The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 19, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
jr. a. IIOYISH....
j. ar. jb or jK...-
.JMUor and VublUher
Zonal JMUor
.7iInrj Jrmoffer
jniiiT.por year,,..-.
Vuku, pr roar,,
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1 oo
1 l-r 4tif -Jt.
Transient, 10 cent par line. Drat insertion 1 1
mm pr Una aaob subsequent insertion, lUttaa
Df ragnUr advertising can be had on pp"'
lien at the offloe or br mail.
The KTBMllto HBHAtJ) haa a larger oiroula
ties in Shenandoah than any other paper pub
lished, Books open to all.
KBtered at the Poatoffiee. at Bnenantfoah, Fa.
lor transmlselon through the mall
as aaoond-olasa null matter.
Republican Candidates.
Candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court.! j
Candidate for State Treasurer.
TlViS Republican party proposes, by tho noml
J- nation of these two excellent candidates,
to reprove the toUiier hating policy of the Cleve
land AilmliiUtratiott. Both wore gallant sold'
lors during the war, and certainly deserve the
unanimous support of all their oomrades.what.
ever thoir party affiliation may have previously
"The Spang heirs" are tho latest vic
tims. Whetherthere areany in Shen
andoah we do not know. If there are
it is a matterof duty to cautionthem
though past experience indicates all
such cautions might as well be fed to
the pigs. If a man or a woman is told
a big estate in Europe is his, awaiting
certain formal proofs of his rights, he
Is very apt and she 1h very sure to
spend thS last dollar in the house ou
me cnance. "t'oiioy" would pay
better returns.
A man named Drees is in jail In
Jtmding charged with swindling per
sons who believe themselves heirs to
the alleged estate of 180,000,000 of one
alleged John George Spang who died
on oe, oris alleged to have died, in Ger
many. They have, of course, a Spang
Ileir'a Association. That is one of the
Jlrat steps the ordinary swindler takes
to pick out a few people, to tell them
they are "heirs," to organize and tax
them, and then he allows them to bring
other dupes into his Bheep fold.
Telia fellow,. Drew, represented that
rVie Spang heirs bad a large estate to
get in Germany, and asked for power
of attorney in order to secure the same.
He was then given money, and said
that he was going to Germany to light
the claim. The secretary went with
Dress to Philadelphia, and saw him
go on board the steamship, and he re
ceived about 100 letters from Dress
while he was in Germany, and Identi
fied all the letters which were admit
ted In evidenoe. Many of the letters
stated that Dress was getting .along
"very nicely with the olalm, but he
nearly always asked the heirs to send
him more money.
e Ur)y kspt on holding m-wtlogs
amf Aristae money and paying it to
' Xreja. To put a good man like Dnm
in Jail Is almost as wicked as to expose
BplrlUmllatlc materializing medium,
but there Dress Is. His latest story
was that Charles Spang, who has gob
bled upall the Spang property, Is worth
between $20,000,000 and $80,000,000, and
could pay over half of It any day. It
does not seem to have occurred to the
heirs that the man with twenty mil
lions in his pocket Is the last man in tho
world to give It up. Nothing occurs
tosuoh people, except that thurolssuld
to be money Bomewhere, and if there
is they want it, and aie willing to
throw away an equal sum to get It.
Will people never get over this crazy
notion that there are vast estttles
nwalting tliem somewhere? Will they
always submit to lobbtry attlie hands
of any swindler who can toll a plausi
ble story ? It looks as if they would.
'A castle in Spuin" has equal attrac
tions for poor and rich, intelligent and
foolish, and all aro willing to buy into
Anew wrinkle in breach of promise
suits lias added terror to marriage en
gagements. A rich old fellow who
wanted to get out of fulfilling his prom
ise to marry a fair widow demanded
that she should return not only the
price of the engagement ring he had
given , but also the money he had spent
on her, and to add to the enormity of
tho thing he declared she should paj
him Interest on every cent of that
money. Business was business in the
eyes of this rich old curmudgeon, but
the aflair is rough ou Cupid.
Defnultlne Cashier Make Ttastltutlnn.
SALISBCRV, N. C, Oot. 111. Cashier I. IT.
