. L ... " Herald m The Evening VOL. VIII.--NO. 210. SHENANDOAH. PA.. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1893, ONE CENT. You are a business man, and used to straight forward business lalk facta facts facts. Your wife has lcon looking for a Piano, Sewing Machine, Organ, Chamber Suit, Parlor Suit, Or something olso In our lino. Why not buy It now. Wo aro selling cheaper than over. J.P.WILUAMS&SOb A JUDSE UNDER 6HAR&ES They ICrluto In tho llnccnt CuiniKilgiifnliri It Is Iteporlcd the Accused Will ITnlto Slept to Vindicate lllmsotr Scramble Tur Appointments. . SPECIAL PREMIUM..... GIVEN AWAY TO MY CUSTOMERS. Folding Tables! Folding Music Racks! THIS opportunity to e curo one of these beautiful nud useful articles I am sure you will appreciate. Bear in mind that I make no extra diaries for goods on aocotiut tj u- r l r It "f this Premium Oiler. Trust rOluing bOOK. KaCKS! ing you will cull nud see mo, and that I shall have the pleusure of presenting you with one of these articles, I am Very respectfully yours, 116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. Our Ho day 0 tier J To cacti purclnwcr x t of goods amounting o to$2altaiitlNouicCai- Ladies' Fine Gondola Button Shoes, with tip and fancy too, Boys' Good Hand-made Shoes, for wet weather, at 1.5 8LOO A fine line of all bIzos and makes in shoos. Our motto: "Good good3 and low prices." 14 South Main Streot, SO CHINA 0 0 XXE have put on our Counters a nice line Carlsbad and German China, suitable tor wedding-, birthday or anni versary criffs : also, something- very handsome in Portraits, Frames and general Art Goods. Come to us and get a fine Crayon Portrait of yourselt or some member or your iamily, tree, with iplU.UU worth ot goods. Ask us tor particulars. &IRVm. DOT CAN & WAIDLEY'S NEW MLNCE MEAT. Wo boII tho Best Grade- keep no Becond grade. NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra largo. Fine now JNo. 1 Mackerel. OUR FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER. Always tho best quality and always iroah.l ,OUR NEW FISHING CREEK BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. NEW COMB HONEY. Now Evaporated Apricots, NoQtarinQ3 and Peaches. Now Citron and Lemon'' Peal. Cents VlLL BUY: 8 lba Now French Prunes : 8 lbs 'New, Raisins, off ' I Btalk: 8 lbs Now Cleaned Currants: 7 lbs Now Currants, not ..i.-i 11. tvt...- nr:...i nv.. 1U.. . o ., nri,in rn . extra quality; o canB .Now Tomatoes, standard quality cans Corn, "Pride of Shenandoah" brand nothing better in tho Meet; o cans .Now Corn, Maryland packing; a cans JNew Salmon, ,tt quality. For Sale to Arrive! Je Oar Minnesota Patent Flour. One Car Middlings. One Car Choice Old Corn. Ona Car Piir(8 Chop. Two "Oars Timothy nay Two Cars Otita. ill! SEAT ill Terse Foreshadowing of Political Events. Special Herald Correspondence. Potthvilli!, Nov. 13. N tho night of election day soino severo charges woro mado by Repub lican leaders against one of tho Judges of our county court. The charges almost par alyzed those who heard them. It is reported that some action will bo taken by tho Judge spoken of to vindicate, himself and tho steps contemplated will bring tho accusors to the bar. Tho accusors claim they knew what thoy woro talking about when thoy mado tho statements and havo no fear of the rumored vindicatory steps or tho result. The charges aro most severo and nllcgo that tho Judge in question has been guilty of tho meanest pot 'house, political actions. They aro of Buch a character that no one resting undor tho in can be impassive, and maintain his, respect and dignity. Thoro aro already three applicants for every appointment on tho hill and, qulto likely, many more to hear from. Of course, there will be many disappointments. It is hoped tho o mteste for tho positions will bo of a generous and wiso charactor. Next year with a solid party, prestige of success and honest management of oillccs there will bo moro positions for distribution. Frank C. Reese, of Shenandoah, is spoken of as Controller-elect Severn's chief clerk. George Walker, of this place, Is also an appli cant fur the position. The next Congressman must bo a Republi can and the loaders aro