
open at 7 p. m. Entertainments oomjnoooe at
8 p. in.
The last train ou the L. V. K. R. from Potts
vl le to Sohuylklll Haven and Orwlgsbura vis,
Westwood, will be held until the close of the
evenlns's entertainment. The. last train on
the l'snna. It. It. for HheondoaU, Mufcana;
City and DetoBo will be held uoui ajoje o
evening's entertainment. U.W.WBI Cosjntyl
( m;AKrii e
p Under the auspiees of the p
H II. &. S. F E. Co , No 1, l
Ending JANUARY 3, 1S0I.
In addition to the attractions by
the maKniticent display at the booths
thero will be a grand
And other amuifments. Change of
program each night. A numbered
ticket given to each person purchas
ing a ticket of admission,
Tickets, Only 5 Cts.
Miss Annie Morrison,
No. 23 South Main Street,
Has been sold to
Is complete. All now and stylish Roods I
and at prices beyond competition.
Who announces that he will here
after carry a large and One stock of
This Department is complete, embracing a
lull line of lutg, Inerains and llrussels
at tho lowest prices of any.
Shawls, Blankets, Notions,
Corsets, Children's Garments
And a lob in Velvet to sell at COc worth
. . . ... .... .
i.w. AcKnowienging no competition in
tho trade, 1 assure you bargains in every
department at tuu old rcllablo stand.
Of all styles and fine make. Excellent
goods at prices to suit the times and
with n reach ot every one.
Boots and Shoes
Hats, Cups, Gents' Furnishings.
rWOall early and examine this stock before
going eisewnere.
Grand T T olidaylk.
J- Opening !
December 2,
No. 4 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
General Supply Store !
Wholesale and Retail I'KICKS.
Ferguson House bldg., Centre Street
Feuouson House Ulook.
Bvervtliliuf In the tonsnrlal line done In first
I cluss stile. Everything neat and clean.
Just opened in the Egan Building,
No. 8 Eaet Ccntro street, a full line
of Fall aud Winter Millinory.
r. j. FEitansoN, manager
Dan McCarthy's
"True Irish, jiearts."
Than Kvor.
A Magnificent Company
of singers, dancers, specialists.
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cents.
Reserved seats at Kirlln's drug store.
The place for business men to send
their surplus stook of every descrip
tion for sale.
Tuesdas, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Anybody oan send goods of every de-criptlon
to the rooms and they will be sold at auction
on tbe usual terms. All goods fold on commis
sion and settlements made on the day follow
ing the sale,
Reese's Auction Rooms
Dougherty Uulldlng,
Cor. Contro and Lloyd Streets.
BIRE0TOR8' NOTICE. First National
Dank, Sbenardoau, I'a , December J, 1W.
) annual election for thirteen directors to
serve for the ensuing year will be held at the
bank on Tuesday. January 9th, 1801, from 2 to 3
o'elook, p. in. John It. Lkisiinhino,
124-St-o-a-w Cashier.