Faust, of the First Natienal Bank of Sal
isbury is a defaulter to the amount of $15,
000. On detection Fnust acknowledged
the shortage and madu It good br turnieif,
over to the hank all bin property, real and
personal, which will cover the amount of
the defalcation. His private rIdenee
went with his other property and he is
now penniless.
Mirnaiilninii4 Mtn-rs.
BFXI.EFOXTE, Fa., Oct. 10. Great dis
tress is reported anions tho miners in the
Iloutzualo district. Alines Iso. 5, 8 and 9
have been closed for a lone time and the
others aro working only half time. At n
meeting of the employed and unemployed
it was agreed by the former to divide up
the time equally among all tha miners.
This magnanimous action means but a
scanty living for all.
Hanged Himself to the Ire Ho.
ijhooklyn, uct. iu. John uoeppcrs, a
butcher, 40 years old, committed suleid
during the night by hnnglng himself to
the ice box in his store. He placed a rope
over the top of tho ico box and stood on a
desk, fastened thu rope around his throat
and then Kicked tho desk from under him.
It is said that grief, caused by the death
of an old friend, was the cause of the deed
New York Postmasters.
Washington, Oct. 19. Among the
fourth class postmasters appointed yester
day were the following in New York:
fienrcrfi R fJiill-V T .nil If Slmpmsn 1?
Youngs, Hamlet; Dennis Quinlin, Jnmes-
ville; John I'iggott, North Parma: Will
iam F. Uringloe, Springfield Centre; Owtn
Bennion, Strykersville; J. E. Crevellnsr,
Tuscarora; Frederick Albert, W akefield,
The Anil-Race Track Crusade.
BrtlDUETOX, N. J., Oct. 19. At the Pres
byterian synod of Now Jersoy Iter. Dr.
Samuel M. StuddifTerd, of Trenton, was
elected moderator. Resolutions were
adopted condemnatory of race track gamb
ling, and calling upon all citizens to throw
aside party prejudices next month and
vote for no candidates who favor it.
Two Killed ou the Canadian rnclflo.
PoilT Aiitiiuii, Out, Oct. 19. A serious
wreck occurred on tho Canadian Pacifl
near Grand river, when a speoial traiu cf
fourteen cars onme into collision with a
west bound freight train. WHbridgc, fire
man, .and Elliott, a brakeman, are re
ported killed, and a cargo of tea is said to
bo iu Lake Superior.
A Plukerton Detectlva Attempts Sulclil
NEW Your, Oct. 19. Joseph Leon,
years old, who was a Pinkerton detect!,
at Glen Island during the past season, a
tempted suicide by shooting himself in tU
hallway of his residence. Leon Is said to
be a man of dissipated habits, and to have
quarreled with his ife. The man may
Ho Trouble at Klu Janeiro.
London, Oct. 19. A dispatch te ttie Ex
change Telegraph status that the situa
tion at Rio Janeiro Is nnohanged, Tha
dispatch adds that ail the alleged tele
graphic stories of destruction and carnage
ar absolutely without foundation
Wiudl Keduoei Another Reeoril.
Spbingfielb. Mass., Oot. 19. W. W,
Windle, the bicyclist, reduced the three
Mil mark sf 6:45 1-5, mu4 y M.- ts, to
S.4S. i
of a run-down system can be
accomplished by the use or i)r.
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. A long procession of
disnanrm start from a torpid
liver and impure blood. Take
it, as you ought, when you
feel the first symptoms i lan
guor, loss of appetite, dullness,
depression) and you'll save
yourself from something
As an appetizing, restorative
tonic, to repel disease and
build up the needed flesh and
strength, there's nothing to
equal It. It rouses every organ
Into healthful action, purities
and enriches the blood, braces
up the whole system, and re-
Mores health and vigor.
For every di-ase eai;
by a disordered In er or
Impura blood, it i
tiw only gtiaran
Ued remedv III it
itownt benefit
or cure, you
hare your
How York and Now Joraoy Eridga
Bill Passes tho Houbo.
The Structure Must be Commented Within
Two Venn, Must lie Comnletml Within
Ten Years Thnresrter, nml Must be 1BO
I'oct Above Highest Tide.
