The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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One of His Experiences.
for lb r'v- l-rlit years ('apt Loud followed
: .t'-t or tlmt time n- matter oi a vo
A .1 inn i ..I Irlnir from tlie water was Hl-
I'vli secrotnryof the I'nltwl Whips 1
uryio superintend the al fisheries in i
j wt l ii po-lilon behold five yours, lie i
me perleuce as follows: I
. i-cial years 1 had been troubled with .
Intr outness and pain In the region
y In ,i t My greatest affliction was
Ic in ft was almost Impossible at any
t ibl'ilti rest and sleep. Having seen
H1( 3 remedies advertised I began using
-' r Alter laKing a sniuu nuaniuy me
'j lit rcrclvcd was so frreiit that
! was posl
nedv run-
. ly alarmed, thinking the remedy ruti-
Ltl opiates which would finally bolnjuil-
out on bclnir assured bv thodruir-
ttnat It was perfectly harmless, I cumin
.1 U-o icthcr with the Heart Cure. Tcicl iy
an eon -lcmiously say that Dr. Miles' K"
ratlvc Nervine ami Now Heart Cure did
rc for mo than anything I had ever taken,
had been treated bv eminent nhvslclana
" New York and Han 1 ranclsco without ben
n i owo my present good health totno
M loin use of these most valuable remedies,
l.i Heartily recommend them to allalllleted
I v. a ." C'apt. A. 1'. Loud, Hampden, Me.
Dr MllcV Hestorntlvo Nervine and New Cure
tv cold byaildi'tigglstBon a positive guarin-
or oy wr. tunes luemcat 'o., I'.iMiart,
nd on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, or nix
i k lei for So, express prepaid. They are
re - from all opiates and dangerous drugs.
No. 207 West Ooal Street,
Celebrated lager
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
delicious to the taste, Invigorating
and strengthening to the body.
bmsde in ONE MINUTE frota
nlu SO el: for a full pound package.
Tret sample on application to manufacture,
you sals bt
Mb. R. Severn. F. E. MBRirde. W. H. Wsters
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for tho
Chas. Itettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vicinity, also Uergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest branda
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Ham Street.
f We are now prepared to nil orders
ari'o or small ouaniuiw ui our
Hfhole and retail store. All orders
! lecaitd with care and promptness.
SIX. XCT03SXjX3 tU oo.,
8 B. Jsrdln Bt., Shenandoah, Pa.
trses ana Carnages to Hire.
be of 1,11 kinds
promptly attended to.
R Horsi 1 1
i in ' oaru, t ihw
are erJ.
IR AliliV, Rear ui (he Goffw House
llii! -
Two Thousand of Lobongula's Fol
lowers Mowed Down,
Itultiwuyo Titkcii After a Illomly ltuttle
In Which Only llvn of the ISiirIUIi Force
Were Kill. (I II Ii Then Wiped Out ty
London, Nov. 10. A special from Johnu
ncsburs; any that the Port Tull column,
consisting of 800 liechunnalanil police anil
ft number of Chief Khama's men, under
rnmmnnd of Commandant Haaf, captured
Huluwiiyo on Nov. a. The Matalreles
(might wit li desperate f tity.lmt they found
It impossible to stand up against the mn
rlilne kuii. which laid the (lead In swaths
upon the tteld. It was not until 8,0011 of
the Matabeles were killed that the remain
ing members of the impls retreated and
allowed their kind's capital to fall Into
the hand of the British. The British loss
WRS oniy flve mM1 killed,
, i,.,i.. .
After Uuluwayo was captured the place
I was set on fire and burned. Thu magar.ine,
1 containing the greater partof l.obeuguln'H
ammunition, was blown up. It is reported
that some of the Matahele commanders
committed suicide after the fight at Shan
ganl, being impelled thereto by tha cow
ardice shown by their men.
In the house of commons Mr. TTenry L-a-bouchere,
who is bitterly opposed to gov
1 eminent by chartered companies, and to
government by the British South Africa
company in particular, obtained permis
sion to move the adjournment of tha house
in order to discuss the question of allow
ing the Britisli South Africa company to
establish a claim upon or contract engage
ments regarding Matnbele land.
