The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 04, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Do you ever consider the quality ot the
food yon ara eatlngt It may be good, it might
be better, purer, fresher and more wholesome.
Is It not worth while to make sure that your
Tea, Coltse, Wugar, llutter, Kggs, Bplees and
Innumerable other groceries are of the bent
quality? There la such a trifling difference In
the prices of the beet and the worst that It cer
tainly does not pay to buy the worst, oven on
the false grojnd of supposed ooonomy.
The beet is always the cheapest, because the
mot satisfactory and durable, and tho very
beet ot everything In thogrooeryllnuls kept at
Cor. Centre nncl Wliltc Sta.,
Base ball on tlio wane.
Nutting seawn at hand.
reaches almost over.
Flies aro thinning out.
Sausage and scrapplo aro appearing.
Fall trade with oysters Is opening.
The fall bouse cleaning Is In full blast
Ashland complains of chicken thievee.
Look out for your doors and window
Gradually, hut timorously, business is
The harvest moon is now iu its full blazo
of glory.
October is expected to bring us somo lino
Hutiimn days.
The now Washington hall at Ashland will
rie opened ou Oct. 12.
Tho bfuinnna continues to hold in favor
among tropical fruits.
Again it r tho glorious season of tho year
for walking parties.
Leaves turning brown and falling from
tho trees.
Tho ice men's sale's now begin to diminish
Gas bills Increase in size as the days decreaso
in length.
People aro now asking will it bo a mild or
oold winter?
The season for renewed activity in tho
churches Is now hero.
Arnica A Oil Liniment is cnually good for
man and boost. 23 and 50 cents per bottlo.
Preparing" to Hue.
The report published yesterday that tho
construction of reservoir Mo. 2 of tho public
water works would probably bring on an
other injunction suit is confirmed. It ws
learned to-day that tho initial Btops havo
been taken and within a few days tho papers
will be preparod and suit commenced. The
narties who will bring the suits will bo tho
Tliomas Coal Company, operating tho Koh
lev Eun colliery, aud tho Glrard Estate.
Judge ltyon has been engaged by tho com
irony and Samuel II. Kaercbcrwill represent
the Estate. It is said tho attotnoys and
parties interested wero in consultation to-day
aud wcro busy examining blue prints show
Sng the reservoir site and its relation with tho
workings of the Kehley Iiun colliery.
The proprietors of Pan-Tina have spent
thousands or dollars to umku u Known mat
Houres i.'oiuhB. ColdM and f.nGrimw. Trial
twittlfs of I'an-Tiua fiee at P. V. V. Klrlin
drug store.
LKIBY. At Shenandoah, Octobor 2, 1803,
Gtaorge Henry, son of William mid Susan
Iieiby, aged 1G years. Funeral on Thursday,
October 5th, to leave residence ou West
Strawberry alloy for tho Evangelical church
at 1 o'clock, sharp. Interment in Odd Fol
lows' cemetery. Frionds and relatives ro
apeetfully invited to attend. 10-3 2t
HUutit I'lre.
A bed In a Polish boarding houso on liowcrs
street caught fire last evening through soma
manner for which the occupants were unable
ti account. Thero was considerable excite
ment about tho place, but tho names wero ex
tinguished before much damago was dono
and without the assistance of tho fire department.
Hero's it HiirgalN,
Do you want a bioyclo? Wo havo n few
high grado $110 pneumatic with Morgan
and Wright tires loft. Will oloso them out
for $1)5 each. McCossni.t, & lino.,
10-8-Gt Ashland, Pa.
Another Onink.
A man by tho name of Smith, who Is said
to hall from Mt. Oarmel, is seeking notoriety
through tho samo channel that Giicttllng,
tho World's Fair trotter, boeaino a traveling
curiosity. Tho Mt. Carmel man proposes
carrying a scuttloof chestnut coal to Chicago,
and on his arrival thero will sell tho coal as
souvenirs. It is quite evident that Mt.
Cnrinel's cranks aro not confined to its news
paper ulllces.
Fried oysters a specialty at McElhenny's.
0-12 tf
Tho AVreck Cleared.
