Evening Herald. HTJBLMUHD DAILT, StTNDAY HX0HITB1 WIIKI.Y, ETRHT (ATtlHDAT. Jt. C. HOYMt MdUor nnd lnbUir JT. J. WA1K1XH.... JMw A AT. .HOl'HW....... .Wwhhh Manager SUBSeftimON AATtSi touvr, (r yi-ar, ............... ...M 00 wmki.y. par rear, ... 1 w 1 v!4rMM Bolm. Transient, 10 oont par line, Brat Insertion : 6 u ot.r Udd each subsequent insertion, Rate r regular advertising can M bed on applies Mm t tin offloe or by mU. The Mymnwa HasALU has a larger elreula ttas In Shenandoah tBan any oUir paper pub- Books open to all, ante red st the Postorace. at Shenandoah, Pa., for transmission through the malls a second-class mall matter. Tjih last railway accident, like co many piecedlng it, was due ton mis placed switch. It was mlfplBcwl probably by some one who had lost bin head or neglected hit) duty, neither of which things could occur if switches were operated automatically, as they will eome day. Only one day more and Thanks giving will be upon us. To many it will be a season of feasting and rejoic ing, but to thousands of otherH it will bring uothing but discomfort and Buf fering. Those who need sauce for their Thanksgiving dinner can Hecuro It by remembering those to whom tho day will bring no cause for rejoicing, and sending them of their abundance some of the good things provided for their own enjoyment. THE LATEST CURE. A few years ago, observes the IJarris- hurg Morning Call, a long Buttering public had presented to their grateful notice an elixir of life by which all were to be rejuvenated and llfelengtli ened Interminably from its present narrow span. In spiteof theslaughter J of innumerable Innocent rabbits which were to enter Into the composition of the elixir, somehow death came In the same old fashioned, unexpected way It had always demonstrated itbelf be fore the elixir was discovered. When people had sensibly concluded "what is to bo will be," that when the time came to die they would itliein spite of the vaunted properties of the elixir, a celebrated German physician, Br. Koch, again caused hope for lengthened life to . revive among cer tain' people through his discovery of 'lymph," which was to cure the great army of consumptives. Eager for a new lease of life many wretched vic tims gladly ottered themselves to be experimented upon, only to lose the lives they so highly valued. A num ber of cures huve been ettected through the lymph, at least such claim is made for It, but many died from lte eflkcts before such cures were made. When Keeley's "gold cure" first be came known, how many victims of drink lied to the influence they were assured would crush out the demon that possessed them? A speedy and sure cure was promised. "What de- lightful visions of the future this brought before them, when they would once again walk as men among men! How were these glowing promises ful fllled ? Death was the auswer to tfte appeal of some, while the so-called cure resulted In part paralysis or a stupefying after condition of the pa tient that did not augur well for the perfect success of the system. How ever, time and large experience may perfect what the system now seems to lack. In spite of these and numerous other instances of non-success at au increased longevity, such teuacity of life exlstafamong people generally that they herald with joy any new method for prolonging life that may be sug gested. For years cold and hot water cures have beeu in existence, but these Tiave been principally used in outward applications. Now there is a hot water cure in vogue that bids fair to have in numerable parboiled follower. This system brings with it a gleam of hope to dyspeptics. It is called "laundering the stomach," and ba been tried with such eueeess by Or. Cyrus Edaon and several other well known physicians that it promisee to ejHiae revolution in the treatment of 4yBnelft, The term dew not Imply WMhiOf (! runtime; of Uj ory of digestion, a one would guppfwe. Tho proeo iBjdesorlbed beet by a physician who la much Interested In it. It con slits of thrusting a sinall rubber tubu down thetuaophagUH Into