The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 21, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    If -
The War Is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Indiana contrlhutodlier thousands of bravo
soldiers to tho war, Hnd no state bears a bet
ter record In that resiet than It 1oish. la
literature It. Is rnpltllj tti-qulrl tiji m.
enviable tiliic-e. In wur and lluii-atiire
Holomon Yewell, well known us a writer as
"Sol," lias won nn honorable position. Dar
ing Hi" late war lie was a member of Co. M,
d. N. Y. Uavalry anil of the 13th I milium In
fantry Volunteers. ItegitrdlnK an Important
clreuinstanro ho writes as fallows:
"Several of ns old veterans hero are using
;r. lilies' ltestorutlve Nervine, Heart Curt
mid Nerve and Liver IMIIs, all of them giving
splendid satisfaction. In fact, vve have never
iii-ed remedies that compare with tla?m. Of
the 1'llls we must say they are the best com
bination of the ipmlllles luijulrcd In a prep
aration of their nature wo havo over kno n.
Wc have none but words of praise for I hem.
TIkiv ate the outgrowth of a new irtiiiclnle in
ilclne. and tone up the system wonder
Iv. Wo sav to all. trv these remedies.'
Hiilrmioti Yewell. Marlon, lnd.. Doc. fi. IHHS.
Theso romedle.s are sold ny all druggist:.
a positive guarantee, or sent direct by tx:
Ir. Miles Medical Co., Klkhart, lnd.. on 11
celntof lirli'u. SI ucr bottle, six bottles 88..v
press prepaid, They positively ouutalu netuber
owaios nor uunicerousarugs.
No. 207 West Cotvl Street,
1 1
Porter, Ale and
Pine Old Stock Ale.
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
X Chns. Rettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vicinity, also Uergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
He Your Own Doctor
For ono dollar get a bottle of Mayers' Mag
netlo Catarrh Ouie. It will last for three
months, and Is absolutely guaranteed by your
Doctors say the only way to cure catarrh and
hay fever la by enlmlation. Wo have worked
tor 3 ears to accomplish a good, simple method
for inhaling medicine, ana oiler Mayers' Mag
netic Catarrh Cure, which Is used by this new
method, to the public, and guarantee It to cure
any case, no matter of how long standing. One
bottle Is all you neea to accomplish a cure. It
will last for three months. Ask your druggist
oraddrcss The Mayers Drug Co, Oakland. Jld.
Havo you catarrh- No doibt you have.
Most people are so afflicted. Get a bottle of
Mayer's Mae netloCaiarrh Cure from yourdrug
gist. It's tt,e only medicine of Its kind on the
market and absolutely guaranteed. For sale
by druggists and price (1
Horses ana Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.
KprftM taken to board, t raw
that are liberal.
Oa PEiU ALLEY, Rear f fo Coffee Home.
We are now creoared to fill orders
in large or small quantities at our
wholesole and retail store. All orders
executed with oare and promptness.
X.. Xi. SNTP TPS Ti 33 eis oo.,
8 11-lSw 8 B. Jsrdln fit. Shenandoah, Pa.
(Christ, Bossier's old stand.)
Sf alu and Coal His,, HliemiiiilouSi.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. TheUneai
brands of whiskeys sod elrars. Fool room at
Public Notice!
Notice is berooy given that persons Aeslroy
Ing or detaining beer keg will be BHwemted
as provided by the Act of Assembly apajovtal
April tt,U66.
Brewers' Association.
Shenandoah, Fa., Jud t, 1B08. ly
The Usual Predictions of Success
by Both Sides.
rho Illnchnde of Freight and Coal TrnlTIo
fleenia to be Contplote Alleged Deteo
live OITer to Illnw tip llrltlge to Aid
the .Striken.
Wli.KRsnAnRF.,P., Xov. 21. At a mt-
hg of the Lehigh Valley rail mail strikers (
Inst night the "ecurlng committee re
ported that only two men had deserted the
ranks. One was a baggageman and the
utlier a passenger hrakcmati. Both of
those wore qfferod a month's pay in ad
vance if they would Keep 11 way from me
railroad, bnt they refused the offer. One
of the men (aid he had beeupronrsed pro
motion if he would return to work. Tele
grams were receipt nt the meeting from
strikers in other places, requesting them
to stand firm and not to believe any re
ports sent ont from Buffalo and Philadel
phia that the strikers were weakening.
