The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 31, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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Xl Hi
VOL. VHI.-NO. 207.
It has been our aim to combino modcralbn in price with oxccllcnco in
quality anil stylo. Wo bcllovo that wo will bo justified in saying that our repu
tation has been made by tho welding together of theso tliroo links. Tho cold
wavo is here call oarly to get your selections in
Misses' and Children's Coats!
i to U yoars $2.00 to $8.00, according to valuo of the cloth.
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
A Full
Line of
These aro Goodyear goods
assortment is tho largest
latest styles in
Ladies', Gents' and
Wo handle none but tho best
lowest prices. Call and
rnces to bmt the limes--
People's Store !
Men's Grey Undershirts lie
Men's Ued Flannel Hhlrts 60c
Boys' Qrey Bhlrts and Drawers J5o
Men's Wool Ovorshlrt, lacod front .7)0
II Line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
Conio early in older to
For Sale To-day !
at $5.00 per Barrel.
1UU Uarrels U Uhh
50 Barrels "OLD TIME" FAMILY FLOUR at $4.00
per Barrol.
Mb iiarrois "UL.1J
make. Guaranteed Strictly Puro Ryo and not
mixture of Low Grade "Wheat Flour.
Frosh Ground.
3000 Bushels NEW OATS.
1000 Bushels OLD CORN.
50 Tons Choice No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY.
10 Tons PURE CHOP. Wo grind our own Chop and
guarantee it to
grain. Wo do
"VTEW Bloator Mackrol, now No. 1 Mackrol, now
Ramus, Prunos
Tea for ono dollar:
cans lor 25c ; new Pie
You aro a business man, and usel to
straight forward business talk facta facts
facts. Your wlfo has boon looking for a
Sewing Machines,
Chamber Suit,
Parlor Suit,
Or something olso in our lino. Why not buy
it now. Wo bio Belling cheaper than over.
Kxjbbeks !
and tho best in tho market. Our
in tho region and comprises the
Children's Shoes!
make of goods and soil at tho
be convinced
14 South Main Street,
Hoys' Flnnnotte Jackets 23c
Men's Qrey Wool Wooks, per pair 15c
Children's Wool lloso, per pair IOo
Ladles' Mack Hose, taut color, ner pair.. 7c
at Prices that will Astonish You !
securo the Rest Selections.
TOT 121 North Main Street,
KULiJjJSK DlAJUlt at 4.50 per
time" kie D'liUUK our own
bo mado of clean, sound whole
not grind corn cobs nor oat hulls,
and Citron ; lour pounds of good
now Salmon, oxtra quality, two
Poaches, threo cans for 25c.
Style! Price! i
A Verdict in the Loujjofski
ho Iteport That Rlio Was Intoxicated
AVIipii Hi-r ClilM Kerch oil tho TerrlMu
Itjurlcs Had no rouiulatlon Important
Developments Upectt:l In Aitothor Case.
i OltONKR'S inquests aro
il becoming quite fre
quent. Deputy Coroner
Manloy hold ono last
night anil lias two moro
slated for this week.
Last night ho and his
jury spent about two
hours examining wit
nesses to sco if there
was any grounds tor
the reports of criminal nogligonco in connec
tion with tho death of little Ellio Longofski,
tho Polish child who was burned to death at
her parents residence on West Line street.
A uumbor of witnesses wcro oalled and
Senator Monaghau, tho foreman of tho jury,
subjected oach to a searching inquiry.
Special attontion was directed to the report
that at tho timo tho child was burned the
mother was intoxicated, hut tho testimony
adduced showed that tho roport was false. It
was accounted for by testimony showing that
tho mother was in a neighbor's houso and a
woman was sent out for a can of boor just
about tho timo tho accident occurred.
Sirs. Longofski sworo that sho had taken
no intoxicants that morning and tho other
witnossos sworo they had not seen her drink
anything and sho was perfectly sober, Tho
jury rondcred a verdict of accidental death
and exonerated tho mother from all blamo.
