i iiiiii ii Mpiwr i ICLBSAiFSIIEVENDE. How It Would be Koduood Uudor M0USWKS 0USEKEEPE Oausetl by Incompetenco on tlio the Now Tariff Law, .shouub use Loliigh Valley Eoad NECESSITY OF AN INCOME TAX. TWO 1CW MEN KILLED YESTERDAY What is V.I : Cnstorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inmnts ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use. by Millions of Mothers. Gastorla is the Children's Pnuaeea the Mother's Friend. 4 Caatoria. "Cafltorlatano well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior Uiarijr prwcriitlon known to mo." H. A. AROtntH, M. 1)., Ill 80. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " The u) of 1 Costorta ' 1 m tinlverml and Itfl tnerltH so vrell known that It tweina a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few am the Intelligent families who do not keep Castortn within easy reach." CablobMartvj,-, I). I)., New York City. Tms Centaur CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal Street, SHENANDOAH; PENNA. -AGENT FOR- CELEBRATED LAGER 1 1 Porter, Ale and Pine Old Stock Ale. RETTIG'S Beer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the -1- Chas. Bettig's Cele brated Beer aud Porter in this vicinity, also Berguer & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receivo prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South Mam Street. lie Your Own Doctor. For one dollar get a bottleof Mayers' MaR netlo CatHtrh Cure. It will last for three months, and la absolutely guaranteed by your druggist, Doctors say the only way to cure catarrh and hay fever Is by enbalatlon. Wo havt worked lor 3 ears to accomplish a good, simple method for InhallrE medicine, and offer Mayers' Mag netic Catarrh Cure, which Is used by this now method, to the public, and guarantee It to cure any case, no matterof how long standing. One bottle Is all yon need to Hccomplisha cire. It will last for three months. Ask your druggist or address The Mayers Drug Co, Oakland, Md. THE WO.SHF.il OF THE AGE. Have you citarrh ? No dojbt you have. Most people are so afflicted. Get a bottleof MaTer'sMacnetlcCatarrh Cirre from your drue- prist. It's Ue only medicine of its kind on the market ana absolutely guHraoieea. ror suie by druggists ana price n SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses one Carriages to Hire. fiaullnr of all kinds promptly attended to. Horses tusen to ooara, at rates that arc liberal. 1 ! i 1 On PEAR ALLEY. Hear of (he Coffee Boast. f MAUIIXCK K1VBR J COVE OYSTERS We are now prepared to fill orders In large or small quantities at our wholeso:e and retail store. All orders executed with oare and promptness. 3R.. IX. STOBXiXJ OO., II ll-13w 6 8. Jardln HL. Shenandoah, Pa. JOE WYATT'S SALOON and restaurant, (Christ, Bossier's old stand,) Pkiulii and Caul HtH,, Shenandoah, Best beer, ale and porter on ta tap. The flnem brands of whiskeys and cliars. Pool room t 1 ached, Public Notice! Notlolsneri..ysi- n -t persoas awtroy- UBt m detain!'.! ncer itta wiu m pnwouHu 'at, ,-n,v!drt by me Act of Assembly approved a,Ap-.i.Hi,iaf. Brewers' Association. 1 rtrm.ahJPa .udo, 18 ly ruuu.fi- aiTw uMUiiil Caatoria. Cwiliirla cure Ooh'c, OonrtljiHtlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcm, Kructntlon, Kill Worms, given uleep, and tiroinolw di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years 1 hate recommended your 'Caatoria,' and shall always continue to do so on It has invariably produced beneficial results." ' Edwin F. 1'ahiibb, 51. 