The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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Too High Prossuro.
In these days of keen competition In every
line, when the husinoM m.m is compelled to
bend his intellect and every energy to the
mii'cess of his business; the clerk, book
keeper, professional man and laborer, to
drive tlicmwlvos at a terrific rate, thcie ran
h but one result an explosion, which, if
not resulting in immediate death, leaves
them with shattered brains and bodies.
They are running at too high pressuie.
The strain is too great. Something nniNt
.mil does give way. This is equally true of
women. Though their sphere is moie
lin Ued, they have their daily burdens, fiets
mil worries, and the results are the same as
with their stronger companions.
This condition is crowing worse every
day. The rapidity of its increase is awful
m i (intern plate. Our homes, hospitals, and
insane asylums are full of these unfortunates,
and an- being crowded still further. Tluie
but one solution of the matter, llecog
nize the importance of the situation atonre,
mid take the necessary measures to over
come it. If you have failing memory, hot
(lashes, dizziness, nervous or sick headache,
biliousness, irritability, melancholy, steep
le --snesi, fainting, nervous dyspepsia, epi
lepsy, etc., know that any one of them is but
a symptom of the calamity that may befall
you. and oven though you have used so
called remedies and treated witli reputable
nhvsicians with little or no benefit, irive T)r.
Miles' Kestorative Nervine a trial. It is
tiio only remedy that may bo depended
upon for nervous disorders.
" Two years ago I used I)r Miles' Restorative
Nervine with marked benefit, anil later induced
inv son, who had been sick with catnrrh of tho
bladder flvo years In the hands of our best pliy
sIclMis, to try It together with Dr. MlltV Kerto
and I.lvcr l'llls. He was so wonderfully beneiited
mm ne n auenuing in nusincss again, wy wire
'To used Nervine with most excellent reruns.
Ml of us together have not used more than
hottles of Nervine. Several of our friends havo
nl' used it, and are greatly improved." -Louis
IjIMjs, iiucner i uidds now 10 . uanton. unio.
Dr Miles' Restorative Nervine is fold bv nil
drugglstion a positive guarantee, or sent bv Dr
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt oi
nrlce. Si per bottle, six bottles. STt. exnresspreoald.
It Is positively free from opiates or dangerous
arugs. t reo dook di uruggisig. or oy man.
No. 207 West Coal Street,
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
X Chas. Kettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Alos and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street,
He Your Own Doctor,
For one dollar get a bottle of Meyers' Mag
netic Catarrh Cuio. It will last for throe
months, and Is absolutely guaranteed by your
Doctors say the only way to cure catarrh and
hay fever is by enhnlatlon. Wo have worked
lorjcais to accomplish a good, simple metbod
lorlnhallng medicine, and offer Muycrs' Mag
netic Catarrh Cure, which is used by this now
metbod, to tbe public, and guarantee It to oure
any case, no mutter ot how long standing. One
bottle is all yon need 10 accomplish a ore. It
will last for three months. Ask your druggist
oraddress The Mayers Drug Co, Oakland, Md.
Have you catarrh ' No do ibt you have.
Most people are ho afflicted. Get a bottle of
Mayer's Macneiio Catarrh Cure from your drug
gist. It's i te only medicine of its klud on the
market at d absolutely guaranteed. For sale
by druggists ana price $1
Horses ana Carnages to Hire.
Hmllnr ot nil kinds promptly attended to.
Horses tslten to board, at rates
that are liberal.
On PEAR ALLEY, Rear of lb Coffee House.
V in larco or small Quantities at our
Wa.M nnu. nrAnnrnl tn (111 nrilam
wholesole and retail store. All orders
executed with oure and promptness.
H. 3J03SXjX3 eft) OO.,
9 ll-lln 8 8. Jirdln Ht. Shenandoah, P.
(Christ, llossler's old stand.)
HrIu auit Coal MH SliaHHHrtiwh,
' Ileet beer, ale and wtV i on tap. The tluaai
brandsof wbl. etf Pool-room n
Public Notice!