Tho wreck which occurred on tho Phila
delphia and Heading Railroad, near Wetiierili
Junction, yesterday, was cleared away by 3
o'clock In tho afternoon and after that hour
trains woro running regularly on tho Potts-
villo short lino of tho Pennsylvania Kiilroad,
which was also blocked ou account of tho
wreck taking placo at the junction of tho
two lines.
Uiifier Arrest.
On Sunday last Anthony Wilkalus was
attacked whilo walking to town after n visit
to Mahanoy City by scvcrnl men whom ho
could only describe as Llthtiiniaus. Wllka
lus was very badly boaton and it was feared
thoro would bo serious results. Justlco
Toomoy ami Constable Glh'iu wcro given
charge of the caso and last night they ar
rested and gave, a hearing to Miko and An
thony Novicskl. Tho men wero put under
ijmOO bail each for trial at court. Tho attack
seems to havo been made through pure
vicinusness nud nothing was ilovcloped at tho
hearing to show that Wilkalus 1 ad given
1 ho in the slightest provocation.
Mm. Dobtoii'n Dentil Silroerdi'd by Mrs.
Coxiy' Collfa4inri of Cllltlt.
CAMDEN, N. J., Oct. 4. Mrs. Clnra Cur
tis Dobson, wifo of Dr. A. T. Dobson, a
prominent physician of this city, died nt
the home of her fnthor here yesterday
from a broken henrt caused by domestic
trouble. Mrs Dobson, who was a lndy of
refinement, suspected her husband of linv
Iiik Improper relntions with Mrs. J. Clar
ence Coxey, of 423 Linden street. Ho
claimed that his cnlls wero professional
ones. This wns not believed by his wife
and with her mother she called nt the
Coxey runnlon and domnnded to soe Mr.
Dobson. Mrs. Coxoy denied Mint the
physician was In the house Mrs. Dobson
forced her way in and wns followed by her
mother, nnd proceeded to the second story
bedroom, where tho two wives had a per
sonal encounter.
In the midst of the meloe Dr. Dobson an
penrcd on tho scene from n closet and Bep
nrnled the infuriated women, His wife
accused him of infidelity, which he denied,
and followed her from the house. Mrs.
Dobson refused to listen to his pleadings,
and proceeding to the office of a justice of
the pence hail him arrested on the charge
of infidelity. He was held in ball for
court. Mrs. Dobson then secured her per
sonal propertj . and with her two children
went to live with her parentB.
The doctor nnd Mrs. Coxey denied the
serious accusation, and tho husband of the
latter believed them. Mrs. Dobson was
unable to withstand the severe blow, nnd
was prostrated, death resulting from ncute
inflammation of the brain,
Mr. Coxey created a sensation yesterday
by appearing nt the law office of Judgo
Howard Carrow nnd announcing; thnt his
wifo had confessed that the charges of
Mrs. Dobson were true. Ho instructed
Judge Carrow to at ouco commence di
vorce proceedings, which was done. All
of tho persons concerned, excopting Mrs.
Coxey, are connected with tho First Pres
byterian church, Mr. Dobson being onoof
the deacons.
She Wns Wlirn Sim Rtrnncled Three
Clillriroll at ltordentown,
Mt. N. J Oct, 4. The trial of
Lena llrown for the murder of three
children at Hordontown In Septcmbor lout,
was begun yesterday before Justice Gar
rison and a Jury. One of the vict ms was
her own son, the other two being Gnorge
and Joseph Harvoy, children of a neigh
bor. All three were found on tho floor of
Lena Brown's room strangled to death.
Tho defendant stood beside tho dead bodies
nnd admitted that she did the deed, but
was unable to give any explanation of the
The defendant came from Germany a
few years ago, nnd nothing is known of
her antecedents. She says she Is unmar
ried. Since being In jail she has given
birth to another child, which she has
treated with tho utmost tenderness.
The testimony of the witness for the
prosecution was In substance that the
murder was committed while Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey wero away from home. The
children wero left In the defendant'!
ehnrge and she strangled them, as she said,
to keep them out of harm. Then she sur
rendered herself to the police.
Medical Director John u, ward, of tho
state Insane asylum, testified that the de
fendant was ovidentlyBiiilorlngfroni puer
peral Insanity, ns she was In ft delicate con
dition at tho time, and this view of the
case was also taken by the other medical
experts, Including Judgo Garrison, who
said he had no hesitation In telling tho
jury thnt In his opinion tho defendant was
fullering from homicidal lunula.
