The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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iiftii'iiyri) iii' ' i miKiM'riririi'i n"
b VOL. VIII.--NO. 210.
if IT
You aro a business man, and used to
straight forward Imsinoss talk facts facte
facts. Your wlfo has boon looking for a
Sewing Machine,,
Chamber Suii?
Parlor Suit,
Or somothing olso in our lino. Why not buy
it now. Wo aro soiling cheaper than ovor.
Folding Tables!
Folding Music Racks!
Folding Book Racks!
nrIII8 opportunity to ne-
B euro one of these beautiful
and useful articles J am
sure you will nppreciuto. Bear
in mind that I make no extra
cuurptes for goods on account
of this Premium Offer. Trust
ing you will cull nd see me,
and that I bImII have the
pleasure of presenting you with one of these articles, I am
Very respectfully yours,
116-118 N
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
Glove Ktjbbebs!
A Full
Line of
Theso are Goodyear goods and the best in the markot. Oar
assortment is the largest in the region and comprises the
latest styles in
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes!
"Wo handle none but tho best make of goods and soli at the
lowest prices. Call and bo convinced.
14 South Main Street,
WE have put on our Counters a nice line Carlsbad and
German China, suitable for wedding1, birthday or anni
yersary gifts ; also, something- very handsome in Portraits,
Frames and' general Art Goods. Come to us and get a fine
Crayon Portrait of yourself or some member of your family,
free, with $10.00 worth f goods. Ask us for particulars.
2 Scoxtls. 2&SCsi1jO. JS'treot.
Choice Goods!
NEW MINCE MEAT. We sell tho Best Grade
keep no second grade.
NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra largo. Pino
now No. 1 Mackerel.
tho best quality and always fresh.
Now Evaporated Apricot3, Nectarinos and Peaches.
Now Citrou and Lemon Peal.
TXTILL BUY: 8 lbs Now French Prunes ; 8 lbs Now Raisins, off
VV stalk ; 8 lbs Now Cleaned Currants ; 7 lbs Now Currants, not
cleaned ; 1 lb Now Mixed Tea, good quality ; 2 cans Wholo Toma
toes, extra quality; 8 cans Now Tomatoes, standard quality ; 2 cjiis
Now Corn, "Pride of Shenaudoah" brand nothing bettor in tho
market ; 8 cans Now Corn, Maryland packing ; 2 cans Now Salmon,
extra quality.
For Sale to Arrive I
One Oar Minnoiota Patent Flour.
Ono Car Middlings.
One Car Choice Old Corn.
Ono Car Puro Chop.
Two Cars Timothy Hay.
Two Cars Oats.
The Pinal Result of Tuesday's
Election Announced.
Tho llstlmiiti-il Majorities of Somo Caliill-
ilutos AVoro Ciinnlilomhly Cut Down anil
Thoso nf Others Wore Iiurniiseil, Hut tho
Alterations Did Not Clungo tin ltosult.
HE official count of tho
votes cast in Schuylkill
'county on Tuesday's
election was concluded
shortly after 11 o'clock
lost night and resulted
in tho incrooso of somo
majorities and decrease
of others, as compared
with tahlos previously publlshod, but the
changes woro not sufficient to alter tho elections.
Judgo Bechtel presided at the court, which
was mado by P. A. Dunn, Esq., J. G. Murphy
Albert Roohrig, Frank Llttlo and 0. Ii.
A largo numbor of spectators woro in at
tendance during tho count yostorday aftor
noon and many waited and listened atten
tively in tho ovonlng until it was complotcd.