Immediately after the concluiion of the
Longofski inquest Deputy Mauley and his
jury proceeded to Emerick street to viow the
body of StaulslawLansburg, a miner who was
killed at the Suffolk oolliery yesterday after
noon. From the facte gleaned at tho houso it ap-
poars that Lansburg and ono Jaoob Pros'
nofski were at work in a broat of tho cob
liery when a fall of top rock occurred,
Lausburg was instantly killed and Pro
noskl was uailty crushed. Tho latter was
taken to tho Minors' Hospital.
On Thursday ovening Deputy Coroner Man
loy will hold an inquest on tho body of thocliild
found near the Polish cemetery on Saturday.
It is oxpected there will be somo important
and sensational developments in tho case Somo
very important ovidenco has been gleaned
and more will bo secured by tho timo tho in
quest is held.
The "Herald" nc tlio World's l'alr.
Board or Would's.Fair Manaorkf, 1
Pennsylvania State Building,
Ciiicao.0, October 25, 1803. J
Editor Hkrald: The oud of our great
fair is near at hand, Tho state building
closes Oct. 31. And in the name of th
many readers who have enjoyed your paper-
whioh has been kept continually on file I
offer tbankB for your liberality. But you
might close tho mailing list here Saturday,
tho 28th in9t. Tho exposition Is now uul
vorsally acknowledged to be a wonderful
success, and Penutylvanla's exhibit all along
tho lino is conceded to stand among the first
Thanking you again, I am, very respectfully,
A. B. Farquhar,
Executivo Commissioner.
The Heat of Keilsous,
Tho reason why Allcock's Poroui Plasters
aro popular is that thoy may bo rolled on to
1. Lamo back, sciatica, stiffness or twitch
ing of the muscles.
2. Chest troubles, sueli as pleurisy, pneu
xnonia, consumption.
3. Indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, kid'
ney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon the
genuineness of tho piaster used. The popu
larlty of Allcock's Porous Plasters has been
so great that multitudes of imitations have
sprung upon every hand. Tho only suro cure
is to get tho genuine Allcock's Porous Plas
Brandreth's Pills improve the digestion.
Fried oysters a specialty at
Congrofrutloiml meeting.
Thero will bo an important congregational
moetlng of tho Presbyterian church to'
morrow (Wodnosday) ovening at 8 o'clock
A full attendance is requested. Rev. John
E. Linn, Moderator, of Pottsville, will pre
Chocolate Tea.
Miss Jesso Grant will give a chocolate tea,
for tho benefit of the Presbyterian church
parsonage fund, this (Tuesday) ovening.
cordial invitation extended to all.
Hcliool Hoard.
A regular meeting of the School Board will
be held iu the Superintendent's oflioe to
morrow evening at 7 o'olook.
File Coplos Wttnted.
Two copies of the Bvbnin9 Hhrald
of Aug, 19 wanted to complete files. A lib
era! price will be paid for same.
What Hp Sens mid Ilmirs During Ills
The other day a woman attempted to cross
Main street as a runaway team approached.
Sho turned and went back to tho pavement
with a smile upon her face, but after the
team iassed her sho gave vent to a series of
cries aud seomed about to faint. When a
man's courage gives out It is usually in tho
faco of danger. Tho womau doesn't think to
get frightened until the peril is all over.
Then sho exercises tho prerogatives of her
sex aud cries or faints or Heps, as tho oase
may bo. It's n historic fact that Joan of Arc
wanted to run away and hide every timo sho
won a battle. Fcmlnlno naturo hasn't
changed In this respect in tho past 400 years.
Why is It that tho skin game man wishes
to victimize anybody by means of tho ancient
nnd fishy smolliiig dovlco of palming off n
tin box of green piper under the delusion
that It contains $1,500 worth of good counter
feit bank bills, ho always selects a farmer?