Tho jury thereupon brought a verdict of
not guilty upon tho ground of insanity,
nnd advised that she bo confined In some
suitable asylum.
OU HA LE -Nine shares Hchuylklll Tree
tlon slock. Apply at mis omce. u-ir
17IOH HALE A National tvnowrlter In ner
1 feet condition. Will bo sold cheap for
oMh, Apply at this office. B-H-tf
The Grand
I-psTKAYED. From the prcmlsos of Btant
li slow Pavllk, 13H Houtb Main street, Hhen
andcah, dark crav cow with large, white liornf ,
turned backward. For the return of tho samo
a reward will bo paid. lu a-3t
Fall Opening!
Don't Tobacco Spit orSmoko your Life Away
Is IhH truthful. Htnrtllnir title of n little book
that tolls all about No to-bic, tho wonderful,
harmloss Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, lhe
cost Is trilling and tho man who wants to quit
nu can i runs no puysicai or iinnuciai tibk in
sin? "No in baa." Hold bv all druralsts.
lie ok at drugstores or by mallfretf. Address
Too Sterling lteinedy Co., Indiana Mineral
Springs, lnd.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1893.
Tho hit ot the Season.
The third annual tour of
Fitz and Webster
A Breezy Time.
Terrible Double murder In Kontticky.
l'Allia, Ky., Oct. 4. Some unknown
fiend placed a dynamite cartridge between
Eliza Deut nnd Houston Kelly, colored,
while they were asleep nt 4 o'clock in the
morning nt tho former's home, 101 Second
street. The cartridge exploded and killed
them both. The dynamite was evidently
placed directly between them, with a fuse
attached, so that the right arm of one nnd
the left arm of the other was torn off at
the shoulder. It is alleged that the Dent
woman had quarrelled with two negro
men over the ownership of the cottage in
which the tragedy occurred, which may
lead to their arrest on suspicion,
Driven Off by Striken.
London, Oct. 4 The Alexandria &
Craven oolllerles, in the Coventry district,
Warwickshire, woro the scenes of attacks
by striking miners upon the men who sig
nified their intention of resuming work,
They were threatened with violonoo if
they persisted in their determination to
descend into the pit. In many cases tLe
food wnllets carried by the men willing to
work were seized by the mob and their
contents devoured. Tho men wore so
thoroughly intimidated that they refused
to go to work.
Itaby Killed by an Explotlon.
R IDG WAY, Pa., Oct. 4. William Zerbo,
of Johnsonburg, at midnight went into
the cellar of bis house with a lamp lo
search for a leak in the gas pipe, and as
result a terrific exploilon occurred, killing
lU-months-old child and seriously Injur
ing Zerbeaud his wife. The house is t
total wreck and window glass was broken
in huusos half n milo away.
Death of a Nuted Kniflllh Actor.
London, Oct. 4. David IJelasco, the
actor, better known to the theater going
world ns David James, died in this cli J.
He bad long been a sullerer lrom a liver
complaint. He created aud played for
yours the part of the immortal butterman,
'crkyu Middlowick, in liyrou s comedy of
Our lioys."
"A Uree7y Time."
The attraction at the Grand Opera Housd
is a good one. It comes lu the shape of "A
Breezy Time," presented by those star artists,
Ir E. B. Fitz and Miss Kathryn Webster,
who are surrounded by a capable compauy.
There Is plenty of comedy and music in "A
Breezy Time" and lots of clean fun.
Ptcnyutir, New OrUani. "A Breezy Time"
t Ferguson's theatre on Friday, Oct. Cth.
Children's Itelliurknhlr 15cnpe.
Nevada, Mo., Oct. 4. Whilo a train on
the Missouri Pacific was approaching
HIch Hill, Mo., the engineer discovered
a woman nud two little children crossing
a thirty feet trestle. The woman jumped
nud escaped with slight bruises, but tho
children.girl of 0 nnd 0 yours respectively.
wero knocked down by the pilot and fell
between the sleepers, lodging just under
the rails. The entire train of thirty-eight
cars passed oyer them, but when tho truln
men went back to gather up their remains
both children were found unhurt.
