The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 07, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    He R A.LD,
r I TT171
VOL. III.--NO. 213.
Folding Tables!
T7-vli4Ir ATiin
folding MUSIC KackSl
T71J: td 1. n 1.
j. uiuiuy, Jjuuh.
pleasure of presenting you with one of these articles, I am
Very respectfully yours,
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
These are Goodyear goods and the best in the market. Our
assortment iB the largest in the region and compriao3 the
latest styles in
Ladies', Gents' and
Wo handle none but the best
lowest prices. Call and
Prices to Suit the Timess-
o AT
Men's Grey Undershirts 2.5o
Men's Red Flannel whirts 50a
Boys' Qroy Shirts and JJrawers S3o
Men's Wool Overshlrt, lacod Iron' fiOc
Line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
Como early In order to secure tho Best-Selections.
FISIIIY 121 North Maln street-
'heelwright Shop
Has been removed to Pear Alley,
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets.
Wagon building, Horseshoeing
1 and General Repairing of all
, kinds promptly attended to.
Goods !
NEW MINOE MEAT. Wo bcII the Best Grade
keep no second grade.
NEW BLOATER MACKEREL, extra largo. Fino
now No. 1 Mackerel.
tho boat quality and always froah.
Now Evaporated Apricots, Nectarines and Poaches,
Now Citron and Lomon Peal.'
IriLL BUY: 8 lbs Now French
f!nrn. "Pride of Shenandoah"
Btalk; 8 lbs New Cleaned Currants; 7 lbs JNow Uurrants, not
aed ; 1 lb Now Mixed Tea, good quality ; 2 cans Wholo Toma
. oxtm duality : 8 cans New Tomatoes, standard quality : 2 cans
Iket; 8 cans Now Corn, Maryland
la quality.
For Sale
lain. Patent Flour..
Yon tiro a business man, and usol to
straight forward business lalk facts facts
facts. Your wlfo has boon looking for a
Sewing Machine,
Chamber1 Suit,
Parlor Suit,
Or something olso In our lino. Why not buy
It now. Wo nro soiling cheaper than ovor.
nr HM opportunity to se-
I cure one of these beautiful
nmi useful artloles I ntn
sure yon will nptiu'clnte: Bear
mind that I make no extra
cuarees lor koouh oir account
I or tills Premium Oiler. Trust-
MR you will cull aud see me.
and that I bIiuII have the
Children's Shoes
in tko of goods and sell at tho
bo convinced. '
14 South Main Street,
Hoys' Flnnnette Jackets 23c
Men's Groy Wool Sock?, per pair 15c
Children',)! Wool Hojo, per pair 10c
Ladles Illack lloso, fast color, oer pair 7c
at Prices that will Astonish You I
m tarn sijtjstjjou.,
You are careful about your writing paper, of
course no'hlug shows good breeding more
clearly than orrect correspondence.
Hut your little notes to "thi butcher, the
baker, Iho candle-stick maker," do not need to
bo on such Bno quality-paper as your epistles
to friends. You can save money there by using
our cheaper grades of paper and envelopes.
The best Is Here also the next best. HotB
correct In every way.
t No. i North Main Street, Shenandoah, Fa'
Prunes ; 8 lbs Now Raisins, ofi
brand notluns batter m tlio
packing; 2 cans Now Salmon,
to Arrive 1
One Car Pure Chop.
Two Oars Timothy Hay,
Two Oars Oats.
i aw in !
Some Very Important Busi-
ness at the Session.
The Atimtnt Cufttnm to be AbolNhed Union
TImtikfigLvlhK Horvtnoft to lio Hold In tho
Trinity. Kc formed Church Kellef for tho
KfMiKhiKtott Unemployed.
HRI8TMAS candy fes
tivals at tho churches
of town received a
sovoro blow at tho min
isterial meeting hold in
tho Trinity Roformed
church, on West Lloyd
street, yesterday, and It
may bo expected that
tho announcement will
cause a walling and a gnashing of tcoth
among tho young peoplo who In past years
havo looked upon tho approach of Christmas
with longing gaze and watering mouths.
