It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is ' nice to take" this trouble is not experi enced in ad ministering Scott's of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatabie as milk'. No preparation so rapidly builds up good llesh, strength and nerve force. Mothers the world over rely upon it in all wasting diseases that children are heir to. Prepaid bj Scott A Boime. N. Y. All drnrlf. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. -AGENT FOR- CELEBRATED LAGER 1 1 1 1 Porter, Ale and Fine Old Stock Ale. Holders! There's nothing will clean you up so quickly or neai your Durns nue because of its high percentage of tas ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. JAS. S. iIRK&CO., Clilccea White Russian Soap Tho licet Soap fef JUUBCi. Do These Questions Apply to Vou? Thev are sure to interest hundreds ot readers of this paper. Nino out et every ten people ore troubled with these symptoms, and really don't fcnowwnat's the matter with them. Here arc the questions: Arn you nervous ? Have you a cough f Is your throat sore ? Is you appf tlte poor Do you hawk and spit? Do you talo cold easy? Is your nose stopped up? Is It always full ot scabs? Is your breath offensive! Is our hearing affectod? Is your tongue frequently coated.? Is vour mouth full of slime neon rlsiccY If vou have vou have, or are eettlne. a bad case of Catarrh. Or e bottle of .Mayers Mac nctloCatanh Cure Is guaranteed to cure any case of Catarrh, and will last for a three months' treatment. Ask your druggist, who will give you an ac-soiute guarantee. i( create by druggists. Remember one bottle to cure. and guaranteeo. Dy our agents.; a cup on CHOCOLATE delicious to the taste, Invigorating and strengthening to the body, mado in ONE MINUTE from 55-5. it 1 OnXv SO ctt. for a full pound package. Free sample on application to manufacturers. woa silk sr K.R.Severn, F. E. MnesrFle, W. II. Waters CHARLES DERB. (Formerly with Wrc Derri . HE: LEADING: BARBER! Ferguson Itouso Building '-No. 12 West Centre Street. ciiHiE-yn-L 139 Hontli Main Street, iGIXi.oZLn.3XdLock33.f TPffv. f 11 work guaran teed to be fire t-class In every Veot. Vie revpectfuily solicit a Bhare of Emulsion li i IK W Lavish Decorations in Honor of Kussian Tars, TEN TIIOTjSAHD IEEN0H SAILOBB TValtlnc to Welcome tho Naval Fleet nf Their Country's Formidable Ally Itlch nnil I'oor Unite In Honoring the Ciur's Representatives. TotJLOK, Oct. 13. Many anxious eyes are turned seaward to watch for the com injr of the ileet of lttinsinn warships, prep arations for the reception of tlio officers of which have been ninilo on n soalo of lav ishness seldom, If over, equaled by this city. People from every prluolpnl oity and town In the country and from the villages scattered between are pouring Into the city, and every arriving train adds to tho throngs In the streets. Tho decorations wero finished last even ing. The finest spectacle is to be seen at the Place d'Armps, the largest open space In the town. The entrance to tho Pre fecture Maritime on one side of the square, is draped in scarlet plush, edged with gold fringe. The court of honor and tho front ot the facade fronting the Place d' Amies aro illuminated by electric lights. Tho Rue Lafayette, the Hue St. Koch and some ten other important streets nre decked with double linesof colored lanterns, which will bo lighted this evening. Tri-colorsnnd Russian colors flaunt from nil the buildings, are wound round the lamp posts and from the background in every window. Tho poorer parts of the city arc hardly less gorgeous than the fashionable streets. They all show bunt ing in profusion, tri-colored lanterns, and many portraits of the czar surrounded by the combined colors of France and Russia. There is not an alley without its flags and lanterns. The Plaoe de la Llbertc, where the bat tle of flowers will