A LIKE MM A TIUP. Terriblo Drowning Acoidont in a Ho Floats tho British Flag on a Brazilian VgssbI, Miohigan Iron Miuo, Ij'Ido not Eat PastrySj A How often you hear this It Cures Colli, Cougbi, Sore Throat. Croon, Inf.n enza. "Whooping' Couph, Bronchitis undAtthirt A certrun cure for Coniumption in flrat nUgef, andirur irlief in arlvanti attarei. Uae atone. Ton will tnts theiollent effect after tnkinstb first do" Sold by dial cTerywhara. Larc bottlet b'j tent a and $1.00. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 1207 Went Cool Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. AOKNT FOR Itauer's CELEBRATED USER 1 1 Porter, Ale and Pine Old Stock Ale. Clean up at night, and heat tnc day's ctifc aim uiuibcs wail Vtcause o its high percentage o t ASK YOUR OROCER FOR IT. JAS. S. ICirtlv As CO.. Chlontt. Wliito Russian Soap 8$$P&S8? A CUP OF CHOCOLATE delicious to tho taste, invigorating and strengthening to the body, made in ONE MINUTE from POUR S'wif&l"?! IT IS Only 30 ets. for a full pound paekage. Free aanrjle on application to marrufacttirora, roa BUX ET 15, H. Sivrrn, F. I" Atngarcle. W. H Walers Entirely E A SURE l&Sii Jon eiTVENESS Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Indi "osilon, Diseases of I Afl M , ino mujiuys, i orpiti tivor Rheumatism, Dizziness. Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Erup i tiona and Skin Diseases. i fries 25c t'-i lutle. Ceil Ij all Drtsjiiti. BEJET, JDIUSOI & I0t. fropi., BurSIn:to, It ThB only SDRE ROACH DESTROYER U We guarantee it ion-' ilia lWe cf Rats, Roaches WATER BUOS, or EY RETUNDCK. MAUBERS1 Parties iMftrnr pnwntri k the best in lb market far Bum. Amts. MemM. " INeaoTe on Dow, AS ' Fir Sals by ill Druggists B inn and get the Meads. SoU only la bottles, our TSABE Mask aneack, Ul";el D. fvlAURER &.SON, 129 N. Otw Sf... piuitt.!ii(. Fanners! 4e"W -T"7 er BELIEVED TO BE PAUL BOYTON. Tllo Famous Swimmer, If It bo He, Ar rested by ItrltUli Nnvnl omcere hIk! Turned nvnr In tlie United Stole Mln later for Action Washington, Sept. 80. A sptceof Inter national interest has been Injected Into the pitUHt ton of affairs in I Ira pill through two momenta tlint may lead to Home complica tion. The first, of these Ik bated on the action of merchant vessels, Ilylntr the Stars anil Stripes, in furnishing provisions to the rebel fleet whlota threatens Hlo .Tan oiro. The other is best explained !y the following cable message received by the Beoretary of the navy from Captln Pick ing, commanding the United States steamor Charleston, at Itio; Iioynton, h United Slates cltlr,en com manding n tug illegally Moating n llrltixh ling, orrested by Ilritlsh man-of-war and delivered to tne. Had torpedo on board, presumably to at tack insurgent ship. Shall I send him home?" Secretary Herbert replied, "Hold Boyn- ton until further orderB." Tho suggestion is made that "Captain Iioynton" mentioned In those- dispatches is probably Paul Uoyton. the diving suit man, who ha been mixed up in similar alTairs before. Contrary to tho general belief it Is now i-tatod that the Mate department has been In almost uninterrupted telegraphic com munication with Minister Thompson since his arrival' in Hlo Janeiro. It is learned that in one of his telegrams Mr. Thomp son reported that merchant vessels were furnishing the insurgent fleet with pro visions, and he nsked for instructions with referenco to tho American vessels engaged In tins practice. It is understood that in reply the stato department lias directed the minister to caution captains of the American mer chantmen against giving stores to the belligerents, the United States not having recognized tho rebellious faction. Whether American vesels have actually given pro