Tho anti-sandy meeting was attended by
Rev. E. Potts, of tho Wm. I'onu Methodist
Episcopal church, of Wm. Ponn, and tho fol
lowing local clorgymon: Bridgcraan,All Saints
Protestant Episcopal church; Itev. William
Powick, Methodist Episcopal church; Rov. J.
Proudo, Primitive Methodist church: Rov.
Lichtenwaluer, Ebonczor Evangelical church;
Rov. W. II. Harrison, English Baptist church;
Rov. Robert O'Boyle, Trinity Reformed
Rov. Potts presided at the mooting, which,
after a discussion of tho Christmas candy
distribution custom, adopted tho following
resolutions :
Jtemlved, That wo memorialize each Sunday
school to dispense tha distribution of
gifts on Chrlfctmus.
Ilesolvcd, That wo hold union Thanksgiving
services on Thursdiy, November 30, 1893, in tho
Trinity lleformeil church, Kov. William II.
Harrison to preach tno sermon and the oiler
wgs to bo donated to tho fund for tho relief of
the unemployed of Kensington, Philadelphia.
One of tho clergymen who attendedthc
mooting said to day that the course taken in
regard to abolishing Uio candy custom was
prompted by abuse. It Is a needless expense
and tho mouoy thrown away by tho purchase
of worm generators can bo bettor employed
In tho relief of tho poor of tho parishes, or
some other moans of substantial benefit.
Sorao of tho clergymen invited failed to
attend the mooting, but it is understood they
are in sympathy with tho movonicnt.
Have you tried McElhenny's fried
Wlmt Jlu Sees and Hears During Ills Trav
els About Town.
Eggs do not Improve with ago but friend
ship does. A man, or a woman too, for that
matter, should stick to old friends like a
porous plaster does to an old maid. There is
something almost sacred about old friends
and when found, make a note of it. True
friendship is much better sentimentthan lovo
because tho latter has a gross olemcnt in it.
Vou havo an old friend in tho town who was
a boy when you were a hoy or a girl when
you woro a girl and vico versa, and you aro
proud of tho friendship. Let us supposo that
you am a man being mado in the imago ol
one you will havo to pass for ono anyhow
and havo a dear old friend of this kind.
You have really never tested in a sordid
way this old friendship bocauso you are
prosperous and ho is prosperous, and there
has been no necessity for a test. You are
confident, however, that his friendship is of
tho purest gold and you know that yours is
Nelthor will tarnish if oxposod to tho ele
ments of adversity. Of this you aro willing
to mako a very big oath. Life goes on
smoothly and pleasantly with you and your
old friend, but ono day you very suddenly
And yourself lu a tight place. You lost a
heap of money in an unfortunate investment
and aro likely to lose a great deal more
unless jou can get a little accommodation.
The bank, which has been using your mouoy
for years and never paying you a cent of
interest, now refuses to let you have any of
somo other fellow's money unless you got a
first class endorser, who is willing to pay it
you can't when the note becomes due,
merely for old friendship's sake.
Pooh! That's easy enongh, there it your
old friend, he is well fixed; ho will help you
out lu a mluuto and be glad to do it. lie's
got a eolid bank account and won't miss a
few hundreds. You call on hlni 'aud after
tho nsual friendly greeting you unhesitating
ly state your mission. You are rather taken
aback wheu a thin skim of ice seems to
form at onco over tho river of his
cordlsllty. Ho is very sorry but he, too,
has overdrawn his bank account,' money is
very source, collections vory poor; he would
like very much to accommodate, would do it
in a moment if he had the money; would oven
pinch himself to do it, and all that sort of
thing. But won't he endorse your uoto? You
can get the cash at the bank on that. He
would like to, hut only last night he promised
his wife nover to indorse for another man
aud a man must not break his word to
his wlfo you know.
