The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 13, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Do you ever consider the quality a! the
reed jron are eating? It may be good. It in.ght
be better, pater, frontier and more wholeaome.
Is It not worth while to make sure that your
Tea, 3ofM, Mugitr, H utter, Eggs, Hples and
Innumerable other groceries re ot the beet
qualltyr There It suoh a trifling difference In
the prloei ot the beet and the wont that It cer
tainly does not pay to buy the worst, oven on
the falee gro ind of supposed economy.
The beat is always me oheapest, bemuse the
most satisfactory and durable, and the very
beet of everything la the grocery line Is kept at
Cor; Centre and Willie StH.,
Our Tiiiiuknglvlnc ullc to livery O'io of
Our Heartem.
By special arrangement with tlio publishers,
we are enabled to make every one of our
readers n present of an oiquisito oil panel
picture, 20 inches lilijh, entitled "An Ameri
can Beauty," which has lieen admired by all
who have seen It. This superb picture is
from the brush of the same artist who painted
Wic "Yard of PansleV and "Yard of Hoses."
The reproduction is etjual in ovory respect to
the original, fiom which it cannot bo dis
tinguished, and acoompauylnK it nro full
directions for framing at homo at a cost of a
iW cents, thus funning a beautiful ornament
for the high, narrow wall'Spaces for which it
Is so difficult to obtain pictures of the proper
shape. It is a superb Thanksgiving gift.
Send your name and address to the publisher,
yV, Jennings Domorest, l." Cast Mth street,
Hew York, with three cents (cither in stumps
or pennies) to pay for the packing, mailing,
to., and mention that you aro a reader of
TUB IIkrald and you will receive by return
matt one of those valuable works of art.
I-lrery stablo keepers should always keep
Arnica & Oil Unlmout.ln tho stablo, nothirjf
like it for horses, lm
A Laborer .Mangled ut (lleilou Colliery
Wftslo Stanswitz, a Hungarian, met with
in accident at tho Glondoii colliery, near
Jlahaiioy City, this morning, which will lo
prlve aim of one of his legs and cripple tho
ether. Stanawies commenced work at the
colliery to-day after being Idle for a long time.
On account of the heavy fog which provallod
daring tho early morning hours tho un
fortunate man failed to notlco tho approach
of ft "trip" of cars, which were being pushed
under the breaker chutes, and ns he attempt
4 to cross the track was knocked down. II l
left leg was bail ly fractured, but tho right
was so badly crushed it was found necessary
to amputate it when tho injuried man arrived
at the Miners' Hospital.
Your children are liable to Coughs, Colds
Sore Throat, Croup and Whooplug Cough
wmoh often results seriously, t'rouipt treat
ment saves many Innocent little sufferflrs.
Try J'an Tlna lYragn and Consumption Corn.
It's pleasant, safe and sure. So cts. Hold at I.
P. I). Klrltn's drug store.
Fried oysters a specialty at JIoElhenny's
The patrons of the theatre were transported
beyond the prairies of the wild and woolly
West last night to get a view of Pike's Peak
in winter, and other mountain scenery
pictured in "Nobody's Claim." Mr. E. A.
Warren played the part of the hero like a
Vorn actor, and the remainder of the cast was
well sustained. Newark A'. J. Timet, rer
j Hum's theatre tomorrow evening.
Downs' Elixir will cure any ooagh or cold
M matter of how long standing. lm
Best work done at lirenuan's stoatn laun
irv. Everything white and spotless. Lace
curtains a socially. All work guaranteed,
Criming Fvents.
Nov. 14. Annual suppor of English Bap
tist church in Bobbins' opera houso.
Nov. 2!). Grand Thanksgiving Eve ball In
Bobbins' opera house. Schoppe arcliostra.
Nov. 30. Thanksgiving tea party, under
tho auspices of tho Primitivo Methodist
ehnrah, in the basement of tho church.
Nov. 30. Oyster roast in Bobbins' opora
&oue, under the auspices of tho Vestry of
All Saints' P. E. church.
Model MhutreU.
About the only amuioments of any noto
were the matinees at the Grand opera houso
and at the Eden musee. At tho opera houso
'the Sweeney, Alvido and Goctzo Model
Minstrels save one of the beet minstrel
Twrfortnauees that has been given here
Iw seme time. Of course it is a woll known
feet beforehand that the company had tlio
est minstrel band that is on the road and
this, together with the appesranoe of about
thirty gentlemanly looking people, helped to
draw a large house both day and evening.
tmtuylvania Grit, Nv. 27. At Ferguson's
ttektre Thursday evening, Nov. ISth,
"Alien Baby was skk, we gave her Castorla.