vision to tho rebel", and If so whether the government of lirar.11, if it be successful In tho present trouble, will ask for an ex planation, perhaps something more, from tho United States, are questions that can not now be considered in any other form than as mere surmise. On the faco of it the Iioynton (or Uoyton) incident would nppenr to be important. but opinion in official circles differs as to its gravity. A majority of thoso questioned on the subject nro inclined to think that It will not amount to anything. The con struction placed on Captain 1'Ieklng'stele- gram at tho navy department Is this: A tug of the Hrazillan government, fly ing the British flag, attempted to blow tip an insurgent ship. Tho commander of the tug, a United States citizen, was arrested by British ofliccrs on the charge of piracy in showing colors under which he had no right to sail, and waB turned over to the United States naval authorities for con veyance to the United States for trial. In support of the assertion that Uoynton, or Uoyton, is a pirate, naval officers point to an act of congress of March 3, 1819. which authorizes tiie president of the United States to instruct commanders of the pub lic armed vessels ol tho government "to seize and send into port any vessel, the crew of which shall htivo committed, or attempted, any act ot piracy upon any ves sel of the United States or the citizens thereof, or up jn any other vessel," and it is held at the navy department by promi nent officials that the words "attempted any act of ptraoy upon any other vessel," clearly proclaim the offense and tho au-' thority of the commander of the Charles ton to hold Uoynton a prisoner. But it the state department, where the matter has beon examined with some care, it is suid that the incident is not at all seri ous. Uoynton had been Captured on sus picion of Intending to commit an assault on one of the rebel ships, and had been, through courtesy, turned over to the United States commander for whatever action the United States saw flt to take in hlscae. It is stutvd that no severe pun ishment could be inflicted on Iioynton, and that neither Great Britain nor Brazil would attempt to hold tho United States responsible for tlie matter, and further more, that even if it be shown that Iloyn-. ton's tug was In tlie service of the Brazil ian government while floating tho British flag Great Britain will not be sufficiently Interested to demand redress from Brazil. Tlie only present entise for apprehension, that trouble will ensue in the matterls the suggestion that If Boynton is in the em ploy bf the Brazilian government the Bio authorities may demand his release. Vigilant' Kormldablo Competitor. New Yoiik, Sept. 30. Lord' Dunraven's challenging yacht Valkyrie went down the bay yesterday for her second trial spin in this country. A powerful breeze blew from the north-northeast, covering the bay with whitecaps, and the cutter soudded along like a race' horse. The schooner yacht Ariel and the other craft that accompanied the Valkyrie down the bay were speedily left behind. . The eutter fairly skimmed over the wave, or rather through them, for her keen bow cut choppy teas like a knife. On a stretch where she could be timed she covered the distance, nine miles, in one hour and one minute. Flower Will Prevent tlie l'rlee. Vlcht. AtiiANy, Sept. 80. Speaking to a r porter regarding-lim piopoMsi Corlx-ti Mitchell fight at dinet Im.uh) firm i mi Flower said: "If Mic sl ,ft of K n county permit the lawagmtiet rnr I ing to be vloltaMl in thai, i,ii"'y in everybody else must hV :iir -t quences. I mean wh-ii I iy, a' l i thoiize you to publish, thin u ,ny i. cj-.- .. on the matter." I.lveey Silye lie Will lr III ui ll. IlAIililSBUIIG, Sept. 30.