A trio of rascals wero recently oaptured with
19 boxes of green paper, cut in shape of bank
bills, and all their other efloete. Among
those effects wero books marked on the out-
file, .Select lists of limners, Is It any
wonder that sharks aud sharpers of all classes
chooso farmers for their prey, when the
average ruralist can bo imposed on by tho
superannuated device of a box of green paper
in lieu of counterfeit money? Of course it
serves a man exactly right if he should lose
all tho mouoy ho has whilo ho Is engaged in
anything so dishonest as trafllc in counterfeit
monoy, but the oxasperatlng part is that any
man is left in this Union who 1 such a
"I nover was moro firmly convincod of tho
powor of Imagination," said John Finnoy
)ast night, "than I was by something that
happened to me on tho occasion of a recent
visit to a friond in Philadelphia. It had
been an oxtromoly hot day, and when
went to bed at night tho boat seemed almost
insupportable. It soeraed to mo that if I
should open tho door from my room Into the
hall it would make a Httlo circulation and
mako tho air more comfortable; and I felt
safo in doing this because I am an early riser.
and I knew I could get tho door shut before
anybody was stirring in tho morning. So I
opened the door, with the pleasant result
that I had anticipated, aud when I went to
close It In the morning I found that I had
opened, not the door into the hall, but the
door into a closet."
Some of those sharp Philadelphia folks are
playing a now game and are being enriched
at tho oxponso of many Shenandoahites.
Probably other towns In the country are be
ing worked similarly. Ono day last week s
prominent Shenandoah mau rocoived a pack
ago by express marked C. O. D. $3 75 aud
with an oxpress label on it showing that the
packago was shipped from Philadelphia. Tho
merchant's wife was in that city and thinking
of coume that sho had mado, the purchase and
sent tho goods, ho p lid tho money and also
the express charges, laying the package aside.
When the wife loturned he asked her what
was In It. She knew nothing of any package
and the mysterious parcel was opened. It
contained five bottles of patent medicine,
The express company was notified, but it
could do nothing. The package had simply
been shipped from Philadelphia and it had
collected tho mouey for the shipper and had
turned it over to him. Soveral other Shenan
doah people have been fooled tho same way.
Tho Philadelphia firm is an Irresponsible one
aud there is no way to collect the money
after it is once turned over to them. The
best way to do is to find out what is in an ox-
press package heforo paying charges on it.
Fashion is a fickle wench, and It makes but
little difference what sho touches ; it does
not make her any tho moro true. Only last
winter and for several winters past tho
chrysanthemum was tho most fashionablo of
flowers. Of course the truly beautiful among
flowers, like tho rose and tho pansy, are al
ways popular and always will he, but oven
the rose was obsenred and the modest little
violet completely hidden by the Hiring oolors
and tho oabbage like proportions of tho
chrysanthemum. Tho larger the flower, the
better it was liked. But according to a
florist, the chrysanthemum this season will no
longer be fashionable among those well
informed. Like the tulip, it is still more or
less admired, but also like the tulip, it's real
standing is gone. According to this florist,
the chrysanthemum was taken up by
fashion, not because it is especially beautiful,
but because fashion needs mast have some
thing upon whloh to lavish its admiration.
Tho rose will be the flower of fashion this
winter, aud the florists are happy. The
ohrysanthemum is a hardy flower and remains
frosh so long, that florists, while it was
popular among flowers, found that their sales
were materially deoreased. Obe.
Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally good for
man and boast 25 and 50 cents per bottlo.
Hear Iu Mind.
John A. Bellly's is the place to get the
purest wines and liquors, best beer and ales
and finest brands of cigars. 10-lG-tf
It has been proven by living witnesses that
Pan-Tina Is a remarkable specific for toe quick
Him nf tli a dltfieult and dangerous Uiratuaml
lung troubles Its equal eanl be found. Oosu
7b cents. IVn-Tlna U sold at F. P. II. KlrUu's
4rog store.
Bay JCtfttons flour. Be sure that the
naoe Laws Sc. IUbk, Atbland. Pa, is
prlntod on very atmfc. IMMtaw.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
I'll Ul
Much Time Consumed by the
Stubborn Fights Will bo Stndo on tho
litfllllrtloii ami no Mutter Which SI (to
Wins tho Canes Will lo to tho Supremo
HE Injunction suits of
tho Qirard Estate and
Thomas Coal Company
against tho borough
occupied the attention
of tho court at Potts
ville all of yesterday
afternoon and were
continued to-day. The
arguments aro on the temporary injunctions
secured to restrain tho borough from con
structing its No.'2 reservoir on the lands of
the Qirard Estate
The application for an injunction by the
Shenandoah Water Company was also to
have beon argued yesterday, but was post
poned on account of tho Illness of counsel.
