The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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jr. 6
1 "k ,
Evening Herald.
JT. A. HOY Kit .JVajHflor
II. O. IIOTJSH Hdllor and J'ulillnher
W. .f. WAIltlNH LotHl lMltor
J, it. nor Kit .....HnitnM Btanogfr
DAIhT.lwir rM,...M.. - ....W 00
Webkly. per reftr,...... 1 00
Transient, 10 oenta per Una, Drat Insertion 1 8
teat vr line each subsequent Insertion, Kates
r refular advertising can be bad on applies
tea at the office or by mall.
The KrmuiQ Han Ann hu a larger oiroula
tkm In Shenandoah than any other paper pub.
llehed. Books open to all.
Kotertd at the Postofflee. at Hbenandoah, Pa.,
for transmission through the mall
a seeond-elass mall natter,
Republican Candidates.
Candidate lor Judge oflthe Supreme Court.
Candidate for State Treasurer.
rPHE Republican party proposes, by tho nomt
-L nation of these two excellent candidates,
to reprove the soldter hating policy of Vie Clevi
land Administration. Both were gallant sold
iers during the war, and certainly deserve the
unanimous support of all tholr comrades.whnt
Bver their party affiliation may hare previously
Simultaneously with the news of
the great political revolution in tho
Democratic districts of Ohio comes
the announcement of u great bursting
of light upon the people of Holyoke,
Mass., one of the greatest lndu-trlal
towns of the Union. The people theio
are repudiating the Democratic party.
They say it is controlled by free traders
and they fear changes In the tarifl has
already paralyzed manufacturing in
this country.
Tho Holyoke Daily Iree Tress,
which has been one of the ablest and
stanoliest Democratic organs in the
whole state, haH repudiated the Demo
cratic party and has come out Hatfooted
for protection and tbe Republican par
ty. Its action baa carried consterna
tion Into the ranks of tbe Democrats
and the Republicans are correspond
ingly elated. It is looked upon as tbe
forerunner of a wholesale defection
from the Democraoy on account of the
proteut crippled condition of the in
dustries reared and prospered under
Republican administrations. In its
editorial, explaining tbe reason for ita
politics, the Free Ptemt says plainly
that it "has lost faith in the Democrat
ic party, and that it firmly believes
that the present industrial stagnation,
financial stringency, and general dis
tress, existing throughout the laud, is
the result of Democratic supremacy."
In further explanation it says:
"One year ag3 this country was en
joying a prosperity such as bail never
existed before. There was ( not one
bile mill in Massachusetts. In this
ofty there was not a water wheal tbat
was not turning, not a spindle idle,
t loom tbat did not send ita pleas
1m Iran out on tb brseas; not paper
machine tbat atoppsd from MoJiday
morning till Sntunluy night ut mid-
Ight. All woo llfo untl activity In
this, the greatest parer producing city
f tlic world. There was not a large
mill In the city of Holyoko that did
not run overtime, bo great was the out
put of paper, cotton, woolens, silk and
machinery, that tho railroads kept a
double force of men at work, with ex
tra locomotives, all night an well a all
lay, han JHng the enormoun output of
nittnufactured goods that were being
a hipped to all parts of the known
world. And (his condition of aflalin
existed from sea to sa and from the
Canadian line to Mexico. The whole
world looked on and wondered at m oh
prosperity. Such wag the condition
of affairs one year ago."
After recounting its expectations of
what would follow the sweeping Dem
ocratic vlotory In the Presidential
election Istt fall, theVce Prens make
this d ductlon of what the mult actu
ally 1b:
Tho Democratic party has now had
absolute control of thu affairs of the
nation for seven months, and the ro-
milt is the most sorrowful time the na
tion oversaw. l)U8lnesf)paraly.ed,iu
dustrlfs shutdown, wige cut down,
a tl nunolal panic, mcli a stringency in
tho money mnrkct that bank after
bank, business liouto after lmslntss
house, has had to clobe tilth door,
hundreds of thousandth out of work.
A year ago every mill in tho city was
rushed with orders. They could not
produce fast enough for tho demand.
To-day there is scarcely n, mill in the
city that is running full time, and of
the largo mills there Is but oue that
has not gone on half time, orcut wages
10 percent, orinore. An awful chango
for a year !