1)., lasih Street nnd Tth Ave., New York City, Oumi - ahy, 77 Muiuiay Sthkkt, Nkw York Crrr Some Cold Cornem. ST. Pali., Minn., Dec. a. The coltlwt plnco yusturday tvns l'rlnce Albert, Cn nila, where the mercury was ii clegs, be low; lllsninrck, N. D., wns 28 below uil Sloorlieiul, Minn., 21 below. Dublin's N'W I.oi-il Mnyur. f Drm.iN. De li. Alderman Mllnti wa yostcrdaj Il"IkI lord mnyor of Dn Win. 3ScU., COcts., and $1.00 per Cures Coughs, noarsenrs,Sore Tliro.it, Croup promptly; relievos Whooping Couch nnd Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival; hascured thousando whcroall others failed; will cure too If taken In time. Sold liv Drmrrrista nn affiiarqntee. For T.n me Hack -or Chest. uso SUlCon'S 1-1.AST15IU 25cta. kH 1L0H'SCATARRH iecd to euro you. Trice 60 cts. Injector free Sold by C. IT. Hsgenbuch, Shenandoah. Bell's Museum 112 Sooth Milg St, Open from 1 to (' andvto 11 p m. daily Chungo of program twice a week. Ad mission, 10 cts. to all parts. Children un der !) years, 5c. All may cotno without escorts. Of holes in a skimmer I Lots of ways of throwing away money. One ui me uest meuious 01 economizing is 10 insure ! In first class, thoroughly reliable companies, 1 elthor lite, Uro or accident, such as represented "J No. la) Houth Jardln street, Bhenandoah. Ps W. J. DECK'S Wheelwright Shop Has been removed to Hear Alley, lletween Centre and Lloyd .Streets. Wheelwright work, Carriage nnd Wagon building, Ilorsoslioeing and Uenenu Kopiuring or all kinds promptly attonded to. IT) (Tklchr.tirc. i-:.u;v.,n I!iuan4 Brw4. lENNYRGYfif. PLLS iVfifli K VSF "W 1" hvr. au-t- Ht Utu- V I " fit f""'', " 1 ITH.I I. T wild 44 I C. jjr 1 --.mi.-. 1 11 . k i tiuwcu- mi I'D4 IT "tH f f.ir UlUViLlrr 'rUW1 tor tjl. f.l I a..!liitit1vinrVIiMUrt W r U" v-i K. J. KEPXaXSR, Ite of Mhamokln, has opened a MARBLE : YAUD ! 128 N. West Street, Shenandoah, Pa, He Is prepared to receive orders for all kinds of monument and tombstone work, which will be done In a first class manner on short notice and reasonable terms The Man Who wrote the Song ! "lie never caret to wamler J'Yom his own flretitle," was Inspired while sitting beforo one of my tine Hf liters. I also have on hand the best Htoves and Manges In the market and a large stoek of liousefurnlshlng Goods. 1'lumblng, rooting and Spouting a specialty. All work guaranteed. Cor. of Lloyd and White Sts.. Pbenandoah, Pa. Bottlers of all kinds ol TEMPERANCE : DRINKS ! ' AWO MINIBAL WATUIS. . Wain BHCB a Bpeouvlty. AIM bottlers of the nneat ueer. t7 anil JD reach Alley, 811 UXANDOAll, Bottle, agegjtoigag? -ISiflifiHmhSKIEiaflfWIIU' LOTS Mr. TwrMiey SI 11 1 Aei-li That the npHcIt C'Hnnot ) Mllptilleil Without Ullnndluc the Tux to Indlvldnnt lneomes The lropotHt Inereaae tm WMnky. WAsHUCfiTosr, Dec. U. The meetlnB ot t- e ways and nienii" committee yeatfrday wns brief. The estimate to he aubmltteil slmwiiiK the probable difference in reve nue that would result from the new Mil were not yet complete, and the committee adjourned until Monday to Rive Cleric Talbott anil his nssMuut further time. The labor of estimating Ibo revenue that would be derived under the new tariff bill Is very great, but it line progressed far enough to warrant the statement that, on the basis of the imports of 1893, the loss of revenue resulting from the enactment ot the new bill anil the repeal of the McKln- ley law would be about HO.000,000. Of course this estimate In on the supposition that the itnpovti under the new bill would be 110 greater than under the present law, a supposition which the Democrats by no means concede. It Is the contention of Chairman Wilson and his Democratic associates that im portations will be so stimulated under the new bill that the loss ot revenue, de.p!te the radical reduction of duties, will not he over 36,000,000. This deficit it Is now proposed to make up by a tnx on the in comes of corporations, a tax on succes sions and playing cards, and by Increns Ing lliu tax on cigarettes and perhaps whisky. Mr. Tnrsncy, ot tho ways and means committee, still clings to the belief that the deficit cannot bo supplied without ex