Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing about, because of the difficulty in making a shade of color with white lead. This wasto can be avoided by tho use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure Colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Sttictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having; a liratirl rf urhin tfmrl fhaf otntifla r-A manufactured process, and pure the by the "Old Dutch known to be strictly JohnT. Lewis & Bros. This brand or Strictly Pure White Lend and National Lead Co.r8 Pure White Lead Tintlne Colors ore for sale by the most re liable dealers In palntB everywhere. If you are going to paint. It will nay you to send to us Tor a book containing fntorma. tion that may save you many a dollar; it will Only cost you a postal card. "JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 207 West Coal cStreet, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. AOENT FOK- Xxauer's CELEBRATED LIBER 1 1 i UD PILSNER UEERS, 1 1 i Porter, Ale and Fine Old Stock Ale. "here's no'such thorough cleanser of dirt, l.ealer of cuts and bruises as because of its high percentage of tai Y ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. AS. S. miHIC &; CO., CUlcawa fhite Russian Soap "ffiSftfswSEL A CUP OF delicious to the taste, invigorating and strengthening to the body, mado In ONE MINUTE frora 0rxZK NT mi Vnnfy 30 ci$, for a full pound packaije. $ rre uxaple on appuoation to mannfaoturera. h. STfro. F. t Wsgatgle, W. H Waters -llnclie. !c , I ' -oases of thoiwd'. y- .'orpid Liver Wau.Tiatism, Dizziness, 5ick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, lirup vtions and Skin Diseases. Mm 25-Jf t:-il. Sola brtllBraarliti, mi, imm Lotut. rr.f. , uui(tM, rt 1 1l 1 ffeh KIRK'S IfflHSKV PSM Entirely COSINESS fill 1 1,1 JXJI Ho Easily Dofoats Ljiijligbtor iu tho Groat MatoSlRaco, VERY PAST TIME ON A FAST TRACK Daly' Clieatmit Colt Covers tlin 31 Ho mill u Uunrter hi .I10 1-3, Mulilni.- n Kmr lli'coril for tlin Illsliiiito Another Miilrli Mniln lletweeii (lis Two llnrnps. GUTTKNBiriG, N. J., Sept. 20. The mitUsli race between .Marcus Dnlj 's chestnut colt Tammany and OfcWaltmum's brown colt Lamplighter took ilace at this trnok yes terday Nfternoon hi the nresence of 14.000 I people, Tammany easily vanquished the I Mm of gpeiulthrift and TorcbliKht In as I true a race as ever occurred in tlic history of the turf. The winner was alily ridden . liy "Snapper" Garrison. He allowed Fred Tarnl. who had tho mount on lamplighter, to niaKe the (Mice to the head of the stretch, nud a fast clip it was, too, where he let out a link on Tammany, and tlio race was over. The Chestnut jxMseil Ills rival in three jumps ami romped homu the easiest kind of a Winner in the fast t me of S.OilJf . This time establishes a track record for the distance, one and one-quarter mile. Lamplighter, spurred mid urged to his ut most, llnislied three lengths behlud the winner. How fast thu rtnjo -was run, nnd tire evenness of the imriu Is shown by the ofB- oiat fractional time, which whs as follows: Uiglith, 12; qtmrter, 'UX tlireicifhths, 3": half. 4IH; live-eighths, 1.02: three-iitlnr- ters, 1.144.; seven-eighths. 1.375i: mllo. 1.40i: mile and an eighth, 1.63: mile audit quarter, 2.0Bf. 'I he match was for W.500 which the 11 tulsou County Jockey club added n purse of Si,000, this ninkliiK the total Value of the stake 10,)UO. It win a heterogenous KatlierlnK that as sembled to witness tins match. Tho rich man elbqwed the poor man and tho tout jostled t ho owner and trainer. There wero men who came in tally ho coaches and men who oamu afoot. Once i stream of humanity Logan to rur thrduirh th j;ate It never ccuml. 