I Sir. l.abouehere declared that when
; King Lobengula granted the concession
to territory in Mashonnlnnd to Mr. Hudd
on which tlte British South Africa com
pany was founded he was ignorant that
he thus gave tho whites the right to dig
gold anywhere in his territory. When ho
learned this he repudiated ills action. The
concession, Mr. l.abouehere declared, was
obtained by trickery.
Mr. Gladstone said that the government
did not desire to be disassociated with
what had occurred in Matabele land. He
did not agree with tho statement that the
oompany had tried to swindle the British
public. The company bad met with great
difficulties owing to the Matabele raids.
which were a source of serious danger to
new industries in Mashonnland. Mr.
Laboucheru was wrong in assuming thnt
King Lobengula was master in his own
oountry. On tho contrary, the younger
i men had forced the king's hand, and the
government was forced to demand that he
maintain peace and prevent further raids.
The government could not nssnmo the re
sponsibility of acceding to Mr. Labou
ohere's request for tho pro-einptory ces
sation of hostilities, and ho thought that
the discussion had been carried quite far
Andrews Was Ilit-cnlly Hold.
Kansas City, Nov. 10. Mongolio An
drews, tho Kansas City telegraph opera
tor, who was arrested in Now York on the
charge of attempting to extort money
from Edwin Gould, has been returned to
his home at Hosedale, Kan., a suburb of
Kansas City. After being kept in a coll
for five days he was released and ordered
to leave town. Andrews denies emphat
ically that ho had any intention to harm
Gould, but merely intended to ask for a
better position or a pointer on the market.
Tho Knctiifftr Probably CreuinteiL
Nouthhav, Out., Nov. 10. The first def
inite news of the terrible calamity which
overtook the steamer John Fraseron Lake
Nipssing is received throttgliFireman John
Adams. It is believed there were twenty
four men on board the vessel when site
took (ire, but only twenty can bo accounted
for, seven of whom were saved. Adams
thinks that the engineer was burned to
death while trying to stop tho ongine.
Already After Senator Wilson's Seat.
DEB Moines, la., Nov. 10. The election
of a Kepublican legislature means that a
Republican United States senator will bo
elected to succeed Senator Junius Wilson,
of Fairueld, whose term expires in March,
1805. The candidates are Congressmen
Gear, of Burlington; Hepburn, of Clnr-
inda; Attorney General John Y. Stone and
A. B. Cummins, of Des Molnss.
Closing: Quotations of tho New York and
Philadelphia Kxohangos,
Nmv Yoiik, Nov. 0. There was a reaotion
in tho stock market today, which was char
acterized by extreme dullness. Cliulni; bide:
Lehigh Valloy H W. N. Y. & Pa...
Pennsylvania 91ft 11. & li. T. coin... SI
Heading HI II. & tt. T. pref... -
Bt. Paul B4W Erie li
Lehigh Nav SI D. L. & W 1I1M
IUadinic If. m. f... TOM N. Y. Central.... 103H
Heading 1st pf5... 34M West Shore
Heading 2d pf .Is... i Lake Krie W.. IT
Readlne 3.1 of (h... lU New Jersey Cen.W
N. Y. & N. K 31i Del. & Hudsou..l31l$
General Markets.
Pniutnur.PHiA, Nov. . Flour weak; win-
tr surer.. $2g.W; do. extras, f8.1Hd.a5
No. t winter family. la.80ffl2.T5; Pennsylvania
roller, straight, western winter, olt-ar
te.908.1A; do. do., straight, f&l&AS.M; do. do.,
patent, S& .W.T5; Minnesota, clear. .;!;
io., straight, fy.35iftt.65; do., patent, SS '
4.10; do., fvorlt brands, higher. Hje flour,
K).U5a8 per barrol. Whaat dull, lower, with
atWo. bid and M?n asked for November: ""-'
bid and (MMc,. asked for December; 9fc. hid
and t)8c. asked for January; RVMo. bid and
SbHc. asked mr February. Corn quiet, weaker,
with tHc. bid and 16c. asked for Novemlii r;
MMc. Md and Wic. asked for Deoembar; HHc.
bid and tSo. aked of January ; 4Ho. bid
and We. asked for February. Oats quiet,
steady, with SKHo. bid and 3SHc. asked (or
November; Mfcio bid and io. asked for De
cember; attc. bid and Sfo. asked for January;
3SJ4o. bid and 8To. askeil fer Tsbruary. Beef
firm, quutt; etitra mem, $10.50ail; family, !
