- " "' - --, .L. --.. k. iniiMiiiiru - i i ii. iii. i, ii inn . 1 L cnH IS e. r I m mi TIMES Do you ever consider the quality ot the food you are eating? It may be Rood. It m ght be lettr, puier, fresher and more wholesome. Il It not worth while to make sure that your Ten, Coffee, Sugar, Hutter, Kgirs, Kplses and Innumerable other groceries are ot the beet quality? There 1 such a trifling dtrerenoe In the prleee ot the beet and the worst that It cer tainly doe not pay to buy the worn!, even on the fatee ground of supposed economy. The nest In always the cheapest, because the moet satisfactory and durable, and tho very best of everything In the grocery line Is kept at Con Centre and Wliite Sts., hiii:nani)o,vii, ia. THIRD EDITION REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Supreme Judge, HON. D. NKWL1X FM,t., Philadelphia. State Treasurer, COL. AAMUKX M. JAOKfHJN, Armstrong Comity. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Additional Law Judge, WM, 1). 8HI.TZKH, Treasurer, D.VNIKL DHC1IMRT. I'rotlionotery, JAMR8 K. J1BKG.VN. Clerk of the Courts, AWJIBII J. SlIOHTAI.t,. Recorder, 1'IUS W. JlIHRSTMIh. Eogister, GJIAlir.KS O. M.YTTEif. Controller, HBN-JAMI.V R. SHYERS. County Commissioners, 1'itANic warn, CHAIltSS r. ALLBX. Director ot the Poor, JACOIl DAY. County Auditors,' 13MAKU11L JKNKVN, THOMAS E. SAMUELS. County Surveyor, JOSBJ'H W. QUAKY, Jit. POLITICAL POINTERS. A Tow Puiftliiu Thought on tho i:ulilni Cnminlgn. Candidate Blersteln, the noxt County Oorder, says ho "has tho Democrats ou tho jump." He also has the solid Republican party at his back. Jack Toole will receive his political death blow next Tuesday. A. J. Shortall will bo the exeeutlonor. Reduce the county taxes by electing honest nd oapablo men to tho various otlicos. They will be found on tho Ilupublloan ticket. "Oar own Ren" is daily driving nails into the political collin of Candidate Miilliollniid. Shenandoah now appears to bo tho battlo ground for the Democracy. And it is right here they will meet their Waterloo on Tues day. Mark the prediction. The man who is fooled once, is In no hurry to have the wool pulled over his eyes tho aeoond time. A Republican cyclone is due on Tuesday, and it will sweep everything on its route. The old soldiers are In no mood to vote for the party that brands them as paupers and thieves. Vote the straight Republican ticket. Kepublican candidate for Clerk of the OourtSiA. J. Shortall, spent yesterday in town ttnd did considerable work. Oscar Betterldge, tho president of tho Borough Council, will retiro from that body ext spring, his term expiring, and will bo a candidate for Chief Burgess, ' Mr. Scheurmau is a much defeated man, Moral, never fool with tho political buzz saw. The Democratic oaravan is finding it hard work to couvinco tho peoplo of this county that their party is tho party of reform. Severn will receive a larger vote in Shen andoah than any candidate on either ticket. "After tho vote is over," will bo tho funeral dirge at tho Democratic funeral. See that your Republican neighbor votes the straight ticket on Tuesday. JUtue's Family Medicine .Move the llowels JEtch day. Most peoplo need to use it. flave you tried McElhenny's fried oysters 912-tf AH Itinds of Ruling and Bookbinding dono tthe H bra li office. When Baby was stok, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she oried f or Oastorla. Whan she beoame Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wfcsa she had Children, she gave them Costorla. oystera a specialty at McElhenny's 9-18-tf Will Organize To-nlKlit. Gorit Harris will go to Girardville to- Might to re-organize the M. & L. A. A. Tho eualtte at that plaoe has hired a hall and nothing remains to be done save enrolment. On Tuesday evening, next, Mr. Harris will 44 rest a