The tie up lias brought a great many
tramps to town, who pass themselves off
as railroaders. They are a tough looking
crowd, and the police expect many Imrg-
laiien. The Brotherhood men say there
nre nn railroaders among the whole crowd
of "bums" thus far seen in the city. Some
of the tramps applied for work as freight
brakemen, hut their appearance con
demned them, and none were employed
.Superintendent Ksser says, "Wo don't
want brakemen so much as we do engi
neers." It was impossible to take out the east
ern train due to leave here at 0:10 until 8
o'clock Inst evening. An engineer from n
southern road who had just arrived and
npplied for work was put in charge, lie
had as pilot train dispatcher. An at
tempt wns made to move n freight train
at Coxton last evening, but it proved 11
failure. Both the engineer and fireman
were persuaded to leave the cab by the
strikers committee
"I don't want my name mentioned In
the papers," said one of the leaders, "but
you can state positively that we are to n.
raan of the opinion that we will win this
"What grounds havo you for believing
"Well, in the first place, no set of men
ever went into n strike so thorouchly or
ganized and so well prepared to stand a
period of idleness as we are today."
"What do you mean when you say well
A Hlg Strike Fund.
"Simply this. The Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Kngineers has what is known as
a strike fund, aggregating $70,000, inde
pendent of other funds of the organiza
tion's treasury. Of this, each engineer
will receive half the amount ho would re
ceive from the company "were lie to remain
at work."
"How long would 'that amount last
'among the men now out?"
"Well, It wouldn't last a great while if
it were not replenished. It's like thist As
long as this strike continues every mem
ber of the Brotherhood now working on
railroads in tbo United States U assessed
a certain amount, which is used in sus
taining tlio strike fund."
"Have you any other reason for believ
ing the strike will be-a successful onef"
"Yes, many more. The issuance of mis
leading bulletins to-the press by the com
pany isjone reason. The officials paint the
situation in bright colors, but I can tell
you positively that they can't muster a
corporal's guard in any department."
Superintendent Hssar sunt for John H
Wee, chairman of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Kngineers of the Wyoming divi
sion and re;u-,entative on the grievance
committee of all .the employes of this
"Johu. said thetuperlntendent, "I am
very sorry over the turn aifairs havo
taken- I have sent for you, however, to
Bay that we don't pioKse to be interfered
with in running our trains. AVe will not
tolerate any intimidation or violence. I
am told that you boarded Henry Smith
core's englue this morning and intimi
dated him from keeping on with his train."
"I deny that I got on the engine," re
plied lUca. "I deuy that I used any threat
or intimidation whatever. 1 reminded
Smithooro of a former conversation, and
he replied: 'By Uod, I'll stand by you. ' "
"Not only you, but your men are re
ported to me as intimidating our men
who are at work," continued the superin
tendent. "They visited their homos Inst
night, and as a result many of Uie men
.have not reported today."
Bice again denied that ho had used any
Intimidating language, hut insisted on his
right to appeal to men's senso of justice.
The interview ended with a gentle inti
mation from the superintendent that it
might he necessary ior the company to
call on the authorities for protection.
President. Wilbur arrived in this city
last night and had a loag conference with
the railroad officials here.
Will Nut Import JMukertmis.
President Wilbur was interviewed by
your correspondent, and said: "The men
want recognition, but they won't get it.
I extiect the strike to eiuX iu a few days.
and the authorities must preserve order if
there w any trouble. I don't propoe to 1 V"'1'" h 'feu vwy earnest iu their ef
import Pinkertoua " K 1 offlci1 recognition.
The situation here becomes more itrave .HHh"tl! !''' nBVe '"'.' entirely, but at
as me strige grows older, umcials are
only acquainted with late happenings on
the Lehigh division of the Lehigh Valley
railroad, and matters are growing worse
' At Packertou, where trains are made up.
Freight niirl coal brakemen are going out.
Only eight cual and freight trains out of
about eighty were moved yesterday. Su
perintendent Wilbur says that nut a single
passenger brakemau or conductor has
struck on this division. The total number
of men out ou thu division is close on to
Itoports from various points along the ,
line show that at Mauoji Chunk only mail
trains are running, and these are delayed.