"TIiIb frightful condition of atlulrs
appeals thoroughly to the American
citizen, who has a powerful weapon in
his hand the ballot. It was the bal
lot that brought about tills great
change from prosperity to poverty;
from industrial activity to Industrial
stagnation; from financial ascendency
to financial depression. The present
industrial stagnation is without any
doubt the result of the free trade plank
that was inserted in the Democratic
national platform of 1892. That plat
form denounced the protective tarill'
policy under which the nation has
grown anil developed from a child to a
giant, and declared that if the people
intrusted the oftlces of the nation in
its hands it would wipe out ovcry
traco of that policy.
Twenty Trninpn Sent Up,
West Chester, Pa., Oct. 33. Twenty
tramps, who had taken possession of sev
eral empty Pennsylvania railroad freight
cars at Whitford station, wore brought
here and lodged in jail for ten days each.
The entire railrond system is infested with
such dangerous tramps.
lllir. Suntliiy ut thu tfuir.
f!mf-Ann Clot 2H Tim nttimlnnna af.ttia
fair during tho past week was less by sov-
eral thousand than that of the preceding
week. The Manhattan day attendance
did not reach 300,000. Yesterday's paid
admissions were 140,766, and tho total at
tendant 152,20-1.
Victims of li (ins KxpltMil'iii,
MAIHON, Ind., Oct. 38. Mrs. Bailey and
her youngest child, who wore burned in
the gas explosion here Friday night, died
nnd wnri lmrlod in thfl fwinn umvp. Tlin
uuiest child cannot recover, and the
other child, thu fourth victim, will also
probably die.
Cuptliln Kllhli Acquitted.
Pittsburg, Oot. 38. The case of Cap
tain George Kuhn, of Juniata county,
charged by the government with imper
sonating an officer, which has been on
trial in the United States district court
for several days, ended in an acquittal.
To the t'efittenttsry for T.lf.
Parkehsbuiig, W. Va., Oot. 33. Judge
Jack-on overruled the motion for a new
trial in the case of Elmer Chaddock, con
victed of the murder of William Polan,
and sentenced Chaddock to the peniten
tiary for life,
I.uckj Huldwln to Iiaave the Turf,
San Frascibod, Oct. 28. "Imcky" Bald
win publicly announces that he will retire
from the turf The string of the Sauta
Ana stables will be disposed of after tbe
Ml meeting here.
what made her beautiful.
Yet it's only what other
women know. Wealth of
beauty comes only with a
healthy body. Health is a
set of good habits. Doctor
Piercer Favorite Prescrip
tion aorisU nature in estab
lishing these habits.
women nave sauow
faces, dull eyes and
hollow cbeeke, to
gether with low
spirits, when they
are made miserable
with disorders, de
rangements and
weaknesses peculiar
to their sex. Health is regained, after periods
at ditilness, nervous prostration and excita
bility, or other manifestations of derange
ment or displacement of the womanly organs,
when the ''Prescription" is used. Besides,
it's sold on its merits. The proprietors take
the riafe.
It is guarantred to benefit or cure all ths
disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of woman,
or mooey is refunded.
Ostarrh is emtel "by Dr. 8af"isaiy.
Tho Wratton Family Wero Killed
by Organized Plunderers,
It Was ltrniifflit About Through the Ad
llltftNlnnn of Ills Own Wife, Vtim All
punreil In Ills Internal Ili'foro the
(lrnntl .fury.
Wasiiisotoji, Intl., Oct. 2a. At last thu
Utility murderers of the AV ratten family
are In the tolls of the law. l'lve of the
suspects iutc-IwI and taken to JefTemon
vllle two weeks ago wore rightly sus
pected, hut it was lint through tbem that
the heinous criminals were exposed.
Lam Saturday the grand Jury ordered
the arrest of James Stone, the man who
came to the Wrntten house early on Tues
day morning, and first discovered the ter
rible tragedy. His arrest was caused
th4oiih his own wife, who appeared In
his behalf before the grand Jury anil testi
fied that stone arose in the night and com-
plained of a violent toothache, and that he
wns going to a dentist to have It extracted:
that he did not. return until a late hour,
and then being covered with blood, he
asked for a change of clothes; that Stone
maintained that the blood on his olothes
was caused by the bleeding of his tooth
On inquiry it was found that no doctor
or dentist had extracted a tooth from
Stone. This was deemed as strong evi
deuce, coining from the man's wife. As
soon as Stone was brought to town the
grand jury went to work to obtain a con
festdon from him. At first he strenuously
denied everything, but being assured that
clemency would be guranteed to him if he
made a confession he yielded to tholr over
tures, lie told his story about as follows:
lttiiiUtfry Wii-i tho Motlvit.