Hot lee u hereby ftven tkt psrson asstroj-
ing or detaining bear kegs will ba prosecuted
) provided by the Act of Assembly approved
Faprll tb,lW
Brewera' Association.
Ho Bitterly Assails Commissioner
Blount's Eoport,
Tim llx-.MInMor Clinrxes ttio GriiiRliV
SIntrsnittn with Contorting Ith lto.vnl
lets, to the Utter Kelutioti of American
Citireiiii anil American Inlrrrsts.
ArorsTA, Me.; Dec. 1. John L. Steven,
ox-mlnister to Hawaii, In replying to tlia
recently published report of ex-Commt-sioner
lllount, says he deems it."nu Amer
ican's duty to defend an insulted, threat
ened and RtriiKHn colony, planted as
riglitoomly and firmly on the North
Pacific isles as our Pilgrim fathers estab
lished tliomselves on Plymouth rock." He
then dwells at length on the "extremely
nn-Americnii course of Secretary Groshnm
and Minister Illouut" its playing into
Ilritlsh hands, goes on to explain that
Mr. lllount was unfitted for diplomatic
duties and unfortunate in having sur
rounded himself by royalists and palace
nil venturers on his arrival lu Hawaii. Mr.
Stevens proreeils:
"As a precautionary safeguard ngnlnst
ihutting out the Aineripnus from ready
access to Commissioner Ulount a wealthy
and n highly respectable widow lady of
tho American colony was ready to grant
the uso of her houw to Mr. and Mrs.
Blount, the commissioner to pay tho same
amount It would cost him to live at tho
royalists' hotel. A committee, of three
American citizens, the superiors of Mr.
Blount in education and maimer, men
who had not taken part in the revolution
ary proceeding of the previous weeks,
went on hoard tho Itush when that ves
sel came into the harbor, while I was
courteously meeting Mr. and Mrs. Blonut
on their arrival.
"At tho request of those three American
gentlemen, I introduced them to Mr.
Blount. His manner of receiving their
visit repelled them. As delicately as I
could do so I stated tho offer of tho com
mittee of his countrymen, pointing out to
him that, by accepting their proposition,
ho would he near the archives of the lega
tion which he could conveniently use, and
which I would be pleased at once to place
nt his diipos-il. Brusquely, not to say in
sultingly, he refused the courteous and
honestly intended offeror his countrymen,
and nt once placed himself amid royalists
and ultra-British surroundings.
Mr. mount's Discourteous 3Inuner.
"Commissioner Blount's niannertownrd
me in the following weeks I would not al
lude to here were it. not absolutely neces
sary to do so. He coldly repelled my
kindly intended offen, did not allow me
to show him the customary forms of in
troducing him to the foreign diplomatic
officials and to the chief public men of
Honolulu. How much of his singular
course in these regards was duo to ths
want of knowledge and how much to his
nlrendy matured purpose to make out a
case against the United States minister,
ttie naval commander and the provisional
government the American public must
"All insinuations and implications in
Blount's report that I was averse to his
access to the legation records area shame
less perversion of facts. The charges, im
plications and insinuations of Commis
sioner Blount against President Dole,
.Minister Thurston and the other chief
men of the provisional government are as
baseless and unjust as those against my
self and Captain Wiltse, now sleeping In
his honored grave.
"Under the dato of April til ho says he
disapproved of a request of the provisional
government, that the American forces be
landed for drill. I here affirm that the
provisional government never made such
a request. Tho United States minister
made the request of tho Hawaiian gov
ernment through the minister of for
eign affairs. To my knowledge, nt the
period of which lllount speaks, the provi
sional government preferred that the
American soldiers and marines should not
land for drill, because of the possibilities
of ill feeling and broil between men ol
other naval vowels then in theharbor, but
they granted these requests only ns
friendly unit customary courtesy.
"It was feared by the supporters of the
provisional government that tho fallen
queen, the lottery ring and palace gang
would not hesitate to promise to grant to
tho Japanese the right of suffrage in the
islands, provided they would aid in re
storing IJliuoknlani to the throne.
Japan's Sudden Activity.