Tho borough presented to tho court now
bonds of indemnity to take the placeof thoso
presented to tho court previously and which
wore objected to by tho counsel for tho
Qirard Estato and Thomas Coal Company.
Among tho objections made to tho first bonds
wero tho specifications that tho penalty of
tho bonds wcro not sulllcient aud that tho
Borough Council had not authorized their
issuance. The bonds presented yesterday
were issued in pursuance of roholutlons
adopted at tho last meeting of Council and
the penalties havo been increased to $100,000
Everything indicates that the existing
battles will be prolonged as well as decisive
whatever decisions may be made in the
oases will not be accepted by the parties
as final. But It will be several months
before the ond will be reached. A repre
sentative of tho complainants has said that
if the county court ahonld render an adverse
decision the case will be taken to the supremo
court and some of the borough officials have
made an Intimation to similar offset.
The litigations will be as expensive as
lengthy and tho printers will have a harvest
in printing the papers for presentation of tho
cusu to tho Supreme Court. An Idea of the
stubborn battlo may be formed from tho
statement that the Thomas Coal Company
presented upwards of 160 affidavits to the
court nnd tho borough claimed to have 125.
The affidavits were made by people who
consldored that the construction of the
reservoir and laying of tho pipes wonld
endanger the lives of the men employed in
the Kehley Run colliery and by people who
think otherwise.
Something; Minted.
To the Editor ot tbe Herald.
Mr. Obe, of the IIekald, is a pretty wide'
awake man and few things worthy of atteu
tion escape the jabs of his pungent pen, bnt
there is ono matter which has escaped his
attention and I take tho liberty to remind
him of it. There is a well authenticated
story of an alliance between a young oouplo
who are residents of a place not a thousand
miles from Shenandoah and should the lull
force of light be thrown upon it the ripple of
excitement which will follow will dovelop
into a nlno days wonder. Tho meetings
this couplo aro beginning to bo tho talk
that town now and should tho comments
reach the oars of their immediate friends it
will causo such a rupture as may rend
asunder at least ono family. 1 ho 'young
lady is accomplished, beloved by her friends,
and to havo hor roalia) the full weight of her
actions wonld be received by them as a
blesslug. She has always been considered
sensible and discreet, but of late hor steps
have caused her friends much disappoint'
inent. I do not wish to bo sensational, or
oreate a sensation, but simply aim to sound a
warning which I deem justifiable.
N. I. Orb,
Shenandoah, Out, 28, 1893.
Miss Cora Christian, of Ashland, is visiting
relatives in town.
II. J. Yost visited New Blnggold and Mo
Keausburg yesterday.
Hon. Charles N. Brumm, of Minersville,
was in town to-day and left for Glrardvillo
this afternoon.
'The Fairies' Well."
What was once an excellent play was pie'
sen tod at Ferguson's theatre last night In
badly mutilated condition. George II. Tim
moos beaded the company and gave satisrao
Hon, but the audience was sorely disappointed
to And that he, or his mauager, has been
aclaed by the "specialty" erase and intarup
ed the action of the play by introducing time
killers. Tbe original play afforded aatteiaut
tang1 and chutes. Tbe seenie aad stag
effects also lacked the completeness of former
productions. The quartette was good.
Tho M. I,. A. A. .Hrvtiinf on WiMlnrmhiv
Will hu II Ik.