tuo stomach uud pouring In through the ttibu a qusrt of warm water, whloh It after ward pumped out. Dr. Kdnon further adds that if this sysiuni hud been known two years ao Jhiiich lilnliie'tt lire, a well mm nunier out other Ues, uiIrii'. have been saved. A long hb the world lasts there will be fads and fancies lu the wuy of cur ing disease and proloDgtng life. Well, they may serve to alleviate palnw and ached, but the fountain of youth bid lair to prove mythical for all time. Fatal Fight Nt Knr.lHon. Hazlktok, Pa., Nov. 28. During a flt at anger Stephen Nakata, of Norwood, struck Anilrcw Pillar on the head with a club, inflicting a fatal wound. Nakata, who kept a bonrtling house, bail been invited by one of his old Ktiet to attend his wedding, The invitation included all the boarders stopping nt the Nakata car avansary. All accepted the invitation ex cept 1'lllnr, who preferred going to bed. Tins the proprietor considered an insult, and determined to compel the sulking Pillar to join in the festivities. Seizing a club hu went to the sleeping lunn's room and routed him out of bed. A fight en sued, during which the proprietor struck Pillar, fracturiug his skull. Helleving he hud killed the man, Nakata lied. Working for Their Hoard. NEW Hkicjiiton, Ph., Nov. 38. Con tractors and lumber dealers of this place are astounded by a recent move alleged to have been made by the Kconomy Pinning Mill company. This company does ncon tnicting business in connection with its pinning mill, mid finding business dull and laborers plenty decided to employ the idle men, both in tho mill and on outside work, and give them their board only during the winter. A large number of good workmen have accepted these terms, and the company has taken many con tracts in Sewtckley and surrounding towns. Fire l'atilo lu h Church. HlSAVKU FALLS, Ph., Nov. US. At the Catholic church in Itochester on Sunday a fire, started from a stovepipe, so weak ened the joists supporting the flue that it fell, creating a panic in the congregation. Several people were, hurt in the rush to get out. It took hard work to subdue tho lire and save tho building. The vestibule doors could not he opened on account oE the rush, and hod the lire got beyond con trol the loss of many lives must have re sulted. SiiuVrlngA on u rlnguo Stricken Ship. London, Nov. US. A letter has been re ceived describing the terrible sufferings of the crew of the HritWh ship Jiendoza, of Swansea, which recently foundered near Martinique. It appears that the captain nnd a majority of the crew of the Men doza died at sea of fever, and that the few men who were left were unable to navi gate the vessel, the result being that sho eventually s-uik. and that only four of the crew were resent'.!. ' The Reflections of a Married Woman Hit) UUb piUUbUUb 11 blltj 13 , delicate, run-down, or over worked. Sho feels "played out." Uer stnilo and her good spirits have taken flight. It worries her nusuinu as wen as herself. This is the timo to rT build un her strength una cure those weaK- nes&es or ailments VT2t which ur wtyfcysent of .'trouble. are the 3f her Tlr Ploren'a AW.J1' FavoriteFresmption regulates and promotes all the proper func tions of womanhood, improves digestion, en riches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refresh big sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a safe remedial agent, a tonic and nervine guarmitml to euro those disorders and derangements Incident to womanhood, or tho money paid for it is returned. It would not pay to sell a poor medicine on these terms. There wouldn't be any cases of Chronic Ca tarrh if everyone used Dr. Sage's Remedy. There's $5X10 reward for an incurable ease. 1S94. Harper's Magaziue. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine tor 1801 -will maintain the character that has made It the favorite illus trated periodical for toe borne. Among the results ot enterprises undertaken by tbe pub lishers, tbere will ayrear during the year superbly illUBtiated pajers on India by Edwin Lord Weeks, on the Jopense Seasons by Alfred Parsons, on Germany by Poultney Illgelow, on Paris by Richard Harding Davis and on Mexico by Kreeric JUtrdngton. Among the other notable features or the year will be novels by George da MuurHr and Oharleg Dudley Warner, tbe personal remln lsuencesol W. D. Uovtells, and elgbt abort stories Of Wf&tirrj frontier life by Owen Wister. Short stories will also be contributed by Brander IaUbewv, Klcbad Harding Davis, Mary E. Wtlkins. Kutb McFnery Stuart, Miss Laurence Alma Taderou, George A. HI board, Q uesnay de Iteaurepaire, Thomas Nelsou l'uge. and others. Articles on topics of current In terest wUl be contributed by distlngvlabed specialists. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. l'er Year, Harper's ilacazlnc 1 1 03 Harper's Weekly - 1 00 Harper's I la gar 4 U0 Harper's Young People 2 CO Pottage tree to all subscribers in Hie United States, Canada, and Mexico. Tbe Volumes of tbe Magazine begin with tbe N umbers for June and December of eacb yei r, When so Use la mentioned, subouripttons will begin with tbe Number current at tbe thaie t f receipt of order. Bound Volvmes of Hamper's Magazine tor tbiee ears back, in neat cloth binding, vill be (est by mall, post-paid on receipt of W.00 per volume. Clotb eases, for binding. (0 ecnta eacb by mall, poat paid. RemltUuoee should be made by post offloe money order or draft, to avoid stance of Loss Newspapers are sot to copy tola advertise ment without Umi expiate urdar of Harper Hrotaan. s HarM Jt Hrttara,Kew Yoric. If mm bill. Tho Changes Proposed in tho Existing Law. A MOST EADIOAL MEASUEE. Many Important Additions to the Free List( HEAVY OUTS IS IMPOST DUTIES. tt'mil, Cnal, I.umlier, Salt, Iron Ore and Works or Ai t Added to tho Free Lint. The llounty on Augur to be AlmlWioil by Demee and tho Tariff on That Ar ticle Reduced Wasuinoton, Nov. 38. The tariff bill, complete in all particulars save as to the Internal revenue features, wan made pub lic by Chairman Wilson yesterday. The minority will have ten days to frame ob jections nnd make recommendations. The following articles are placed on the free list: Ammonia; nntlmony; apples of all kinds not specially provided for In this net; bacon and hams, beef, mutton and pork, and meats of all kinds not specially pro vided for in this act; baryta, including hirytes earth; binding twine, measuriiiK not exceeding six hundred feet to the pound; birds, skilled, not suitable for mll liuery ornament, and bird skins, prepared for preservation; blue vitriol; bone char, suitable for use in decolorizing sugars; all publications of foreign governments, and publications containing observations of sclentlllc phenomena and the results scientific observations; bornx, crude, or borate of soda, or borate of lime; camphor of all kinds; clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, not specially pro vided for in this act. Coal, coke, coal tar, and all preparations and products of coal tar, not colors or dyes, not specially provided for in this act; oxide or cobalt; copper, and all com position metal of which copper is a com poncnt materinl of chief value not spec ially provided for in tills act; cork wood; diamonds, jewels to be UM-d in tho man ufacture of watches or clocks; yolks of eggs of birds, fish and insects; downs of all kinds not specially provided for in this act; fresh fish; furs, undressed; extracts or pastes of indigo and carmines. Iodine, iron ore, lard, lemon juice, lime juice and sour orange juice, mica and me tallic mineral substances in a crude state and metals unwrought not specially pro vided for in this act; milk, nickel, nickel oxide, alloy of any kind in which nickel is tho component material ot chief value; ochre and umber, not snecinllv nrovided for in tills nc?; cotton seed and croton oil, paintings in oil or water colors and statu nry, not otherwise provided for in this act, but the term "statuary" herein uscdshali be understood to include only such profes sional productions in marble.stonc.nlnbas ter or metnl of a statuary orsculptoronly; pens, vines of all kinds