Tho official returns aro as follows :
For Mate Treasurer:
Jackson Wi'i'i
Oiburn lOOOi
Kent 130
Windsor 22
Forjudge of Supreme Coin I:
Fell 10(111
Thompson 10911
Amos 181
Stevenson 19
For Judge:
Seltzer 10371
Weldman 1151(1
Wctdman's majority 1272
For Treasurer :
Dechert 11119
Folmer 107J1
Dechcrt's majority 383
For Clerk of Court:
Shortall . . 10811
Toole ; 10713
Shortall's majority 68
For I'rothonolaru :
Deegun . 11301
Kirk 10153
Decgan's majority 830
For Itegtster :
Ala1 ten 11S10
Outran 10315
Mattea's majority 013
Fyr Jlecorder:
Scheurman ; 11335
lilersteln ...,;, 10U33
Hcheurman's majority lass
For Commissioner:
Itentz 11201
Allen 11867
Martin 103WI
Leahy,.', 0590
For l'oor pirector :
Day 11392
Kmnoy , 10060
Day's majority 1313
For Surveyor:
Geary 11073
Kershncr , 10557
Geary's majority 51G
for Controller:
Severn .... 11597
Mulhollund 09,10
Severn's majority 1001
Tor County Auditors:
Jcnkyn 11182
Samuels 11235
Doyle 10301
Fogarty 10082
Official count showed big diUoreuces with
tho figures which some of the candidates were
given by tho calculations of friends. The
count furnished a big surprieo in the Dechert
Folmer case. The correct estimates gave
Dechert 691 majority, but tho official count
gives him 388.
Thero was also a big drop in tho Severn
Mulholland figures. AccordlDgto tho corrected
oatlmatos Severn had 1992 majority over
Mulholland, but tho official count out it down
to 1661, which is still a rousing majority.
The majorities of Shortall, Matton aud Day
were also docreased by the official count,
while those of Weidinan, Schourman and
Ooary wcro increased.
This count has been accepted by all sides as
final and thero will bo no contests. In
Pottsville, however, there is much dissatis
faction over the city charter voto and a
movement will bo inaugurated at once to
have another vote taken at the spring elec
tion. It is claimed the voto taken on Tues
day was illegal because the ballots used were
not printed aud distributed by the officials
prescribed by tho ballot law.
It Suite tho People
Is what druggists say, because they are tired
of the runny Litter cough remedies. Pan-Tina
la the most pleataut tatting medlolne.
Quickly oures Coughs, Colds, Throat una
Lung disorders, 25 cents. Pan-Tina Is told at
P. e. D. Klrlln's drug store.
Best work done at Brennan's steam laun
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lace
curtains a specialty. AH work gaarautead.
Boat photographs aud crayons at Dabb's.
Whnt Ho Sees ami Ileum During Ills Trav
els About Toun.
Tho borough of Mt. Carmol has somo citi
zens of which Shenandoah would ho proud.
They aro not of tho sickly, drooping charac
ters who worry themselves to (loath becauso
thoy foar tho town will only llvo about fifty
years longor and if thoy don't succeed in
selling their properties all will bo lost and
thoy will bo obliged to go to tho poor house.
On tho contrary, they aro of tho wo aro-horo-to-stay-mcn
aud thoy liavo subscribed a fund
nf $15,000 to luduco tho location of machiuo
shops in their town. They bollovo in tho
elixir of homo industries and doservo praiso
for It.
A Tamaqua denier in cigars and tobacco,
who sells cigarettes bcoauso ho thinks it
policy to keep auything in tho way of to
bacco product that his customers demand but
who abhors tho vory sight of tho paper rolled
llttlo things, hat a novol advertising sign
revealing tho fact that ho keeps cigarettes on
salo. An artist has painted for him on
white card board In colors, a very black and
shuddering looking collln. The head of this
is removed and iusido tho collln may ho seen
a young man, with his oyes closed in death,
but still sucking at a cigarctto. Tho nails
used in this coffin are formed liko cigarettes.
Tho sign simply boars this legend: "Wo
Sell Them."
Whilo visitlug tho house of an acquaint
ance last ovcuing I met an old lady who was
brimful of politics. She was small and
slight, white-haired, and iter face a not -work
of fine wrinkles. Whon slio smilod in an
introductory sort of way it was rovoaled that
sho hadn't a tooth in her head. But hor
form was unbent, her step was light, aud Iter
gray oyoa woro just Hashing. "Isn't It
grand?" said tho old lady as ono of tho party
mado reference to tho Republican victory,
"ily! My! did you ovor seo tho Uko of It ?
and llclvinloy ! Ho is a groat man. Mc
Kinley is tho coining man. IIo'll J)o tho
noxt President as suro as you and I nru
standing hero. And he'll run tho country
with his own party. Ho won't havo to call
on tho Democrats to help him out of a holo
as Cleveland had to call on tho Republicans.