meeting in Bobbins' opera bouse md it is exMcted a re-organintiou of tho M. A L. A. A. will be effected. The retire many common llnlmenU told bu tlWM only one grei pal a cure for nil forms olieiralns, ruta, Bmlseiaod ail bodily ptln. iu mot U two f lag uu. uoaui oouim. Mold at P. P. D. KUllo'n Drag atore. ItitA oysters a specialty at MeKloenny'i Q-18-tf All ki-lsGf Legal BB VLB otllse. Blanks for sale at tho WINTER COMES But Indoor Life Need Not be Dreaded. Paine's Celery Compound Will ,rc New SttcMtk Aged and Infirm Must Look Well To Their Health. The Blood and Nerves Require Nourishment. Use of the Great Remedy That Makes People Well. The approaching winter oilers many dan Krs to shose whoso powers of reslstauco agalust disease aro lessened. Iudoor-lifo soon impoverishes Jtho blood and lowers tho tone of the nervous system Then a Blight oxposuro will easily precipi tate an enfeebled system Into serious illnoss. Tho aged and infirm must now look caro- fully to their health. Badly fed nerves must have moro abundant nutrition; ilio blood ro quires nourishment. l'aino's celery coin pound, tho remedy that makos peoplo well, should not bt used. Palno's celery compound gives now lifo and energy to the system. It is food for tho brain, it strengthens tho nervos, It makes tho weak strong. l'aino s celery compound for many yoars has met tho frank, outspoken approval of tho most eminent physicians; they havoanalyzod it, discussed it at their meetings, proscribed it and used it. To l'aino's celery compound a host of men and women owe their activitv and freedom from sickness. It keeps steadily at work tho yoir rouud in tho big cities anil in tho llttlo villages, bringing hope and glad uess to thousands of anxious hireos whero sicknofs is. It invigorates and strengthens, It makes peoplo well. Try It. I'UNMUXT l'All.VC.KAl'IIS. SMILES. Under a spreading mat of hair Tbo fool bull slugger stands. Tho "rush" a mighty man Is he, With thews like iron bands. He gHzes round upon the field Wlthcruol ghoulish glee, And tho more it lookB like a railroad, wreck The happier Is he. Senator Pefter drinks oyster soup by tho howl. Ho ovidoutly does not want to bo considered a clam. In many parts of Java the bride shows her subjection by washing tho feet of tho groom Don't you wish such a custom obtained In this country? For stern, cool and Impartial justice eom mend us to Waycross, Ga., where an eminent citizen of that place went Into tho store of another eminent oitlzen and without a word of warning put two bullets into o. c. No. 2. Ho was immediately placed under the enormous and unprecedented bond of $500. Quit itl Quit standing in front of some Main street businoss plaoe sqnirting filthy tobacco juice all over tho sidowalk so that ladles hato to havo to go by you. If you must bo a hog wait till you get outiido tho town limits whero there is plenty of room for you to display your ability In that lino. Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama aro cursed with "Whito Caps." If tho Bupply of ropo has given out iu those statos some of tho other states may havo a quantity to dispose of. Drop it I Drop it at onco, tho foolish idea that every young lady who looks at you is "dead gone" on you. You may bo very pretty, but Shenandoah girls have moro senso than you give them credit for, and are generally making fun of you when you think thoy aro mashed. Dou't you do It! Don't stand in tho middle of tho sidewalk gossiping with two or three companions and taking up so much of tho space that peoplo have to walk way nround you to get by. You never soo goutle men or ladles indulging in such conduct. Try and be a gentleman, try and bo a lady. Do not suppose that because It is recom mended for animals that Arnioa & Oil Lini ment is an offensive preparation. It will not stain clothing or the fairest skin. lru Kotlce. Office of thk COHMISStONRBS OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 5: POTTBVILLE, Pa., Oct. 31, 1S03, To the Judges of Elections of the several election districts of Schuylkill oounty, Pa. : Gkntlemhn: You aro hereby notified to call at the Commissioners' office, Monday, Nov. 6th, 1883, at 10 o'oloek a. m., to receive the ballots and other necessary material to bo used at the ensuing elections. By order of the County Commissioners. Attest : Phil. J. Connkll, Clerk. 