already looking around for a suitablo eandidato who can win. County Chairman Whjtehouse, Represontativo S. A. Loscbiox-Reprosoutativo 1). D. Phillips, William Wllhclm, Esq., (tho William Mc- Klnley of Pennsylvania), and Hon. Daniel R. Miller aro mentioned. It is understood Hon. C. N. Srunini will not bo a candidate undor auy circumstances. Colonol Georgo L. Brown, of Minersville, is spoken of as a dark horso. The Senatorskip in tho upper district will not be sought by many. Tho Democratic majority is a little too largo to bo overcame by anybody. Major John F. Finney, of Shenandoah, could carry tho district if any Republican can accomplish it. I hoard tbo other day that several of his influential friends are ready to put up the money if ho will decide to mako the fight. Criminal court, opened hero to day with one of tho largest calendars iu tbo history of tho county. Many of the oases aro of a vory important character nud tiiero aro several which will requiro a number of days each for trial. N. A Voice From Wisconsin. , Radam's Microbe Killer cured mo of a hip joint disease, attended with running soros from whichj suffered thirty years. Fkank Hall, Merton, Wis. POLITICAL POINTS. Interesting; Comments nti l'rojtont nnil Future K nuts. Yestorday's Philadelphia Timet contained tho following item In lefercuco lo tho scramble being mado for the local post oitko appointmont : A very Interesting fight is going on at Shenandoah for tho otllco which will become vacant on December '20th Tho threo candi dates for the office, which pays $2,100, aro Michaol Melict, Charles Qnlnn and Milton Master. Sir. Mcllet has tho endorsement of Congressman Reilly, but that may not prove to be ooncliitivo this ease. Mr. Master claims to havo tho backing of Hcnsol and also of personal friends of Postruastor-Goneral Hissoll. Under ordinary circumstance, with tho endorsement of his Congressman, Mr. Mollot ought to win. Complication in tho case, howover, renders It sulllciently doubt ful to warrant Congressman Rollly In closely pressing the case. "Wovo got 'cm on tho run," and wo pro pose keeping them going, Last Tuesday's victory has a groater significance than tho enemy will acknowledge. No soonor was tho result known, and tho majority against Iiierstoln estimated than tho now allies of tho Republican party docidod to stand firm and oast Its lot with tho satno party for a fight in tho spring to show tho Democrats whero thoy "aro at." Organlzition will bo tho first step and much of the preliminary work has been dono. Tho Germans, Polos and Lith uanians who voted with tho Republicans know that by returning to their first love they will be treated worse than bofore. Thoy have waited patiently for years, but their rowaid came not, and thoy aro taking no more chances. If tho Republicans aro wiso, and wo aro certain thoy know a good thing when thoy see it, thoy will give tho now recruits a fair share of tho ofllcos to bo voted for noxt spring, l!y bo doing they will moro firmly coment tho movement for re form In tho affairs of local government. At tho noxt spring eloctlon full tickets will bo put up in each of tho flvo wards and there wlJLbonomoro "monkoylng." It will bo busi ness from tho word "go." ino Kepuoiioans ot town navo ovory en couragement to go forward and perfect tholr organization far the noxt battle. A substan tial victory must bo won in tho spring election. Good, strong men, who will fill tho ofllcoa honiBtly and faithfully and carry out tne laws anu ordinances without roar or favor, must bo nominated. Tho Republicans must givo tho distribution of ofllcos among tho different nationalities their earnest attention. It is tho keyuoto of victory. James II. Morgan, of South Jardin street, will bo a eandidato for Councilman iu tho Third ward noxt spring. It has been suggested that the tltlo "Citizens" bo droppod and "Rcpublloan' substituted. It cannot bo denied that "Citizen" allows too much deception, and nono know this bettor than tho Republicans do when they find their primaries stuffed by thb Democrats. WnEN TIIK MILL HELLS HINO. O, won't the lads be happy, and the lassies all so gay. When this weary, dreary watting bas forever