Knowing that Jtrs. Wrattcn kept n great
deal of money about the house, Grndison
Cosby, a notorious character in this
county, planned a robbery. A gang of
seven persons that formed a sortof society
for robberies and general plunder win
notified of the plan. Their names are
(Jrndison Cosby, Ixm Willinms and Mar
tin Yarber, of this city; William Kays, of
Pike county; John White, Joint Clarkand
James Stone.
The nliin wns that Ynrber and Clark
should get in tin- house nnd commit the
robbery, while the others wero to stand
guard. At the tune when the robbery
was to he committed Cosby and Stone
had not yet arrived. Cosby was in the
city Monday evening, and was so drunk
that lie got past rctison mid didn't roach
the linuso at all, but Stone arrived after
the murder had been committed, and In
cause lie was late the other conspirators
wallowed him'in the blood of tho victims
and in that condition permitted him to go
home, and that was the nail that fas
tened down tho lid of their coffins.
They could not find n cent of the money
ns Stone did not nrrivo until the six mur
ders wero committed. He docs not know
why they killed tho Wrntten family.
All the criminals wero arrested and
taken to JelTersouville. Williams and
KnyB wero ulrondy in .TelTersonvillo prison,
Brown, nnothcr suspect, who wns taken to
Jelfersonville, had no connection with tho
tragedy, aim ho will bo released. The ox
cltoment hero today is more Intense than
History of ttto Crime.
The murder of IMllnrd Denson Wrntten
his wife, mother nnd three children occur
red on Sept. 18 last. The Wrattens resided
about nino miles from Washington, Ind.
and their budiea were found by a neighbor
tho following morning, and there wero
evidences of a terrible struggle for life,
Mr. ratten's mother was (II years old
Mr. Wralten 38, itis wife 31, tho child
Stella I), and a 3-year-old baby. Ethel
aged 11, was found with her skull crushed
in two places, but still nlivo. She died
without regaining consciousness. Old Mrs,
Wrntten had for years been in receipt of a
pension, and it was generally believed in
the neighborhood that she kept the money
in the house, ns sho had no expenses.
Thu Twonty-iilahth Victim.
Battle Cheek, Mich., Oct. 23. Albert
II. Bradley, of Toronto, Out., another of
the injured in the Grand Trunk wreck,
died here Inst night. lie was cashier in
the Bank of Commerce in that city, and
his demise swells the number of deaths to
twenty-eight. Of tho twenty-seven bodies
lying in the morgue here only thirteen
hnve been identified. Tho suggestion has
been mado that nil bodies unidentified
ami that will be nt least one-half of them
be buried in Oak Hill cemetery and a niou
umi ut erected there. Twenty-two badly
injured patients are nt the Nichols Memo
rial Home. Ail of these are doiin: well
with the exception of Mrs. Henry Vauco,
who will probably die.
CliriBtlnn tVorlicrs Oo n-SltimiuIng.
ClliCAOO.Oct. 38. Seven members of th
Woman's Christian Temperance congress
which closed its sessions Saturday night
will carry away from Chicago a knowledgi
of its dark side whioh will no doubt lie-
come the foundation of many addresses
in advocacy of social purity and temper
ance. The experience which t he orusodero
gained was found In a series of "slum
ming' tours, under police protection
through the "levee" district of Chicago,
Tbe information gained will enable the la
dies to conduct the warfare against the
evils ol vice and intemperance.
Thu Fit per Told Truth.
Beiilin, Oct. 83. Chancellor von Cp-
nvi prosecuted The vossiche (newspaper)
for libel in declaring that ex-Governor
Sodeu, whi le he was in olllce at Cama-
roons, in western Africa, entered into
commercial enterprise, and nought land
which he resold to the German govern
ment at a profit. The court lias dismissed
the suit, linding that the charges wero
Double Murder anil ulldt'.