Tunkhannock reports that it is Impossible
to run on schedule time, and that iucum
petent men are being engaged by the com-
uany. At Kastou the company has a uuui- I
ber of nou-uuiou mtm employed, but trains
4ro running indifferently. The same con
dition of aifairs is reported at Bethlehem, I
Pottsville and other Kints. The men on 1
the branch lines still at work ill relue
to take trains out ou the main line, it is
not unlikely that these meu will be ur
dered out tonight.
Allegsd Deteotiven OllVreil Their burvn,
tn tho Strike LeaUers,
PIHI.VDKI phi l, Nov. lit The g. i. r!
prievanee eoinmittee of the Lehigh il.
toad say thut ovrinr.s vine hi i h ir
i Ohairraan Wilkins jMierduy by two ul
Can't detect Ike microbes of disease,
and yet they exist by the million.
They permeate the system, pollute
the blood and poison the vital organs.
Disease is the inevitable result,
destroys every specie of microbe and
cures every form of disease. It's the
latest and greatest discovery of sci
ence. No matter what form of dis
ease you arc suffering with it will
pay you to investigate. A 50-page
book of valuable information free.
The Wm. Radam Microbe Killer Co.,
7 llglit Bt., New York City.
Agents for Shenitmloivh,
lege'l detectives ivli 1 i.r,o-!,l to hum
bridges and blow up round homes. They
were ordered out of the l!lnsliam House,
in which the grievance committee has Its
headquarters. The story Is verilleu or a
fctenograiiher, who took n report of the In
terview without a knowledge of the par
ticipants. John J. Hannouan, senior grand master
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive fire
men, says that one of the men, calllna
blniKelf Howard B. Johns, accompanied
by a niHti he introduced as "Mr. Atkin
son," had called to see Mr. Wilkins on
Saturday, but without success.
when the men called again yestorday
Jolms explained that both Mr. Swelgard
and Mr. Voorhees had "turned him down,"
and he now wanted to get even with tliem.
His own words wore: "We will do any
thing the committee may ask, from de
stroying u bridge to blowing up a round
houi." The men were then ordered from
the room.
In speaking of his talk with Johns on
Saturday, Mr. ilanuohnu said:
"He told me that he had rendered valil
able aHslstance in defeating the Knights
of Labor at their Port Richmond strike.
and was also employed ugaiust the Knights
some years ago on the ?cw lork. Central
strike, for which services ho was made as
sistant trainmaster on the Philadelphia
anu Meaning railroad at Heading."
Thomas Allen said that he rccocnir.ed
Johns us the man who appeared as a wit
ness inn bribery caM- hero two weeks ago,
and under oath stated that hu wasade-
tectlvt in the employ of ono of the large
agencies of the country.
Mr. Wllklns would not-discuss the case
farther than to say that Johns was only
carrying out the program his employers
nan lam uown for him to follow. anil that
It the committee had agreed to accept the
proposition all hands would now have
been under arrest.
Acting Genernl Manager Theodore Voor
hees returned from llethlehem, where ho
had been in consultation with President
Wilbur, of the hehigh Valley railroad.
In reference to the strike, Mr. Voorhees
said that President Wilbur was conlldent
tho present dllllculties would not last
more than two or three days, as plenty of
unemployed workmen were to be had
He said that a numberof engineers, fire
men anil trainmen, both Troin hero and
Jersey City, had left Philadelphia for
Bethlehem. He had received word from
the trainmaster at Bethlehem not to send
any morn men from Philadelphia, as he
nan enougli mere to work with
Mr. Voorhees said that passenger trains
were moving with but little delay, and
that some coal trains were running be
tween Maueh Chunk and Bethlehem. He
asserted that all tho telegraph oflices of
the company were manned, and that only
thirty-two of the .300 operators joined the
Vice President -Garrett is very conlldent
that it will be but a short time untill all
the trains will lie running on time.
Grand Chief K. K. Clark, of the Brother
hood of llatlwuy Conductors, arrived at
the Binghnm ltiune from Chicago last
evening. Said be: "This troublo is not of
recent origin. It has existed on the Le
high Valley system for years. Iu fact. I
believe there is not a road in the country
wuere tne conductors have been so badly
treatud or so poorly paid as on the Lehigh
Valley road. I tully anticipate 11 suce
full issue for the men.''
