The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 07, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
Imbued daily, bunday kxobptkd
. . ..,..,.....IYoirfefor
tv, iioxkii. .....
..ItMlor and 1'ubtUhtr
............... Xoonl Editor
,.filnen manager
er 7ear,..;.......................3 DO
. per year,...................... t 00
JrM-(((ni; ltatei.
I Jlent, 10 cents per lino, llrst Insertion i 6
i por line each subsequent Insertion, Kates
feeular sdvtirtlslng can bo bad on applletv
1 at the office or by mall.
la XTXHina lUnALn nas a larger circuia.
f In Shenandoah than any otber paper pub-
wd. Books open to all.
Lsredat tho Postofflco, at Shenandoah, Pa.
(or transmission through the malls
as Reoond-clasa mall matter.
Supromo Judge,
' ) 1ION. II. NEW LIN FEI.b,
Stato Treasurer,
Armstrong County.
Additional Law Jutlgo,
Clork of tho Courts,
pit s w. mnnsTEiN.
County Commissioners,
Director of tho Poor,
County Auditors,
County Surveyor,
Iote thestralght Republican ticket.
If you hnve not yet voted, do so
JJJtaut.delav. Veto the full Republb
'can ticket.
Ohio will be in Hue with at least 50
000 Republican majority, it may
. reach 75,000.
This is a Republican year. Help to
I swell the tldo for irood times and
good wages.
Republicans, put a cross (X) In
Ihe circle over the column on the ballot
jiarked "Republican."
here Is a time for all things, and
ember 7 Is the time to vote
Ight Republican ticket.
i'T scratch your ticket. If the
xtB win this yearlt will be with
i jtanceofthe Republicans.
fSYLVANIA, with her 100,000
Kllcan majority, will serve as an
' protest to the Tarilf smashers
Republican victory Is certain to
'If Republicans do their duty.
iralght and you will make no
rgreatest owner of poverty tene-
In New York city is the lamous
' church. Borne of these placts
fllylnot fit for a respectable hog
The New York Fret Is
; a good work in exposing them
t - .
Pekica with her ragged unequip-
roopa repulsed English encroach'
an her liberties In 1776,
Til, In turn, with her ragged,
1 paid labor, will, under Free-
privileges, overcome and die.
i the Industrial army of the United
tea In 1SH This is what Demo
Jo Free-Trade means.
If you know any Republican who
doesn't realize tho Importance of ad
ministering a stinging rebuke to the
present inefficient and Imbecile Demo.
dc Congress, do some talking to him
ay. Show him that the Re-
Ian who stays at homeon election
Breally giving aid and comfort
bnemles of protection.
good Republican gooa to the
gets a ticket from the election
leer, goes Into the booth, puts a cross
: inside of the circle on the Re
publican ticket, refolds the ballot and
votes It. The proceeding is a very
simple one. If he puts a mark Inside
of the circle, that votes the whole
ticket. It Is eqvivalant to putting a
mark Inside the squares at the right
i tt Mros,. flint, vntpM tlm whnln I
Ucket. Itlseqvivalant to putting a Z'l, ' '
I mark Inside the squares at tue right : - , i a LJl ' 1 1 'V"
R I ' I ' t ra-v 6
V of each caudldate. There are two , w ! , .. 8"jr '
HHMtetvote. One to mark in the t! r 1 c ''r' r"' .
of each caudldate. There are two
tyote. One
iiiiiiiHL I m t ..til I - - . IV
he mf way U ImpU. If Hi murk
Ing !h iloiis lit 111 olrele no otlmr
murkB are ntwded. Iftha marking In
done In the miuare no martiM should
bo put In the circle.
At Yonkere, N. Y., on October 28,
there were 6.000 workliittinen who
were dependent upon help or charity
for their existence, and each one of
whom wh able to eupport lilmeelf a
yeuruKO. Tiie carpet lactones uieie
nrre (lmtMl hiuI the hat factories have
thrown 1,600 men out of employment
A subscription llet lias, been opened,
and over f 1,200 wae subscribed In one
day to establish a oup kitchen for the
starving jroor. Thle in the result of
having a Soup Houte AdmliiUtratlon.
Vote the Itepublloan'tloket today.
GnovBK Ci.kveIjAND and his
trade Congress are In daily conspiracy
to destroy our protective system. The
fears of the result have olosed hundreds
of mills and factories, made millions
of dollars worth of capital idle and un
productive, and thrown out of employ
tnont and reduced to want hundred
of thousands of men, aud brought
want and misery to their wives and
children. Such distressing times have
not beon experienced before by the
nrosent ceneratlon. It all has come
about by the threats made In th
Democratic national platform against
the protective system. In this cendt
tlon of the country it becomes tho duty
of every Republican In our state t
speak out by his vote, and say that on
this Issue Pennsylvania stands on th
rock of her ancient political faith, and
will never move from it.
Tho ordinary man who carries
revolver or other firearms in his pocket
Is not only commiting a crime against
society, but Is branding himself
coward. Not long ago Judge S idler,
of Cumberland county, In the address
lug of constables at tho opening o
court said:
"You constables can do nothing
better than arresting men aud jouug
boys who carry loaded pistols in their
pockets ready to whip them out on
tho slightest provocation aud perhaps
shoot perfectly innocent people.
man has' no constitutional or momf
right to carry concealed weapons on
all occasions ; aud I will say to you,
whether or not I be criticised, that if
you do your duty in arresting boys
aud men carrying revolvers I will see
that no costs nre imposed on you.
am informed by the oillcers of Carlisle
that you can walk down our streets
on any Saturday evening when they
are crowded aud meet 600 persons who
have in their pockets pistols loaded
and ready to be pulled out, with n
women aud children near who are
liable to be killed. Let us make an
eflort to stop this practice, that people,
may ride on cars aud sit on their door
Btepa without exposing themselves to
In thus admonishing the oillcers of
the law to look out for the carriers of
the oonoealed weapons Judge Sadler
did not make his remarks on the evil
of that practice a whit too strong
The ordinary man, in the pursuit of
business or pleasure, has no reasonable
excuse for carrying about hiB person
a dangerous weapon. By doing so ho
demonstrates himself either a thorough
coward or a criminal or both. It is to
be regretted that the law against
carrying pistols or revolvers is not
more rigidly enforced.
Mrs. A. A. Wtlllama 1
I.j mi, Masf.
For the Good of Others
llev. 3lr. U'lUtama Heartily iiii-
dornea Hood's Samaparllla.
We are pleased to present this from
Rev. A. A. Williams, ot the Siusoee
street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass. :
I see no reason why a clergyman, more than
a layman, who knows whereof be ipeaKi,
should hesitate to approve an
Article of Merit
and worth, from which he or his family have
been signally bunetttod, and whose commenda
tion may serve to '.tend those benefits to
others by Uu'reaslnr ' elr confidence. My wife
baa for many years !.. sufferer from severe
Nervous Heaclacho
lor which Mi. found hltln m'lp. sin- ha tried
. U I Jin nil" u mil uri-
I i ' ' i u i Ml w " In I a liot-
of common vistutiK earn
Si Vhi full on dtber sMst
one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet Those
little Pelleto are as effective m the bent liver
pills, and are easier to get down anil more
agreeable In their action besides.