Wfca sbe was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
must she baasne Miss, she clung to Castorla,
IPhss ifae had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Xe-reyoa tried MeEIkenny's fried j0
"The DaMler,"
On llMdr,Xov. 30th, tbet meet sueaewful
f Aw eoUMdiet, The Dewier, which is now
fai tb height of it popularity, will be seen at
fergnaon theatre.
llarehlll's Cnta.
Wfcaa keeking a neat and well eondueted
aafe go to Uo. rchill's, earner Main and Coal
itoaett. Polite and prompt attention,
11 7-tf
All kinds of Legal
Hexalu ofiioo.
Blanks for sale at the
Thry Dmtroy (tin Unmet of n Cnuvlrtrd
linvUlier by Dynamite.
TH'tgvau:, Nov. 13. -Hvnns, the rape
fiend, was found Kiillty at Haitlstown, and
Lis ptinl-linicnt fixed nt death by tlio jury.
Saturday night Kvnnx' home was burned
to the ground, and Ills family either per
ished t hernia or were run away by nn in
furlHted crowd.
Who committed the art Is unknown.
AI that remains to teli the tale was n
imrt of a chimney mill h few burned logs
where the house stood. Kd Hall's house,
the father of Kvnns' victim, which is only
n, short distance from whoro Hvnns' house
Mood, Is beliiK giinnlcd through fenr that
the negroes would attack him and his
helpless children. All Is excitement, and
there Is no telling wh nt may yet occur.
Two loud blasts, sounding llkean explo
sion of dynamite, wore heard, followed by
about forty shots in rapid succession, and
the people there are at it Ios to know who
among them could perpetrate Buch a deed.
None of Kvnns' family, which consisted of
Ills old mother, wifo mid little girl, enn be
found or hoard of anywhere.
Klthcr nn angered mob blew up their
homo with dynamite, killing all within,
br drove them oft and then destroyod tho
house. Tho authorities will mnke n thor
ough investigation. In the monntltmi
every road ami every house in tho quiet
littlo plaeu of Samuel's Depot is being
guarded by men armed with shotguns,
who fear the negroes may rise up against
them. I'hll Kvnns lies in Jail, not know
ing the fate of his old mother, who has
stuck to him through all his trouble.
Ilo Is Imprisoned by rresldent Mas for
I'miiriitlng DiM'onl.
Matamokas, Mux., Nov. 13. A great
sensation bus boon created hereby the tel
egraphic announcement from tho city of
Mexico that General .Iiinn Cortinn, one of
the greatest, revolutionary leaders of Mex
ico, has been arrested and imprislnned in
the San Juan de t'lloa prison by order of
President Diaz for attempting to incite
another revolut ionnry uprising against the
Thocity of Mntnmoros is General Cor
tina's old home and stamping ground.
Twenty-five years ago he was tho most
desperate and greatly feared man In Mex
ico. He ruled the Kin Grande border
country from Laredo to tho mouth of the
river, and was in tho revolutionary busi
ness ns a means of gnining a livelihood.
His inllucnco was so greHt that he could
inaugurate a powerful revolutionary
movement against the Mexican govern
ment by a single pronunclnmcnto with his
signature attached. His exploits during
the civil war enured the United Hlntes
government to lohe many thousand dol
lars. When President Diaz's revolution ended
in success General Cortina was summoned
to tho City of Mexico, where lie has been
kept in constant surveillance by President
Diaz ever since, to prevent him from in
citing further revolutions. Ho mndo his
homo In the capital, where he was fur
nished with n pension sufilcient to live in
good style, but bis ovcry movement has
been closely watched by President Diaz's
agents for the past fifteen ortwenty years.
Unveiling a Hint or Mgr. .Hntolll.
IIobokkx, X. J., Nov. 13. An exniiislte
marble bust of Mgr. Satolli, tho papal
delegate, was unveiled hero yesterday in
the Church of Our Lady of Grace. The
bust is the work of Luizi, tho greatest of
living Italian sculptors. Tho ceremony
of the unveiling wub very imposing, elab
orate preparations for the event having
been in progress for some weeks. Bishop
Wigger, the head of tho diocese, was not
present, owing to his strained relations
with Father Corrigan. At the conclusion
of tho ceremonony the papal blessing bout
fiy Leo XIII was read by tho prstors.
Ssy Tliey Are I'olltlu-il Kxilo.