Ah, it's a glorious thing to havo an old
frieud you can depend on, isn't it? A
Bplendid, a magnificent thing. Old friends
are tho salt of the earth, ever retaining their
savor. They will novor go bask ou you, will
they? Of all priceless jewels commend you
now to old friendship. It is better than
rubles and far above all price. You have lots
of other old friends in the town and you try
them all, but tho auswer is just about the
same. Thoy would be only too glad to serve
you, if. Finally you get desperate, at the
crash comes near, and you go to somo old
fellow with whom you havo hardly an
acquaintance. You know he-has money but
you never haVe courttdhlm any and you are
oitravagnntly glad surprise ho helps you out
of the holo and you onco moro fool like man.
In tlio mcantlmo the old friend of your
boyhood, tlio ono to whom you stood as
Damon to Pythias, or the latter to tho former,
after you have left him goes into a saloon,
orders a pint with a friend, sots up So centors
and remarks casually "I guess Smith Is hard
up. Ho wanted to Inn row somo nionoy from
mo a littlo while ago. I vo got a fow thou
sand in tho bank,but I don't oaro to risk them
just now." This makes tho old friend to
whom ho is confiding swallow his drink so
hastily that it sets him to coughing. Lord
bless your soul, boy, ho was JuBt about asking
a liko favor himself and this throws a very
wot blanket ovor his speculative dream.
Let us supposo that you occupy n voryf good
position and llvo up to tho salary to satisfy
tho demands of what is facotitlously termed
"society." You havo a wife and two chil
dren, you feed them well, clotho thorn woll
and houso them woll. You havo hold tlio
position ton or fifteen years, and haveado
friends of nt least two-thirds of tho com
munity. In fact, you havo so many friends
that it makes sad Inroads on your wealth to
keep thorn in boor and cigars. Evorybody
knows you and evorybody likes you. You
number your old, dear friends by the hun
dreds, and thoy aro, a great many ofifthoni,
men of powor and iniluenco and placo, and
who speak as ono having authority. Thoy
havo told yon a thousand times "If you
over get in troublo como to 113, old follow, and
wo will soo you out."
One day you got in troublo. A reduction
of forco includes your place, and you find
yoursolf a partially unwilling gentleman of
leisure. Partially unwilling only, because
you really need a littlo rest, and you havon't
tho slightest fear of tho futuie. Ytiujhuvo a
little money, not much, and you havo a good
timo for a month or so. Hut finally, as funds
commenco to got low, you aro forcibly ro
inindod that you had bettor got to work.
You will havo uo troublo in doing this, of
course. Somo of your old friends aro at tlio
head of great establishments, with plenty of
places to ho filled and vacancies always oc-
cuiring. Some of them aro men of vast in
iluenco, whoso names aro a towor of strength
In tho councils of tho nation, and they will
bo only too glad to placo you in a fino
position again, ono with a largo salary and
correspondingly littlo work. Why, of course,
thoy will.
You go to them confident, buoyant, head
up, with a hail fellow-well met air, lqt bo
fore tho month is up you havo loft town or
aro sneaking around among them, begging
for tho crumbs that may fall from their
tables. Tho man who is at tho head, of a
big buslnoss is extrenToly sorry, but thero is
no vacancy now, and not tho slightest chance
of ono occurring In tho near future. Tho
next day ho appoints two strangers to com
fortable places, and without making tho
slightest inquiry into their antecedents'. Tho
man of iniluenco is tho sorriest fellow you
ever saw when you tell him what you want,
but he has signed so many papers lately, and
asked so many favors, that ho is ashamed to
ask for any moro right now. If you will
como around, say in six months or so, he may
bo nolo to do somothiug for you.
And you, my good woman, you have somo
splendid old friends among tho women of
your acquaintance, havQn't you? Ain't thoy
just too swcot fornnything? You belong to all
the societies they do, to tho same church and
attend (he samo balls and parties and recep
tions. You tell-all your secrets to oach other
and always kiss when you moot or part. But
ono day your husband dlos suddonly and it is
discovered that ho is a defaulter and has loft
you almost without a penny, even tlio houso
being heavily mortgaged. Tho furnituro bo
longs to you, and outside of your grout grief
for tho loss you had sustained, you have but
littlo fear as to tho future Your old friends
woro all at the funeral, and shed toars as
thoy crowdod near you aud told you to keep
up a bravo heart, that tho Lord will provide.