The fact to, Dr. Pierce's sugar-coated Pel
lt are better In almost e vci-y reffliwt. They
aot In a mild, easy and nafural way. An
absolute cum for Constipation. Dizrlnese, In
digestion, Sour Htomaeh, Hick and Ililiou
Headaches. For Nervous Disorders arising
from weak stomach, and all derangements of
the liver, stomach and lwweis, they are
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money is
returned. Why are thoy not the cheapest
pill for you to 6ity 7
B AN Q U ETNG 13 A Y A 11 D .
Tho Tribute of Liverpool's Mayor
to Our Ambassador,
Ifu Declares That th Abolition nf fill
totns Dllllns In So Far lteliinto ns Not
to bo TIhiiikIiI "f Herloiuly by tho l'rcs
ent Hciiurutlnn,
lilVKRPOOL, Nov. 7. The lord mayor
gave a banquet at the town hall last even.
lng In honor of Mr. Thomas I lJiiynrd,
the American ambassador.
KespotidliiK to the toast to his health
Mr. Uayard said that lie was proud of tho
courtesy extended him by t lie lord mayor
and tho municipal authorities of Iivcr
pool because of the representative olllce
ho held. He felt that international comity
was little more than international cour
tesy. This was now realized loll) extent
that civilized nations agreed to execute
the laws of f rlondly nations within their
own borders when this oould be dono
without Injury to their own interests. The
strongest feeling that hp experienced on
oomlng to England was that every advan
tage should accrue to this country that
wae not prejudicial to his own. If the
doctrine of comity was properly expanded
it would form u grand bond of union be
tween all mankind and would cause the
extension of the best principles of Chris
tian civilization, lit- kijnw of no country
with which ho ynn ho nnxlous to see the
principle of comity established nnd ap
plied in every posslblo kind of contract as
in England.
General Patrick A. Collins, tho United
Btites consul general, responded to tho
toast, "Tho Commercial Interests of Both
Countries." General Collins mentioned
thefactthat trade had improved In tho
United btatos, and said that its renewal
would be felt here if Englishmen showed
themselves to bens wise as their Amerlcnn
cousins. Tho action of congress in re
pealing the silver purchasing law had
slmullucd tho situation.
Manufacturing concerns wcrereopeninp;
and buying nnd selling In the United
5tft.8S-fi-lsgiH!ilH-aa!-niu. Uic-aldJ
fashion. Tho spenker said he noticed on
this side a mistake in opinion was held as
to what future legislation in tho United
States was like to be. He would beg per
mission to say, as an American, that what
ever tariff legislation might beprojected it
would not be in tho interest of Kuropo, but
oi the American people. Their nrst senti
ment was patriotism. National patriot-
Ism was selnsu. TUoy had not been with'
out it in Kngland, and nobody found
It had sometimes been charged on this
sidsof the water thatthe legislation to be
re-enacted by congress would be free trade
Whatever, In its wldom, congress might
see fit to do, it would be that which would
produce the best effects on commerce, the
least derangement of present industries
and the greatest happiness to the people
of America. General Collins said he be
lieved that in his country customs duties
and import duties would be levied for a
much longer time than their grandchil
dren would live. Tho motto of tile United
States was peaco and commerce with nil
nations, good will toward all, entangling
alliances with none.."
Newark's City Cleric Arrested.
New auk, N. J., Nov. 7. Conitablo
Moskridge arrested City Clark O'Connor
at his office yesterday. The warrant was
issued by Judge Hodrigo on a complaint
charging the city clerk with misdemeanor.
He refused to appoint ohallengers for tho
Citizens' party. O'Connor was admitted
to bail in tho sum of $800.
Trendersast's Trial Postponed.
CniCAOO, Nov. 7. Mayor Harrison's as
sassin, Prendergast, appeared for trial
yesterday, but upon the request of attor
neys secured for him by his brother, a let
ter carrier, the case was continued by
Judge Dunne until Nov. 27. His lawyers
are It. A. Wade, of Chicago, and Itobort
Essex, of St. Joseph, Mo,
Murdered for Klvo Hundred Dollars.
WlLKKSBAr.HE, Pa., Nov. 7. The Pol
ander.wlio was found murdered on the
roadside near Port Griffith, has beeu iden
tified as Andrew PolUkl. He was on his
way to Europe, and had over $600 in his
possession. When found, the money was
Closing Quotiitlciiii of the New York and
X'lilladulplila Kxchuuice.
Nw Yohk, Nov. 6. Prices moved irregu
larly on the stock market today. There was
another professional attack, followed by vari
able recovery. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley.... . 40 W. N. V. & Pa
Pennsylvania SflM
Iteadluc SUM
St. Paul MH'h Nav.,ex.div SIM
Heading g. ni. 4s. . WW
Reading 1st pf lis., mi
Headline 8d pf 5.. 28
Reading 3d pf fts.. 17
N. Y. & N. R SWi
II. Ac II. T. oom.... 84i
II. & B. T. pref.
Krle UH
D h. & XT 1W
N. Y. Centra). ...luM
West Shore
IikeKrie & YV. 17
New Jersey Can. .117
Iel. Hudson... 1111$
Oeueral Markets.
PHlIxAnei.rHlA. Nov. 6. Klour weaki win
tr super., jai2.10; do. extras, .lsOJ.US;
No. X winter family, x.S0lt.7t; Pennsylvania
roller straight, 83i&x; Western winter,
dear,; do. do. straight, M.l&fcta.W;
do. patent, $8.6llS.7S; Minnesota dear, k.1V&
8J6; do. straight, I8.IKK&8J0; do. patent. Sa.W
A4.U; do. favorite brands, higher. Kye flour,
.WKRS per barrel. Wheat weak, lower, with
MMc. bid and 04fc. asked for Novemlier;
afthe. bid and 66c. asked for December: 67Hc.
bid and 'T4e. asked for January; sOc. bid aud
oVMc. u-ki il for February, ( urn iiuitt, firm,
with "'il' I' 'c bid and 47c. asked for No
vsmb. i 4 .' , M l ii,4KS4r. asked for Dei i in
ber;' .1 ..ii.i i W. .i . iforjanuarj 4.
bid n.ii '. a -"I r l . J'ruary. dus
quiet, easy. w,. b..l sun au;io. askud
for Noviinlur (H'ji bid and B7c Hnked
bid ami lir' ,c. aked lor
l ami JTVjc abked mr Fi h
i.. mm, JlHSci-ill, fuiu
finn, new na n,
i. ,iul I'fiiil. r. il,
1 rm, New nr)t
. ., rigips
51. a
Boardol Uhot Shradoah,
Spread of CozsmucicalilQ llmm,
Srction 1. That whatever li danternus to llfaor health, whatever rerdiirs the
air or food or water or other drluk unwhols-
Hme and whatever building, erection or pari
oroeiiar ttierwjr, Is ororotld, or not pro
vided wl h adequate mean of lngres an'l
i gnus, r Is nolMifflctemly supiiorledvvenLI
Idled seweied. draliiid, cleaned or lighted, declared to be uulsunoes.and to be 1 I gal;
aud every person having aided In creating or
e-itilribnt'ti? to the same, or who may sup
port, con. I inn" or retain aoy of them, shall be
deem d fciillly ol n violation of tills on) I
nance, and slsobe liable for the expeuse ol
the abnieme tand remedy tlierefur,
Hki: 2 No house refine, olfal, garbage, de d
.animals, decaying vegetable matter, or or
guide waste MiManoo of any kind, ahull lie
thiown on nnyntreei, load, ditch Mitternr
nubllo place witnm tlie limits of this borough,
fed no putrid or de.-nyb g a jlmal or vegeta
ble maltershall lie kept in any house', c liar
or iidjiiliiliigoul-biilldlog or grounds for more
than iwcnti four hours.
