The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 25, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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vol. VIII.-NO. 220.
You ore a builnesa man, and used to
straight forward buslnoss :alk facts facta
facta. Your wifo hag been looking for a
Sewing Machine?
GhaiJiber Suit?
Parlor Suit,
Or something else In our lino. Why not buy
It now. Wo aro soiling cheaper than ever.
Midnight Sensation on West
Centre Street.
llutclior Wurm fllvo 1111 IliimOmino
Visitor n Ilotlteceptlon When Arraigned
To-day the Injured Man l'londed Tlint
IIo Wn Drunk tit tlin Tlmo.
F 1. Corsets,
F. BT. CSorssis.
Every lady should try It,
3FQ:r sl Drive.
FLANNELS Black and white, rod and black, and mixed, all -J bf
23 cent goods, reduced to JLUO
CIULDUEN'S WOOL HOSE, fancy ribbed, sizes C to 7J. This H p?n
, small lot, worth 25c per pair, I close out at XtJO
Tho P. N. Corset has become vory popular, and thoro is no doubt that it is tho
loading corset of tho day. The new feature about tho I. N. Corset Is tho "Prac
tical Sido," which is an adjustablo section to be rovereod occasionally.
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
day Offer
J To cncli pu"cliHMo;r T
i of foods niuouu(iii)r
to $a aliandsomeCal- v
cuclar FREE.
Ladies' Fine Gondola Button Shoes,
with tip and fancy too,
Boys' Good Hand-made Shoes, for
wet weather, at
A fine lino of all sizes and makes in shoos.
Our motto: "Good goods and low prices."
14 South Main Stroot.
n exrx::sT.AJS-xso-Ajn:, xa
Tien vi im ats m m m m m w ks n w a - w im m .
of your
"yISIT 0UR STOKE and look through a stock of thousands
upon thousands of X-MAS requirements. People frequently
tell us that we are more reasonable in our prices than in the
larger cities. Dolls, Games, Iron and Wooden Toys, Black
boards, Trunks, Drums, Tool Chests, Bureaus, Doll Coaches,
Child's Tea Sets, Tables, Bauks, Skin Horses, Carts, Trick Mule,
Chimes, Calliopes, Clowns. Aorobats, Owls, Trumpets. Kaleido
scopes, Toy Brooms Child's Swings, Fancy Glass Ornaments,
China, Picture ErR s. Art Goods, etc., etc., otc.
'oh art
m nron
m u u
8 8. Main St.
NEW MINCE MEAT. "Wo soli tho Best Grade-
keep no second grade.
NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra large. Fine
new JNo. l JuacKerel.
tuo best quality and always Iresh.
Now Evaporated Apricots, Noctarino3 and Peachos.
JNow Citron and liomon real.
25 Cents
1 U)LL BUY: 8 lbs New French Prunes : 3 lbs Now Raisins, off
xtra ffi stalk : 8 lbs Now Cleanod Currants : 7 lbs Now Currants, not
f rr. . . . .
rami . i ii m ntrnii4-... o - nn.r m
3 0 xtra quality; a cans .New Tomatoos, standard quality ; 2 cans
'Jorn. "Pride of Shenandoah" brand nothing bettor in tho
i.; a cans JNow Uom, Maryland packing; 2 cans JNew Salmon,
Vl TTI "N il A I
iHlllIlUi'J V 1 kJUlLVJ I JV J V I I I V Vj X
r-i i 4
i I n , I 1H1UUUBUUI X (ilUUV i; 4VU1.
Jh) Car Middlings.
I One Car Choico Old Corn.
Ono Car Pure Chop.
Two Cars Timothy nay,
Two Oars Oats.
li 1111 IT,
N unannounced and tin.
cormonious midnight
visitor almost met his
death at a houso on
West Centre street and
it was not tho fault of
tho involuntary host
that tho visitor is not
in an ice box to-day for
tho shot which was given as a welcomo was
within exceedingly cloao rango of a fatal
Tho houso at which tho affair occurred is
occupied by Morris Wurin, tho butoher. Mr.
Wurm and his family rotirod shortly after
nino o'ciock last night, after sccurly fasten
ing all tho doors and windows. At about
twenty minutes before tho midnight hour,
when Mr. Wurm was droamlng that ho had
just closed an excellent bargain with tho
weather clerk, by which the latter was to
withdraw tho cold snap and make to-day
moro pleasant for the butchers who would bo
obliged to drivo about on wagons, a noise was
heard at ono of tho rear doors of tho house.