San Francisco, Xov. 13. The ten Rus
sian refugoes picked up by American
whalers after escaping from the Siberian
penal colony have been taken into custody
by the police on request of the immigra
tion commissioner, and will be held pend
ing investigation in Washington. Tho
escaped convicts now insist tliey nro po
litical exiles, guilty only of offenses
against the Russian government.
The Itmlvlnif Industries.
Scrantox, Pa., Nov. 18. The Snquolt
Mlk mill, employing 1,0(10 hands, com
menced to work eight hours u day tuli
Scuantox, Pa., Nov. 13. The furnaces
at the north works of the Lnckawunna
Iron and Steel company were lighted lust
night, and several huudred men started
work this morning.
Four Hundred Slude Idle by Tire.
Whf.ei.iso, W. Vit., Nov. 13. The wire
rolling mill plant ot the Whitaker Iron
and Steel company, of this city, was to
tally destroyed by fire yesterday. The
loss Is estimated to bo from W5.000 to
$100,000. Four hundred men aro thrown
out of employment.
Klcctlon luapcctors Arrested.
Utica, N. Y., Nov. 13. Although the
returns show that John G. Gibson (Dem.)
is elected by 03 plurality, Mayor Thomas
Wheeler (Hep.), who was a candidate for
re-election, alleges fraud in the count.
Meanwhile three inspectors of election
have been arrested.
Killed by ail Imploding Holler.
Honksdai.k, l'a., Nov. IS. EnKineer
Charles II. Kille was killed by the explo
sion of a boiler iu H. Goeleip's stick fae
tory at Kellams. The building was com
pletely destroyed.
Death of Veteran Surgeon.
WILK8SBAHBK, l'a, Nov. IB. Dr. Asa
P. Meybert, of San Francisco, a distin
guished surgeon on General Sherman's
staff during the war, died in this oity Sat
urday nighty
The total gate receipts at the Worlds,
fair were f 10,570,208.
Nine Chinamen were deported from San
Francisco for violating the exoluslou act.
Tho report of J. It. "White, superinten
dent of tiie railway mail service, recom
mends increased salaries for clerks.
The will of the late Carter Harrison
shows that he was worth a trifle over
H.OOO.OUO. There are several ohariUble
Hugh Sausan, of the College ot the Olty
of New York, while playing footbal at
BlUabeth, N. J., received injuries which
caused his death.
The World's Museum building, at Fort
Wayne, Ind., was totally destroyed by
fire, cueing a loss ot $100,000. The Are
spread to the Aldine House, causing the
mansard root to fall in .tad to The Ga
zette ollloe
Thomas Curry, of llridgejiort, paid n fly
ing visit to Ids friends hero Saturday.
Mrs. Lawrence O'iloylo is confined to her
homo with a sevcro cold.
Merchant O'Connor and John Moado spont
Tuesday at Ashland,
Miss Maggie Coogan, one of Shenandoah's
highly accomplished school teachers, attend
ed the funeral of Leo Curran, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Curran havo tho sym
pany of the community In tho loss of their 7
year old child, Leo, win) dlod Saturday, after
several wtcka' lllnoes. Tho funeral ocoorrcd
Tuesday. Interment at Centralla.
Demurest' for December.
Domorest 's Magazine, for December, is on
tho table It is an elegant number, osiee
lally for girls and young ladles, altliOBgh It t
Just as interesting to tho old of both sexes.
Tho present issuo is an Ideal Carlstmas issue,
with a lovely water color "Did Santa CI&us
Bring You?" which will appeal to everyone,
young or old. Tho other good tilings in it
are too numerous to mention. Snbscribo for
it; only $2.00 per year. Address W. Jennlags
Domorest, ir ItaHJth St., Now Yerk.
William Dougherty died at his homo In
Wm. Pcnn on Saturday night. Ho- was 44
years of ago and loft a wlfo and eight chil
dren. Although tho deceased had suOcrrd
some thno from typhoid-pneumonia his death
was quite unexpected.
A Hocfctlile,
The Misses Lewis will give a unique joola-
bleattho residence on West Cherry street ,
Friday ovoniug. A cardial invitation to
attend is extended to tbo public. Tlio pro
ceeds will ho donated to the Presbytetian
ehuich parsonage luiul.
A horse owned by Harry Martin ran awny
from tho I V. depot this morning. It
knocked over a large dry goods box on East
Centre street, broke away lrom tho wagon at
Bridge strict and Itself tired near the
Indian Ridge breaker.
Tho quilting party hold at the rosidenco ot
Mrs. O. A. Kelm, on Soth White, street
Friday night, was a highly successful affair.