A I'olnt tor MJnitctcr Terrell,
Coxhtan-tikoplk, Nov. ai for several
years the number of female physicians in
Turkey has been increasing, notwithstand
ing the fact, that Turkish laws refused to
recognize them ,s legitimate practielouers.
KoremoMt among them have been the
American missionaries. I'hey have, how
ever, been greatly aampesed by the faut
that they could not secure1, regular Turk
ish diplomas, and the various foreuru eiu-
last Turkish imiservatlvisra has vielded.
and tn the American i'mhasy belongs the
honor .if securing what neirher Kussiau,
French, Hiiiisn r (iermaii embassadors
COUllI l' .''
SOcta., and
11.00 par Bottl
Cures Couch!,
IIoaneijfMAibore Xliroatt
Croup promptly: relieves Wliooptnp Coueh
anu Asiiiuiiji. i or mnii
laiuntion it hssno
1 1 , i .1 mry .......... n uric i u,u.i.
Tailed; will ours You ir taken in nine. Bold
by Druggists on aauarsnceo. Forl.sraeBsck
or Coast. use BHILOH'a yLABXiiK. 26ot&
n n r Tins remedy Is guare
"lot lajaofoi ire
t . L (..u. iinScuouch, bneusiiUoali
sti'jf xkJX m m s m saaa
B.lrfs&MdsfaSs? .
IIonniuiieaA.Hore Tliroat. i
Get all that's
possible of
both, if in
need of flesh
and nirve
force. There a need, too, of plenty
?f fat-food.
it's Emulsion
of Cod Liver OH builds up flesh
and strength quicker than any
other preparation known to sci
ence. Svt's Emulsion t's eonstantfy ef
f H:;g Cure of Comutnptiont
Jii oni kitis and kindrtd diseases
where oilier metlmls fail.
1 ',-r(t hv scott A Bowui-. H. V. All drurfriaU.
Three Brave Ohlnnmnn Killed.
Salt Lakk City, Nov. 81. While three
unknown Chinamen were endeavoring to
clear the Rio Grande and Western track i
of a hand car in front of an approaching
ireignt train tney were run over ana Kiiieu.
My donor nays It sets gonlly on the Blomnch
liver and kidney, nnd Is a pKvmnt laiatlve. ThU
drink In made from herM. and is prepared for ua
s oailly ns tea. ltlscnllnl
AH druptrifts wl) it at Wre. and $1 a package. If j-o
cannot rcl It. send your address for a free sample
Inne'M Knmi.T MtMllpIno movr thtt liouclc
rnch day. in-order tfi bp healthy tills Is necc&tfiry.
A-ddrem ORATOlt F. WOOD W All!) !,e Hoy. N.T
Professional Cards.
Is prepared to elvo Instructions snrjlano.arean.
ptriiiK and band Instruments. Porfnrther in
rorinanon call on oraaarcs GTiiiiii.i:uiiOb.
iio. 1 North Main street, bhenwdouh.
A ITOflA'Sr- r- T.A w.
0ce Beildall baddlng, Hhenandor.h, I'u.
Hoom 3. M-ounaln OiWH:mlcl!ill3lllK, l'ott
ville.Pa. M.
Office Room 3, P. O Bulldln, ShenanQoslL
unidKsterly banding, I'otwvin.
PhyntUm and Swgeon.
Advtoe Treo at -drug store, 107 South Slain
street. Private consultation at residence 112:
Mouth Jaralio street, at (JandMao p. m.
Office JSorthoast Cor. Main and Centre St.
Shenandoah, over Stein's drug store.
No. 96 East Cost Street,
Ofllee Hurs-1:SU to 3 aad 6:30 to 0 p. in.
Tll. J. B. OALI.EN.
XJ N 31 Houth J ardin Street, Hheuaodosk.
OFfios Houhb: 1:3 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M.
Except Thursday evening.
-A'o o0ee work on Sunday txetpt by nrrane-
U altmhilelu neeewurj.
......Teno&er ac
liavlnur had sixteen years' ajcnarifmAA iub a
-Mseher at uistruoenutl mule giving lastroe
'lion on the ubave lntrunoest. Wi nl left at
Hruium's lowelrvstore will mwlvo nmnmi u.t
Offlse ISO North Judln street. Stoaaiuloau.