10 31-0t Use Walls' Ladxdry Blue, the bu Bluing for laundry use. Bach package maVei Iwo quarts, lfiots. Sold by Ooakley Bros. KtrsyM trisl M';K; iieuny'i (Vied oysters? 12-tf tlWou Away. For sixty days Enagey, the photographer will give a 10x13 pHtlnnm pleturo with every loten at his $3 cablnoti. AN UNFORTUNATE HUNTER. tury Kupcrt Meets With Very Serious Accident. Vestorday morning Henry ltupert, a young man residing ou Wost Coal street, went ovor to tho Catawlssa Valley to hunt for rabbits. While ou his journoy ho carried tho gun In his right hand. Upon oWrving a movement which ho supposed was that of gamo, Rupert mado a spring for a rock and in doing so tripped. In tho fall tho trigger of tho gun struck a tree and tho chargo attacked Rupert's loft hand, Tho young man fell lnsensiblo at tho time, but upon recovering from tho shock sought assistanco at a neigh boring farm house and was taken to tho Miners' Hospital. Dr. .T. C. Kiddle, tho superintendent of tho hospital, took chargo of tho caso and amputated tho hand. In tesponso to a mossago to-day tho hospital authorities said Huport's condition was very favorablo. USE DANA'S 8AESAPARII,LA,ITS "THE KIND THAT COKES." A Narrow !-lnipe. Tho nine yur-old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Hacssler, of Turkey Run, camo near ending her lifo in a inino breach yesterday, Tho llttlo girl, among other children, was playing near tho edgo of a mino breach filled with water, between Turkoy Itun and tho Cambridgo colliery, and accidently fell in. Sho was slnklDg for tho third timo when a passer-by pulled hor out. Had her rescuer been a few minutes later sho would havo been drowned. Call mid Sfo Them. The Herald has just received the finest samplos of programs, foldors, announcement eards, tickets, menus, badges, 60uvcnlrs visiting cards, wedding and reception invi tations, show oards, tassels, etc., over placed on tho market. They aro works of superior art and very uniquo in doslgn. Organiza tions or individual partlos when in need of anything iu tho above lino will do well by giving us a call and examining tho samples. Wo are suro wo enn ploaso you both in work and price. The Host of Ui'lisoiip". Tho reason why Alloock's Porous Plasters aro popular is that thoy may ho relied on to cure 1. Lame back, sciatica, stiffness or twitch ing of tho muscles. 2. Chest troubles, such as pleurisy, pneu monia, consumption. 3. Indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, kid ney complaint. Tho suecefs, howover, will depend upon tho genuineness of tho pHstcr used. Tho popu larity of Al'rmk's Porous Plasters has been so great that multitudes of imitations have sprung up on ovcry hand. Tho only sure euro is to get the genuine Alloock's Porous Pias ters. Brandreth's Pills Improve tho digestion. Letter 1.1st. The following letters remain uncalled for at the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post offloo. November 4, 1893: Agnow C. K. Doltee Kdwln V. Alexander Ii. F. Slothower J. W. Partlos oalllng for advertised lotters should Dloase ay "n-ivertlscd." Ono oent will be jharged on all advertised letters. H. C. BorEit, P. M, Ministerial A-otliltloo. Tho Ministerial Association will hold an important meoting iu tho Trinity Reformed church on Monday afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock. It is expected that all clergymen will attend this meeting, as businoss of much importauco will como up for consideration. Best work dono at Brennan's steam laim drv. Everything white and Bpotless. Lace curtain a specialty- AH work guaranteed MISCELLANEOUS. TOIl 8.VL15 Nine shares HchuyHrtll Trac- JJ tlon HtoCK. Appiy ai mw orace. v-u P ion HALE CHE VI'. A brand now Standard Sewing Machine. Apply at tins o trice, u F OR SALE. A good horse. Apply at J. F Cleary a Drilling esiaousnment. 