H.60. Pork easy; new mess, $10lf).S0. Lard
quiet, unchanged; steam rendered, Hip. But
ter quiet, easy; New York dairy, lOOtTtac.;
western dairy, 190k. : Klgine, SMW),o. ;
Nw York oreatnery, 'JH&&c. western cream
try, 3U&Mle-; imitation areamery, ltsMo.
Cheese dull, uuohaaged; Kew York large, 80
llMo.; do., fanoy, HMOllKc; do., small, 1UH
U'Hc.; part skims, auHo,; full skims, SO
8Jo. Kggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania,
6o.; western, !lM4VXc.
HMt Liberty Cattle Market.
East Libsktv. Pa., Nov. . Cattle steady
at yesterday's prices; prime to extra. -V(W S6;
fahr to good, t4.HtkiM.ft0; common to medium,
$JM; fat i:u and heifers,; fat
bulls, 2.S0W; grassera and bologna bulls, t$9
S,M; bulegna cows, ft to f 10; fresh cows, laita
sTiils- u- ZlrT u -Mi
!,.-0j?,r' JS? 'lli .iiVl. iilS
a.m. isaeep nun; priu
net, lt.tnl; eommea,
4. Vl ealvw, to.UK
sue. to VI; larau. m I
it heavy ad uite, I
nvn 'vaira -vmor
Ilrollier and Two Sisters Held Tor Double
31 tinier.
Boatox, Nov. 10. The mystery sur
rounding the tragic deaths of Mrs. Han
nah Toole and her daughter Margaret, at
their homo in South Boston, after partak
ing of a bottle of porter, hns added hor
ror by the death of the fattier last night.
There were four of the family of nine
present at the lmlslde of the dying man.
These were JJoseph, John, Patrick and
Stephen, Michael and Minnie are con
fined at Station 6, charged with the iimr
tier of the mother and Margaret, whose
lxxlles lie at the city hospital 'morgue.
The father passed nway never knowing
that his wife and daughter had gone be
fore. He had been confined to his bed
at homo for months suffering from an
Incurable malady. Wednesdny night
he hail lteen watched by his wife and
daughter Margaret, and at 0 o'clock he
fell off Into a sound sleep, and the two
watchers left the Ijedside and went into
another room.
In the room which they entered was a
son, Michael. He was sent for a bottle of
porter, the drinking of which caused the
death of Mrs. Toole and Margaret. The
rejtort of the medical examiner shows thnt
there was cyanide of potassium enough in
tho stomachs of the two to kill forty men.
It is believed they were itolsoneil as there
stilt of a conspiracy among those under
Disobedience of Orders Kills Four.
Toledo, O., Nov. 10. South bound pas
senger train No. 86 orasheil into north
hound freight No. 0T on the Hocking Val
ley railroad, one and a half mites north of
Kising Sun, last night. The collision v as
due to the disobedience of orders on the
part of tlte engineer of the freight. A
heavy fog prevailed at the time and ob
scured the vision of the passenger en
gineer. Four were killed outright. The
(load are: I H. Jones, engineer of the pas
senger train; James 15. Kerlin, engineer of
tho freight train; Jones, fireman of
the passenger train; Kxpress Messenger
James K. Brisch.
I'ranee Will Not Interfere.
PiTTSBt'lto, Xov. 10. Somu days since it
was stated that the Frencli nmbassador at
Washington had been asked to assist Noel
Maison,the French anarchist, convicted ol
murder in the first degree for the killing
of Mrs. Huse at Calnmity, this county.
Leon C. Ilnntois, who was detailed by the
ambassador to make inquiries into the
case, lias ascertained that Maison is a nat
uralized American citizen, and conse
quently tho French government lias no
rigid, whatever to protect him against tlte
United States law.
To right Against Chief Itninsey.
Council lJi.t;rFn,Xov. 10. Judge Smith,
of tho district court of this city, upon ap
plication oi the llmalia division of the Or
der of Hailway Telegraphers, issued nn or
der for tho removal of Grand Chief D. G.