S3 SHOE noTps
Do you vear thorn 7 When next In assd try a pijj
Best In the world.
ir you want a fin DRESS SHOE, msds In the lata
ilylw. don't pay $8 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00
$S Shoe, They fit equal to custom mads and look aw
wear as well. If vnti wl-.h 1a emnn.N In iiu...
d"yprcliailiigW. L, De-t-sSh.s. Nam. an
fries tarnt"-' -
tV.L.iJiH i.i
v' c. SoM
uiii Main Ntrei t Shenandoah.
C. y. Boib, Rtagwwa, Pa.
m amm,
rf If I
IK IU, Him"-
Their Attompt to Destroy a Mon
treal Monument Frustrated,
The Stntun of Lord XrUnn, Therefore,
' Would Have lleeu lllnwu to Hits Hut
for Tollue luterferomH One of the Mis
creants Kx.l'reiuler Meroler's Son.
Montreal, Nov. 81. Shortly after 3
o'clock In the mornlnir 1 hree French Cana
dian law students, H Inroier, Panl D
Martigny and Alphouse Pollard, were ar
rested while attempting to blow up the
1 historic monument to England's great
I naval hero, Admiral Nelson, which stands
I at the top of Jacques Cartier square, fac
ing tne city nan.
The police had received private informa
tion a few hours lrefore that a plot was ou
foot t blow up the monument with dyna
mite, and secreted themselves in the
nelgblsirhood to await the arrival of the
trio of conspirators. The young men af
fected iudilference when seised, one of
them loudly declaring that "The thing
bad no right there anyway, and should be
made mincemeat of."
They were taken to the central station
and locked up. On the person of Paul De
Martigny was found a dynamite cartridge
naarlv a foot lorur and about thirty feet of
ruse. When the prisoners were nrougno
up before Judge Des a oyer in his private
olllce, charged with the crime, they en
tered a formal plea of not guilty.
There is no section or the criminal code
dealing specifically with an attempt to
blow up a monument, but Judge lies
Noyers states that the one headed "At
tempts to destroy property" will cover
their case. The three young men vnry il1
age from 18 to 20, and belong to good fam
ilies. They are all law students. Young
De Martigny is the son of Dr. A. L. De
Martigny; young Pollard tho brother of
Mr. J. O. Pollard, advocate, and young
Metcier the son of the ex-premier of Que
bec, who is out of town at present.
The accused were admitted to ball in
securities for a large amount, their friends.
being willing to put up any nniouiu of
money to have them liberated. Their trial
was postponed.
Terribly Keiiteu ly Wlilloeapi.
St. 1.01'ls, Nov. ai. Soma time ko the
Polish quarter of the city was Hwllated b
tlie elopement of John Skomko and Freda
illclin, wife of I hrls Alomlnki. The couple
went to PprinKlleld, but later returned hero
nnd continued to live tojjft her. Shortly
after mldnitrht this mnnilnur a unrt-v of
v.ii'iim molt .Itii..,ilau,l lM.T.n !.... .1... l.n.. I
and ndministemd 900 laslies on StotnkeN
back. The wonum wu- thwi seized and
carried away, and all olforls so far to find
her have been untiviiiiliiK. ritomke is in a
critical condition.
HlB lrmi Wiirl in Itemine.
Scraston, Pa., Nov. . tlarl W. Mc
Kinney bus been appointed inamiurer ot
u. ...h... ... '"- umn iiiio i nn utilise
the Lackawanna Iron and SU-el company, i
to succeed Kdward S. Moffirtt, who com-mltU-d
suicide in Edinburgh, Kootland,
last Angast. The compuuy emjiloys 4,000
men, most of whom have lieen idle for
sometime. Thu apKiint.inont of Mr Mc
Kiunoy means that. the. immense works
will start up Just as soon as possible.
SHU OreepiciK Iu T1iioiij;1i Cain.ila.
Cincinnati, Xov. 31. United stat
Oomtnissioner Urueo had before him ves
terday four fliiiiaiinen Irom Detroit,
charKed wltfc. eoniiiif; into the United
States' unlawfully. All denied that they
were newly imimrted. The ollleers say
that Chinese are being brought through
Detroit and Cincinnati from Vancouver.
thence to Xw York.
