The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 05, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. Vni.-NO. 185.
TTTUMANITY can no more stand cold weather than can the lilies
li of tho field. Roinornbor, right now, that flannels aro cheaper
than funorals, and underwear coats loss than unuortaKcrs ;
thereforo, wo say, como all who shiver and aro lightly muflled and
wo will warm you up.
r yoay Flannels and Underwear!
In buying your yarns let It bo nothing hut tho "Utopia Yarns," Saxony, Gcr
mantown and Spanish. Thoro is nothing in tho market to equal them in
116-118 North Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
fow to make .Room for:
I have concluded to sell off all the Russet Shoes
I have at a Big Reduction.
Children's Shoes, formerly $1.00, now 65 cents.",
Children's Shoes, formerly $1.25. now 75 cents.
All kinds of Women's Russet and
Oxford Shoes at and below cost.
nducements to Buyers
o AT
People s
Ladies' Blick Oxford Tiea, patent tip, 65o, elsewhere $1.00.
Ladles' Russet Oxford Ties 75c, formerly $1.25.
Chllds' Black Oxford Ties 50c, cheap at 75o.
Ladies' Foxed Gaiters 00c, reduced from $1.2-5.
Men's Tenuis Shoes only 40c.
ffior Sale To-day !
Ten Tons Chop Our own make.
Our chop is strictly pure feed.
Made of sound clean grain.
)! Three Tkoxisand Bushels
One Thousand Bushels Corn,
Fifty Tons Choice Timothy Hay,
2.0 Arrive This Week,
Beauty and Comfort
Aro happl y combined
la the
Wo aro now offering. A really ser
viceable and elegant article Is placed
within tlio reach of all. Wo offer a
largo now stock of rocking chairs at
greatly reducod prlcos, ranging from
$1.00 to 0S5.OO.
. . J- R
Williams & Son.
14 South Main Street,
121 North Main Street,
i m in
Regular Monthly Meeting1
Held Last Night.
IIo Una Devised 11 System by AVI 1 1 el i Par
ents "Will Know Whether Pupils nro
Detained In School by the Teachers A
Largo Attendance.
Hauna, O'Hcarn, Bron
una, Burke, Gallagher,
.Dovltt, Manley, Ogdon,
Lynch, Trezlso, Mul
doon, Bcddall iud
Tlttnan responded last
night to a call for tho
regular monthly meeting of tho School
Board and spent over threo hours disposing
of business. Mr. Davenport was tho only
absentee, and ho is at tho World's Fair.
Superintendent SI. P. Whitaker inado an
exhaustlvo report on tho condition of tho
schools and gavo tho following figures on
enrolments: For tho torm Boys, 1159 j
girls, 1339 ; total, 2318. Enrolment for tho
mouth Boys, 1001 ; girls, 13C0 ; total, 2121.
Avofago daily atteudanco Boys, 929; girls,
1183; total, 2112. Avorago perccutago of
attendance, 92. Number of pupils present at
ovory session, Oil. Nuiubor of visits by
citizens, 101. By Directors, 29.
Tho superintendent said that tho avcrago
dally attendance for tho month (2112) was
tho largest in tho history of tho borough.
Tho tost book law is working very satisfac
tory to all concerned. It has been of great
benefit to tho attendanco at schools and tho
real school work shows qulto an Improvement
on formor years, as thero is no pupil without
a slato or book.
On account of the typhoid fever epidemic.
every precaution has boen taken to put all tho
school buildings in sanitary condition by tho
uso of disinfectants and every child belonging
to a family in which typhoid fovor exists has
boon oxcluded from tho schools that is, in
every case whero typhoid is known to exist.
If there aro any cases whero thoro is typhoid
and tho cnlldren of the family aro attonding
schools tho superiutondent would llko to
know it.
Tho superintendent has concluded to try
and break up tho sticot promenading prac
tico of pupils after school hours. IIo says the
parents aro opposed to tho promenading, but
aro ke t In ignorance of it under the 6uppo
sltiou that when their children do not reach
homo at tho usual tinio they are detained by
tho teacher, Mr. Whitakcr asked permission
of tho board to establish an over-timo system
in the schools, and it wan granted. Tho
superintendent will furnish tho teachers with
tickets and whenever i pupil is detained after
tho usual school hour he or she wdl be given
n ticket showing tho hour of dismissal
Should a parent And Urn", tho pup'l is later
than usual in roackng home a request to bo
shown tho ticket will show whether tho
pupil was detained in school.