Abraham ltlce Dead.
Abraham Bice, an old citizen of Boaver
Valley, died on Monday, aged 01 years, hav
Jog been a resident of that valley since 1807.
He was well known and highly respected and
leaves a wife and six children. Ho was
buried this afternoon with Masonic cero
laoniee, he having boon a member of Cata
wiesa Lodge, F. & A. II.
Atteutlon Comrades!
The members of Watkln Waters Post No.
lit. (Irani Army of the Republic, who
iatead going to Allentown ou Grand Amy
Tv. are renuested to meet in front of
Eeftwieh's Hall, Thursday morning at 6
e'eleek, prompt, fully equipped. By order of
H. O. Boveb, Post Commander.
Attest : F. H. Hopkins, Post Adjutaut.
Thousands walk the earth to day who
would he sleeping in its bosom Jbut ;for the
tiawly use of Downs' Elixir. lin
r. Slorenn Proposes a Ileturn to the
Free Coinage Aot of 1837.
WxaniNQTON. Oct. An entirely novel
amendment to the silver purchase repeal
bill was suggested in the senate yesterday
by Mr. Morgan. It proposes the revival of
the free coinage act of 1B37 and the remls.
elon of 20 per cent, of Import duties to the
countries that receive American standard
silver dollars (of present weight and fine
ness) at par as legal tender money. The
debate on the repeal bill was continued by
Mr. DolDh in favor of its passage. The
debate was continued by Mr. Power In op-
Dosltlon to the repeal bill, and by Mr. l'ab
iner in its advocaoy. At tho close of Mr,
Palmer's speech there was an Interesting
and amusing scene. Mr. Dubois asserted
his belief that there wero not ten senators
Who were actually anxious to pass the re
float bill, and ha almost challenged the
trial of physical endurance. This testMr.
Palmer deprecated as an net of barbarism.
and he went through the pantomime of
nartlallr taking off bis coat when tllus.
tratlng the Imaginary scene of trying who
was the better man. The incident aff ordsd
great amusement.
Mr. Dunphr, Just before the house ad
Journed, and when the chamber was prac
tically deserted, made a bold attempt to
teoure the passage of the New York bridge
bill, but although Mr. Warner declined to
objeot to the consideration of the bill he
was equally efficacious In raising tho point
of "no Quorum" on Its passage. Previous
to this episode the debate on the federal
eleotions bill wns continued by Messn
Northwny and Ilowers In opposition, nnd
by Messr. De Forest and Kyle in support
of It
(Joining; l'vent.
'M Wwt annual lullgiven by theSlien
nmUnh haw ball player, Bobbin' opera
tteaseu Soboppo orehatra.
Oct 13. Third annual ball, under the
tf if in of Boston Buu Fife aud Drum
Otopt, ia Foley's ball, Gilberton.
Lane's Family Medlolue Mores the Howell
.Eaci day. Most people need. to use it.
Bast work done at Dreunan's steam laun
drv. Evervthlue white aud spotl" Lace
eurtalus a specialty. All work guaranteed
Have you tried McElhenny's fried oysters
Bur Ktvttone flour. Be sure that the
name LbssiQ & Bakb, Ashland, Pa.,
printed on every sack, 3-3 3taw,
Millinery, Goats, Gapes, Dry Seeds
w s-ly
Dives, Pomeiioy
and Stewaet,
Special attractions on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
A r. nrlne. rolllcklne musical farce comcdr.
E. H Fitz and Kathryn Webster, tbo popular
musical artists, supportca uyan excellent company.
New boeits. new dances, new music, now com
pany, new specialties, now costumes. A bevy
of pi ettyB'rls, tho tonnls quintette, the tnando
lln octette. Tho latest, the new Turkish bell
savotlc, and a cyclone of fun and music.
OCTOBER 5th, 6th and 7th.
Wo havo spared no pains to make our store an object lesson throuehout. Everv de-
partment has been renewed nnd wo are ablo to put forth tho verv best goods for tho inspec
tion and consideration of thoso who aro socking good goods at hard-times prices. Wo make
our patrons a study and think wo havo not failed In our cUbrts to suit nil In quality and price.
f)nr First. "Fall flnftirinfr in MillirifTnr! I
Prices, as, 50 and 75 Cents.
llcserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Promises a rare treat, not only in tho fine French hats, but hats of our own American talents.