You soon realize that Ho is to bo your main
To your great surprise, two weeks after
your husband's death you find that your
oallers are principally lawyers and duns, and
that your visits from old friends aro very fow
aud far between. Dressed in deep mourning
you determine to call upon them and consult
with them as to how you shall best face tho
dreadful future. To your intense astonish,
ment you discover that most of them are
"out" and that those who are "in" are only
so in tho formal sense of tho word. However,
old friends are not to be sneezed at, and the
best way to keep them is not to neod them.
A Trick by Which ltepubllotns Always
Tho old trick of working Republicans for
complimentary votes for tho Democratic can
didates is being played to-day for all it is
worth. It is by such methods as this that the
Democrats succeed In electing tholr entire
ticket, po matter what tho character or
ability of their candidates may be. No Re
publican should load himself to such a scheme
for it Is nothing but a trick to gain a Demo
cratic victory for tho Bpolls of office. Every
Republican in every precinct sho'ulfT bo
warned not to enter into such arrangement.
No bargain should be mado for an exchange
of compliments, for invariably It ends in a
Democratic gaiu, Every Republican who
desires tho success of his parly will vote a
straight ticket; ho will not glvo a complimen
tary vote to any oandidate not the straight
Republican ticket for if" he does it Is as plain
as A B C that the Democratic candidate ho
thus compliments scores a gain of two rotes.
Tho only site rule is to vote straight, and if
every Republican will heod this warning and
act accordingly tho Republican ratty will
soon gain something in Schuylkill county
Let every Republicau resqL.0 to vote rtral&bt
moiicau resoL.0 t
eo thafllKcri
himself, aud seo
crublir-au neigh
borg do likewi
e we 1 1
JVf -.' lsV
W1LU L'UID. dk if Utf U
tue lam wan u e
Neuralgia anl Lu-.
Taken in Charge by a Pinker
ton Detective.
An Insurance Association I. the Complain
ant An lnvostl);4tl(ii Seem, to Show
That tho A reused Man Win 11s Much
Deceived us tlio Company.
fj HERE was an arrest in
town yesterday which
was important in many
respects. In tho first
placo it involved ono of
our prominent citizens,
and secondly it laid
bare tho systom by which a gigantic fraud is
perpetrated through tho agoncy of beneficial
and fraternal associations.
Boforo giving tho facts of tho caso it is but
fair to stato that tho investigation thus far
mado by tho Herald warrants tho assertion
that the townsman arrested is more a victim
of circumstances than an otTcndor and when
tho proper tlmo comes ho will bo able to
show that ho was as much Imposed upon as
thoso who caused tho arrest?
Yesterday tho town was visited by Do-
tcctivo C. W. Leary, of tlio Philadelphia'
Pinkcrtou sorvlco. The detective proceodod
to tho ollico of Justico Shoemaker and pre
sented a warrant for endorsement. After
this formality tho detoctlvo called upon Dr.
Ilochlerncr and placod him under arrest.
Detective Leary is not a stranger to Shen
andoah. Sevoral years ago ho spent somo-
time hero investigating tho robbery of
Daniel Ellis, which cose caused a groat sen
sation as the investigation cast somo very
unpleasant reflections upon somo of the
prominent men of that timo.
Tlio case in which Detective Leary acted
yesterday is one which reveals a system of
fraud practiced upon an insuranco concern
known as Tho National Fraternal Union of
Cincinnati, Ohio, Tills association pays $35
per week sick benefits to a certain class of
members. Three branches of the ordor wore
organized in Philadelphia by 0110 Dr.
Liohoman. According to tlio allegations
certain members of tho organization have
boeu collocting 4-35 per week benefits upon
certificates of illness issued by physicians
when in fact the parties drawing tho boncfits
havo been shamming illness.