At tho last meeting of tho board thero was
considerable discussion as to whether tho
children of Mr. Iteilly, watchman for tho
Glrard Estate, woro entitled to admission to
tho schools of town by reason of their rosl
donco being nearer the schools than those in
which the house Is located. Last night Mr.
Beddall said that upon Inspection of a re
liable map ho found that Mr. Iteilly's houso
Is located in West Mahanoy township, and
that n air lino measurements It is less than
3,000 feet from tho Lost Creek Bchool building,
7,200 feet from tho nearest school building in
Union township, and 10,100 from tho nearest
Shenandoah school. Somo of the members
did not agree with Mr. Boddall's report, but
no definite action was taken cither way.
It was decided that tho evening schools
shall open on October 30th, and tho com
mittee was authorized to purchase text books
and supplies for them.
When tho free text book law Went into
effect tho School Board estimated that It
would cost about $3,500 to comply with It
this torm. Thus far expenditures to the
amount of $3 319.45 have boen made for
books and supplies of all kinds.
The contractors who built tho new West
street school building sent in a bill of $518.03
for oxtras. Tho board spent about an hour,
with tho assistance of supervising architect
Frank X. Rellly, in picking the bill to
pieces. It was finally decided that tho proper
committee meet the contractors and when
a final report U ready a special meeting of
the hoard will bo called to consider it. There
were some protty warm exchanges of opiulon
on what should and should not bo charged
for as oxtras.
Just befuro the board adjourned It was
stated that B. J, Yost owns the property
Immediately west of the new West street
school property and the stable and outhouse
bo has on the lot are ol so to the Inlet wbioli
Is to be depended upon for air to feed tho
Smead ystem of ventilation. Reallalug the
condition ot aUalri t'o roper committee
opened negotiations with Mr. Yokt for the
prohase of a part of the lot and that gentle
man asktd (COO for a pieeo 80x15 feet, re
serving the right of easeuitmt, so that he will
have the privilege to haul osal over the plot
to tho rear of bis residence. After some
discussion of the matter It was decided to
mako an experiment for a now air inlet bo-
foro taking stojs to mako n purc'iasi from
Mr. Yo.t.
Tho lllgh school commlttoo reported hav
ing socuicd a now piano from E. W. Wlldo
for tho High school room, but was not ready
to mako a final r port as tho two weeks al
lowed for trial of tho instrument had not
Wlint Ho Sees nml Ilrnrs During llli
Tho oxperienco of a man who lives not far
from this town and who rccoutly visited tho
World's Fair, is worthy of mention. Ho
wont to the fair with a friend, nud when
thoy arrived in Chicago tho friend took both
return tickets for Bafo kcoping. They had
bcon In tho city about an hour whon they
bccaiuo separated, and our hero spout tho
balanco of that day looking for his friond.
Uo didn't feel liko going to tho fair, and
whon evening came, lonosotno and dis
couraged, ho hunted up tho depot, bought n
roturu ticket at full faro and oamo back homo
glad to got out of tho jam.
If there ever was an instance of tho flcklo
ness of woman, It is in the quick change in
fashions. It is only a month or two ago that
tho womau who did not bedeck herself with
ovory color of tha rainbow was out of
fashion. Now tho woman who then looked
llko a peacock is horrified whon sho sees
anothcr,womau whoso clothos aro varl-colorcd.
Fashion says that black and white only aro to
bo used in woman's clothing, nnd that sho
who wears tho lavondor aud groon and tho
tan of a couple of months ago, is a thousand
years out of stylo. And poor mau Is kept on
tho jump to supply tho wherewithal to keep
up with tho changes in ficklo fashions.
Among tho traveling salesmen Shenandoah
is uotod for its lovely women. They can
hardly promenatlo tho streets without ono of
theso commercial tourists in their wake
On Tuosday evening ono of Shonandoah's
fairest daughters led one of theso men on a
wild goo30 chase. It appears that tho young
lady gavo him a ficticious name, nnd at ovory
street corner ho interrogated tho bystanders
in reference to tho object of his pursuit.