St. Paci, Oct. 88. Last night at Sioux
Falls, S. D., Harry Lacey, a lawyer and
real estate agent, shot and killed his wife,
his mother-in-law, Mis. l..dia Hunker,
Hnd then walked out of the house and sent
a bullet through his own brain. Domestic
trouble was the cause of the rash act.
Shot in hell Defeiike.
CHAHLfsroK. S. C, Oct. .'3. Railroad
Detective .lan'.u, of the Kkhmond and
Danville luilicid, shot anil killed Jim
Datson ut ( ivc.iyie. llatsou was drunk,
and tired nm ut the detective. 11. utic sur
rendered himself and is now m juil.
Ituriflvrs Orlveo Off by u Wiiwimi.
Oxfokd, Pa., Oot. 33. IJriut? Mrs. Ism
nor, the railroad station agent's wite ut '
Elk view, frightened off burglars who tuul
drttled ad were ready to blast the saAt la
flhwwhww Bro.'s wMthow cafe, j
JHrs. Mam E. o'Fatlon.
nf Piqun, O., myn ttm rhr
piclnn are Afllunifthfil,
and look at her liko one
Raised from the Dead
Long and Torrlblo Illness
from Blood Poisoning
Completely Cured by Jtood'a
Mrs. Mary K. O'Pnllon, a very Intelligent
lady of I'lqua, Ohio, wai poisoned while as
sisting pliyslclnm at an autopsy o years ago,
and soon terrible ulcers hroke out on her
head, arms, tongue and throat. Iter hair all
oame out. She weighed 1ml 78 lbs., and saw
no prospect of help. At last she began to
take Hood's Sarsflparllla anil nt once un
proved) could soon get out of lied and walk.
She says: " I became perfectly cured ny
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ami am now a well woman. I weigh 128 Ins.,
eat well anil do the work for a largo family.
My case seems a wonderful recovery and
physicians look at me In astonishment, as
...... . , . f ..1 ,
HOOD'S PILL8 should ho In every family
medicine chest. Once ui ed, ulnars preferred.
Ilitllatiu'A Governor, in l'aidonltiK
T.iiiuls HIh Devotion.
iNWAXAl'ous, Oct. a3. Governor Mnth
ews has pardoned Denton .Tones, a life
prisdner for murder, saying ns he did so:
"The closing chapter of the Jones-Moody
difficulty shows one of the best phases of
manhood that I have ever known. Henton
Jones had been in the prison forfceventetn
years, but he declined to raceivo his lib
erty until liis younger brother had been
provided for. An exhibition of such de
votion has not been shown in prison Ids-
tory to my knowledge. I believe that ho
will lie a worthy citizen."
1 he pardoned man was convicted with
his brother .-mil Eli I.owery upon circum-
btnntin! evidence for complicity in tho ns-
HHsinauoii oi xnoinns .Moouy, with whom
he had (iinrreled over the distribution nf
the lulliver estate. Leo Jones wns par
doned in July.
I' riends endeavored to have I he case of
llenton considered first. Ho or posed the
movement, saying that Lee did not par
ticipate in the assassination, wns in good
health and had years and prospects before
him, while he, llenton, Mas a shattered old
Gmernor I'lnwur mi tho Mg I'rlse Fight.
.New Yonu, Oct. 23. If Governor Flower
had a hand in stopping the Mitchell-Cor-
bett fight he will not say j.o. He wns seen
in a corridor of tho Hoffman houso and
asked whether it was his intention to pro
vent the light. Ho replied that such ac
tion on his part was unnecessary, ns tho
requisite action lind been already taken
uy the authorities 01 lungs county, and
there wiisEnothing for him to do. Gov
ernor Flower added that no complaint had
been made to him concerning tho fight,
nnd that no charges hnd been mado in
this connection against Sheriff Courtnoy.of
ivlngs county.
Churned with Stenllnc 887,000.
New Yohk, Oct. 33. William Freuden
thnl, an insurance ngent at No. 143 East
Fifty-eighth street, was held in $15,000
bail in the Yorkvillo police court on
a charge of larceny of 487,000, made
by Albert and Kate Wagner, of No. 381
ISnst Sixty-lirth street. Mr. and Mrs. Wag.
ner sailed for Europe on May 7, leaving
their property In chargo of Freudenthnl,
They gave him a power of attorney. Thoy
came back on Oct. 1 and found that he had
sold two of their houses for $87,000 and had
speculated in stocks and lost tho money,
Itrtitnlly Ituuten In h Church.