Sue. .1. No person or perrons, without the
consenlor the Board of l!oulth,sliull build or.
iiseeny sluugliter house wHImilln llmltsol
this borough, slid the keeping and slaughter
ing ol all cuttle, sheep anil mvliie, unit tbepre
paintioti and keeping of all meat, 1I1I1, birds
1 rotlieranluiHl food, shull be lu the manner
In t adapted to secure and oonllnue their
holehomeness as fundi nnd every bipcher or
oilier iierson owning, leasing or occupying
any place, room or building wherein liny cat.
tie sheep or swine linve beon, or ar.' killed 01
ilresfcd, and every person being the owner
losste or eccupaut ofnuy room or stable
wherein any unlmnls aio kept, or or any mar
ket public, or private, slnli bauu.'sucb place,
ru ,m or building, s able ur mai'liei, to be
thoroughly cleansed aud purified, and all
olliil, blood, fat, garbage, refuno and unwhole
some a' d iilI'eiiMvo mutter to bo removed
tbereirom nt least oucc In ovcry 21 hoars
after the nse thereof for aiiyo, Hie purpose
herein relerred t', oxceiit Ironi November
llrslto April first, when the same shall be rc
moved oi ce a Week audsballalsoa alltlmeH
keep alf woodwork, save doors and eountois.
in aLj- bnlluing, place or prem ses aforesaid
thoroughly patnte i or whltewiutlied; and tin
(IoorHol such bnlluing, p'uccorprenil essbsll
lie 10 roustiucted es to pru ent blood or foul
lliiulilsor washings fnmsettllug In the eutli
Sec. 4 No blood pit. dung pit, ollhl pit or
privy-well shall lemalu or be constructed
within nny slaughter boute. Anvoneoirend
I. g aguliist tills luleslmll be guilty of ereat
Ingnnd nmlntnlulug a nuisance iirejudiclal to
public health, and shall bo required iiiromtivi
tho nuisance within ten days irom the dale ol
6kc 5. The owners, agents or occupiers ol
all slaughter-house nre required, during the
nioDtbs of June, July, August and Heptembei
tu distribute twice In ouch weoic nut lesi hau
weuty Ilvo rioundn of chl irldo of lime aboui
lli'Jr promises, and iiliot i remove the cnu
tentsof any mnnurc-pllor manure pile on th
prer.-lses. oticelntach week.thesald pr-mlsts
and lonicntsol manure-pits I1CI113 hcrey d -dared
to bo nuisances rrejudlcbr to public
beul h, unless subjected to triqucnt dlslnlec
tlonitnd clennlni; us herein Indicated Js'o
pigs or Iioks Niinll be kept In the smim en
1 limine With u sluiiglitcr-h uisc, nurbhiill thin
bo fed, theio or elsowhere, upon tho 0II11I 6;
hiaughiercd animal".
Hr.c 0. Mo person or company shall ertct or
mnlntun within the limits of this b irougb
ai y ir.nmiliictur.v or place of buMnO'S dauger
ouBtolileor detrimental to health, or where
unwholesome, ollenslve or deleterious odors,
gus, so oke, deposit or exhalations are geue
inlcd, such us tanneries, refluirlo, niiuufuo
ti.rlesof siarch, glue, lootber, chemicals, fer
tillzcis, l'hs. eta. etc.. without the nnrmlt. m
44-Beard-of Health, and-jjllsaclueittalUsh-
meniseuun uo aepi cieun aim wuoicsome so
a noi to be ollenslve or prejudicial to public
health; nor shall any ofjom ve or deleterious
wnsle-Hiilifctmice, reruse or Injurious matter nt
allowed toaccumulute. upon tin prenvxes, or
be thrown or allowed to run lnloany public
waters, stream, water-course, ttroet, rnnd or
public place. And eve jwpersou or comnnny
conducting sucti matiulucturo or htisln.-m
suall use the btstapproved aud all reasonable
means to prevput lieecape 01 smoke, gusei
nnd odors, unit to protect the hoallb and
safety ol all operatives employed therein.
Sec 7. Tne business of bono and horsi-boil-luiisbull
not no ulloued, unless conducted
under cover, tho building 10 bs provided wuh
sinokcconsumers, and u due , egard be had to
cleanliness In tho disposition ol thoollal. No
lione bolllng est bilshment or r.eposltory 01
dead animals shall bo kept or eroded In any
part of this borr ugh without a permit from
the Uouril of Health.
cue 8. No permit shall bo ginnted 1o any
person or persons to carry on tho business cl
bollmg bones and deud nulnmls until after a
careful tuspectb.n ol the locality, bulMings up. urulus, mill 01 the plans for conduct.
Ing the btihines", by an nocredlled Inspector
otlb Ili.nrdof Ueallh,
Sec U. Ho hone-hulling establishments or of dead animals shall be Rent or
elected In or near to a tblpkiy inhabited
Hkc 10. The floors oPa'l bor.f-bolllng estab
lishments and d posllorles of dead anlmils
shall be nacd with asphalt or with brick or
stout , well laid in cement, or with tome nllu r
impervious material, and shall be well
dr.. and nil such cstabllsli'iicuts shall
hove such anndeouate waler snnnlv oswlil
eun!-"i thorough cleanliness to bo miilntHtutd.
SKi' 11 The boiling of tones, dead animals,
sic, snail reconducted In steam tight kettles
boilers or caldrons, from which the loul va
pors shall Hist be conducted through scrub
borsor coudo isori', nnd then Into tho hack
part or the ashpit of the furnace be con
sumed, or by other Apparatus equally efficient
in preventing or counteracting the ollenslve
Skc 12. When bones a-e being drlod after
bollli g, thev shall be placed InacloBecham
ber, through which shall be passed by moans
ot 1 Ues, larno volumes ot lre'h air, the out
let pipe terminating lu the llre-plt.
ec 13. All proprietors of bone-boiling es
tablishments not having permits to
Carrv on the business, and violating this
ordinances, shall be lined for every sunn
oflonso, 11 ml for each jnomh's i-unilnu-nnce
ol the same, alter nntlce, ujil also
be liable to an luillcimeut at coj.ino 1 law for
creating and malnnluim a uulsanee
Kec II Tho t-ecreiary of the Hoard ot
Health shah have piovlded a book In which
to enter the 1 nines of all per-iont engaged in
the business ol boiling b mi s nnd bav lu de
pot! orles of dead anlmti s; also th locatl n
or works auil a pllunces as reported by Ihe
Inspect r; whether llceus dor not; the mini
ber and nalo of permit, and rtmurks
hkc. 15 The keep r or Keepers of u livery or
other stable shall seep bis or their stable and
siavlc-yard clean, nnd shall not permit, b -tweeu
the 15ih day of May and the 1st day nf
November, more than three nagou loads of
manure to a cumulate In or near the same at
any one time, ioept by espresspermUs on ot
the Ilourd of tieslih; cor shall any manure
be removed exoept lu a tight vehlole, so pro
tected thai the manure, lu process of re
innval, may iotbe dropped or left In any
st eet, road, l,n- or way of itieUorqugh
-EC 16. No pig pen Ii llbobnlli o main
talned within the llmltsol thin Itorough with
out a lermlt from tuu Hoard of Health.
