The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 27, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VHI.-NO. 204
5 "Hj
Quality! Style! Price !
It has been our aim to combine moderation in price with excellence in
quality and stylo. Wo bcliovo that wo will bo justified In saying that our repu
tation has been mado by tho welding together of tboso threo lluks. Tho cold
wavo is hero call early to get your selections in
Misses' and Children's Coats!
4 to It yoars $2.00 to $3.00, according to value of tho cloth.
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
or Glove Rubbers !
Those are Goodyear goods and tho best in tho market Our
assortment is the largest in tho region and comprises tho
latest styles in
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes I
Wo handle none but tho best make of goods and sell at tho
lowest prices. Call and be convinced;
Prices to Suit the Times3
Hen's Grey Undershirts .23c
Men's lied Flannel Bhtrts GOc
Bovs' Qrey Shirts and Drawers Me
Men's Wool Ovcrshlrt, laced front Mo
A Line of Boots, Shoes and Hubbers at Prices that will Astonish You !
Como early in order to securo tho Host Selections.
For Sale
at $5.00 per Barrel.
100 Barrels FULL ROLLER FLOUR at $4.50 per
50 Barrels "OLD TIME" FAMILY FLOUR at $4.00
per Barrel.
25 Barrels "OLD TIME" RYE FLOUR our own
make. Guaranteed Strictly Pure Ryo and not a
mixture of Low Grade Wheat Flour.
Fresh Ground.
8000 Bushels NEW OATS.
1000 Bushels OLD CORN.
50 Tons Choico No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY.
10 Tons PURE CHOP. Wo grind our own Chop and
guarantee it to bo mado of clean, sound wholo
grain. Wo do not grind corn cobs nor oat hulls.
NEW Bloator Mackrol, now JYo. 1 Mackrol, now
Raieins, Prunoe and Oitron ; four pounds of good
Tea for ono dollar;
cans ior 25o; now Pie
You are a buslnoss man, and used to
Btralght forward businoss 'alk facta facts
facts. Your wfo lias been looking for a
Sewing Machine,
Chamber Suit,
Parlor Suit,
Or something olso in our lino. Why not buy
it now. Wo are selling cheaper than ovor.
14 South Main Stroet,
Hoys' Flannette Jackets 23c
Men's Orey Wool Socks, per pair 15o
Children's Wool Hoje, per pair 10c
Ladles' lllaok Hose, fast color, Der pair 7c
'W 121 North Street,.
now Salmon, oxtra quality, two
Poaches, threo caus for 25c.
To-day !
Special School Board Meeting-
Last Night.
So von School Will bo OpoiiiMi noil it
Tench or litis Keen Clitxi'ii for Knrh
Tho Torin to Lrtnt J'nur Moutlm Succor
Tut Applicant.
C1IOOL Directors Ilron
nan, Conry, Ilanun,
llurke, Manloy, Lynch j
Trozlso, O'lloarn, Mul
doon and Devitt were
in attendnnco at the
special meeting of the
School Hoard lint night
called for tho purpose of electing night
school teachors. The committee on teachers
and salaries and evening schools submitted a
joint report in which tiioy recommended that
seven ovenlng schools bo opened for a term of
eight months, ono oaeli in tho Union, White,
Centra and Coal street buildings, ono at
Turkey Itun, and two in tho Lloyd street
building; that tho salary of tho Turkey llun
school teacher bo fixed at -1-30 per montli and
tho rost at $25 ; that tho Janitors of buildings
where ono night school is held rccelvo $7 per
month additional, and $10 whoro two schools
aro held.
Tho report wa3 accepted by tho hoard and
all tho recommendations wero adopted.
Tho followlngllstof fourteen applicants for
appointment as night school teachers was
read by Secretary Ilanna : John 1!. Scheuh
ing, Ratio L. Burns, Llhhio V. Cavauaugh,
Ratio M. Connelly, Sadie llaugh, Bridget
Flynn, Ida Lowis, Ratio Brogan, Julia
Douahoo, Margaret Oochlln, Jossio Olovor,
Julia Croary, F. B. Williams and It. A. Mc
Halo. Thcro was no debate over tho solcction of
teachers and oyerything passed off so
smoothly and harmoniously that within half
an hour after President Conry declared the
meeting opou all business had been transacted
and a motion to adjourn was recorded.
