The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 11, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOii. VITI.-NO. 217.
if , rfS
Folding Tables!
Folding Music Racks!
fi Foldinp- Book Racks!
' o
pleasuro of presenting you with oue
1a ix JritMH vimti 'srrnpr
; SI III n (V
,',nr HR mm TTpr
Ladies' Fine Gondola Button Shoes,
with t p and fancy too,
Hoys' Good Hand-made Shoes, for
wet weather, nt '
A line lino of all swi
Our motto: "Good gofl
0 4 0
y German China, suitable
ysary gifts; also, something
jrayon Portrait of yourself or
' v with biu.uu worm 01 trooas.
8 Soutli JMLe&ixx troot.
139 Houtli Alain Street,
', "EP-.
work iruarantocd to be Urst-class In evorj
- ict. v o respctfuily solicit a share ot
fl patronage. Goods called tor and delivered
asset SIioc Lnccsl
RuBtiat UJioe Drcsslngr S
TlLe XWT. Oontro St..
NEW MINCE MEAT. Wo soil the Boat Grade
keep no second grade.
now No. 1 Mackerel.
tho best quality and always fresh.
Now Evaporated Apricots, Nocuirinoa atjd Peaches,
Now Citron and Lomon Peal.
gK Cents
fit II I iv. u I li tv aim U'unnrth
stalk : 8 lbs Now Cleaned Currants ; 7 lbs Now Currants, not
Jf 1 1 111 y iV 11 1XIH1 I 1:1L .
Corn, "Pride of Shenandoah"
. --r- - r 1
For Sale to Arrive I
Vur jiiiuiiuouuv x uiuiit i'iuui,
" - - f!.MI!
go Old Corn.
You aro a business man, and usod to
straight forward business talk facts facts--facts.
Your wlfo has boon looking for a
Sewing HIachine?
Chamber Suit,
Parloi Suit,
Or something olso In our lino. Why not bay
it now. Wo aro soiling ckcapor than ever.
f-B-tmo opportunity to ne
J cure one of these beautiful
aud useful articles am
sure you will appreciate. Hear
In mind that I nmko no extra
charge!) for goods on account
of this Premium Offer. Trust-
ins you will cull uud see me.
and that I shall have the
of these articles), I am
very respcouuuy yours, x
- ?iii-iintifinn h i-'.i
To ouch purcli-uttsr T
oi'jjoods miiountiits;
enclur FHBE. f '
and mikes in shoos.
and low prices."
14 South Main Street,
for wedding, birthday or anni-
very handsome in Portraits,
some member of your family,
iisic us ior narticu ars.
You are careful nbout your writing paper, ot
oourse nothing shows good breeding more
clearly than correct correspondence.
Hut your ltttlo notes to "tin butcher, tho
baker, the cnndle-sttck maker," do not nerd to
bo oa such Uno quail ty-pnper as your epistles
to friends. You can save money there by using
our cheaper grades of paper and envelopes.
The best Is nere Also the next best, ltotb
correct in every way.
No. 4 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa
'rmnna h I a rl ttr mania ntf
brand nothing batter in tho
.1 C T O 1
Ono Car Pura'Chop.
Two Caifa Timothy Hay.
Twt&ra Oats.
SEVERAL 1111 !
Miners and Laborers Organize
in Earnest.
Two ltraitclirs nro Already
.Muliiiimy City, (lllliorton,
(llrnrdt lllit anil York I'nrm
Next Week.
In T.tno and
Lott Crook,
Vtlt rail In
PTEIt much discourage
ment and hard and per
sistent work tho reor
ganization of tho Mi
ners' & Laborers' Amal
gamatcd Association Is
now a certainty, Mr.
George Harris, tho ox
Stato President of tho
Association, has beon
busy tho past week
making a thorough
can VMS of tho county and returned to town
lo-day in order to rest over Sunday. Ho
Hiys he finds tho mun in overy placo ho visits
.very anxious for organization, but in each
Instance there seems to bo a will but no way.
They aro all anxious to join, but each man is
waiting for tho other to tako tho initial step.