No ono appeared to know her. Finally the
latter gavo him tho slip much to tho amuse
mcnt of tho crowd of street urchins who
followed him from one strcot to another.
Tho ycuug man's opinion of .Shenandoah
girls has changed considorabloslnco tho abovo
Anything that I can do toward making
hymcnial's knot as tight as possible I am
prepared to perform that pleasant duty. I
always liko to remove all unnecessary ob
stacles that may happen to bo in tho way of a
successful union of two hearts that beat as
ono. Until tho present yoar a marriago
license was void If presented to a magistrate
or minister in a county other than tho ono in
which the license was issuod. This proved a
great inconvenienco to tho marriageable
portion of our population. However, since
Monday last tho amendment passed at tho
last Legislature provides tint a license se
cured in Schuylkill county can bo used in
any other county in tho stato.
During tho summer a number of milk
shako fouutains woro in oporatiou In this
town, and thoy wero patronized as much by
tho fair sex as any one else, Recently two
young ladies, who appeared to bo strangers In
tho town, entered a certain storo for a milk
shake. Tho clork, who is a marriod man,
by tho way, had a notion that the young
ladies wantod to bo talked to, and he wasn't
going to alio A' them to sutler. So he told
them all about his personal history, from tho
day ho was an infantlln arms until the time
arrived, when low in puree, he was forced to
accept a position as a dispenser of physics
and tho palatable milk shake. They listened
attentively, but said not a word, when the
clerk paused, as if expecting some Bort of
encouragement. And it oamo in this wleo :
"IIow long was it that you were a book
agent at Bio msburg? You forgot to tell us
that." But tho clerk found that It was
necessary to compound a prescription and
answered no .
The m yor of Wilkes Barre has Issued an
order that the Chief Burgess of Shenandoah
could emulate with much profit to the town.
Tho residents of tho abovo town aro com
pelled, by proclamation of their Mayor,
to oleun the gutters iu front of tueir prop
erties and to keep tbern oon at all times
during the coming winter. If tho order la
not complied with fines will be Imposed aud
if not paid at ouce cults will ba instituted.
Unclean gutters are dangerous to the public
health, aud we have a number of sue) In
every sect on of the town. Ode,
Livery sUble keepers should always keep
Arnica & Oil Liniment iu the stable, nothing
liko it for horses, lm
New Through Stu ping Car Line
From Chicago to Seattle via the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul and Great Northorn
Railways, has beou established and firet-olaa
sleeping oars will hereafter run daily from
Chicago at 10:30 p. m., arriving at Seattle
11:30 p. m., fourth day. This is undoubtedly
the best route to reach the North Vml&e amt.
For time tablet, maps and other Information
apply to the nearest tieket agent, or address
John R. Pott, Dlttriot Paw. Agent, O., M. A
St. P. R'y, WIHUraiport, Pa. tf
Best photographs and crayon at Dabb's.
f ! Ill
Three Sought Against the
Public Water "Works.
I.awyors nnd CopjIsU Hani nt Work In
l'ottsvlllo I'rop irliiK for ii (irnml Charge.
Tlio Kehley Itmi, Olrnril IMnte and
Slieimiulo.ih Wutor Coinpiuiy to Sun.
UE reports concerning
tho public water works
aro becoming more
serious and according
to tho gleauings mado
to day tho borough Is
to bo drawn Into three
injunction sultslnstoad
of one, as at first re
ported. On Tuosday it was stated that tho
Kohloy Run colliery people wero thinking
about asking tho court for an injunction.
Yesterday tho statemout was mado that an
Injunction had bson decided upon. To day it
was announced on oxcellont authority that not
only had tho Kehloy Run peoplo commenced
preparing papors upon which to apply for an
Injunction to restrain tho borough from con
tinuing work on reservoir No. 2, but that tho
Glrard Estate people and the Shenandoah
Water Company had also decided to apply for
injunctions to stop progress on tho public
water works.
All tho preliminary work is being dnno iu
tho law otllccs of ExJudgo Ryon, Samuel II.