Tho applicants wero elected by each direc
tor responding to roll call and designating hi
voto. Tho following elections were made :
Sadie llaugh, Bridget Flynn, Ida Lewis,
Ratio Brogan, Julia Douahoc, Margaret
Cochlin nnd Julia Croary.
Superiudont Whi laker will assign tho
teachers to their respective schools.
Arnloa tt Oil Liniment is equally good for
man and beast. 25 and CO vents per bottle.
A Few Straws Which Show tho Way of
the Wlnil.
Surprises may bo looked for from unex
pected quarters. Tho IJcpublioins will be
nioro than pleased.
State Chairman Gilkyson is working with
his sleeves rolled up. Philadelphia will roll
up an unprecedented majority for tho tariff
patty. Tho shut down of Dabson's mills is
tho last straw.
Tho Democratic candidates in this county
do not seem to trust their chairman, as but
few of them havo paid him their assessment!
"What is tho matter with tuo Unions.' was
asked by ono Democrat of another, tho othor
day. They aro all right (for tho Republicans)
this year.
Tho r opullsts will have little uso for their
Democratic ally after this. Tho Democrats
always look out for No. 1. Having succeeded
in carrying tbo country with tho aid of tho
Populists thoy havo no further uso for them.
But, then, thcro is anothor day coming.
who n tho poor, deluded workingmen go
to tho polls to voto this yoar thoy will not
stand much taffy from tho party that has
brought about poor times. No moro roostor
diet for them.
Look out for tho National plums after tho
election. Thoy aro about ripo and ready to
fall. Congressman Iteilly will give tho tree a
shake about that time.
Dr. Dechort, tho Republican candidate for
Treasurer, was in town again last evening
doing good work. If there Is a more con
fident man In politics than tho Doctor we
have not met him yet.
"The Repeal bill will pass" but when?
Senator Sherman is a thorn lu tho sides of
tho Democrats. Ho is the peer of them all.
Let Congress adjourn. It has been playing
tho baby aot long enough.
The now tariff bill is almost ready, but are
tho Amerioan workingmen to accept starva
tion wages ?
Use Wells' Laundry Blue, the bei
Bluing for laundry uso. Each package makes
two quarts. 15cts. Sold by Coakloy Bros,
'The 1'nlrlo Well."
Tho always welcome Irish play, "The
Fairies' Well," conies to Ferguson's theatre
Monday, Oct. SOth. It has been changed
somewhat from last season, and tho changes,
It is said, have improved it. Geo. H.Tim
mons, is still the feature, while the company
is said to be the best ever seen in the play,
New specialties, iuoludlng selections by The
Fairies' Well quartette, are introduced. This
company hare always kept faith with our
people and in eoaasqueaee it enjoys au
enviable reputation in Shenandoah, which
will be tested by the welcome wo will givo
them Monday night.
WtlHt II
See timl Ileum During III
Whllo perusing ono of tho Philadelphia
papers recently my oyos full upon tin adver
tisement rending somowhst llko thin:
Q-1 AA OHHh will purchase tho hnndpome
OIUU Kentucky bred trotting ware, Annie
nUk, sired by Hill HiIltK. ho by Jim llllks,
dura Mary flay. Annlo links can trot fn 2:27:
sound, used im a road and family mnre, but
lately took fright nt tbo cable onrs and ran
away, and on that account must be told.