Skc 17. No pnvj -vault, cest-pool or reser
voir Into which a privy, water-oluset, cess
pool, stable or sink is dralmd, unless It la
water-tight shell be construe cd, dug or per
mit ed to remain vlthln on uundied an
fifty feet ol any well, spring or other source) ol
waiei used for drinking or culinary punoses;
unless the surfuoa of suou vault, cess-pool or
nssrvolrlsata lower level than ihe bottom
ol sueh well. Karih prlvli s and earth elosels,
with no au t, pit or deprs slon below the
surface of ihe ground shall he excepted from
this regulation, but s ttlelent dr.- earth or
i-nal ashes must be 11 -id daily to aborb ah
the fluid r art of the deposit, - nd theoontents
must b completely removed a', least once
every montli.
8ec. 18. All privy vault', cesspool or reser
voirs shall, from the 15th day of May lo t' e
tith :'ay of Octo er, be thorough) V disinfected
once every montli, and all vaults, cesspools or
reservoirs becoming IT nslve or Injurious to
health shall l.eoleiued. Hut It shall not be
Uwful forany per-nu eicepta lleen,ed privy
cleaner to empty or ulean any prlv vsults,
cesspools or reservoirs. Every pet sou destr-011-
of being licensed to eim tv or lemove the
ro'.rents ofrrlvv wells and sinks within the
limlls of the Jurisdiction of the iloud of
Jlf.iitti, riiall n oke appileailou 10 writing to
th Hi .aid of Health, who ou beli g satisfied
ui hi he charaotereif the appll.-ant, sail Hie
si'nirii) und tightness ol his odorless barieU,
-1 all uran' him a lloenf e lor n 1 erlod of 0'ie
year, and for such llceuve so grained he shall
pay to the Hoard of liealtli the sum of ten
ilnllar.- and whenever any uch ierson shall
cea e, niidt r bn- hi uiise, to empty or cleanse
any p :y e. lor -ink, he shall tlrsttake Irom
1I1 liiianl 111 lli.ilib a perinii t d' so, u
veincu ,'uc ho - . I lumbh o the Hecre aiv
if ii, 1 i-wik-i- ..ijent or occupant 01
j. 1 ti .11 " unp o him. tu re
in ann re orctea in
here 1 lie 1 o lei t
n lip water-
n'mii empty Into
01 wuter un;a
11 lr unv atlutifliti?
iv'rJJlSfyS !f2m B01' n tiding t.U
J;!f "tpmvldel with a enmnini, mtmf
,?. ? iw 'ton ? the house drain
uuhiqk 01 m,i Ur. It is and room
nan foajr feet Irom il,, roim Ji n wlUis .iSm
lie eontretd 01 Imn 7 .LwS.1
pipe. . uimu
irt."?'.?...! Pr"! l'ie dralii.plpemn. . M1' HB" wllliui four
thV; ti.niT.J -. L ? L. " """"i, logetiier with
wlib ii,' 1. . . "'''"i'untea "'.east Iron
wltlncr. weu Joints, and I
lected irom rtm. The wsn
rTiiii in.'S. ,?r. ',7i'." 11 nmnt- and other
niihin . . "I""1", ur iHiisine ami
hall RkiiS Jsi1 Jt 1,18 ftwntlatimi wa ls
fnr ,L , iJl? '"U"e aln "H1 I'll'CS
-hi, H?,.?PT",'"lioe of ewKgo shall ie mid
than one lueh lu tour feel, except In t oe
a Hit Board of litalih m iy irmli
..?.?0l,5 iA". Pl'C"''lieetlnKa wate-olJio
vtt 1 a mil pipe analt be tr pprd. each sep
arately. All waul r.lra ,i,.ii
each samrab ly, aud olnse to the connec'liui
.Yii .-""'V "'"i l',wl or 0 "r fixture,
unless adequate piovblon Is made lorduwi.
ward vein ilatlon th. ugb ,a d was e pipes, lu
whlr-hoisa una tiu m. .u. ,.'.'.'!
ilxmres ' ' "
Sec, 28. All soil pipes, In houses he:e
urusr u, be erected, shell be tarried a
theli full s se through tpe r.of aud 1 ft ope
A pr.iv.slq 1 shu I ulsu b nude lor admlMtDk
alt 1 1 the house drain s de 01 the maltt trap
11 mien iran exists,
SRO. 27 'Ihe loin In llm vltrlfl l r.i,
shah be carefolly emeu cd underuudaronud
the pli e, a il the Joi its in tne cast Iron pipe
shall be run aud caulked with lead.
bito w ah cnan.-is 111 ellrectlon shall to
madu with curved nfna. All taltiiinind nii
shall be made air tlnht 'Ihe whole work
fliaii be done by skllirul mechanlew, lu a
'hnruUah and workmanlike 11 minor, and ml.
If oiorily tot e Hoaido Ileal w,,
bko. m. iioio.e ur.-oetdlng lo OuUstru-'l any
p rtlon of the drainage sytem of a hotel,
tenement, aweiliug.hou e or other -building,
the tlW.11 r. bnllderor o.-ison nimslrin.tlno' tlin
saaie, shall Hie Willi the loard ot lleallh a
plan thereof, showing the whole druluugo
system, from its oonnecilo i with llioco.eunau
ewer to Its terminus lu ihe house, logo o
,.ni mp 1'imnuu uu Bieu oi an urunoues.
traps, veutratltv pipes nil llxturB.
KO 10 Aiidralos now built shall be re
constructed whenever In the opinion of Hit
Hoard or Ileauh, tl. be neossaiy,
Hkc. .'tl. The followiun 1 amed diseases are
declared to bp cornmnnloable and risi gerous
to thcpiibllo luiattb, via: Small pox, (Vario;n,
Varioloid,) ''holem, (A-lull or iJpdemlo)
doarlet Hover, (Scarlatina, He r 01 Hash,)
.... ..n.un, u,ji,,lii-1 la, ,Mllllf I IIIU Ullllll, 1JMIU
therltrHor Throat ) Tjpholu Fever Tjpliu
1'ovr. Yellow Fev. r, Hnotied Fever, (Otrcbro
Mplnul Mrntngl ls) Itelaiwlug Pevor, Kp.
demlo Dyseuiery, UydrophobU, (llibles),
Ula der(Farey), nd Leprosy, and shall be
undea dood tu be 1 e-luded lu tin following
regulations, unless oertiel 1 of I hem only ait
s, eoinea.