--YliHe at, the World's fair recently Insurance Comm. -,-sloncr Iiupersnw Colonel William Ijivsey. the cashier of ' the state tieasury during the Uardsley cvpote, and talkel 'with him. He sold lie would olear himself of the cloud upon his name. ' A Neero .WhumiIii I.ynelieil. SHRKVSPOitT, Ijb,, Sept. 80. Henry Col ef mau, Jr., the nggro who attempted to as 8asiatB Tlionms Lyles, was taken from the jail at Benton yesterday by eighty men and lynched. He ronfessed his crime and said he was ready lor bis fate. Death uf a. Now Jersey Judge. PL AlvriELD, Sept. 80. Ex-Judge Nathan Harper died of heart dissMse at his boms here yesterday. He wns 7 years old auda preuUitnt oIUmb. For srrnl years ha was judge ot the Union county bench,' f.,? expression, anu tne ex J plauation that usually N-s 1 follows: "I am troubled with dyspepsia." The f-R A explanation is not far to vJL M suttk. In the pnst . Lard Y 1 hasbeenusetlastheprin r oipal shortening in all L pastry, the result dys- ,j ? pepsia. The dyspeptic troubled, providiiiij; OTTOLEI i3 Evlr-tituted for lard in f, the preparation ofall food, 'f'2 y'., It is composed strictlv of ' highlv refined vegetable . v oil and beef suet. When rt f, i ued as a shorteniii";, it i'" produces wholesome and J': ? healthful .pastry. Physi- i' . ; ciaira and expert cooks . indorse it. RcttiM substitutes. . - t-n 1 three cents In 'tamo, to N K Hi - irninlc Klo, ulncai;o lor ntniu-wroe v- l .)ltntuite Cuok took, lomutmni! nix j l..i...l,l .....i.-.pmI l.u tni.p einl. y y iit-m .lUttiuritici on citpkine. 2' ? rottnlena w sold by all croceM. m rvt ir r; a inii a m r & rt CIHCAOO nnJ 133 If. Dal aware Ave..rhlla. Tillman Dennnncee Ijynehlnrre. COLUMBIA, S. C, Sept. 30. In au inter view on the recent lynching of a negro at Aiken for murder Governor Tillman says that it is inexcusable, as court was in ses sion and the negro could have been hung according to law. Rape is tlie only crime for which lynching is justifiable. I-ynch-lngs are caused by delays in trials, but they are being carried too far. Governor Tillman is in favor, of speedy trials as a remedy. He has urged this upon the state legislature. International dies Tournament. NEW Yoiik, Sept. 30. The, following players will compete in the international tournament which began at the Manhat tan Chess club this afternoon: K. Lasker, Berlin; M. Taubunhaus, Paris; A. Albln, Vienna; J. E. Lee, James Nagrodsky and G. H. D. Gossip, London; J. W. Showalter, Kentucky; W. H. K. Pollock, Albany; il. N, Pillsbury, Boston, and G. Delnmn, J. S. Hyan, Mnyor.llarhamand A.B. Hodges, of the Manhattan Chess club. Found Dying on tlio UoatUlde, HAZLK70N, Pa., Sept. 30. Paul Lazlar, n Hungarian, was found unconscious on the path near Beaver Meadow colliery, where ho wat employed as a slato picker. The man had been shot in tho face with- a gun londod with bird shot. His faco is horribly torn ntid his breast and neck riddled. Lazlar is now at the hospital, and it is believed he will die. He refuses to divulge tho name of his assailant. Shot by Ills rluymute. Chatham, N. B., Sept. 30. Lomttel Dickson, aged 15, was shot by John Mc Cully, aged 13, and died. Tho boys were coming from school when young .McCully produced a pistol and pointed It at his comrade. Dickson cried, "Don't shoot," but tho other boy pulled the trigger, and the bullet entered Dickson's head. Mo Cully says ho did not know tho weapon wasloaded. trlklnt; Kultehmeti Weaken. Louisville, Sept. an. The strike on the LonisVillo and Nashville isat tin end. Yes terday afternoon the striking switchmen decided to lot urn to work. The switchmen are feeling blue, as mwiy of them will not bo taken back, their places having been