Washington, Oct. 10. The New York
and New Jersey bridge bill, which was
passed in the honso of representatives, au
thorizes tho New York and New Jersey
bridge companies, incorporated by the
states of New York and New Jersey to
construct a bridge across the Hudson
river bet ween New York city and the state
of New Jersey, subject to the laws of said
Tho location of the bridge shall be sub
ject to approval by tho seoretary of war; it
shall not be located below Sixty-sixth
street, New York; the company must lay
railroad tracks which may be used by any
railroad on either side to connect their
tracks; all railroad approaches on tho New
York side must lie approved by the com
miseionersof the slnklnsr fundof that city;
it mutt be not less than 160 fret from tho
water at the highest tide; tolls must bo
controlled by the laws of Now York and
New Jorscy.
lue plans of construction must be ap
proved by tho secretary of war, and the
construction of; said bridge shall be com
menced within two years after the passage
of this act, and said company or com
panies shall expend within tho .first year
after construction has commenced not less
than $260,000. and In cacll year thereafter
not loss than $100,000 in tho actual con
struction work of said bridge, aud tho
said bridgo shall be completed within tun
yoars from the commencement of tiie
name. Unless tho actual construction of
said bridge shall bo commenced, pro
ceeded with nnd completed within the
timo and at tho rate above provided for
this act shall bo null and void.
The Tlfrrflsa Victorious.
PnoviDKNCK, Oct. 10. A ferocious bat
tle took place between tho two royal Ben
gal tigers in the Roger Williams paik
menagerie, in which Prince, a noted ani
mal, was killed by Princess, ids no less
noted mate. Prince was the aggressor,
aud Princess, infuriated by the attack,
flow at her mate, and In tho terrible com
bat that ensued, tore his throat aud head
into pieces. Princess is said to be the
handsomest tigress in captivity.
In the Hands of a Itucelvor.
ClIESTElt, Pa., Oct. 19. Tho directors of
tho Wellman Iron and Steel company held
meeting and decided to ask for u re
ceiver for tho company. Subsequently
Lawyer William Broomall was appointed
to that position by tho court. It is prob
able that tho receiver will work up what
orders tbcro aro on tho books and then
close the affairs of the concern.
Toy tn bo Kxocuted on Monday.
Sahatooa, N. Y., Oct. 19. Warden
Thayer, of Dannemora prison, lias noti
fied the sheriff and district attorney of
this county that tho electrocution of
Martin Foy, Jr., for tho murder of Hen
rietta Wilson in this village on May, 1892.
will take place in that prison next Mon
day at 11 a. in.
Threti Sailors Drowned.
Nassau, N. P., Oct. 19. The German
schooner Vera Cruz, from Lacuna de Ter-
minos, Mox., for Hamburg, was wrecked
on Grand Bahama Island ou Oct. 12. Her
first and second mates and the cook
were drowned. The cargo Is now being
Tho Columbia's ftpeed.
Philadelfuia, Oct. 19. Tho cruiser Co
lumbia returned to Cramp's shipyard after
a successful unofficial trial trip, ft main
tained a spued of 21 5-10 knots per hour
during tho trial, a half knot in excess of
the government requirements.
Yirtiiiswlck's Yellow Favor Increase.
Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 19. The official re
port g!vos42new yellow fover cases and 3
deaths. A cold drizzling rain is falling.
and general despondency predominates.
Relief is here and coming that will supply
the hungry people.
Heist to be Hanged Next Month.
IlAHltlsnuito, Oct. 10. Governor Patti
son has fixed Thursday, Dec. 14, for the
execution of Henry Heist at Gettysburg.
Closing Quotations or tlia New York and
1'lilladelphla Exchanges.
New York. Oct. 18. Thero was s 1,'i-nersl
and continuous advanco in prices toiluy.Tui-"
day's professional sellers being forced to buy
bauk stocks. Olusiug bids:
Lehigh Valley 3SK W. N. Y. & Pa. ... 4
I'ennsylvanlK G0H
Heading 12K
St. IVul 5HK
Lahlgh Nav 4H
Reading g. m. 4s. AT
Reading lHtpf. 5s.. iJOM
Keadlug&lpf. 6a- 1M
Reading 3dpf.6s.. 18 H
N. Y. & N. E TK
U. & H. T. corn. ...
II. & B.T. pref -
D. 1.. & W
N. Y. Central-
.. 15'1
West HUor
Lako Erie A W ... -New
Jersey Ceu..l09
Geueral Markets.
