' 1 J 1 Evening Herald HE VOL. VHX.-NO. 23H. SHENANDOAH. PA.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1893. ONE CENT. I I Every lady FLANNELS Black and whito, rod and black, and mixed, all -J p?n 25 cent goods, roduced to J-fJKj CHILDREN'S WOOL HSE, fancy ribbed, sizes 5 to 71. This -j pf n small lot, worth 25c ror pair, I closo out at JLeJO Tho P. N. Corsot has becomo vory popular, and thero is "o doubt that it is tho leading corset of tho day. Tho new feature about tho P. N. Corsot is tho "Prac tical Sido," whicli is an adjustable section to bo revorscd occasionally. 116-118 North Main Street, Our Holiday Offer Ladies' Fine Gondola Button Shoes, with tip and fancy toe, Boys' Good "Hand-made Shoes, for . wet weather, at A fine lino of all sizes and makes in shoes. Our motto: "Good goods and low prices." Are You a Lover! Latest and Most In dinner waro is "Virginia Bronze" in English prcelaino. Will sell you one or a hundred nieces or more. Buy a pieco now and again uud you will soon bavo a full set. Wo will , keep on hand an open stock of it. OixalsTocicaL DiDnor Sots. GtxjclislcuxcS. 5ca Sots. ) Have just opened a crato of Eidgway's Porcelaino. Fleurotto and Lorraino handsomo for wedding or Christmas gilts, unaniuer sets, new tn Dotn style ana price. Successor to G1RV1M. DUNCAN & WAIDLEY. 'Delcamp's Livery Stable E. DELOAMP, JR., Prop,, 'EST SWEET, Between Centre and Lloyd, Shcnntidoali, Pcuua. Toams to hire for all purposes on reasonab terms' Choice Goods NEW MIN0E MEAT. Wo soil tho Best keep no second grade. NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra largo, new No. 1 Mackerel. OUR FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER. Always tho best quality OUR NEW FISHING CREEK BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. "NEW COMB HONEY. Now Evaporated Apricots, Nectarines aud Peaches, Now Citron and Lemon Peal. TTILL BUY: 8 lbs Now French Prunes ; 3 lbs Now, Raisins, oil f V stalk ; 3 lbs Now Cleaned Currants ; 7 lbs New Currants, not 'janed : 1 lb Now Mixed Tea, good es, extra quality; 3 cans Now jw Com. "lJrido or Shenandoah' girkct; 3 cans Now Corn, Maryland packing; 2 cans Now Salmon, tra quality. For Sale ho Car Miunosota Patent Flour. One Car Middlings, i One Car Choice Old Corn. 3 AT You aro a business man, and usod to straight forward businofs talk facts facts facts. Your wifo has bcon looking for a Fiano7 Sewing Machine, Organ, Chamber Smit, Parlor Suit, Or something olso In our lino. Why not buy it now. Wo aro selling choaiior than over. J.P.WILLIAMS&SON should try it. Shenandoah, Pa. i To cacli purcliHBcr x or (foods amounting o toS2 ulmiKlHoiiicCui- ciiclar KK.KK. 14 South Slain Street, of Fine China ? Call and look ibrough Exquisite Thing assigns. We are determined to pleaso you 3 South Main Street. RtLiABLE - HAND - LAUNDRY X39 Hoiitli SI nl it Street, Jlx33.iaxe2.oev33., fa. All work guaranteed to be Urst-class In even reared. We resper-tfully solicit a sbare of your patronage. Qoods oallei for and delivere d 811k tlca and Lace Curtains a specialty. Grade Fine aud always tresh. QLSO SI.OO Cents quality : 2 cans Wliolo Toma Tomatoes, standard quality ; 2 cans brand nothing bettor in tho to Arrive I One Car Pure Chop. Two Cars Timothy Hay, Two Cars Oata. KJEITERS P rami u Events Noted by the Observ ing Reporters. FELL DOWN A STAIRWAY Mint MiikkIo llruntmii Stmtfihm ti Vory Severe Shock to Her Xenons System ami I ? In a Critical Coiulltlou Uiicoimclous Slnru tlio Acrlilnnt KSTERDAY aftornoon Miss Maggio Brennau, a young woman nine teen yoars pf ago and residing with her brother-in-law, Andrew Elliot, on West Lino iir streot, mot with a very serious accidont. Tho young woman's condi tion is critical aud tho atteudlng physicians have not expressed any positivo opinion as to the probable result of tho Injuries. Whilo Miss Ilrcnnan was descending a stairway sho was heard to scream and tho noxt moment tho sound occasioned by her body falling upon tho steps wero heard. A member of tho household ran to tho stairway and found tho young woman uncomcious. Medical attendanco was oalled and tho case was pronounced a serious ouo. It is not known how tho accident hap pened, as Miss Brcnnan is tho only ono who can givo tho