supplied. A Defaulter Dice In l'riaon. TllOMASTON, Me., Sept. 30. M. C. Perci Till, the defaulting cashier of the National Shoe and Leather bank of Lewiston, who was sentenced in October, lb'J2, to ten years' imprisonment, died in the state prison here. Percivul'sdcllclenoy amounted to $100,000. Death of Ex-Heuntor Mthcken. Louisville, Sept. 30. Ex-United States Senator Willis 1). Maokuu died last even ing in the Western asylum at Hopkinvllla of axhauntioii'iiicident to extreme old age. He wan in his 84th year, and was com mitted to the asylum about three weeks ago. I'rencli G'oncutaloli to lintel. BanoKok, Kept. 30. The report is our rent here thai France will give to Hussia for a coaling station the Island of Samlt, In the Gulf of Siam. The island was occu pied b the I reiicl, l.ivt lime e wvuviFW mm J5ct.r rn-, i eS.T'sVCiJ aia m TO in wna, uiu -seaaji fiMiiriHaue, Cures Couc'n, IIoareiiem,boro Xliroat, Croup promptly: relieves Whooping Uoueh and Aetlimu. For Consumption it has no rival: has cured thouaands where nil others failed; will cure you if taken In time. Bold by Druggists on aguarsntee. ForLamellsck or Chest, uto Sll lLOU'S l'LASTEK. jScts. mLOH'SCATARRH remedy: , Tlave you Catarrh ? This remedy is iruaran. teod to cure you. I'uce 40 ot. Jojeotorlree. Public Notice! Kotlee Is hereby glvec that persons aeatraj- 1b( or datsining beer keg will he prosecuted ss provMw) by the Act of Assembly approved April (Ib.llWi. lr A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sot cliar, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contributed her thousands of brave soldiers to the war, and no state bears n bet tor pecoru in mill ii)et't man it. noes, in literature It is rapidly nequlrlng av. envlalilo jiltico. In war ntid literal uie Solomon lYwcll, well known as a writer as "Hoi, lias won an honorable position, lnir tinr the Into war lio was jl nimnlier of Co. M. id. N. V. Cavalry anil of tho 13th Indiana In- raniry voiiimeers. iteiraruiiiK an imjiorinui 'lrctiqisianco no writes as totiows: "Hevernl of us old veterans hero are uslnc. )r. Miles' Hesloratlvo Nervine, Heart Cine inii Xorve and l.ler Pills, all of them tzlvlnu : pleiidlil Hiitlsfai ilon. In fact, wo haw inner i-eti lemetues unit, conipiiro wiin lnein. ui ' lio 1'IIN wo miisl say thcV aro the best etun- I'lnatlon ui the riunllllns required In a piep LrHllon of their nalni-o uo liave ever Unov. li. We Have initio bill words of liralso for tliem. i ney are toe oinizrowtii or a new princiine in tieiflclne, and tone nil tho system woniter lully. Wo say to all, try tlieso remedies." - (liilomoti Vowell, Alarlon, lull,, I)ee. r, 1HWE These rumndles nro sold by nil drugrglsis on imsltlvn Kiiarautee, or sent, direct by the 'n MI1b Medical t'o., Klkhart, liid.. on n- elnl of nrlf o. SI nor lint tie. six bottles 36. o.- ws prepaid. They positively coutain neither im nor uctuKcrous uruK, Ale Vou it Sutl'crer I'rom Catiirrli, liny Fever, Kte,? If you are. go to your druggist, or if you can't get It where you live, senU to us. (Jet a bottle ot Majers' Macnotlo Catarrh Cure which we will entirely guarantee, to cure any case of Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc., otherwise your money will be returned. For one ctol nr, one bottle to last for threo mouths' trcstmeni. and one bottle to urc It has never fallrd. uud will cure you. Give It a trial. No cure, no pay. '11IB MAVEIIS llltDO ( o . Oakland. Md. One dollar for a threo months' treatment nnd an absolute guarantee for a cure IS what the Mayers lrug Co . of Oakland, Md., offers to sullerers of oalsrrh. hay fever, etc. j sk your drujglst for a bottle ot Wavers1 Macrietiu uauirrn uuro. it nils never fulled, and will cure you. For