Philadelphia, Oct. 18. flour weak; win
ter superfine. &a.loi winter extras, S&S5
&S.50; No. 8 winter family, '.'.';
state roller, straight, $&an.a"; western win
ter, clear, 2.VU8.16; western winter,
straight, $8.163.06; winter, patent, 8.6eS.7ft;
Minnesota, clear, $2.7&&8.25; Minnesota.
straight, SH.50&8.80; Minnesota, patent, fa.8r$
4.15; Minnesota, favorite brands, higher, liye
Hour, tz.WftyJ per barrel. Wheat strong aud
higher, with Kc. bid and MHc. uBked for Oc
tober; tiOMc. bi.i and 07c. asked for November;
8(c. bid aud Bfttc. asked for December; Wc.
bid and 70c. asked for January. Corn higher,
dull, with. 40c. bid and 4oHc. asked for Oc
tober; 46c. bid snd 4&fc. asked for Novem
ber: UHc. bin and 4540. asked for December;
45V4c bid and VS9ie. asked for January. Oats
strong; iMr. bid and STo. asked for October;
35c. bid and ISe.asked for November; 86Ho.
bid and 0Hc. asked for December; Mc. bid
and as4c asked for January. Beef quiet, llriu;
extra mess, $10.5(kftll: family. 1014.50. Pork
firm; new me.SlD.60i. lrd quiet, nominal;
steam rendervd.S10.i5. Bulti i iiulet, weak; New
York dairy, lft&7e.; eleru dairy, 17H2Sc.;
Elgius,IHSI; New Yurk creamery, aSec.
western creamery, dUQgftc.; imitation cream.
I ery, l3lc. L'boesc quiet; New York, large,
aailKc; do. func-y, lifeline.: do. small, 10WA
1 1-c; part skiuim 4($Kc.) full skims, HB4ic
I Kgvs qniet; New mk and Pennsylvania, Mii
ocac; wesK-rn, ZlWJSHo.
HutTalo Cattle Market.
Buffalo. Oct. is. Cattle market weak: cood
Illluuis steers. $4.15; light western steers, $3.25
s:v. western heifers, 2.uQll; western bulla,
VX&ZM; common oxen. flHtS a. Koks weak.
lower; Yorkers, $U.7utM.80; mixed paokera,li0
07 uood medium. tCttatT; choice heavy, S7t
7.W); plga, H).75. Bluep and lambs tteady;
lair to itood uulve huaba, 11744- elutie,
H.40if.0; Canada lamba, M.T45t teirb) aood
sown, fn.aatyt.Tsg ouils am coummw,
Clifford lllackman
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Savocl-Porhaps His Llfo
By Hood's SarsapnrlllolHood l'ot
Boucd by Canker.
Head tho following from a grateful mother:
" Jty little boy had Scarlet l'ever when 4, years
old, and it left him very weak and with blood
poisoned with canker. His eyes becarao
so inllamed thatlils sufferings were intense, aud
for seven weeks ho
Could Not Opon His Eyes.
I took him twico during that time to tho Kyo
and Kar Infirmary on Charles street, but their
remedies failed to do him the faintest shallow
of good. I commenced giving him Hood's
Barsapnrllla and it soon cured him. I havo
never doubted that it an red hi sight, even
if not hi rcrr llf. You may uso tills tof
tlmonlnllnany way you choose. I am always
ready to sound the praise of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
becauso of the wonderful good it did my son."
Annul F. Hlacksun, 2888 Washington St,
Boston, Mass. Oct HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PlLLS aro hand made, and aro per
fect in composition, proportion and appearance.
Bluny HiiHlneftrt Hourhs and Dwellings
Wiped Out by n New York l''ir.
New Yoiik, Oct. 19. One of the most
destructive fires this city has roen since the
great Crystal Palace tire of 1&5S occurred
last evening. The tiro extended from St.