1ere bcemcd to be rno etui tthc toiluiu- niiil-Ktriii'i'linir mnl. lliude. KverytlilnR wsb in fnwr of the match. The weather was perfect and tho traok win dry and fast. Neither pains nor oxpenso had boeu spared to lvo the conditions fnvoralo for a perfect test of the merits tA thcelmmprons. "ThojjudKOs for the day were Josenh'j. Burke, prosidniiK judRO, and Colonel S. U. Jlruce and J. E. Brewster, secretary of Wilmington I'aru, i;iiichko, associates. The crowd scarcely noticeilTammarivns hoTeceivtd his wurming up gallom but ms menus were innKing tuuaiHolves felt !nthe hottiriK ritiK. liampllKhterreoelved an ovation. In tho betting ring, at tho opening, Iie bookies chalk-od up $ to 10 against each or 41io horses, and thoydid not have to wait long for takers. JJetters rushed nt them'-iiell mell and waved urcen- backs frantically in their faces in nu en- ncavor to get tbe money on their favorite. J' or a while tho odds given remained steady, i)ut then the crush al more Tani many money forced the prioe of thathorse down and down, until at post Mine T to 10 was the best price obtainable on bis ohnnces, while as good lis 11 to 10 could bo obtained all around the ring on .Lump lighter. Marcus Daly, owner of Tain- many, sent -a big commission into the ring. Tho exact amount could not be learned, but teveral well posted book makers said it umouutcd t ut least $20,009. The buglenenlled the borses to tho nost nt 4:16 exactly. Tammany wns the first to appear, and was Poou followed by Lamp lighter. They got away t 4:18. Taral im mediately sent Larnplluliter in front, evi dently lmviiijc instructions to ninko a hot pace. Passing the tnnd Lamplighter was go ing easily a jength anu h half in front. Around tlio turn they swent with no ner. ccptible difference lu tbe distance between them. Lamplighter's adherent weroshout- ing as they went down tbe back stretch. but Garrison made no move with Tam many till the fur turn wag reached, where he moved up -to within n length of tho urown son of Spendthrift Then tboy swept Into tho stretch. Hera Uurrlson went to work on Tiuumnny. In a twinkling lw was on even terms with Lamplighter. Up wont Turnr whip and then It descended with cruel force on LampligJiter's quivering muscles. Again and again tho whip descended .on Lamp lighter, raising cruel welts on his glossy hide. Taral'n spins were driven with en ergy born of desperation. His efforts were futile, Iioh ever. Tammany drew fiuther aud lurtlier away, aud fairly romped iuiin otsy winner by three lengths Sa tho fast tlmeof U.00. The ciowd cheered 'frantically for Tam many when ho made his great rush through the atretob, nnd when Garrison retiiruwl to tbe judges' stand after the finish they broke through the mils, dragged Garrison from his hone and car ried him to the weighing scales. He was then placed in a huge floral horseshoe and triumphantly paraded before the grand staud. Mr. Yalbaura was naturally disap pointed at the result of tbe race, and asked Mr. Daly if he would make another match, for the same stake, tbe distance to be l.'