Tho advertisement was so nicoly and
frankly framed that nt tho time I concluded
that It hold out a rare opportunity for somo
man wishing a horso with somo speed, hut
upon glancing down tho column I noticed a
number of advertisements differently worded,
but ovidontly insortod with tho same object
In viow and then I commenced to think and
tried to tlx in my mind why a man Bhould bo
willing to part witli n thoroughbred maro
with a record of 2:2? for tho paltry sum of
Finding myself to arrlvo at a satisfactory
conclusion I decided to consult a gentleman
In town who has had cousidorablo oxperionco
In horeo dealings. "Why," said he as ho
glanced over tho advertisement I had clipped
from the newspaper, "this is meroly a 'gyp'
scheme. There are sovoral men in town who
have learned by oxpbrieuoe what such ad
vertisements mean. You see, thero aro
various methods of oxcuses for tho disposal of
these supposed excellent horses, and some of
thorn are oxcoliont, but you never get them
at that figure. Tho trick is this: You call
upon tho advertiser and ho treats you royally;
takes you to the stablo, allows you a fino
horso and takos you for a drivo behind it
thiough Fairmount Park. You become
captivated and try to forco tho $100 into tho
owner's hand before you get back to tho
stable, but ho refuses tho offer unless you
ivill also take tho 'buggy, harness, blankots,
etc' Tho horso is genuine and you want
him, henco you give in nnd ask tho prico of
tho buggy, &c. Tho nnswor is any whero
from S-t7G to $230. High you think, but then
you look at tho lino horso you can get for
$100, and yet you can't get it unless you also
purchaso tho buggy ami 'etc' Terms of
payment comes next. Tho seller is fair,
'Oivo the cash for tho buggy, etc. aud pay for
my trottor when delivered.' Somo times ho
is still moro generous and will say, 'I'll ship
the buggy, etc., at once. If you pay for them
on delwory I'll ship tho trotter lator.' Elthor
offer is genorally snapped up and the pur
chaser returns home bubbling over with
good spirits and chuckling with delight over
the surprise he will givo his townsmen when
the trotter arrives.
"Well tho 'buggy, otc.,' finally arrives, is
paid for, and becomes your property; but tho
horse fails to arrlvo aud when you seek in
formation you aro informed that tho dealer
is very sorry to bo obliged to stato that the
horse you built so much upon went lame and
and tho dealer could not risk his reputation
by telling a horso that was not up to the re
quirements of the advertisement. Further
more, ho informs you, the horse has been sent
to the Kentucky farn and should it recover
you will bo notified. And there you are !
Right in it I You have no 2.27 or 2.15 trotter,
but yon have 'buggy, harness, blankets, etc.,'
for which you paid $175 or more and which
are really worth about $75 or $100. Do you
see tho point?"
Contrary to expectations, work on the
Lakeside electric railroad has not been
started. Tho pnblio lookod for It because tho
newspapers told them to, and tho newspapers
mado the announcement by authority
of Capt. J. F. Bailoy. If tho latter
hadn't sufficient information to mako
him positive in tho matter ho should
not have mado tho statement. Tho people
get tired of theso announcements and tho
constant disappointments load them to lose
confidence lu tho project. Jnst when every
thing seems to bo arranged satisfactorily tho
unexpected occurs; something which should
havo been attended to in the first place turns
up as among tho forgotten, or neglected
things, and tho building of tho road is put
off for another period; then the people begin
to "kick" about tho obstructions ou tho
streets, the Counollmen become impatient,
and unpleasant feelings aro created on all
sides, all because "something has been for
gotten." I have reached the conclusion that
no ono knows when work ou tho road will
commence and if I were the editor of the
Herald I would not again announce the
beginning until I could see some of the rails
and sills down. 11 eantline I would lay low
and electrocute the first one asking "when
will the road start ?" Ows.
Tho celebrated imported "Aohor Pain
Expeller." It costs but 25 aud 50 cents
bottlo. Its worth is invaluable to thoso
sutlering from Rheumatic diseases. Try it
and be convinced. For sale at C. II. Ilagen'
buoh, P. P. D. Kirlln, J. M. Hillau, and
other druggists. 3t
lluterprlslng Merclitiuts,
A glance over our advertising columns will
show that the Hkralii is tho favorite means
by which our enterprising merchants reach
tho reading public. When our readers deeire
to mako a purchase it will pay them to scan
the advertising columns of the Hkkald,
where the auuouucements of all business
men, with any pretentions at all, can be
feund. Let our readers bear this iuipwtaut
feet la inlud.
it has been nroven by I
Uvtuc wUseatw that
Pan-Tina Is a remarkable speeiBefti Uienolo
euro of tue dutlsolt aud dsiBaioMs tlumtf. an
XeeiVtB. Tiiu-Tiua U Mjkl at P. l'.D. Klrttn's
drug store.
liffi i HOAX !