Tho butcher's dream vanished and tho
noiso caused him to partly raiso himself in
tho bed and listen. After a few moments'
hositation Wurm jumped from his bed and
taking a lamp in ono hand ami a revolver in
tho other he li-ft tho bedroom remarking to
his wifo that ho would go and seo who was
tryiug to get Into tho house.
As Mr. Wurm nolsolossly desoonded to tho
first floor ho could hoar tho fumbling at tho
kitchen door. Just as the butcher entered
the dining room the door loading from tho
kitchen oponod and the form of a man ap
peared. Like a flash Wurm leveled his ro-
volver and ilrcd. Only ono shot wai dis
charged, but it was a good ono and staggered
tho intruder, who foil backwards into a chair
with a groan.
Mr. Wurm then rnshod forward and
pinioned the intruder to tho chair, but
realized that tho fellow was too badly in
jured to give tronblo and Mr. Wurm's father
was left to guard him while tho son went out
to look for an officer.
Tho injured man certainly lonkod liko a
case for an undertaker at first glance. The
blood flowed in a stream over the fellows'
garments from wounds in the right cheek
and right side of tho head and was partly
stunned, Tho ball from Mr. Wurm's
revolver, a 32 short calibre, had entered just
below tho cheek bono siud passed out about
an incii from the opening of tho right ear.
Dr. Sxlupas attended the man and upon ex
amination said tho wound was not a danger'
ous one, but had barely missed the fatal
The intruder was confined iu the lockup
for the night. Talg morning ho was taken
before Justice Williams, charged with wil
fully and magliulously breaking into Mr.
Wurm's houso with intent to rob. IIo gave
his name as Baltro Strolus. IIo is a stockily
built young follow about 23 years of ago,
comfortably and respectfully dressed, and in
his vest pockot carried a silver watch with a
brass chain attached. IIo was accompanied
by two rospoctablo looking Lithuanians.
Tho thrco reside iu town.
Strolus presented a sorrowful spectacle.
His head and face wore wrapped iu ban
dagos supplied by Dr. Szlupas, the front of
his coat, vest and trousers were covered with
clotted blood, and the eye which peeped over
tho bandages on tho sido of the face, which
the bullet entered, was bloodshot and other
wise discolored. Whon told of the chargo
against him Strolus'pleaded not guilty. lie
said that ho was drunk last night and did
not remember what ho had dono. The
breakiug into the house was a mistake and
be would not have done it had he been sober.
Dr. Salupas was present. lie said the
wound in itself was not dangerous, but when
he visited Strolus this morning he found the
man had torn off the bandages and it would
require a few days to determine whether the
removal of tho bandages had permitted oold
to set in the wound. In suoh a oase Inflamma
tion would follow and the oase would be
serious. Strolus tore off the bandages while
iu his cell and tho act is taken as confirma
tion of his story that he was drunk.
After the hearing Mr. Wurm said that ho
that felt the intruder had been sufficiently
punished and as atteudanoes at court require
oxpenie and loss of tlmo ho was willing to
settle, providing Strolus would pay all cost
and damages for the breaking of the door,
soiling of carpets, etc. It was agreed that
Strolus would go to PotUville and enter
suoh bail m the District Attorney might re
quire and then, if that official should con
sent, the ease would le settled.
What Ho Scosnml HiMirH During His Tra t
els About Tiih n.
The officials of the Lehigh Valley road
lmvo posted "No Admittance" signs on all
the doors of the telegraph offices along their
road. The company urges their operators to
eject any one who has no business in tho
office It is said that tho order was issued
principally to prevont newspaper roportors
from gaining any information along the line.
A physician has it that bicycling is vory
injurious, saying that on his machlno tho
spine of tho rider is bent to anarch, the chest
bone affected by tho pressure impairing
circulation and interfering with tho operation
of tho lungs. No form of spurt or exorclso
can bo invonted but sonio doctor denounces
it, just as when a change or improvement of
any sort in tho methods of publio affairs is
mado some lawyer denounces it as illegal or
unconstitutional. There ara men who spend
long hours day after day through a long life
bent over a desk and suffer none of tho ills
with which the bicycler is said to be threat
ened. Between doctors and lawyers it is a
marvel how civiltied mankind gets through
tho world with any comfort at all.