Tho chargo upon which Dr. Hochlerner
was arrested yesterday is that he Issued a
certificate of illness which enabled a member
of tho association to draw boncfits to which
ho was not entitled by reason of any dis
ability. Detective Leary spent but littlo timo
hero. Immediately after tho arrest ho and
Dr. llochlernor loft for Philadelphia and very
few peoplo had any knowledge of tho affair.
A friend of tho doctor's stated last night
that tho accused man is more a victim of cir
cumstances. Some months ago, on account of
a change ownership of a local drug store, Dr.
Uochlcrner moved from town to Philadel
phia and while a resident of that city made
acquaintances which led to his appointment
as examining physician for the society
namod. A short timo ago tho Doctor moved
back to town and aftor that removal thoro
were certain exposures which led to tho im
plication of Dr. Hochlerner and several other
physicians still residing in Philadelphia.
According to the doctor's friends ho at
worst was interested in but one fraudulent
case and his action in that caso was not duo
to any design or voluntary act on his part,
but rather to fraud and doceptlon practiced
upon himself. As ono of tho friends gay,
"If a man throws himself upon his baok and
complains of a severe pain in his back and
side, what can the physician do but proscribe?
And that is the caso with Dr. Hochlerner.
Uo was called lu and finding tho man ill,
prescribed for him. When a certificate of
illness was asked for ho granted it."
The warrant upon which the arrest was
made was issued by Magistrate Polo of
Philadelphia ou October 17th, on oath of one
Don A. Phelps, a representative of the
Insuranco association, charging conspiracy
with intent to cheat and defraud. The delay
in tho execution of the warrant was duo to
tho doctor's removal from Philadelphia and
subsequent correspondence through Chief of
Police O'Uara, ot town, conducted for the
purpose of ascertaining whether the doctor
was a resident of this place.
Have you tried MaElhenuy's fried oysters ?
How to Vote If Not lteglntereil.
A great many voters nevor take the trouble
to ascertain whether or not they are rogis
tered. Any voter who has been a resident of
a district for the required time, aud can get
two men to swear to tho fai t. is entitled to a
1 vote whothor or not he is rcgist-red There
is ore quail" atlon, howtver required of .&
vo'" " r -j H vs
is - " nut- rJjj
4 m-M.i. HL -
I-Hwyor Sclmlck Injudiciously Monkeys"
With 11 llurz Huw.
Quito n number of town peoplo attended
tho Pottsvillo court yesterday to hoar argu
ments 'iu tho public water works injunction
casos. Tho suit of tlio Shenandoah Water
Company was postpone! until noxt Monday,
but tho arguments in tho easra of the Glrard
Estato and Thomas Coal Company woro
proceeded with and concluded. The oourt
reserved its decision.
Whllo A. W. Schalck, Esq., tho counsol for
tho borough of Shenandoah, was making his
argument his zealousneas in tho intorost of
hla clients got tlio uppor hand of his judg
ment aud ho alluded to Thomas Baird, super
intendent of tho Kohloy Run colliory. as
"Tommy" Baird. Tho superintendent, who
was ono in tho court room, became indig
nant and stated for tho information of tho
oourt that ho would not allow any man to
alludoto him as "Tommy." Tho lawyer
made an apology and tho argument proceeded.
Mr. Baird should bo applauded for his act
aud tho Judges should put a hridlo on tho
tongues of somo of tho lawyers. Thoro is
too much unseemly bullbonory lu tho court
rooms by mombors of tho legal fraternity
with swollod hoads and thoy should be re
quired to adhere as strictly as possiblo to tho
logitlmato lines of. arguraont. It is hard to
seo what point Mr. Schalck expected to gain
by making sarcastic slaps at Mr. Baird, but
tho noxt tlmo ho encounters that gontlcman
ho will probably romembor that ho has a
Tartar to doal with and ho a littlo more
Married this Morning.
Joun H. James and Misa Ada Shnpbell wero
united in matrimony this morning by Rov.