This has beon ono of tho principal sources
of dlscouragomcnt, but it now teems about
overcome and within a short tlmo tlicro will
be a number of thriving hranchos of tho
association in this county. Thus far tlicro nro
seven joint organizations in sight, A Shou
andoah branch, embracing all tho colllcrio",
f?a--1r1Ila;:tPJL'v:,,-gaul2cd last Thursday
ovoning; last night ahrancfl- WW- started at
finlnrln. ,..,ll,k ,,nn n,lll .tort t f'lJlirJj
vlllo; Monday evouing the men at York Farm
will organize; Tuesday evening tho Gllbcrtou
loon will get together; on Wednesday the
Mahanoy City men will falvCnto line; next
Thursday tho Shenandoah men will meet
for regular business and it is qulto likely that
the advisability of establishing a branch for
each colliery will bo discussed; on Friday
noxt tho Colorado branch will hold Its first
regular moetlug and on the same night Mr.
Harris will organize a branch at Lost Creek;
to-morrow (Sunday) oveulng tho Polos and
Lithuanians of Shenandoah will establish
branch of their own.
No ono hut myself knows tho trouble I
havo experienced in getting the movement
on foot," said Mr. Harris to day. "I entered
upon tho work becauso men on all sldos told
mo thoy woro waiting for the word, but when
I stepped forward I found but a small per
ccntago of them willing to help arrange tho
preliminaries and for a time I was very much
discouraged. Another diillculty I encoun
tered was deception. In several instances I
met men who greeted mo cordially and urged
mo on in what they said was good work, hut
later I found out they really had no sym
pathy with tho cause. For instance, the
other night a man urged mo to hold a meet
ing at a certain placo and volunteered to take
several of my notices of meeting and havo
them properly distributed and postod. On
tho night designated I was surprised upon
reaching tho place to find that nono of tho
notices had been issued and tho handful of
men I found at tho placo said they received
their notice through tho nowspapers. I also
learned that the man who volunteered to do
so much for mo was an undcrboss In ono of
tho mines. But in splto of all thoso tricks
and tho discouragement I have succeeded in
planting a number of branches which will
soon prosper and lead to tho organization of
Opening of the Shmiiimloih l'ubllo School
The public school library will be oponed to
the public on Saturday, November 11th, from
G:30 to 7:30 p. m., and theroaftor on Thurs
days from 1:15 to 5:30 p. m., and on Satur
days from G:30 to 7:30 p m., iu accordance
Aith the usual regulations. Tho library is
now located in room No. 3, West street build
ing, Tho public will onter by tho main
door. Frank Hanna,
11-10 4t Librarian.
Fried oysters a specialty at McElhenny'a
0 12-tf
Now Through Sleeping Car Line
From Chioago to Seattle via tho Chicago,
Mllwaukco & St. Paul and Groat Northern
Railways, has been established and II rt-class
sleeping airs will hereafter run daily from
Chioago at 10:30 p. m., arriving at Seattle
11:30 p. m., fourth day. This is undoubtedly
the best route to roach the North Pacific coast.
For time tables, maps and othor Information
apply to tho nearest tlckot agent, or address
John It. Pott, DIstriot Pass. Agent, C, M, &
St. P. E'y, Williamsport, Pa." tf
Best work dono at Brenuan's steam laun
dry. EvorythlngwhIte and spotless Lace
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed.
Coiiilnc Vvents.
Nov. 14. Annual supper of English
tist church In Robbins' opera house.
Nov. SO, Grand Thanksgiving Evo ball in
Robbins' opera home. Schoppe archestro.
Nov. 30. Thanksgiving tea party, under
tho autplco? of tho Primitive Methodist
church, in the basement of the church,
Nov. 30. Oyster roast lu Robbins' opera
homo, under tho auspices of the Vestry pf
All Saints' P, E. church.
Use Wells' Liundbv Blue, the bu
Bluing for laundry use. Each packago matt)
two quarts. 15cts. Sold hy Coakloy Bros.
A Vettiran Miul.ter Dead.
WlIBKLINti, W. Va..Nov. ll.-ltev. I)r W.
It. White, one of the oldest and most dis
tinguished mmi-tei- in the Methodist
church in thu mo. died ar bis home in
lalrmounr n,-, a .1 l)r White was the
first statu fcunermti'mit'iit of free schools
lie founders
A l'ot-l'ourl of What tlio Iteporters Hear,
Spring politics aro already tho topics of dis
cussion and candidates aro becoming numorous
Col. J. K. P, Schcilly, James M. Kalbach and
James Tempest aro among tho latest on tho
list as aspirants for Chief Ilurgoss.