pissed away ? When the spindles all are whirring, and the looms go "cllck-te-clack," And the hours of fun and frolic to their lives have drifted back f When this lolterlugaand loafing, for n time at leaet, Is o'er, And tho kitchen table's laden with good eutables galore ; When tbo silver dollars jingle, and the' busy housewives slug 0, won't It bo so Jolly Will be in Operation by Jan uary First. THE POLES ARE ARRIVING TWO WORTHIES SENTENCED. Zelluer Hint I, outlier Go to Prison for Their tirluio, William Zellner and Edward Louther, tho two young men of this town convicted of robbing Daniel E. Drcnnan, of West Coal street, of nearly $2,000, were before tho court at Pottsvillo yesterday for sontenco. Zellner was Bontenccd to pay tho costs, $100 fine, restore part of tho stolon money and serve three yeais. Louther was sentenced to pay tho costs, $100 fine, restore part of the stolen money, and serve three years and six months. At his trial last month Zellner stoutly denied his guilt then, but since that time he has admitted It and restored $82fi to Dreanan. Absolute Merit. No other plaster has been produced which gains so many testimonials of high value as thote continuously accorded to AU.eoek's Porous Plasters, und tho only motive for these exceptional commendations is the fact that it is a medicinal and pharmaceutical preparation of superior value. Beware of imitations. Ask for and insist upon Alloock's. llruiulreth's Pills are a good corrective. Call anil See Them, Tho Herald has just received tho finost samples of programs, folders, announcement cards, "tickets, menus, badges, souvenir visiting cards, wedding and reception Invi tations, show cards, towels, etc, ever placed on the market They are works of superior art and very unique iu design. Organist tions or individual parties when in need of anything In the above Hue will do well by giving us a call aud examluing tho sample. We are sure we can please you both iu work and price. Best work done at Breunan's steam laun dry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guarautood. When The Mill Dells Ring? bis long. And the trader who Is haunting deserted place, Hearing round bls'usoless yard-stick, scarcely longer than his face, From the dawn of rosy morning to the shades ' of evening gray, Waiting waiting for the buyer who seems bound to keep away 0, won't he, too, be happy as be counts the crisp, new bills, And llotens to the musle of the speole In his tills? How his fears ot sad disaster to the breezes he will fling. And rejoice ln'peace and plenty When The Mill Bells Wag ? And that great asd hefty party that sat down on Benny's hat. And have ever slooe been wondering where the dickens tbey are at, They will surely Vh we're trusting) draw lesson from the storm That will put a different aspect on their hobby ot "reform," you can talk of "robber tarUfi," "moneyed tyrants, sua tne line, Hut they mostly turn up winners, be It pelltles or strike ; So mayhap this object lesion to some memories may ollng, Coining Totes for straight protection .When Tee ' MU1 , IHngf Watt A'mw 'The nuwUr." "The Dealer," Oaegrove and Grant' brilliant inntloal. farce comedy, appeared at the Grand opera haute last night. The. sing Ing was good, the music catchy, and the show folly achieved that for whloh it is intended to create smiles and laughter. WUhet-Barre (Pa.,) New Dealer. At Forguaou'i theatre on Monday evening, Nov. 20th. Lane's Vnmlly Medlolue Moves the lloweU Each day, Most people need to use it. Site for tlio 1'nuer Hnitso lit Mnluuiny CltyWiis Purchased Yesterday Khougli Material of tho Hntiro Mne Is im Iliiml. Itlglituf Way Transferred. A CLEVER CAPTURE. HE peoplo who have been predicting that thoro will bo no moro new developments in connection with tho Lakeside Klectrio Rail way for a while and that tho track already laid has been buried for tho winter will somo night sco ghosts trolleylng along East Centre street In tho shape of handsomo eight-wheel oars. It will ierhaps bo news to the skeptics to hear that tho Lakesido Electric Railway Company yes terday purchased the property In Muhanoy City on which tho Wadlingor pork packing establishment stood