Oh, but it did mo good to seo it. Why,
young man, tho Democrats can't run this
country. Thoy nover could. Don't I know?
Look at 1837 aud 1810 and 1837, and 1801.
All these years I'vo kept track of them and
thotr doiugj and thoy wore uovcr right."
Tho old lady stopped for a moment to tako
breath and then oxclaimod, "Aud thoro's a
man for you ! there's a statesman ! Ilonost
John Sherman I All thoso years ho has been
guarding tho finances of tho people The
man who works day's work ought to bloss
John Sherman, for he has given him honest
dollars for his work. But thoy don't mind
what thero used to bo. Why I can mind
back long before you were born. How old do
you think I am? Woll, I was born in '20.
I'm 73 yoars old, and I can road without
glasses. Don't mind 1810? 'old Tippecanoo
nud Tyler, too?' I wasn't married then. I
was learning tho dressmaking trade in West
Chester, Chester county, Pennsylvania.
That's whoro I came from. Woro you ovor
there? Oh, that's a pretty country, isn't it?"
"Well," sho went on, "how was it then?
Wo then had froo trado. Wo were buying all
our stutl' across tho waters, and sending tho
good money out of tho country to pay for it.
Aud what was loft for us? Shinplasters!
That's a nice uaino for peoplo's money, i3u't
it. Pieces of paper 0 cents, 121, 18S, 23,
37L 30, 02, why you'd havo a roll of it as
thltfk as your arm, and it all wouldn't
bo worth $5. In '10 I used to go to big
meetings with a lot of other girls and wo'd
rido In wagons and siug "
And with a memory the flight of the more
than half a century that lay between her
girlhood aud her old age had not weakened,
sho repeated one of tho old campaign songs
of 1840 ono of thoso quaint political songs
that set lorth tho issues of the contest much
more forcibly than do thoso of our day. Ono
of the verses ran something liko this :
Come all ye yung Whigs ot Ohio,
And all ye stck Democrats, too:
Cone out from that toul old party.
And vote for old Tippecanoe'
The old lady sang tho song half under hor
breath, to a quaint tune, and after finishing
it said with a pleasant laugh, "Last fall I was
just as hot over politics as any man who had
a vote or carried a district in his pocket.
When I saw old Cleveland's picture put up I
went to bed and didn't oare whether I ever
got up again or not. What did get into tho
peoplo last fall V Why, thoy just wont crazy.
But they got all the change they wanted and
now they havo como to their senses," Our.
The Shenandoah Post Office
Fig-ht has Been Renewed.
A Delegation JIakci n Cull Upon Itrllly
hit Iki Internet of Muster, lint the Cnn-
SBKri-Miiiiin Tells Tliciu Mo 1 for Mollut
Mvoly;nght. Ilxpccted.
Buy Keystone Hour. Be suro that the
aarao Lessiq & Baku, Ashland, Fa- Is
printed on vory sank. 3-3-3taw,
Margaret A., wife of Edward Johnson,
died last evening at tho homo of Mrs,
David Shoemaker, on Xorth Bowers street,
Tho deceased was 70 years of age. Tho
funeral will take place on Monday, 13th
Inst., and will leave town on tha 9.06 a. ui.
Lehigh Valley tralu for Haaleteu, where in
torment will be made.
Harry Male, a young man residing on
South Jardin street, died this morning from
typhoid fever. The funeral will take place
on Monday afternoon. The deoeaaad was a
member of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and the 1'. O.
S. of Ai
Downs' Hllxir will enr any eeugk or cold
no matter of how long standing. lui
Special HeeaM) Correspondence.
Pottsviixk, Nov. 10, 1893.