sale by ull druggists, or ud dress tbo bovo tlrm. Ask your druggist to show you a bottle of Mayers Magnetic Catarrh Cure Ono bottle to cure any case, no r alter hnw severo, and will last tor mreo months- treatment. Hold every sea -jl CAN BE CURED A CURE GUARANTEED DR. J. B. MAYER, 1015 ArcliSt.,Pliila.,Pa. riiee at once, no operation or delay from bus! nMH. atf"jited l,v tlioLiaand of cure enlnr-i . iuentof phys'cfanfl, ladles aril proraimnt t-tti- 7enscan besecnucoincc. Cont,ultation fri e r inl strictly confidential. Hend rnr circulars. Ofllco liours j O H.Jil. to 3 P.I.". 1TAUS3 r:r, Kntaicc. The folio whig oroafewof tliomany that lmvo neen cuureiy curcu 01 iiupturo uy in:. J. I'.. ilAYEHS iltSATMtM: Jac ib :. Schant. -Jtw North Broad ., ridln. K. (i. Shoeslj-, Bhcelton, Dauphin Co., I a. F. H. Koaslter, Hioenixvlllc, I'o. 11. A. Kail. Kewton. N. J. dolinlI.8ohettrer,cllowlIoti6CP.O,llerkFCo..I'a A. s. iviomgeroa, i.inieKim i. u , jieiKa vo., J a. S. Jones Philips, Kennet Square, la. A. A. Gold jwontliy, Ccnballa, Col. Co., Pa. C. Heritag", ilullca Hill, N. J. Ij. K. Hess, R ockhlll. Pa. F. A. Kreitz, e'atlngton, Va. E. 51. Small, Mount Alto, Pa. Jas. Davis, Pit tvllle. Mud ward. Hilla. h. II. Kunk-eL 1131 Linden St , Allentown, Fe. ?eo. IV. Watt, Iforristrwn, Pa. 8. T. Benny, 601 S. 10th St., rhlla Itev. 9. U. Shertner, Sunbury, 1. A, P. Lovimore, Woodbury, N.J. U. J. Dellett, 211 S. 12Ui St , Heading, Pa. Israel Sandt. Mais St.. South Easton. Pa. L. P. Deturk, Jr., Oiey, Berks Co., Ta. J. Qeusehelmer, Clayton, N. J. Z. K. Panenoow er, 1109 Columbia Ave., l'a. O. 0. Piper, 735 Tearl St., Heading. Pa. Wni. Grantlnnd, Qloucetter. N. J. M. Shaw, Winona Aveuue, W. of Morris street, (iermantown, pbilo. Wm. DIx, 1828 Montrose St., Phila. Thnmos B. Hartung, New Ringgold, Pa. G. Leckel, 231 Reese St.. Phila. J. 0. Qultnby, 211 Pearl St.. Beading, Pn. It. O. Stanley, 421 Spruce St , Lebanon, Pa. A. Sohnelder, Locust Dale, Pa. U. B. Voll, Limekiln P O., Berks Co., Pa. C. A. Deturk, Blrdeboro. Berks Co., Pa. Wm. E. Hartenstine, Phoenixville, Pa. W.M.Unebaeh.02l Wanhington St.,BeaainK, Pa. John C. Lyme, 1310 Ho warn St., Ilarrkburg, l'a. Ohas Smith, i 12 Greenwich St., Phila. !. llurkhnrd, 439 Locust St., Beading, Ta. 0.0 Koehn, Douglaartlle, Berks Co., Pa. IUnry L. Ko we, Fottitown, Pa. O. I, Swartc, Poynette, Wis. W m J. Bibighaus, S29 Taylor St., Camden, N' J. Alfred Haley, Pbllllpsburg, . J. K. Magili, (lien I-ock, Chester Co., Pa. Mr. Beckard, Batrd St., (iermantown, Phila. John Shujie, Telford P. a, Mongt. Co.,!. Win. Rttlnger, Leesport. Pa. R. Crabtreo, 2904 ralethorp St., Thllo. II. 3. C'reely, 3517 North 2nd St., Phila. Philadelphia Office is closed on the 2nd Satur day of each month, Dr. J. B. Mayer being at the Hotel 1'unn. Heading, Pa , to give treatment to persons in that vicinity on that day. Dr. J. B. Mayer's terms for treatment is in rciu'h of all. Call and get cured. N H. Pereons from out of town can rerelvc U3-itinont and return home the same day. Dr. THEEL 1317 ARCH St., 1st tho sjiiH" tnn: ftlik' to ci ru th u.r. I MxuVf IP decay, mputeir..?)', ttc, Sfc'gLg'a'g pntuwy or eccutvluy, (ha matter vhu ottmra write, p-im, amy. Mi -rtJj ur F innhti, udmllth train t or evil , to , bj Ch ounbfoad I aUilj, Homujopuilo, mwl K-lv- tki n.temof to'.llclno, I. it atone. Kr-b osm In 4 to 10 dari. 8eud Qve tw. ooot .lamps) rr book Truth. omUtft that will anonirtli you, siT't m true rrUod to aQrlng bumaiilty aiul t 'O oonatJnipliilng luurrlnxt". Hoar dttllyi b to 8, tven. ln,'i, ft to 8f HuoJiyi, UtolM. Bewtr mt qsjaeka, tbair book Utcraturt tutd ffttudulswl MrfmlMiiiuiita. A Printer's Good Luck. FfUN'K VALLERT FCTTr'RS, or UtaJiiin. Pniin., Id bid u-u. r to