take place, is n magnifi cent sight. The double rows of palm trees are hung with lanterns, streamers and tro phies. In front of the statue, oTectod in 18S9 to commemorate tho centenary of the republic, a dnis laid with gold plush has been raised under a canopy of flags and standards and French and Kussian coats of arms. The canopied dais will bo the center of tb'o flower carnival. An Immense triumphal arch has been erected opposito the city hall and directly' In front or the quay where the Russian officers will enter the town. The city hall Is ablaze with light and colors. Tho deco rations of the Interior have been mado without regard for expense. All the rooms to bo- used in entertaining tho Russians have been furnished with royal splendor and luxury. Many streets aro so crowded that ve- hides have been forbidden In them. The quays near the city hall are Impassable, nnd. the pedestrian must fight his way aaross the open spaces. Proprietors of ho tels and lodging houses are doing an enor mous business. The delegates from tho Russian embassy In Paris arrived here yesterday afternoon. among them M. De Giers, son of the Rus sian minister of foreign affairs. They were welcomed enthusiastically at tho station by the people, nnd wore cheered incessantly as they drove to tho docks They went out on a steam ynoht to visit the French squadron already at anchor hero. They found more than fifty war ships, besides torpedo boats, ready to ro celve the Russian fleet. More than 10,000 marines are aboard those vessels. In the last threo days presents for tho Russian marines huvo been received hourly nt the city hall. The mayor announces that be has now ready for the crews of the Russian fleet more than 1,000 packages ot cigarettes, innumerable cheeses and bis cuits, and dozens of cases of brandy and champagne. Brussels, Oct. IS. A deputation from the French colony in this city visited tho Russian embassy this morning to express their sympathy with the demonstration at Toulon, in other Belgian cities tho French residents are showing similar courtesy to the Russian consuls. Another Itaviher Lynched. Savannah, Oct. 13. March Walker, the negro who outraged Helen Young, a mute girl, In her homo last Saturday night, was shot and killed by a squad of mounted police at Way's station, sixteen miles from Savannah, yesterday. A squad of police found Walker in a house near the railroad station. He attempted to escape., but the house was surrounded. Seizing a musket lie fired on his pursuers, but the shot went wild. Four oflioers returned tho Are and Walker fell dead. Disastrous Fire aud Hxploslon. SlOTJX ClTT, la., Oct.18. Fire broke out in tho Union planing mill, at tho cornerof Fifth aud Water streets, almost in the center of the business district. Five min uted later the great building was blown to atoms by a terrlffo explosion, and iu a sec ond later the scattered embers had ignited a doxen buildings in the vioinlty, many of them frame structures. Four square blocks were burned, and the loss is close to ttOO.OOO. Mgr. Satolll lu New York. NEW York, Oct 13. Mgr. Satolll, ac companied by .Her. Father McCarthy, ot St. Frauds Xavler college, arrived here last night to assist at the openiug exercises of the collage, lie will then visit Brook lyn and assist at the consecration ot St. Agnes' church aud celebrate a grind high poutiuoial mast. Klnped with Another Man Wife. MKUIKA, N. Y., Oot. 18 William Shan ley, a well known young man of this place, has eloped with Mrs. Edward Chase. Mrs. Chase took $100 whioh her husband bad borrowed to pay some debts. Sbauley left a wife and four ehildren, and Mrs. Chase left a husband aud two children. More ISnglUh Miners ltesuuie Work. London, Oct. IS. Nine thousand coal miners returned to work iu Derbyshire yesterday. Affairs lu the ooal districts have virtually assumed their normal con dition. The miners have generally won tue light. llruoswlek's Pevtir Mtuiurge, BinmswiOK, G.. Oct. 18. Eighteen new cases of yellow fever were reported yester day. Cases under treatment, 810; dis charged, 183; died, 1; total, 838. The rate of mortality is expected to InoVease. Mlseiuuary t'otui Mardersd. IxitinoN. Oct. IU.