Raphael's Roman Catholic church on For
tieth street, west of Tenth avenue, to the
north side of Forty-second street. The
losses will amount well up into the mill
ions. The flrb was discovered at 8:10 p. m. by
a watchman employed by William Camp
bell & Co., wholesale manufacturers of
wall papers, at 512 to 518 West Forty-second
street anil 303 to 5J2 West Forty-first
street. The fire started in the boiler house
and had gained great headway before it
was discovered. It spread to the adjoining
building, occupied by Nevins & Havilanel,
also wall paper manufacturers, on Tenth
avenue and Forty-second street. IJoth
firms are entirely burned out, and the lire
quickly worked its way to surrounding
Tho estimated losses are: Campbell &
Co., $500,000, although Mr. Campbell, who
was on tho ground, said that his loss was
not lefH than $2,000,000; Nevins & Havi
land, $200,000; private houses on Forty
second stieot, 1150,000; Schastey & Sons,
jxo.uuu; .i.oewer's nrewery, 850,000; two
tenement houses, $50,000; buildings on
Tenth avenue, between Forty-first and
Forty-hecond street, principally tenement
houses anil stores, S100.000; houses, tene
ments and factories on the north side of
' Forty-second street, the cast side of Tenth
avenuo and tho south side of Forty-first
Btreot, winch were blistered and cracked
by the heat, $50,000.
When the fire started there were in the
Campbell factory four men who wero
working over time. They wero Richard
btegcrs, James llambrick, John Brill and
a man whose namo is not known. Whether
they escnped with their livesisnot known.
for Sexton, the watchman, was overcomo
while attempting to warn them. Thero
were many narrow esoanes from death.
The wildest excitement prevailed amonrr
tho tenants in tho many tenements near
by. 'ihey ran from their homes loaded
down with such effects as they could carry
away, but tho houses were consumed so
quicKiy mat, they could save but little,
, although they had ample timo to save
their own livos.
The next morning i feel bright an b
new and my complexion is better.
Hy dor-tor Rya It aria gently on the stomach.
liver buu n.iuiif vt. mm i-4 jjifiuiani tax Alive, i
drink la made from herb?, and jj prepared for
a eailly as tea. It U called
AHdruKfrifttBsellitat6uc.andti a package. Ifyom
cannot get It, send your aridrp in for a free sampla.
lRne'a Family Meillctne move the bowela
Turn uh . j ii uriitr m iieiuiuy inirj in nee
c Uoy, N,
1317 ARCH St.,
I' (OmcLiBtrlctlr Prlaiel
J liie 01 1 t u alilo to ours the uniWa
tunutv kiilT. rlutf rroia HltMHl 1'oltwUf
special llatiues,, htricturas. He
primary or Moaodwr, (uq mttter vbat
othen write, ttrlnt. iit. ivlwriUe or
ewuitee), and klltba trulni ofevlli, w., by the oomblatjj
Allopathic, Hmu.'ti(aihlo, kud Kolcatlti Hlcma of nitfllclno.
Belltf atouut'. t'rttb cast! cured la 4 to 10 dart, Retui Rvo
two-enttaniX fur buuk 'Truth,' suueiblDS Utt U1
astoobb you, and a true frUod to ulTorlng humanity and
thoH ooDtfiuplaiiog luarrlaga, llourt dailjl 9 lo 8; even
logi, S to 0 Huudavi, 9 to 13 U. Beware of quaoki, tbtHl
bocrk llleralure aud rraudulesl MrerUwowati.
Horses ono Carnages to Hire.
HsuUneoI all kinds promptly attended to
bums warn to Doara, at raws
thatara Ubsral.
Oa PEAK ALLEY, Hear of Hie Coffee Horn
IKl B I II IU hn 1 I b w
Trains loavo Shenandoah as follows!
For New York Via I'hllndnlnhla. nnnb riava.
in R HA t m a m IO Oft s PJ K. &K - '
2.10, 7.18 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk,
weekdays, 7.80 a. m., 12.26, 2.Wp, m.
rur uuuuiug uqu x'nuaacipnia, weeK uavs,
10,6.25,7.21.), a.m., 12.20. 2.60. (.68 n. m. Sun!
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m
For Harrlsburg, weok days, 2.10, 7.20 a, m
60, 6.55 p. m.