Seo 31 Wlaiieverany householder knows
hntanyp rson within hla fniniiy ir hou-c-h
l i has a o imtuiiulcablo disease, duimerous
10 Ihu itiblio health, he shall Imn edlntely
report the san 0 to the Hoard 01 Il.allh.glvlug
thus reet and number, or location, of the
8K0 33 Whenever any physician tl ic's that
any person whom he Is called miou to visit
has a communicable, disease, dangerous lu
the public health, he or she shall Inline lately
report ll.o same to the lliuul ol Health,
slvlng the stree and number 01 location of
the li iUie,oii tho rccelp. oi wh cli ropoit the
Secretary uuul ImneUiately nollly tho
teacher or principal of e - "ry tchooi, ncademy,
seminary or kludergaideu in tin Himmgli,
reqih sting said teachers or principals ti ill -p(in0
Wltll the atlendnari nt nil tinnlla ,u
tiding ,11 the family in which sucu disease
esi.sih. i 11 piivn oiun win) may, ingoidlaiih,
111 ob'dlonco 10 Hit. ordinance, revolt aoiso
asouo 01 comniunlcable disease which sub.
equ nt y proves not to bo such, stall tin
llaole tou suit lor damages lor such errurln
reportlug. It shall bn the duty ol such
pbysfolnu and 01 all oih-.r attendants upon
persons nll'-.tid vvlib si oh dlsea-es lOaVe.ld
exposure to the public ol any garme-its or
clothing aboul theli own persons tl.nt may
havi been sub)e. ted tothe rn-k ol Inrectlon.
SiF.e- 31. No IK rsnn Shall. Wlt.liln (tin II, nllu
of Ibis Hotoi gh, unless by neimlt oi the
Hoard of He alio, cirry or remove 110m one
building to anolhcr. anr natlenl iill'eeteil u-.n.
any 0 mmunlcuble disease, daigcrous to the
public health. Nor shall any pi rso 1 by auy
exposure of any ind. vidua! ho ufleclc'd, ornl
th-tbcdy oteuali-lndtvldual, ot ot imyjutlcL:
capuble of conveying coutajloo rr infection,
or by any nesllgenl act connected with tho
care or custody thereof, or bv a needless ex-
p..siirj oi lllinsoii or nerseu cause or col
irlnule ti tie spread or disease from uny
such individual or dead body.
r-to. S5. Th ri shall not 1 ew a public or
oh ich fuueral ol any person wl-o h -s died ol
slatlo chnleru, siuiill pox, typhus fever,
dtph nerla, yillow fever, siarloi lever or
measles, nnd ihe farallyof the eleceased. shall
to all such cases Html tne nttnidatice to us
few us pus Ible, and take n)l precautions
pussli lo to prav.nt the exposure of otl or
pirs ns to contagion or lutectlop. uud the
pe so authorizing ibe public notice of tiea'li
of such person, si a 1 have iho name of the
disease w. Ich cau ed fie death appejr In
such public not ce
fcuc 3(1. No person suUettug from, or hiving
very leconlly recovered from, smallpox,
scarlet f Ver dlphlinrU, yellow lever, or
meael.s, shall expose himself, nor shall any
ouo expose any one unner Ills charge lu a
similar coudb inn, in auy pjnv. yanie, with
out having previously notified 1 tie owner or
person 111 chaigoof such conveyance 1 f th-.
lad of siieli iHinilltlui as ubovo stated, it
snail bo the duty or the Uo.irool lleulth to
ouvo inlss oilon p luted on u card, and to
furnish the own roi each putillo oiuvoyance
wiih a ropy Ihireol: auJtt stall bo the duty
ol the owner o such nonveydnoe to dlsp'aj
such card In stieh. ouvoyaLco, Aud theovvi er
or person lu ch ii'RO f Btich conveyance must
not, alter the entry ot any person so Inletted
Inti Ills conviyauoe allow any either per on
to cuter It wUlnut havlni? sullicl. nllv ill n-
fected It under ihodltectlnu of tho Hoard of
ilea 111
skc 37. No p rso.i shall let or hire eny
house or room In natch a cominnutcable
d.sease dung roua to flu piullo 1 co th, has
reoeotly existed, until tho room or houssnnd
premisos therewith connected have been dls.
mlected to ihe satisfaction of the Hoard of
iieaieu; ana ior tne purposos 01 thin section,
the keeper ol a hotel, Inn or otber hoipja for
the reception of lodaera, shall bo deemed to
let or hire partofa honseto any person ad.
ml'tcd us a guest Into such halel, Inn or
Sec, 38. Jlembersof any household lu which
tm a 1-pox, d phtherln, scarlet fever or in udes
oxisU.shull abstain from atteudlug places of
pubdo uuuuemeut, worship Or education,
and, as far us posslblo, Horn visiting other
Sec 3U ihe 0 othlng, bed-clot lung and bsd
dlu.' ol persons who have teen slos w 1 h any
oom 1 imiuahle ul-ea--e, dang nius to urn ub
1 c health, and the rooms which they li eve
oupleri during such sickness, together woth
then luruuure, sh id be disinfect duuderiho
dire t on of th Hoard or Hea'tli.
rtsc. -10 No nulmalairccted w.thae iniiiu-
1 able disease, daiigero is to the public
health, shall be brought or kept Witulu the
llml sof till- borough, exe pt ny pornilsslou
of the llu-r.l f lleulth, and tile bodies' of
uniinuts ueai t r sueii uiseuseor killed 011 no
00 11 nt thereof, sliub not he muled with n Ilvo
tin died leel of uuy residence nor i.ispi sell
of otlienvlss 1 1 1 h -. us the said Hoard or Its
health orrkershsll dlrct
s-fc. II. No milk which has been watered,
adulterated, reduced or changed lu auy re
licet i'loni its natural tondlllon by Ihe addi
tion ol any loielgusubslauoe shad be brought
Into, held, keptor offered lor sale at uuy place
lu Ui s borough,
.-EC 42 No meat, ash, birds fowlx, fruits,
vegetables milk and nothing for luiinii i f, oil
not neli g then heal: by. fiesh, s. nut, whole
soon . Ill uud sab lor such tuu uur ury nul
inal or tlsli that died by disease, and mi our
cassotauy cair, pig or lamb, wheh atihe
time of Ha de,. 1I1 waa less th n Hi ee weeks
old. aud unniea' tbereirom ihalbi br,.ughl
within the llm ts of this bormigb ornirered or
hi Id or sale as food anywheie lu said bor
site. fl. It shall be the du ycf the 00 upanl
of every houte within the limits of tills bor
ough lu the mouth of .May, In each aud overy
yeir, to cleanse the collar thereof ol all dirt,
vegetable and other Impure mailer calc dated
to 1 ngender disease, and o cause tln-mtoho
thorou lily whitewashed with iresh lime
i?kc 41. It shall be the duty ot every adult
and every parent, guardian or nw-ler ofevery
minor, resldtug wlihl 1 the lliniis of this bo -ough
who has not lad stiiall-pox,or beeu vaccl
in teat so as to have taken cow-pox regularly,
lobe, II an adult, vaccl' at d, or, In the case
of a lutuor, lo cause such minor to to vacci
nated within six mouths from the date or the
passage ol IhU ordinance, unless unable to do
so by reason of poverty; and It shall be law
lul Pir auy legularly eduoUed phy.lciuu re
siding in this burough, ou appllc.ttuu of such
resident adult, or naieut. master oruard an
ol such resident minor, as a-e unable bv lea-
snuoi Mverty 10 1 ay the vaccination fee, to
vaccnate said adult ur said minor, and pre
sent his bill therefor, properly authenticated,
lor ah amount rot exceeding the lee usually
charged f r sueh services, and to recover the
tame ol aud from the uorppratlou.