10 35-lw Toit HALli A National typewriter In per JL' tect condition, wri do soiq cnop it o,ish. Apply at this office. 0-11-if T ADIES who will do wrltlug for me at their lj nomes win juaito guou wiiKo. nqiiy tm &elf-aauren3ea, stamped envelope, .mism siiu DHEU MlLur.K, souin licna, ma. ll-z zi umiiirt llisl HHllTrni In every lUUlMU mm .YttfMICUl County to nail up Signs and distribute Circulars. Good pay tend8tamo. Calhoun County Advertls, inn Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. 11 3 lmo, infi Pi'1' CUNT. Earned by our syndtcato I II II In Bit months Little capital may he " w v multtnlied hv oursrstoai otSDeculallne. Wo are expert judges of the market and sue- cessiui operators. W. R. FRAZIER & CO., Brokers. Pittsburg, Pa, 10-JMm. r. ilOand W0. Oenu'ne Confederate Hill v,Ji only tivo cents each; JoO and Sluo bills 10 cents each; Sio and 50c shtnolasters 10 cents each; il and ii bills 3o cants each. Hent me ourely sealed on receipt of price Address, Chas. D. Barker, 90 8. Forsyth St.. Atlauta Gn. 11-3-lt alURKEUA KOlt MEN ONLY. For Old Men; for Young Men. Turkera is the greatest developer and restorer known to man kind. Lost Vigor, weakness and pulns iu the back permanently cured. Success guaranteed. Price only M.W. Send for sealea circulars. DR.MAIBON, 997 Walnut St., Philadelphia. I'a. 7-29-s w 13t. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away Is the truthful, startling title ot a little hook that tells all about No to-bic, the wonderful, harmless Guaranteed tobaooo habit cure. The coat is trilling and the man who wants to quit 1 nd can't runs no physical or financial risk In using "No to-bae " Hold by all druggists. lluok at drug stores or by mall free. A ddress Tee Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral Springs, lnd; w& g-ly 1.1STATE OP EXOWER WALE WICK : 111 Letters of Administration on the estate of J'.-.ower Walowloz, late of West Mahanoy township, Schuylkill oounty, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been gruntel to John J. Dobbin, residing in the borough ot Shenandoah, oounty and stato aforesaid, to whom all persons Indebted to slid estate nre requested to make payment, and those having claim,) aud demands will make known the same without delay. John J. Uobuik, Administrator Ootober U, 18U3. 0 . o 11 w AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Schuylkill oounty. In the mat ter of the estate of John ti Ev.uis. deceased The undersigned auditor, appointed ty the said court to make distribution of the funds la the hands of Noah J Oweus, udmlnlsfator of the aid estate, will meet all parties interested therein, on Thursday. November 18ih. IsWi, at 9 o'oloek a. at., at his office , rooms Nos I and 2, aeoond noor Beddal ' buddlrg on the North west corner of Malu and Centre streets, isneu aodoah, Pa., when and where all oUlms must B presented before the auditor or be forever tttwwrrou inwi wwioi 1 1 uimmi mmn imm. J. K. DOYLE. Auditor. Bhenandeah, l'a Oet. 18, im. U-lB4t-oaw Notice. Prof. T. J. Wntson has returned to Shen andoah and will glvo instructions on tho violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin. Applica tions at Rrumm's Jowolry storo will rccelvo prumpt attention. II I Gt Pittsburg Novelty