-a miles. Daly had attended to retire bis horse to the stud in the event of bis win ning yesterday's match, but he generously gave up this purpose, for u time tit least, and agreed togive'Mr. Wuluuum another obauceat his uoi-.e. Tammany will cou oede Lamplighter Ave pounds in the new match. To IlariiftM Nliiiran l" I'llll.Ai)KLPMi.iS()t. Three of the Imniense turblntWHtttr wheels, with their nuillinry meclianUm, wjilali were built In this city at a eMt of $900,000 eaoh, tot tho purpose of utilizing tbe stupendous power of Niagara Kulls for Industrial purposes, will shortly be placed in position. Kacii wheel is oxpected to develop 5,000 horso power. The machinery Is made of Iron and feci, and each turbine, with tbe fixtures, will require three freight curs for its trans portation. The plant will be erected some distance above the falls. The l'roalilcnt Onnnot Attend. CniCABO, Sept 9U. President Cleveland will not participate iu the exeicises ol Chicago Day at the fair on Oct. 0. A let ter received at the mayor's office yesterday aay thai his puiilic duties and cares must preclude t lie pltusuie of an aoceptsnoeol the invitation. Moth, i ltuitivil to l-Hltl. McKhi -siMi,i. I'.i . i 'ir. John i Cu., (if I'm i IViij w.i- 1 u.d tuUeu(li' jri" i.-nliu h l.t t ijjloalon of J.tinp fcil.t .is ' i j lars oi iu aud leavat a husbung ' lid several cblluru. JV i is cssenlial lo Dige5tior?- in pastry you caunot have i either without a Rood hort- ' cning. Lard has always had ! very objectionableteaturcs, causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of tlic cook, and of weak storaacbs.witb. the new shortening, Cottoleoe It is com posed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respects as goxl us the finest imported olive oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, and thousands re now usiug it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Uefuaoallsubstitutcs. Send three cents In Ktrtmpc to N. ft. Fnlrfcank Co., Chicago. Ir lmnrt a.imo Poltoleiie Ciiolc Bonk, tontuJn. ins six nuntlrf .1 rclpeft, pr(MMir(1 ry iiinnumiiiifui nutnonumun cuomnK. wnwnuH la soiu oy oil araowj. Jlado only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAOO, nnd ft?, 138 N. Delaware Ave Fhila. HE CAUGHT IT. Hut How the Ours AVent Was What Hom ered 11 1 in. An old man from semewbere beyond tbe Buburbs stood yesterday on a Irty-sev-enth street corner watching a trolley car moving swiftly eastward with a heavy load of pasxengers. "Tliat's 'one of theso 'lectric cars, ain't it?" bo snid, turning to a bored looking man who ttos lwHiing against a, telegraph pole. "Yes." "I don't see how 'lectricity can make a carfull o' peoplo dip along over tho ground like that." "You tlon'tf " exclaimed tho other, be coming interested. "Why, it's easy enongh toeo 'through when you onco understand It." "I 'xpect-Bo,' but I've never beard-enough about it to imtlerstund It." "It la all a matter of watts. A watt, don't you sso, is a froctionof a horsepower, expresseddn tho technical languago of elec trical engineering. You know what an am pere is, don't youf" 'A whutF" "An umpcre. It Is a quantity of elcc tricltyithat goes through tho wire and de velops the watt. The electricity comes from tbe-contrnl dynamo through that wire you seo running along overhead, -runs down through that iron pole and -goes to the motor, which is an ingenious .but perfectly simple arrangement of wire coils with a revolving frame, acted upon by the cur rent, which sets it to spinning amf thus pnt is. motion a small cogwheel that cn gagtiiiinother cogwheel t hat communicates the rotary movement to a'third cogwheel fastened to the axle of the car. It's plain as day when you get the idea." "Yes, but how"-. "Don't you understand it-yetf There's a sort Of wire brush that presses against n copper plate connected with tho motor, and the wire is wound on the frame I was telling yoa about, so that when tho ourrent enters tbe motor it can go either way, and part of it Hoeaoue way and part tho other, so that tbe .pressure is applied iu opposite