Ilamhey. Papers will be served on him at
his home in Vinton, In. Two other mem
hers of the Grand Division, 1). Thurston
and George C. t lege, will also bo removed.
Tlte Omaha division charges Grand Chief
Hnmsey with misappropriating the funds
of tho order and immoral conduct.
The 4.1-eclc Cnhlnct lleftlgns.
Athens, Xov. 10. The ministry sus
tained n check yesterday through tha
election of n president of tho chamber.
Tho candidate elected was supported by
Trlcoupis, and was chosen by a large ma
jority. 1 he premier hastened to tho pal
nee in order to inform the king of tho fact,
As a result of tho conference the premier
resigned. Later tn the day the entire Greek
cabinet resigned, and M. Triooupis was
called to form a new ministry.
Desperate llurgbirs Captured.
CAliLlSLK, Pa., Nov. 10. Two tramps
drovo a family out of their house at
Wormleysburg, took possession and
robbed it. They wero arrested, and the
constable started to bring them to jail by
train. Xear Carlisle, one of the prisoners
jumped from the traiu antl ran into the
country. The conductor took charge of
ono and the constable followed the othor
and captured him. They had burglurs'
tools antl were armed.
Snn Seven Comrades IVrlsh.
Philadelphia, Xov. I0. Three ship
wrecked seamen from tho abandoned
Spanish bark Juan J. Murgn arrived in
port on the schooner Henry Lippitt, from
Turks Island, t hey are Antonio Crimen,
Llogi Peris and Pedro Xagloles, a boy,
They were picked up in midoceon, after un
dergoing sufferings thnt almost mado
them insane. They hud bcou seven of
their comrades perish.
Cut in the Price of Knflfl.
PrrrsnuitQ, Xov. 10. The Carnegie Steel
company has broken away from the steel
combine, and cut the prices on steel rails
$5 per ton, from ttXI to fcJ4. The depressed
condition of trade is given as the reason
for the reduction, but it is stated that the
Carnegie company, having greater facili
ties than any other concern, propose to
reach out for tbe rail ti-.ule.
tt Curei Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. Croup, Inflo-
enza, Whooping Cough, Bronehitii andAithiri
A certain euro or Consumption in first stages.
ana a sure rouei in aaranMa stages u tt at once
You trill seo the excellent effect after taking the
fir it do. Sold hr dealers eterjwbere. Largs
Of holes in a skimmer!
Lots of wave of throwing awav money. On
of toe best method of eeonomltlng is to Insure
1 in arst olS, tborougbly reliable' -"ompaalw.
either lite, ttte or aoeuW, uch as rapremMd
i Wo. us Boats Jajdin iKetl, HmwttMk, pa
ho founders
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with rcrnrcl
to Scolt's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
Scott's Ellis
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to dic;,
tion there is 1:0 aflcr cjfc:
except good effect. Keep i:
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
t:Tj strength known to
- - M-7 PMt . 7W.,-
All droffjnRta.
MRS. ouvrit riir.RKlER,
M Mulom.N V
1 On Crutches 10 Years I
seating sokes that 1
BR Dana Sabs vfahili.a Ca : H
53 Oentlemls I w nli to tcntlfy to tho efflcacys
M For ovrnl y ars 1 haw been euflerlng from a Hi
Itail Jlloutl IMfiorilci' n1 1 tl liy dlQVrcntSj
tmi namfi bv tho levoral lliTslciani . iio ottendtnl me, 53
but wM uh lianteil th mUIII -' tVuiall. ltnt-iW
Htacke-I my i'acf, KATIM AWAYl
(fiSXllIS FKKNII, ouJ laiiifi a eniptentffi
ruiltiliitc More, KhUh luithinn woulil lirftl. IlBG
ft!ao broke out on my limit n a rr.VHUS
SClIt 11. Tor moiitli) I was ciiiilliicil (fiH
my lied and havi- been iimibli to lvnlkSS
H without crotrtuTHarmer tt'ii years. ;g
LartFell I purciiased three buttles of BH
igtfAf Val Bros. It Iu-IimmI me from tho flrtit.i
Mm! took it faithfully, ami I can now tittemt tof
Efffniy iHituetioUl (lutlfft and wit lit at wi'llQl
91 aa eu-r. g
tarn Iameun? that myinse tt na near a miracle ag
B anything that happen at the present day. IP
H lam very emrerelv lnur.