Tlicro is a minor that an effort will bo made
to do away with tho Citizens' party and havd
tho spring fight mado on Republican anil
Democratic lines, ,
Supervisor Llewellyn had men with horses
and carts at work cleaning rubbish from tho
streets yesterday. This is money well spent.
If tho streots can't bo paved let thorn bo kept
clean, by all means.
Thoordlnanco prohibiting tho throwing of
paper on tho streets should bo enforced by tho
Chlof Burgess. .
Tho borough Is macadamizing East Lloyd
street, between tho Lohigh Valley railroad
and Emcrick strcot. Tho residents of that
vicinity say tho stone is tho first put on tho
street since Its opening.
Complaint is mado that tho west end of
ItJ8pborry alloy Is in a bad sanitary condi
tion. On and after Friday next tho ordlnanco
conferring powor upon tho Board tof Health
will bo in force Tho members of Vie board
say that thoy will then mako all persons
comply with tho law, or learn tho reason
why they don't.
A number of tho young peoplo of town (at
tonded tho social of tho C. C. club at Jit.
Carmol last night. Tho famous Sohoppolor
chestra of town furnished tho dancing music.
.Vliorn and When .Service Will bo Con.
itucttMl To-morrow,
Trinity lleformod church, Itov Itobert
3'lloyle, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
J. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 :3d p. m,
Sverybody welcome
Yatosvlllo M. E. church. Epwortli League at
ft p. m., followed by preaching by ltev T, It.
Lilwards. llcvl' al services overy night ncxlJtho noxt uieoting,
- . i"M10s "raeJ UOIlgregatlOll, WOS., k;
very Friday oveulng; 'Bfituiiay and Sunday!
xfternoon and evening. - - .
Welsh llapllst church. Preaching services
10 a. m. and 0 p. m. by tho pastor, ltev. D, t
Evans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Itomon Catholic church of tho Annunciation,
Cherry street, abovo West street, ltev. II. F.
3'ltellly, pastor, Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. m. 4
Bt. Oeorgo's Lithuanian Catholic church,
jorner Jardln and Cherry streets. ltev. I
A bromaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at. 10
. m. Vespers at 3 p. m.
Ebenozcr Evangelical church, Rev. It. M. LIch.
tenwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a,
m. In German, and 6:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m. All aro heartily Invited to
English Lutheran church. 1'roachlng ati,
10:30a. m. and 6:,10 p.m. by ltev. J. G, Grif
fiths, lite of Omahl, Neb. tjunday school at
1:30 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday evunlng
at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome.
Presbyterian church. Bervlcos in tho morn
ing and evening conducted by Mr Maxwell
Morrison, of Avondalo. Sunday school at 2 p.
ra. Christian Endeavor Society will meet on
Tuesday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at 7:30. All aro cordially
Welsh Culvanlstlc Mothodlst church, South
West street. Proachlng at 10 a. m. and 0 p. ra.
In Welsh by Mr. Joan .1. Williams, of IVin
Gap, Nodham jton county. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Class meeting at 1 p. m. on Thurs
day. Strangers and others cordially Invited.
Salvation Army, corner Mplu and i)alt streets,
Captain Kathcr und Lleuienant Shlndel in
command. Services all day, commencing at 7
and II a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings will
bo held overy night during tho week excepting
Monday night.
English Baptist church, South Jardln streot.
Services at 10:39 n. m. and at 6:30 p. m.
Preachlngby tho pastor, Hoy. W. H. Harrison.
Pralso Bervico at 6 p. m. Sunday school at 2
p. m. Monday evening at 7:30 tho Y. P. 1).
U. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meeting. Everybody welcome.
First Mothodlst Episcopal church, Jlev. Wm.