direc tions, and that's what makes the jigger re vole and sets the wheels in motion. Tho urrent goes back through nn underground wiro. See through it now?" - "Y-yes. I think I kind o' get .the idee." The affable stranger strolled down tbe street, and the old mun took another look at tbe overhead wire, gazed earnestly in the direction In which the car Jiad goue took off his hat and wiped bis forehead. "What I'd like to know." he muttered. "is Iww In thunder tbe ejectrioity makes tliecar go!" I'hiladclphia Inquirer. Vi'ortU Ktiowliig. Van Pelt When my wife gets hysterias! nd begins to cry, how can I stop herf JIlss Wise Tell her it is making her none red. HrookUn J,.-Je LOOM urtirics- reff A CtSE IT WILL NOT CUi ATI (IfrrAAAlllA To-Ol anAXYmm. f11u- Bold by Druggists or bont by mail. lS5e., 60c and $1.00 per package. Samples tree. Wf Hm Jo I'avorite TOOTH mMI AW W.V fcrtliu'Joethaad Hreath,a6a Captain Sweuu.T, I'.S A .,:"lln Plego,Cal.. Bays: "b.iI!oh's Catarrh 1 n. ,! it, the first medicine I have ever f ou 'j 1 i 1 i ,v . id do mo any good." PrlooMol sc 1. 1 by ui ufgisoj. nonottMOlsetaCoii 'h.Mtherctadaiigerof Its leading to Onumuii u.m. t-inix.uv ( lls WiUsaTejrou aseverol.uriL TrouLile. It It. tho beat Cough Ciiru an. Idn-.iiJvly .- ilu-vt-st ougha. Croup, Whwipliig tVugU and Uronuultia, uua la 60ld on a guarantee. & eta. RE. ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. Causod by Carolossnoss. Tho majority of peoplo dto sooner than ;liey should, lividenco of this fact is grow ing daily. Waring says l " Disease is nbt n con-'enuenco of lifo; it is duo to unnaturnl fnillHnna nf llulnrf tlpirlnpt. nlinsp. t-Htit." tlr. Stenhen fitnilTi. An llui MimA " Man is born to health nml long life ; ilis; case is unnatural, death, excent from old age, is accidental, and both arc preventable by human agencies." This is slinoet invari ably true of death resulting from lieait die- ruse. Careless over-exertion, intenniernte i use often, coflee, tobacco, aleoliolic or other j Washington, ScpU 29. The letter from tiniulantB aro generally the caures of tliir , jfr, Whltnay regarding the Van Alen af dillictilty, mid imliflbienee to its progress re- fair was read with considerable interest 'suits in sudden death, or long sickness end- ,y senators, but there is no indication that ing in death, lly the new Bps tiers it can he t has in any way changed their opinions -ecu that many prominent nnd hundreds ol an to tbe fitness of Mr. Vau Alen for the pt-n-ons in prlvRte life die fiotn heart di , position to which he has been nominated, cum) every day. j Mr. Whitney has many friends iu the If you have ny of the following synip-1 senate, and he Is respected highly by the torns: shortness of brcntlt, palpitation, irrtp- ( whole body of senators, therefore they tilur pulse, fainting mid (-mothering spellt. would not say or do anything Indicating a jnln in shoulder, side, or arm, swollen belief on their part that he had entered ankles, etc., begin Iretitrncnt immediately fn into an Improper bargain with Mr. Van heart disease. If you delay, the consequent ' Alen. -nay be serious. 1 Accepting It as a fact, however, that Mr. For over 20 years Br. Franklin Miles, j Whitney made no promises to Van Alen tho.etniuent specialist, has mndo a profound in consideration of the (50.000 campaign study of heart disease, its anises and cure, : contribution, this does uot dispose of the nnd tnnny of the lending discoveries in Unit charge that Mr. Van Alen was given to direction are due to him. His New Ilcnrl ' understand by some one that this oontrl Cure is absolutely the only reliable remedy bution would give him a claim on - the ad fur the cine of heart disease, as is provid 1 ministration for the appointment he de by thousands of testimonials from grntel'nl , sired. persons who havo used it. 1 The fact that as far back as Mnrch it Jnmes A raiu, edllorof tho rnrry.Tn , Tarfr; was common talk In certain circles in New MHlCf: --Airoran Ulliwrym n cover)- irom llllt-l.