The Evening J -1 El fll jVXj J3 VOL. VIII.-NO. 22G. SHENANDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1898. ONE CENT. i B Corsets Every lady Ilavo to-day received Which will bo sold far below tho real valuo. At this great reduction it is well for you to select your Christmas prosonta. DAMASK TOWELS, worth 40 TO 60 CENTS, FOrf 23 OtS, 76 CENTS, FOR GO OtS. Double drawn work with knotted fringe. Very flno fabrics. Tho Turkish Towels equally cheap. 116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. Our Holiday Ladies' Fine Gondola Button with tin and fitnev too. Offer --L- - - - 7 Boys' Good IIand-made Shoes, for wot weather, at A fine line of all sizes and makes in shoes. Our motto: "Good goods and low prices." abe Hra Gladden larger cities. boards, Trunks, Child's Tea Sets, Tho hearts of your Chimes, Calliope. scopes, Toy Brooi.ii, Children China, Picture Frm Successor to GUN, DUOI & MIDIEY, Choice Goods! SBaagn.'gtfunUiii luwuyrwingySiiwiEffl NEV MINCE MEAT. Wo keep no second NEW BLOATER new No. 1 Mackerel. OUR FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER. Always tho beat quality and always fresh. OUR NEW FISHING CREEK BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. NEW COMB HONEY. Now Evaporated Apricots, Nectarines and Peaches. New Citron and Lemon Peal. 25 WILL BUY: 8 lhs Now French Prunes ; 8 lhs New RaiBins, ofl stalk : 8 lbs Now Cleaned Currants : 7 lbs Now Currants, not cleaned : 1 lb Now Mixed Tea, cood toes, extra quality; 8 cans Now Tomatoes, standard quality ; 2 cans Now Corn, "Prido of Shenandoah" brand nothing bettor in tho market; 8 caus Now Corn, Maryland packing; 2 cans New Salmon, extra quality. For Sale Ono Car Minnesota Patent Flour. Ono Car Middlings. Ono Car Choice Old Corn. You aro a business rnan, anil used to straight forward bnsinoss tnlk facta facte facta. Your wifo has boon looking for a Sewing rVXachinc? Chamber Suit, Parlor Suit, Or something olso In our lino. Why not buy it now. Wo aro selling cboaper than cor. J.P.WILUAMS&SOto P. M Corsets. should try It. a largo varioty of TOWELS, 2 J To eucll puruliHHvr T T " . , T toSi IlIlIllKlKO'lUCCUt- cuclnr FKEE. t Shoes, - - 14 South Slain Street, Bright 2 SLOO yiSIT OUR STOKE and look through a stock of thousands upon thousands of X-MAS requirements. People frequently tell us that wo aro more roasouablo in our prices than in tho Dolls, Games, Iron and Wooden Toys, Black Drums, Tool Chests, Bureaus, Doll Coaches, Tables, Banks, Skin HorBes, Carts, Trick Mules, Clowns, Acrobats, Owls, Trumpets, Kaleido Child's Swings, Fancy Glass Ornaments, - u, Art Goods, etc., etc., etc. 8 S. Main St. soil tho Boat Grado- grade. MACKEREL, extra large. Pino quality; 2 cans Wholo Toma to Arrive I Ono Car Puro Chop. Two Cars Timothy Hay. Two Cars Oats. COUNTY W III Prom Our Regular Pottsvillc Correspondent. SURMISES POLITICALLY I Cnmllcliitnfl Alrpiiily Looming tip lir Tickets Next Pall Congrurvuiiiiii Iteilly Will Uellre Senator Mnirngtiiii. Asplret to Succeed lllm. Special Heham Correspondence. Pottsville, Nov. 22. HE smoke of tho recent political battle of this county hits hardly died away before thcro bo- gan to crop nut a new batch of candidates for noxt year's ticket. Perhaps tho most prom inent of thoso candi dates aro representa tives of tho Ecpiibll- can party, who, building upon tho rocont success of thoir party in tho last campaign bcllovo that that success will bo continued noxt year and consequently aro pluming themselves for n contost, which they hopo will bo successful in landing them in tho olllcos to bo voted for in 169 i. Tho most prominent among thoso peoplo may bo men tlonod our fellow-townsman, Mr. William II McQuall, tho Wost Virginia coal operator. Having becomo a rich miner, and like unto tho silver bonanza kings of tho West, ho aspiros to shine in the halls of Congross. William is a good follow, a social compan ion, a kind and indulgent father and house holder, but thcro is not mucli danger that ho will bo tho nomineo of tho ltepublican party noxt yoar, because already plans aro being laid to send ono of tho brightost legal lights of tho Bar to Washington, if tho thing can bo accomplished by tho