Report of a Deal is Vigorously
Dnnin Humor Sultl To-iluy Thnt Threo
flood 1toroii(;H Olllcen Hint Iteen Ten
dered tho TolMi utiil IJlhiimiliin I'eoplo
of Town Without SucceM.
j3 HERE was qulto n stir
in somo of tho political
circles lu town to-day
over a report that
somo of tho Domociatic
leaders last night mado
desperate effort to
recoucllo tho Polish
voters by a promlso of future reward. The
larty who caused the circulation of the re
port at tho same time stated that tho effort
was an unsuccessful ouo, as the parties to
whom tho proposition was mado promptly
rejoctod It.
Tho allogod proposition was that if tho
Poles and Lithuanian pooplo of Shenandoah
should givo tho Democratic party their
support this fall thoy would bo rewarded
next spring with at least threo good borough
It is moro than likely that tho wholo story
Is a fako and was started to mako pooplo
boliovo thnt tho Poles nnd Lithuanians aro
open to propositions to desert tho standard
under which Blcrstcln stands as a candidate.
AHekald reporter to-day called upon
several prominent Poles aud Lithuanians
who aro very influential in local politics and
thoy declared tho report a hoax. One of
them said with much spirit, "You can say in
your paper that wo are for Bierstien and tho
wholo Republican ticket. This story is
nonsensical. If thero was such a meeting I
certainly would have heard of it I know
nothing of such a meeting and do not boliovo
ono was hold."
During tho interviews tho reporter found
that tho sentiments of the Polish and Lithuan
Ian pooplo aro decidedly anti-Democratic.
Thoy rldiouhxl tho alleged offer and asked
what inducement the three borough offices
would bo. "Wo aro looking for a county
offlco now," said ono of them, "aud will
look after borough matters later ; but whon
we do we will want something moro than
wind to depend upon. We cannot count on
the Democrats of this town. We have found
them traitors. They promised us a policeman
last spring; did we get ono? Wo had a young
lady as an applicant for school teacher before
the School Board last June and the only
votes she received were from tho Republican
mombers of tho Board."
In another interview an Influential and
very prominent man said, "Tho Idea is
ridiculous. Why, do you think pooplo aro so
blind as to make a deal with thoso pooplo
hot o when thoy aro doing all In their power
to kill us in districts whero our people havo
no voto? The report is no good. There's
nothing in it."
It is quite clear that tho report is a hoax,
but it would not bo surprising if it should bo
discovered that an attempt had been mado to
bring about a meeting such as reported, as
the Democratic party is badly scared. The
attempts will not bear fruit, however, judg'
lug from the results of to-day's investigation,
Best work done at Breonan's steam laun
dry. Everything white and spotless, Lace
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed.
AU kinds of Legal
Blauks for sale at the
Herald office.
I'resorve Your Koofn.
Now is the time to paiut your tin roofs,
O. W. Hassler is agent for Hawthorn's U. S
Hoof Paint, the great metal protector. Guar
auteed for five years against corrosion, fire
and every kind of weather. Tills paint is not
only the best but Is the cheapest. Call and
see testimonials at No. 8 N. Jardlu St. 21-lw
Fried oysters a speoialty at
A Serennde.
The members of the Grunt Band last night
serenaded their fellow member, John Curtin;
and his bride.
All kinds of Ruling and Bookbinding done
at the Hesuld otttoe.
Itear lu Mtutl.
John A. Relay's It the place to get the
purest wine and liquet, beet bear aud alas
and finest brand of sjgac. 10-16-tf
Have ye triad MakliiejtHft MtriMajH
L Lf a
The Itiillrniul OmimnlcK llmo no ltooin
r ir Complaint.
One of tho P. A It. railroad officials lias
called attention to tho report tho
published yesterday of tho accident which
occurred at tho Centre street crossing, aud
sUtos that It was incorrect. Wo oan only
say that the report was based upon tho state
ment of tho man who was injured, and if the
railroad commny was not placed In a proper
light tho company Itself is to blamo because
of Its ordors which prohibits its employes
glvlug any Information concerning accidents.