- I mnnlhs nf Inrrrlnrn. I feu on Hie Ptreet liliccili- Ki'ious from hoart dloeura in one month fmin dial lime I was unnble to v,alk arross my room, mnl mypulfelieat from HB to 110 limes n minute I then used Dr. Miles' New Ilesrt Cure, and nt once liecatne stronger. After using six bottles I was ahm to work s usual nnd wnlk n mile every dsv.niy pu'ise rniiRbiK (rom R8 togn. Dr. Miles' wnifttlv In not nnlv n nrftcntlvn but a cure.1 Iir. Miles' New (tenrt Ouro Is sold by all rtruK plfs on a pnslllvo Biinrnntee, or hy Dr. Mlle MpiIIcsI Co., Elklinrt, Ind., on receiptor price. 1 lively free fmtn opiates or datigvrons drag Dr. .eriiouio, mxtnrsfl.oxprens prepnui. n is pow Miles' I'ills, 25 cents. by mail. Free book at druggists, or Aro You u SullVrer I-'rnm Catarrh, Uuy IVvr, Etc.? If you are, go to your . rugglst, or II you can't get Hwheie you llvn. sena to hh. tiet a bottle ot Mayfrs' Magnetic Catarrh Cure, wuiohwewlll outlrely guarantee to cure aoy case of Calarrh, Hay Fever, nto , otherwise your money will bo returned. Vot one dol ar, one liottle to last for three months' irwktraeni. and one bottle to ure It has never failed, ami will cure Jo. lltve It a trial No cure, tra pay. Tub Mavkhk Diuki Co., Oakland. Md. Onedollnr for n threo months' treatment Kad an ab-oluteguamtitec for a ewe Is what tUi Mayers Drug ("o . ol Dahland, Ml, offers to suirerors ot catirrh. hay fever, etc. sit your druggist for a bottle of MavrrV Magnetic Cutarrh Cure It hitn never fullod, and will cure you. Kor sale by nil druggists, r ad. drees thu bovo tirm. asU year druggis. to show you a bottle of Mayers Magnetic Uaturrh Ouro. One bettlc to euro any ouso, no n alter haw severe, and will last for threo monllH' treatment, Sold evcry wheie A Compliment. First Girl What nre you skctchlngr Second Girl A man. First Girl You must haven good mm ory. UVuth. CAN BE CURED A CURE GUARANTEED DR. J. B. MAYER, IO!5ArchSt.,Plii!a.,Pa. Ease at once, no operation or delay frpm busi ness, att"tted by thousands of cure-, cutior-c-liionU of physicians. Indies nrd i niinlni iit rltl kh can besevnat ofllce. Consultation free and Ktrlctlr conlidcntlnl. Send for clrculnrb. Oltloa iIoufb : a n.. to 3 P.f.'. liAitrs res szrssaicr. 1 The following aroa few of the rr any that havo. ocen emirtiy ouieu oi uupiuie by uu.j.a. Mayeu's Tsbatmbnt : Jauob C. Helmut. 31ti0 North Drond St., 1'hila. ' li. (1. BheeFly, fiheolton, Dauphin to., I n. P. 11. RosalU r, 1 boeDlxvllle, I'a. K. A. Hall, 1-,'ewtbii, N. J. John H.Schcirer .Yellow IloufceP.O.,I!erl;tCo..Pa A. 3. lvletngcma, Limekiln 1'. O , lleiks Co.. I'a, 8. Jones l'hiiijw, Kennel Squaie. i'a. A. A. Go.'. Jcr.thy. Cent a.ia, Col. Co.,r. C. Heritage, JIultra Hill, N. J. U K. Hess. Rookullt. I'a. F. A. Kn-itz, Hlatington, Pa. ' , E. M. Small, Jlmint Alto.ra. .las. Davii, rittvllle, nd ward. I'hlla. L. U. Ku.ik;!, 1131 Linden St , AUentown, Tr. ' r,en. W. Watt" Norrlrtwn, Pa. S. T. Benny, flci S. 10th St.. Phila. Itev. 8. 11. SLsrnifr, Sunbury, Pa. A. P. LevlcioM, WcKidhnry, H J U. J. D'jllst, 2U 8. JZIh St.. Beading. Pa Israel sandi, Mala Ft., South Etu-tou. I'a. k P. Deturk Jr., Cley, Bett Co , Pa. J Genaehcuer, Clayton, K. J Z. K. DaiK':i'i'-.r, 1109 Columbia Ave , Ta. i). C. Piper. 