For Allontown, week days, 7,20 a, m., 12.20.
,50 p, m,
For 1'ottsvllle. wcalt aava. 2.10. 7 9(1 m
12.20, 2.50, 6.56 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30
For Tamnaua and Mahannv niw. nnnir rivn
2.10, 6.25, 7.(0, a. m., 12,26, 2.50, 5.t p. m. San
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m 4.28 p. m. Additional for
mananoy uuy, weea aays, 7 nu p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20
a. tn., 2.60 p. m.
ror wmiamsport, suntrary and Lewlsbure,
week days, 3.26. 7.20. 11.10 a. m.. l.V,. 7.00 nm.
Sunday, Z.U a.m., 3.05 p. m.
For Mahanov Plane, week dam. 110. s.!K. K.K.
7.20, 11.10 a.m., 18.26, 1.85, 2.60,6.65,7.00,9.16
p. m. sunaay, x.iu, s.m, 7.48 a. m., 1.05, 4.o p. m,
ror uiraravuie, ( Kappanannooic station),
week days, 2.10, 8 26, 6 7.20, 11.30 a. m.
12.26,1.86, 2.60, 5.56, 7.00, 8.86 p. m. Sunday, 2.10,
KO,..D a. m., d.uo, p. m.
25. 7M. 1I.E0 a. m.. 1.85. 7.00. B.85 n. m. Suni
udy, o.Ttn. ..90 a. uIm a.vo p. rn.
Leave New York via Philadelpnia, weekCays
00 a. m.. 1.80. 4.00. 7.80 n. m.. IS If, nlcht. Sun
day, 0.00 p. m., 12.16 Bight.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
.mi. o.m a. m., i.uu, p. m. aunaay, 7.10 a. m,
Leave 1'hlladelDhla.Market Street Station.
unjs, -1.4, o.ou, iv.w u. u.., UUU t.W,
vi, p. m. ounaay l.uo, a. m.,
. m,
l.uivn tlAnillnw n..bilnM I U fin miC HU1
a. m., o.oo, p. m aunaoy, i.jd, iu.o a. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.80, 0,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m 2.05 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48. 11.28 a,
U.., v.o y. ui, auuuujr, O.MJ, a. Ul.,
2.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, wcok days, 3.45, 8.18,
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 9.64 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.12
a. m., d.2u p. m.
6. 80,9.35,10.40,U.69a.m.,12,66, 2.06,5.80.6. 26,7.57,10.10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.C0, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p. m.
Leave Qlrardvllle, (Itappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.30, 0.41 19.46a. m., 12.05,
2.12, 1.01, 5.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07, B.33, a. m 3.41, 5.07 p, m.
ivoavo Yvunamsport, woeir aays, s.ou, 9.39, 12.UU
. m., 3.36, 11,15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and tho West vis
U, Sc. O, II. It., throueh trains leave Qlrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. It.) at
3 wi.b.ui, u.CTa. m., 3.66, D.12. 7.10 p. m. Sunday
8 60, 8.02, 11.27 a. m.. 3.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, chestnut street wharf
ana eoutn street wnarr, lor Atiantio city.
Wcokdays Express, 8 00, 0 00, 10 45 a m,
(Saturdays. 1 30) 2 CO. 3 CO. 4 00. 4 30. 5 15 Dm.
Excursion 7 CO am. Accommodation, 8 00 a m,
4 30, 6 45 p m.
Sundays Express, 7 30, 800, 830, 9 00, 1000 a
m nnd 4 30 n m. Accommodation. 8 00 a m and
4 45 p m.
iteiurning leave Atiantio uity acpot, Atiantio
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express
(Mondavs onlv. 6 4,5) 7 00. 7 35. 9 30 a m and 3 15.
400, 5 0, 7 30, 0 30 pm. Accommodation, 650,
8 111 a m and 4 30 p m. Excursion, from foot of
Mississippi Avenuo only, 6 0C p m.