tending the income tnx to individuals. "1 don't think It can be done," said he, "without making tho tax on net earnings of corporations excessive. Such a tax of 2 lier cent, would securn to tho govern ment not more than $25,000,000, whereas the deficiency would bo nearly 40,000,000. I can't see how tobacco can stand any greater tay. If the rate on whisky was advanced ten cents per gallon, from that source there will le ?!),01)U,000, which is short of the amount required. "One source of Increaso of revenue Uiat has to lie developed Is the stimulation of importations that will result from the lifting of our prohibition tariff. Doubt less this will greutly increase our rev enues, but I hardly think we could get along wit bout help from tho personal In come tnx. If incomes over i'i.OOO were taxed at a rati of 5 pur cent, it would put into the treasury ovpr $7,000,000, and thnt would give us sulllcient revenue." The Democratic members of tho com mittee met again this afternoon to fur ther consider the income, tnx and internal revenue schedule. There are still many rumors afloat regarding the intentions of the committee iu relation to the whleky tnx, but the expressions of members of the committee give no rein-on for Jiellev lug that the increase will exewd ten cents per gallon, and some memliers think it doubtful whether there will bo any in crease ut all on it. lingers to be Tried Again. CnES'llx, I'a., Doc. S. The December term of tho criminal court begins on Mon day. There will be about sixty cases. Among them will be that of Thomas HoguTH, who killed his father and shot his mother and sister on .Inn. 14 last. He wns convicted of murder in tho second degree at tho September term, but ns a legal technicality was resorted to by Hogers' counsel to prevent a longer sentence than ten years District Attorney Ynunum has decided to push the other indictments for murderous absnult. Dublin's 1'nlltlnil Murder. Lokdon, Dec. 2. The 1'all Mall Gazette sayb that it learns li-om a rsliablo source that 1'atrick Heed', the man who was mur dered in DulJiu recently, wns a govern ment spy, and that ho test Wed in behalf of Timothy Kelly at the trial of the Phro nlx park conspirators. The Pall Mall Ga zette adds that since that time Heed has been an informer, and that a connection has been cltwly proven between Heed nnd the recent explosions in Dublin, and that startling disclosures may bo expected at any time. ThegDetrnlt Holocaust. Dktkoit, Deo. 'J. The coroner's jury in vestigating the recent lire which destroyed the dry goods establishment of Edson, Moore & Co.. resulting in 11 loss of eight lives, handed In a verdict exonerating the firm but holding the city building inspeo torB responsible for not seeing that proper fire escapes were provided. Iron AVnrkciV Wages Iteduied. Reading, I'a., Dec. a. The Carpenter Steel company has reduced the wages of lta employes 10 per cent., a-nd tho Iilnndon Hailing mill cut down its puddler twenty-five eents per ton. The Heading Iron company's rolling mill and ttihd works' employes, 500 iu number, accepted a re duction of H per cent. Tim Grip In Rochester, RoniESTKK, Dec. a. The grip has broken out here aarnin. Several ilnzou ruwi ull severe, are reported. Physicians believe that an epidemic is probable. The sewers are in a bad couditiou, the water pressure not being hevy enough to properly flush them, and they will contribute to the spread of the disease. The Italian Hallway mutator. Milan, Dec. 3. The total number of bodies recovered from the wreck of the Milan express, whloh collided with a freight train at I.lmltro St-vtlon on Tues day night, U twenty-two. All were terri bly burned, aud only live were recogniza ble. Kd&rar TltniiiKoii Works to Kemme. DltAIUXicK. Pa., Dec. 3. Kvervthlne Is In readiness to resume operations