Moouestown, Pa., Oct. 23. A crowd of
Stanwiek weavers attacked Elisba Lloyd
leader of a gang in this town . hlch has
been hostile to the weavers for some time,
and chased him into the llaptist church
where he was brutally beaten. Subse
quently Lloyd was joined by friends, nnd
a pitched battle ensued at Stanwiek, In
which many were seriously hurt, Daniel
Gallagher, a weaver, being clubbed into
Insensibility. Twenty-lour arrests were
made, and Ave who were unable to secure
bail were sent to jail.
ltoporte,! New Hsltroud Desl.
Prm.. nEf.pntA, Oot. 98. It is reported
here that at the next annual meeting of
the Delaware, Laokawana and Western
railroad' a complete change in the man
agemeut will take place. It is said that
President Maxwell and his associates, who
own and control the New Jersey Central
railroad, have, secured, in connection with
certain directors who are in favor of
change, a controlling interest in Lacka-
wauu, and wi'l surely tako possession of
the latter road at the February meeting,
An agrooablo Laxatlro ana Nfbvb Tonic.
Soldliy Iiruw3or!-cnt bymnil. 85c., 6O0.
andtl.00ix.-r ii' h.miiilea tree.
Tin- l'nvunte TOOTS POWMS
lr,r 1 1 .0 Tet-t li nuil Iimitb,a8o.
Captain 8w m-v, U.S A., fian Dleiro.Oal.,
Bye: "fel .loh's Cat-mh 1 the ttrst
medlclDol hjiveevi ,-f, nnllh:it w,uiddonio
any jjood." Pilce6t)c'3. g, ia by Druggists.
Do not nttfUtt a C ui"h, us there Is danger of
ttaleadlog to Contu 1 . it ion. Suiloh's Ccbs
vrQlaareyou atevtroIungTrouble. It la the
bMtOOdA Cure and speedily relieves Cough.
Orouu, wbooping Coughand Bronchitis, and
bsoH aaaguariMaa. Stota.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For Now York via rhlladelnhln. neelr dnvii.
2.10, 6.36, 7.20, a.m., 111.20, 2.60, 6.66 p.m. Sunday
2.10, 7.4S a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk,
weekdays, 7.SW a. m., la.M, 2.W) p. m.
t or ueaoing ana 1'tuiaaelpbla, wcelt days,
10. 6.X6. 7.20. a. m.. 12.26. 2.NI. f, f,S n. m. Hiin.
day, X.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m
f or uarrisDurg, weeic days, z.iu, a.m..
2.60, 6.K p.
For Allontown,
week days, 7,20 a. m
50 d. m.
For I'ottsvllle. week davs. 2.10. 7.20. a.m..
12.26, 2.60, 6.66 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30
, in.
For and Mahsnoy City, week days,
10. 5.25. 7.10. a. m.. 12.28. ISO. 5.66 n. m. Sun
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
Mafianoy City, week Oars. 7 00 p. m.
r or Lmncaaior ana uoiumoia, weeK days, 7.3W
m., 2.60 p. m.
For WllllamsDort. Sunburv and Lewlsfauri?.
week days, 2.25, 7.20, 11 H0 a. m., 1.S6, 7.00 pm.
Sunday, 3.26 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
For Mahanov Plane, week dava. 2.10. 2.26. 6.28.
,20, 11. l a.m., 12.23, 1.86, S.&6, 5.66, 7.00, 9.35
p. m. Sunday, 2. 10, 3.26, 7.4S a. in., 8.06, 4.10 p. m.
ror uiraravuie, ( ltappatmnnocit station),
week days, 2.10, 8 26, 6.2H, 7.20, 11.80 a. m. 2.60. 5.66. 7.00. 2.35 D. m. Sundav. 2.10.
f.86,.7.48 a. m 3.06, 4.80 p. tn.
For Asmana ana snamokln. week days, 8.2,
.26. 7.20. 11.10 a. m.. 1.36. 7.00. 0.36 n. m. Sun)
day, 8.25, 7.48 a. m., 8.06 p. m.