It may bo news to somo of tho sports of
town to henr that "Jimmy" MoIIale, who
met and defeated Wiltlam Gibson, of this
place, in a three-round "scrap" at Ashland
last winter, was arrested at Philadelphia tills
week for participating in a prizo light with
"Jim" Burge, tho iron man of Australia.
A few days more and then Thanksgiving
and turkey and crauborry. Thoro was a
doalof worldly wisdom in associating re
ligious celebrations with good oating, as
Christmas, Now Yoar's, Eastor. The celebra
tions might lie neloctod If thoy stood alono
bnt there is no danger of that whon thoy
aro associated with fiuo dinners. Tho
sorvicos in tho churches Thanksgiving day
aro sllmly nttendod, but everybody is present
when the turkey and cranberry aro set out.
Tho Puritans did not liko this sort of thing
and regarded Christmas as a little better than
a hoathen festival. That is ono reason why
Puritanism was doomed from its birth. Oc
casionally as Chrismas draws nigh one hoars
of discussions in tho mootings of certain
preachers concerning the propriety of re
cognizing it. 'But tho discussions aro all In
vain. Whatever tho preachers say, tho
people havo their Christmas jollification.
And their Thanksgiving foast too. The
Puritans tried to maintain Thanksgiving as a
fast, but it vi as no go. The preachers could
fast all they wanted to, but tho parishioners
would not.
Now-a-days when a man wants to go to
Shamokin, or any point east on the main line
of the Lehigh Valley railroad, ho has a
regular catch as catch time with his own
judgment. He swaggers into the depot,
scans the time table, asks the ticket agent a
dozeu questions about the strike and tho run'
nlng of the 2:23 p. m. train, looks the agent
straight in the oye to seo if ho answers the
truth, and finally slaps down his money and
says, "Give me a ticket. I'll try it, aud if I
don't get through to Joyville I'll sue the
company for damages." After receiving Ills
ticket he again struts about the waiting
room, walks back to the ticket window, asks
what time tho train will leave half a dozen
times, pulU off his hat and mops his forehead,
curses the strikers aud finally walks out to
the depot platform iu time to meet a friend
ho had left up town two hours beforo and
who had walked leisurely to tho dopot to
oatch the i: 10 train for Joyville. After a
wait of about an hour and a half both men
boarded their train. There is no rapid
transit in these days. Obi:.
Downs' Elixir wilt euro any cough or cold
no matter of how long standing. lm
A single trial of Dr. ileury Ituttr's Man
drako BlVton will convince any one troubled
with ooetiveoest, torpid liver or any kindred
diseases of thiAr. curative properties. They
only cost as esuls per bottle. lm
Jtlss llalley llurlnd.
Tho funeral of Miss Edna Bailey, who
died of consumption at Denver, Colorado, last
week, took place to day. Tho remains were
taken from the residence of her parents in
Delano to Tamanna, whero interment was
mado. Miss Biiley was tho attractive 18
year old daughter of J. Taylor Bailey, one of
the engineers on the Lehigh Valley Rail
till m
No Important Changes Havo
Been Reported To-day.
Hut tlio ltallrond Mon Say Tlipy lluvo Nil
Hearing oil the Ittnln I. Ino Strike Several
l.ocnl Freight Curs on tho Move To-iluy.
One Comes In from Jersey t'll).
O-DAY'S dovolopmcnta
iu connection with the
Lehigh Valley Kailroad
'striko wero such as to
glvotho impression in
this section that tho
trouble is Hearing an
ond, with tho men on tho bottom and tho
oomimuy on top; still it is ditllcult to see any
Important change in tho situation.
All tho passenger trains wero running
regularly through this section to-day with
tho exception of the mall train due here from
Now York at 2:88 this afternoon. This train
has been lato every day since tho strike and
had not arrived up to tho time tho Ukkald
went to press.
A man who has had cmito an activo part in
connection with tho strlko was in town to
day and admitted that tho mon who went
out ou tho Mahauoy branch are ovidently
weakening and several of them havo re
turned to work during the past twenty-four
hours, but ho added that their weakening
had no true bearing on the niattor. They
cannot break tho tlo up ou tho main lino
and the men ou tho latter line are as deter
mined to day as thoy wero last Sunday.
For tho first time in a week there was con
siderable activity among tho freight crews ou
the Mahanoy division tO'day. At 8:30 this
morning a train of five local freight c
passed west and was followed at 0:15 by a
train of thirteen local freight oars.