defeat of the Demo cratic nomineo as easily and as surely as tho majority of tho Republican ticket was elected this yoar. On tho other sldo of tho houso wo hoar that Hon. James B. Reilly will not again enter tho Hold for Congross. Jlo will grace fully retire at tho clow of his term and tako up tho thread of his logal practico whero ho letgo of it a few yoirs ago, loaving the light for C mgrosslonal honors to bo made by Senator Bryan Monaghan, of your town, and ox-Senator King, of Mahauoy City. Following closo upon tho heels of this political gossip comes tho intelligence that John A. Iteilly, Esq., also of your town, will aspire to succeed Senator Monaghan in the Thirtieth Senatorial District. Mr. Iteilly nomination will bo fcuro If ho makes tho tight, but many of his friends foar that he will change his mind beforo tho time comes, I am lu a position to know that Mr. Iteilly means to make tho effort tho supremo ono of his life, and it is oxpected that tho Demo. eratie convention of tho Thirtiethdistrict will givo him a nomination by acclamation. If Mr. Reilly goes in to win, having come out so early and with his legion of friends, ho will lead iu tho race from tho start, and the nomination will bo his. He is a thoroughly competent man for tho position and a con sistent and a party-loving Democrat, and it will tako tho strongest representative of tho Republican party that can bo found to mako any Inroads into tho largo Democratic majority at his back, Tho report of tho cases prosecuted by John Brocnoeski against John and James Uiggins and Thomas Boland, as publlshod iu your edition of Monday last, Is pretty generally correct, so far as It goes, but it doesn't go far enough. Tho Btory ai publishod is like tho play of "Hamlet" when Uamlet is left out. It should bo known and appreciated by your readers that John Broenooski only arrived In this country, and in Shenandoah, on the 11th of last March, Ho had only been four months in this country when ho was so roughly handled by tho constable and his as sistants and $5.00 gouged out of him for taxes for 1802, which ho could not havo owed, not having been even a resident of this county until March of this year. That fact was proven by tho prosecutor himself and sub stantiated by two othor witnesses, and should havo gone in a publishod account of the case. In justice to tho Polander, I now make it part of this letter. This poor greenhorn had just as "much right to bo protected by our institutions as any other man in this country, be his nationality what it may. N. A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Man drake Bitters will oouvinco any one troubled with coitlvoness, torpid Hvor or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost 35 cents per bottle. 1 m Hear In 311ml. John A. Acllly's is the place to get the purest wines and liquors, best beor and ales and finest brands of olgars. 10-lG-tf Don't Tobaooe Spit orSmaksyourLlfo Away Is the truthful startling title ot little book that tells all about No-to-bao, tbe wonderful, harmless Guaranteed tohacoo habit uure. The cost is trtUiug and the man who wants to quit una can i runs no nuyeic&i or unauoiai rum m ueliuf "No to-bao Hold uy all dramrlsu. Hook at drugstores or by mall free. Address Tbe Sterling Kemedy Oo Ii ndlana Mineral Springs, lad 10. ilavo you tried XoKlasuuy's fried oysters T , 'l-ll Vv 1 OONTBOLtiBR'S ASSISTANTS. Mersrs. Wttlltcr, of I'otUvillo, unit It none, of Shenandoah. Controller-elect' Benjamin Severn yester day selected tho two assistants who aro to holp him lu tho Controller's olllco nftor Jan uary 1st, next. Tho appointees are Georgo Walker, of Pottsvillc, and Frank C. Reeso, of Shenandoah. Mr. Walker will act as Deputy Controller and Mr. Keeso as as sistant. Mr. Walker Is about 30 years of ago and has been employed as clork in tho P. & E. C. & I. Co.'s Pottsvlllo nflloe as olerk. Ho is a son of Councilman Matt. Walker, of Pottsvillc, and has boon quite active in politics. He is tho reading olerk of tho Ro publican standing committee. Mr. Recso is ono of tho most prominent young mou in Shenaudoah, especially in politioal circles, and has been looked upon as ono of the most activo