Leave New York via FhlladeJ tmia. week dam
1.00 a. m.. 1.30. 4.00. 7 30 n. m.. 14.1 ft nlcht. Hun
day, 6.00 p. m.. 12. 15 night.
Leave New York via Manoh Chunk, week days,
."u, a.m., i.uu, i.ou p. m. sunuay, 7.ib a. m.
Loave I'l.lladoluhlfi. Market Street (station.
week days, 4.12, 8.36, 10,00 n. m.. and 1.00,
00, 11.30 p. m. (Sunday a. m., 11.30
xi. in. 1
Leave. Heading, week days, l.b6,7.10, 10.06, 11.60
a. m.,, 7.D7 p. m aunaay, l.w, a. m.
Leave t'ottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m., u, u p. lq sunuay,, z.uoa. m.,2.onn. m.
Leave Tarcanua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a.
m., 1.21,7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
8,60 p. m.
Leuvo Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 3.46. 9.18.
11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.-12, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 2.46, 8.12
m., a.zup. m.
6.80,,11.69a.m., 12.66,2.06,5.20,6.28,7.67,10.10
m. aunuay, z.-tu, 4.uu, ii.ct a. in., a.CT, d.ui p. m,
Leave Girardvllle. (ItacDahannook Station).
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36. 9.41 10.40a. ra., 12.06,
t.iz, uui,, u.i,, p. m. sunuay, 3.17,
4.U7. K.39. a. in.. 3.41. 6.U7 Tl. TH.
iicare w uuamsport, weeu uays, e.uo, v.dt, iz.uu
m.,3.36, 11.15 p. ra. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Haltlmore, Washington and the West via
. & V. It. It., throueh trains leave Ulrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. K.) at
3 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.6, 6.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday
3 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m 3.56, 5.44, 7.10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street wharf
aud Mouth street wharf, for Atlantlo City.
weekdavs Exnress. 8 00. 9 00. 10 45 a m.
(Saturdays, 1 30) 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 30, 5 15 p m.
Excursion 7 to am. Accommodation, 8 00 am,
4 30, 6 45 p m.
Hundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, 830, 9 00, 1000 a
m and 4 80 p in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m and
Koturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo
id Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Kxnress
Mondays only. (3 45) 7 00, 7 36, 9 30 a m and 3 15,
1)0. 5 0, 7 30. 9 30 n re. Accommodation. 550.
8 10 a m and 4 30 p m. Excursion, from foot ol
Mississippi Avenue only, 0 0C V m.
MUDdaya Express, 3 30, 4 00, 500, 0 00, 6 30,
7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 9 30 p m. Accommodation, 7S0 a
m and 5 05 p m.
u. u. uamuuuk, uon. I'ass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Puseenccr trains leave Shenandoah for
Pcnn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk. Le-
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Ball, Catusauqua,
Alientown, Hethlchem, Boston, Philadelphia
Weathcrlv. Quakako Junction. Del
ano anc raauanoy uuy ai o.ui, l.zu, u.uh
a m.
12.43. 2.57. 1.22 rj. m.
For New York, 8.01, 7,
m., 12.43, 2.57
p. m.
Vol Ilazlcton. Wllkes-IJarro. White Haven
Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly,
and Elmira, 0.04, 9.08 u. m., 2.57, 8.08 p. m.
For Rochester. Uunalo. Nlacara Falls and
tho West, 6.01, 9.U8 a. m. 12.43 and 8.08 p. m.
For llolvldcro. Delaware Water uan and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 4.22 p. m.
or lamuertvine ana Trenton, a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 6.01, 9.08 a. m., 2.57, B 08 p. m.
For Ithaca and Ucncva 0.01, 9.08 a. m. 8.0
p. m
r or AUDurn a. zn. d. m.
For Jeanosvlllc. Levis tonandlicavcrMcadow.
7.'e, a. m., a.zi, p. m.
j.' or Auaenrica, uazieton, stocicton ana luo
her Yard, 6.01, 7.26, 9.08, a. m., 12.43, 8.67.
0.27, p. m.
For Scranton. 0.04. 9.08. a. m.. 2 44 .57
8.08 p.m.
for nazicDrooit, jcaao. urittonuno . reciana
0.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m 12.43, S.57, 5.27 p. nr.