commonly known as nursery stock, not specially provided for in tins act; plows, borrows, harvesters, reapers, drills, mowers, horse rakes, culti vators, threshing machines and cotton gins, plush, composed of silk, or of silk and cotton and used exclusively ior mak- inir men s hats; ouieksilver. salt uut tno coverings snail pay the samo rate of duty as if imported separ ately), provided that salt imported from uny country which imposes n duty upon salt oxported from the UnitedStatesshall pay the same rate of duty now provided by law; silk partially manufactured, nnd not farther advanced or manufactured than carded or combed silk; soap, all not otherwiso especially provided for in this net; sulphate of soda, or salt cake, or nitre enke; sulphuric acid; tallow and wool grense; straw: burr stono, bound up into millstones, freestone,, granite, sandstone, limestone, and other building or monu mental, except marble, unmonufuctured or undressed, not specinlly piovided foriu this act. All wearing apparel nnd other personal effects shall be admitted free of duty with out regard to their value, upon their ident ity being established under such rules nnd regulations as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe; timber, hewn and sawed, and timber t'. -ed for spars and in building whnrves; timber, squared or sided; sawed boards, plunk, deals, nnd other lumber; pine clap boards; spruce clap boards; hubs for wheels, posts, last bloekB, wagon blocks, oar blocks, gun blocks, heading and all lake blocks or sticks, rougli hewn or sawed only; laths, pickets nnd palings, shingles, staves of wood of nil kinds, wood unmanufactured provided, that if any export duty is laid upon the above mentioned articles, or either of them, all sn id articles imported from said country shall bo subject to duty as now provided by law. Chair cane or reeds, wrought or manu factured from rattans or reeds. Woods, namely, cedar, lignum vitaj, lanouwood, ebony, box, granadilln, mahogany, rose wood, satin wood and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, rough or hewn, bamboo and rattan manufactured, briar root or briar wood, and similar wood manufac tured, or not further manufactured than cut into blocks suitable for the art loles Into which they are intended to be con verted; bamboo, reeds and sticks of part ridge, hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, and other woods not otherwise specially provided for in this act, in the rough, or uot further manufactured than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, buushades, whips or walking canes; and India malacea joints not fur ther manufactured than cut in suitable lengths for the manufactures into which they are intended to be converted; ull wool of the sheep, hair of the camel, goat, al paca and other like animals, and all wool and hair ou the skin, polls, yarn waste, card waste, bur waste, rags and flocks, in tluding ull waste oi rags composed wholly or in part of wool. Some of the Cltitiigug. Some of the moat Important changes from me McKinley tariff law are as fol lows: Pig iron, SSW per cent, ad valorem; iron In slabs, c-ti ., " pur cent.; bar and rolled iron, boiler or other plate iron, forcings of iron or ateel, ami hoop, band or st roll iron or steel, 80 per cent.-, structural iron and railway bare of Iron or steel, '18 per uent. Under the present law thaw article are taxed at 8-10 of 1 per east, to 1 cent per pound. All iron or stael abeett or plataa, and all hoop, band or aoroll iron, excepting what are known oeaameteiajlr oa tin plataa, ter no Plataa, and taawrV ttn. whan caJvanlted " (Omttnveii an IMrdpagl Mr. Harvey Heed I-aceyvlllc, O. Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa ralysis of the Throat "I Tlmnk find and Hood's Sarsa- partllii for I'crfrcl Health.'' " Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffertnK hu manity I wish to state a few facts: For several jears I have suftVicrt fiom eiitarrh and heart failure, gctthiB so bad I could not work and Could Scarcely Walk I liad a very bad spell of paralysis of the throat some time ago. My throat seemed closed and 1 could not irullm-. Tho doctors said it was eatist'd by heart failure, nnd gave medicine, which I took according to directions, but It did not seem to tlo me any good. My wife urged mo to try Hood's Harsapanlla, telling me of Sir. Joseph C. Smith, who hail beeu At Death's Door but was entirely cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. Alter talking with Mr. Smith, I concluded to try Hood's Saisaparllla. When 1 had taken t.o bottles 1 felt very much better. I have continued taking it, and am now feeling excel lent. I thank God, and Hood's SarsapariSSa and my wife for my restoration to perfect ii-iiiiii." jiAiivnv iii:i:ii, kaceyviue, u. HOOD'S PILLS do not pure, jain or gripe, but act promptly, easily uud eulclently. 25c. IEeslllueil tlth JncrcnK.-d Facilities. CllHSTEU, Pa., Nov. UK. David Trniner & Sons' Xo. '! mill resumed operations yesterday alter a f-toppageof four months. Au audition has been built to the factory, nnd it now runs 7.000 spindles, making it one of the largest in the country. About a hundred hands are employed. Mlnl-ttcr MoiidtmcA in Washington. WASHlstntiN, Iov. S2P. Selibor Men- donca, the Hr.-zilian minister, nus re turned from Xew York, where he has been lor - everal weeks negotiating for vessels anil -,.iii:iitioie. of v.-tir lor the lirnzilian government. impaled on n 32!n!tig Needle. HAZI-Xton, l'a., Nov. 8. While coming out of thejumesai Silverbiook, Anthony Stahl feel on a milling needlo which he was carrying. The steel bar penetrated his abdomen and his injuries may prove fatal. I'iflccu Collieries Itesume. Wn.Ki.siiAUUi:, l'a., Nov. 28. Fifteen collieries operated by tho Lehigh Valley Coal company at Plttston resumed opera tions this morning, giving employment to 6,000 men nnd boys. Nobody llrnpoiislble. 11ATTI.K Clil.FK, Mich., Nov. 24. In the Bellevtte inquest a verdict was brought in finding that the collision was tho result ot a deuso fog. Nobody was censured. SScte., SOcts., and 51.00 per Turea Cnmrlif . Hoarsaness.tiore Xhroat. Crouppromptly; relloveaTThoopins Couch, and Asthma. For Consumption It baa no rivals has cured thousands wheronll others failed; will cune you If taken in time. Sold by Drngglsta on n guarantee. For Lamo Hack or Chest, uso S11ILQ'.S PLASTKIt. SflcU. CATARRH remedy: Have vou tlatarrh? This remedy ismiaran teed to euro you. Price CO eta. Injector free. Sold by C. II. Hsgenbuch, Shenandoah. The Man Who wrote the Song ! ' wi'r cures to wander I'rom Mi w i flrendc" was In'ptred while sitting before one of my Hoc JJpaten. I alto have on liancl the best Stoves and Ranges in the market nnd a large stock of Ifousefumishlng Goods, l'lumblng, noting and Sroutttg a specialty. All woik guaranteed. T. O. WATERS, Oor. ot Lloyd and While Sts.. Shenandoah. Pa. KHGUSON'S THKATRK. P. J. VEliQUtON, MANAGER. Thanksgiving Night, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. Tho Tremendously successful Comedy drama, By Will R. Wilson. Illustrated by a company of surprlslrg excel lence, including Adelaide Alexander, Belle LaVeade, Mtron Leflingwell, Will Mande- vlllc and other notable metropolitan artists. in Every Respect A Perfect Performance. FrlccH, 25, 50 and 7s Ceuis Reserved seats at Kit lln's'drug store. AMrv89ii HA IMruiannitlreiirMb I book,illutftrttUilfrnmluu.raEULtHi luomua,! I m br muil. Notfciaif use will oun. I C00KRUU0V C1., Chlctae, HLJ PHILOH'SJ. READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, TIME TADI.H III KFFEOT NOV, 19, 1893. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows! For Now York via Philadelphia, week davs, .tO,B., 7.30, a.m., l!-20, J.WI, fi.S6 p.m. Sunda 8.10, 7.18 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk, ween aays, .au . m., iz.a, z.t p. m, Far Readier and Phlladclnhta. week days. 2.10, 5.88,7.20, a. m., U.28, i.5U, S.S6 p. m. Sun day, 2.10, 7.46 a. m., 4.30 p, m For Iiarrleburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a, m., 2.50, 6.