The indications are that the meeting whleh
George Harris has arrangod for to morrow
ftcrnoon In Bobbins' opera house will be
ono of the largest and most Important held
u the town for several years. Inquiry lias
led to tho discovery that the minors and
laliorois of tho town as well as tho neigh
boring towns aro anxious for organisation
aud will bo on hand when tho propor tim
comes to Institute the branches of tho M. A,
A. A. A striking foaturo of tho situation
tho intense enthusiasm exhibited by tho,
Polish and Lithuanian people A rcjiortor
was informed last night by a representative
of theso people that thoy already havo an
organisation with labor as oue of its prin
cipal topics of discussion aud only a few
weeks ago n comtnlttco was appointed to try
and get tho miners of other nationalities to
co-operate In n labor movement. l)r
Sidupas will bo ono of tho speakers at Wed-
esday's meeting.
Itapftl 1'roftrofH.
Tho construction of tho Lakeside Electric
Hallway is going ahead as" rapidly as hard
and persistent labur can make it go. Tint
trench from Main street to Market alley wiW
made ready for the sills and rails this morn
ing and the navvies started digging up the
street between Market alley and While ,
street. The force of workmen will be in
creased dally until it numbers in the neigh
borhood of four hundred. It is remarkable
that in tho face of this rapid work there are
some peoplo in town who maintain that the
company is only bluffing the peoplo. If tho
company wanted to mako a bluff it would
not bo obliged to undergo its present expcn&e.
Threo or four men could easily lay a length of
rail. Furthermore, those doubtful Thomases
on't seem to leallze that tho Lakeside com
pany has already expended about $0,000 in
grading aud making other arrangements for
the construction of tho lino. Tills persistent
roaking makes peoplo tired.
Have you tried MoElhonny'g fried oysters t
Wry lilliid.
Some time since attention of parents and
guardians was callod to their children and
wards who are in their teens and who make
practice of flirting and gallanting with
drummers and strangers, but of late the cause
for romark seems to havo become mora
notorious than ever. The young girls referred
to are respectably connected and their par
ents are among the most prominent people in
the town, yet they would thank no one who
would take the trouble to inform tUm of the
facts. People who will not see farther than,
their noses need something harder than mere
words to make them understand the situa
tion and they will get it If they don't arouse:
For a mild cathartio and efficient tonic, nse
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle
warranted. lta
Exaggerated Ittporr.
There was a cave-in of mine workings-
near the Cambridge colliery on Sunday which
pulled down a part of tbo embankment of
the Pennsylvania railroad cued for coal
trafflo by the Wm. Peun Coal Company.
Some newspaper eorrespond-nts with more
imagination than good judgment wired
reports to their papers that seventy feet of the
railroad bed had been pulled down and the
Wm. Penn colliery was idle in consequeneeoC
the cave-in. On the contrary the road bed
was not damaged and the operations of the
colliery was not interfered with.
Fried oysters a specialty at MoElhenny's
lror-HxloiiHl Visit.
Dr. J. W. Colo intends visiting this town
every week anil will make his office at tho
Ferguson House. Tho hours will be from 'J
a. m. to 7 p. m. overy Monday, Dr. Cole is
well known throughout the coal region as a
physician and surgeon of great repute. He
will treat all forms of chronic diseases of the
blood. The doctor makes a specialty of
catarrh and he has gained an enviable)
reputation in the treatment of this wide
spread malady. Consultation on Monday-
free of charge. 10 31 3t
John Kols, a miner residing on Market
alley, was severely injured by a fell of cost
in a breast of the St. Nicholas colliery thU
morning. The injuries consist of sever ettu.
tusions of the backhand shoulders. Kois was'
taken to tho Miners' Hospital.
License Transferred.
Tho saloon license which was held by
William Yodkois, now deceased, was yester
day transferred to bis wife.
Livery stable keepers should always Veep
Arnica & Oil Liniment in the stable, nothing
like it for horses. Ira
All kinds of Legal Blanks for sale at thai
IIhbald oflioe.
Uss Wblls' Lauxdby, the bet
Bluing for laundry use. Saab, package sake
two quarts. lfMs. Sold by Coakley Btes.
CKNTs? mr yard for Oilcloth
tUt will ou algtit, OthttM tot
86o, 46o, and upwards. All
grade of irWy Carpet. Oil lot bar
gains, c 1). KrlGlco'n carpet
Store, 10 South Jardlu Stit.