Powlck, pastor. Servlcos at 10:30 a in. and
6:30 p.m. Morning subject: "Heavenly Citi
zenship Its Duties and Privileges." Evening
subject: "Tho Gospel According to Its Ene
mies." Sunday school at 8 p. m, Enworth
League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Stranjers and others
aro always welcome.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak
street, noar Main. Morning service nt 10:30
and evening at 7 o'clock. The rector offl-
clatos ot morning service alternately and at
every evening service. The lay reader, Charles
llaskins, officiates in the absence of the
rector, 0. 11. llridgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All seats freo and everybody made
heartily welcome.
Primitive Mothodlst church. Rev. J. Proude,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30a. m. and6:30
p. m. wtsley prayer meeting at SMS p, m.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'olook.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats free. Anyone not having a church home
Is cordially lnvitod to come here.
Jr. O. U. A. 91. Notice,
Members of Maj. Jennings Counoil, No.
307, Jr.O, U. A. M., and Company A, Jennings
Guards, will meet In Mellot's hall, East
Contre street, on Monday, November 13th, at
13:00 m., to attend tho funoral of our late
brother, Harry D. Mace. Members of the
company will appear in full uniform. By
order of Wm, Willman,
Attest : W. J. Jacobs, Seo'y. It
JOHNSON". On Thursday, 0th lust, Mar
garet A., wife of Edward Johnson, aged 70
yours. Funeral to take place from the resi
dence of David Shoemaker, 306 N, Bowers
streot, and proceed via 0:08 a. m. Lehigh
Valley train for Uazletou, where Interment
will be made. Relatives and friends respect
fully invllod. U 11 It
Gall and See Them,
The Herald has just received the finest
samples of programs, folders, announcement
cards, tiekets, suynus, badges, SMV'ttntF
visiting attid), wedding and TwepMw Invi
tations, show o&rds, tassels, ete., ever pUcetl
ou tbe market. They are works of superior
art and very uniquo tn desigu. Organiza
tlrtll. f.. Infllmillial PCtlnl inlun tn .1
a I
of '
anything in the above 'ytio will do well hy J
giviug us a ca j auii exaiuning loo samples, t
Meeting Held to Revive
the Project.
Delegates Held u Conference. Last Night
and it Cmnmlttoo Was Appointed to
Hetlso Menus Tor Increasing tho 1'ninl
Now In llnml,
AST ovening a meeting
was hold in Rofowlch's
hall, after the adjourn
ment of tho regular
mooting of Watkin Wa
ters' Post No. 110, G.
A. It, to rovlvo tho
soldiers' monnmont
movement. A number
of dologates from dif
ferent societies of tho town woro prosont and
tho prcsidont of tho committee, Thomas J.
James, occupied tho chair.
Remarks were mado by tho representatives
showing that thoro is a strong sontimont In
tho town in favor of pushing tho project to
an eud which will result in tho erection of
the monument next summer, but as tho com
mittco had been dormant for sovoral months
it was concluded not to take any definite
action towards devising means for raising
funds until tho next meeting, which will be
held on Friday, 17th inst.
A commlttco was appointed to consider
miggouious ior raising minis ami mako a
recommendation to tho general commlttco at
Tho project has been revived at this timo
because tho winter and spring aro tho host
seasons of the year for giving festivals, fairs
or othorentertainmcnts, should tho committee give any, and the oxperieuco of tho
past ha9 shown that such a project requires
months of labor, therefore the start now mado
is not too early if the niouumont is to bo
erected by noxt summer.
Oar Thiinkngivlnc Olft to i:vfry Due ol
Our Itonilors.
By special arrangement witli tho publishers,
we aro onahlod to mako oyory ono of our
readers a present of an exquisito oil panel
picture, 20 inches high, entitled "An Amori.
can Beauty," which has beon admired by all
who havo seen it. This superb picture is
from tho brush of tho same artist who painted
the "Yard ol Pansios" and "Yard of Roses."
Tho reproduction is equal in overy respoct to
Ltlie original, from which it cannot bo dis
tinguished, and accompanying it nro full
directions for framing at home at a cost of a
fow cents, thus forming a beautiful ornament
for tho high, narrow wall-spaces for which it
is so difficult to obtain pictures of tho proper
shspe. It is a superb Thanksgiving gift.
Send your name and address to tho publisher,
W. Jennings Domorest, 15 East 11th street,
Now York, with thrco cents (cither In stamps
or pennies) to jiay for the packing, mailing,
etc., and montion that you aro a reader of
The Hkram) and you will receive hy return
mail ono of these valuable works of art.