account aud sho is still suffering from tho shock. It is supposed tho young woman tripped whilo descending tho stair way. Drs. Lmgtou and Hamilton held a consul tation ou tho case and they agreed that it is a critical ono. A report got in circulation that tho young woman's skull was fractured, hut that is denied. The fall caused a severe shock to the uorvous system. Wo oro tho solo agents for Itadam's Microbe Killer in Shenandoah. Persons suffering with any blood or chronic diwso should try this wonderful rcmody. Fifty pago book free, giving germ theory of dlsoaso. Gkuiilek Bros. THREE WEDDINGS. Xbiiiilcgglrliig Day Soloctotl for tho Happy l.vonts. William Beeves, one of tho clerks at tho West Shenandoah colliory, and Miss Liz-do Hughes were married this afternoon at tho residence of the bride's brother, David Hughes, on East Coal street, by tho Itev. William Powick, of the Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Carrio Smith was the brides maid and William Kerslake the groomsman. Only immediate friends and relatives wero present. Frederick A. Price, son of Morgan Price, of Lost Creek, and Miss Maria Jones, of Wm, Peno, wero married at Lost Creok to day. Robert Potrey, formorly of Whlto Haven and now of Delano, and Miss Annlo Heck man, of Quakake, loft for Camden, N. J., this morning and will bo marriod there this afternoon. They will make their homo in Delano, Piasters. If you are thinking about buying a piaster, romember that you will placo it upon your body and cannot get a plastor that will bo too good for you. Allcock's Porous Plaster Is the best plaster mado. Your druggist may have some other plaster on his shelves which ho is anxious to get rid of, or elso some worthless imitation purchased at a low prico for tho purpose of substitution. Do not accept his "Just as good" plea, insist upon having tho genuine. Allcock's Porous Plasters has no equal. Brandreth's Pills can always bereliodupou. Xurroiy Kmupo. A boy had an exceedingly narrow escape on West Coal street last night. Ho was playing on tho roadway aud in jumping out of the way of an eloctric oar fell beneath tho hoofe of a team of horses owned by Keltban. The driver pulled up the team so quick that tho boy only sustained a few slight bruises aud was alio to get up and walk away. USE DANA'S HARSAPABILLA, its " THK KIND THAT CURB". Have you tried MoElhonny's fried oysters ? 8-12-tf "True Irish Hearts." "True Irish Hearts" is proving ono of the best attractions at the Bush this season. A largo house was present last night. Son Francwco Chronicle. At Ferguson's theatre Monday, December 4th. Don't TobBOM Spit orSmoke your Life Away Is the truthful, startling title of a little book that tells all about No-to-b to, the wonderful, harmless Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The ooat Is trifling and the man who wants to Quit and can't runs no physical or Hnanuul risk In using "No to two Suit! y all druggists. Hoou at drug stores or by i mail free. Address The SUrliug Sewed; uo. Indiana Mineral ml apriogi, tea. w a s-l j vHave you tried MeElktay's Med eyetersf UUI.lt OBB'S OBSERVATIONS. What He Sees untl Hears During Ills Travel. Tho Thanksgiving season is a period for rellcctloti and it was probably the which had an ollect upon our townsman who who sat in a court room recently and re volved in his mind tho thought which aro reflected In the following paragraphs as ho watched tho court inothods aud llstonod to tho lawyors : It was said by ono of tho greatest of Church of England men that law has Its seat in tho boiunt of God. Ho meant tho principle of truth which underlies and gives character to all varieties of law. Interna tiona), National, Stato and all other laws aro supposed to he pervaded by this principle, aud honco a court house has tho sacredness of a church. It is entered with uncovered head. In it ono is filled with a sense of awe, and pays the samo roverout respect to its forms and ceremonies that ho would to those of a church. Ho would no more think oi contradicting a Judgo on the bench than a preacher in the pulpit. The lawyer Is the ordained priest of justice, and tho court room is t lie sanctuary. This comes into ono's hoad as ho sits in a court room under subpoena as