"Tho sudden appearancoof the Japanese
Ironclad in the harbor of Honolulu could
not fail to create anxiety and misun
derstanding. It was in these peculiar
circumstances that I felt it my imperii
tlve duty to have repeated interviews
with my Japanese colleague. He did not
attempt to conceal from mo his wish that
the suffrage right should be granted to the
Japanese residents. Ho was frank and
earnest on the snlfject. I was equally frank
in informing him that I had no authority
to speak on that subject, but I expressed
to him the opinion that the United States
would resist any encroachment on thesoil
or sovereignty of Hawaii, and that X would
maintain thin poaition until otherwise in
structed by my government.
"In Blount's report as given to the press
I find the following- language: 'The two
leading members af the committee,
Messrs. ThurBton and Smith, growing un
eusy as to tbe safety of their persons, went
toilinisu-i .-'evens to know if he would
proteot them in tbe event of their arrest
by the authorities, to which he gave hit
"It is enough to say that there is not a
semblance of truth in this assertion oi
Blount, made by him without his evei
having hinted it to me or made any in
quiry ot me on the subject. He thus give
the signature of his endorsement to a
charge which I never even heard of until
1 found it in Blount's printed report.
"He says the response to the call ot the
committee of safety to land the men ol
the Boston 'does not appear in the tiles ol
the logatioa.' The moaning of this in
ilnuatiou is obvious. Enough to say,
there never was any such document. 1
received the invitation of the committer
of safety for what it was worth, as I re
ceived other information on the same sub
ject. I should have requested Captain
Wiltse to have landed bis force, bad not
the committee of safety requested it. Th(
critical circumstances existing, the feai
of incendiarism, tumult and robliery, and
the danger of alarming panio in tbe night,
wore than justified our carrying out the '
standing instructions of the state and
Barf departments."
Mr. Stevens then calls attention to tin 1
fact th'H A 'tertian bircvs hnd.been ie
peati'iHj i , I ill u. . .HI. Hiid 1 1) it il
vaa on the ec ot beiui un sei-rai uiuiu
occasions, ami thai "ttioso who uenert, to
the contrary nre not honest, else they do
not understand what they nro writing
hout." He proceeds;
lllount Arrud of Fntclinoil.
"Blount squarely .asserts that I prom
ised to nid the committee of safety by
force, This is emphatically and oategor
Icolly untrue. In reply to rival parties at
dllteretit times, whether the representa
tives of the queen or her opponents, my
answer was always the same, that the
force would not land until danger rfhoulil
be plainly imminent, and then only to
protect American life and property, and
lo no one did I ever hint that I could or
would recognize any but the do factogov
ormnent, whether monarchical or repub
lican, and, ns I said in my letter to Secre
tary (ireshnm, 1 here reaffirm that royal
ists and their opponents had equal access
to the legntion and to its official head. "
Mr. Stevens here reviews the events
leading to the queen's overthrow, his re
cognition of the provisional government
after it was clearly established, and his
landing of the American marines solely
to protect American Interests. Hedeplores
Blount's "extraordinary assault on the
American colony in Hawaii," and con
cludes: "These strange and unpatriotic proceed
ings in tile presence of our national rivals
is making a most shameful page of Amer
ican history, which our future, if not our
present statesmen and generation, will re
pudiate and blot out by wise and effective
lie Sujs No (Ireat Damage 11a Itoen
Done tu IWo .Tantero.
Xkw Yohk, Dec. 1. Admiral Stanton,
who was a short timn ago relieved of his
ron for saluting the insurgent Admiral
Mollo in lllo harbor, arrived hero on tho
steamship Spree. The admiral refused to
discuss the question of his recull, but iu
answer to other questions said:
"There had been littlo effective work
done up to the time I left Bio. On tho
2!)th of October, however, the Sunday bo
fort 1 sailed, a very good shot was mad-
from one of Peixoto's guns, w hich hit tho
rebel fort. I went through !!io Jaueiro a
number of times and saw no very great
damage done.