Livery stable keepers should always kcej
Arnica & Oil tho stablo, nothinj
like It for horses. lm
Iliisliies Notices
Daniel E. Brennan Is now the proprieto.
tho saloon and rostaurant at No. 10(1
Main street formerly owned by Mr,
Tho placo will hereafter bo JHR by
Patrick Fceloy, as luauagerjffeepcct-
fully solicits tbe patronago offlWbllc. Mr.
Feoley has already established an oxcelleut
reputation horo and will no doubt mako his
now venture a success.
Ono of the most attwetivo and prettiest
show windows on Main street is that at
Hlggiu's shoo store. The old front of the
building has disappeared and in its placo a
handsomely decorated front which was put in
at groat expense. Tho change lias been made
to attract attention to Higgin's large stock of
footwear, now being sold at rock bottom prices.
Illrtliday l'utty.
A birthday party was held last eveuiug la
honor of Miss Selina Church, at tho rosidenco
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bcuj. C, Church,
ou South White street. It was the young
lady's 15th aunivorsary. Among the guests
were Goorgo Parish, Harry Barnbardt,
Claude Davis, Thomas Kerslake, Goorgo and
Harry Church, John Finney, Joseph Swindt,
Karl Ford, John Kerslake, Jennie Kennelly
Mary Roberts, Gertie Gashuer, Louisa
Roberts, Florence and Harriet Parish, Mattie
Baugh and Mattie Church.
A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Man
drake Bitters will convince any one troubled
with costlvoness, torpid liver or any kindred
dltoasos of their curative properties. They
only cost 36 cents per bottle. lm
Special Meetlur.
A special meeting of the Boaad of Health
will be held in the Counoil Chamber
on Monday uvenlug, 13;h Inst at 7 o'clock.
Importaut business will be transacted. By
order of S.O. SpaLpinq, Pres.
Utile's family Medicine Moves tbe Ito'welt
Bach day. Most people need to use It.
In U)!s isaue tho IlKflAW furnishes Its
Sshuylktll county cleat km Th
V1W 1?T
table should beprewrved, as It will be 'fouHP- Mace The claim was peid with'--six
very valuable for future reference ffcirsaftci death and I fee) it my i 3 tn
It Suits the Poon'.a
What He Sees und Ileum During Ills
If pooplo who havo tho tlmo aud will tako
tho troublo to work out tho following problem
It will show oxactly what somo othor peoplo
think thoy are. Placo tho year of birth on a
piece of paper, add tho age at birthday lost
year, (not this year), multiply tho result by
1,000 and subtract 077,123. Substitute for
figures letters of tho alphabet, a for 1, b for 2,
o for 3, etc., and road tho rost vory oarofully.
Tho western train robberies havo had an
effect upon tho railway officials of tho East.
Should train robbers nttornpt to go through
tho United States Express Co's. trains on the
Dolaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R
says a Scrantou papor, thoy would moot with
a warm reception. Tho oxpross messengers
nro not only supplied with revolvers aud
Winchester rifles, but two Winchesters are
placed in oach ouglno for uso by tho engineer
and fireman. Tho conductors and brakemen
aro also armed with rovolvors. It Is also con
templated to nrm tho trainmen on all passen
gor trains on tho road on which express
packages aro carried.
A physician says that tho widespread four
of dlscaso germs is largely groundloss.
"Excrythlng," ho says, "is full of germs or
crusted with them, but every germ is not
harmful. Every disoaso germ ou the body
does not produce a disease If it did thoro
would not bo a person on tho faco of tho
oarth to-morrow. Peoplo Iivod beforo disease
gorms were known and wore as hoalthy its
they are to day. They lived as careful as wo
do perhaps more so. Wo cannot avoid con
tact with disoaso germs, but wo oan do what
is better, strengthen tho body so that it resists
them as easily as a lion can a lie. Somo
scientists pretended to doploroalack of pro
enntiou peoplo tako against gorms. It is
simply becnuso tho pooplo sco, despite theories
that every germ doesn't produce sickness any
more than overy man is a murderer. Evory
man may possibly bo one, but ho would not
be justified iu going urmod on that account,
'urngntphs of Uvents In Neighbor.
lue Counties.