Hr! GENTLEMEN. We enclose testimonial of Mr.i
Cherrier, which is a irtronir endorwtm nt of your
gSvolUHbl'1 compound. Wnlwllnu hvr rtutcment to
MRbetruo in try riMcf.
Weaiovejy rcipertfully youri. S
H M&lonc, U. Y. Wholutalo & liitail DrugtDsts. I
M Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Belfast, Maine. 1
Wheelwright Shop
Has been removed to I'ear Alley,
Between Centre and Lloya Btreets.
Wheelwright work, Carriago and
"Wagon building, Horseshoeing
and General Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to.
Main and Oak Htreete,
Shenandoah, Peuua,,
Truck and Vegetables.
Poultry, Game, Fish and Oysters
In season. Orders left st tbe store
wlli receive prompt attention
1317 ARCH St.,
i in low iiiia. i 'oilij Oinouj rrnnii'i
Uliiotul. to cu.ti the nnfor
tu not t- nit(!i riiiif rMim Hluml HmImh.
dIm1 IHooaste,. Stricture, Io
blltly, Aiseuy, Iniputuncy, eta.,
primary or acvuoilary, (no titaiter wltai
1 otbira write, brim. ur. a.lver(te or
faarmutee), ami all thu train ot cti, ttn., h? th'-otmhiiicf)
AHiathlo, Huuiii' 'pmhli , aud Ki.1ls.Uu isifmof nn Hlue,
fc Ucf at once. Fivafa eve on (til in 4 to 10 Air. B-nd tit
iwooent ttmnpa fur bonk Tnith" K-nifihlu thnt wil'
ftitoolaii you.anrt a true friouil to iill-ting bmuaulty ajid
tboia oonUiuplailag mu-rta. Honm dally: B lu 8; arca
totr, 0 to 8; Huiular. 9io in If. Hsware of quaaki, thota
hook lilTfttura and fraudulent aUvartUentnUi.
(Christ. Hosier's old stand.)
if alii ohcI Csal MSn thssuitf tK.
II est beer, ale and porter on tap. Tfce Bneet
brsnds ot wnlskeys sad altars. Fool room si
17 S. Main Street.
Finest Bracdi of Wines, WhisVeyi ud Cigiri
rresta Beer, Porter and Als
alwsvs on t.
Public Notice!
Notloe lo nereby grrB thjtt persona dsatroj
iac or detaining bter ao will be prosecuted
h provided by ta Aat ol Aaaenblr spproved
Brawine' AaaooltloH.
MirtO,I'a..Jii4s,ls, l7
s,,,ut . , .7
wo are sure we rau im-ur.. trem
And Tlil Wilt Doubtless Clienpen tho
ltiennd.cetit Ijttnp.
New Yoiik, Nov. 10. Toriny n fmnotis
Ellison patent expires ill KliKlntnl, mid tlte
mntitlfnctiire antl sale of incandescent
lamps In tlint country will now be free.
Tills Is saitl to mean tbe probable decrease
In the price of incandescent lumps, and
tlio establishment of a number of new
manufactories. It has been stiKftesteil
Hint the expiration of this patent may in
wmio way allect tho term of the htlison
patent, for the United States. Such, how
ever, the ollloials of the company here
claim will not lie the case. The foreign
patent which limits the term of an Ameri
can patent must, he oi irranted prior to
(he Krant of the Ame .i patent for tlte
same invention. At ! mI this is what the
oou i ts have decided many times.
The expiration of the Kuulish patent
may lead others interested in the forma
tion of a new company here to oppose
their riijht to the American patent longer.
This, the Kdison people say, is not improb
able. They hold that the first foreiun
patent, the expiration of which can in any
way effect the term of the American patent
Is that granted in Canada which will ex
pire Nov. 17, 1894. The owners of the
Kdison patent further contend that, the
American putent will run to Jan. 1, 1W7.
The application for a patent was first
made by Edison here, and the company
will oppose by every means tn their power
any attempt at. what they claim would be
nn infringement on their rights.
To Protect liinsylvaiita't Health.