at the Wilgar 1 liouikou bteel works on Monday, lioth mills will then be running on rails. The firm Is now credited with having sev eral imiiieiihe orders to fill. rrenohmeii Want a Gumiiierchil Treaty, tioitOEAVx. Dec. 2. The Hoelatv nf Po litical Eoonom v. at their meeting, adnntail a resolution unrins the Prannh aam. went to open negotiations with America ior a oommerctal treaty. The Carlta Party Bstfs. PoKTLAJin, Ore.. Dec. a. A dtsnatch from Ueutenant Kliott tram Kendrio, J as ho, states that Ui oarty audths Ctrlin a anting party, which was lost iu the snow, have arrived safely. HAILED THE SEAS 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. "or thlriy-elaht years dipt, l.oud followed sea, moat of that time ns ma-ster of a ves una upon retiring from t lie water n- n p . I'lted by the Secretary of the United Stales isury 10 superintend the seal tlshcrliw in a kn, which position he he'd rive yours, lie hues one experience lis follows: Tor several years 1 had been troubled with ni'ial nervousness and puln In the region i i.iy heart. My (trentest nlillctlon wiu "":le s i"ss: It was almost Impossible at nnj ..it to ohiuln rest and sleep. Having sect . Miles' remedies ltd vert h-cil I began uliip r-.lne. After lukliiK a small nuiuilllv 1 in- iH'Ht received was so grout Hint I nnsite-l ' ly alarmed, thlukum tho remedy ccn .lui'd opiates which would llnnliy bnlnlurl- i to me; but on being nssuied by the dt uir ' ilial It was perfectly harmless. 1 cumin il It tonother with the Heart Cure. Tt d .y "in ponselentlnusly say that Hr. Miles' K -oratlve Nervine and fcow Heart Cure ii I lore for met ban anything 1 had ever till en. t, id been treated by eminent physlt'lini--New York and San I- ranclsco without hen ' 1 owe my present good health lo tie ' .lK' ions use of these most valuable reniedl'-s, i.Hieiirllly recommend thorn to nllnflllriiu 1 was." C'apt. A. I. IiOUd, Hampden, Mi'. Ill Miles' Itestoratlvo Nervine and New Curr . . .old by all dnigglstson a posll Ivcjruiir .n- or by Dr. Miles Medical Co., ftlkhiu-' I. on receipt of price, SI per bottle, or si i. ties for i express nrepiild. They me " from all oplutes and dangerous druss. MISCELLANEOUS. QOLICITORH WAtfTKD.-For particulars, O Apply hi IltKAt,r office. tf OU SALE Nine shares Hehuylklll TraC' uon siock. Apply at nils otnoc. u-u-tr TTlOlt HAbl. Chfan. a llrst mass urooerv I' store with Hook and fixtures Adeslrable stand. Must Be oid Hood reasons for si lling, ililress, by mall, "X," Hehaid ofBce. 11-25-lw YOUNG MN WANTED! nail up SlRns and distribute 'rtulars. Uood pay end Btanm. Calhoun County Advertis ing o., Hattlo Creek. Jllth. 11-3 Imo. C' A A Per month and eKl)onc8 nald uood V4:I saleemn. Steady e 'iploytnout, good iorruor.v, siock gu-i anieen itr-t-cinss Address THE AtJUUUlTV NUP8KBY CO , ucneva, in. i . rj.-it INSTATE OF KKOWER WAf.EWICZ: 111 Letters of Adnnulstriitlon on tho otate of Kxower Wnlowlcz. lato of West M.ihi iov township, Schuylkhl county. 1'eoni.ylvar In, deconsed, have been rranlo t to John J. tiobbln, residing in the bnruugli of Hhi-naudoah, county and stxto foresaid, to whom nil nersnns indebted lo said estate aro requested 'o mako payment, and those having claim uud demands win maae Known mo name without delay. John J. BoiuiiN, Administrator October 8, 18U3. Ot o a w NOTICEOPlJIS'KlL.UTIONOP PAHTNEU ship Xotlce I hereby given, that the Sartnership laiely subsisting between Charles livln. S. M. Duncan and J. W. Waldley, under tho llrm of C-irvin. Duncan and 'ul'1ley, has been mutually dissolved. All d"btiowi b to the said partnership are o be recolved by Ch'S. '.irvm, and all demands on the j.iij partnership aro to bo presented to htrn for paymeor. ine laie ousim sswiu Do contloaed nt the old stand, by tile said eras. Girvln. CHARLES BlRV IN. J. SI. IlllNCAN, .1 