Hec. 3. be allowed it) attend
the pub.lo sopools lu I his borough who has not
tan v..eelnated p-opeily within seven
Wei 10. Nuimreui. guardian or master, to.
wh si houseor la Hilly there snail have been
a coiiiinuu cable dlseuai , da-ige-ous to public
lieu th snail ei mil auy ch Id learning lu said
hiiusc or family tout eu- any public, in ivate
or Sunday a, utter lie cessation ol said
In n e. within a , 1 r.od of ten d is attar the
bouse sliuti have bet u thurciuglily clslu'ecied
and cleanaed. Aud it shall lie the dtlt ol the
s-chuiil Hoaid to uae this seetiiin prlu.edon
Ciida. meullonlna' the nuiuis nf dlaia ts de
clared eoiniriunieab e and duugtrousti tba
public heullh In Ihla ordln nice, aud posted
n avsiy muooi room in ims ooiougu; uuu iv
I "Ultl UffW ,li.Mljr niujtynviifi iu tsuu vuo
And nh??.STi0,i "'.'f I''"'"' hail appear
ti.ii.u !!'?" ' ''I 'Itlty of Ibe Ihsird of
llntbh ui have hlsieu Ion nrl-.teil im Wl.XL
?r'"Z l(rv,0trr r,"v"' f 001 Hd.
selfail ? 1? kluu,"Htten and Hnudsy
siiiuiioos m ,ir:;,.irs.". ".""-
di 1
nl ,I ,H .1 u"i rainsp CU31IS
n rfS.?. .V10 -."! lotlio ichool at
in,- mil ' ",,u wevcr any epl-
hy' u,'r.'l"dSr?:y P"?'"
ru. , ., ...V.'. . "J "mrueiiiieanii
. on :iri.i ." " .V .'" laer '"er sillier-
ma llm J;, """" u Ml" anu sn ill
h,. ji f- '1 ""0 ,,au,B "! ''eath.
demi i, .1. V, mnerniof any
ncau person, sin, 11 procure a properlv III eu
oul oeitiiloaie of the death ami its
bv tThV1,',HS!?.rdan.eo V",," t" ' lr;.r?ld
n.S'J OB.r1 .'' ""': mid eliiill pre-
meinhej of "the l., 7 eel. tnd oK
fjL' ,r,ll?l,or 1 ,H""lt urm,t thtreu ot;" at leaVt
twenty-iour hours Perore the time amioli!tBrt
shall liSve ped"" "Mmn"" "nA
', ' "eier, Sllllinihc
una uoiuugii, or lias ibe c hatge or
e of anv tntTil. ,,!. i..,.. '.s.
0 1
- -- ..uugti, ui imn ine Giiaige i,r
?f.i".nJ r".1 'Ult. Imrj Ing giotind or
wl er 11, l,,..llli . . ll, 11 1118 "'"d. or
.1. ;. . ). ""j iiiiiiiuti oeings are
f? !,,.,,;fiS,1,,"!c,,nt'l,cllnl" buslhoSKaud
J 1 ?,Hy S?B,, ,.lH09 "bove Utt,ne as to
L?.i id,lrlment ' dsuuerlo lUblloh.allh.
?orihJh,?,,Sfrfir0ni",,,d'!5lRl'lDl Preparations
b e etlso oos us herelnbelore emimeraled,
h i 's"'1 BUCh PrecaaU0"- ' the Hoard oi
such disease NodeaA body shall be ex"
V.... . . "w:,v iifiwrea me montns of
May unit October Inclusive, and no body dead
removed! ' ieiuLnea ana
RC JO. Kyery perRon vlola'lngsertlons 8. fl.
iUkr .'1 !' JV.3' . I.3, 3". 37, .
41 ofthu ordlunnco, shall be liable, for
ciy such ollense, 1 pou conviction b io-o
... ""-u'"iii.Tiiriiiiim iraie. 10 a line 01
it 1 i than $10 or miro than 8100, nt Ihe dls
1 """'"ius uniKeas. JUS ICO ir
gb uile, beslccs costs, whlrh Ihe convict-
1 u,a.u. ItlLlt. l.f ,nl. . ..
Tms.jBfl,' """"') ,UU1
HCn fil ll.Vflfn ha pass, tfe ..I... .11 .
S iii?i iQf proYl8Jou ff thU ordlnnnob, Until
11011 btloio any burgOMH, Jutsttro or mncislrate.
tu n nnAof n i h m Imi, co 7 . ....
, .. .1. 1. u t-ouvieiing ourgess.
Jus Iceo.Mnnglstratcbo'ldcs costs, which the
(llllMfilt1u 1 ill rirf nn l,.iil,.n '. . . .
liifllrt If ho see6 P.J siiraio may
HEC 81, All police officers, constables nud
wiuihm.nnio enjoin d, ard nil citizen are
respectfully dpsued to give liilorinationtothe
. : v : ""j nuiunuu uitrnti ur
n lnnr.A-11 Drtfliot M,u n.vs.u,.,.. , . j j .
M.-nuv.., w ,Hrtv mowiuiHcy laws piovintnc
ror ihe c.ennllaess und health oi ihe borough
may tie lully executed, uud all oireuders
prompt!; punished.
.Miinij.ou mo iown e;ouncii ai tsiieuau
losh, l'uon this Gtli d-y nf e)o oher, lslfl.
l'KSldeot of Town Couuoll.
.. thief Hmgess.
Attest; T. J. Coakiey, B.c'y.
HKOTION 1. The llmril Klin 1 1 nwji.lm nn 11, n
first .Monday In August In each and every
year, and snail elect n President, Secretary
and lleulth OIHcer, 10 servo lor the ensulnt:
Heo. 2. The Hoaid shall hold stated mcel
logon tho last Frlnuy or every month, at 7
o clock p. 111.. and special meetings when con
vened by order of tho l'rcsleleut, oral the call
olauy two ol its members.
r-KC. :i- Ti,e rreslthnt. 'I be President shall
preside at tho mtetluus oftho Hoard, iirnserun
orde r and dec. mm and appoint members of
couiniiiiees, unless otueivviso Ulrei led.
Hec. 1. In the absence of tho I'lesldout, a
cholrnian lor the 1111 etln? shall be apiolnlcd
-i-ru liTlie tiecrelary'Xiie Becretaiy Kbnll
Keep accurate minutes ol the proce-edfoas 01
to.) Hoard and conduit such correspondence
as iho llo.rd may direct and uppiove.