Tho newspapers nro oxpectod by tho public to
get tho news, and if the railroad employe)
must havo tholr mouths sealed whon given
n opportunity to put thcmsclvos right 110
blamo can bo attached to the newspapers if
only ono sido of tho story Is given. Somo of
tho most eminent writers in tho country
have denounced tho sllenco rulo of railroad
companies, but it lias had no ollbct and we
ardly ospect our efforts in that direction to
bear much fruit. Wo will coutinuo tryiiic te
glonn tho nows and when wo run up against
tho objtaclo placed In our way by tho rail
road company wo will seek tho next host
source of information, being careful at all
times not to intentionally misrepresent any
one. Moro than this we cannot do, and
moro oaunot bo oxpectod of us under the)
Fried oysters a specialty at MoElhonny 'a
George W. Keltor went to Hazleton this
Mrs. James Hughes, of Johnstown, is visit
ing friends In town.
William H. Waters left for Scranton this
morning to visit friends.
Mrs. William Krick is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. A. Brosius, at Suubury.
Miss Mame Williams and Mrs. A. Womcr
havo returned from a visit to Johnstown
Dr. J. S. Klstler and lloraco E. Dcnglcir
wont to tho Catawissa valley this afternoon
to hunt for phoasants.
George Harris, who was Stato President of
tho M. & L. A. A. during the palmy days of
that organization, Is visiting friends in town.
Dr. M. S. Kiatler, of town, read an inter
esting paper on "Ilystoria" before a meeting;
of the Schuylkill County nomeonathio
Medical Society at Ashland yesteiday.
Copies of the Easton papers giving full
accounts of tho wedding of Miss Minnto A.
Kunkel, of Nazareth, and George W. Wasley,
of this town, havo been received by the
Herald. According to the accounts it was
a very pretty and fashionable affair. The
wedding took place at the homo of tho bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Knnkol, at
Naiareth, on Wednesday. Rev. Edward T.
Inge, president of the Board of tha
Moravian church, officiated. Miss Millie L.
Giering, of Nasareth, was the maid of
honor aud Elmer J. Wasley, brother of tha
groom, the groomsman. J. Irvin Blaksloo,
of Delano, and Harry Drew, of Easton, were
ushers. Miss Fannio Kunkel, sister of tha
bride, was the flower girl. Several relatives
and friends of the contracting oonple wit
nessed the ceremony, among them Mtteev
Mame, Sallie, Birdie and Emma Wasley, Miec
llattie Jones and Harry Wasley, of Shenan
Thousands walk the earth to day who
would bo sleeping in its bosom but for the
timely use of Downs' Elixir. lrn
Notice to l'areuts.
Public evening schools will bo opened oa
Monday evening, Oct. 30th, to coutinuo for a.
term of four months. Tickets of admission
will be issued at the Superintendent's office.
Main street building, on Saturday, October
25th, from 5:30 to 6:30 p. m., and on Monday,
October SOth, from 0:00 to 7:00 p. m. Tbo.
co-operation of parents is earnestly desired,
in order to render the schools as beneficial as
possiblo to those who may tako advantage of
them. It has been decided by the School
Board that pupils who have books and sup
plies of their own in good condition, are ex
pected to bring them to school for their own
use. Text books and supplies will be fur
nished to the pupils In the same manner m
they are now furnished to pupils iu the day
schools. M. P. Whitakkr, Supt.
Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 27, 1893. 10 27.3C
Iirge funeral.
The funeral of the late Patrick T. Galla
gher took place to day. The atteudaaee was
very large and many prominent people frees,
different parts of the oounty were observed
in tho carriages. High mass was celebrated
in the Annunciation church at 10 o'oleek
The remains were interred in the Annuncia
tion cemetery.
Kelvel Their ray.
Robert Thomas, of the Thomas Coal Com
pany, arrived from Philadelphia to-day awl
paid the employes of the Kebley Bun aeUtaryv
Best photographs and crayons at DabVs.
CENTS per yard for Oilololl
that Mils on sight. OUtew fw
86o, 4So, and upwartU. All
grades of trtty Crpt. Call tut bar?
galiM. C. Carpet
Store, 10 South Jardla Street. v