and that tho slto will bo used for a power house which will bo 75x125 fect in width nnd length and will bo the nost in tho stato. Tho buildings and other incumbrances on tho proporty aro , advertisod for salo in to day's IIkkald. Mr. II. F. Watts, representing tho Scely Manufacturing Company of Sow York, which has tho contract for all tho overhead electrical work of tho road, is registered at the Ferguson IIouso and in a day or two will begin tho poling and wiring. Ton car loads of rails aro nt hand and tho material is sulllciciit to comploto tho road from Shenan doah to Mahanoy City. Threo car loads of poles havo also arrlvod. Mr. C. E. Titmau has thb contract for tho poles and sills. To day a letter was received from the Pottsvillo Spike and Holt Works xtatlng that all the spikes and bolts required for tho road havo been shipped. It is expected that the road will bo in operation by Janqarjelst, 1801. Tho West- inghouso Company bin already completed tho electric apparatus for tho cars which aro now being constructed at tho Limokin car works. Tho can will be paintid a royal bluo color. Another important development is tho fact thnt tho Mahauoy City ordiuauce granting rights of way on Main street in that town to tho Shenandoah and Mahauoy City' Railway company has been chinged so that those rights aro transferred to' the Lakeside Elec trio Railway company. This afternoon Mr. John F. Finney left town for Philadelphia, to be on hand for u meeting of tho Lakesido Electric Railway CoiUiany, which will be held to-morrow afternoon. The new clectrio'railway isa go, if any one should interrogate you. Peddler Itrockmuker Mived p Loss ly -Station Agent. A peddlor named P. Drockmaker, and who gavo his residence as Biyonnc, N. J.," oallod nt tho Herald otllce yesterday nfteruoon nnd asked that a osrd of thank to J. J. Laughlin, tho Lehigh Valley statieu agcnt bo published In his behalf. Broskmakor says that yesterday he entered tho Centralia depot and after leaving a valleo containing $200 worth of witches, jowolry, etc., on a seat, went to the ticket window. His Iick was turned to tho valisa for only n fow seoonds, but when ho turned again it wasgono. Ho reported tho loss to agent Laughlin, who at once left his olllco and mado a hurried circuit of tho station with excellent success. In the, dlstanco Laughlin s,iw a man hurrying away with a valise. Tho agent and peddler gave chase and nftor a hard run for about half a milo they succeeded In overtaking tho man, who surrendered the satchel. As his home is so fur from this region and ns ho was overjoyed over tho recovery of his valine the peddlor refused to prosecute and Immediately after his arrival in town ho called at the Hhrald olllco to have n note made of his gratification over tho agent's not. Tho man who stole tho valise, tho agent said, was ouo John MuIIugh, resident of Centralia. Thomas Baird went to Potteville thb morning. John F. Finney wont to Philadelphia this afternoon. ' Miss Mario Deane, of Wm Penn, was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I). Houser.of Blooms- burg, are tho guests of town rolatives. Mrs. S. G. M. Uollopetor and daughtor, Ethel, went to Philadelphia this morning. Jonathan Rogers was among tho town peoplo who spent yesterday at tiio county Beit. Charles L. Shaw, of Pittstown, was in town to day, tho guest of Assistant Postmaster Donglcr. Mrs. W. J. Evans, of South West street, gaVo birth to a daughter yesterday. Both, are doing well. . Commissioner-elect Frank Rontz, of Ash land, was in town to-day receiving congratu lations from his numerous friends. William Eisenhart and wife, of Jellerson, Iud., aro visiting their brother-in-law, Willlsm S. Snyder, of West Coal street. Edward Johnson, Jr., and family, of Pcckvillc, Lackawanna county, were iu town yesterday attending the funeral of his mother. USE DANA'S SARSAPABILLA.iTB "THE KIND THAT GURUS." THE ENTERTAINMENT. The J. T. of II. & T, Celebrate Its Twenty- first Anniversary, Hope Section, No. 10, Junior Templars of Honor & Temperance, colobrated its 21st an niversary last night by giving an entertain meet iu Robblns' opera houso to which the public was admitted free of cbargo