Store Is prepared to furnish all Us patrons with tbo best lino of CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES! Chlnawarc, Quoenswaro and Glassware, ttpeoial salo this week! No. 25 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. P.J. 28 South Main Street. largainsT Henriettas, special in nil ehades, a good ono, 7oo per yard, worth DOc. Standard Prints, 5c. A largo assortment of Ladles Cashmero Glovos to close out cheap. Good Ginghams, 4c and Cc, worth 7c and 8c, A lot of Floor Oilcloths to closo out at 15c, original prlco, 23c. Dross Cloths a specialty. From 25 to 75 pieces in tho best shades. A big drlvo in Underwear. Gents' Red Shirts, all wool, vsc, loriner prlco, $l.uu. IIR LAU1F GAUMRNT DEPARTMENT! Is complete All now and stylish goods and at pricos beyond competition. i v a 5k3?p e tei This Department is comnlole, embracing lull liuo of Jvag, Ingrains and llrussels at tho lowest prices or any. Shawls, Blankets, Notions, Corsets, Children's Garments And a job in Velvet to soli at COc, worth Sl.uo. Acknowledging no competition in tho trade, I assuro you bargains in ovcry department nt tho old reliable stand. a8 ROU7TIX MAIN STREET. AMUSEMENTS. F EliaUSONS THEATHE. F. J. FEltC.UBON, MANAGKIt. ONE NIGHT ONU ! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th. The Premier Farce Comedy SucceB, PORTING The A" "'Craze! FUNNY COMEDIANS' PRETTY GIRLS! All the Latest and Host SONGS! DANCE-51 MUSIC SPECIALTIES! Pricet). 25 1 35 and 50 Cent Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug storo. JjlEUGUSON'S TUEATHE. V. J. FBUOnSOS, UANAQEB. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 3IA.IJA.aiI3 KEtTVIUE and her son AUGUSTIN NEUVILLE And a Company of Competent Performers In a Grand bcenlc Production, PR 01 10 tons of Scenery. 4 Hevolvln? Scenes In one act. The Old Mill and Cascade ot Heal Water. A cenulne Locomotive run bv steam for three minutes ot tho rate of 25 miles an hour. The most startling ana reallst'.o me cnamcai cuecis ever acnievca in meioaraina. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cents Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store. Curtain raises at 7:45 p. m. W. J. DECH'S Wheelwright Shop Has been removed to Pear Alley, 0 lletwocn Centre and Lloya Streets. "VVIioaI wricrlit. worV flnrrincrrt mul Wagon building, ilorseahoenig and uenoral Itopainng ot a kinds promptly attended to. J. H. OALLEN. No 31 South Jar Jin Street. Shenandoah. Office Hours: 1i30 to 3 and U:30 to K P. il Exoept Thursday evening. A'o office work on Sutfiau exeent bu nrranat- ment. A strict adherence to the office hours m (UHotuuiy Mteeuaru. 10 31 6m NKUIT CALLS DOUHI.i:. H. F. FAUST'S Electric Call Bell and Burglar Alarm! Simple, Perteot and Cheap. H very body do lighted with It. Orders loft at 180 wuth Jar din street, Hhenandoih. Pa., will be promptly attended to. 13. J. Late of humokln, has optned a MARBLE : YARD ! 128 N. West Street, Shenandoah, I'a He Is prepared to receive orders for all kinds of monument and tombstone work, which will be done in a Bret class manner ou thort notlee and reasonable terms. II Hi POUR Of WOMAN Dailsin Dives, Pomeroy and POTTSVIIjIjE, pa. Constantly we hear business ing1, 1 can t see how they sell goods so cheap at Dives, irome roy & Stewart's. They sell goods at retail cheaper than I can buy them at wholesale." Quantity and Small Margins, il na were This Question. Our big store is the place to get the most for your money. Try it and see what a large amount of goods you can buy for dollar. At Our Millinery Department You ctiu get a new liat of tho latest style at almost any price. Hats to suit all in price as well as lu style. You cau't find a larger or better assortment of the millinery art than what we have. IN WRAPS Wo are at tho top, ufactured