a witness, and waits day after day to bo called, not daring to go out lest he be absent when Hooded. Sitting there in tho holy placo ho watches tho priests of Justice ascertaining tho truth about some thing. When tbo caso is presented this waiting witness says to himself that it is as plain as a hump on a log. Then tho tostlmony begins and tho complications pilo up. In tho testimony ho can see on each side preconceived opinion, personal friendship, prejudices awakenod by tho dispute, and can easily imagino personal interests involved, oven if It be only indirectly, so that, primarily, tho opposing witnossos aro them selves plaintiffs and defendants. This waiting witness who is in no way Influenced, having just hoard tho opposing statements, and has not had his feelings aroused by arguing the matter previously, and is in no way champion of anything but tho truth, wonders after all what real valuo thoro is in tosti mouy. Bnt tho lawyers proceed to arguo. They do precisely what the witnesses havo dono identify thomsolvos each with his own side Tho proof of this is often had In tho inter views which the newspaper reportors have with lawyers at the conclusion of some oase in whiou thero is popular interest. Ono says that ho was strongly convinced of tho justice of bis client's oause, aud that his victory was roally the viotory of truth. Tbo other, who has been beaton, says ho is strongly con vinced of tho justice ol his client's cause, and that if tho court had permitted certain testimony, or if tho jury could havo been mado to seo what is as plain as the sun at noonday, his cliont would have won; and that thero is nothing for him to do but de mand a new trial or carry tho case to higher court, where thore Is more sense and Impartiality. But the lawyers begin to talk. One steps before tho jury and relates the many virtues of his client, aud speaks of "our rights," or "our property," or "our privilege," showing how he aud his client are in the same boat. And how ho does talk ! He tilks and talks and talks; then catch his breath and talks and talks aud talks some more, us if that which is only partly true could bo mado absolutely true by mere iteration. v When he is douo tho other lawyer ap proaches tho jury, and talks aud talks and talks ; then catches his broath and talks aud talks and talks some more. Meantime, how over it may bo with tho jury, tho Judge, though following tbo evidence and tho argument, gets lost, and ha3 to inquiro whoro be is at, and whero tho lawyors aro trying to go to. Maybo thero uro four of them, and then each of tho remaining two in his turn steps to tho jury box and talks and talks and talks ; catches his breath aud talks aud talks and talks somo more ; while tho jurymen loll and yawn, or try by a vacant staro at tho lawyer to appear as if they knew what was said and were interested in it ; while the waiting witness, who daro not leave, because the next case is tho ono in which he is to testify, writhes on his ohalr andooutoiuflates suioide as a relief. Well, the jury departs to consult on verdict, which is reached after something like a search for a needle iu a hay stack. The truth has been piled thlok with contradictory assertions and arguments aud the jury stay out hour after hour hunting for a venliot in this mass of assertion and argument with which it went out loaded. But no matter about the verdict. Has it not been said tbat the Lord only knows what a jury will do, and He won't tell. . For generations tho records of courts aud of newspapers have boen the sources of much of the most important aud the most engaging history. But wheu one site for days lu a court room and watches the man ner in which those records are supposed to reoeive the truth, and when one knows how many errors there are In the newspaper records because of the haste iu whieh they are made, he may well question a deal of this history. Obi. USE DANA'S SAB8APAKILLA, m "TH KIXD THAT CUBBB." Best work done at Bren nan's steam 1ub dry. Everything white and SBoUeas. Laee urtsvlns a speeklty. All work guaranteed, II SERVICES Trinity Reformed Church Gathering- this Morning-. GOMIMATIONS UNITE I i Sucre (t onVrlngi of TlmiikfiKlvhiK and TjiIco Up a Spoctitl Colleutlun for tho lie