Sundays Express, 3 30, 4 00, 500, 6 00, 6 30,
t uu, 1 isu, cuu,aupm, Accommodation, 7 bu
m and 5 05 p m.
u. u. iiaxsuuuk, uen. pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
hiehton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Aiiemown, uctmcnem, fasten, i'nuaacipma
iiazleton, Wcalherlv. OuaUake Junction. Del
ano and Mahanoy City at 0.01, 7,20, 9.03 a m.
p. m.
i'or incw Yori, o.ui, ,.u a, m., l.Mci, i.ti
22 p. m.
For Uazlcton. Wllkes-Ilarre. Whlto Ilnven
Plttston, Laccyville, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly,
anu iimira, o.ui, v.uo a. m., z.dy, p. m.
ror jiocncsicr, uunaio, XMiagara naus anu
the West, 0.01, 9.U8 a. m. 12.43 aud 8.08 p. m.
For Ilelvldere. Delaware Water Unn and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m 4.22 p. in.
cor iamDerivuie ana xrenion, a. m.
For Tunknannock, 6.04, 9.08 a. m., 2.57, 8 08 p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01, 9.03 a. m. 8.0
For Auburn 9.08 a. m, 8.08 p. m.
For JoancBvllio. Levis tonandUcaverMcsdow.
a. m., o.zt, p. m.
for Auuenrica, uazieton, stocatoa ana urn
ber Yard. 6.01. 7.2S. 9.08. a. m.. 12.43. 2.57.
4 .BL f.!7. R OS n. m.
f or acranton, o.m, v.w, a. m., -.u..w
08 p.m.
For llazlebrook. Jeddo. Drlf ton and reeland
6.04, 7.26, 9.08, a. m 12.43, 2.57, 6.27 p. rc.
w, nwuuuu, ujii.iu,i,ig nuu uub, u, wk, ...m,
7.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.15
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Caimel and D J9 ,n m n m , Al A Aft O QO m n.
U.,CU.Wn,U, ... U.., A.IVt A.tV, O. U..
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 6.04, 7.20, 9.03, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.22,
5 27, 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Uhamokln at 7.55, 11.45 a. m.,
1.55, 3.20 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
v.ui a. m.,, tra p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 7.29,
9.08, 11.05 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15,
Leave Shenandoah for Iiazleton, 6.01, 7.26, 9.08,
a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.22, 5.27, 8.08 p. m.
j-,cavo iiazleton ror snenanaoan, 7.iu,
u. uo a, m,, 1S.1D, z.?o,, 7.s, p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Qlrardvllle and Lost
Creek. 7.29. 9.40 a. m., 12.30. 2.45 p. m.
ior xaieevino, i-arn i-iace, mananoy uuy,
Delano, Iiazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Easton and Now York, 8.40 a m.,
i.iiu, p. m.
j) or i-miaaeinma p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanov Cltv and
Delano, 8.40, 11,35 a. m., 12.30, 2.56, 4.40 6.03 p. m.
ieavo uazieion ior anenanaoan,,
a. m., 1.06, 6.S0 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
9.80 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.rn..l.35,5.l5p. m.
A. W. NONNEMACUER, Asst. G. P. A..
boutn tiethienem ra.
R. II. WILBUR, Genl. Supt. Eastern Dlv
SElTEMBEIt 12th, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
dato for 'Wiggan'g, Gilberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenixville, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Broad street station) at 8:00 and 11:46
a. m. and 4:16 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts
vllle and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlgsan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, New
Cabtle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 5:00, 9:40 a.m.
and 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Pncenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 5:00, 9:40 a. m 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. m.
Bucdays, 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:16,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40, 7:16 and 10:00 p. m, Sundays
at 10:40 a. rc. and 5:16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 a m,
4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at 8 50 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 28 a m.
For New York Express, week days,
at 8 90, 1 06, 4 50, 6 16, 6 60, 7 88, 8 20, 9 50, U 00
11 55, a m, 12 00 noon, 12 11 p. m. (Limited Ei-
Sreaa 1 06 and 4 60 p m. dining cars.) 1 40,
80, 8 20, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6W, 713, 812,
lOOOrm, 12 01 night Sundays 3 20, 4 05, 4 50,
616,812,950, 11 0! 11 36, a m, 12 44, 1 40, 2 30, 4 00
(limited 4 60) 6 20, fl 20, 6 50. 7 18 and 8 12 p m and
12 01 night.