- F. (i. Coan. the Ameri can miawiouary, wflu it was feared was murdered by Mobainmilaus at Oroouiiali, Persia, bailed tor .New York; with Bis WUn aucfehltd on June ' last. The Weather Increasing eloudiuet-s aud rain; north- e isterly winds, iuereasiug iu force. JIM Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and has even rcsottcd to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing ab,out, because of the difficulty in making a shade of color with white lead. This wasto can be avoided by tho use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints arc a 'combination of per fectly pure colors, put up In small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Sttictly Pure White Lead to tho shado shown on the can. Bv this means vou will have the best paint in the world, because mado oi the best materials Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having a brand of white lead. that is standard, manufactured by the " Old Dutch " process, and known to be strictly pure the John X. Lewis & Bros. This brand of Strictly Puro White Lead and National Lead Coa Pure White Lead Tinting Colors are for sale by the most to llable dealers In paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, It will nay you to send to UBfor a book containing informa tlon that may save you many a dollari it will only cost you a postal card. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. Married at n. Vteriili-t Itciinrbn. HUNTINODON.Pa., Oct. 13. Tho eleventh aununl reunion ot tho Sixteenth Pcnnsyl vaula cavalry regiment was held here yesterday, and drew together a large per centage of tho regimeut's remnauts. A feature of the reunion was the marriage ceremony performed in George Simpson post room, uniting W. S. Varlcr, aged 57 years, of Alexandria, nnd .Miss Mary Ar nold, aged 24, of Uarre. The ceremony was performed in a hollow square which tho groom's old comrades had formed in tho post room. .1. lv. Kohlson, .Mllllln, ureal dent', T. I). Garmon, Scranton, secretary, and F. F. Rohm, Harrisburg, treasurer. wero tho officers elected for tho ensuing year. Tho next minion of tho regiment will ho held at Pittsburg in August, 1&01 Tho reunion wound up with a street parade and a camn lire in the Ow-rn House. Two lluslness Itloclcs Destroyed. MEII1DAN, Miss., Oct. 13. At 2 o'clock in the morning fire was discovered in tho business portion ot Hnttiosburg, Miss. and before the ilamos wero gotten under control two business blocks were com- pletely destroyed. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Closing Quotations of the New York ami i'lillnitelplilrt Kxcliances. New Yoiik, Oct. 12. The stoos market was stroug, but there Is not olten less of real slg nlflcance In a lupidly moving market than there was lu today's. Closing bids: Lehigh Valley Wfft W. N. Y. & Pa-... 4 Pennsylvania Siitf If. & II. T. com ... Reading - 17 II. & II. T. pref... - St. Paul tW& Erio HJS Lehigh Nav 1954 D. h. & W. IKK Meaning g. m. (8... u.Mj . central 101), Heading 1st pr. us.. i west suore luu I Itoadlug2d nf. Ss.. IBM Lake Erie & W... 15U Heading 3d pf. 5. 15Hj New Jersey Ceu..l(tl N. Y. & N. E. .. 