D. I. Evans, of tho Welsh Baptist church.
Tho ccVcmouy took placo ot tho parsonage of
tho church, and was witnessed by a fow of
tho Intlmato frlonds of tho contracting
parties. Miss Mamo Dillman and Ira
Shapboll, brother of the bride, wore brides
maid aud groomsman respectively. After
tho ceremony a recoption was hold at the
houso of the bride's parents, where tho
happy couplo received tho congratulations of
their largo circlo of friends. The Herald
joins tho latter in wishing them a long and
prosperous wedded life.
Consumption Cut-ed.
I commenced drinking Kadam's Microbo
Killer when very low with Consumption, tho
physicians finding mv luues closed almost
solid and pronouncing my caso beyond hop
or help. I am now a well man. Orlio
Shoots, Marlon, Ohio.
A Iteceptlnn.
Mombors of the English Baptist congrega
tion and their friends last evening tendered
a rocoption to their new pastor, Rev. W. H.
Harrison, at ills residence on West Chorry
street. An excellent supper was served and
fifty-fivo peoplo enjoyed it. Rev. Harrison has
already mado himself vory popular with tho
congregation aud his pastorate promises to
bo a vory successful 0110.
The Nurse's Dnllght.
Every experienced uurso knows tho value
of a remedy which, without being an
anodyne, will roliovo soronoss of tho limbs
or stiffness of tho joints, and onables a
patient to sleep qulotly and naturally. Jut
such a remedy aro Allcock's Porous Plasters.
Placed on the chest or on tho back, if noo-
essary cut into strips and placod over the
muscles of tho limbs, they work marvclsJn
tho way of soothing and quieting restlessness.
Being perfectly simplo and harmless in tholr
composition, they can bo uied frcoly, and
many a sufferer has thanked them for a
night of quiet rest, grateful both to him and
those who care for him.
liraudreth's Pills do not weaken the
Prof. Ehrhart came up from Pottsvillo to
vote to-day.
David R. Lewis, of North Main street, has
h en mado tho happy father of another
bouncing boy.
John T. Davis, formerly a mine foreman at
St. Nicholas, but now cugagod iu operating a
slate quarry at Slatington, was a visitor to
town last evening.
The colebrated imported "Anchor" Pain
Expeller is and ever will bo the best remedy
for all forms of Rheumatic diseases. 39 prize
medals awarded to the manufacturers of
this valuable preparation. For sale at C. H.
Uagenbuch, P. P. D. Klrliu, J. M. Hlllen,
and other druggists. 3t
"The Power of Woman,"
Madatuo Neuville in the rolo of Laura
Glenarm, the adventuress, displayed by far
tho best piece of emotional and sensational
acting seen here in years. She has an inter
esting face, a powerful voice and a magnificent
physique, and her acting held her auditors
trom the rise of the curtain. Her part com
bines sentiment, comedy aud emotion.
Boston Qlobe, Aug. 30fi. At Ferguson's
theatre on Thursday evening, Nov. 9th.
l'ull Keturm.
To-morrow's edition of the Hbbald will
contain full returns of the election from all
parts of tho county. Special telephone ar.
rangemcnts havo been mado for all the
latest and most important news from Girard
vllle, Ashland, Mahanoy City, Pottsvillo,
Tamaqua and other point.
Oraud Hall.
The first grand annual ball under the
auspices of the Lithuanian orehestra will be
hold in Robbing' opera bouse on Monday
evening, November Oth. The dancing music
will be furnished by the Solioppe orohestra.
Fried oystrs a specialty at MoBlhonny's
9-13. tf
Very UnfortuiMte.
David Howard, of Katt Line street, is
suffering a spell of misfortuue. Saturday his
son Ouy, one and a half years old, died.
Tho funeral took placo yesterday Three 01
his remaining chlMcn, aged resfrt ve .y 4
aufi u years, arc csw 11, sacj- ,
me: les aud pneuraonia
A Big Vote Will bt-To-day.