Notwithstanding Hasleton is incorporated
under a tty charter it is still maintaining Its
flro department Under the old borough laws.
A ruovemont has been started to ro-orgauie
the department to bring it iu conformity
with tho laws of third-class cities.
1 wo arlisian wells, each 1,000 feet deep,
aro to bo bored at Lansford. Ono will bo
eight Inches iu diametor and tho othor twelve
inches. Lansford has a water famine
Tho Mahanoy City Borough Council is In
clined to resolvo not to pay any claims for
damages oxcept upon an award by court.
This policy rulos in Philadelphia.
Bloomsburg is to havo a plant for the man-
uiacturool olevators. Iho plant is to cost
Soveral months ago Ira Roadarmel died
from injuries sustained at tho colliery op-
orated by L. A. Rlloy ,t Co., near Ccntralia
Tho workmen and company contributed to a
fund which was placed in tho hands of a
trustco to bo paid to tho widow, but tho
trusteo has refused to pay over the money
unless tho widow signs papers releasing tho
company from all liability for damages. Tho
widow has brought suit for tho money.
The Mt. Carmel fire department has
adopted tho drop harness.
Juirk, of MahanoyCity, wasiutown
id R, James spent yesterday afternoon
It. Carmel.
Hon. J. J. Coyle, of Mahanoy City, paid a
visit to town today.
Tho family of Thomas R. Philips left town
this morning for Scranton and will locate thore.
Rov. J. G. Grifflth.latoof Omaha.Nebroska,
will preach In the English Lutheran church
on Sunday.
Joseph Holvey, of North White street, is
is nursing his right arm.whioh was sprained
in a fall from a hay wagon.
Frank E. Haushor, of Willianisport, travel
Ing passenger agent for tho Philadelphia &
Reading Railroad Company, spent yesterda)
in town.
Patrick Conry and Michael Mellet, aejea
panled by their wives, left town tbts morn
ing for Hawley, Wayne county to attend tho
funeral of a relative
Misses Jesse Grant,of Sbenandoab.and Maud
Lewls,of William Peun, are being entertained
by Miss Floe Fultou, They are charming
young ladles and favorites iu sooiety circles
of this and Schuylkill county. Shatnotin
Do not suppose that because it is recom
mended for animals that Arnica & Oil Lini
ment is an offensive preparation. It will not
stain olothiug or the fairest skin. lm
"Nobody's Claim."
The next production at Fergusons thea tre,
will bo the perennial border drama, "No
body's Claim," with the young aoter, E. A,
Wnrron, as tho hero, supported with per
haps the best oast with which the popular
play has ever been attempted in Its long career
of prosperity. There is a dash and a eharm
about this story of "Nobody's Claim" which
never fails to carry Its audiences.
Anutlter Acknowledgement.
7b tin Officer ami Meniere of the llrm
FrieHMg Society, of Baltimore, Md.
Gkntlbmn : I desire to attest my barU
felt appreciation of your sooiety, which to
day, through your Superintendent, William
T. Bfar aaiogent, David T. Williams, paid
me te fell Mi sum of ninety-eight dollars
(teg), dM vpon the death of my son, Harry
ai tno
.iptnt sa
Mrs T i
711 M
A Sensation on Main Street
Last Evening".
ThcjvStveiit Aliitig the Thoroughfnro Almost
Trout one ICnd tti tho Other and Several
Pooplo Hud Nitrrnw Knrnpos Ono Ilorso
Wiis Itnilly Injured.
N exciting runaway oc
c'iied on Main street
about five o'clock last
evening nnd soveral
peoplo and horses had
narrow oecapos. John
Hazeldino, resident of
Catawissa valloy, spent
yesterday in town and
about tho hour above
named started up tho hill at tho north end
of Main street soatod iu a wagon drawn by
two horses. Just boforo reaching tho turn at
tho foot of tho stoop mountain road Hazeldino
stopped the horses and left them standing at
tho sido of tho road while ho wont to lok at
an object he saw near tho "Hookio" dam.