T is quito evident that
tho German Deuocrats
atsumo much of tho
credit duo for tho do-
3& Li M& Democratic
"JJ?" I""011 T"sdr- At
least this is so with tho
Herman Democrats of Shenandoah. Yester
day a number of them camo down to Potts
ville and mado their way to tho offico of
Congressman James B. Rellly. Tho delega
tion did not mako known Its mission on tho
streets, but it was pretty generally under
stood that tho visit had somo bearing upon
tho post offico fight in Shenandoah and was Master, ono of tho
applicants for tho offico.
From what can bo gleaned tho German
Democrats held a meeting in Shenandoah
aftor tho polls closed on Tuesday night, aud
tiioy decided that in viow of tho Repub
lican sweep tho tinio had arrived for tho
Gormans to mako a dccislvo claim upon Con
gressman Reilly for his support of M. H.
Master, tho Gorman Democratic appli
cant for tho Shonaudoah post offico. Accord
ingly a committee was selected aud yostorday
it camo down hero to put its instructions into
From all appearances tho trip was a fruit
less ono, but It was not such becauso tho
delegation failed to road tho riot act to Mr.
Reilly. A gentleman who claims lo havo
been closo enough to hear all that was said at
tho meeting says that tho dolegatlou lost no
tlnio in paying homago or offering apologizes
to tho Congressman, hut went straight at
him on tho priuciplo that if ho did not think
their way at the time ho would havo cause to
think so later.
Tho delegation told Mr. Reilly plainly,
that notwithstanding tho claims of some
people, tho German vote in this county
amounts to something; without it tho Demo
cratic party would have gono into retirement
long ago, and if tho Irish olement of tho
party persists In ignoring it tho retirement of
Tuesday will bo continued. They told Mr.
Reilly that thoy were tired of being mado
tho instruments for electing other nationalities
to offico all tho timo without any recognition,
and thoy wanted their share. Thou tho
delegation particularized and told tho Con
gressman as plainly as words could convoy
their sentiments that if Mr. Master should
fail to receive tho Shenandoah post offico ap
pointment tho German Democrats would re
peat the dose given on Tuesday.
Tho delegation addod that in years gono
by tho German Democrats wcro always faith
ful to tho Democratic party aud had been
most valuablo allies of the Irish olement, hut
now tho timo has arrived when they should
receive comethiug moro than promisee, and if
they do not got it they will leave tha party.
It is repeated that the visit of tho delega
tion gained nothing and there is justification
also for saying that the report that the Irish
element of tho Domocratio party has no nso
for tho German element is woll founded.
The Irish DemooraU declare that the Ger
mans will be paid with Interest for helping
to bring about tho sweeping defeat on Tues
day. So far as the visit of the delegation is con
cerned the result is in keeping with this
sentiment. Congressman Reilly will stand
by his choice Mollet. Ho, It is understood,
has no fear for the future, at least so fur as
he is personally concerned, as he will not be
a candidate for Congress again, and he has
received all the honors the Democratic party
oan give him. By the grace of Cleveland, he
will take oare of his immediate friends.
And there it stands. It Is war to the
knife. Iteilly will not budge d if Quiuu or
Matter want tha post ottlee they muit secure
it without the Cougreattoan's aatiitaiice.
Tba German are not without hope. One
of them told the ooirespoudeut before leav
lug PotUvUle Uiat Ibey expect to flud a
yoMUeal Mot wfco will had tUettt to victory
at tho time when the enemy aaoefciats ileal f
tho best entrenched, aud Master's friends will
not submit quietly,
Tho illueea of Mr. Quinn caused a cessation,
of open hostilities, but his friends havo not
been Idle.
This postoffico fight onuses as mtichintorest
hero ns it does in Shenandoah. K.
Our T!miilmKtvliiB (lire to livery Ono or
Our Ufiailern.
By special arrangement with tho publishers,
wo are enabled to mako oyory ono of our
readers a present of an oxquislto oil panol
plcture, 20 inches high, ontitlod "An AiucrL
can Beauty," which has been admired by all
who havo seen it. This superb picture U
from tho brush of tho samo artist who)iainted
tho "Yard of Panslos" and "Yard of Rones.'