7.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 0.15
p. m.
li'or Raven Hun, Centralis, Mount Caimel and
Shamokln, 8.42, 10.00 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.22 p. m.
f or Yatesvine, park Place Mananoyuity ana
Delano. 0.04. 7.26. 9.08. 11.05 a m.. 12.43. 2.57. 4.2
o xi,, v.m, iu.23 p. m.
xrains win leave anamoKiu at 7.dd, a. zn.
1.55, 3.20 p. in. and arrive at Shenandoah at
.uo a. m., 12.49, 2.07, sa p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 7.26
9.08. 11.05 a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 6.27. 8.08 D. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.15,
v.uo,, ii.iit a. m., 12.32, a.uu, o.zu, 7.uu, 7.10,
ivoavc bnenanaoan ioriiazieton,o.ui,7.2e,.os,
a. m., 12.48, 2.57. 4.22. D. m.
Leave Uazieton for Shenandoah. 7.20. 8.23
11.0B. a. m.. 12.15, 2.F5, 6.S0, 7.25, 7.68 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Q lrardvllle and Lost
ureck, 7.2, u.iu a. m., 12.311, 2.40 p. m.
For Yaleevillo, Park Plaoe. Mahanov Cltv,
Delano, Hazleton, Mack Creek Junctton, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Alientown,
iicinicDem, .Lon anu imqw xoric, s.w a m.,, 2.D0 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.30. 2.55 D m.
For YateBvlUe, Park Place, Mahanov City and
Delano. 8.40. 11.36 a. m.. 12.30, 2.55. 4.40 6.0) p. m.
Leavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
a. m.. 1.06. 6.30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.40,
9.30 n. m., 2.46 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
.iaj.,1.3(, b.i&p. m.
A. W. NONNKMACHEK, Asst. G. P. A..
South llothlehem Pa
R. H. WILBUR, Gonl. Supt. Eastern Dlv
SUPTEMllElt 12th, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for Wlggan'a, Gllberton, Fraokvllle, Now
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown. Phoanlxvllle. Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at 6:00 and 11:45
a. 10. anu 1:10 p. m. on weeuaayg. ror potts
vllle ana intermediate stations v:io a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Fraokvllle, New
uasue, at. uiair, -otisviue at d:uu, v:u a. xa.
and 8:10 p. in. For Hamburg. Keadlne. Potts.
town, Fhcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, B: 40 a. ni., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah at
10:40 a.m. and 1:14, 6:04, 7:43 and 10:27 p.m.
Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:16.
11:48 a. m. and 4: 40, 7: 15 aud 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at lu: w a. m. ana d:id p. m.
Leave Phlladelohla lUroad street station) for
Putttmlle and Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 86 a m,
4 10 aud 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m.
For Nev, York Express, week days,
at 3 20, 4 06, 4 50, 6 16, 8 50, T 88, 8 20, 9 50, U 00
11 ;-5, a m, 12 00 noon, 12 44 p. m, (Limited Ex-
I preub 1 OS and 4 60 p m. dining cars.) 1 40,
, Sao, 8 20, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00. 6 50, 7 13, 8 12,
10 norm, 1201 nigut. sunaays 3 20, 4 06, 450,
6 15.8 12,9 60, 11011 35, a m, 12 44, 1 40, 2 80, i 00
(limited 4 50) 5 20, 6 20. 6 50. 7 18 and 8 12 p m and
12 ol night.
For Sea Girt, Long llranch ana Intermediate
stations. 6 60, 8 26, 11 SB a m, and S 30, 4 00,
p m weekdays and 5 00 p m. Sundays 8 26 a m,
For lialtlmore and Washington 8 50, 7 20,
8 31, 8 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, (12 86 limited dining
car,) 1 30, 8 48, 4 41, (5 10 Congressional Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dmlng Car), 817,
065, 7 40 p.m.. 12 CS night week days. Sun
days, 3 60, 7 SO, 3 10, 11 18 a m. 12 10, 4 41, 6 66,
7 40 pm, and 12 08 night
For Richmond, 7 CO a m, 12-10 p m, 12 03 night
dally, and 1 30 p. m. week days.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg f or P lttsburr
anu the West every day at 12D6, 1 20 and 8 10
a m ard 2 26. 3 26. (6 20 limited) and 7 SO n m.