38H Del. & Hudson....l21!i General Markets. Pnir.ADUi.i'HiA. Oct. U -Flour quiet: winter tuper., $2.l"; do. extras. i'4.s.i& Ha.i winter family, 2.6 Pennsylvania roller straight, S'.JiW.Hil; western winter, clear, 2.Vu :1.15: western winter, straight, $tS.l.ra').'; winter patent, S'l.m-fflM' Se.j Minnesota clear, $2.75&'i.; Minnesota straight. iWW.W:mn nesota patent, t&l.25; Miuuesota favorite brands, higher. I(e Hour, S-.U5 pur barrol, Wheat ami. lower, with oo. bid and U7Mo. asked for OctnhertuSo. hid and (Wide, asked for Novemlwr; tXc. bid and Gt9je. ttsicod for December; Vic. bid and .,mo. asked for Jan. nary. Corn quiet, oasler, with 4ftic. bid aud 47n. asked for October: 4(JA,c. hid and 47p. fnr Xn.Bmh'r. -ilii. ltifl itml iftlflr. nfil-nrl for December; 46c. bid and 46He. abked for January. Outsdull, unchanged, wltti COHc. bid and sic. asked for October: .lAic. bid ami ,!! asked for November. ISflc. bid and 38J4c. asked for December; doe. bid and JoUc. asked fot January. Ileof mm; extra mess, $W.311r family, rork quiet, firm; newmess, 819.50. Lard quiet, steady; steam rendered, J10.SA. llutter quiet, easy; New York dairy, lD27o.; western dairy. 17jaic.; Elglns, 29i 30c; New York .creamery, 2439)c.; western orcamory, UOffiSOc; imitation creamery, 19 24c. Cheese firm; New York large. IK&lDic: do. fancy, llllHc: do. small, lui)l3o.; part sklnu, 449Hc-; full skims, Smo. Kcgi quiet, steady; New York and Pennsylvania, MHtt Sic; western, 2MH&c- lluffalo Lire Ktock Market. BurrALO, Oct. It. -Cattle closed unchanged. Ilogs closed dull, with a number unsold; corn fed Yorkers, $6."ift.9 : graseers, $S.5Uh.7i'; mixed (lackers, SO e'sSW 8A; cheloe heavy, ffiH.HU; pigs, S.4 &.i. Sheep sad lambs olosed very dull, and with the outlook lower; goou mixed ewee and wi tJjeis. a. I "'j fair, 8 t)3; extra wethers, $.tfl."S?l ;i; guod to thoic e lambs. I4.ri.ift4 si i mini in fair, Sl t Or I ' uftincs- . AMI IT WILL HOT -CURE. An agreeable Lnxatlvo nnaNruvB Tosta Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. 25o., 60a and $1.00 per package, samples free. The Favorite TOOTH POTOSS for tho Teeth and Urcatb, 25 Captain Sweeney, U.S.A.,8anDIego.Cal.. says: "Ehlloh's Catarrh Bemedy Is the Urst medlclnel haveovcrfoundthatwpulddqma any good." PrlcoiMcta. BoldbyPrugglsta. , , Do not neplwt a Cough, aa there Is danger of Iu leading to Comumption. Siulou's Ccrs wlllsaroyouaBevereLungTrouble. It U tho best Cough Cure ondspeedlly relieves Coughs, Croup, whooping Cough and llroncbltla, and is sold on a guarantee. US eta. Public Notice! int or totftUla QMr ke win be prosecuted m yrpA4 by tbs Aet ot AmmhLj Approved ks4BA64a, H 3m f, UNU it I jhV3N s-t f u ".sia SAILED THE SEAS 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. liYir thlMT-elirlit vrnrs f'nnt. Loud followed V. ..I tlm, limn nu innLlfiKftf n VOu. sol, and upon retiring from the water as up pointed by the Secretary of tho United Status Treasury to superintend the seal flshorlex In masKt, niiicu iKwiuoii nu neiu nvu jrvuia. i rolatos one experlcnco ns follows: "For several years 1 lind been trouhlen with rpniTnl nervniiKnoHH anil naln in tho region of my heart. My greatost nllllctlon was 'ioeiiio sness; ti was almost lmpoasiuiu iiumy lime to obi aln rest, and sleep. Having seen Dr. Miles' remedies ndvertWedl began uslns Norvlno. After taking nsmull quantity the 'Client received was so great Hint 1 was yvi- tallied opiates which would Hnnlly liolnjurl .iveiv ui.'irmeu. tnniKitiK 1110 rcmeny uon- mis to me; uut on ueing nssurcu ny inouiui; ..Int. that It. W114 nerfectiv hiirmless. I contln aed it toucthor with tho Heart Cure. Today I an conscientiously say unit nr. fillies' it ttoriitlve Nervine and Now Heart Cure did luoru for mo than anything I had over taken. i nau ueen treated ny ominciiL puysiciuns in Now York and San Francisco without ben Hi. I owo my present good health to tho ludli'lous use of thoso most valuable remedies, and heartily recommend them to ullnflllcied .is I win." Capt. A. P. Loud, Hampden, Me. Dr. Miles' KeHtoratlvoNervlnonudNewCiire aro sold by all druggists on a posltlvo.uarin wv, or by Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lnd.,on reeelptof price, tl per bottle, or six liotiles for $5, express nrcpnld. They