Tho reproduction is oqual in ovory respect to
tho original, from which it cannot bo dis
tinguished, nnd accompanying it aro full
directions for framing at homo at a cost of n
few cents, thus forming a boautlful ornament
for tho high, narrow wall-spaces for which it
Is so difficult to obtain pictures of tho proper
shape. It is a superb Thanksgiving gift.
Send your namo and address to tho publisher,
W. Jennings Deniorost, 13 East 11th stroot,
flow York, with three cents (either In stamps
or pennies) to pay for tho packing, mailing
etc., anil mention that you are a reader oi
The Herald and you will recelvo by return
mail ono of thoso valuablo works of art.
.Muro I'olltlcs.
Who Chow-cd Osburn?
Aud it didn't snow tho next day.
As a rulo, tho righteous triumph.
Pay up thoso pensions, Mr. President.
Is this a Republican yonr? Bet your llfo.
Tho Republican elephant is on tho warpath.
Thoro aro somo pooplo who aro not of tho
Who said that Protection was tincouttitu
tiouat. The people havo spoken and thoro Is no use
Bad blood has been stlrrod tin anions' tho
Somo pooplo don't know enough to keep
out of tho soup.
Perhaps Hoko Smith will treat tho veteran
better hereafter.
And David Bennett Hill's occupation
is somowhat gone.
The firosido vote got In its deadly work all
over the country.
To toll tho truth, the people with their
llttlo ballots did it.
Mr. Cleveland won't shed a toar over tha
result in New York.
For Balo cheap a lot of Democratic roostow.
Apply at Chronicle office.
Thomas Tosh has announced that ho will
seek tho offico of Chief Burgess.
Oh, how they blame "Pat" Ferguson, of
Lost Creek, and Brennan, of Gilberton.
There is no disguisine the fact that Folmer
was stabbed in the houso of his friends.
Michaol Graham, of the First ward, will l
a candidate for Receiver of Taxes at tha
spring election.
Tho Herald is nerfectlv satiaBMl with tha
result. It named three of the candidates
two were elected.
The voters of New York annarantlv m nf
the opinion that their senior Senator doesn't
mount to a Hill of beans.
Lane's Family Medlolne Moves tile Bowels
Bach day. Most people need to use it.
A (loot! Show.
A flrst-olass entertainment was irlven at th
opera house Thursday evening by Sweeney,
Alvido and Goetze's Minstrels, which Is
without doubt, ono of tho verv best minstrel
companies in existence. Tho elm-lntr nnd
dancing were good, there was an abundance
oi irosa jokcs, and the specialties were way
abovo tho average. Especially flno were tho
juggling, rope-walking aud foats in gymnas
tics, anu everything pleased the atidieuoe to
tho fullest degree. Lancaster, Kew
Ara, Dec. 23. At Ferguson's theatre noxt
Thursday evening.
Livery stable keepers should always keep
Arnica & Oil Liniment4lu the stable, nothing
liko it for horses. lm
Tho "V" rroirram.
The following program will be given at th
regular meeting of the "Y" on Saturday
Scripture Reading . Ilattle Mansell
Vocal Solo .A, a Morgan
Essay "What are we Here For?"
Mary Pomeroy,
Singing By the "Y" Choir
Paper, "Would the South Carolina LlQaor
Law be praouoal in this state?" J. Laweoa
Beading .F. II. HopkiM.Jr.
Critic James HouB
Upon hearing the result of ibe election the
other day T. U. Beddall, Esq,, remarked to a
friend that the news made him feel as geetl
as if he had been made the father of a boy.
The statement was misconstrued, and Mr.
Beddall's friends and the newspapers were
misled into the announcement that the lawyer
bad been made a happy lather. Mr. Beddall
has been stormed with congratulations sinee
the newspaper announcement. He says be
had no Idea that au increase in his family
would so muoh interest the community.
yon tried McElhenny't Med oyetaM
CENTS per yard for OUeletl
that (telle ou eight Other fw
86o, 45o, aud uuwwdi. AU
grade of unity Carto. Qnll ttH bar
jfttiue, C. I. FriqUe'ti Carpet.
Store, 10 South Jardin mm.