and persistent workers tho ltepublican party has in tho younger element of this county. Ho has held various clerkships in town under the P. & It. C. A I. Co. and now has charge of tho principal looal otlloe, which Is located at the Indian ltldgo colliery. Ho is a splendid mathematician, in fact ono of tho host In this region. FINED AND CENSURED. A Townsman ltufore tho Court for Ko , Mlatlng an Olllcor. Some tiino ago Constable Thomas Tosh went to tho premises of William P.Seward to make a lovy, but was balked by Soward locking the door and refusing admittance. The constable tlion ontercd suit charging Seward with resisting an officer and also with assault and battery. Tosh said tho accused pushed him. The oase was bofore tho court yesterday and after dirootlng him to pay tho costs and $20 flno tho court administered a severe rebuke to Seward, stating that to rosist an officer is a serious oflenso and a second act would oall for im prisonmout. Soward did not pay tho costs and went to jail. JJo not supposo tuat because it is recom mended for animals that Arnica & Oil Lini ment is au oflenslvo preparation. It will not stain clothing or tho fairest skin. Ira Clnts Continued. The congregation of tho All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on East Oak street is becoming a largo and prosperous ono. On Monday ovcnlng it was increased by the confirmation of fourteen applicants. The chtks was conllrnioil by tho Bight Rovoreud Bishop N. S Eulllson, and consisted of Violet narsloy, Isabella Fishburn, Sarah Price, Hannah Bradley, Edith Reese, Elizabeth Grafton, P. D. Holman, Clara Dabb, Annie Hoskey, Lillian Smith, Jennie Koudrick, Sarah Horricks, Laura Hughes and George Knott. In tho evening tho Bishop preached a sermon on "Tho groat falling away, and who is to blamo for it." USE DANA'S SAR8APAK1LLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CUBES." KxcursInn-4 to California On account of the Sjm Francisco Mid Winter Fair, the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway Company will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco, St. Jose, Colton, Los Angeles and Sandicgo, Cal., and Portland, Ore, at reduced rates, good until April 1, 181) 1. For full particulars oall on any coupon ticket agent or oddrois John R. Pott, District Passenger Agont, 480 William St., Williams- port, Pa. AU kinds of Legal Uhkald otilco. Blanks for sale at tho Auction Itvum to Open. Max Reoso's auction commission houso will ho opened on Saturday, -'5th inst, and oviry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday thoroafter will hold auctions. Tho stock to bo auctioned on Saturday noxt will consist of. men's lino overcoats and children's suits and cloaks, There will bo a private sale of general mer chandise every day. Mr. Reese's auction rooms are in tho Doughorty building, corner of Centre and Jardin stroets. 11-32-lt USE DANA'S SABSAPAEILLA, ITS " THE KIND THAT CURES". Lawyer Foster's llrancli Ofltre. Sol. Foster, Esq , Attorney and Counsellor- at Law, of Pottsvllle, has taken rooms at MoElhenuy's oafo building and will open a branch law otlloe. Mr. Foster expects to be in Shenandoah every Wednesday and Satur day evenings, when he can be consulted at the plaoe mentioned. 11-22-2W Downs' Elixir will oil re any cough or oold no matter of hew long standing. lm Coming Invent. Nov. 20. Grand Thanksgiving Eve ball In Bobbins' opera house. Sehoppe arehestra. Nov. 30. Thanksgiving tea party, under tho auspices of the Primitive Methodist church, lu the basement of the ohuroh. Nov, 30. Oyster roast In Robblus' opera house, under tho auspices of the Ventry o AU Saints P. E. church. Deo. 90. Grandoantat"A Merry Company, or tho Cadets' Pionio," at the P. M. ohuroh AU kinds of Ruling and Bookbinding done at the IIebald otlloe. Lloeute Tntitferrel. The license held by D. J. Creedea for a saloon at the east end of Centra street has been transferred to Joseph Arawtoz. A Voioe From Florida. nr. W. P. Hrnum. Live Oak. Klortda. sava Bed Pta Oil Is one of tbe most neewttDl mln ourM e 611. It's an no Im remedy Watt KtiUn's ilroc store. umlcto and Men ceiiu u, aoui w r rn I 11 ill No Important Developments Were