Onr trimmer having been to Jiuropo, Is now able to combine tho European stylos with the
American and design some most beautiful effects, which aro well worth your inspection.
Ourtritumod iolthats all new and latest styles, (no old goods carried over) will range in
price from 49c to $1.-19. Among them aro tho Colonial, Hnrrourt, Ploiizco, Plcolo, Francaiso,
aud so many others space will not permit mention thereof, Our trimmed hats of ovcry do
Bcriptiou for tho aged as well as tho young ladles' will boput forward at tho following prices:
$1.48, $1.08, $2.48, $2 93, $3 25, $3 03, $1.23, $5 00, $5.23, etc., to any prico according to tho
kind nud quality of trimming. A beautiful souvenir will bo given to anyone purchasing a
hat over and abovo $2.00.
Wos not in the slightest way neglected. It is brlmfull of all the newest manu
factured Coats, Capes, etc Wo havo thorn to suit ovcrybody and at prices
within everybody's reach, Now, is it to bo a plush or fur coat, jacket or cape?
Pay us a visit on our opening days, and we'll help you out of a dilcmua. A
handsomely framed picturo will bo presented the buyer of a wrap during our
opening days.
GnfWQ nCDAflTMCMT Toofull for utterance, in nil the newest
U it I bUUUO Utr Mil I mtVi I and prettiest weaves out of tho factories
" r:.--:--. at quality and prico buyout! expectation.
5 and 7 North Centre Street,
i i
v f
0. GEO. MILLER, Manager,
. We mention for your benefit
A line of Plain and Fancy
To Itellcve lUtl-u8s.
West Chester, Pn , Oct. 4. Chief Bur
gess Speakuitiu and all the cburches of
Coatesvllle havo called a public meeting
for tomorrow evening to organize relief
committees for the distressed people of
that place, many of whom are mill hands
and have been out of employment for u
loug while.
A German itmibvr's Suicide.
Berlin, Oct. 4. Director Schultz, of the
Rhenish Credit bank in Karlsruhe, shot
himself with a rovolver.aud died boon after
wards. A largo shortage was fouud in the
bank's accounts.
lllimnrck Will Avoid Ilerlln.
BEHLIN, Oct. 4. Prince Bismarck wi 11
return to Friedrichsruh via Bebra and
Ilnuover, aud thus avoid pusslug througu
Closing Quotations of tho New York aud
l'lilladolplil& Kxohnnges.
New YonK. Oct, 8. Thero was great dull
ness In the stock market, though prices wero
generally firm. Closlns bldt:
LehlRh Valley- SI W. N. Y & Pa... IU
Pennsylvania, WH II. & B. T. com
Reading IVA
Bt. Paul
Lehlgu Nav -.. 41
Heading g. m. (s... 07J.4
Heading 1st pf. ts- SUM
KoadluK 2d pf. 5s. 20
Heading 3d pf. 6s- 15H
N. Y. & N. K Z98
OT Slicimmlonli,
O ESoixtla. JVEetlTH Stroot.
QUEEN & CO., Of MladelpMa
Send their Eye Specialist
To Shenandoah, Thursday, Oct. xa
He will be found at the
Ferguson House, From 8:30 a. m. to5:30 p. m.
Persons who havo headache or whoso eyes are causing dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re'
celve intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHAItGE to ex
amino your eyes. Every pair ot glasses ordered Is guaranteed
to bo satisfactory.
11. & B. T. pref ...
Erie 137fi
X). L. & W H8
N. Y. Central 101
West Bhore
Lake Erie & 15
New Jersey Cen-10
Del. & IIudson...ll8
General Markets.
PniutBiLrHiA, Oct. 3. Flour slow: winter
tnporfine,t2S.15; do. extras, 2.!(S1.50; No. 2
winter famlly.l2.ooaz.80: Pennsylvania roller,
etralsht,?3&8.30; western winter, clear, ISi.Wffi
8.19; western winter, straight, $3.193.10: win
ter, patent. t3.05a; Minnesota, clear, tl.TSSS)
8.25; Mlnuesota.ntralslit, fcJ.t 3.90; Minnesota,
patent, ;i.a; ailunebota ravorltu uranue,
higher, live flour ti.KOa per barrel. Wheat
dull. firm, with 0W4o. bid and T0o. asked
for October; 71o, bid and Hio. asked for No
vember; 7i$6e. bid and 73o. asked for Decem
ber; 71Mc bid and 7Wc asked tor January.