For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate
stations. 0 50, 8 25, 11 SO am, and 8 30, 4 00.
p m weekdays and 6 00 p m. Sundays 8 26 a in,
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 7 20,
S 91. 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 am, (12 26 limited dining
car,) 1 30, 845, 4 41, (6 10 Congreeelonal Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617,
6 55, 7 40 p. m.. 12 C3 night week days. Sun
days, 3 50, 7 0, 3 10, 1118 a m., 12 10, 4 41, 0 65,
7 4Upm. and 12 08 night
For Richmond, 7 CO a m, 12 10 p m, 12 08 night
dally, and 1 80 p. m. week davs.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for P lttsburi
and the West every day at 12 25, 1 20 and 8 10
a m aud 2 25. 3 26, (5 20 limited) and 7 30 p m.
Way for Altoona at 8 18 am and 5 08 p m every
day. For Pittsburg and Alteon at 11 20 a m
every aay.
nl.B I T 1 Innnn Q.I.V.ivn n WIIIUm..I
..mimb ......vol., u.uuui j IU, TT uuUOJfnj, b,
Klmlra, Oanandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Slagara Falls at 204, 5 18 a m.and 1 K p m wMk
iya. For Klmlra at 1 84 p m week days. For
una ana intermeaiave points at is am aauj
Tor Look Haven 6 a and 9 M n daUy, 1
For Kuuto t 61l
at 61
lit m
m, 1 H and t u p m waak tan. ut I lists on
oa b
Bundays ou
unoays oaiy. touhh hi ta,
Bhcnnndoali, Peunn.
A, W. LE1SENIUNG, President.
P. J, FERGUSON, Vice Preeldiit
J. R. LEIHENRING, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cushlor.
Open Dally From 9 to 3r
Merest Paid on Savings Deposit,
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
nnd all the train of ovllj
lromcarlycrroraor later
excesses, tlie remits of
overwork, sickness,
wotry.ctc. Fullstrength,
development and tonn
given to m cry organ and
portion of the body,
hlmple, natural methods.
seen. Failure Impossible.
2.0J0 reference). Cook,
explanation and proofj
mailed (scaled) free.
kmm HEEBMER 00.,
Manufacturers of
Of Evory Description,
Fags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c.
Writs for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
Medleal OfHcfy, 20G 5. SECOND 9t,t Vlllad'ft.rc.
Are tho oId8t In America for the trratraent of
HpeciAl iDlHeates & Vonttiful Krrrs
Varicocele, IlyilitTole, Iiupturo, Lout Jlanbrnxl,
Trcnlmont bylUnil n Nppclally, C'oh
munlratlonB sacrertly ccnfldpntlal Hcmt stamp fnt
Boole. Offlro licurs: 0 A. M, to 2 V. M 6 to 8 1,
ifil All day Satuiday. Sonaays, 10 to 13 A M.
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, Philadelphia,
33 8. Itlaiii St., SUenandoatis
Tho leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated. EverythinB new, clean
and fresh. The finest line of
Wines and Liquors I
Clears, Ac, foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
each evening. Big schooners
of frc8h,Beer,Porter,Ale,&c,
" T TIOrirjTtWHtW Vrntl
Main and Oak Streets,
Shenandoau, Penna,,
Xrucliand Vegetables.
Poult?, Game, Fish and Oysters
In season. Orders left at the store
villi recolvo prompt attention
104 North Main streot, Bhenandoah, Pa
Ico Cream wholesale and retail.
Plonlos and parties supplied on short notlco
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 Main Street.
finest wlnaa. whiskeys and cigars always In
stock. Fraah Beer, Ale and Porter on lap.
Oriole Tampa ran oe Drinks,
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Bfalu sua Coal fits,, Obcuaudoali,
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
Are sometimes a bore, but when the peo-
Ele are told twice that at Gallagher's
heap Cash Htore they can buy Flour and
Tea at lower rates than anywhere in this
town, tbey are glad to test the truth ot
the oft repeated story. Full line of Gro
ceries, Butter and Eggs, Potatoes, (ireen
Truck, Hay and Straw.
Eallaflier's Cheap Cash Store i
sw, hi m! mm mm.