(8 p. m. jp-or iuiectown, wcck uays, v.su a. m., is.q, 2.S0 p. m. r'or X'OitevuiQ, weeit aays, k.iu, t.w. a. my 18.28, 2.50, 8.88 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.M n. m. For Tamaa.ua and Mabanoy City, week daya, 2.10, 6.26, 7.X0, n. m., 12,26, 2.80, 8.H p. m. Sun day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional tor naennoy uuy, ween aays, 7 uu p. m. For Lancaster and Oolumbla, week days, 7.20 a. m., 160 p. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlaburg, week days, 8.26, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.85, 7.00 pm. Sunday, 8.88 a. m., 8.05 p. m. For Mabanoy Plane, week days, 8.10. 3.28, 6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a.m., 12.28, 1.S6, 260, 8.88, 7 00, .88 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.88, 7.18 a. m., 3.06, 4.80P. m, For Girardvllle, ( Rappahannock Station), week days, 2.10, 8 26, 6.28, 7.80, 11.80 a. m. 12.28,1.88, 2.50, 6.66, 7.00, 8.85 p. m. Sunday, 8.10. S.25,.7.48 a. m., 3.08, 4.80 p. m. For Asbland and Sbamokln, week days, 8.88, 8.88, 7.80, 11. SO a, m., 1.86, 7.00, 8.88 p. m. Sun! day, 8.88, 7.48 a. m. , 8.05 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH: Leave New York via Pblladelpma, weekdays 8.00 a. m., 1.30. 4 00, 7.80 p. in., tl6 nlgbt. Sun day, 6.00 p. m., 12.16 night. Lnave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4.00, M8 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.18 a. m. Lrftave Plilluclelnhia. Market blrect Station. week days, 4.12, 8.86, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.00, .(.00, 11.80 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.06 a. m., 11.80 u. m. Leave Reading, week days, 1.86,7.10,10.06,11.10 a. m., d.do, 7.ot p. m sunuoy, l.ao, iu.w a. m. Leave Pottsvllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 a. in. 12.30, 8,1 In. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.06 p. m. Leave Tamaoua. week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.23 a m., 1.21,7.16, 8.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.20, 7.48 ft. m., 2.60 p. m. Leave Mabanoy 01 ty, week days, 8.46, 6.18. 11.47a.m., 1.51, 7.,9.5 p.m. Sunday, 3.4tl, 8.12 a. m 8.20 n. m. Leave Mabanoy Plane, week days, 2.40, 4.00, 8.80,9.8B,10.40,11.69a.m.,l'2 68,2.00,5.20,6.20,7.67,10.10 p in. auncray, .4i, 4,uu, t.-si a. m., 3.37, e.ui p. m. Leave Gtrurdvtlle, (Rappahannock Station), YlUCJlOUUJOi U.UU, V.ll iu.iuo. 1U., .12, i.Ol, 6.26, 6.82, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 1.07. 8.88. a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.36, 12.00 a.m., 3 36, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. For Haltlmore, Washington and the West via B. & O. R. R., through trains leave Glrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, IP. ft R. R. It.) nt 3 nv, s.ui, 11.2. a. m., .1.00, oaz. 7.10 p. m. uunuay 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.56, 6.42, 7.16 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf ena noutn street wnari, ior Attaniio uity. Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 4b a m (Saturuojs, 1 30; U 00, 3 00, 4 00. 4 30, 5 15 p mi Excursion 7 00 am. Accommodation, S 00 a m, 4 80. p 45 n m. Sundays ExpresB, 7 30, 8 00, 830, 9 00, 1000 a rr and 4 30 p in. Accommodation, 8 CO a m and 4 43 p m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express (Mondavsonlv. 6 43) 7111. 7 36. 9 80 am and 3 15. 4 00, 5 . 0, 7 30, 0 30 pro. Accommodation, 660, e in a in ami 1 p 111. excursion, irom loot 01 Mississippi Avenue only, 6 0C p m. ("undavs Exrress. 3110. 4 00. 500. 6 00. 6 30. 7 00, 7 80, 8 00, 9 30 p m. Accommodation, 7 SO a m ana 0 u p m. C. O. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia Pa, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le blghton, Slatington, White Hall, Catusauqua, Auentown, iietntcnem, i.KaiflD, vnuaaeipnia Hazleton, Wcatherly, Quakake Junction, Del ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01. 7.26, 9.08 a m. 12.43, 2.67, 4.22 p. m. For New York, 6.04, 7.26 a. m., 12.43, 2.67 4.22 p.m. For Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, White Haven Flttston, Laceyvlllc, Towanda, Sayre, Wavcrly, nnd Elmira. 