lief of tlio Iillo Workmen lit KciiMlngtnu A (iihhI Collection. CLERGYMEN and mem here of several different oougregations assem bled in the Trinity Reformed church this morning to witness and take p-trt In the union Thanksgiving services. The congregations were represented by ltev. William Potts, of tho Wm. Penn Methodist Episcopal chuich ; Kov. D. I. Evans, of tho Welsh B.iptist church ; Kov. William Powick, of tho Methodist Episcopal church ; ltev. William H. Harrison, of tho English Baptist church ; itov. J. Proudo, of the Prlmitivo Methodist church, and Rev. Robert O'Boyle, of the Trinity Reformed. Rev. Potts opened the services with a brief, but very appropriate address, and Rev. 0. 1. Evans followed with the reading of a lesson from tho Psalms,aftor which the united choir composed of singers from tho different churches represented rendered the hymn Immortal Praise." Rov. Powick then offered prayor, after which tho united choir rondorod "My Country 'Tis of Tiieo." Tho sermon was proached by Rov. William II. Harrison, who took his toxt from Chron icles I, 29; 13: "Now, therefore, we tbank thco, our God, and praiso thy glorious name." Rev. Harrison said tho thanksgiving services of to-day are analogous to the thanksgiving offerings of the Israelites of old. America congregates in a spirit of union to worship God. All congregate to mako prayer aud thanksgiving to Ills name. David gave a grand object lesson that all the princes of wealth of to-day should do well to learn, in fact it is a lesson all should follow. Uur gilts to Uod uro not measured by the dollars, but by the willingness of our hearts. The main spring of David's beiievolcnco was that ho had set his affections to tho house of God ; he had identified himself to the cause of God. David bad received generously from God aud he nailed his affections to the cross Christ and gavo genorously back to God, The humble heart Is the soil out of which thanks naturally How. David recognized the pro' vidence of God and realized his defendence upon Him for all his wealth, honor, hi? kingdom and for his crown, and out of this religious humility came forth the religions ardor which burned in David's soul. In concluding his sermon ltev. Harrison made an urgent appeal for a liberal contribu tlou by the congregation for the relief of the Kensington sufferers. Rev. Potts followed with prayer, after vhich Rev. O'Boyle again urged a liberal contribution. Rev. William Powick announced that bo had received $35 from one gentleman aud ho hoped the congregation would add another $25 to it. Tho colleci ion was taken and when couuted was found to be $23.8S, which, added to tho individual contributiou, mado tho total collection $53.83. Rov. Proudo closed the servlses by leading tho choir in the singiug of "All hail the power of Jesus namo," which was followed by tho benediction. rullce lii Iteserve. There Is no local developments to indicate any important chango iu tho situation of tho strike. It has just leaked out that there is a oar of special C. & I. policemen at Delano. They dine and lodge in a car. This step of precaution is unnecessary for this district, as at uo time has there been any aet on the part of any of the railroaders savoring of an infringement of the law. But it is au ill wind tbat does not blow somebody good aud the specials are said to be living ou the fat of the laud. For Hnln Men ami Soolettes. The Hbk.vld has secured the right to use the M alette patent writing tablet covers, with reversible blotter, the only blotter tablet cover constructed wkioh turns under the tab let. This is specially adapted for letter and note heads, bill heads, statements, etc., aud will be placed ou stationery free for the bal ance of 1803. Any ono Interested will please call and examine the handy device, at the Herald office. KvaugflUt Coming. Miss Clara Boyd, the Philadelphia evan gelist, will begin a two-week's mission in the Primitive Methodist church uext Sunday, Woduius; liivitMtlons. Over 500 of the 11 nest aud correct' style wedding invitations and cards to select from at the IIbrald office. Either printed or engraved. We can discount city price. If there evsr ws a real ear fix ehronle nsns. uoias, BrononioM hhwh wan