Tho parlors were throngoi all evening and a
very handsome sum of money was realized
for the Presbyterian ohurch parsonage
Arri-Hl Chhm'iI I4'rr und Death.
ScuAKTON.Pa., Nov. 13. William Morris,
alderman of the I'ottrth ward, of this city,
died on Saturday. About two weeks ago
he was arre- . t for misdemeanor in oflice.
being chili . . - .vit,h oxiorting money from
Hnngaria::-. 1'oles nml Italians. The
matter so pit-yed upon I us mind that lie
was attacked by a fever to which he suc
cumbed, lis was aged about CO years and
had been prominent in musical und
church circles previous to.the scandal con
nected with his name.
l'far In mind.
John A. Roilly's is tho placo to got the
purest wines and liquors, best heor and ales
and finest brands of cigars. 10-Jfl tf
Klldlng JANUARY 3, 1MI.
In addition to the attractions by
the tnugnitlccut display at the booths
inure will uc a grand
And other amusements, Change of
program each night. A numbered
ucKot given 10 caun nerflon purcnas
ing a ticket of admission.
Tickets, Only 5 Cts.
i. j. rEiiansoN, manaqer.
For the benefit ol the
Holy Family Church
kieiil ks and k Catacombs
Or, tbe Trials and Triumphs ot
Admission, Gallery, 25 CcntB
Reneral AdiulSHluu, 35c.
X3T Doors open at 7.30 o'clock. Lecture at 8.
General Supply Store !
Wholesale and Detail l'KICKS,
Ferguson House bldg., Centre Street.
Kaisers Oyster Bay I
127 South Alain Street,
A. P. KAISER, Proprietor.
fSTThe best oysters in all styles at all hours.
A Urult-r tilt- uuspit t-s ol Hie d
id II. & S. V L. Cu , No 1, j
Pittsburg Novelty Store
Is prepared to furnish all its patrons
with tho best lino of
China ware, Queensware and Glassware.
Hptcial sale this week I
No. 25 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
25 South Main Slrccf.
Henriettas, special in all Fhadcs, a good ono,
75c per yard, worth 00c.
St&ndard 1'rlntB, Gc.
A largo assortment of Ladles Cashmere Gloves
to closo out aheap.
Geod Gliifihams, 4o and 5c; worth 7o and 8c.
A lot of Floor Oilcloths to close ont at 15c,
original price, 25c.
Press Cloths a specialty. Frem 25 to 75 pieces
in the host slisnos.
A big drive In Underwear. Ocnts' Ked Shirts,
all wool, 70c, lormer pnee, f 1 00.
Is complete All now and styllih goods
and at prices beyond competition.
This Derartment is complete, cmbreiK a
rull lino ol JCag, Ingrains anil' Brussels
at tho lowest prices of any.
Shawls, Blankots, Notions,
Corsets, Children's Garments
And a Job in Volvot to sell at GOc, worth
!f.ou. AcKnowtodRini! no competition in
tho trade, I assuro you bargains in every
department at tho old reliable stand.
I7IOR BALE Nino shares Hehuylltill Trao
3 tian stock. Apply at this office. CMMf
FOR SALE CUE U. A brand now Standard
Sewing Machine. Apply at this office, tf
FOK HAI.E A National typewriter In per
feat condition. Will be old cheap for
cish. Apply nt this ollloe. 914-tf
VnilfLIO MlM UraRITmi In every
iuuimu mm Mttnsir.ii: ccumyto
uatl up Signs and distribute Circulars. Good
ray sena siamn. usinoun uouniy naverus-
tiKCo., Uuttlo Creek. Slich. 11-3-ltno.
ri:it CliNT. Hai-ned by our Byndlcato
In sit months Little canttal mitv be
multlnlled v oursvstom ot snecumtlne.
Wo are expert Judges ot tbo market and suc-
cessrui operato'S
w. it. mAiltlt a uu., orcKcrs, rmsDunj, ra.
The Itomantlc Young Actor,
And a company of players,
In the great sceulc production.
Startling Climaxes,
Thrilling Situations.
The most exciting tiro scene over Presented
on any stage A souct e.ui.rau ot scenery car
riea lor tuts great sensational meio-aratna.
Prices: 25, 85 und 50 Cents.
Reserved Seats nt Klrlln's drug storo.
Thursday, November 16th, '93
Engagement Extraordinary!
Third Annual Tour of tho Favorltosl
A Brand transformation first nnrt. Elabor
ate and rrtlned minstrelsy (specially arrang
ed riveryinine now ana up to tne times lor
tne season iswi vi. ino; an oiu gag on mo nin.