llr. U. V. T!li:i:U IB IT AtU H K(., Phllsvla. lhH l-TtB. Please ttura propltj acHiutt ch p, polouou inmuieot. Tbrf jnr mo bn 1 ciiu-ultitt you ttrUiiif Bjijhllis, Htootl 1'oImii ami grvt wvsU( Itbougbtyour prior wm too hijb 1 aoor-pUil tin treuaict oriui pfcskUn for ft IS per nioinii, sMiiMhtT foi V i i tuoath, ud the iliird forllocenmM i h The qoltik slln-r, tlit-aD o"intit ir i tsrat ruinod on, itaM I wni.uiuit k TieMfrn cuidrit mh ni-lnt to .tur hi b a aurm. He Hi -1 ,.a,i a Mtm... our, . Htr4ii-. imtnfDt to asK-ct a pin..ui u nt n -l : r itiruud aievlis In throa u nuilt. bui hi uuiiiii r..i n uri if mimjy, but litHl aiftd iiM I bail Utu a u- w . l, . i I'. 1 1 ii. itlan I hrspj to oumr iu n. .. (. km 1 as n tisil w-rtKk. rotten biinca, iwU .f u ii uul -tuuia aaiaa. Ta Ho.tltil Ktfs md nv l 1 itihA. Imb aaMniioK' HHhl'm , in m uril and av4 mt frm , ji ) i m. (, 4it t -nik.itia busnattKjr, 1 nam .uikMr tr tt .o it . ei-t. .r. faa4 ak Lornlt'tit t'u tku 1 aj allituil ry mlryrar, m mWsr If tint Ju'. r fclm rfi't IMwtaur vitoitifal IntttarnhM, to jo uu cuu io. n, houKl -ud ikllifut apsrelaHtrt, 1 na to bt ,-tt h V r iujmy atny li rw tmoty bawr yaw tnirrd bivi- . TWENTY-EIQET LIVES SA0MTI0ED. The 3Iri Were at Work Under a ltlver Wlien tile Hoof ot tho Ullnn Cnved In. Only Thoao on itlin I.oirer Level Sue ceedesl In ISaonptng. CnrsTAL Pali, Mich., Sept. 30. With terrific rush the water of tlie Mlchi- gamme riv6r broke through a bed weak ened by mining into the Mansfield mine, drowning twenty-eight men who were at work dlreotly tinder tl(e cave in. There Were forty-six men in the mine when the accident occurred, but eighteen of them who were working in the lower levels mou aged to escape. The names of the drowned miners are! Sam Peters, James Strongman, W. II. Pierce, Charles Pohl, Uie Carson, Joe Kohln, Swan Johnson, Mike Harrington, Prank Hocko, Al Torresani, Frank John son, Sam Johnson, Shellino Kadra, Peter Turry, Nlcolo Fontani, John Hegula.John Holmstrum, Boss I'oitlmato, John Ktrche, John Hatulala, John Warner, Oscar Lund quiet, John Arcaugelo, Arto Stellano, August Cologna, O. Constauli, Yigilis Zadra and Celesti Negri. 1 he first six were married and leave large families. None of tlie bodies have been recovered, and it Is believed it will bo necessary to divert the channel of tho river before they can be secured. It Is believed to havft been the worst disaster that ever occurred In flio Lake Su perior iron region. When tho night shift went on duty it was noticed that more water was coming into the mine thnn usual, but no alarm was felt b the men at the pumps, as they managed to keep the "drifts" free. Tho miners pursuit! their work as on every night when they ".arted In to pas tho twelve hours tinder the ground. Suddenly a few minutes after there was a loud report and overpower- l rush of water, and the men felt them- Bejves being overwhelmed by an avalanchi o. mud. So fast came the tlood that It is doubt ful whether the men on the upper levels had timu to dtop their tools and run fir their lives to the old shaft. Had any of them reached the perpendicular opening, however. It would have availed them nothing, for tho shaft known as "Old Nutnbor OneV collapsed as soon as the water reached and undermined its base. This occurred nt precisely U:30, and it was then known to those In charge of tho mine that tlie men in the tipper lovel had been trapped and drowned by nn accident which had long been expected. Had there been time the mon might have descended by some means to tho lower levels and crossed over to No. 2 shaft, but the In rushing flood camo too fast and it is thought that most of them met death within five minutes after the break oc curred. ' The men