IritlsRsnTtus, Doa'tttU to m nHaai itvoul smssitaisa. uattt THE SHOUP ON TRIAL. i r.awyer Scltmr Murm tlie O.iso With nn lOxri-ptlmi. Robert and Frank Shoup, of town, were put on trial before Judge Beotbel at l'ottevlllo ou a oharge of assault and battery with in teution to kill, preferred by John Kerlavagp, of Gllborton. W. I). Seltser, Esq., counsel for thodefendants, started the oase by asking for tho discharge of the panel of Jurors on tlio ground that one of them hal been drawn under tho uamo of MoMurtha aud was serving undor anothor namo. Tlio juror was questioned and ho said his name was Muttha. Mr. Soltner thou objoctod to tbo swoaring of tho Jury on the grounds abovo stated. Judgo Bochtol would not dis charge tho panel, but directed that Mr. Murtba bu excused and the rest sworn iu. Lawyer Seltser took an exception. Ono night last September the Shoups became luvolvod in a desperate fight on tlie mountain, near Turkey. Run. Kerlavaffe claims he was terribly slashed in that fight. The Shoups say that Kerlavage and otlters attacked thou whilo they wore walking from Gilberton to town and the attack wtis made for tho purpose of securing the iys the Shoups had received at Gllherlou. The case was adjourned until Friday. USE DANA'S SARSAPAEILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." l'JCIWOXAL. Miss Jessie Grant left yesterday for New- York City to visit friends. Harry J. Parrott, of Philadelphia, on mo up last evening to spend Thanksgiving with his mother. Mrs. D. W. Straub, son aud daughter have gone to Allentowu to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Emma Wasloy camo homo from.' Swarthmore last evening to spend Thanks giving under tho parental roof. James Grant aud wifo returned from Philadelphia last ovening. Mrs. G. had boon down thero to reoeivo treatment for hor eyes. Couucilmiu Archio IS. Lamb, after nn absence of several mouths in tbo Colorado miuiug region, returned homo last evening. looking rugged and hoarty. Asinglo trial of Dr. Houry Baxter's Mia drako Bitters will convince any ono troubled with oostlvoneas, torpid livor or any kindred diseases of their curativo properties. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. lm He's Oot tlio Iflnn. Tho Hsrald recently published tho fol lowing editorial squib : The last railway accident, like so manr preceding it, was due to a misplaced switch. It was misplaced nrobablv bv some one wlin had lost his head or neglected his duty. neither of which things could occur If switches were operated automatically, as they will somo day. To-day the following letter, with a clipping of the above enclosed, was received at tlio office: Editor Herald: If you furnish tha capital necessary to secure patent and intro duce, I am your man to give tho idea and prove it feasible. I do not wish to be brought before the public, but if you oa secure for mo the right party, let me know through your columns and I am ready to meet them or him aud prove my ability. Investor. USE DANA'S "tAittjAPABlLLA, in "THiS KIND THAT O0BE8." I, iint Kieulug's Social. The social and reception given by Miss Mamo Williams last evening was a gratifying; success, and those who were present were well repaid for coming. Rev. Morrison, the new pastor of tho Presbyterian church, was present and added to the interest of the occasion. Thero was an abuudauco of re freshments. All kinds of Law Blanks for sale at the Herald office. Inspector Guy Demi. MIuo Inspector Samuel Gay died at hi home in Pottsville this morning, at 3 o'clock, from cancer of the stomach. Mr. Gay was serving his 18th year as a mino inspector iu Schuylkill county. He was a member of the Shonaudoah Masonic lodge. Arrangements for tho funeral have not been made. Ojster KcMst To-liy. Do not forget the oyster roast held In Rob- bins' opera house this afternoon and evening, under the auspices of the Episoopal churoit. Besides the roast, there will be plenty oC other good things. Call at Weikel's photograph gallery (HeT man's old stand I, for fiue photos. 11-JAVlw Will buy a Hundred pound bag of JStoide of Xiehigh. &-JE1otjl:it Guaranteed as good as Some sold at and st.50. a-r buy Gold Dust Flour, Best Hour made tor the money. 122 North Jar din Street (SO 00 .ce1 .ect, J