tue ro.i irutu nu opiates anu uaugvrous urugs. Mits. milly i:norsoN, i Troy, N. Y. The followlnu tribute, to DAXA'8 power over OLD CU1WNIO COM 1'LAIXTS, was sent tialy Il'm. Groom of the mell-i-noion " OI10021' S 1'ITAIl MAGX,"11'0 Congress St., Troy, Ar. 1'.: Gentlemen : I h.tvo been troubled with I.I V Kit fMII,AI.Vl', COXNTIIM 'I'lON mill lYM'i;i.SIA far a long time I empkiyod tho host Doctors In the city; tlioytoldme , Old Chronic Complaints were linril ta c ure. Tlicir uicdiclno did mo no rood. I stopped taking It and bought obottlo of DANA'S SAKSAPAItlL LA. lleforol had taken half ot It I lull better. I have taken three, bottles ot DATA'S SAR3APARS ELLA I and am better than for years. IT 1LS ixm: voM)i:its riit mi:, i nn flit iiii.i llilut; I vt irnt aud It does not d I si row mu lu tho least. Yours truly, Troy, N. Y. MItS. MILLY FEKGUSON. DANA SARSAPARILLAGOi, BELFAST, ME. ii ftiliii.' X ImUDRAKEl AND A SURE CURE son GOSTI BlUousnoss, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the ttidnoys, Torpid Liver Rheumatiam, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Erup ' tlons and Skin Diseases. i tile 23c. pet imOt, BsU by til pftM, fliTtf, Jl: ', .c; Is LOltt. rropi.. lorllacUt, Tt Dr. THEEL 1317 ARCH St., rhlldt )thi. tufic Pri' tt ) UtheoDl.t ti. -lo to en l' the tinlW 1st li Mil' au:i riuj iram UMHI pnmuj or ncuu4vj. lu nwuer vtitU Mhr WSite. nrlnt. mx. sihirU as rnsnMetf), Slid KlUtts trains oft,!', etc., by tbucfluUued .AllorttYtUo, HouuropRtlitc, sad Eclocilo ii:em of HU-IU. BtrlW st odc. t reih cun stawil la 4 to 10 ti i, S.'t.-l tiv o kwo-oeat stiuiips for bok Truli.M . iblui thi vll) utoiiUb you,n1 a tru frKu4 to taficriuf bum&ultr ud thus) MKiuiuUtlng nsrrlsjit!. How d-sltytt ; tn-a-tug; 6 to 8) Buildup, 9ta IU II. Mb wire of quaekt, tfwix btwk Ilwrstan sad frsuduleat aAtenlKUwntt. The only SORE ROACH DESTROYER j Exterminator. We guarantee ft to rid the house of Rats, Roaches and Water Bugs, or Money refunded, MAURERS' Persies INSECT POWDER Is the best In the market foe se Sues. Ant. WeTMe. For Sale by til Drujglili Be linviS JeiuguusM. Sold ooly In boiUes, oar Thadc Mark oneecb. "'tht' D. MAURER &. SON, 520 N HtHSf -i ,.f..s. AN EQU1NECR15MAT10N. Five Hundred Horsea Meet Death in a Ohioago Firo, FRENZIED BREAKS TOR LIBERTY. When tho Firemen I'lnnlly riulit Tholr Way Into tho Ilarn Thoy II net Charred Carcasses Lyinc Ahout on lirery Ilniid. The Lose Over WI 00,000. Chicago. Oct. 13. Fretisiod with fright and driven Into a statttpedo by araRinK Are tliat broke out last evening In the Wallace street linrtw of the ChloaRO City ItBllway company, 600 horses were either ttiffooated or burned to death. Tho barns were entirely destroyed. They were lo sated at Wallace and Thirty-ninth streets, nnd were among the most extensive under control of the company. They oocupled tho large brick building, two storlos in height, and extending 100 feet on Wallace anil 00 feet on Thirty-ninth. The lire broke out about 0 o'clock, and soon the big low building was surrounded with flames. They burst from the win dows on either side, and entrance through tho doorways was cut off. Inside the horses woro helpless. They were blinded by the glare of the flames and tho smoko that rolled through tho place in great volumes, and. soon a stam pedo was in progress. Tho animals surged back and forth in groups of fifties and hun dreds in their lnntl rush to escape. Their loud neighing nnd an occasional cry of pain told tho people on tho street of the fearful scenes that were being enacted on the inside. Gradually the sounds of the stampoda grew fainter nnd fainter, and when tfio first group of firemen had fought their way Into the barn they Baw charred car casses lying about on every hand. Tho loss on building Is 2fi,000; on tho horses, $50,000, and on the contents of the barn, cars, feed, etc., $85,000. ANOTHER