Co ri;rnwiiin JteKi lK-lian llonrd Itlll.
LtNmt.Vs Xell., Xov. 21. A. J. Hnnvr.
lone of the proprietors of the Hotel l.indail.
Not this cltiy, aworo out acnnrilaint auainit 1
CoiiKressiuiau V. A. .Vcl.i iKliau, of the1
i'liin AMiraska district, charging him
with procuring board and lodging without '
nmrlnff ir,y tlw. ea..... t...i t '
isoueii a warrant.
Sninllpox nt SleeluiiileHliiirg.
CAItLULK, Pa.. Xov. 21. Sum II
uroKen-out in .Mechanleslmrg. The first I
pntiont is tlie daughter of John Longs
dorf, residing near tlie centre of the town.
This is the first appearance of smallpox
there la twenty-llve years. The Carlisle
board of health ordered vaccination here
a week Ago.
Many KolilierlpH In Lebanon.
Lkhamin, Pa,, Xov. ai.iwtvr.ii.iu.
and "hold tips" ot oitiaens nre of nightly I
occurrence. The poliee force is not large '
enough to oope with the footpads under !
the present circumstances. Hardware
niercliants renorl a lsnm Iiiekiu i., ii...
sale of lireariiis tn citiseus.
Closing OnnlHlioiu of the New York and
Plillwlelphla Kxelwiigtw,'
Nrw York, Nov. SO. I'hwrt. n .
lrrgolrlty in the stock market today. There
was a decline in Lehigh Valley stock and also
In Heading, but the Utter rallied again. Olo.
log bids:
Lehigh Valley.... to W. N. Y.4P i
Vnnsylvanla 4UU H n v
"2,n m H. . B. T. pref.'. -
SHf"'; m Krle law
Lehigh Nav 51 P., L. 4 W m
Baadinc . m. 4.. :uu v v r.. i
Beading 1st pf .V - West Shore..! '.'.'.'.HOU
ncwjina ai pi at Lki Kris W.... MU
N--N-B m Del. Hudson
ClaaoraJ MarkeU.
Priumlmu. Nov. HO.-Hoiu-weaJc! wl..
bsrsuperilue. larM.10; do. eatra. a.Kya.X;
No. 3 winter tamil. ta.MU.n-. lVuu.ylinta
H.lwa8.1S; do. do., straight, SH.lfiA3.40- do
patent. $.(l(ifi.xrs: MmnesouTleaTUMai'.
ito. stralarht. ga.HWua ta ,i ......T 2 7'
Jo. favorite brands, higher. ' Ry. flourVwjSSa'
per barrel. Wheat, doll, lower wlSi av
d Mc- asked foroTembenS:
bid and Me. asked for IW..L... m. JTV
aaka;,'r jK"rry: WdZdMo.
IWse. hid and i:4i. aaV.i M. x-. ' iau
bid. aud Mo. aked for DenemlMr; SuoThid'
wf.!, ,r'iarip. Oau. guiet. weaker.
With USe. bid mi, l.l..,. -l...i v...
?l?0- bid s'llUJ-'V lurllet ember; JSS,c'.
h" m ,or '"': . bid
and lo. aUa tur FYbriimv. Beef uutot.
n. eitra mesa. tli)..MAIl: famllv. an
Pork uiai'fite. eav : mow. tlTnais m r. i
ufet, weaker: aluam rnAs.A a. a., .1 .
Butter iu..derte deruaml, Mrru; ' New York
alrv, IS'ff.-.'d, .1 ,.irn d.i., . u,i,.
K.Wlti' : New York creamery SKaSiic.; weet
Srn imiuirv, aVjiJV , inillatlon creamery,
(li.'ne ciuiri. MMitj Ww York
larue H,.!! ,,, fH, ,,, d
ar.iiii, .,, . vrt ,,l( j , IU
t Vork
. uf irauia. BSliaTa.; western,
Tiiers nothing
The new vegetable shortening.
Whertver introduced, it drives
lard iroiu the 1 itclien, and iutfi-
festion from tite household. .
t has been ti Ld by every teat,
and has met every requiremer
It is as much superior to lard i - 1 j
electric light 13 to the tallow :
The o-.ily question now is. ' ' i
you rive yo'ir family the bt . n '
which it3 us e bestows?