8f.o. (I. lie sm.ll also keep copies of all
ugieements and letters mudo or written by
ordor of the Hnnrd, and of such other docu-
nicniK as 1119 iso jiii may uirect.
Hec 7 Ho shall copy lu a book, to bo pro
vld. d for tho purpose, nil resolutions not of a
temporary nature, that may be ho eaitcr
passed by the Hoard with marginal nOles. '
Skc. 8, lis 1)1 .l if, ant licenses 10 privy.
0 euuers, under the eules of Ihe 11 nrd when
so opected, and lor each license lie Hull ru
cone the earn often dollars, and he shall re
new ine saiu ncoso irom time 10 time as the
Hoard may dl ect, upon the payment .of the
like sum
SEC. II. Ho thall furnish the Health nillrer
atruo opyof nl resolutions passed by the-
uinai uiuicumiug ino uuiiea 01 sum omcer.
HEC 10. lie Shall furnish Ibe Hnnrd nt. Its
stnt-d meellns every month a detailed state-
uieuv ui uv reueippj 01 mo omce. emncg the
meceillne month, and nav uUr in tin. iinr
ough Treasurer u 1 monoj a received bv him
duo. ei. lepsuaii, wueneve.-nuy mil is re
letred tQ him fqi collection, enter the same,
together with a lull description of the claim
upon which the said bill Is founded, upon a
docket kept lor that pun aie,, and nolo oppo
alte to the said entry such action an may bo
taken, ftom time 16 time, In relation therolo.
Sec. 12 He shall at tue explratlcn of one
moulh afterdate or said bill, turn over to the
Uoroush Solicitor for cullecticn all claims re
maining imp id. aud furnish the Hoaid with
a trai scilpt 01 the same.
bec. 13. tic sn .1 lu all unsiuess referred to
him, and requiring legal proceeding-, pric
cute the sauis u del the dlrect'ou ol the
SEC. 14. He shall keen a inntr in which lift
shall record all cases of contagious or miec
ttous diseases rcnorlcd to exist within thn
limits of the Jurisdiction of the Hoard of
neuiin, wiin tne eiato 01 report, the location
and nume 01 the patient, c. aiacler nf the dls
ease, aud tho name of the puyslclan la at
SEC. 15. He shell nubl sb tl o returns nf
doathsln such form and manner us shall be
dir. cted t.y the Hoard, and unmanly prepaie
ine I.UUUCUUUU u report en but) uilllis, mnr
r!a;08, deaths and contagious diseases le
cordol during the yeur, tu be iubmltted to
Uounclls, ana tho Burgess tlirough the Hoard
ol Health.
Hec 111. He sha 1 issue iiennits for t-einnval
of do.dbodbs from uno mini le,y loanoilior,
r irom oiiu grave or vault to ano her 111 iho
same 0 -mctery, within ibe bounds of the Hor
ough. In all eases belore Is uing tho permit,
iiesiiuu require a cerimoaie eomaiuing ine
unine, age. eeuseo aeam.ana aate or Heath
of he deceased.
Seu. 17. He shall ts-uo aunuaby, from the
15th day of April ofevery yeur. Permits for the
erecll 11, establlsbmeni nil J contluuuuco ol
biuii iieeceioubes, uuue uuiiuig ami ine-reuuer
luit, uud ail similar es abllshments within or
near Ihe limits of this Borough, as provided
oy iuo oruinnuee 01 iuis jioaro, iuu mo regu
lations ed tho state Heard of Health.
sec 18. He shall havo the entire charge of
an uooes anu papers ueiouging 10 1110 icgis.ra-
(iou uenurimeui.
Sec. iU He shall examine oareliilly the re
lum.iiiuiiiLu, iiiuiiiiiiiro, udunio imu uuuiu-
g ems diseases, und should uny omissions or
errors occur therein, it snuu ue nis uuty to
uoiuy eue pauies malting sum leiurns 10
uud any neglect or refusal on their part shall
uy iiiui ua leiioneu lu ine iiuaru.
Sec. 20. lie shall keep, li u book provided
for the purpose, a reoord ol tue names uud
resldeuces of physicians, practitioners ol
miuwnery, clergymen, j jsiices 01 ine peuoe,
sextons, undertakers, and o hers required by
law to make leturns; aud should auy neiauu
or pirsous so required, vuien notified, neglect
or reiuso 10 ieicora intir names ana rusiaonces
lie mull n pou ti. edict to t tie Hoard.
Sec. 21, Hs shall fill up all permits for the
removal ol dead bodies f 10111 ibe borough for
Interment, having first obtiined the certifi
cate from the atteudlug phj slcjiiu or the Cor
oner, aocoinpamea uy inui 01 ino unuennBer.
The slguature of the btcritarv shah in all
eases be uppended there. o.
dmj ac. 41 e snail 11111KO oui. una ut nver an
truuicrlnu ol births, d aths or ooiilaul ius du-
eases, upplled for Irom the reglstra'lon re
cords. SEC 23. He shall hava oharea of the books
uouiuiuuig ine msnas tor mnu. murrisgeiinu
death ccruBcato., and deliver them, when ap-
pneu ior, 10 sucn peisons as are required uy
..... .u .D.tttuD, iwV.v.c. ui.a,..
the names aud residences uf tue annlicnnia
are on r-oord, or shall be registered at the
nine 01 receiving me uutuss. lie snail also
keep an account of all blanks delivered by
him, together with Ihe dale of diliv.ry und
ine name uuu resiueuoti 01 inu rticeiver.
bKi) 21. Ho shall slve to lawyers, physt
oluns aud clergymen acoess to the regis t ntlui)
books snd allow them to tako nolus of Hie
couteuts; und lo all oilier parsons desirous of
examining imo ine merits 01 eue wysiem. ne
shall furnish every uec-ssny facility
the realsliallon record, then slial bcueliaii;-
niee- ixi ror ail cere lieu ran i-uiiis ironi
01 nuy criut.
may be lound, immediately ma. a noi t)
be served upon toe otin r 01 u. in , 1 11 upon wbicu nun-illi ex. s, tj i'
the same lu the eve il. . 1 r 1) ,y eirua in
not being und, alter dvi. se r ') ir
nonce sna 1 pe tt-tiiip.iu 1
lact r oorti d and entered
HKc. 27 He snail. In ma
give tne locution or ibe p
Has whereon the nulsan.
wltnthe nature, chaiacter
-,?-l!0. "spoil alnuinii
ana Mlieelsniit o riiwn wn 1 ,1,
Ipleifnes with Ihe work ,.l .11, 1,1 ,
theieby eMiisiiiga nolwinee
Hup IK. e upeH chum II,. bi n
moving nuisances lu b.- mini ,1, , 1
ers or agent, of Ihe'i romisea .,1 v ,
ir-erullcq,iirlng, Ihe same sin. , I L n
the premises.
1 UlU rs
'ug, or
for rc.
' c own-
I i eneii
I I d nflrr
ii -ii upon
okc. m.-Jifallh Offlar It-li .11
ofllie Henlth Oflleer lo exe. ule In
regillBltohH.if llm Hoard lie -ha 1!
investigate h,1 ooiiipla.ins in tn .
iii a vloaihinot these rule a j ,.
byHiiyoronr oil sens, (ll 01 nnv
wmraeorniih, or anytmng wi . .
muy tinimir the aamtaiv o ,11,.