! Tft aj ..r AltoonaaiB 18 am and 5 08 P m every
' day. J-cr Pittsburg and Altoooa at 11 W a m
! tvi iy ,'ty.
I Tiahu' will leave Sucbury for 'rTllluuBSpOtt,
I, Canandalgua, Rocbbster, BuHalo and
N'agara Falls at 204, 6 18 a m.and 1 86 p m WMk
dbjH. For Elmira at 5 M p m week days, I"or
Erie aud Intermediate points at 6 It am dally ,
For Lock Haven at 6 18 and (Mam dally, 1 St
and 6 84 p m week days For Benovo at t II a
m, 1 86 and 5 Ms m week days, and 6 Ita m on
Sundays only. For Kane at It am, 1 ft p
' 8. M. PUvct, J. R. Wood,
Qas'l Mtcctw QenUPaaeVrAtl
Bliciinudonli, Pciina.
A. W. IiKISKNlUNCJ, President.
P. J. FHltOUBON, Vice PresldtH
J. It. LEIHENKINU, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashlir.
Open Dally From 9 to 8
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
Hastty. Quickly.
Permanently Restored,
mid nil tho train of ovlta
from early errors or Inter
cxccHfteft, tUe Poults of
merwoik, filcknoss,
worrr.eto FullBtrcngth,
dovelopmeiit nnd tunt
(riven to e ery urgan anu
Sortlon of the body.
I triple, natural methods.
Immediate improvement
seen. Failure impossible.
2.UW references. Cook,
explanation nnd prooffl
mailed (scaled) free.
Manufacturers of
ociBiJ Ejood
Of Every Description.
Flags, Badges, Caps, Reganas, ila.
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
Bealcal OSIfd. 20C K. SECOND 8t.,rfelld', Pb,
Arc the olrtPHt In Amprlca for the trwanif nt of
(Ipeali)I IllMPases & Tontlirul Errara.
Varlrocelo, Ilj-ili.irrto, Itiniturc. I.c Manhond,
Vrcnlmciit by Itxiill n Sperlnlty. Com.
mimlcatloiiB fiarr.Hlly funflvlfntUI h, n 1 btamp f(?
Hook. onlrohouraiOA. M, to: P. J! , dtoOP
fix All day bJlurday. Sundays, 10 U 11 A M.
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia.
3a H. Main St.. Slienamloala.
The leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated. Everything now, clean
and fresh. Tho finest lino of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, &c, foreign and do
mestic Free lunch served
eaoh evening. Ills schooners
of lresh.Beer.Porter, Ale, ft c.
' t nnrrriHUPTV I'm
Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoah, Peuna.,
Truck and Vegetables,
Poultry, Game, Fish and Oysters
In season. Ordera left at the store
will receive prompt attention
104 North Main street, Shonnndoah, Pa.,
Ice Croam wholesale and retail.
Picnlos and partlos supplied on short notice
Claris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 HomUi aialn Street.
Plutat wines, whiskeys and olgars always In
atoek. Iran Beer, Ale and Porter on tar
Oholee Temparanoe Drinks.
Celebrated Poller, Ale and Beef
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
17 8. Main Street.
J. 33.
Finest Brands of Wiies, Whiskeys and Cigin )BER
Frash Beer, Porter and Ala
a)avaon tan
Are nmntimfiS A hnre. but when the neo ,
pie are told twice that at Gallagher's 1
Chean Cash Htore thev oan buy Flour and
Tea at lower rates than anywhere tn this it
town, they are glad to test the iruihofl'
the oft repeated story. Full line of Uro-
Iruok, Bay and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Sleie
K. hi mm mm.
Hilar Diu
,t ENE' i
IND 50 j
S drug '
y Cycl
ony Pla.J
mem ai
jnrtt, B,
an 'bo U:
a a hrstli
alfni 'j
r it r-a tv MStanay i t n-
r nn,r UUU lor tutB
IB Jitvue,
' 3 ben
senvrua rt- t
socnclH-jui! priviegpsl
intiii, Me ail'' neon1" at
ef""niti)( an Ha 1 - I
1 hart r it now va niu ut