IlAnmsBtmo, Nov. 10. At the tegular
quarterly meeting oi the state board of
health a resolution was adopted directing
Secretnry l.eo to prepare a statement of
statistical ami other facts relating to vac
cination. The attention of the board was
oalledto the pollution nf streams at Mana
yunk, Johnstown, Chadds' Ford, Warren,
Danville and other points in tile state.
Action wax taken looking to tho abate
ment of these nuiiances. The question of
requiring the registration of consumptive
patients was discussed and final action
will be taken at the next meeting.
Annulled liy nn Insane I'rltoner.
TjAKpastku, Pn., Nov. 10. James Mo
Aurey, a prisoner tn the county jail,
charged with breaking open Pennsylvania
railroad freight, cars, beoame suddenly in
sane in ills cell. He wre'i lied a leg from
the table and mado a Murderous assault
on his cell mates, Monroe Mellinger and
Abram Witmun. The cries of the men
brought a keeper to the cell, but the lun
atic drove him out. MeAurey followed
him outside, and the keeper succeeded,
after a despernte battle, in wresting the
bludgeon from him. Slelllnger and Wit
mun were terribly beaten.
Shot in SelT Ipfeue.
St. Ixiitis, Nov. 10. .lames I. Collins,
head biirtemler tit. the East St. Louis
Jockey cluli truck, whs shot und killed at
the east approiteii of the Eades liridne by
Cliorles Met'iiirerty, n. horse ovrnor from
Cliie.ino, who hits u number of hones nt
the KiistSidt- track. Collins was partially
Intoxicated and used language that -was
not becoming in tho presence of several
ladies who were with McOafferty. The
latter remonstrated, and Collins attacked
him with a knife, whereupon tbe shooting
Attacked liy Vicious 1"K.
.iKliSF.v City, Xov. 10. Two girls wero
bitten yesterday by a vicious das in Nut
loy and Franklin, N. J. Miss Grace Don
aldson, while on her way home on High
land lano, was attacked by a bulldog and
a fox terrier, and but for the help of some
laborers near at hand the animals would
have torn her to pieces. Sliss Graco
Thatcher, of Franklin avenue, was at
tacked by a savage dog and bitten on the
foot. The dogs have been shot.
Low Witter Mark In the Trensttry.
Washington, Xov. 10. The low water
mark of the net available balance of the
treasury was reached yesterday, when the
total stood at tl,9tJ8,!W2, of which $84,060,
418 was the gold reer. The lurge ex
penditures over receipi.i thus far this
mouth is responsible for this condition,
hut no alarm or uneasiness is felt at the
Charged nlth Stealing Township 1'tinds.
Newark, X. .1., Xov. 10. Moses P.
Smith was arraigned in the quarter ses
sions court on an indictment charging
him with having embezzled $U,000 from
the township of South Orunge, while
holding the office of township collector.
He pleaded not guilty, and his trial was
set down for Nov. 24.
Fatally Hurt by a Vicious Cow.
New Castle, Pa., Nov. 10. Jnotis Ilarge,
nn aged citizen of Taylor towuKhlp, two
miles below this city, was leading a cow
when the animal suddenly went mad and
made a vicious attack upon him. Three
ribs were broken and his back was badly
crushed. He was also injured internally,
and cannot recover.
Number Fire and Six Objected.
Jamestown, N. Y.,Nov. 10. Charles W.
McAllister was examined in the police
court on a charge of bigamy. The evi
dence given by two women who came
same down from Buffalo to appear against
him showed that they were wives Nob. 5
and 0. McAllister was returned to jail iu
default of $3,000 bail.
To 9upprens HaslaaT
Pmuckton, X. J., Nov 10. A large
meeting of Princeton college tn-. es was
held here last night. Hasting was t'.;or
onghly discussed, und a resolution passed
expressing their firm determination to
support the college and civil authoriiies
In putting it down.
Jersey's HioIm- Law Vneonatltutlonal.
Trotok, Nov. 10. Chief Justice Heas
ley has just decided that the county ex
cuse law is unconstitutional. This will
legislate out of office boards in Cumber
land, Warren and other counties which
were appointed with power to grant
The llurglar's Victim I)ad.