CYCLONE SOUTH. . Beports So Fur llcoolveil Indicate No Groat I)nmKO. SAYANNATl, Oct. 13. Siivaunh is In the teeth of a storm which threatens to equal In Intensity that of Aug. 37, which swept the entire Georgia and South Carolina coast. All vessels in tho harbor have sought shelter nnd safe anchorages. ' Tho Bostou steamship Gate City, which was to havo sailed last night, will remain until tho storm hns passed. Iu tho city littlo damage has yet been done. Jacksokville, Fia., Oct. 13 Tho storm reached its height here at 2:15 yesterday afternoon, tho velocity of tho wind being forty-eight miles an hour. This indicates that the storm hero will prove less sovero than expected. Cuahlkston, Oct. 13. Tho wind is blow ing In gusts nt forty miles nn hour, but no uamngo has been done beyond the prostni tion of telegraph nnd telephone wires. It Is thought that tho tide may flood some of tlio streets, but no serious overflow is feared. The lEuektalls' llnuulon. WiLLlAMSi'ortT, Pn., Oct. 13. The fatuous regiment, one of tho hardiest of Pennsylvania's military or ganizations during tlio war, met here yes terday in reunion. Tho following officers of the association were elected: President, F. P. Kirk, of North liend; vice president, j. n. ityan, ot Kane: treasurer. E. A. Irvin, of Curwensvllle; secretary. W. H. llaucb, of Philadelphia; assistant secre tary, Airs. W. 11. Itauch. Tho widow and son of General Kune, the famous leader ot the Ducktalls, are in attendance. Deadly Plcht Willi Outlnn.. McAmjbthr, I. .T Oct. 13. Deputy United States Marshals Cannon and Stan field today report u lively fight with tho Woodward gang of outlaws near Fifty two Springs. There were four desperadoes George Pierce, Sam Woodward, Lou Thompson and G. Sofkin. A hot light was waged for more than an hour, during which time oyer 200 shots were fired. George Pierce was killed nnd all the out laws' horses wero killed. All of tho other outlaws were wounded, but escaped. The deputies escaped uninjured. A Constable's Shot Slay he Fatal. Allentows, Pa., Oct. 13. Henry Brader, who was arrested on a trivial assault and battery charge, nnd who was shot by Con stable Schrunk while attempting to run away, is in a precarious condition and Is not expected to recover. Most of his In ternal organs are parulvzed. His friends haVQ OrCTiinizftfl n viirl1nnrM nnn,ml,laa . -fT' wuinutttD, Ull.l. an outbreak agninst his prosecutors Is ex pected at any moment. rusted Kitty-one Days. New London, Conn., Oct. 18. Mrs. Amy Peck, of Lyme, an eccentric old lady, who had been fasting for the last fifty-one days, ate a little nourishment Wednesday afternoon and In a few momenta expired. She was 71 years old, and for the last two weeks of herltfe lay In a comatose state. Urging Pensions for Workers. London, Oct. 18. -The Paris oorrsapond ent of The Times says that Premier Du puy, speaking at a banquet ae Ille-Sur- 'I-.. . .1 . a ..... , ..... uiwaim h is Usui pension lima for peasants as wall as artisans, and other re forms to better the lot of the peasantry. HraelllwH Troupe Ilefeated. Montevideo, Oct. 18. The insurgents in Hio Grade du Sul surprised and de feated the troops of the Braaillau govern ment in a battle at Quantum. Two hun dred of the govern uieut troop ware killed ana many more were wounded. The Kussla'e rassengere Keleased. Quarantine, S. I., Oct. 18. All of the passengers aud crew of the steamer Rus sia were inspected twioo yesterday, and all were found well. The cabin passengers were transferred last evening to the com pany's wharf at Hoboken, and the steamer went up to her dock this mornim?. Fatal Fire In l'rovldence. Providence, R. I., Oct. 13. Fire In a dwelliug on Atwell's avenue, occupied by Joseph Daly and family, resulted in the death of Harry Daly, 17 years fit age, and serious injuries from the flames to Mrs. Daly and another son. Heklm Kent ta aa Asylum. Chu aoo, Oct. 13. Cassias Balden, who such a furore some days age by ii..,oni.g uitt) the board of trade rdt aud md'ng three people, lis. been oou-i'ued u itir K.,nL.ikee insaue asylum. hi- Nitualluu at Hie. ' v. , -i-m Hio lantlro say that tli- miuhimmi there re "i.i'iiM iiiiclianue,! llcsiilti 1 y flri'ig s up In U., U.' ii.