"So far as the ioreign covnti'evce in Rio
is concerned it has not wii interiered
with by the rebels to any grr.-.t decree, us
tho latter liave been very caret ill m their
efforts not to give offense to the represent
atives of the foreign powers. On the other
hand tho rebels have seriously interfered
with tho coast trade and with the inter
nal commerce of Brazil, ns they do not
hesitate to seizo vessels carrying supplies
to the government of Peixoto."
1'alnted Iliack by Wliltecnp.
Dop.C'Iii:sti:h, X. J., Dec. 1. Two weeks
ago Henry Piatt, a farmer well known in
this vicinity, married Mary Howell, col
ored. Hie woman had been his house
keeper since his wife's death last spring.
Piatt's action was a great surprise and
excited tho indignation of many of his
farmer neighbors, who sympathized with
his 10-yonr-old daughter. Early in the
morning about twenty-four men went to
Piatt house, tied him to a tree and painted
him ns black as the ace of spades. Piatt
says ho recognized many of the men, and
will nave tnem arrested.
Wholesale ArreHts lit llrnzll.
Montevideo, Dec. 1. Advices from Hlo
Janeiro state that the insurgent General
baravia, with 0,000 cavalry, is reported to
be eighty miles south of San Paulo. Kight
thousand men, fully equipped, are waiting
nt Desterro, ready to march against tho
government forces. Political arrests con
tinue in Hio. Fifteen hundred personsnre
now in prison. Two Brazilians have been
arrested on board the mail steamer Tamar,
My doi-tor nftva it arts pr:uly on the stomach,
liver and tttinp ti-id i n pVivttim Uzative. Thli
drink is maor libibs, and I prepared tu dm
w easily ns ta. itisi-alleil
AUdrUffR-istsintat mid! a package. If Ton
cannot get U Bfud yonraMress for a free aatnpl.
ImtieV Family .MedMut niovttH ibe boweli
encli our. J u urtfer tn bp he.ilthy this U oeoewr
AddrawuKAJ'ijKK WouliW.lU) Le HovTn t
Of holes in a skimmerl
ot the bekt methods of eeonomltlne is to Insure
either life, fire or accident, such as represented
No. ISO Pouth Jsrdln street, Shenandoah. Pa
(Successors to Cloak ley Bros )
. 3H JiM Centre Htreet,
Our M' tto Kent QuaM'y at t at est Caab
Piices. Patronage reap, otful'y solicited.
The Bugeed Child
is largely an
,;id exercise
usually pro
iuce sound
ippetile and
ioand sleep,
-ickly chil-
Trc;it benefit from
Scott's Emu
if cod-liver oil wilh liypo
)hosphites, a fat food rapid
if assimilation and almost
is palatable as milk.
P"l. i -ill -Si-Mf J Un- -ni N V. A'l drug-Wii.
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to give Instructions ou piano, organ,
MrlnK anil band instruments. For further in
formation call on ordlriss Onum.Hit linos.,
No. 1 North Main street, .Shenandoah,
Office Ueddall building. Shenandoah, l'v
rtoom 3, Mountain City Hank Building, l'otti--vllle.l'a.
Office Koom 3, P. O iiulldltig, Hhc-nanaoKb
aid Estcrly building, l'ottsvllle.
jyH, It. HOCIlLKUNElt,
Physician and Surgeon.
Advice freo at drue store. Iff? South Main
street. Private consultation nt rogldonco Ui
fcjeuth Jardln street, from o toTiSD p. nt.
Office Northeast Cor. Main andContre S
Shenandoah, over Stain's drug store.
No. 25 East Coal Htrcot,
Offlco Hours 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 0 p. m.
11. J. S. OALLEN.
Ko 3i Houtn jarain street. ancnanaoin.
Officii Hocus: l:3i lo 3 and 0:30 to H P. M.
Except Thursday evening.
JVb office work on Simrfay except by arrange
ment. A strict adhtrence to the office houn
(x absolutely necessary.
Toucher of
Having had sixteen years' experience as a
teacher of instrumental mmio giving instruc
tion on the above Instruments. Wi.rd left at
Urumm's Jowelry store will receive prompt av
Offlco -U0 North Jardln street, Shesandoth.