BuiJXHiTON, X. J., Xov. 10. Christian
Zeiss, the baker who was stabbed seven
times by a fleeing burglar In Vineland last
Friday morning, died yesterday from his
won mis. Several supposed slews have so
far Immmi run out without sueeww.
Peniuylvituia's Miuiag AwuiiU.
BCLLKFONTK, Pa., Xov. 10. Sixty-ona
award were received by the Pennsylvania
miuiug exhibit at the World's fair, which
was nearly twice thai of any other state.
DiseaMil H !- 6vMkaaMl.
WlLKKtaAKEJl, Pa., Nov. 10. 1,'a aoma
aaffarittf with glM4ta war akM iaf r
ir ai tha state veterinarian, and th beV
Um ftatwra jrafMt4.
, 1 la what drunuist ssv. beca.W tley ave t'
1 oi vaa uiaiiv uniar amaujosr
to stipose tlmt an imitation offers
the customer any guarantee like
the original does. Take Cotlolene
for example, I'airba nk & Co.
discovered it, perfected it, and
spent thousands in making its
merits known. It is plainly to
their interest to make and keep it
what it is to-day the most popu
lar shortening in the world.
But when you come
To .Accept am
these guarantees all disappear,
and the housekeeper is at the
mercy of an imitator tvho deals
on others' reputation and who
profits only by tlhers' loss.
To ensure having good cook
ing and healthful food stick
right to Cottouisnb and let all
imitations severely alone.
Hold In 3 and ' pound palls.
Mado only by
Professional Cards.
Offloe lleddall building. Htaenando, P.
noom 3, Mountain CltyUank Bulldlnf, l'ctt
vllle, IM.
.4. BUKXK.
BniNAhUOAH, l'A.
Ofllce-noom 3, P. O Building, ShenardOM
ncd ISsterly building, Pottsvllle.
Office Northeast Cor. Main sad Ointre St
Sbcnnndoah, over Stein's drug store.
No. 23 East Coal Street,
Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 9 p. Ill,
.no ji bourn Jar Jin btrcet. mionasdoabt
Omis Hours: 1i30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P, M.
Except Thursday evening.
ivo office work oh Sun'lay except by tirranoe
nwn(. A Uriel adhtrrnce to the oQloe hour a
U absolutely necetsary.
Teacher of
Having had sixteen years' experience as a
teacher ot instrumental mu-lc giving instrno
Hon on the above instruments. Weld loll at
llrumm's jewelry store will reeelve oromut at
tention. jy 8. KIBTLElt, M. !..
Offloe I) North Jsrdtu street. Shenandoah
luta ksr'-' ijr sd&
S3 SHC- not" rVp
Do you wear them 7 When next In need try X paM
Boat In tho world.
If you want a Una DRESS SHOE, mada tn tha late
tylj, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 af
$5 Shoe. They lit equal to custom made and took it4
waar M well, If you wish to econo ni2u In your footwa,'
do so by purchasing W. t. Do. glis Shoe.. Nam aai
privaBiampoq on me oomiri, i- u. tor it -hon you Buy
UOUGLAS, l!ro.
". Itm. SeldDfJ
14 South Main Htreet, Bhacandoah. p
C. r. Rotb, RlngtoB, Pa.
Spesreh Mtr,t.
For five years I suffered with pals ana d.
headache, weak eyea. &c at allttmM: could
Doi wik aoove awusper; lost waiaat ooa
oelved no relief. After givlnB ud all kui
S.?w?,e.niSaA0.uaeAbotl.e ' Mayers
..VHHB..U ui . a iic. uaiua it lor Tour
weeks my apeeyh returned. Ml sraptojni ot
Kik Lick, Somerset Co- Pa.
The above U one ot the sway tetthaoatela
Z,hV-V'Veiit'. we wuTpSC
' iiional BwasM bav-
I ii n Kaai, a,,vu4 vn .
Trv a bottle and be aimi
luarvwona smoisum,
For sale by drofglsta. My' lifnatla
Catarrh Cure U the only bm1Mb adbr
vapor lohalation, and ts garaited byyour
(Successors to Coakley Bros.)
No. 38 Hast Centre Htruut,
uur Motto: Beat Quality at Lavaat "---
mtronase repotfuUy aolloitaa.
mm v,2