-iii.i.-.t -quadnn tk.ium tbe d t AAAAAAAAAA Jj 4 "It is in II- tk mind that makes the man' said Watts, but modem etliics deny this, nud give the credit to tho tailor. It Is question able, however, if either are right. Food has some claims in this respect.tlierefore thote parents who would build up the physique of their children pay strict attention to their rliet. Children are all fond of liar try; for this to be health l III. -llli 4$ (Hie ii-" 4 ji p. ' .'!y prepared, A "J 4 fTTELEN n;i-l be used as a shortening. I is H ppcommenilcd fcy the best Cooks. Consult your physician up on ifo healthmlness. P?nlthmcentslnitaiJiBttoS It. JTolrboJil: is Co.. Chicane. Tor lmtKt somo ottolene Cook Hook, contain IiiubIx Hundred reclpee. iiwieirert tav nlanenilnentnathorltleonci.okiiia. Coltoleno Is sold liy ull grocers. llcfuee allsubstllutes. Made only by N . it. FA I RB AM K 6. CO., CHICAGO, and 138 If. Delaware Ave.. Wj, ;iit- 4 V Professional Cards. TOIIN K. COYI.E, A TTORNKY-A T-LA W. Office Ueddall building, Rhenandosh, P. M M. UDRliK, A TTORNEY A T-LA IT. SQXHAttDOAD Ti.. Office Room 3, 1'. O Building, Shenandosh, at d ISsterly building, 1'ottsvllle. 0. T. HAVICE, SURGEON DENT1S1. Offlce Northeast Cor. Mala and Centre Sts Shenandoah, over Stein's drug store. jyj- H. KISTLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office -ISO North Jsrdln street, Snenmaosh. D K. E. V LONQACUE, Graduate In Kcleriiiary Surgery and Dentitiry. All calls by mall, telegraph or telephone at. tended lo with promptness. Hurgloal opera tions performed with the greatest care, Offlce I Commercial Hotel, Shenandoah JpRANK WOMER, M, V. Specialist Treatment of Catarrh, Practice limited to diseases ot the eye, es uoseand throat. Spectacles furnished, gus antced to suit all eyes Office 13 South Jardln street, Shenandoah. S3 SHOE hoTOp. . Do you wear them? When next lit need try a psOtA Best In the world. .$5.00 110 4.00 $2.50 $3.50 $2.00 ron utoitS' $2.00 l. 73- FOR BOYS $1.75 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 If you want it fine DRESS SHOE,- mads In the lalsd ttvles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3( $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They (it equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear,' do so by purchasing W, L, Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy W.I,.lOUT.' . -.i. Soldbfj IOEPH PAI.I, 14 South Main Street, t-'hensndoafc, Vt.. C. V. Both, Rlnctonn, Pa. CURE5 RISING BREAST . . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" oftcrcil child-bearing vonian. I have been a unit-wile for many yean, and In each cues Tdiero "Mother's Friend" hudbecuusod it : sc. i iurlwlK'd wonders and relieved niDch ntifferlag. It is tbe liest n-iuedy lor rtslK of the breast to. n, and worth the .irioeforStuu alone. Mas. 11 M. l.ut srrn, Muutgojuery, Ala. Sent bjrexnress.rhsrts piepatf oa reoelrx ot price, (1.90 per bottle. BRADFIELO ttEOUIwATOR CO.. isoldbyandruggUts. atlajra. Oa THJS CHOICEST DHINK8 Can always be had at EARLEY'S SALOON, Cor. Lloyd and Market Sts. Be Beer, Ale and Fortei sno anest Otcirs alravs on hsoeV Polite Uvetment in tit WEEKS' SALOON, 17 8. Main Street. 1W Bruds of Witts, Wtisltyi uA Oifi rresh Beer, Porter sad Ale 'w.T. on ta NAURICK KIVUK OOVE OYSTERS fcf& W.J "e"SS. SKV s v v,w iirrua.refi 10 nu Oru( in large or small uiiantitles at our wutilebolesno n mil siorw. All order executed nh care mid prooptness. II m. NOBIiH CO., ii i!w t- f-. Jirdiu Bt Sheomdoali, I'a,