Has been removed to I'ear Alley.
Between Contre and Lloya Streets.
Wheelwright work, Carriage and
Wagon miilding, Horseshoeing
and General Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to.
Kaiser's Oyster Bay I
X27 South Main Street,
A. P. JCA1SKR, Proprietor.
jaiThe best-oysters In all styles at all hours.
Electric Call Bell
and Burglar Alarm!
Simplo, Perteot and Cheap. Everybody de
lighted with it. Orders left at 120 !-outh Jar
dln utreet, bhtnuudoah. Pa., will be promptly
attended to.
Late ot hainoktn, has opened a
128 N. West Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
He Is prepared to receive orders for all kinds
of monument and tombstone work, which will
be done In a arm class manner on thart notice
and reasonable terms.
The Man Who wrote the Song I
"He never oaret to wander
JVom his o flrenile,"
ws Inspired while sitting before one of my fine
lleslei. I alto have on band tbe ben Stoves
end ltangea in the market and a large slock ot
Houkefurnlslilnu Goods. I'lumblnv. nmiif
and Spouting a special ty. All work gusran teed.
Cor. ot Lloyd end White St.. henandob, P.
Bottlers of all kinds ot
W1bi Dbkh a Specialty. Alio bottlrri. of the
r iuei ceer
17 and ID reach Alley, 81IKNASD0AU i
Tho Income Tax Proposition De
feated in Committee,
The Hemocrnts or the Ways and Menn
Committee Have Also Ileclileil In In
crnio the Tnx on Cljcnrtttes mill linpoae
H Tax on l'layiiiff Cir:li
Wasbisoton, Dec. 1 It hmi lieen def
initely determined that the income tax
system to be reported by the way anil
means committee will be confined lo a
tax on the net incomes of nil corporations
and a tax on succession and legacies.
Mmin. Urynn, McMillan. Whiting and
nthers made a strong fight for a plan
broad enough to Include nil Incomes of in
dividuals in excess of 15,000, but tliey bave
been forced to acquiesce in the will of the
majority and abandon the graduated in
ooiue tax In favor of one applying only to
corporations and successions.
The Democratic member have now
reached a definite conclusion on this sub
ject, and it can, therefore, be confidently
announced that tho income tax system
will be narrowed down to these specific
limits, unless the recommendations of tho
committee are upset In the house and n
general plan for a graduated tax on all
incomes, private ns well bb corporative, be
Tho committee, iu its report to tho
house, will ndopt a unique argument for
restricting the system to corporations in
stead of applying it to all individuals.
They will state that the greatest money
earning powers of the country are the cor
porations, whilo the risk to individual
stockholders is less than the risk in any
private business. The corporations derive
special advantages from legislation, ono
of which Is that in event of commercial
disaster the various stockholders are only
liable to tho extent of tho full value of the
Stock subscribed, and that, to offset thete
special advantages they should bear a
generous burden of tho expenses of gov
ernment. The tax on corporation, there
fore, will not be a gradii.-ifcil one, but will
apply to all net earning-, of whatever ag
gregate. This is an essential departure from tho
time honored theory ot an income tax, as
most political economists have favored
the graduated system, imposing nothing
on incomes of less than $r,000 per annum,
2 per cent on tho excess between r,000nncl
$20,000, 5 per cent, on the excess between
$20,000 and "0,000. anil 10 per cent, on tho
excess above tSU.OOO. If a system applj
ing to individuals had been adopted there
is no doubt it would have been such a
graduated plan as this, but since it is to
apply to corporations anil successions only
it will be upon the net earnings of the
corporation and tho gross amount ol the
succession or legncy. Successions and
legacies in this connection, of course, ap
ply only to personality and monies.
The Democrats of the committee have
also decided to incrcaj-e tho tax radically
on cigarettes and to impose a tax on play
ing cards, linth of these points are def
initely decided, the object on the one hand
being to tax a "nuisance" and on tbe
other to tnx an article which can bear a
heavy burden without any individual
feeling tho weight of It.