il. WaIDLKY. Shenandoah, Hov. 10th, 1.S03. ll-ll-Staw CIHAKTEK NOTICE Notice is hereby riven that an appl catlon will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of the oounty of -Schuylkill and Htate of Pennsvlvanla. m Pnttsvllm. on Monday, the 1th duy of Dooembor, 1S93, at 10 o'clock In the foreuoon, under the "Act of As sembly to provldo for tho Incorporation and regulation of carta!" corporations " approved April 29th 1871, and the supplements thireto. for tho chari- r of an intended corporation to be called aud known as "Society of Sons of Lithuanian Citizens of Hcliuylklll County. Pa." Said association Is to be located at Shen andoah, Pit., and to have for ltsobjeot themaln lenance of a society for soclal!"cducatlonal and beriellclal nurposes to Its members from funds collected therein. S O.II.IIOI.TOPETEK. Attornev for Applicants Shenandoh, Pa., Nov. 8, 1SDS. 11-10 oaw-ot 1TOTIOE. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF Schuylkill county, Pottivtlle, fa , Novem ber 3, 1868 The undersigned, the Commission ers of Hcbuylklll county, will reoelvo sealed proposals until - o ciock n m., Monuay. Da oember 4. 113 for the ereclon and completion of aone-span(5n feet) wooden bridge, at or near Klmmcl'H tanyard, II. bier township, this oounty. Plans nnd specifications can bo seen at this office. The CommUsloners re.ervethe right to reject any and all bids. SAMUEL O DBTURK, J AM EH J HOWES, KLI S E. HEED, County Commissioners. Attest: P. J. Connki,!,, Clerk. 11 7-lt-oaw NOTIOb!. Offlee of Commissioners. Schuyl kill couoty, Fa., November 8..18IW. The underourned. the Commissioners nf Schuylkill oounty, will receive sealed proposals uoiu x n uiook p. m jiouoay, ueoemoer 4tn, I8W. for the erection and comDletlon ot a nnn span (54 feeti wo den bridge, at or near Plans and sneclncations ohn be seen at this offloe. The Commissioners reserve llie right iu rtjvut way hwi all ems. SAMUEL G. DsTUHK, JAMES J HOWES, r:LIAS E. HEED, County Commissioners. Attest: P. J. Connkli.,( lerk. U.7-lt oaw MUSSER & BEOOALL, (Successors to Coakley Bros ) io. 38 Knst Centre Htruet, HIIKNANDOAM, I'A. Our Motto: Host Quality at Lowest Cash Prices. Patronage respectful'y soliolted. Kaisers Oyster Bay ! 127 South Malu Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. A. P. KAISER, Proprietor. 3rrh besvoysters Id all styles at all hours. H. F. FAUST'S Electric Call Bell and Burglar Alar ml HttjBls, gerfset and Chesp. Kveryyd. affstreeC MuwaSSah! K!. wul'bV'prooi pSy attended to. 1,'n Less Than I'lve Hiownbllps on the Mratd In One llay Troubles ot the Hnfcd lit MorliiB Trains A tlcwnrd itrttoreil for Mischief Mulii-n, Wii.KKSitAunn, Pa., Dec. 3. Non-nnlon i-iiKltieers In charge of locomotives were the cause of no less than five disastrous Wrecks on the Lehigh Valley railroad yes terday. First a freight train broke nt the Conynftham crossluK aud left two cars standing on the main track. Passenger train No. 5 came along aud Jammed Into the cars. The fireman was Injured by jumping from the engine, and Condnctor Kinney, o' sayre, was quite badly bruised. About l! o clock, as a freight train was passing through Falrview on its way to tins city, empty engine .10. Wi, going at the rate of thirty miles nn hour, crashed Into the caboose in which were Beatedtwo brnkemen, who were instantly killed. The caboose caught tire, and as soon as possible the Humes were extinguished and the mangled bodies of the dead brakemen were taken out. The engineer of No. 409 was not injured. Tho name of one of the brakemen killed Is Edward Wilson. lie had been on the road only a few davs. The company discharged three new en gineers yesterday. The discharged men at once made application to the brother hood, but were refused. The company is investigating a charge made against some of