73 Peart at. Heading Pa. Vm. Urantland, tilouostter. N. J X. Saaw, '- :uon Avenue, W. of Morris atrsai, Germn iiown, FhUa. Wm. Dix, c2 Mostroae Bt.. PHla. Thomn B. Hartung, New Ringgold. Pa. a. Leckel, 2)1 Boese Bt.. Phila. J. 0. Quimbr, ill Pearl 8t.. Beading, Pa. K. G. Stanley, M Epwce St . Lebauon, Pa. A. Sohuoidcr, Loctwt Dale, Pa. D. B. Npll. Limekiln P. O.. Bariii Co , Pa. 0. A. Deturk, Bird biro Berks Co., P.". Wm. E. Hunsnstlne, Pboeulxll!e. Pa. W.M.Llneb.ich .621 Wa.-hlnmnu t-'t . Bendlna. Pa. John C. Lvme, 1310 Howard ft . Hnnlsburg, Pas Chaa Smith, 412 UreeDwlcb St. Phila 0. Hurkloird, 439 LoooatSt.. Reading. Pa. C C Keehii, Douglaavillo, BerkbCo., Pa. , Henry 1., lioue, Pott How n, Pa. O. L.Swaitz. Povnette. Wla. Wm. J. Bib ghaus. m Taylor Bt , Camden, K-J. lfred H.-i ! v. Phllllnsbura-. K. J K. Magill. l.len Lock, Chester Co Pa.' Mr. Bectnrd, Bidrd St., Germantnwn, Phila. lohn Wm,, Telford P. 0., Mongt. Co.,Pa. " Wm. Ettinuer, Leectxirt. Ps. E, frahtree, 21 1 Palethorp St., Phila. II. 9. Crejl ", 3117 North 2nd St , I'hlla. rhlla.iclnhlt OIBce la closed on tha2nd gaiur- day of eac li month. Dr. J.B. Mayer being at the aotet j-eiiu. iicjnmi; i u., m gne treaiment to pet-hon- in iimt ieu.,iy mi that dav Dr. J 11 Mavor'4 terms for treatment la in reneh of till dill and get cured. jj n lvrsons li. i.i out of town can receive treatment r I rwnrn homo the arreduy. The only SURE ROACH DESTROYER 1$ 3Sx-ri3R.2vrriNija.-rort. We guarantee it 10 rid tha houaa of Rat. RsAOHts and Water Mum, or Money RcruNDto. MAURERS Paraltn INSECT POWDER b tbe best " u..ukci lot IttaaCClH um fi. ... A.O Fop Sale by all DniggUtl Be ure m .1 il - tteuuia Sokl onl iu ' ou'es, otir TflAOC Mah nut n lM.nuJ.c.u,.d D MAURERiSON IMMW His Confirmation by tho Sonatoby No Moans Certain, TO BE THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED. The Ooliiniltten Murine the Mntter III Clinrgo Will Sift ,tlia Mutter lo the Hel ium In Order to Settle tlio Uliarges of Ooriupt lliirKiiliilng. Vnrlr t int l.o m-uu huvo nnnnlnt.. ...... .....w mont in consideraiou of his 150,000, and the fact that the general impression is that he was uot tho sort of man this office would seek without some weighty reason to overcome better judgment, leaves still in the senate n very strong Impression that it would be just as well, -all things consid ered, for the nomination to bo rejected. As far as can be learned, tbero is no op- position lu tho sonato which grows out of pomoual autiigonistu tu Van Alen, for be is almost unknown to tbe senators. The oppoiitiou itroivs out of a reputmance to appointments secured by sucb methods ns alleged in this cane. If it were uot (or the fact that bis rejection tnibt reflect ou others nnd be regarded as a rebuke to the mliniuistration, there would bo ho chance Whatever of bis confirmation. As it is, the nomination is expected to bo bung tip for some Uuie, and final confirm ation is by uo means certain. A number of lutters sotting forth certain allegations in opposition to confirmation bave been received by senators and Hied with tbe committee. The committee bus decided to make a thorough investigation before reporting to tilie senate, and it is in timated that certain witnesses whose nam os Ijhvo beeu given tbe committee will be culled. A dilutee Merchant's Plaint. NKW YoilK, Sept. 20. Cluing Ah Cbong, ta uieochiiut, mwlu a complaint to Collector KUbreth against Cliincso In spector Thomas J. ScUnrf. Tho nlliilavit made seta orth that he went to the steamer YitNiuri for tbe purpose of meet ing and identifying bis partner, Duong Lu