30 STAR. : AUriSTS!-30
See the Brand cloc tournamentl See the bie
song and danoel ttee tho greut llyers, Eu
ropean novelUtl Ten funny comedians! Eight
tweet singorsi The ijuaucr uuy (.juintettei
Grand street parade at noon by Prof. Wm. P,
Goette s colcbrated band ot soloists.
Come and Bee a;good sbow.
Prices, as, 35, 50 nml 75 Cts
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Neal Florence's
Bis Sensation,
Tfje Diamond Btfe&lei1
A new American play, by Scott Marble.
A mighty production. Carloads of fpeo
ial scenery, and ten tons of ponderous
machinery running at full blast.
Realism realized. Magnificence, splendor and
superiority in every aetau. uverytning
up to date. Mee the hero thrown
luto the uonderous breaker.
A company of players never equalM to melo
aruma, neauea uy mnuiiA wash &l,u.
Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cents
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Bargains T
DaiIiiP!if?s in
Dives, Pomeroy
Constantly we hear business
ing-, l can t see how tliey sell goods so cheap at Uives, Jfome
ry & Stewart's. They sell g-oods at retail cheaper than I
can buy them at wholesale."
Quantity and Small Margins,
Answers This Question.
Our big" store is the place to get the most for your money.
Try it and see what a large amount of goods you can buy for
At Our Millinery Department
You can Rot a new lint of tho Iateat style nt almost any price. . Hats
to suit all In price as well us Iu style. You can't And a larger or
better assortment of the millinery art thun what wo have.
IN "WSiAPS 'Wo are at the top,
ufactured goods. Lndles', misses' and children's coats, capes and
circulars at surprisingly low prices. A vast umount have been 6old,
but new goods are received dally. Bo come at any time and we will
bo glad to serve you.
Wo always havo bargains at this
special. A lot of nil-woo! Zebra Cloth, 54 inches wide, for 39c. These goods
cost the Importer ninety cents, but he needed funds and we bought the job for
cash at great reduction.
A lot of 40-iuch all-wool Sergea for
our notice before 'tis too late.
Another lot of 30-lnch Camel's Hair
tention is needed to Bee these goods, us
5 and 7 North
O. OEO. MILLER, Manager.
Monday, November 20, 1893
The favorite ot all tho largo cities.
Cosgrove & Brant's Comedians,
In the rollicking, muslcil,
farce comedy,
in its fourth year of
Steadily Increasing Success.
Thrco hours ot Comedy, Bong and Dance by
ciever comeuians, pretty gins ana
graceful dancers.
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents.
You are careful about your writing paper, of
courso nothlns shows Eood brcedlns more
cloarly than correct correspondence.
am your little notes to "tne Dutcner, tne
baker, the candle-stick maker," do not noed to
bo on such tlno quality-paper as your epistles
to friends. You can save money there by using
our cheaper grades of paperuad envelopes.
The best Is nere also the next best, liotn
correct in every way.
No. 4 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa
Big Eeclnotlon In Wall Paper.
Must mako room for an enor
mous Spring Stock, : : : :
281 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Bottlers of all kinds of
Weiss Heir a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
Fluent lleer.
17 and 10 JVr7i Alley, HllBXAlfDOAU.
139 Hotitli 31 11 tn Htreet,
All work guaranteed to be llrst-olass In every
redirect, we resnectfullv soltoit a share of
your patronage. Goods called tor and dell vera d
Bargains !
men from other towns say
too, with all the leading and latest man
department, but now we have something
33oayard. This materlalis worth
Effect Cloth at 17c. Your early at
they will go very quickly.
Centre Street,
Twenty Head
Consisting of Draught Horeos, Drivers,
etc., villi be ottered at Public Sale, on
..AT THE.........
Cor. Main nud Conl Streets,, PA.
Xox a. Tsat arid. Cleaa
Feiiucson House Ulook.
Everything In the tonsorlal line done In t
class style. Everything neat and clean
Just opened in the Kgan Building,
No. S East Centre street, a full line
of Fall and Winter Millinery,
Miss Annie Morrison,
The Man Who Wrote tho Song
"Hi nevtr caret to ti anrr
JVoi Mt own ilrmde,'
was In'oired while sitting befure no
IIaater. I also nave on nana too t s; hi
nod Ranges In tlie market a id a lave of
. . WV U ' U.VU ' U. .vwwr. ...... . . ' v" .
ann m rmn nn. a idhi.ilv. All wuik uujrjDiL'i a.
T. O. WA.TErt.8,
Cor. ot Lloyd and White St3.,Bhcnandoar, Pa,