In composition, in healtlifitr
in flavor, or in economy.
Its success has called out a m. it
imitations and counterfeit t"
for the sola purpose ot i
in the place and on the ttwi Ur . t'
Avoid thetn all. They nre in ''c
to sell and thsy are a S'.-H.
Get the genuine Coi'toli-ink
PoU I n 3 ana II po'JU.l i -1 1 ' .
Made only by
r-1 . K . F.A 1 fi e A N K A. CO.,
Scrofula and Salt Rheuml
Of 25 Years Standlngr,
eM HASHArARIl.1 C.i ,
t.BiTl.EMEv r-lm certify thut T have been
" tea j-i'iim vlth Nei-oi-.M
rimny rhvpli-iniiB ami piprndnl many diillin liifS
Simiprifttry miilli In. .. I.I.xkI purism, altmiUTM.H
B;-l'-;, rtc, "eh m linv, l?tn on market lor theSS
Im US;,.ri,iill .if 11,. uiilll or l.l-nclll, S
8 li;ij irivon up hope thut (hire wu any help utl
lS'T'5?'!,l,1',1'hIPrcli' i bottle olS
gmmla lilm Kufrnnuc- If I wu naTuiiiMatHl hoH
Ij.h.iul.lnfuiidllicnjonBy. I Mt tlie ttom Uilnk-S
iiigliouldUan.lrtniy rnony Inter. NohoM
B: "y Jn'"no mcilunie , treatment ieiniidH
Eta reach my ea. 1 ha , takt-n mora thauSI
fnundltwiihfli.lnait.e. llav. Okui jwoS
l.jutle. and ifl'ltnil. The SeKg
u':,"frisJ,,me!:y",,!" 1 ,m1 Uk
to all who wtiih a lllou.1 Purifier tlmtS
gCurea. our very truly, SM
6 t . r PMEI.HS 8- WIXLS. S3
H Ft Jackaon, St. Iwn-nce Co. , N. Y. S
I QKNTSi llr. Wella 1 wi-ll-kuown lathiaieo-S
Qtiouaiid hi atateiuvut U true. 25
Nlcholvllle, S.
iwauveuuiir. llUA.aMn'H. &a
ivl e. S.Y. n.-iU "
Dana Sarsaparllla Co.,
Belfast, Maine.
Dr. TfiEEL
1317 ARCH St.,
1. llH-oul., ,,1,0 ahlu to core Uw uafiir. i;fl rln5rromIllutl l'o,Z
blllty, deoay, mputn. ata.
primary or auoanrla,), '(aa re.fiV Zti
Snaratlleel. an,l all .I.
---, k .u .aj , aa, eruaa off
ales or evil., .to., h7 laveomlaaM
aud FcK-cilo mtnu of Mwdltttu.
Altopatals, Hgai,, ,hiuI
TZl aoooo. rre.n u.Beufe.Un4WJ0dBT4. BrDdSaa
tSoaf aonteninlNtloa murriaM,. Hmm au2 i . - '-"T3
Keuvf alouoe. r rc.h
J4?1,. " 81 S'"laya.laUg. Sevan af aaaoiV. lila
SadllllCTaliireana fr-iudulent advert eaa-eta?
Of holes in a skimmer!
LotS Of WaVB Of thmvlne . .. r.
pt iae best methods of eoonomitlng is to IntwS
'".S"1,..1."' thoroughly reilahie romntMZ
either life, fire or acoident. suob as repraaaoMa
No. Ian Houtti Jardln street,
Shensnrtoah, Pa
Lstc of -"hunioklii, has opsosd a
128 N. Wtt SlrNt, SbsMUUKlMi., Pa,
He is prepared to receive orders for all kiai
bs done In a tirst class manoer on short Ml
17 S. Main. 8.
Pit. B.ud ti Wan, WbiiUji td
Fresh Her, Porvtr sad Ale
ah ei tmr-
Electric Call Bell
and Burglar A arm!
Hiuiple. Perfect and Cheap K. i
liKlntJ iih a. Orders left at 'it
U1L I r
I gj rnrxi's s. WEI.LS, H