Cblng, wh was returning from China. The inspector is chnrged with using in sulting remarks, and said: "I would like ito throw you overboard. I will put you' -in jull," finishing up with a number of anything other than biblical anathemas. The collector forwarded the papers to tho secretary! the treasury. JL Saw to Iloston ALBAXE. N-. Y., Sept. 20. Tho stnte rail roadcomuilsuion has granted permission for th constiuctioii of the New York, 2iew j-.ngianuAiiu iortnern railroad, fromheg gott's 1'oiot, on the Harlem river, in New Yorkoity, to Urowsters, a distance of fifty iniiex, mere to connect with the Wow York and ,ew Jfinglaml railroad. President A A. JIcLeod, of the latter road, is tho primo mover iu this new euterpn-r, by which it is proposal to nave a new through line be tween .ew lork and .Boston. Philadelphia Mutiufactiu-iira' Appeal. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Ii9. The appeal of Philadelphia manufacturers to tiie seuate to continue tho use of silver as a money metal aud to not disturb the tariff law, the purport, ueing an alliance between the sil ver and tlie protective senators, was taken to Washington yesterday afternoon In- uaruiit uaraer, tne author. It will prob nbly he presented to the tipper house of cougreos today by beuator Cumerou. I.onlBvllle Uullroadcra A511I11 Strike. 1jOUISviu.e, Sept. 30. The switchmen nu yard engineers cmnloved In thu main yards of the Louisville and Xuahville rall nad quit wrk again last night. Tho men o!uu tney struclc as Individuals, und without recogultiou'by their organiza tions. 'Ihepe are rumors of a um.rul strike. Of 1,15 new sliunmun lirnnirht. fmm jw iorK iiu UHve deserted the shops. New Fourth Claia I'uatllliiHtera. WA8HINOTOK. Sent. 29. These fnnrtl. claaw postniasuu-s have just been appointed lu Pennsylvania: It. 11. Avery, Forest jtousojd. u. lam, i'ort Palmer; K. L. Clark, Ualeton: W. A. Waauer. Klonla; G. II. Lour, Mosserville: J. II. MoCliwrv Xewbarrytowu; W. H. Wilson, Oak Hill: W vr a.. i . - . i, r ovom-v, niugKom. flaw oersy H. A. Connolly. Nutlev. Mr. Aator'a Yacht Wrackaal. NKWBUBO, X. Y.. Sept. 2B.-Durin th. nlgbt the steam yacht owned by Johu Jacob As tor struck tbe reef at New Hum. barsh. on the Hudson ri ver. and ar.nvM u hole amidships. To prevent ber sinlili.u- b Wat run ashore. Tbe yacht was on me way to Hbiueback to take Mr. Astor Tha Allatmllan Orlohatara Arrive. NHW Yolf. Snot. 'JO. The steatnar fir. nianlc arrlvwl last nitrht. Amonir tha nas. Mmgars am His Highness Prinoe Lubeoki. of Rttssiaj Mr. K. C. Little, United States consul general to Cairo; Lieutsuautllenn, ot the yacht Galatea, aud the Anatnili,,,, cricketers, fourteen In number. air. Amea' Girt to Harvard. Boston, Sent. au.-It U lmrni timt. ti,. donor of 60t),UOO to Harvard universitv a yar ago to build, equip and maintain a reading room, tbe identity of whom ha ore ted a good deal of apMulaliou, was ttw late Frederick L. Ames. Will Nut KlHtat Father Mnrsliy. PATKIhtOK. N. J.. 8ent. SQ-Hmv n a B. Siuilb, m lor of St. Joseph' Roman Catholic chin-uh has anuotinoed that Rar. Fathee' Heury 11. Murphy, the dspoud curat, would not be reinstated. Tha lialtun Qaag LuMtt. -.WAOOKWl, i. l8t. W.-ThriotOrtOU. BUI Onlton nmi at gimg ar aaiuiiw 'al er this plaot. Ufflotrs kv Imm M' f ' '. Ul'llg llilii. fTHElCINb g THAT CURES at si m Kidney Trouble for 12 Years, Completely Cured. in is. Oamu in tu.i Cn . I MrctMitx V,,f IB vtan I hAVfl ben brtrllvl SafflK-trd with Kidney Trouhlo. Two yvenl nto I hn Ju WriiiptS" wiiii-n ptowi mm itlj' buck. At t linn It wan hsn! work for im- u m, urotind. Laat I vh. 1 Itatl Rtiothar attsck ol ' liM Itflcltirt hiih left me an bad I Cf til I'll 1 hu ly set iira (In1 rntim. Our nwr-1 BCAatlt Mviawi ntu lo try a Dmue oi DANA'S BATtSAPATlILLiV Bt.ll.l... k... t.knn , I..... p. ..... .v... .... - -j - : i, H NAI'AHIL,1.A anu cini- Willie m ".tP-i .VVT' I.Voti-oulileollh Klillet MHek-l l.l'Kl.l r I....... 3..