The internal revenue tnx on hisky is
still an open question. The committee is
maintaining a studious reticenc e on this
subject for f'nr of the manipulations of
speculators on the stock exchange.
Washington's Myatcrloils Slasher.
Washington-. Dec. 1. Tbe midnight
marauder "Jack the Slusher," who has
been creating such devastation in the
homes of many people in this city, has
appeared again. Yesterday he entered the
houses of A. S. Gormun and T,. E. Morgan
and slashed the carpets, r,; ,n-d open the
cushions of sofas and chin.-, destroyed a
large quantity of clothing and left things
iunstntoof wild disorder. He also en
tered Mr. Morgan's stable and destroyed
several sets, of harness, ruined a buifgy
top and knocked the spokes out of the
Tho Oldest Methodist lllilmp.
Baltimore, Dec. l.-By the death of
Ilev. Daniel Alexander 1'ayne, the oldast
Methodist bishop in tho world, in point of
tho occupancy of tho episcopate, and the
senior bishop of the African Methodist
Episcopal church, which took place on
Tuesday at Wilberforce, O., Hishop A. W.
Wayman.of Baltimore, became the oldest
Methodist bishop in the United States in
point of service, and also became senior
bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal
church. He is 72 years old.
I'rotextlnic Agalmt Football.
Washington, Dec. 1. There is a great
deal of interest in army and navy circles
hero over the coming foot ha II contest be
tween tbe cadets of West Point and those
of Annapolis tomorrow. Anxious mothers,
sisters, sweethearts and some father have
sent letters to both Secretary of War La
ment and Secretary of the Navy Herbert
beseeching them to prevent the game.
A Highwayman Shot Down.
Charleston, W. Va., Dei. t. Charles
Grogan, white, 80 years old, was found
dead in a hollow just below here, shot
through the right' breast. Tal Nule, a
prominent business man, gave Wimself up
and confessed to shooting Grogan. He
says he was held up by (Jrogau, who de
manded his money, and he replied with a
shot from his revolver.
To Close ttie HM-iUn Canal.
Trknton, Deo. I. An order has been is
sued ordering the Karitan and Delaware
uial closed for navigation for the season
on Wednesday, Deo. 80. The principal
business of the canal is the trangporation
of ooal from Mauoh Chunk to Perth Am
boy and Philadelphia. The closing of the
canal will throw a large amount of truffle
to the railroads.
The Choluru in Cunstnntlliople.
Constantinople, Deo. 1. In spite of the
efforts made to combat the disease, there
are still from forty to fifty cases of oholera
here daily. The average death rate from
cholera is fifteen per day. Atiholera ex
pert who woe sent here by the Franoh gov
ernment at tbe request of the sultan was
attacked with the disease nd died within
a few hours.
Fatal Flo. its lu Sardinia.
ROMS, Doc. 1. Heavy flood ursraii In
th islttuil of Sanlinls, and havs caused .
mat darusKe. Tba Campidano railway
has betm iwrtially itestroyt-il, aud a bridge .
at Barrali has baon swept away. No 1
trains have left C&gliari for twenty-four
hours Ssreral iiersoiui have been drowned
and a laie number of cattle bave jx
Notice the name Cottolkne.
Not Vegctable-lene, nor Animal
lene, nor Mineral -leue, nor any
other "leue" but COTTOUJNB.
Is the new vegetable shorten
ing, recognized as far super 1 n
to lard for every cooking u -The
other "lencs," and 'vt s,"
and "oles," are imitation--
made to sell on the merii u(
CoTTOLENE, and to be "work. 1
off" by sleight of hand, or t'L
"just as good " game.
If you want good cooking an :
good health, get
it's the onlv 'lene' worth ha- ri ,r.
Sold In 3 it -id . il lund ul
Made on !." hy
138 N. DELAWr.flC SVt.,
"Terrible Pain in Head and
Stomach !"
''My Face was one Mass of
Eruptions ! "
"Walked the Floor Night
After Night!"