nt work In tho lower lovels were warned In time to escape. A few minutes afier 0 they heartl au ominous roar and at ouce suspecting tho causo dropped their picks and fled for their lives. Tho water, pursuing as it did tho devious course necessary in running from one level to another, was already ankle ueep in the lower levels when the men reached tho shaft and were drawn up from what seemed certain death. Tlie news of the disaster sped on swl't wings tnrouguont tbo little hamlet and a Wild cry of alarm was voiced bv thn in. habitants as they rushed from their homes and gathered about tlie shaft just as the last one of the eighteen men was brought to the surface. When tho cause of the ac cident was explained to the anxious in quirers a cry of horror went up as they realized that the long expected and much dreaded accident had taken place at last, and brought with it the r, -.tilts so long leareu uy tuo wives and mothers. There was a call for volunteers, which Was at once answered, to descend tho only available shaft and succor, if possible, any miners who might possibly bo found alive. But the courage and strong intent of tho hardy miners was of no avail, and the Waters had alren reached tho lower level haft, and the angry roar which creeled tho would be rescuers as they peered over Into tho dark channel at once precluded nil hopo of rescue, and the twenty-eight uien vero given up. The death of those twenty-eight men marks the end of -Mansfield mine, for un less tlie river can be forced tOKeok another channel the bodies cannot bo secured, nor can tins rich deposit of iron ore bo worked again. Tho Mansfield mine Is sitttateil on tho banks of the Mlchigammo river, about six miles east of Crystal Palls, the county seat of Iron county. It has been worked Ld tvveen three and- four years, and has hipped about OflO.OOO tons of Bessemer ore. Maiiquettk, Mich., Sept. SO.Johu M Longyear, of this city, is one ot the chief owners of the Mansfield property. His be lief is that the disaster waH caused by "robbing" the mine. That is, by working in a reckless manner and taking down pillars of ore in the upper levels that should have been left to support the roof. The mine inspector of Iron county will couduot a most rigid investigation. Ituula'a lie. Ire fur Closer Trade Halation s. Beblin. Sept. 80. Dr. RafBovltoh, one ef the Russian commisiou sent to confer With representatives of the German gov ernment as to the arrangement of a Iiusso ierman commercial treaty, said today that although bound not to reveal even the spirit of hia instructions, he could not ieny Kussia's willingness to have closer trade relations with the German empire, l'lils willingness on Russia's part, he thought corresponded with a similar sen timent in Germany. If the Russians ihould wish to place a loan in Germany, Or. Rafflovltchndded.the.market probably would be found open to It. The French market, in his opinion, was not able to over Russia's needs. The Argentine Ilebelllon Uniled. BUEN09 Aybrs. Sent. 30. A disnatch from Rosario says that the insurgents lave surrendered to the government forces, and the National Guards, having restored order, have disbanded. Colonel Bspinrt, in insurgent leader, who incited the re told of two torpedo boats against the ktov rrnment aud was sentenced by court mar Val to, be shot, was executed today. Northern PactAe Will llefunlt Intvrewt. Nbw Yohk, ,-ept. 30. It is definitely am Beunued here that the Northern Paclfle MiUoevd will default the interest on it Ht$J8,000 north of second mortgage bonds, due Oct. 1. The bonds bear 6 war Lisa, interest, payable semi-annually. The Weabfk ' ifWHT Tftrn r1" 1 flat it h Haptwiok. N 7. Iboils, carbuncles! m torturing"eczema, H Completely Cured! BIIA1-A nAKHt'AIUl.l.A W.t wrtii'ii iiium nau' tminm:i my wntiwi a TL irT hml tftr " Nhliitfla M h.'rt.y 1 lib tc in lhclrwnrt form. luniks large umomit of Dr. i mcdleinri ltt thpy Jpfl mo 1 NSnand not niiio to work. 1-f 1 W H I wm tprribly afflicted i V 1 Pi U las. 11.. l.