-I.A. li ... .nn I novel- frit hct-1 Iter In mylite. Vmi mat ,ulillih UiU II you wlh,i 3HllCt BfllH su everjr word im irue. S Morrlttmm.JJ Y. WESLEY 8TERRV. 1 (1RKT8 1 We nre pcriomilly etUlntnl with Ml-! S Sterrr, aad know his UUmciita ire true 1 I RtqnotfuIljT, A.r.0. P. MONBIU- S Dana Saraaparllla Co., Bellatl, Malno. j Profesaionial Card. I OHN K. COYLE, A TTORNEl'-A T- LA W. Ofllce UeddaM building. 1-tienaBUoi.ti, w . BUKKK, ATIOHXXY AT-LAW. mriii.)jin pa Offloe-mmm 8, P. O Dullding, Hhesandoait, aidlisterly building, l'oltavllle. 0. T. HA VICE, 8URQB0X DENTIST. Offlco Northeast Oor. Miln ind Oeetr Sis Shenandoah, over S win's drug store, M. H. KISTLBR, M. D MXaiCIAN AND HOHOllOK. Offloe -lnu North Jardln street. Shoomdoih. E. D LONQACHE, 1 Graduate In Veterinary Surgery and Denliilry. ' All calls by mall, telograph or telephone at tended lo with promptness. Hurgical opera tlous performed with tho groatest care. OfUcat Uotnmorclnl Hotel, Hhenandoah TpRANK WOMER, M. U. Specialist in TVerafment of Catarrh. Praciloe limited to diseases of the eye, ea none and throat. Hpectaclea lurnlshed, sua anteed to suit all eyes Offloe IS Kouth Jardln street. Shenandoah, L. DUUULAS S3 SHOE noTlrVp. 1 Do you wear them? When next In need try a pahH Best In tho world. , .00 44.00 .50 $3.50 $2.50 2.25 42.00 FOR LADIES' 2.00 SI.7S FOR BOYS $2.00 FOR If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, maib In Ha hi.! Jtyles, don't pay $6 tc $8, try my $3, $3,50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal fo custom made and look and wear as well, Ifyou wish toocoi otnlzn inyourfootwear, do o by purchasing W. L. Dui;la? Shoes. Name and prlco stamped on tha bottom, Im r. for It nen you buy IV. i,. 1JUUOLAS, l.rockton ;4.a. Sold by; lOHKPB nAI.I H South Main Btreet, Hhenandoah. Pa. CURES RISING ""OTHER'S FRIEND" ttf red child-bearing -woman. 1 liae been a uinl-wife for miuiy yeara, and In each uiae , h-.-f. "nther'a Friend" !' ad been used it 1 it '. ir.t.lish.-d wondora and iwIIavmI munh .Wtiiir. I Istl.e Iwst rrraedy for rlarna ri breast Uil nrn. ami wnrth th. : Hrto fnr,H-., Jjuo. Mas. M. M. Bnnsmt. Uonteomery, Ala. Set t hy eznreaa, rharRes pretwbf, on raoelpt f inie, flfroicr bottle. r iiCADPini n Dp.nin athd m Julu by all druggists. Atiasta, Ua, Dr. THEEL 1317ARCHSfc., ri.ll.1 IHila. (!,-.,.. Si-1-iIt Prl.U.1 Iji tneonf.i (mi,- bi.k- lo eura taa aiailluk """, '."J" r' '"" Pnlaarn. "ft;-'"1 tl-HuUtanNk a nM1';"""1" "' orrtl.,Ha.7ft UaoaUaS Ai.iuuo, Hmuo,,.ihlo, iuiJ Eclwilo wtfauaat aaathaaa! B. ut aton..... I'r. --. rnn& ta 4ta IU Uaji Sua aV. S.rS?""'1 Tr b" "T'W," "onwibloa SaTiill uioalah rou.aM ir, ftl iut waaB altriiS lot 8 to ag s, a io la M. . -aiTif wao.' ttS aaaklluraliuaiiariai,.lulita4rrUMluaU. TILE CHOICEST DRINKS Can always be had at EABLEY'S SALOON. Cor. Iloyd and Market Sts. Best Bear, Ala sad I-ortat a do Dseet OMars avlrvra on ranrl Pnllt tnatmsiu ta all TWICE TOLD TALES! Are tumeiitues a bore, but i pie are told twice tbt at i r Tt a at lower rates than am nva town, they are Klad to tent tha tl e ott .-i ptftled story Full Una ctrl Butter v'tn rniintnaai BraMa J rucV, Ila and trw. RyVKI.KY M l HllY, 8 M,,rrltn.,, N. Y. H 1 aw. m n mm HT VdWkpaVl va rhara Im aat tmtarB Ukh Cheap Cat, Sin I u. u M.I mm.