the non-union men uow at work. It Is alleged that there are a number of men in the employ of the company who are Brotherhood men In dis guise. The men are employed in the oapacity of brakemen. When the train is moving up grnde it is nllpged that the Brotherhood men pull the pins In tho couplings and cause the train to part in soveral places. It Is said that this Is the whole trouble on the mountain cut-off, where the grade is ninety feet to the mile. Trains have been pulleil over this heavy grade all right heretofore, but now It seems almost, impossible to dn it. If the couplings don't break some other mis chief is sure to happen. The company will oiler W00 reward for the detection of any employe in the act of removing a coupling pin while the train Is in motion. The non-union men hnve complained that the coffee furnished them from one of the restaurants was poisoned with jtilup. The company did not make much head way with its freight yesterday afternoon. Tho wrecks on tho roads blockaded all trains. Trainmasters and other subordin ates ou tho road are worked almost to death. The Central Kailroad of Xew Jer sey is reaping a rich harvest on account of tho strike Nearly all freight for this city and surrounding towns Is shipped over the road now. Kxtra crews hnve been nut on. nnd many old employes nf tho 1-iehlgh Val ley road have been given work. Eastox, Pa., Dec. 2. The 460 Lehigh Valloy strikers in this locality show no signs of weakness. There have been sev eral costly wrecks on this division of tho road within tho past twenty-four hours, which are attributed to the incontnetencv of the new men. A coal train was cut. in two on the iron bridge spanning the Dela ware river, and the coupling pins and links were thrown into the river. Pottsvillk, Pa., Dec 2. The past two dnys have been the busiest since the insti tution of the strike on the Lehigh Valloy railroad. All collieries are working to day, nnd more trains are being handled ench day. As an official remarked this morning: "If it were not for the great trouble of getting freight moved at Pack erton, tho strike would tint be noticed in the Schuylkill region.' ..-.Tything Is quiet, nnd no potty depredations are being committed by tho strikers, although tramps, who ure flocking into the region by hundreds, are doing much mischief. I'llILAOKLFIHA, Dec. 2. Chief K. E. Clark, of the Order of Hallway Conduc tors, said last night that reports from every division of the Lehigh Valley road indicated that the strikers were holding out to a man. When asked If ho had any hope of winning the strike in view of the strong position the company now claims to hold, he said: "It would lie foolish for me to say anything thnt would indicate otherwise." So far as the company Is concerned, its officials say that very few reports show that there is anything at nil wrong witli the service. A Popular Conductor Killed, HAiiBiSBUnti, Dec. 3. Captain O. B. Lawe, of Alronna, one of the oldest con ductors on the middle division of the Pennsylvania railroad fell from his train in the company's yards in this city last night and was ground to death beueath the wheels. llriuiswlek's Uuarantlne Reinovod. IIbunswiuk, Ua., Dec. a. burgeon Mur ray gave Brunswick double reason for celebrating Thanksgiving by removing the government quarantine around the oity, and any person may enter Bruns Wlok without fear or certificate. A Child Murued to a CrUu. GBKENSBUliii, Pa., Dec. U. Anna, the 6-year-old daughter of John McCutchaon, of Jeannette. was fatnllv hnrnnl liv bar riouung taking are from uu open grate, nur uooy was ourneu to a ortsp. Old Time ff&dthods ot treating Colds and Coughs were based on the idea of sup pression. We now kno w that "feediner a -old" is good doctrine. Scott's Emu sioti dj cod-liver oil with hvco- :ho?phites, a rich fat-food. :ures the most stubborn . oiioh when ordinary roedi dnus have failed. Pleasant to take; easy to digest. -i!.