and which was vory much enjoyed by a large audience. The following program was ren dered: Singing of opening ode; rrayer by Rev. J. Proude, of tho Primitive Methodist church; address by Post Grand Governor Fred. II. Hopkins, Sr. the chairman; singing by the Cooper party; address by Past Grand Governor E. II. Mount, of Philadelphia; duett, Daniel Evans and Bister; recitation, 'Bridget Uulllhau and tho Spirits," F. II, Hopkins, Jr.; singing by Mieses Marshall and Beddall; history of the Section by Grand Governor W. E. Davis; recitation, "Sam's Letter," by George Watkius, of Girardville; singing of quilting party, with zither- ao eoiupaniiuent, Beddall sisters; recitation by Thomas Millerchip; address by Grand Re corder S. Frank Moore, of Philadelphia; singing by James Patterson; recitation, License on Outrage," by Mlas Lillie Llewellyn; instrumental music by Misses Beddall .and Marshall; recitation by F. II Hopkins, Jr. USE DANA'S SAH8APARILLA, im "THE KIND THAT CURBS." "Nobody'ii Claim." JThe next production at Fergueon's theatre will be the perennial border drama, "No body's Qlalm," with tho young aeter, E, A Warren, as the hero, supported with per haps tho best oast with whioh the popular play has ever been attempted in it long career of prosperity. There is a dash and a charm about this story of "Nobody's Claim" which never fails to carry its audience. At Fergu sen' theatre this evening. USE DANA'S SAUSAPAKILLA, its "THE KIND TnAT CURES." intsoNAi.. Do not suppose that because it is recom mended for animals that Arnfea & Oil Lini ment is an offensive preparation. It will not stain clothing or the fairest skin. Ira Mpjor Loicli ltobbed. Representative S, A. Losch would like to- know who visited his home in Schuylkill. Haven at about two o'clock this morning and helped themselves to his valuables. The burglars secured Mr. Lotch's gold watoli, a small sum of money, a gold watch belonging to Mrs. Losoh, and several pieces of Jewelry. Tho methods by which the liouse was en tered indicates the work of professionals. Tho burglars also visited the houso of Postmaster George W. Dengler, but evidently bocauio frightened and' left the place with, out securing anything, USE DANA'S SABSAPABILLA, its " THE KIND THAT CUBES". Dnugheity Indicted. Tho case of J. J. Dougherty, of town, who is charged by his wlfo with assault aHd' bat tery and non-support, was before the grand jury yesterday aud a true bill was fouud. Efforts havo been made to settlo the oase, but tho wlfo is determined to press it" and some day noxt week will in all probability bo fixed for trial. Have you tried McEIhenny's fried oysters t 9-18-tf New Through Sleeping Car Line From Chicago to Seattle via the Cbieage, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Great Northern Railways, has been established and tlrst-elass sleeping cars will hereafter run dally from Chicago at 10:30 p. m., arriving at Seattle 11:30 p. m., fourth day. This is undoubtedly the best route to Teach the North Pacific eeest. For time tables, maps and other inforatatiea apply to the nearest ticket agent, or address John K. Pott, Dlstriot Pass. Agent, O, M. A St. P. R'y, WiUiamsport, Pa. tf Use Whlls' Laundry Blue, the set Sluing for laundry use. Eaen package akci two quarts; loots. Sold by Cuakley Bros. First Salo en Sitturday. Max Reese, the recently licensed leeal auctioneer, will hold bis first sales at his rooms in the Dougherty building on West Centre street next Saturday afternoon and evening, when he will offer a quantity of new parlor furniture and a number of docks. tftvtHi Awav. For sixty days Haagey, the abntagni-asrr' ill give a 10x18 plttinBM piesjue wish avery ' - of Us it It Bulta the People Is what druggist say, because they are tired of the ruauy bitter cough remedies Pan-Tina is me roost uiNUiaui uwtiug meaicme. quickly cures Doughs, Colds. Throat and Luug dleord rs, 25 oenn. Pan-Tina ts olol at P. r. V. Klrlln'sarggatote. Fried yH a ipegfalty at X OSjDtenny's 94IMf 25 UENTrt par yard for Oilcloib that aella on sigh Otfaew fet 36c, 450, and upwards. Alt grades of pretty Carpets. Call for bar gains. C. I). Frlcltc's Carpet Ntoro, 10 South Jardlu Street.