-.l alx anil lwi MjltiitirlfM at ntttt Htm), i tnod cvyUito I jag t could hinr of bid rotitlniiwl to have boll. jttnpi I AT Adi Icil to all tiii J.vM'tmiM flN il i 1 (inm-ntiHl mo night aim day. the 5 ltrhinn wan intcntc. I luul rvi-nt paina m liRhts nuirj and imiK, imhiiiiiiiui nitnrnf, iu 3501 IDCC J ill'mrug'd. At lart 13 lOUnC-O hmrtlnf OVffA'3 8ARSAPA-J IHILTaA, (oiiiiiuiiml initio it, and the thlrtll huttlu CtHiiiilftt'lv 4 Kr.1 IS tiurs rpiH I'tfully, M i'ewIS M. KDMUNPi. S3 South Ilartwl k.N. Y g Tho truth of tho bIkv ii t rtiflwt to bv Hfl ii. n uoi.mjtK, r. m. . South ,artwick, K. Y. H nann Sarsaparltla Co.. Belfast, Maine. Professional Cards. JOHN K. COYLE, Office Uwldall building, Hhenamloah, P. ML M HUKKK. A TTORNXY A T-LA W. OHiltUMDOAB, fA. Ofllco Room 3, P. O ilulldlng, Shenandosk, aid Esterly building, 1'ottsvllle. c. T. UAVICK, 8V&QB0N DENTISU Oflloe Northoast Oor. Miin and Osotre 9W Shenandoah, over Stain's drug store. jyj 8. KIHTLEK, M. D riirXIUlAX AND UURGBOX. Offlce-lilO North Jardin street, Shenandoah, D H. IS. D LONGACRE, Graduate in . referiaary Surgery and Deniulry. , All calls by mall, telegraph or telephone at. tended to with promnlncss. Murgical opera tions performed with tho greatest oare. Ofllco I Commercial Hotel, Hbonandoah JjjlRANK WOMER, M. D, SpecialUt in Treatment of Catarrh. Practloe limited to diseases ot the eye, es Loeoand throat, hipectaolea furnished, gua anteed to suit all eyes Office 13 isouth Jardin street. Shenandoah. S3 SHOE iMPt Do you wear them? When next In need try a palO Best In the worM, $5.00. $2.00 FOR UDICS' $2.00 !.7S FOR BOYS 1.73 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mane In the talert styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try ny $3, $3.50, $4,00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well, I f you wish to economize In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, io-'k for It when you buy WX. DOUGLAS, Mrc-ckton, Mats. Sold by JOHKI'II BALL. II South Main Street, Shenandoah. Pa, "HOTHER'S FRIEND" . is a (.oientifloally prepared Liniment nnii barmlens; every ingredient is of f-rognizod value and in constant ub' the medical profession. It short ' "a Labor, Lessens Pain, Djmini-hM Jnngor to life of Mother and CniM. Mock 'To Mothers" mailed free, oon i.iiing valuable informatioa and oiuutnry tebtimonlals. BHADflELD REGULATOR CO., Mult, to. Bold by all druggists. THJB CHOICEST 2ItI2?X8 0n always be had at EARLEY'S SALOON. Cor. Lloyd and Market- Sta. Best Beer, Ale sod borter see H iaeei Ottf.fl n.RU miN ir.ITIAni ChlekMUr. KaclUb Dleni.ad Rwl fENNYROYAL PILLS H&?lv rrifftitttlui. Onl Unntns A StflT mriE' alwaji rfUal-to iif, uk if Irullit for CkickMar $ AmciUM Wa-ifVV o mon Bra in Kod aal u,.iu iieiautoJMr fboiea a.aJed witii biie rihU.i.. tsV & J no other. Xut dutfrvu iu' $titU' V r tumi and muUtUont At DrotisUu, ar aawl 4a. fa lUrapa fur particular, asiritajli aa4 Kl!fcf fur IulU-," h imrnr, bt raslBrm A' a.all. Hl.tMtO T Mimoatala. JVaaaa fesii C'ktobMOr 1 llfU4UMl t,attj41aa ljaaTTL! TWICE TOLD TALES I S4.00M i3.5GH S Are Fosoetlmes a bore, but wkaa the eo pie are told twice that st GallasiurHi Oheap Cash Store they ean bar nw.lj 1V at lower rates than ssTwbaxe la saS town, they are glad to twit tbe rtS the oft repeated story, rtill lias of Oisv eertee. Butter and Egts, PotsUosss Wasm Iruok, Say and Straw rvmnm SaHatrief'i ChtapW ant I H Stt JVt OalfBE ttffKT.