5 Tho following from Mrs. Hams proves M
1 over disease. eta
I liENTLKMrN I am 14 na . AbfUltflS
jlDytjr-tRgol hi '1 tlx- M fitNlt'N uhMi Wt me
ti wry tiuil itUaiit'. I tmi liml Kll ir.Hf
Sis i.i : iaiv i v iii:ai furS
"nth, also at mtv iJiLiti in Tin Hloniacli tfup-Rm
eit!-(t to be lttUtfl lis MA 41' I I'Olllllt'. Ji
HrVTlicht nl'ti'i ilf lit I Imvc Ixtn riiiini
siicUiMl (ti walk llif titmr Ihiuih nf the"
gti'rrihU' imlii, ami t!u as not all, itiyP9
inif' wmoiio iiiiit of friiiillitiisi ho bad BE
Eat tuiKi auto Mi at rrti ultniinl fiilli-olvS
Rifli fccitlMt, Iri!'lour impLin, and thouglitg
oulutry 'Mil bttttii of
'tlinujth 1 hud tried mi uuuiy (l-ffinnil iiuilu'iiiwa
without uiiy hWp, I h -l I m little fuith U fore I
hurt taken out hot I If I f. it u cr oat ilculHE
Mlivttfi I have now Utk i l, uti'ldu nutttK
Hfi'i'l llku the saiiio vonian I au eo to tn-d and ZIZZ
si, r.:i vi.i r. The i it. MB
IBrilii iMiin Iu- leparl!. Tin tii''l)Q
jVelliiic 1 had is cutlrfly until1. A I vm
IHce Im I hiiik ono iiimc IkjUIc wfll"
BBJf-i're ntf cntm'Ij Your renji'i'tfu)l , fSm
TletniderDgu, N. Y. MRS. FKIN'IJ V 1IA51S.
SB To whom it may com tint i herein lertify tow
"Sthf truth uf the above. t. W. H RHY, S!
TiooiiderogR, N. Y. f Uarnmu. BB
of Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Belfast, Maine. 9
1317 ARCH St.,
ri 1 ui 1 (.'Ilu. tfMii-a WHatB)
to cunt the tmAii.
lUOUlL -H u,, I . IiItllHlJ Po(ll
NjKciiil JI4iu. strltmre-, je
bl It;, sJetuy, lint "lenpj, eu.
ir ..i try or 8u!in1tr, (no m t'ter whM
Mill ri. writ . r.rlnl. suit-. i,hnrili M
gnaruitn.'), an t alltt trojin i-I friH. . ro , I" tf . euibla4
AUvpathia, Huiim i-atid-, . id il t ms f nn'rUoiae,
Belief atooof. ir. b i (.' cu.M In 4 to KM 8 -mi tvm
totie.attj,-M .c b-a. "IVutI." aiu tlt wlU
tftoaifth von, anil a tu- TiUud, to i-uririi.y fa mi li aii4
thi OMiUtuU ia nturriajx. Hours dnil:8:ti St
tng, tO H (- .1, 1 IT. M lo U V. t wait' of QUBvs, Ufcrfl
wok Htentture au 1 rrjndul' ot tA ntsentent.
3Por , 2Te.t u-dl OXmxx
O UO '
Everything tn the tonsorlsl line don In first
oIsms style Everything aest snd clean
Wa La Dv'uw LAS
S3 SHOE koTVtp,
Do you wear them 7 When next In need try l pafe
en in ins wuiiu.
for aovj
If you want i ie DRESS SHOE, mans InrM
ty'es. don't pay $6 to $3, try my fi, $i.30, $.00r
me. ihey tit equal to cus .um nude and look Ml
vssr u well. If you wUh to tconi'iii in yji.rfotwtr
do to by purchu'r if W. L. Doiias Shtcs. NtiM (
pries stamped on th ho:i ic i i 'i . Vn von buy
W.I-IOI ' - ' sold)
u South Main street, BhaaaBdoak, Pa
C r. Roth. Rlatoa,.Pa.
WW MI1S. riilNDA HAMS, jg
lA Yictorv Over Disease 11