goods. Ladles', misses' and children's coats, capes and circulars at surprisingly low prices. A vast amount have been sold, but new goods are received daily. Bo come at any time and we will be glad to serve you. We always have bargains at this department, but now wo have something special. A lot of all-wool Zebra Cloth, cost the Importer ninety cents, but he cash at great reduction. A lot of 40-iucli all-wool Serges for our notice before 'tis too late. Another lot of 30-Inch Camel's Hair teuiiou 13 neeueu 10 eeo tueso kuous, us BITES. POMEROY L STEWART' 5 and 7 North C. GEO. MILLER. Manager. 10 Barrels lOo Shell Tumblers 5o each 100 Stand Lamps, worth 8T,c 28c " 200 Dovor Egfi Heaters, worth 10c. 80 " 50 Glass Egg Boaters, worth 50c .35o " Lot 6-foot Bamboo Easels, worth f 1 00...7ue " LotSquart Graduated Tin Duckets lOo " Wo havo on hand tho finest assortment of Dolls in tho county, and will il tho following liberal oiler: amount of 50o or over will above date. To avoid tho GIRVIN. DUNCAN & WAIDLEY' 3 (C3-u.t3a. It!S:t.l33i istreot. Elcgance in Stationery. You nre careful about your writing paper, of course nothing shows good breeding more cioariy man correct correspondence. But your little notes to "the butcher, the baker, the candle-stick maker," do not need to be on such fine quality-paper as your epistles to friends. You can save money there by using our cheaper grades of paper and envelopes. The best Is here also the next best. Both correct In every way. HOOKS 4 North Main & BROWN, Street, Shenandoah, No. Pa LOTS Of holes in a skimmer! Lots of ways of throwing away money. One oi the best methods of economizing ts to insure either life, tiro or accident, Buch as represented y 33-iWIX FATiaT, No. 130 South Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa, WALL PAPER! BARGAINS ! Big Eeduction In Walt Paper. Must make room for an enor mous Spring Stock. : : ; : JOHN - P. - CARDEN, 324 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Just opened in tho Egan Building, No. 8 East Centre street, a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery. Miss Annio Morrison, SHEriANDOAH, 1A Ruiefcct Shoe r,iiccHt Jfluat Shoe Dressing! AT TiLfc . LEATHER STORE 18 w . Oontro St.. JOHN D, TKKZlBH. Bargains! Stewart's, men from other towns say too, with all the lending and latest man 54 inches wide, for 39c. These goods needed funds and we bought the job for . 33oaynrd. This material is worth! . Effect Cloth at 17c. Your early at-J uiey win k very (iuiukiv. Centre Street, FA. 5 PRTTIAY flWTI RflTnRnAV nMT.V ....NOVEMBER 3 AND 4, 189, 1 Barrel Ammonia, largo bottles 7c ei 1 Barrel Glass Cream Jugs, worth 10c !o , 50 Opal Uread Plates, worth 25c loo 1 Barrel Celery Stands, worth 25 15o 500 Saucers only, worth 5c So I Barrel Wlco Glasses, worib 5c 2o . Any ono purchasing ono or moro Dolls t'l receive, ireo of charge, a uico Doll's Chair oi; rush como early. j- RETTIG'S Beer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the X Chas. Kettle's Cele brated Beer and Porter in J this vicinity, also Bergner 3 & Eugel's celebrated India j Pale Ales and Old Stock, j Orders will receive prompt 7 attention. Finest brands i of Liquors and Cigars. j SOLOMON IIAAK- j 120 South Main Street.n The Man Who Wrote the "if-" 7iever cares to vancr . J'Vom his own fliu side, was ln'plred while slttlnp beforo one if "f IIeater. I also have on hand tiif brs' I and Ranges In the market and a large 1 iiouseiurnisning uoons. vi it , and Spouting a speclulty. All work guu 4 i'. t-J. SV i h Cor. of Lloyd and White St BhenamjJej - UOL' 139 Hoiilh Main Utrct SbLortaxiclooli, X All work guaranteed to be flrst-cla.-, rested. We respeotfuily solicit your patronage. Uoods called for na Vex a. XTasit anl CXca- CHAS. DERR'S SHAVING H Afe Mvory tniog in me lonsonai line di