-,tvt ht Snort J Bos-no S V. 'Ii'mrr-i- The new vegetable shortening It meets the most exacting re quirements, and is beside et: . i i v ireefroHnUeo'.'ieeJi'w!iierli,r , teristiM of Jard, lotiir k'lowii i long suftlre 1. Nn,vd V, -emio has come. With Coltok'iie, , id cooking, good food and goo 1 health are all a-vtn -1. Hut vou must be ou ; COTTOLENR lire "rvvjcf iniita' ' " 1etos'-!l 1 '.' J Mn'.'t a id 'arity "t' XAi. - ; :m rill , and your gtoc y ill 1!. i v .deivtand that k.iov e ic: 1 , wh it you Want. This wi.l h-;-j y u satisfaction and. svavc ya Ji.-uppoiutrue;it. HuM I-i :l nnd 5 ;oulld iwl - M.ide only by N.K. FAIRBANKS CO., CHICAGO, o 136 M. DELAV.'Rt AVE., PHILADELPHIA. 1THE KIND ! THAT CURES! A MARVEL IN C0H0ES I Kidney and Liver Disease! -n Hv. fig m CURED BY 3 BOTTLES ! I jjfllu'jilth bv tin iMi'of ymir Siirmtmrilla I f.-.-IH Hiy tluly to lit othirfl know Uw gwat beut-Ut 1; jjfc For l. yenm I havo Uvn tmnhlnl wlthBl Suro naliiHinthoMoiiiiirh, a'o Klti.S I"1'' " I-It Iliia(s bo badly that foriH IiieukvdUirot' bottles of w g BVjNTA'S 1 SAUSAPARILLA S Vitus rienwtfiilU. 'mm Cohort, N. V. CHAliMIS HUIMUX& S Tlu'trutli of thi nlw.vv n i-i-rtifi tl ti hv S JAMFs - rvj.MN-i, Wm Dnu't'ict C'ntiors, N. Y, M Never Durchase of a " Sukstithtpr -ni (z person who tries to sell you something lelse when you call for Dana's.) Our bot-BC ties are belnn filled wiih a rniiMTrnrctTSi m 1 'ARTICLE by "Substitutors." Buy of theS HONEST DEALER v,ho sells you what youS ask for, and II you receive no benefit heS ; will return your money. Dana Sarsaparllla Co Belfast. Maine. ff, Dr. THEEL I'l I ... i ........ .,.-v ""niooa rMnt tlllty, ik'taj, ItUiiulvncF, o, I r.iiiir ir iOonnrlHrj-, (no limtU yrbA tiinnt wamwVinlallt. inin- ttrV ,tte..h; tli. ooniblMl AlUpatUla, Iiuuks !uihiu i.iM JMiuiu m - iot nwdloiaZ KcUuf u once, hr.sh h- ourpdlii 4 to lit itarn. HetiU fiv to.MDt3tiiir..fi tur lvx.lt 'luth,w ..mwliing thit Mtoobih jwu.L. i tin, r.nuJ to cut' t lti fcunifliraal thom ODDttiHt.lt Ids iimrrliii- Houm d- 'ly: to a. mkl ian, 6 u 8:m ..mr , ttto li.M B.warc of Qtuuka. tiult Souk H'e-iinr ft n tAub at alt r"is 1 1 wti. Eighteen Physicians Failed. r. . vkkttkybehd, WMkUflab Uti under OAlh . I tuUnred tot 10 from HIiMid PoUotl Md penal diJAftir, hud t Mrictatw bm4 gr at Imm Mitaliij , coald not real tor pain axulBiiaery, life tu aburdaft. I bmrtiie a (Mai wrwk, body tovftiwd nb uii'vraandblau.hfes, oould kvilj artDat- ( uo appetlt. Thnt adrarna ltK do-tflr and i dlSvKBt Hot,i'l phi-i-ini, failed; want lo tbi Hui hilling and trM a Western eoaro but to tain , wanted to oanunlt tu ui bad no hope of era- beln lii-i Family phi -lolaix warned aia u i t ODiimit Dli. (. Til k EL. Hm .i l adwrtlnlnf phrfttriaits an u n-l My frltnd 9r& OuIi Aid, raixl tp DK O F Til f I I., inier tmlnd wbat other ay, Ut iuri.d ij. ft tn I 1 a of iudls'ivtliiij hf mill can-you. So I w nt m. I ibank ui our Lord an, biv M-o4 Fnd PR O F TH Vf I, v ntiaii ntlv cured ma H- p , H 1 the ootf true , u-mg i Inliii Haiti lbs bet, and fty lrti- ta bo uffl n r 7i dmi i Hb to no false adrlcc n fn.H 1p. . F.THrU, 181? BtN .. Pbiiada. Ao nnM or ttildrc-M of any pittlfHl will he pub Jifthcd nnU'M they mo drafp. fetrlcioat aoorMf ywpmitPfd lo c cry itatlent S3 SHOE NoTViP. Do you wear them 7 When next In nd try a paU Best In the world. r X2'50 51 12.00 I.7S FOB IfJYS 75 JblM. doo't p $6 tc $8, try my $30, 14.00 w hwi ihvi ii vxui kv buaiuni mfiOQ ing lOOK Mi Wnth,rrl? 1 11 11 ii iilim 4 N bv Durchaslnir W. L. fir, i Khr-, U iIS trie itampsd en t.ie bett.n,, lu '. .hwyoukn 1 1 34.001 &3.SDH. 52.25 Ml 1 ft? nn ILHK ' 14 atuth Main UtrMV WrHMwnaort, Pa. C. F. Rotb, Rlngtown, Pa. ice JH