According to tlio ltepurts Thin For Itj
cnlved tlm ItepulilU-niis Are l'uttn- l'i
right Which May Turn Down tl
crntlc Majority,
this morning
woathor coaxlq
voters out oarlyl
thoy kept visiting
polls pretty steady bJ
uay long.
cast tip to
was a pretty strong ono at most of tl
but aftor tho noon hour tho people 1
tho polls. All tho collieries suspeudd
tiousnt noon aud that accounted
Tho olection is ono of tho hottest hjl
for several years and all tho candid.
their friends nro working liko beavci!
There was groat activity in town lastnlr
Tho candidates aud thoirNvorkors flittej
ami iro, on loot and in carrlagesTfa;
their final licks aud all sides claimed hi
tho night closed that thoy had overythli
ship-shape and tho voters could begid
battlo of tho ballots when thoy pleated,
Among tho most activo hustlers in the!
last night was "Jack" Toolo. He was oil
constant go from early ovoning until all
o'clock this morning, whon ho and Dls
Attorney Ryan took a P. & R. train.!
Mahanoy Piano. Tool evidently has
slept for sevoral nights, andjcertainlyiasj
closed his eyes during tho past thlrff
hours. Uo is making tho fight of his lllS
-i.wl .,-!,! .... tl 1: .
iw,umm 111a imsmon lA--8UCn
that nntM,,r .lin r.f ..U iff 41,
...... uuu, w. ouui fMgUI 1VH1 an ill o
bill. After n f.uv hnnm iln ., J r.. l.
......... UIMj tyv jixauuujf
Piano ho returned to town and sjient most of
tho day in tho First ward.
Ex-District Attoruoy K0U1, A. L, Shay,
Esq., and Hon. S. A. Losch spoat last night
and most of to-day in town. Losch also paid
a visit to Pottsvillo. Upon his return here
ho said to a Hkrald reporter: "Everything
looks fino. Wo have experienced men!
scattered all over the county with instructions!
to telegraph to headquarters tho Instant theyj
find anythiug liable to go wrong, and
such messages havo been received we lj
confident that everything is all right. PJ
villo will poll a tremendous Repubjl
Tho local Republicans are indultrine
quiet expressions of confldouce. Til
noon sevoral of them who had
thorough canvass of the town expresS
belief that tho Republican ticket will 11
majority in town. Severn was runniil
coptlonally strong and ho will certairl!
ahead of his ticket
Tho most lively field of battle was il
First ward. Unfortunately for the Rep3
cans tho Poles and Lithuanians of thj
wore split up to tho timo tho Herald!
its last report, still a largo number
peoplo were voting the Republican tlckjj
to-night's returns will show a big gain .
Democrats even in that ward. To the.
of Bierstein be it said that he worked
Trojan all day trying to wipe out thl
among his countrymen and it was sa.dl
this afternoon that he was making sons'
roads in spite of the powerful influence
he was obliged to combat.
Reports from the Fifth ward this
were to the effect that the German Dfl
were iu line for tho Republican tlcke
thn nTiuiiillAit iif VaIru- 1
it was noticeable to-rtay that fiero wa
.. .
little expression of enthusiasm among tl
Democrats, neither were the Repub)
jubilant, but there wag a spirit amoni
latter which seemed to throw out tho il
sinuation that something will drop to-night
and it won't be the Republican ticket
Downs' Elixir will euro any cough or cold
uo matter of how long standing. lm
Hoard of Health Itules.
By order of the Borough Council tho
Herald to day publishes the ordinance
conferring local jurisdiction upon the Board
of Health, together with the lules and regu
latlons whloh have been adopted for the
government of the body.
Use Wblls' Latjndby Blue, tha bei
Bluing for laundry use. Each package makcJj
two quarts. lBeta. Sold by Ooakley Bros.
A ItuiiHway.
A hone owned by John T. Graf ran away
ou Eweriek street yesterday afternoon, hav
ing been frightened by a passing train, but
was caught before it rau far and before any
damage was done.
C IIM1 per yarfl
2m U"f 6t 11
t lag UU 1 (qui