Ka'irchor, Esq , and D. C. Ilouning, Esq., at
Pottsvil'.o. Whilo tho steps are simultaneous,
il is said tho suits are entlro y Independent
of each other and tho grounds upon which
they are based bear uo relation to oach other,
tavo wlrh ono p sslblo exception, which is
tint tho Glrard Es'ato may bo called upon to
fortify tho lei- e hold by tho Thomas Coal
It Is said that when tbi papers of all tho
suits aro complcto thoy will bo voluminous, as
tho work of preparing thorn has already
consumed tSroe days, and two or threo more
days may elapse before thoy are finished aud
ready for presentation to tho court.
That the Shcnaudoah Water Company is to
bring suit again is tlio most surprising of tho
annouueomonts. Tho borough authorities
have been expecting trouble from tho other
sources, but thought tho refusal of an in
junction some months ago had settled legal
controversies with tho water company.
But such Is not the caso, howovcr. A
gentloman acquainted with tho affairs of tho
water company stated to-day that an iujunc
tion will bo asked for on the ground that tho
borough has no right to infringo upon tho
company's irater-shed; that tho company
owns a dam looatod uoar Yatesvillo, kuowu
as Fowler's dam, and tho borougn has begun
tho erection of a reservoir at a point about
300 yards abovo tho dam and in tho ravine
which foods it.
When spokon to on the threo threatened
injunction suits a member of tho Borough
Council said to day that throats could bo
mado aud suits could be brought, tho water
works will bo built in spite of them. All
tho borough need do is to put up bonds to
in icmnify the partlos suing against damages
and the construction of tho public water
works will go ahead.
Arnica & Oil Liniment is equally good for
man and beast 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
"Colliery Engineer" Winn.
Tho Herald takes pleasure in noting tho
fact that The Colliery Engineer, Scranton, of
which Mr. T. J. Foster, formerly of Shenan
doah, is tho proprietor, has been awarded a
prize for tho best oxhibit of safety lamps at
tho Columblau exposition. Tho exhibit is an
educational ono, aud is of an evolutionary
character. It shows all kinds of safety
lamps from tho primitive Davy aud Clanny
lamps to tho most approved lamps of recent
design. It is shown in a handsome white
enamelled booth with ornato front in
Moresque design, occupying a space of 12 feet
9 in. by 25 feet in the east gallery of the
Mining building. The lamps wero gathered
from the leading manufactories of Ameriea
and Europe, and the collection is the most
complete evor arranged.
William Maley, of West Oak street, mourns
the loss of his beloved wife, Margaret, who
died this mornltig after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Maley was in her 53d year. She was
respected aud beloved by all who knew her
and the surviving husband and three sous,
Joseph, Frank and William, find in her death
the loss of a devoted wife and mother who at
all times made thoir houn a pleasant one,
The funeral will take place at 9:30 o'clock
Saturday morning.
Hunt Times Kcouomy.
Soore of women in Shenandoah are econo
mizing an their olothiug this fall, yet their
gowns, jacket', and wraps look new aud are
of fashionable color. A few package of
Diamond Dye have made their faded, dingy,
and worn garment as good as new with but
little expeute or work. For homeilyelug,
ue only Diamond Dyes, a ttey ere simple,
strong, and perfectly reliable.
hi I Ml .N
Use W'bilb' Laundkv Buje, the bei
Bluing tor laundry use. Baeh paekage tuaket
two quarts, loots. Sold by Coakley Bros.
Mrs. Henry Wlcderhold, R. A. Davenport,
J. J. Bobbin and Georgo Krick arrlvod homo
to-day from tho World's Fair.
Grifllth It. Jones (Caradog), tho groat Welsh
loader of choirs, is a guest of the Wolah
Philosophical Society of Scranton.
C. F. Allen, oandldato for County Commis
sioner on tho Republican ticket, circulated
among tho local politicians yosterday.
William Readier, of St. Nicholas, has
moved into tlio houso on East Coal strcot.
formorly occupied by tho Ford family.
Samuel J. Sillman, at ono timo a typo on tho
IIkeai.d but now working at tho trade in
Uarrisburg, has just returned from a pleasant
trip to tho World's Fair. Tho jovial Sam
arrived in town Just iu timo to tip tho light
fantastic at tho ball last ovoning. IIo leaves
Saturday for Albany, N. Y., to attend tho
Stato Typographical convention.
For a mild cathartic and cfllclont tonic, use
Baxtor's Mandrake Bittors. Every bottle
warranted. lm
(Iriinit lllntetltlrod.