A oar of freight mado ready iu tho Jersey
City yards last Saturday arrived in town this
morning, which is an indication that tho
railroad company Ins succeeded in getting
somo freight moving ou the main line. A
oar load of Chicago beef arrived hero from
Sayre last night, over the Lehigh. Valley
Do not suppose that because it is reooiu
mended for animals that Arnica & Oil Lini
ment is an offensive preparation. It will not
stain clothing or the fairest skin. lm
Whcrn mill When Herrlres Will be Con
ducted To-murrov.
Trinity Reformed church, Kev. Ilobert
O'Hoyle. pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
t. m. and8:)p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Kehelos Israel Congregntlou, West Oalc
street, Hev. 8. Itabinowlts, lUbul; services
every Friday evening; Haturday and Sunday
afternoon ond evening.
Welsh Daptlst church. Preaching servloee at
10 a, m. and 0 p. in. by the )iestor, Itev. 1). I.
tSvans. Suuday school at 2 p. m. Hverybody
lloman Cathollo church of the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above Wost street, Itev. it. 1'.
O'Kellly, pastor. Masse at 8:0uaud 10:00n,m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. 10.
Ht. Qoorge'H Lithuanian Oathollo churcli,
sorner Jardin and Cherry streets. Rev. I..
Abromaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching nt 18
a. m. Vespors at 3 p. m.
Bbenezer Evangelical church, Rev. K. M. Lleh
tonwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
ai. In German, and 6:9)0 p. in. In English. Sunday
school at 1 : p. tn. Allure heartily Invited te
English Lutheran church. Preaching at
10:80a. in. and 6:30 p.m. by Itev. J. Q. Qrlt
ttthH. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m Prayer
mooting Thursday evening at 7 o'olook. Kvery
body welcome.
Presbyterian church. Kev. Maxwoll Mor
rison, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. tn. und 6:30
m. Sunday school at i p. m. Christian
Jndeavor Society will meet on Tuesday even
ing at 7:3i). Prayer meeting ou Thursday
evening at 7:30. All are cordially Invited.
Salvation Army, corner MnlnnndOrtk street.
Captain L . Voder and Lieutenant H. K Davis la
command. Services all day, commencing at 7
and 11 a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings will.
be hold every night during the week excepting
Monday night
first Methodist Eplsoopal church, Rev. Win.
Powtck, pastor. Services at 10:30 a m. and
0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Epworth
Leaguo at 5:15 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers und others
are always welcome.
Engllsb Daptlst church, South Jardin street.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m.
Preaohlng by the pastor, Rev. W. H.llsrrlson.
Praise service at p. m. Sunday school at 2
m. Monday evening ut 7:30 the Y. P. H.
U. wilt meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meeting. Everybody welcome.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church. Oak
street, near Main., Morning service at 10:i
and evening at 7 o'clock. The rector oftt-
oiates at morning service alternately and at
every ovenlng service. The lay reader, Charles
Hasklns, oOlolates In the absence of the
rector, 0. 11. llridgman. Sunday school at -
m. All seats free and everybody mada
heartily welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. J. Prouda,
pastor. Services to-morrow ut 10:30 a. m. and fl:3)
p. m. Vvtslcy prayer meeting at 5:4S p. m.
Sabbath school at 3 p. in. Wesley League),
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wodnesday ovenlngs at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats free. Anyone not having a church home
is cordially invited to oome here.
Where Physician Full.
Iiadaiu's Microbe Killer will certainly do
what it is generally believed no living;
physician can acoompllsh that is, it will
on re Cancer of the Liver and of theStomaeh.
Mrs. Laura Cooper, Dowagiac, Mich.
Kxpeuitlve Koonomy.
Some people begrudge the little money
that an Allcook's Porous Plaster ooits, aud
then when they are rsoked with paiu from a
lame back, or from the soreness arising from
11. IHIIII. I I1HV Will HI Willi All V -atlllllllll.lll IIIIHIR I
to relieve the pain. If they only had one of S " )V- f1"' treurer No
these world renowned plasters on hand tbey
The .Mutual Guarantee Building and Loan
Recently we called attention to the fact
that tho later years of a National Buildiug
and Loan Association wero proportionately
much more profitable than the early ones,
Practical exporieuce of thirty months' dura
tion has demonstrated the correctness of this
position, as our profits to day are proportion
ately far in excess of what they were iu the
oar'y months.