Made To-day. BUT FEW DELANO MEN 00T OlUrlala of Hit, Uiillroutl Company Say Then Aro Hut Seven Strikers at Delano. Tho 1'nclscrCnlllerlei Suspend Operations For Want of Carrt. HERE aro uotJmportaut developments iu con nection with thoLohlgh Valley railroad strike, so far as tho local division Is concerned. All the piesonger trains aro running, but behind tho schedules.' The Now York mall duo lioro at 2:27 yesterday afternoon was not delivered at tho post JolTico until 7 o'clock last night. Tho llremen who left their engines at Delano yesterday morning relented after n consultation with oltlcials of tho road and returned to their work after a short idleness. Freight trntllc from distant points is irregular and tho freight cars which pass through horo aro subjected to much delay through tbe tio-up on tho main lino. It was loarnod from good authority to-day that only soven mon at Delano have quit work on tho Lehigh Valley railroad, but tho forco of euginecrs i3 intact. Not one engi neer has struck. A report was circulated in town to-day that tho Packer collieries, operated by tho Lehigh Valloy Conl Company, suspended operations last night for tho balance of tho month. A Herald reproscntatlvo made inquiry nt thocompiuy's headquarters this afternoon and was Informed that the. report wasnot true. Tho Informant stated that all tho collieries wero idlo to-day because thoro were no cars, but thoy will resumo operations as soon cars can be secured. Packer colliery, No. 2, however, may remain idle for a few days in order to havo some needed repairs mado. The collieries at Ccntralia were also idle to-day for want of oars. Stopped Snow Sbovellug. Tho Schuylkill Traction Company sent a gang of men to town this morning to clear its tracks of snow. Willie the men were en gaged in shoveling tho snow to the sides of the rails Supervisor Llewellyn stopped them and said that if the company wants to clear snow from the tracks this winter it rutut send teams to haul It away and not leave it in heaps on the street. Ililltoi's Meeting. Tho Schuylkill Press Association will hold thoir regular quarterly meeting at tho Mer chants' Hotel, Pottsvlllo, to-morrow at 10 USE DANA'S SAttSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIHD THAT CURES." "AN AMERICAN BEAUTY." Our Thaukoglvlng (lift to livery One of Our Headerri. By special arrangement with tho publishers, we aro enablod to make oyery one of onr readers a present of an exquisite oil panel picture, 20 inches high, entitled "An Ameri can Boauty," which has beon admired by all who have seen it. This superb picture is from the brush of the same artist who painted tho "Yard of Pansles" and "Yard of Roses.1 The reproduction is equal in every respect to tho original, from which it cannot be dis tinguished, and accompanying it are full directions for framing at home at a cost of a few cents, thus forming a beautiful ornament for the high, narrow wall-spaces for which it ia sodlffloult to obtain plotures of the proper shape. It is a superb Thanksglviug gift. Send your name and address to the publisher, W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th street, New York, with three cents (either in stamps or pennies) to pay for the packing, mailing, ete.. and mention that you are a reader of Thk Herald and you will receive by re turn mail one of these valuable works of art. New ThrotiKli Sleeping: Car I.luo From Chicago to Seattlo via the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul and Great Northern Railways, has been established and first-olass sleeping oars will hereafter run dally from Chicago at 10:30 p. m., arriving at Seattle 11:30 p. m., fourth day. This Is undoubtedly tbe beet route to reach the North Pacific ooMt, For time tables, mails and other information apply to the nearest ticket agent, or address John K. Pott, District Paw. Agent, 0., M. A W. P. 8'y, Wllliattv.port, Pa. Livery stable .keeper should always keep traioa A Oil Uniment tit stable, nothleg tike it for hones, lm Have y tried MesiWj Ud oy? riiltSONAT,. W. J. Jaoobs spent to-day in Mahnnoy City. Mrs. S. C. Spalding is visiting relatives at Mahnnoy City to-day. Mrs. John Ilartsch and Mrs. Jacob Dallns spent to-day visiting friends at Pottsvlllo. Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy and daughter, Mary, aro tho gueste of friends in tho Quakor City. Frank C. Rceso is moving into tho houso which ho had built recently on East Coal street. Mr. and Mrs. William Pooler, of St. Clair, wero iu town to-day attending tho funeral of tho lato Edwin Gritlln. James Palmor and wife, of Pawtucket, R. I., aro visiting relatives here. Mr. Palmer says ho may becomo a resident of town again. Edwin Schlichtcr, of Pottsvlllo, was in town to-day. He was all smiles over tho re sult of the lute election. Ho must have got ton oven with some ono. James Purcell, an extensive real estate dealer at Braddock, Pa., and James J. Dowling, of the Iron Brewing Co., of Pitts burg, aro tho gueste of J. J. Franoy iu town, and aro making a tuur of tho anthracite region, being chapeioned by Mr. Franoy. Klilgjht-SHiellly. Miss Clara I. 8cheifly, daughter of Council man J. K. P. Schoilly, and Claude L. Knight, Esq, of Illuefield, Wost Virginia, woro married at 10:30 o'clock this morning, at tho rpsidenco of horparents.on North Main stroot, by Rev. William Powick, of tho Methodist Episcopal church. Tho ceremony was strictly prlvato, only immediate relative boing present and thoro was no brides-maid or groomsman. Immediately after tho ceremony the bride and groom proceeded to the Lehigh Valley dopot and took the 11:05 Lehigh Valloy train for Sunbury. Thoy ex pect to roach Washington to.night, and after a fow days stay thero will start on a tour of tho Southorn states, going as far south as Florida. After tho trip thoy will roturn. to Bluoficld, whoro a handsomely furnished homo awaits them. Mr. Knight is one of tho leading lights at tho Wost Virginia Bar. Tile Ciuoiln Went Ul. A Lithuanian clothing doaler on North Main street was sold out by tho Sheriff yostcr day and much surprise was caused by the brisk bidding. Tho dealer was suspected of being tho Instigator of somo circulars which wero issued somo time ago in tho Polish and Lithuanian language denouncing tho Jews and asking the peoplo to whom tho circulars were addressed to bnyeot them. Yesterday a number of the Jewish peoplo of town attended tho sale and bid so briskly that it brought 13,000. The claims against the dealer amounted to $1,000. A Kare Cltaiico. I bought at Sheritl's sale yesterday a largo stock of men's and boys' overcoats. Goods at no per ceitt. below cost at my place. O f er ooats $1.50, worth three times the amount. Big bargains iu underwear, only 21 cents, worth 50 cents. Coffee's, post office building, corner of Main and Oak street. 11-32-lt Good Show To-nlgtit. "The Sporting Craze" will be presented at Ferguson's theatre to-night and incidental to it Oweu Ziegler, tho light-weight champion boxer, will give a sparring exhibition. It If expected that William Gibson, tbe well known boxer of town, will go before Ziegler for four rounds. "The Sporting Craze" was presented here a short time ago with excellent satisfaction to tho audience. Use Wulls' Hundby Blub, the be 31uing for laundry nee. Each packago makes two quarts. IBcta. Sold by Coakley Bros. Now Association. A branch of the Co operative Building Bank Association, of New York, has been established in town with tho ' following olllcers: Christ Schmidt, president; M. J. Scanlan and William Leach, vice presidents; T. T. Williams, secretary and treasurer; M. M. Burke, Esq., solicitor. Fetor J.ick.on at Ashland, Peter Jaokson, the world-renowned cham. pion colored pugilist, will appear as Unols 7n in the great play of "Unole Tom's Cabin," at the Ashland opera house to-morrow (Thursday) evening, and Incidental to the play will give a sparring exhibition with the great Joe Choynski. ll.03.8t Buy Kqptone flour. Be sore that the oaine Lstwia A Baku, Ashland, Pa., it printed on very mok. 3-3-3taw. Wonders' one dosen $3 cablnete for$l, 3. S. Cor. Centre and Market Sta., PoMevllIe. lt-l-lw We're Stili Doing Business At tho old stand, But since you heard from us last through, these columns our stock has increased And our methods improved. Yon will flud our goods neater, oleaner and better. 1 122 Kortli Jardin Street