Corn strone. hither, with 0Hc. bid and 44c
asked for Octobor; 48lo.bld and to. asked for
November; 4tlc. bid and tt$jc. asKea ror ue
cetnbr: 16Ho. bid and 4Sic. asaed for Jauuary,
Oatsdulr, unchanged, with Stic, bid and Wo.
asked for October: 36Uo bid and 8C?io. asked
for November; 80Jo. bid and 47o. asked for
December; 00Ho. bid and 87o. asksd for Jan
uary. Beet dull. Arm: extra mess. 810.60311 1
family, $1&2U.60. Pork Inactive, llrm; new
mess. 18ai8.K5. Lard unlet, firm: steam ren
derl. S10. llutter steady: New York dairy.
:iino.: western dairy, l?&c.: Elgin, tftf
QJKJo.; New tYork creamery, a! woeteru
creamery. 20ac.: Imitation creamery, IB
21o. Cheese quiet, steady: New York larga,
white and colorrd, fVtmi Jjr.; do. tuiull, l
llUr.: nart skims. ;U..c : full skim. gQUu.
KK firmer; New Yor.. ami PeuUbylvaultt,2T4
Uttihv.; western, -lWiWWuc.
Iluffulu I.Ue stuck Market
nnmui. N. Y.. Oct. a -Catlle steady: extra
l.tiju lb. steers. &. lt.tSA.afft: coarko steera. t
fftl.BUi mixed Lute ben. . ; 1 rai uw.
Si.ftuaa.76. llous steady, with sales of k'"" i
welabt plus at oU'; Vorkei . krasy to tjood
light, $u suu.7. t bnicu wt-iiilus, $.1' ; "od w
diuins aud bt-avy, $7 Hifi(7 15: pigi. 2 '
blin-u ami li.uibn Hi in fuir m kd .
bp, $.l.oili'( I; -iiud lubt wet In li. f
xport vseibi r, Jt.;.'.j, , fair to tfm
6; exn
nl II in
Dr. Daniel Dechert
County Treasurer
Beer and Porter.
I AM AGENT for the
Chas. Rettlg's Cele
brated Beer and Porter in
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors aud Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
You are careful about your writing paper, of
e mrse noimng snows kooh urevuiuK mum
. ImbpIv than rnrrnftt nnrrfeMOandenra.
rut jo"r little nots to "lb" buicber, tbe
baker, tbecandlo-gviok maker," do not need to
be o isurh ane qu'lity paper as your epistles
loMei.ds. V ou l in -ave ironey there by using
ur cbesper grailes nr p.ipnranu envelopes.
(Formerly with Wro. Derrt
Ferguson House Building
No. 12 West Centre Street.
Tue b t m
i rreci in eveiy wuj
u.j ib i next best. Both
No. t North Main Street I-lie n mdoah, Pa.
13 J Motilli Sltiln Street,
All work guaranteed to be flrt-class In every
res ect. vve respe ifu'ly solicit a share ot
your patronage. Uouds tilled for anuaeuvereu
Of holes in a skimmerl 1
Lots of wavs of tbrowlnsr awav mnnnv. nn
of the best methods ot economizing is to Insure
lntlrat class, thoroughly reilaole companies,
either life, tiro or accident, such as represented
No. 120 South Jardin Strpnt. HbpnnnHnnh. TiA I!
, i
- e.
Horses ano Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.rf
Horses taken to board, at rates ,
that are liberal.
Oa PEAR ALLEY, Rear of the Coffee House.1
Russet Shoe Laces!
Russet Slioc Dresslnsl j
lO -W. Oontro St., If. X
: n,
We are now prepared to fill orders
In large or small quantities at our
wnoiesoie ana retail store. All orders
executed wun care ana promptness,
9.11-lSw 8 S. Jardin St, Shenandoah, la,