6.04. 9.08 a. m.. 2.b7. 8.08 n. m. For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West. 6.04. 9.1)8 a. m. 12.43 and 8.08 p. m. For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Uap and Stroudshurg, 6.04 a. m., 4.22 p. m. For Lambcrtvillc and Trenton, 9.08 a. m. For Tunkhnnnock, 6.04, 9.08 n. m., 2.57, 8 08 p. m. For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.08 a. ra. 8.0 p. m For Auburn 9.08 0. m. 8.08 p. m. For Jeancsvlllc, Levis tonandlleaverMcadow, T.m, a. m., wa, h.us p. m. For Audenrled. Hazleton, Stockton and Lum bcr Yard, 6.04, 7.2S, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.22. 5.27. 8.08 n. m. For Scranton, 6.04, 9.09, a. m., -4i...57 8.08 p.m. For Hnzlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton anu reeland 6.04. 7.26. 9.08. a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 5.27 b. rr. For Asbland. Girardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.62. 7.61, 8.52, 10.20 a. tn., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.16 p. m. For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Caimel and Shamokin, 8.42, 10.L0 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m. For YateBvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Dcluno, 6.04, 7.26, 9.08, 11.06 n m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22, 6 27, 8.08, 9.38, 10.28 p. m. Trains will leave Shamokin at 7.65. 11.45 a. m.. 1.55, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at .05 a. in., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 7.2 9.08, 11.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 8.08 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.15, 9.06, 10.16, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, p.m. Leave Shenandoah tor Hazleton. 6.04. 7.26. 9.08. a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22, 5.27,8.08 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah. 7.20. 9.23 11.06 a. in.. 12.1a, 5,au, 7.2s, 7.&u p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Asbland, Girardvllle and Lost Creek. 7.29. 9.40 a. m.. 12.30. 2.45 n. m. For Yateavllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City, Delano, Hazleton, Mack Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, ucmienem. uasion anu wow xoriE, o.tu a m., 12.30, 2.55 p. m. , For Yates vllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. in., 12.80, 2.55, 4.40 6.0? p. in. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, s.su, u.so hi., 1.06, 6.30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.50. 8.40, 9.80 a. m., 2.45 p. m. , Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.41' a.m.,1.35, 5.15 p.m. A. V. NUNNE.MAvfI2.itt ASSt.U. P. A., south Hetnlehem pa, R. H. WILBUR, Genl. Supt. Eastern Dlv PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. souUYLKii.1. nmstoN. NOVEMUHR 19tb, 1S88. Tialns villi leave Shenundoah after the above date for VVlggan's, Gllberton, Fruckvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading , I'ottsiown, jfneenixvuie, norristown ucui-nu. adclphla (Broad street station) at C:U0 aad 11:15 a. m. and 4:15 p. at. on weekdays. For Potts vllle and lntermodlate stations 0:10 a. m. SUfiUMS. For Wiggan's, Gllberton, Fraokvllle, Now CasUe, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00, 0:40 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. For Uamburg, Reading, Potts town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 8:00,9:40 a. 10,3110 p. m. Trains leave Fraokvllle for Rhenandoah at 10:40a.m. and 18:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:st7p. m. Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 8:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:16, 11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundays at 10:40 a. m. nnd 5:15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Pottsvllle and Khenanaoah at 5 57 and 8 36 a m. 4 10 and 711 p m week days. On Sundays leave at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvllle, 8 28 a m. For New York Express, week days, at 3 w, w, tw, 0 to, o DU, i w, s w, v w, 11 uu 11 14 a m. 18 00 noon. 12 44 n. m. (Limited El press 1 06 and 4 60 p m. dining cars.) 1 40, Z SU, 3 M, 4 UU, a Uu, 0 UU, U UU, 7 33, 0 13, 1,(11 n,n, C.nana 9 OH i IU JR, 5 15, 8 12,0 60, U031135,a m. 18 44, 1 40, 8 80, 4 00 (iimueai wj oai,ou. odu.7 h ana bis p m ana 1201 mebt. For Sea Girt. Long Hranch ana Intermediate stations, eiu, 1114 a m, and 4 00, p m weekdava . For Haltlmore and Washington S 60, 7 20, 8 81, 0 10, 10 20, 11 18 a in, IS 10, (12 3) limited dining our.) 1 30, 3 46. 4 41. (5 It) Congressional Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 517, 0 55, 7 40 and 1153 p. m.. week days. Sun days, g 60, 7 , 3 10, 11 18 a m., 12 10, 4 41, 6 65, 11 Fx and 7 40 nm. For Richmond 7 00 a m, U 10 and 11 33 p m, aauy una i w p. m. weea aays. Trains will leave Harrlaburg tor Pitwburf and tbe West ever? ilay at 1 SO, ft 10 a m, (ft SO pm nmiteaj, w, t au, ii co p m every oay. i Way for a voouu at 8 18 am and 6 00 p is every i day. Fir Pittsburg and Altoo&a at II K a m , every oaT, ' Mfn. nlll u,h B..nVt.. (n TV411 w. i.)ir.ira. Cttuanaa'i ua, Rochester, Buffalo ana i Niagara Falls ai 185. 6 11 m.and I p m week .'j.iL V'r . ITlMtvu a, K At r. v n. w Bm rie ana tntcrmeaiate points t t u am oauy- and 6 41 p it week days For Renovo at n II a m, l m IDU p II IM uaya, aao m nn daUy, pat. wee 9M'lMaB wreVoaya. oar. J. S. wooit. atvaier Qonl rise1? Agl FirstNationolBank THKA.TRK BUILDING, gglienandoali, Faiuwi -CAPITAL,- A. Vf . LHISKNKING, President, P. J, FKRGU80N, ViCf PreslfltB 1 J. R. LKWKNRING, Cashier. 8. W, YOST, Assistant Ushlor Open Daily From 9 to 3 PEE CEN Interest Paid on Savings Deposit VIGOR of Saslly. Quickly, Permanently Restored, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, mid nit the train of evils iromoarlyrrroraor Inter cxccfiscN, tbe results of oerwoitc, ( lckuesH. worn ,etc. Full strength, (levclopment and tone given to d cry organ and portion of the body simple naturalmethod s. Immediate ImproTement seen. Failure Impossible. 2,W)0 references. Itooka explanation and proofi mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. PORT CARBON, V, Manufacturers 01 Of Every Description Fags, Badges, Caps, Reganas, &c -FINEST GOODS LOWEST l'niCES.-3 Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited fysumcaneg uedlcal OKlcef, Z0B H. SKCOXO !'.., l4l!a4'a, Pi Are the oldest In America for t, e tr a -ncnt of Special !tlnuco & Sonthfi -1 Ursas Varli-iiccle, Ily'lrurnl-., liuiuuro, 1 "lanhO(id TreA'mcnt !y ?SrBll a fifr.inKjr. Com muulcitlons sarr.-.llv c n'-rlr n.tal 1 tcamr tc nik. omro ncur : 9 M io : v. . 6to8i. All day S'.tuiuay. KuuUiiya, 10 to 12 A M. Chris. Bossier's SALOOH km RESTAURANT, (Mann's old stand) S04 Soutra SKaln Street. Finest wlnee, whiskeys and cigars alwayB In stock. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter on tap. Choice Temperance Brinks. (gSSSSSteib HLUJIIIHOID B0tll!i2. A revolution In corset making HomethUiE newly No breaking ; no rusting; no wrink ling. Thinner nnd Gleaner than whalebone, and tent times as elastic and durable Ladies delighted. Made in au sn a pes, l' or sale uy A. OWENS, Shenandoah, Pa. Everythlrg modolei' after Green's Cafe, Philadelphia. 32 8. Main St., Sinenanifloa&f Tho leading place in 'own Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The finest Uu ot Wines and Liquors I Cigars, ftc, foreign and do mestic Free luncb scrvod each evening. Big schooners of freah.Boer.Porter. Ale. Ac. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. . 3 TVOrtGHKRTY. Vrov L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe VTyan's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, 8HHNAMDOAH, PA. Oar etooked with the best beer, porter, ales, bUklaa, braadlas, wines, etc. Finest cigars atlnc bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all 104 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa., WHOLESALE HA KIR AND CONFKOTIONKI!, tee Cream wholesale and retail. Plcaitw and parties supplied on short notice. J- B. : wjfx. aaH mvm 1MM 1 3 I J