Ho oiibh. ti.t.i i.i.
v 11 nd
11 a. and
r m . 1c
-'1 latio -n
- ne -.
r wiin n
1 or uns
11 ir ie
O Ihr
001 lime
of lb.
. i-.r
1 'i.Tunts..., hi., ii, ,
Hoard lor luatrnei inn. 11..
; time, make a visit nl insi,i(
Iloi-oiign, to manufielon.K, 7
i-i noiwes, ice 1-oiiMw. -niLli- 1.
lilll-. um. In H
----- , n, ni,HM)iia i Tl I
i H'" Kri,Lr"i "d shall , 1 ,
. Uli t ben g msile, visit , m. te
resldencB, with a Mow or . r
any no sauce or sourer ol llith or d
HKC. 31. He shall, wheuevcrtbl 1
octs ai,iilBoCftoberiiiio ed uo.
peitvlslim,ari minmnplovi c
"1 and ;
1 11. it n
ex .
.nd dl. '
hp ,u 1
pc .. a
lor o-in 1
Vl.iaubnl I nVh.,3
Hh.t1 ffc, It.
ohoTl " MWIira QIC- I C I il
abating nuisancea wlthlu 1 , , u , , ,
fiuurs niter ihe order of lb n mro "1
1; aced In his hands, anu shal L . , a, J ,
dltloulntart oi..,lraeuih,t tb M k ,nust
be . commenced within Iu.lyT.ut is 1 " ,3
?v m?,Tplanc?aQ,d',ru'ut''1 , ' 01 I
iy until tsainpleted, ibe ru,,. . i
strlmtv .nrii..,A ... ... Jr.; .:. nt 1,4 . ' H
' ...... iw imni pueauoua inui term;; M
or the contract. No extra a lowaut' w.n rc 1
8n,te' 'H'ou bills lor work, o tr tcrla I
Hoaid. """ -pecuuiy ordi r d Ly me '
surr.'nii. ... . .. 1
-'""-"ini "iiimi llllll.T 111, .11, C'lOU
onhe Hoard sitiiuli. d toiCMoveauui ance I
I'uinuniiL ui inu einiauoli ortiie 11 e urn t il
"n'fdrtlVi16 01 ,Ue 11 WM ,r ' 1 tit i
cent, shall be s tided and col I. rte ill n be mln
iifHnes otc reguiuung th t jiiectlon j
aVi 1 'n81 I'C'Wf 0 A'cinr.1,,17 K tllc,,, '
All bills snbmitled 10 the Hoartt fur lemoviup- I
nulsaucts shall bo Itemized, und a char-e fur" 1
acli separate lie. o, " f
HW .'IT. It, nit Anunu ....... I
i.i i tonwi imiu tnuerwif-o or 1
dcicd where nuisances are lr et i 1 . iu. 1
removed foithwiih, if the same a e not re
i"ovtd villlui, tweuty lou. ho t.l-w He itb-'
llttler lu liarcl.,1 HI...A ..... .. JH
... . . i uj uitvuiil, II, XiJl-.t 111C .41
done at theyixpcuto ol iho owce 3.
, , .1" '"sea 11 iiuisaccc tj be
moved by the eient, occupiers .r owi era u. Ml
I... . i . J,, . V " "om iiuuiic ie,e mi en cl
ly this Hourj. li s,.aHbc od that it
heorlhny shall commence the rem. vni wiuiu 4
tho . line preseTlb dlu ihe 1101 ice, the Hon til 1
Seo. 37. Miscellaneous. 1 he followluz
schedu oiiMinii. th, in i.n ir, .;. .
of notice upon parties to Ubab- Liilt.mccs.
whore not otherwise specified by re unit ou of
the Hoaid, to wit:
To icinovo dead nnlmn's, slaugncr-h-ju 'e
ollal, and ottur matter in 11 stale tl d cr.irpey
sltlon.and to cloauso hnd dblultct louses
iwuuvy.n'ur yii) Hours.
To cleanse uveillowlng and b , ,y privs
wells and water closets, tiidisiufcc. foul wclp
and to cl ansn slaughlur-honse n.n mu nits
three (3) days.
To cleanso full privy wellsnnd mauure pits
pithy houses, cellars, yards, all- y and vacant I
lob, toiepalr aud regulate surlaco dralnnce
and leakv and derectivft dmin .i... c nPn .
d.ys. i
10 lemove nogs andpeus, lo cleanse slauglh I
ler houses and row siables, and ml up and I
dmln ponds ofslagnuut waler. ten 101 lavs. I
Sic. 38. No 0 nnmunlrntion still bo re
ceived by the Hoard, unless Hi eauic bo In
wrltlDg nad dlroi led to the Hord or through
the President or Secretary lb reol'olllclaily
s-ec 39. When uny inns .n.'e la r lerredto
a commltb e with 1 owtr to act, tn re in, tho
said committee shall repoitthcrer n In wrlt-
IllLF wbiil. net Inn f hev hn v I iS.n i. ..,.in .....
to II.
H. C. HI'ALbINU, President
M. H. MAlsONh,
Attesf-T. M. SOANLAN, "CnU"-
Sec'y Hcard iHeal h. .
..,..,... w.v inu iuiiii e.i)imcil a; iicuau
doah, Pn., thlsOth day of Oct ier.j)3
nun. 1) 11 !.-. ,vt,-1 T,i . 1..
I'jt-i Tow Council.
. tlblef Uurg ss,
Atteh!;--Ts J COAKId'lY.
Sec'y Ton 11 Council,
. T. LHISISNIHNQ, President
P. J. FERUUSf:-; Vlr- rf nc
J. K. LEISKMRING, Oabhlci .
B. W. YOST, Alct'Bl le-(f
Open Daily Fix5 t-
S PEE Oil,-
fniei-est Paid on Savings Depou.
Hatliy. Quickly,
Permanently Itestrred.
HEavr "s;
an., a 1'' i.;
liviim il r ji
ext. r
ocmc.!,' 1
W11 Ti C Ull
lis I , 11 L
R1V, 1 tU C C
pi 1 Ion rf t
filn.plo.n I
Imtnedl t lr
seen i-.i ' . 1
2.0DH re: -cxplar
.n 11 i
m.,11 d 1 1
1 -1 evil I
Mate I
Ps oB
ae ' ti J
t ui
vei -en'
1 praota
ABRA HEEbPf ? hi
MlllUft t. VC.3
$3 Of Eyery Descript en
ci rt n
nags, uauges, uaps, nsqaiaa, t
Write for catalogues. Corn -pi-"1 ir- (cil
IImIImI Otussf. 20fi K. fTio.i 1
Are lbs oldest In A inert' . I
Npeclal Diseases fc V v
Varli.ii .-16, ll.tii.i'i-lc K111 1
Treatment iy ninli o ' ;
ni'lnl- 'II. 1 1 .'. r. .'I, 1 . i
Htnili 1 ! I...H - '1
M .1:1 . .. -
jr. asoBt! m'.-