The horses stood quietly for a few mottinni
and then suddenly wheeled about and dashed
down the hill towards Main streot The
hoavy grado of tho road gavo tho wagon ureal
momentum and at times it threatened U
crowd down tho horses, but the latter kept to
their foot aud iu tho lead. At the side
Main street, in front of Johuson's lnraboi
yard, stood a horse and light wagon. The
vehicle drawn by tho runaways struck the
othor with such force as to knock it high In
to tho air and It fell upon tho back of the horso
which was crushed to tho ground and tom
porily stunned; but in a moment or two it ro
Kalnodits feet, brokoaway from thoupturned
wagon and dashod after tho runaways,
Tho liberated horses overtook tho team
at Coal street and then for about eight yards
the throe dashed along abreast. Tho he vy
wagon handicapped tho team, however, ant?
the third animal soon took the lea1. Away
they dashed down Main street with tho mi
burdeued horse in tho lead and the tw
"tbers trying to keep at his heels. The
heavy wagoTi slid almost from one Bido of th
street to tho other, now H would drop into a
rut, and tho noxt instant it would bound
high in tho air. Men, women and children
ssreamed as they sought safety in stores, and
theso who remained on the pavements ex
pected ovory moment to see collisions with
wagons aud teams standing along tho curbs,
but fortunately the runaways kept pretty
well in the centre of tho roadway. At The
comer of Main and Oak streets Hazcldine's
toam, being pretty woll winded, was cap
tured. Tho other horse was caught at tho
corner of Main and Cherry streots. When
examined ono of Hazeldlue's horses was
found to havo sustaluod a severe wound .
Tho broken point of tho wagon pole had
been jibbed into its side. Tho wound was a
terrible one, but tho horse remained on its
feet after tho polo was pulled oat and the
owner hitched it to the wagon again with the
other horso and started for home.
He nxpocted t Die.
For years I suffered from Rheumatism
Dyspepsia aud Kidney diseases, Th"
tho boat doctors in tho city said I must u
but I am active aud well to-day, cured
Microbe Killer. E. P. Hatch, 41 Mayer"
street, Cholsea, Mass. L
Seized With Oonvulilom.
In the fourth act of tho "Diamond Breaks,
which Is being played at the Grand, It
thrilling scene. A coal breakaritteen In 1.
operation and Russol Doyle, tho artist,
thrown into tho chute. Bo natietic is t
scene that at last night's perftraaattce two
the audience fainted. A woman jjhose )?'
could not be learned was me. SjftT)r
revived. The other was Joseph OM-riyJ
scene so affected him that he wm.""
vulsions and the ambulance had OTLMTTe.
retaeve Mm to bis home on WaUt-Brti
port anus, Dec. 30. At Ferguson's threi
on Friday evening, Nov. 17ttt.
Meritorious I'rodaellon.
A genuinely meritorious production
modern minstrels was gives at tbe Gr
last evening by the Swosny, Aivido e
Goetie Company. There ws &atr of ir
dancing and music, and a rtfir speci
ties, among them being ttto seemingly i
possible aorobatic and jaggllnf fea.'.s
Alvido. Harry C. Shunk, wonoh
consisting of original songs and paro
played his part like a vetenn, aud rece
considerable applause. JieqMty IfrraU.
The "Y" rrogram.
The following program wW be, jtvtn at the
regular meeting of the "Y (Mfe evening
Sorlpture lteadtnc ...ltalt Mansell
Vooal Solo jA. O. Morgan
Bssuy "What aro we Sere for'
Mary Pomertf.
Singing 5y te"Y" Choir
Paper, "Would the South Catattsa Liquor
Law be juraoiloal in this staMf. J. Lawson
Heading...- V. II. foklns, Jr.
Orltio Housti
Ilaatlug System Changed.
A general change has been made is the sys
tem of steam heating the can in the passenger
service on the Lehigh Valley HaHroad, by
substituting the MoElroy system for the
Sewall system. The first change ware made
yesterday. They will be made ait along the
company's Hues.
Downs' SUxir will oure attfoagk or cold
M matter of bow long standing. lm
Bay Ketone flour. Be sura that the
uune Lauie & Bahk, Ashland, Pa, Is
irlntod on vary sack. 3-3-3taw,
I rr CENTS r vard for Oll -
i that Bella ojj W
We are sute wo can idcsifc.h. 10 work 'TJ,