We also stated that stockholders would vory
materially study their own interests by re'
malning in tho organization long enough to
enable it to in ko their investment profitable
to them. We are now able to aunouuee that
after thirty-six monthly payments havo
been made, stockholders desiring to withdraw
will roceivo a rate of Viper emt.per annum
on tho amount paid into the Loan Fund.
Whilst wo believe it would bo niuoh better
for tho stockholders to remain in until tho
maturity of their stock, yet we reoognize the
fiict that there will always be some with
drawal, and this being the case, it is our pur.
pose from time to time to deal as equitably
and fairly with those withdrawing members
as it is possible, and to adopt as liberal a with
drawal feature as is consistent with absolute
safety to those who remain.
Shares aud information can be had by mil
would be saved a vast amount of suffering
and lie considerably richer. At the first sign
of stiffness of the Joint apply one of these
plasters without auy delay. The soreness
will be greatly relieved at ones and soon dis
appear entirely. It will be mouey saved to
have them on hand, to say nothing of (he
oomfort they bring.
Brandreth's Pills contain uo irritating
Columbian Klrmees.
The KIrmess, on a small soale, although
elaborate enough to make it a novelty, will
b produced by a oertaln church in town
within a short time. The young ladies
liavlug It iu charge, have not yet folly
arranged the details nor fixed upon a data,
HMtr Iu Mlml,
John A. Beiuys is the pw te get the
purest wines and liquor, best beer and ales
and finest brands of cigars.'-tf
North Main street, Shenandoah.
11-84 4t
A Itarw OhHUce,
I bought at Sheriffs sale yesterday a large
stock of boys' overcoats, 5 to 11 years. Goods
at 50 per cent, below cost at uiy ulaoe. Ofer-
ooats $1.60, worth three times the amount
Big bargains iu underwear; only 31 eente,
worth 50 cents. Coffee's, post offioe building
corner of Maiu and Oak streets. ll-2S-4t
"Among the rioes," .
Bella La Verde, "the exquisite," will be at
Ferguson's theatre Thankagiviug night in
"Among the Pines" and will do some very
Mutational danoing and sing the latest
Parisian songs, "Marguerite of Monte Carlo"
aud "Georgia."
A bad eoash or oold calls tor a rood nsudr
-tbe cure Tot It. F r Onugbi. Colds, li
(Jrlppe and Consumption, perfect and
wr aurv rmu-i iius. WJB worn. umi
rleld to its taxalins nronartlaa Oattm H mulU
ttwo-TlnaU sold at P. P. IK Kirlln's dru
Btt work don at Brennan' steam laon
dry. Rvsry tbiw; wfaHe aud spethNW. Lao
curtains a clalty. All wrk guaranteed,
A Nose Chower.
Henry Sellnsky, a Hungarian residing at
Shanty Hill, a mining patch near Mahanoy
City, was brought to town last night by Con.
stable Thomas Bolaud to answer a chargo of
assault and battery and mayhem preferred by
Michael Sullivan. Tho men quarreled and
Sellnsky almost bit a large piece of Sullivan's
nose of'. A physician put two stitches iu
the wound. Sellnsky Is still in the lockup,
waiting for somebody to furnish ball.
Lawyer Foster's Hrnncli OHlce.
Sol. Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor-
atLaw, of Pnttsvllle, has taken rooms at
McElhenny's oafo building and will opoa a
brauch law office. Sir. Foster expects to bo
in Shenandoah every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings, when he oan bo consulted at
tho place mentioned. 11-22-Sw
Call at Weikel's photograph gallery (Hoff
man's old stand), for fine photos. 11-25. lw
Itscker Sentenced.
John Becker, the Mahanoy City mail
carrier accused of tampering with the United.
States mail, pleaded guilty before the United.
States Circuit Court in Philadelphia and re
ceived a sentence of $100 fine and imprison
ment for one year in the Eastern peniten
tiary. Becker restored $600 to Postmaster
Laue's Family Medlolue Moves the Bowels
Eaoli day. Most people need to use it,
Wonders' one dozen $3 cabiueta for$I. S. S.
Cor. Centre and Market Sts., PottorUfe.
We're Still
Doing .business
At tho old stand,
But since you heard
from us last through
these columns our
stock has increased
And oar methods improved.
You will fid oar goods
neater, cleaner and better.
122 North Jardin Street