Tho Ivorites of town havo begun prepare,
tlons for thoir sixth grand eisteddfod aud
concert to bo held at Ferguson's thoatro ou
December 25 (Christmas Day), 1803. Prizes
ranging from $i to $150 will bootl'ered, bosido
a nuiubor of gold medals. Tho loading choral
competition will be "Sing Unto God," for a
choir of not lees than GO voices and a prize of
$150. A prize of $75 will be offered for tho
best rendition of "Freeman, Lift Your Banner
High," by a choir of not loss than 33 voices,
and $50 for a male party of not loss than 1G
voices to sing "Sleep, My Lady Lovo;" $30
to tho female prty of not loss than 18 in
number nor over 20 for "Rlso Again Glad
Summer Sun;" and $25 to tho juvenile choir
of not loss than 25 iu number, nor over 15
ycarj of ago, for "Tho Border Land of
Caniau." Thero will bo cloven other prizos
of from $1 to $12 dollars lor quartettes, trios,
duets, solos aud recitations. Tho Ivoritos
predict that this will bo tho greatest musical
treat over offered In Shenandoah.
A Hlg Success.
Tho first annual ball given in Bobbins'
opera houso last night under the auspices of
tho Shenandoah baso ball players was a very
gratifying succesi. About ono hundred and
fifty couples wero prosent aud the playors
will no doubt find a good sum to their credit
whon they balance accounts. All the baso
ball players of town aud many from Mahanoy
City, Pottsvlllo and othor plecos were iu the
hall and, of course, they attracted a largo
attendance of young women. Tho grand,
march was led by Mrs. William Pitcher
Setloy and Georgo Fox, tho first baseman of
tho home team, and tho music was furnished
by tho Grant Band. A figure of a baso ball
diamond introduced by tho couples during
the march was hourtily applauded by tho
many spectator? in tho balcony. The Schoppo
orchestra furnished tho dancing music. Dur
ing the evening George Fox aud George
Bauswiuo, tho now pitcher of tho homo team,
rendered voeal solos and there were other
interludes which made tho evening pass very
A Former Citizen Mnrrletl.
Robert Sillman, at ono time a resident of
this place, arrivod in town on Tuesday
accompanied by his newly-niade bride, anil
thoy will spend a few diys with the formor"
sister, Mrs. Robert Siddall, of South Jardln.
street. Mr. and Mrs. Sillman aro now enjoy
ing thoir wedding tour, which included all
tho loading eastern cities. Mr. Sillman is
master mechanic for the 11., R. & P. railroad,
with headquarters at Bullalo, aud his many
friends in this town have takou occasion to
call upon him and his wife while hero to
oxpress their pleasure at his suocess both iu
the business and matrimonial field. Mr. and
Mrs. Sillman will mako their future homo at
Austin, Pa., whoro the former is now
Thieves at Work.
On Tuesday night somo unknown person or
persons took from the front window of Wilde's
musical store, on North 'Main street, mouth
organs to the value of $5.00. Tho glass in the
lower end of the window was oracked, and
by pushing in the broken portion of tho glasa
it was an easy matter for the thieves to ob
tain the instrument. The guilty parties
have not yet been oaptured.
To Slake Tour.
All the Democratic candidates on tho
county tieket met at Potteville yesterday and
discussed matters relative to the campaign.
On Saturday they will meet at Potteville
again and on Monday they will meet at
Ashland to begin a three-day tour through
the Eldrod, Mahantonga, Barry and neigh
boring districts.
Home Again.
"Benny" Marshall, one of the two boys re
ported last week as having abandoned their
homos hero for a life in the buttling fields of
the Quaker City, returned te town yesterday,
disgusted with bis venture. Jehu Hughe,
the other boy, is still in Philadelphia.
'Alt worn out'' i the expression of tha
steeples MidMrer with that terrible eob.
Pan-Tluaputa a stop to iu It' a remedy fer
Caucus, Colds and Consumption, 116 eenta.
PanTTtnaU sold at P. 1. I). Klrllu's drus
CENTS pr yard for OllclolU
that Bella ou wght. Others for
8bo. 46o. aud upwards. All
gradae of protty Cart. Cull for bar
gains. C. I. FrlcUe'a Carpet
Store, 10 South Jardlu Street.